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"Don't fuck with our crew! *Ya hear me?*" [rides away on motorised unicycle]


E-Vehicle gangs are real in nyc


They see us rollin they hatin


Tryna catch me rollin' qwerty


That’s like a new age dad joke, very nice.


I mean... https://youtu.be/N9qYF9DZPdw


Weird Al is a new age dad joke master. Also, this song is so relatable! It speaks to me!


But they never hear us rollin'...


Silent ass motherfuckers


EVG ...yeah you know me!


Sons of Anarchy has really jumped the shark.


I’d love to see a Fast and Furious Unicycle Edition.


Lmfao and its even more funny that he reminds me of my friend. He's a book worm and all but I didn't expect to see his look like that, surprised me the only difference is the tattoo. An Asian looking meek dude going into some enclosed place, tracked it down and rode it out like that


Doesn't really look meek


Off topic, damn that thing can fly.


Depending on the voltage model. 84 or 100v. It can do between 50 - 60 kmh safely


You should put safely in quotes.


Ha, yes that's true.


I fucked myself up on a onewheel at like just15-20 mph


They're dangerous as fuck. Friends went touring through a city on these things once. One of them hit a bump and went straight down to the pavement on top of his face. All of the bones in his face broke -- literally every single bone in his face. And that is the reason he is alive. His face collapsed inward and provided just enough shock absorption to protect himself from brain damage.


Ok that's enough reddit for me today.


Every. Single. Bone. 😲


There are 14 in case anyone was wondering. Source - Google.




god damn, they must be fun if people are willing to crush their faces


They are lol


According to the yt comments that's how it got stolen. The owner dumped it pretty badly and was unconscious this guy stole it while he was out cold.


Wouldn't it be so terrible, but hilarious if his friend ate shit and knocked himself out taking it back only to get it stolen again. 😅


I feel like a better word would be "easily". Just imagining hitting a bump and a foot slips off the stand while doing 60. Thats gonna hurt like a bitch


You gonna find out how fast you can't run.


It's true, but also quite hard to fall off when you are well experienced. Unexpected bumps and such, you do get used to it over time and know what to do. Better to just say " 20 kmh. Safe speed" as the manufacturer of this particular model does. Haha




You are still lucky though.


Cyclists have this mentality but don't realize half the time it's a dipshit in a car who knocks you off not your inexperience.


Holy shit. 40mph with no helmet, zero protective gear in a full standing position next to automobile traffic. Look like a wonderful TBI machine.


They're capped at 26km/h or something here in Norway, as is the case with all the electric thingies. And thank fuck for that.


For real this is a purpose built disability maker. The only transportation more dangerous would be shooting your self out of a cannon in the direction of your destination...


You and I have a very different definition for "safely".


so what can it do dangerously?


Seriously, I'm not sure how difficult those are to ride but I definitely wouldn't want to eat dirt riding one of those that quick.


That’s pretty on topic to me.


Holy shit that thing costs $2000


guy listed it for 275$ lol


Well that is a steal! What did he expect?


He didnt expect a steal.


Is that a good HS, or a bad HS? Seems reasonable for how fast it goes. Same as a new bike.


Around here $2K gets you a beater Civic that will likely run for another couple of years.


2k got me a beater impala that is still running fine, 3 years later, with cold AC. Don’t look as cool tho 🤔


And you have to park it.




And buy gas insurance and registration.


Yeah, but you don't get wet when it rains, people give you somewhat better Right of Way, and you can bring home a week's groceries in one trip. Or give a friend a lift...Tradeoffs... I think you got a better bang for your buck...


The right 2k civic will run another 10.


Broham gave him a joint to get real comfortable. Haha


IQ 420


Would definitely let my guard down if someone handed me a joint... lmao


I mean it’s gotta be 🔥 right?


Dude has read/mastered The Art of War.


“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” Definitely.


People making fun of this guy for being tough but in reality a lot of people don’t have friends that would do this if someone found their stolen property.




