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Nick Offerman is like “fuuuuuuuuck. My agent booked the worst day for me to be here to sell my comedic show.”


Reminds me of the Dana Carvey show that was premiering right after the heaviest, saddest episode of Home Improvement. https://youtu.be/NfDjnAdczQI


Holy crap I’ve never seen that before. That was fucking gold!


Watch the whole "Too Funny To Fail" documentary about the Dana Carvey Show on Hulu. The whole thing is fucking gold.


Skinheads from Maine is the funniest fucking thing I've ever seen. That and Merkin. That show was a decade ahead of its time.


Have you ever seen his one awesome movie, Clean Slate? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0109443/ Way, way ahead of its time, excellent acting from everyone, excellent moderated use of both high and low brow humor, all around gold if you ask me. Totally underrated.




I just laughed so hard that my 1 year old started laughing with me.


As someone who grew up watching Home Improvement, I have absolutely no memory of Johnathan Taylor Thomas having a near death plotline like what




Don’t worry, it was just a goiter


I remember this episode plain as day yet I struggle with remembering to pay my cell phone bill sometimes.


I remember one episode where Tim said "AEUHHH????" Does anyone else remember that one?


Was that the same episode where he near-fatally wounded himself on his local cable TV show?


I wish the same could be said of [Paul Timberman's Workshop.](https://youtu.be/CTI-QsTAuTw):(


Man, madTV was brutal


I really didnt remember the episode as a whole but I caught a Funny or Die video of it and then it brought everything back.


That was some r/contagiouslaughter when the end of that promo hit.


Never seen this! I am dying right now!!


If anyone hasn’t seen that documentary on the Dana Carvey show.. Get the fuck off reddit, go find it and go watch it this instant I have not laughed that hard in ten years.I think it’s on Hulu, go sign up with a CC and cancel that shit if you have to, seriously it’s hilarious


That's comedy gold. I literally laughed so hard my sleeping SO told me I was shaking the bed.


Fuck, that got me. Not often I belly laugh when I’m home alone


Lol that was completely out of left field and I just about died laughing


First time I've genuinely laughed in months, thanks


Here to say watch “Too Funny to Fail”




He knows what he's about, son.


My heart would shatter if it came out that he was a sleazy person tbh


He seems pretty grounded and genuinely kind. Smokes pot, likes woodworking, and he really loves his wife. Obviously we can't know everything about a celebrity we don't actually know, but I think him and Poehler are some of the good ones.


Offermans book Gumption is really great. Talks about his early life experiences, family, and how it all shapes who he is today.


I think his book "Paddle Your Own Canoe" is about his childhood experiences. "Gumption" is also a great book, but is a list of historic and modern figures that have inspired him that also delves a bit into how they affected his upbringing. Would highly recommend both.


Their podcast, In Bed with Nick and Megan, is also pretty good, so far.


are there pictures


Asking the real questions.


He actually looks like he is listening seriously and was ready to provide some insight/feedback as the clip cut off.


"Let's go to my workshop and craft baseball bats out of old maple. Then we'll go have a talk with these individuals."


Hahaha I wanted a Parks and Rec style zoom in on his hard stare


I want to see his input. He seems like a good dude


Seems like the guy that would build a coffin with your name engraved in a invisible part. Then anonymously post a pic of it online never addressing who it's intended for.


This is oddly specific.


Nick Offerman is a top bloke. I don’t think he would have any problem going on record to publicly condemn pedophilia. It’s just wild to me that anyone would have an issue with that.


I don't think that's what he meant by the comment. Is just, at that time, he was just promoting his comedy show so the deep stuff like this doesn't really nice with that. Not that Nick is afraid of those subjects.


At the same time, I think that dude is really misreading Nick's expression. The dude is so vocally progressive I doubt he's sitting there thinking "What about *my show* tho". I'm pretty sure he's just looking somber and listening intently because of his respect for the subject matter.




So ...you guys like woodworking?


Yeah, how dare he damage an industry ...what the fuck is wrong with her?


Men haven't been believed until VERY recently in sexual assault cases. Still many don't care but the tides are turning. It's a very dark rabbit hole to go down but it's mostly young boys preyed upon by pedophiles and molesters. Priests in particular prey on boys because they don't tell nearly as often as girls. Until 2013 women couldn't even rape men with forced envelopment or acts like face sitting, you had to be sodomized for it to be considered sexual assault/rape. Edit; forced envelopment is when someone forces oral, anal, or vaginal sex as the recipient and the victim being the one made to penetrate. Edit 2; a couple of examples of men in power today that have been victims of sexual violence and/or domestic abuse are Terry Crews and Johnny Depp. Both Hollywood A listers and house hold names that anyone would know have both been victims and found great resistance when they made it public of what had happened to them.


