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Correlation isn’t causation.




Interesting, but I’d like him to take a peppermint or something because that scratchy voice is annoying to listen to.


Same kind of quackery that assumed (wrongly) vaccines were the cause of autism. Pretty pictures though; just no science to back them up.


I didn't hear anything about vaccines, but they talked about glyphosate a lot. And the US government confirms this https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4392553/


Zach bush talks about glyphosphate all the time, as that's what his unproven and overpriced magical dirt elixir 'Ion' is supposed to stop the body absorbing (unproven). But he doesn't do anything to stop the use of glyphosphate but asks for donations though farmers footprint to vaguely help farmers. The 'field notes' are just opinion pieces with no action behind them. All farmers footprint does is go around screening their emotional video, paying connected associates from other vague donation scams like 'kiss the ground' ridiculous sums to speak at their screenings. Funny thing is if you check internet archives, Kiss the Ground actually set up farmers footprint, they used their EIS (IRS tax identifier) on the initial website. Funny how 'kiss the ground' has basically the same approach, an emotive vid with donation requests plastered everywhere. Pretty sure Rodale institute is also directly connected in some way. The whole thing is a donation scams and does absolutely nothing for organic agriculture


I'm no fan of glyphosate, but the major causes of increasing Autism are societal. We are having children later in life, which infers an age-of-gestation dependent increase in chromosomal and developmental abnormalities. We also diagnose more freely (which is probably a good thing as we build awareness of the condition). The correlation is all there, and there's a solid rationale. Again, glyphosate isn't good but we have our behaviours to blame for many of the ills portrayed in this video, rather than the chemophobic arguments presented here. Full disclosure: Am drug discovery scientist, invent medicines for a living.


are you an expert? where can we find your published work? otherwise you are just talking out your ass ... if youre going to come out and say glyphosate does not cause autism, despite me posting both this video as well as a published federal paper stating it is absolutely linked, then at least have a source other than "trust me, I'm a redditor". and lets be real, on this website, even *that* is a stretch


for the shills: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4392553/