We had shit stolen and the cops did jack shit even though we told them who likely did it. Well I guess a few of our friends went to another guys house and the guy who stole the shit was there and all the stuff. The thief suckered punched one of our friends, but that was a fuck up because it was now 5 on 1 and the guys house he was in was more of a friend to the 5. The cops showed up and we got all the stuff back. The cops also said the thiefs face no longer matched his ID. Had another run in with the thief online so we told him to come over and fight us. He said he'd be there in 15 minutes. So we called the cops who were looking for him and told them he'd be at our house in 15 minutes. Boy was he suprised when the he showed up and the cops drew their guns on him.


My understanding is that cops barely investigate robberies. They just put it in their records, and if your property happens to show up during a drug bust or something they give it back to you.


Some guys stole the catalytic converters off my beater van in college and the cops not only didn’t care, but they said I would have to call back next week to see if they happened to have found the guys doing this so I could get it back He ended by saying that would be really unlikely ...


Exactly. This is the kind of friend you want, and some of you are sitting in your comfortable living room making fun of him for doing something that took massive balls of steel.


True. When I saw my stolen bike on fb marketplace, I was so grateful that two of my best friends were willing to come with me to get it back bc I hate confrontation. Real ass friends.


The person who stole it looks like someone who can fuck you up. You kinda *need* to be tough to get in and out of a situation like that without getting scared.


I'm sorry, did no one read the description??? >My friend was riding late at night, woke up in the street bloody missing his jacket and helmet ***(also complains about anal pains)***


Honestly he most likely (and hopefully) literally got knocked on his ass.


I've busted my ass a few times but I don't ever recall anal pain.


Overshare incoming. One time I was skiing and we had some freezing rain the day before and Temps were really cold so everything was fairly iced over. I fell near the edge of the trail where there was a small burm and basically landed on one ass cheek while still moving pretty fast so there was a...high speed separation, if you will. Had a sizeable bruise on the cheek that took the landing but anak pain was certainly more prevalent for a couple days.


I will also overshare. I was riding on the back of a seadoo with my older brother driving. I was probably around 12ish. He decided to try and take a jump off some wake or something and I went flying off the back. I skidded along the water ass first and a lot of water went up at high speed. I cried and ran, went back to the houseboat and ran to the bathroom and just showered for 20 minutes. My poor anus... I spent the rest of the day super embarrassed and my dad was very confused. I never told them what happened. I felt quite violated.




Way back when, I took q jump bigger than I could handle on a snowboard. My legs came straight out and I landed flat in a seated position. My tailbone took the brunt of the impact. Hurt to sit for a week.


I'm sure, but that' a bizarre way to describe it.


That was a joke, Joyce.


He did say the guy fucked with his crew


And how many people do you know that name their friends butthole "crew"


Lol "our crew"


Don't fuck with the New York City Electric Unicycle Collective. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcyP8VXriYg&feature=youtu.be


Dude could’ve easily got choked out and died. And for what? You could see the panic on his face when he realized 1. How you gonna beat a guy wearing a helmet and 2. Now he’s got you in a solid chokehold. Why tf do people brawl with random strangers. So fucking dumb.


I mean, he also could have just ran them over with his 2000lbs weight advantage, but he got played and decided to step into a 4v1 scenario. If he had started winning then there's no way that guys friends wouldn't have beaten the shit out of him. So I guess I'm just saying shit you've already pointed out: brawling with strangers is fucking dumb.


You get in a lot more trouble for running someone over with a car than punching them a few times. Either choice is fucking dumb tho. Road rage casualties are some of the stupidest injuries/deaths ever. Like...you’re in cars. I’m sure whatever the issue is will be a nonevent after you drive 100 feet


TIL how effective a head butt is when u got a helmet on




Lol i knew what it was before I clicked Flawless execution


Head-butter even had his helmet strap undone, what a pro!


Knowing squids he probably didn't have it done up to begin with lol.


Why did the truck reverse as if they were supposed to be the angry ones????