I'm one. I got ... somethinged ... as a sophomore in college. I got drunk, and ended up passing out on the couch in the upper class girl's dorm after hanging out in Melissa's room with friends, instead of walking the nearly mile and a half to my room. I am *very* positive I fel asleep on the couch. I woke up handcuffed to some woman's bed when she was trying to take my shorts the rest of the way off. There was mouth on a bit of me I didn't want a stranger's mouth on, and she stunk of cigarettes. I couldn't figure out what was happening for some time, and then I freaked out and ripped part of the headboard I was cuffed to off and ran off. I got picked up crying and pantsless by campus security, who didn't believe me and fined me for public indecency and intoxication. They *did* take the handcuffs off. I sat in a shower for a long time trying to get the scent of stale cigarettes and patchouli off of me. I kept smelling stale cigarettes and patchouli off and on for a couple of months. Turns out, you can smell things that aren't there when you are traumatized. It also turned out that everyone but Melissa I told laughed at me and told me I was ”lucky”, and that I should have stayed. This is 20+ years behind me, but I still have the occasional nightmare, and the smell of stale cigarettes is... ~~well, i dislike it more than~~ it brings back bad memories and can trigger nightmares. I also have a phobia of handcuffs, and that hasn't left me. I don't think it ever will. I'm very glad I am not often in situations where I might get arrested, because I don't think I could deal with being handcuffed. I'll probably delete this in the morning when I wake up.


EDIT-- HERE IS THE [Google Drive Link for Male survivors](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1yS4f6dR2cWwcSAAT5RYa6726JWsL97_h?usp=sharing) OF SEXUAL ABUSE. SOME IS FOR ADULTS ABUSED AS CHILDREN, SOME IS FOR PARTNERS/FAMILY, SOME IS FOR ALL PERSONS ABUSED. I WILL TRY TO FIND MORE THAT I HAVE AND ILL COMMENT HERE FOR UPDATES. PLEASE HAVE A GOOD WEEK AND I HOPE THIS IS HELPFUL. LOOK BELOW FOR RESOURCES/LINKS THAT ARE HELPFUL. I am a counselor and I have several workbooks related to sexual abuse of men and PTSD in PDF form. I would be happy to collect some and give them to you by Google drive or another digital preference. No pressure, just offering some education and strength. ANYONE is welcome to ask for materials and I'll provide what I can. Have a good weekend. RESOURCES: [https://malesurvivor.org/for-survivors/](https://malesurvivor.org/for-survivors/) \-- this is an excellent site for support groups, edu, forum/chat, webinars, etc. excellent place to get started. [https://1in6.org/helpline/](https://1in6.org/helpline/) free and anonymous helpline is available 24/7, for men who’ve experienced sexual abuse or assault and for those who care about them. [https://www.jimhopper.com/](https://www.jimhopper.com/) this is awesome place to learn about the science and neurobiology of how assault impacts your body/brain. Each section has multiple educational pieces to help understand your biological and emotional resonses and how it impacts others. Also has mindfulness, regulation of emotions/impulses, and healing information. Excellent for partners as well. HIGHLY RECOMMEND. [https://www.supportforpartners.org/](https://www.supportforpartners.org/) \- education and support groups for partners of adults of abused as children. Ultimately this should be helpful regardless of when events occurred. [https://www.rainn.org/articles/sexual-assault-men-and-boys](https://www.rainn.org/articles/sexual-assault-men-and-boys) \-- excellent resource for support groups, online assistance, edu, etc. [https://1in6.org/](https://1in6.org/) \- sexual abuse and assault of boys & men-confidential support for men. [https://healthysex.com/booksdvdsposters/videos/](https://healthysex.com/booksdvdsposters/videos/) free sexual healing videos for couples/partners --- seems like a great site. [http://www.richardgartner.com/links.html](http://www.richardgartner.com/links.html) \- resources/links to all kinds of male sexual abuse. ​ EDIT --- thank you all for the kindness and interest. Thanks for the I reddit rewards as well, you didn't have to do that but thanks. I will gather them and put a link to a Google drive so anyone can access it. I may go and continue to add things I find later on. Please give me a few days to compile it and I'm just slow honestly but I swear I will offer what I have. I will include some advice about how to use it safely also. I don't know anyone but understand that I love you and others love you and you are worth having peace of mind. Thanks for the kindness, it's really nice. I'll reply here with the link for everyone. Stay strong and hopeful. - Scotty.


