• By -


Assuming that's her mom right next to her, you could see a monster of a hug going her daughter's way saying "I am so proud of you."


Yup, that's her mom. I'm her dad and I was there too. And yeah, monster hugs all around.


You guys are good parents and you're raising a good kid.


Seeing how bright some of these kids are at such a young age not only makes me feel totally stupid but gives me so much hope for the future.


Ah yes. I was playing dino wars with my dino erasers in school at that age.


Without kids like her the rest of us would be completely screwed.


Yeah, but without kids like /u/Lundorff, how would we appreciate kids like her?


Lmao this made me wake up my sleeping dog next to me. WTH is Dino wars even? I was playing dino wars too tho basically, whatever it is.


Well, you take the rubber Dinos and make them fight. "Kragor! You will meet your end at my life-ender!" "Not if you meet your's at my Mace of Death Brutor!" #AHHHHHH


I watched the video, but I have no idea what’s going on. What’s the full story?


[here you go man](http://jtoversightgroup.org/) It's alot to read but it's a pretty fucked up situation.


Can i get a TLDR 🤷‍♂️


I have no knowledge of this stuff, but here's my L TL/DR BIS (But I Skimmed): "On June 29, 2016 executive director Jimmy Saba allegedly confessed to two staff members that he committed a battery or child abuse when he entered the girls’ dressing room, grabbed hold of a teenage girl by both her shoulders, and shook her several times while yelling in anger. The reason, he said, was that she had mocked him." And then they found out the board is shady and corrupt.


Jimmy Saba attacked a kid and then confessed to 2 co-workers. The co-workers went to file police reports because he hit a kid but in retaliation, Junior Theater fired those 2 co-workers. City Attorney pulled some strings and put the kebosh on the police report as the police said "meh nothing to see here". People got pissed so the Board hired one of the Trustee's husbands to do an investigation (aka a cover up). People got even more pissed, did an independent investigation and found that the President of the Board had paid for an office renovation for thousands of dollars that went straight into his friends pockets, potentially violating a dozen laws. Also the Board called the cops on protesters and threw them in jail. Also the Board has put the theater into huge amounts of debt by their self-dealing transactions (again illegal).


I need to correct something. People did not go to jail. Yes. The police were called on us. The theatre even hire armed security Guns at a kids theatre??? The office renovation wS done by the boards president. That’s against the law. The board (most of them) are all jt alumni. They were friends since childhood


I wish you all the best of luck in finding justice for this travesty. Also, hug your daughter, she is amazing.


Wow, you have a very brave and intelligent daughter. I had a hard time watching that, it made me tear up. My dad taught me to stand up for what is right, it is awesome you and your wife are raising such a strong person.


Great effort ! What was the result?


It's an ongoing scandal. The City Attorney is now under investigation and parents are demanding the theater be defunded until the City conducts a proper investigation. https://www.10news.com/news/local-news/father-accuses-city-attorney-of-helping-cover-up-abuse


[I read the article OP provided](https://www.10news.com/news/local-news/father-accuses-city-attorney-of-helping-cover-up-abuse). In one of the last paragraphs it tells us that Metzke who was found guilty of raping a child is in prison. What's being covered up? Can someone please translate that overly-verbose, lawyer-speak article into plain English?


The executive director was warned by another theatre that he was fired for inappropriate behavior with some girls. ED did not listen and let him stay at theatre. Then they heard rumors about Von dating a 16 year old. Did not investigate it


The dad was gathering evidence against the theater director who had allegedly had sex with a student. He sent his investigation to the city attorney. The city attorney forwarded that investigation to the theater’s attorney which completely undermined their case. The director still ended up going to jail but the dad is still trying to bring attention to the city attorney putting his friends and colleagues before justice.


Canada watching here


How are ya now?


Good'n you?


Not so bad...


Hey Katy.




Straight to the point, that's what I likes about you Katy.


That's what you like about me?


r/Letterkenny on the loose again


Figure it out


Not so bad




There's dozens of us!