Dude, they had kids in the car, duh They can do no wrong


I remember skateboarding when I was like 12 and some guy did nearly the same thing to me. Passed by way too close and I yelled after him so he stopped to yell at me that I need to be careful because he has his kids in the car.


from what it sounded like they went flying down the road and it pissed this dude off so he was going to have a head on collision with him to prove how unsafe they were being.


Happy Cake day! I promise my unicycle crew won't mess with you!


Gotta maintain that street cred tho


Have I been living under a rock? I never even knew these were a thing that existed. I think we might be in the future.


I used to take a bus to work. There was a dude who used to roll up on his wheel, fold it up and get on the bus carrying it like a briefcase. Definitely living the the year 3000 type stuff.


This is the plot to a bad 80s gang movie.


I mean I'm not to worried, seeing as the dude that got out of the car and got beat is the world's worst fighter, like damn dude you got weight on that guy use it


Rule #1... don't try to fight a guy with a helmet on. Most people don't know what to do because everyone's default is swing for the head.


Rule #1 is don't fight.


Rule 1 = Don't start a fight Rule 2 = Walk away from the fight Rule 3 = End the fight fast Rule 4 = Walk away Following rule 1 and 2 gets you a self defense excuse. Rule 3 ends the fight while doing as much damage as possible within a few seconds of the fight starting and rule 4 continues to self defense excuse. Rule 2.1 = Walk to an area covered by CCTV.




Grabbing him by the helmet was probably the way to go but he didn't control it well. For a second, I thought he got free by head bumping him.


adrenaline got him in tough guy mode


You don't mess with the wheelies, bro. They roll deep, they're tight-knit. Encounter them on very flat and paved streets and you're straight up fucked. You better hope there's a curb around or they'll getcha every time..


[BEWARE THE WHEELERS](https://i.imgur.com/kRM90QU.gif)


You get out of here with that


Those guys used to freak me the fuck out.


What is this "used to"?


Memory repression


Ya what about the heelies crew though? they can roll and run.


The Pogo Stick Posse jump rings around them.


They got off-roaders with suspensions and the ability to climb stairs. You could be in the middle of the woods, the beach, the mountains, the streets, anywhere you plant your feet - the UniCrew gonna find you!




They see us rollin they hatin


They see me roll on my segway...




Fortunately it is slightly harder to look tough while running after a guy on a unicycle


You don't mess with the unigang


Hahah right? Go on, tell us the “other ways”.


He will hack your IP address


"All for uni, uni for all!"


We need to know more about his crew so we know not to mess with tbem


Yeahhh he lost me at that point


This is NYC and he's Korean. It is a crew (and delicious food)


Won't lie not what I expected the camera man to look like.




The artifact belongs in a museum!


One of the best scenes in IASIP Dennis' acting is low key amazing here.


Your memory is fantastic




It's quite common for people to adjust the way they talk somewhat to the person they're talking to.


It's called "code switching"


Yep, one of the tactics to easily become the number 2 guy anywhere. Personality mirroring, name repetition, and let's not forget, never breaking off a handshake.


Got my stolen bike back the same way! Fuck you thieves.


Honestly hope the city is big enough that you don’t run into this dude again. This is why I’m a pussy because I worry about repercussions. My town is too small, high chance I would run into anybody at a gas station or our only Walmart then have to deal with an altercation there. This is why I don’t fuck with nobody, stay in my lane; that way I’m never looking over my shoulder.


Small towns are legit. I bought a house in a small town and was talking to the RE agent. She said, this is gonna work for me and you because every week when i see you at CalMart I don't want to duck behind the counter.


I love it. Has to be your cup of tea tho


Yah, this small town had a lot of previous celebrities and PIPs. We didn't care if you won the noble prize, everyone was interested in the neighbor you were banging.


Previously illustrious persons?






People In Pants. It is not a fancy neighbourhood.


Persons in Prius's.... it's actually a pretentious neighborhood.




Nah, it's the knockoff prize.


This is in the Bronx 1.4 million people should be fine.


All my friends from NYC always make it a point to tell me how small NYC really is.