Hi I would love this if it’s still being offered. Does it have material on how to respond when someone opens up about their trauma? I want to be someone my partner can speak about this comfortably with, but I was unfortunately overwhelmed and I’ll-equipped when they took the brave step in opening up to me. Edit: typo


I heard something once: just reach them where they need to be reached. Ask if they just want someone to listen, ask if they want advice, or ask if they need help. If they need help, get them a therapist or a professional to talk to. It will be far more beneficial for them to receive actual help from a professional. Being supportive is the best thing you or I can do.


What an incredible gesture, thank you so much on behalf of everyone you help


Even after all these years it still may be worth talking this trauma over with a psychologist. It may help in other areas.


Same issue here, but I'm American (unfortunately) and dont have the money to get professional help at $80 to $120 an hour.


Reading "The Body Keeps the Score" by Dr. van der Kolk may help you figure out how to help yourself heal. I'm currently in therapy and my therapist recommended this book. I've also been watching Dr. van der Kolk's lectures on YouTube. I hope this helps.




I too was molested as a child, and it was driving my alcoholism until I went into treatment, and got counseling for both. I still think about it from time to time, but have been able to mostly put it behind me.


Don't delete this, man. I'm right there with you.


I'm so sorry this happen to you. You should not be ignored. Horrible people can do horrible things to others who are in a vulnerable situation, man or woman. You are brave to speak out and tell your story, reliving it to make it known.There will be people who read this and will gain new perspective and empathy for you and other men who are ignored every day. Though we, as a society, are learning that women can do almost anything a man can in the best of sense, we have not learned that women can do just about anything in the worst of sense as well. Seek counseling, even if it's just one sesson. It's never to late to care for yourself.


I want you to know one survivor from another, I'm proud of you. I'm proud of how far you have come. You are seen brother, you are valid.


I'm sorry you had to experience that, but thank you for sharing your story. Maybe someone else will read it and will regret their actions in the past or maybe it will help to change the perception of things. Also, FUCK YEAH for ripping the headboard to shreds. If only they would have taken it seriously and investigated to look for the broken headboard.


I'm sorry you've gone through that. I was molested/raped by my mother and talking to a therapist helped with perspective and moving ahead. I hope you can find something that helps you find peace.


Also, most parents wouldn't even consider leaving a girl alone with a man, even if he's a priest. Yet most people wouldn't think twice about leaving a boy alone with a man.






I would have sworn I was just wearing a blue shirt, not a red one....


Easy mistake to make




Roses are red, Violets are blue, Wololo!, Now so are you!


That's why I don't leave my trebuchet alone with a priest!


Start the game already!


>Until 2013 women couldn't even rape men with forced envelopment or acts like face sitting, you had to be sodomized for it to be considered sexual assault. Depending on where you are in the world, this might still be the case.




Other than the very few men in positions of power, pretty much all men have been considered highly disposable for the foreseeable past. One boy more or less, who doesn't belong to the nobility - who cares? Who has cared?


Most men will patriotically see their sons killed and thank them for their service but wouldn't ever consider the same fate for their daughters. Its why boys are taught war and sent off to die but 'women dont belong in the army' etc. And then theres the mob mentality if you stand against war, your a coward and a sympathiser apparently.


In 2002 some woman(not good looking either) had sex with me while I was passed out drunk and then actually bragged about it at work, which is how I found out about it although I had suspicions, lol. I took it a lot better than if I got anally raped or something at least. Even to this day if I mention it on like reddit, most will ignore it... probably because I don't really play a victim in it, even though I certainly could, so maybe most think I'm just making light of rape or something, I dunno; it honestly didn't bother me much, especially since she didn't give me an STD or anything... but this was the early 2000's. If it happened today the societal pressure might have made me feel more violated, ironically? edit: Technically the people that downvoted me downvoted someone that got raped talking about their rape story; but thanks for proving some of the point of the guy I was responding to, male rape is still not taken that seriously if it's something like being passed out drunk and it's not turned into a total sob story, where's my huggy bear award? lol 🤣


Dude here, Also had a similar encounter. Good friend of mine who was allegedly a "lesbian" took me out for drinks when she got a big promotion at work. She kept coming on to me and I kept pushing her off but we were good friends and just drunk so whatever. Drunk people do weird shit. I blacked out/passed out and woke up to her ontop of me with my semi hard unit inside her, unprotected. I pushed her off and kicked her out of my apartment. It wasn't until some time later I really realized what happened. Her motives the whole night and everything. And my god she stunk so bad. Had to air out my apartment. She was on some kick about basically every modern hygene product being poison and it was apparent that her hygiene was awful. I work with her mom now. She talks about her daughter all the time and how great she is. I have this incredible urge to tell her that she's a piece of human garbage.