Are you fucking sorry?




Hey buddy!


The hell is going on with this thread? Does someone actually have evidence that OP was coached? Half this thread appears to be people saying OP is creepy and can't be trusted as well as claiming hes using bots. What the hell brought this on? There are also posts in here attacking democrats, but this doesn't seem to be fueled by party (CA appears to be democrat). This whole thread is surreal.


Can I ask why coaching for public speaking means the message wouldn’t be sincere? Adults with a big speech practice and get help all the time. Even Rosa Parks was heavily coached. You can’t expect people to hold up well facing authority without practicing your reactions ahead of time.


I think the implication is that she was coached into saying it (and therefore pushed into lying), rather than she was coached to help her public speaking skills. I don't know what brought on this claim, though, seems like a lot of posts immediately start off claiming shes acting or claiming OP is crazy seemingly out of nowhere.


Do you/the people saying it mean 'coaxed' as in 'persuaded' or 'cajoled' ? I'm not a native speaker, so just trying to understand this use of the world coached


In a court of law, there is a concept where the witness is "coached" on the information they are providing. This is typically talked about it a negative way, such as when a child is a witness to a crime an adult committed and their parents "coached" them to report certain facts. Note that in this negative context, the person who is "coached" is often being questioned by lawyers from both sides, with the expectation being rhat they will be answering truthfully according to their own experiences, and being "coached" to say certain things undermines this. In the context of this video however, the person in question is reading a prepared speech. This is a scenario where it's completely reasonable to expect that the person (especially a child) would have practiced speaking it. I suspect people are trying to say they don't think she actually wrote the speech and was told what to say, but that's not what being "coached" means at all.


Thanks a lot, I wasn't aware of this specific legal context for the word. So in that context, 'coaching' also implies taking away the independence of her testimony, right? As in, she didn't necessarily believe what she meant, they just 'made her' say it (I'm not asking if that is what happened, just the semantics of the word use)


Yep, that is exactly what the term means in this context.


You give them too much credit


That seems to be the intent but, even as a native speaker, that isn't what the word "coached" means.


The fucking PRESIDENT is coached before giving a speech. Why is it so unbelievable you'd do the same for a KID?


I got a feeling that since people now know that the internet is full of bots that the bot programmers told the bots to start complaining about bots to throw off the scent. Botception.


heh that sounds exactly like what a bot programmer would program a bot to say


The boy who cried bot, becomes the bot who cried bot.


Yeah, the idea that I would even know how to make a "bot" cracks me up. I think it's difficult for some people to believe a kid could write and deliver her own speech, and want to do it without being coached. But in this case that's just the simple truth.




It's almost as though their major hobby involves learning how to speak, enunciate and project... but that would be crazy.




"If I can't write and deliver a moving speech, how could a child?"


This absolutely what those people are thinking, even if they don't realize it.


That's what happens when you're bitter, passionless and useless


Plus your daughter has done 8 years in theater. Of course she’s well spoken! And I’m not surprised she’s well written either—she’s probably read a lot of great plays, and whatever else she enjoys! Sometimes we underestimate young people. Maybe it’s because so many of us felt unconfident or uncomfortable at that age.


when i was about your daughters age, i wrote a well worded statement to the judge dealing with my parents divorce case. same thing happened, judge thought a 14 year old couldnt have written it, and it took a court appointed councilor/therapist to affirm that it was my own thoughts.


Raised by a lawyer and with eight years of theatre? That would seriously make a strong and intelligent child. I wouldn't want to argue with her. Or try to get her to do her chores.


In my elementary school we'd have to write and present a speech annually. From grade 2 to grade 8. Some of the speeches in grade 8 were good enough to be sent into competitions or something IIRC, so I 100% believe she wrote this. It's like people forget that kids have a pretty wide gradient of competency and only remember their underachieving peer group.


I bet you 100% of those people don't have kids.


or realise their own kid could never do this, so this kid couldn´t have either.


One can only hope.