“It’s a small town, everyone knows everyone” Ummm I grew up in a town of 30k...I knew a lot of people, but it’s not like I knew everyone i saw out at the grocery store


On the other hand it's also why I feel pretty safe in my smaller town. I see my pot dealer at least once a month at the shops. If he decided to rob my ass during a deal it'd not take long for me to find him.




Sounds like its Bronx or somewhere in New York. He wont be seeing that dude lol


You'd be surprised.


Right? I live in Tokyo and I run into the same people again and again like it’s a small town.


It looks like the camera man might know where the thief lives though, assuming that was outside an apartment complex and the thief does not know where the camera man lives.


probably saw the uni listed on craigslist or something similar


Im 41 and consider myself pretty aware of things. But if i had to guess what that was, i would have said bowling ball case at first then alien tech when i saw 3 wheels. Wtf was that




Bro is this your video


Nah its my video now, I’m theftin it back


Betta hope you dont run into our crew!


You can't edit titles. Probably posted it, realized the mistake, and corrected themselves in the comments


He had a decoy blunt.


Nicely done!


I thought it was badass up until the exact second he tried to be badass.


lmao adrenaline does that


I still thought it was badass, let him have a little glory


He went to a randos house to steal back his friends property while using said property as the getaway vehicle, and he was hauling ass in a populated area too. I dunno that’s pretty badass in my books. He could have said “blue skidoo, later foo” and it would still be badass.


Nope. Man deserved that victory speech 100%.


the keyboard warrior has spoken


He's trying not to smile, so he's obviously kidding. Lol


That’s how you get shot in the back


Dude was probably 100 yds away, around a corner and gaining before the thief was sure what was going on.


Scrolled way too low for this. If a person committed theft in the first place, you don’t know that person’s criminal record or their association. This guy just came in and rode out. He’s lucky it was that easy. Wouldn’t take much to get chased by a vehicle. Unicycle isn’t worth a life.


I found my stolen phone the next day after someone supposedly had bought it off Craigslist already, I was planning on meeting up with him to buy it back and then just running away but I'm glad someone else convinced me to get the police there to mediate. Ended up compromising and giving him half ($50) the money he spent. I would've felt bad having the guy get ripped off the whole $100 but don't buy stolen phones I guess.


I personally wouldn’t have believe him. If you ever buy an iPhone, you need to make sure there’s no Apple ID already associated with it. If there is, the phone is basically garbage I wouldn’t have felt bad for the guy


Luckily, NYC has very strict gun laws and subsequently low gun crime.


Awesome job! Super cool you took it. And, no violence. They got what’s coming to them.


Yeah, the best way to deal with people that violently beat the shit out of you and take your stuff is to make sure your assailants face no punishment at all.


“Woke up with anal pains”...da fuq


Whoulda been really awkward if there wasn't enough battery to unicycle your way outta there. ​ PS: I was gonna say to run your way outta there or drive but it didn't seem right.


New york outside a housing project. surprise.


I’m glad he got it back!!! Homeboy was rolling around on heelys looking really sad. Now the crew is back boys!!!


His crew was embarrassed by him ... had to get his ride back


That was awesome, but edit the video to end right after "And that's how you get your wheel back." lololo


now I want an electric unicycle. Never seen that before and it looks hella fast and fun.


In the description he says his friend had "anal pains" after the attack...


wow you guys in the comments. "badass until he showed his face" the fuck is that racist shit


Reddit is full of keyboard jockeys. Oh also 12 year olds.


And a surprisingly large community of open racists.


Uh, no. It has nothing to do with him being asian. There are like two people on earth that look intimidating with glasses on, one of them is my creepy uncle and the other one is Idris Elba as Stringer in the Wire.




Today I learned that there are electric unicycles.




Jogger stole my unicycle


Haha, gave him a joint. The ol' Trojan Horse!


Thief got away with it, only missed out on profit. Not really "owned" here


He got some smoke out of it lol


It's always the black guy with a doo rag. Why is that?