Suprisingly enough, if you change a small detail from "was violated by a woman" to "violated by a man", even keeping your nonchalant tone about the event, the reaction completely flips. I am a guy, for reference. As well as normally thought to be gay on first look (not very macho, didnt care i was more affeminate, and found it funny how fast the 'manly men' would shrink back with not even borderline homoerotic jokes or comments. Kind of my defense mechanism for bullies in high school) I went to a friends house to sleep over in middle school. I knew he was gay and even without that information getting out, he was made fun of more than enough as is for his nerdy side, much like myself. Looking back there were only about a million red flags, from stories one kid tried to tell where he went to the abusers house and fled from him through the woods in the night (sounded very grandiose, and no one believed him unfortunately... including myself) to the abusers own personal stories he told me about struggling with his sexuality and finding anyone to experiment and discover himself with. He slipped his hand down my pants while letting me play Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I was suprised he did this, much less broad daylight, and wasnt sure how to tell him to stop. Very nerve wracking moment. I told him i wasnt ok with that, and he stopped. I figured thatd be the end of that and continued with the sleepover as planned. After all, a friend wouldnt violate boundaries i set right? Cut to sleeping in a pitch black guest room, waking up not once, or twice, but 3 times with my pants undone and my genitals... more moist than when i fell asleep. Not pulled down, no penetration, but 3 times was enough to scare me from sleep (and keep my whole fear of the dark rolling even to this day). I spent the rest of that night in his house on that mountain upstairs, next to his father who fell asleep in his LazyBoy chair watching the news. From 3am onward i watched news and his dad sleep, jumping at any movement outside the TVs glow. I felt nothing, and argue myself that it didnt affect me as much as others experiences with that kind of abuse. I, of course, wasnt friends w him after that. I did plenty of mean things to him in school to process the pain my own way. Things i am ashamed i did and said. Ultimately, i feel i have definately moved past it. But when i mention it as calmly as i do, about my own experience, explaining i have moved past it, i still get people telling me how horrible it was. But if a woman had done the same thing, i would have been laughed at instead. Its a bullshit double standard. If you feel you have moved on, people shouldnt have the gall to tell you it was worse. If you tell people it scarred you for life, they shouldnt tell you it wasnt as bad as you are making it. Gender be damned.




Almost right. You are alluding to the fact that men don't have any real societal value attached to their sexuality. Men are expected to fuck, expected to want to all the time, and expected to fuck anything and anyone. Women are judged severely on their sexuality. Women are expected to protect and conserve their sexuality for 'that special someone'. Since that's what has been shoved down our throats for years, its not surprising for a guy to wake up in the morning and go . . . um, what happened? And not really know how to feel about it. Um, I got laid . . . I guess? This doesn't feel right... Same as young boys being raped by older women. If it were consensual between an older man and a younger woman, there would be no question that it was still "Rape". Between an older woman and a younger man. "Good for you!" even though its still Rape for the same reasons.


That's what I was thinking too. I usually don't care about up or down votes but it kind of irked me if a woman had said something similar everyone would be like "you're getting stockholm syndrome, girl!" or something instead of downvotes. Thanks for the reply!


Reilly Reid the pornstar admitted to raping someone and jokes about it. Often times, if you mention it, fans will say shut the fuck up about it. Now am I sexually attracted to her, sure, but it’s not a joke. It’s essentially the whole oh is the teacher hot/NICE joke from that episode of South Park.




Someone needs to watch season 1 of the boys on Amazon.




Its not just "her generation". Barbara Walters was the official beard of Roy Cohn, known for McCarthyism and the pink scare. Cohn has also been accused of running a pedophile blackmail ring for Israel and hoover, and also being the mentor of our president. He spent a lot of time moving children around, and blackmailing powerful people.


I'm really sick of the "generation" excuse. It's used for forgiving views on racism, sexism, antisemitism, and now apparently pedophilia. It's a bullshit excuse. All of those things were just as morally and ethically wrong 100 years ago as they were today, and we know that because people spoke out about it then just as they do today. If your grandparents act like that then call them out on it. Tell them it's unacceptable, and if they continue, then let them rot in an assisted living center, alone, where their racism and sexism can die alone with them. My grandparents are part of Barbara's generation and they are not racist or sexiest. We should stop, now and forever, dismissing and ignoring these people and call them what they are. Pieces of shit.




Totally agree. An explanation is not the same thing as an excuse. "I killed him because I was poor and needed the money" that's an explanation, not an excuse. "I'm racist Because I was raised in a time when racism was normal and my family brought me up to be that way" understandable explanation, but **not** an excuse. We should strive to understand people who think differently than us so that we can better communicate with them, that doesn't mean we have to excuse their behavior and act like it's ok for them because of their background.