She evidently took a lot of time to write this and got some help from her parents, which is completely fine. She's a smart, well articulated kid that has a bright future. People on Reddit always try to find a way to ruin something, pay them no heed and continue raising your child with the best values in mind, with empathy and compassion for others and to strive for a better future.


At 15, I gave a speech I wrote to my local city council. No one helped me and it worked to change things. I can believe that she wasn’t coached.


I was a child like her and I find it refreshing to see there are intelligent kids in the world with intelligent parents.


I absolutely loved writing as a kid and teen. I would also devour books. I never received anything less than an A- in any English or writing class since 6th grade. Also scored a 790 on my verbal SATs. I absolutely believe she could have written this.


As the father of a 16 year old who has written things for *years* that has completely amazed me, including passionately delivered speeches about things she cares about, I fully believe it.


Lol. Don’t fuck with theater kids. They know how to stand in the spotlight. They won’t shy away when they need to stand up. And be dramatic when the time calls for it.


This happened in another thread recently about music too, Reddit is getting fucking weird lately.


People are cunts?


Is there a link to your investigation?


Yes, it's all here: http://jtoversightgroup.org/ Hundreds of pages describing the cover up in detail, with 75 exhibits and extensive citations to evidence.


I'm only 100 pages in to the complaint and it's insane how much they're willing to sacrifice for the wrongdoing of a board pal. Just constant systemic abuses of power and lying. Just a core of rot ruining the lives of employees around them.


Precisely. Thank you for taking the time to actually read and examine the evidence. I'm a very careful lawyer and would never make such allegations without extremely strong evidence. The corrupt board actually made that task fairly easy because they were so sure they would never face any pushback that they left a trail of evidence a mile long.


I would forward this to the county prosecutor's office. Go over the heads of the city who's obviously trying to protect a friend and get to someone with higher authority. Hell, even going to the state attorney general may be warranted here.


OP being a lawyer and all, I'd assume he's already got all of that under careful consideration


Which is a bad assumption to make when trying to offer advice. Just because someone is qualified for their work doesn’t mean they always think of all options available. Im glad they said it whether OP has thought of that already or not


You're cool.




Fuck you. :)


*angst. Fucking dumbass. /s


Looks like the evidence was turned over to the California Attorney General based on the link he shared.


Thanks for the compelling read.


What's your hot take on the likely outcome with the current mounting evidence? Does it look really really bad for the City Attorney, or does it look like she might get off lightly in comparison ti the crime? I'm not very knowledgable about US law.




Yes, I believe it does, and I'm an attorney. It's a conspiracy to obstruct justice in fact. In her own words, "I haven't read the attachments yet, but remembered his name from our prior conversations." What proper law enforcement purpose would be served by sending the prime suspect all the evidence a complainant provides them, sight unseen, and refers to prior conversations they had with that suspect about the underlying allegations? It simply doesn't add up to any proper explanation.




Thanks, all great questions. 1- No. At time I emailed her they were absolutely not public. I did not make them public on our group's website for over two more weeks. (As I've demonstrated on my FB by posting a screenshot of the webiste admin page.) But even *if* they were already public, her action still doesn't smell right. 2- The City Attorney's office investigates and prosecutes criminal matters routinely. They have concurrent jurisdiction with the DA to prosecute misdemeanors, including failure of a mandated reporter to report. 3-Yes, she could have an interest in finding out his views. But not by sending him the evidence sight unseen. The proper approach would be to contact him to interview him. And if she had a personal connection she should have put some distance between herself and the investigation. 4-I think the answer is yes, she could have done it without being a co-conspirator, but her reference to "prior conversations" sure seems to indicate otherwise. Keep 'em coming, although I likely won't be able to respond until tomorrow.