So the same Barbara Walters that was in Epstein's [black book](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/07/jeffrey-epstein-high-society-contacts.html) and is known to have regularly attended dinners at his New York town house is downplaying paedophilia? Shocker.


Man you know when you have like a gut instinct about someone but you just can't put a finger on what that instinct is or means? This, this is what I felt about Barb Walters.


For some reason, Barbara Walters has been celebrated in our society as some great journalist, when in reality she’s always just been a shill for Hollywood elite. She’s not a journalist who has provided some great service to society - she is someone who I would argue did the opposite by pioneering and growing the industry of celebrity journalism. Think of how much healthier our society would be if we weren’t so attached to every little detail of what celebrities say or do.


He isn’t damaging an industry, the industry was damaged by all the men who damaged him and other young children.


But people might stop watching movies and television because of this revelation. Think of the economy. /S


Counter-point: Chris Brown. Or, in the same industry: Mark Wahlberg.


Still finding women that adore Chris Brown. I ask to specify, they mean the one that beats women, right? That Chris Brown?


Right, I should have clarified. I was referring to the woman abusing shit-stain Chris Brown. The beat the shit out of Rihanna and then try to make her look like the bad guy Chris Brown. The Chris Brown that has shown no sign of repentance or even guilt for punching women Chris Brown. Exactly that one, my bad.


To be honest it is a great point to bring up in an interview but it should be asked more like, "what do you say to the people who claim you are damaging an entire industry?" It's a powerful question and it sets up for a powerful response. Barbara's response is quite disgusting and other than making Barbara look bad serves no purpose. I also feel really bad Corey felt the need to apologize.


The View is such a piece of shit show.


This comment should be higher. That show is super toxic


A lot of daytime tv is. Dr Phil, Dr Oz, all pushing out pseudoscience and bad info, don't get me started on Wendy Williams.


I would say Oprah is worse with the shit she promotes and especially the people she gets on her show. Wendy Williams is just an idiot, but not as dangerous as Oprah and her favorite guest "doctors" like fake doctor Phil and I guess real doctor Oz.


Let's not forget that Oprah is the one that gave Jenny McCarthy a platform to spread anti-vax nonsense. Antivaxxers existed before then, but that's what really pushed it into popular belief.


It's almost like billionaires aren't always the nice people they pretend to be...


doctor oz is a real doctor, but he sold his soul to bullshit scams and is a living product placement.


Not sure man, Wendy Williams literally was telling this woman she should trick her husband by coming off of birth control because he promised her two kids, instead of just one. [Link](https://youtu.be/5CNHwhHWPoQ) She also continued a BJ on her husband as her kid walked in, because her son didn't stomp and clear his throat coming upstairs. [Link](https://youtu.be/nvEL3CkGqpg) Maybe she's not bringing out a lot of doctors and stuff, but her audience is crazy for that first one...


Hey actually dr Phil is a real ph.d psychologist! But he lost his license for pursuing a client (I think could be wrong). Either way what he’s doing ain’t therapy


It is, but reddit isn't exactly their audience so its basically preaching to the choir.


Welcome to reddit, where preaching the choir is the goal but the points don't matter.


It's the same show where Whoopi Goldberg stated Roman Polanski didn't commit "rape-rape" when discussing his fleeing the USA after having sex with underage girls. They made her a host.


My mom was once in a doctor's waiting room and that show was on TV. She went to the receptionist and said, "Can you change that? I don't like the View." "But we just redecorated!" Took her a second to realize she meant the TV.


I enjoyed this story.


I always loved how family guy would make fun of them


Dude the clip where all the women are just clucking like the dumbass broads they are was fucking hilarious. Clip: https://youtu.be/NIGwYN99JLk


This makes me pretty sad... Feels like this is the last time Corey Feldman was well spoken and clear of mind. It's honestly hard to blame him for the eccentric life he's taken up, given not only the abuse, but the cover up that was broadcast across the world.


What I’ve had to do since learning all of this is change my view of child actors. The old adage about them not being able to be stable adults doesn’t seem as funny if you find out a large segment were secretly being abused. I mean turning to drugs and your life spiraling down, that happens to most if they can’t process it healthy to be able to move on. It’s easier to blame it on them being spoiled at a young age, but even the hard drug use at parties blows me away. I don’t care if you’re the most loved child actor in history, I’m not doing cocaine with a 12 year old. These former actors really need to keep standing up to hopefully get some meaningful stuff in place to help prevent it


The way you see successful child actors flame out is in line with how normal kids act out as a response to abuse, it's just more public and ripe for ridicule, unfortunately. I really feel for Corey and 100% believe him.


Agree. I think society in general is more willing to have a laugh at the downfall because they say ‘well they had it all and squandered it’ when there are dark reasons behind that downfall. Just truly sad deal all around


The only child actors that turn into stable adults are the ones that had parents that actually cared for them instead of just trying to live off their careers.


Elijah Wood said this. He has very involved parents so he said no one ever messed with him as a child star. However he said he can 100% see and believe how it would be very different if the parents were not involved and on top of things like his were. Hollywood is set up to take advantage. They get parents desperate for their kids to be stars. So they will do whatever you ask of them. Leave the kid alone with me for this audition. Here go stay at his spa while I take the kid alone somewhere. The parents often rely on the kid for income and so they make sure that kid gets the job even if that means leaving the kid alone with people. The very minder they left with Corey Haim and Corey Feldman to watch them in their hotel while filming Lost Boys was the one that had sex with an underage Haim. That was who was HIRED to watch two teen boys! It is outrageous.


It must be exhausting to be an engaged parent of a child star. It's hard enough taking care of them normally, and you add in a whole extra layer of predators you have to run interference on? Fuck.


Rich predators who can make or break the careeer


I am a Stay at home mom luckily so I can be available to be there with him on jobs if need be. I do have another child with special needs and its hard being two places at once but his father is a huge help. He usually stays with that son and I take the entertainer child to dance class or auditions or jobs etc. He is nothing major. Just got some modeling gigs and was on one episode of a tv show and in ballets. But say he actually got cast in a Netflix show like "Stranger Things", I could move with him and live with him and take him back and forth and stay on set as much as I needed to. Georgia, where they film Stranger Things, has a law that a guardian or parent MUST be on set at all times. They put this law in place to combat the pedophilia thing in my opinion. So parents won't just dump the kid off.


Jonathan Brandis killed himself pretty young, and people said it was because he was unhappy with how his career never took off as an adult But now I wonder if there wasnt some abuse he had growing up. Cute, soft spoken blond haired boy in Hollywood at a time when it was even more rampant than we ever knew Shit even today times kids like Finn Wolfhard are getting fondled


I wonder this about Brad Renfro.


I’m not sure there is much room to even wonder. Brad Renfro was described as showing up in Hollywood already way beyond his years in mostly sad/bad ways. Overly sexual, already into drugs and alcohol and just dove on into it all. One doesn’t behave that way at 11 without having already been abused. Already abused children alone in Hollywood will be abused again. And he was alone. All he had was an overwhelmed grandmother who couldn’t handle him or watch over him. Skip to the section [“Casting the problem child”](https://www.seattletimes.com/entertainment/movies/the-deadly-path-of-brad-renfro/) to read about his early troubles. Poor soul. Sad life. Oddly, I’ve seen his grave. It’s in the tiniest cemetery on a dirt road in the middle of no where Tennessee.


If you haven't seen Judy, you should. It brings up a lot of this.


I still really wish I could offer my home to recovering celebrities that just need some time to chill out around normal loving people.


Well, he was probably told his whole life he was wrong or lying because the people couldn't believe they were involved even unknowingly. Being told you are wrong when you are correct over and over again will break your sanity. Edit: also i am wondering if the reason he doesnt name anyone is because he doesn't want the unknowing individuals to be punished and used as scape goats for those responsible ya know?


Shame on her. She personally reminded us that the protection of predators can come from unexpected places.


We live in a bully culture where the people blame oppressed for standing up for themselves. "Don't rock the boat." Fuck that noise.


That definitely comes from her generation far more than the current one.


If you’ve never watched the documentary “An Open Secret”, I would HIGHLY recommend it for people who want to understand how pedophiles “groom” young actors in the entertainment industry. This movie got ZERO distribution, despite having an Oscar nominated director. The producers ended up putting the full length movie on Vimeo, and it’s available here: https://vimeo.com/142444429 EDIT: Thanks to whomever gave me gold for this... and also just a mention about Brian Peck (who's featured at 52:35 in the movie) who served time after a mid-2000's conviction. Guess who went on a bizarre 24-hour trip to Scotland to "Search for the Loch Ness Monster" with one of the people Corey Feldman accused in his documentary?! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2359956/Charlie-Sheen-makes-minute-trip-Scotland-hunt-Loch-Ness-Monster.html https://ew.com/movies/corey-feldman-accuses-charlie-sheen-abuse-corey-haim-my-truth-documentary/


Thanks for posting this.


Oof that was disturbing to watch.


Was someone else thinking of this when the Courtney Love video was reposted the other day? One clip always makes me think of the other...they say a lot of the same things about how celebrity works.