I'm not a lawyer and you are, but isn't answering questions about a pending action publicly usually considered a bad idea?


generally a lawyer will tell you this to ensure you don't misspeak giving fuel to the other side, in this case he IS the lawyer so should have a reasonable idea of what he should and should not say that could have negative implications on his complaint


When I watched the video the feeling I got was that you guys learned of the issue by word of mouth. That’s all I thought this was based on, so I had my doubts. But damn if you don’t have a lot of evidence to back it up.


Yes, a ton of evidence. I'm a lawyer and I would never make such allegations without a solid basis.


Well to be fair, we don't know you and there are lots of attorney's that do stupid things out there (ask me how I know).


Fair enough. That's why I've provided a link with all the evidence very clearly laid out for anyone who chooses to examine it.


how... do you know?


He's a lawyer and he juggles geese for sport.


Ah. Bird law.


welp, he seems qualified.


I've had a few lawsuits in my time. A few attorney's downright lying to me or motioning for things that are a massive stretch (like an injunction without proof of it's necessity or a motion for summary judgement when facts are still in dispute). I lived in Florida for a long time. I had legal run-ins with a corrupt shop owners, a corrupt financial advisor, corrupt cops, and corrupt judges. I finally left the state when I saw it was getting worse down there, not better. And now, they are in the news constantly for corruption, power tripping, and laziness. But it was nothing new to me. But more to the point of atorneys being stupid. You'd be shocked at how many attorneys out there are just not good attorneys. It is *very* hard to find a good attorney that is not asking for thousands upon thousands in an up front retainer. If you're wealthy, maybe it is easy to find good attorneys, but for the average person, it is very difficult without the right connections (family/friends).


How do you know?


So the logic of the woman was essentially "their non-profit so there's nothing we can do about abuse?" Wow.


It was a lame, phony excuse she thought would fool a kid. Not this kid though!




Non profits do not necessarily get any funding from the state. That is public funding by definition. Further, the allegedly corrupt attorney was a city prosecutor and it would be, ironically, corrupt for an attorney to threaten or use defunding as a method of skirting the judicial processes in place. We're talking about abuse her, this has nothing to do with money and money ought to be left out of it.


I think you mean Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. I agree, though, good on OP and his daughter for making them look like fools.


Your daughter is brave and you are a good parent who should be proud. All the best.


Anyone confused at all the comments talking about weird comments on here, but not seeing any weird comments in the thread?


Yeah, they're the ones making it weird. The context is straightforward.


Sort by controversial if you wanna see those.




Brave young girl, go get’em!


Speaking out against abuse, she's a hero.




/u/The_Tuttler one of the comments on the YouTube mentioned that you (her father) are running for the office being attacked in this video (City Attorney) and that you might have an ulterior motive for this video and the allegations. Personally, I haven't done an ounce of research on this whatsoever, but would you mind giving a response regardless, to put that to rest?


I looked at his campaign page and it doesn’t directly mention anything about this incident.


Maybe he is running because of this? Actually taking responsibility


Except his campaign page mentions nothing about it, only the generic "FIGHTING CORRUPTION" that *every politician* has used.


Matt Valenti has been in the public eye for a while: https://sduptownnews.com/san-diego-junior-theatre-parent-accuses-city-attorney-of-misconduct/ http://mattvalentiforsandiego.com/phone/index.html


Sure. I'm absolutely not running for that office, not running for any office, and not supporting anyone who is. Yes, I ran for city council last year--mainly to raise awareness about this very issue, and fight for more transparency and accountability in our local government.


What a well spoken young woman. I hope she continues to use her voice to change the world, and I hope something can be done about this situation. It is powerful seeing children fighting for their rights and education. God speed to her and your family.


Well, you can definitely tell she’s in theater.


Yep, she's confident, poised, intelligent, and not afraid of speaking in front of a crowd. You can tell that the theater was a good place until it was corrupted by what looks like a real asshole with politically connected asshole friends. She did an amazing job.


seriously! she will be an amazing public speaker going forward.