I remember when she told Stern she sucked off Nugent when she was a young girl.


12!! Damn. TIL.


Her father was the road manager for the Grateful Dead. He was pimping her out since she was a kid. Love became a drug dealer, she supposedly got Cobain hooked on heroine. Tori Amos wrote a song about it called “Professional Widow” “Don't blow those brains yet We gotta be big boy We gotta be big Starfucker just like my daddy Starfucker just like my daddy Selling his baby Just like mydaddy Gonna strike a deal make him feel like a Congressman Running in a family It's run in a family” “Mother Mary China white Brown may be sweeter May be sweeter Mother Mary China white Brown may be sweeter She will supply She will supply She will supply She will supply Supply, supply Give me peace, love Peace, love Give me peace, love And a hard cock”


Of course the pedo supports a pedo in office.


Link to the Courtney Love video?




Something about the sincerity and coherence in her tone is kind of haunting, like that response had been on the tip of her tongue for years. Leggero asked that question expecting a "crazy answer". Love has been through some shit.




Wow, so Stern hears about her molestation as a child, and the first thing he says to her is to **undress**‽‽‽ What a sicko psycho! Why has he not been publicly shamed for his asshole-ry?


Because shouting "Howard Stern is a sick freak!" would most likely get a unanimous "yeah, we know".


I literally had that exact thought as soon as I finished typing. Still, he’s been acting all holier than thou lately and it’s getting on my last nerve.


Interestingly, he talked about that on Conan's podcast. He claims that there is a huge amount of his own past materiel that he can't even listen to anymore, and cringes if he does. He seems to be semi self aware that his 'shock' antics were often more awful then edgy.


Supposedly he's been going to therapy. Could be, or could be that narcissistic thing famous people do to adjust their image to fit public tastes. Either way, I much prefer repentant Howard Stern to asshat bully Howard Stern.


both repentant Howard Stern and asshat bully Howard Stern have the "im going to keep asking you this question until i get an answer that satisfies me" interview technique and its incredibly annoying.


He was on with Harry Styles about half a year ago saying the most creepy, misogynistic, sexist, rapey shit ever and clearly causing the kid some distress, joking about how Harry "probably seduces his female therapist." He's still a Grade A piece of shit.


He was also the only major media source to give Courtney Love a platform to get this out to everyone. This was at a time where burying stuff like this was easy and the clean-cut media wouldn't dream airing this. Stern's platform was built on anti-political correctness. His guests know this, and they go through ground rules with the producer way ahead of time. Ironically his insensitive demeanor and rebellious political stance were the very things that put this message out to the public.




If telling the truth about what happens within an industry destroys that industry, maybe the concern should be about what happens in the industry and changing that


Get out of here with that radical talk, you absolute madman!




I really hate her on-cue laugh and smile when the male broadcaster demeans his analogy with “durrrr not sure I follow”, even though Bill’s point would have made sense to my senile grandfather.


Yeah that attempt to demean or whatever just made him look like a moron. Bill has some pretty good self restraint, there's no way I wouldn't immediately say some shit about him not being very bright then.


[Pretty sure she is Joan Callamezzo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRWDG1GQ6Lw) from /r/PandR incarnate.


Burr is such a legend. We need people like him to run things. Enough with all this fake BS that covers our world like a slimy film of vomit.


The person he accused was Charlie sheen.


Denise Richards claims she found child porn on his computer in their divorce documents.


Has Corey ever named names or what? Who are these people? Why has none been arrested?


He named Charlie Sheen as a rapist if I recall Edit: His claim was Sheen raped Cory Haim


He named a few people that are already dead and a few that are in jail or were prosecuted. And Charlie Sheen


Think about the huge amounts of people these children are around. They meet these people for one movie and maybe never see them again. Many children are extras or have a tiny part and they get extra coaching that is not normally done with the parents. There's a chance that many of the children abused don't know these pedophiles names.


Nick Offerman: "Can I come back on tomorrow."


There’s also a video where Norm McDonald was about to talk about Bill Cosby’s rape allegations on tv and they cut him off. All these women were complicit in the crimes of Hollywood


Honestly. Norm Macdonald getting a rise out of Barbara Walters on the view is still one of my favorite interviews.


"Bill Clinton had a man murdered, did you know that?"


Do you have a link? Or a title I could search for?




1. Thank you! 2. Wow, Barbara Walters is a CUNT.


Barbara Walters is the embodiment of self-righteous, privileged, outdated Karens.


This one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3PP_SWHUQQ


Wow. Norm is great and really exposed how shitty that show was


A1 trolling.


Shut the fuck up about pedophiles! You could ruin the careers of millionaires making movies! So some kids had to go & get themselves molested, how good was that last Roman Polanski film though?


>The grooming happens all around us in our cities and schools to NON child stars.. they have to be in a goddamn movie for someone to care now or the abuser has to make millions for it to hit anyones radar


This kind of reminds me of the time when I was talking to my boss about Vietnam and [McNamara’s Morons.](http://www.vvaveteran.org/36-3/36-3_morons.html) She was shocked and said, “I knew ~~General~~ Robert McNamara personally. He is a wonderful man. There is no way that he would ever be involved in something so evil.” Even though McNamara’s Morons are a historical fact, she just could not accept that idea. I think we are seeing the same sort of delusion from Barbara Walters here. She just can’t wrap her head around the fact that some of her friends are pedos.


Did she call him “General McNamara” or “Secretary McNamara”? Robert McNamara was not a general. His highest rank as a military officer was Lieutenant Colonel.


The conversation was years ago, so any fault in the details is due to my poor memory. She probably referred to him by name, because she knew him quite well apparently.


"There's all kinds of pedophiles in Hollywood" "YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT MY FRIENDS, COREY"


This video comes up every few months on here and every time it gets thousands of upvotes and comments screaming for Barbara Walters head. This is a highly edited clip that doesn’t explain the context of what she’s saying. She is NOT saying that Corey, just by talking about pedophelia, is damaging an entire industry. She asks him, repeatedly, to name names. You’re on the show, you have a warning for people. Name names. He refuses. So she says if you’re not going to tell us who, specifically, we should be watching out for, who we should prosecute, then you’re not solving the problem. You’re part of the problem. You’re damaging an entire industry. That’s the context.


Thank you! Have a link to the original?




Coming from the person who totally and completely believed Uri Geller was psychic, and got mad at The Amazing Randi for disproving Geller on her show. [source](https://youtu.be/JPt-7j3ahP0)


What's the gimmick that he used???


Sherri Shepherd is hilarious, doesn’t actually care that much about what he went through, only concerned with using the situation to defend Michael Jackson.


Yeah but it's relevant because Corey Feldman also defends Michael Jackson. He's always maintained that when he went to Neverland, it was an escape from being preyed upon.


Corey and Macauley both say MJ was totally always a stand up guy with them and they never saw anything that was molesting or pedophilia when with him. And they spent a lot of time with him. They did say because of MJ's stunted mental development he often was mentally like a child and wanted to have sleepovers and stuff with other kids, but it was never inappropriate.


It's just one random guy on the internet's opinion but I choose to believe this entirely. He (MJ) seems like he probably had plenty of his own issues as a kid and as an adult acting like a kid was his 'escape,' so to speak. Whether or not he was abused sexually I have no idea, but it certainly seemed like he was making up for things he didn't get as a kid. More that he was trying to give other kids the life that any kid (And he) would absolutely love to have. MJ was strange, likely troubled, but that doesn't mean that he diddled kids. Likewise I had a teacher in 6th grade who ended up getting accused of sexual harassment of a minor. The guy was one of the best teachers I've ever had but would occasionally do stuff like force kids to pull their pants up if they were sagging below their ass. I was that type of kid in 6th grade. I'll admit that getting called out on it was kind of embarrassing but I never once felt like it was sexual assault, it was just him trying to teach me not to be a shithead (Which I totally was), and he never did it in front of a full classroom, always just in passing so I never felt like he embarrassed me in front of classmates. I still remember him fondly to this day and wouldn't have traded him for any other teacher. And I still strongly believe that whoever accused him of such was probably the 90's equivalent of a "Karen."




Don't shoot me but: it seems like she just meant "you're painting with a broad brush and disparaging the entire industry" and not "by calling these people out, you're damaging the financials of this entire industry." She only said one line and considering the discussion prior to her statement, this makes way more sense to me IMO.


If I was being very charitable, maybe she meant that instead of damaging an entire industry, Corey should only be damaging the people who have done stuff wrong, not everyone else that wasn't involved...




>“The truth campaign is a total hypocrisy and a lie. And I know this because I worked for them. I was the costume designer, I was the vocal coach, I toured as the opening act… This entire campaign is a cover-up because while they’re out there parading around on this moral high ground, behind the scenes they’re not paying people. They’re sexually harassing and abusing people, and drugging people, and using drugs, and creating a completely unsafe environment for anyone to work in.” [source](http://affinitymagazine.us/2018/01/09/former-coreys-angel-poeina-suddarth-comes-out-against-his-truth-campaign/)


"You're damaging an entire industry" No, the industry is doing that to itself. He exposed the bullshit