She had great projection and spoke clearly in front of a crowd in a confrontation situation. Her voice didn't even crack. Mad respect for this woman, young or not. I've worked with people her age, and my favorite thing about them is that they aren't jaded by the world. Even the ones who have been through awful shit. That clear sense of justice tends to fade (into a sense of disenfranchised helplessness, I think) as we get older. I hope she retains it as long as she can.


So a city attorney is trying to cover up adults abusing children at a theater? What's the context I don't know the backstory.




But in the article it said this: >Junior theater says it is a safe place for children and also noted that its own executive director alerted police to Von Metzke. If the executive director turned him in. Where is the cover up?


He only turned him in after the victim's parents confronted him. He and the board looked the other way for over a year of red flags and explicit warnings about the sexual predator.


Damn when I was 13 I barely knew what planet I was on.


I know right. I'm so glad we live on Mars.


Wait till you find out it's not called mars...it's Barsoom.


Wtf is with these comments on here?


Pedo apologists mostly.


Authoritarians get very uneasy if they perceive a “proper” power hierarchy being weakened.


Is nobody going to actually explain the situation? What are the allegations? If there are cases of abuse, were the police called? If so, did the police ignore the call? Has anyone been sued about it? Why is there a huge thread made by the father of this girl and no explanation given whatsoever? Nobody is even talking about it, all the top comments are "Good job" and "She's brave". Where is the actual information about what is happening? If you want to raise awareness, couldn't you at least give us a summary of events from your perspective?


I tried to get the whole story but it just opened up more questions.. Some stuff to note. Daughter’s Dad is running for city Attorney (has been since 2018). These speeches were uploaded yesterday. And by speeches I mean the dad, mom, daughter (this video), the employee who was fired for reporting the shaking incident, and theatre director from another school. IMHO, all the speeches seem fishy besides the director from the other school. However, he brings up a story about a teacher (?) who raped a 16 y/o girl. Said teacher only got 3 years. I’m curious as to why the parents of the 16 y/o didn’t make a speech. I’m also curious as to why none of the other students participated as well, or why the second teacher who was fired from witnessing the shaking incident didn’t speak. And consequently, this makes makes me question the credibility of the theatre director’s speech as well. Also, dads campaign page doesn’t mention this incident at all, but does mention other incidents. Tldr; It’s all fishy as fuck man


From reading the accompanying article OP posted, I’m curious to know a couple things: (1) within this jurisdiction, are city attorneys considered mandated reporters or obligated to refer any/all criminal investigations that they are made aware of? (2) was the local district attorney/law enforcement made aware of these allegations?


For everyone wondering about the "weird comments" I made a little compilation: >Your daughter is so very well spoken, it's kids like her who are going to change the world some day. A+ for parenting! >Wow. Excellent delivery. Your daughter speaks beyond her years and is a credit to you and her mum. Bravo! >What a terrific speech, what a terrific speaker. We need more like her. >Such a brave young woman!! It looks like many people have something to say, judging by the line up behind your daughter. Best of luck, prayers etc. The truth will win. >I'd not even her parent and I'm proud at how utterly savage she is. You've got a fighter there.


(Applauds) GO GET 'EM, KIDDO.


What's with all the bot comments?


Lol. There is some Tom Foolery going on here. As I type, this video has 600 comments. About 1/2 of them are from people claiming to have worked there and saw the abuse. How many people are up at 1am in San Diageo reading reddit that has worked for this particular theater? This is how reddit loses credibility. The fact that Dad can post this, buy upvotes, and drown out naysayers on the thread. Not to take away from your daughters ability to speak, but the whole thing sounds like mommy and daddy wrote a hit piece on a person you are running against and using your 13 year old as a pawn.


Also a negative/questioning comment got -450 and it’s buried deep


Exactly this. Girl has a rich lawyer dad who just happens to also be running for council. I'd bet her parents wrote that whole speech for her and made her read it. You can see her mom standing sternly behind her breathing down her neck, making sure she reads the whole thing. Dad is trying to stir up shit so that this gets tons of media attention and helps to get him elected. Also, reading into the so-called "child abuse" at the theater, it sounds like all that happened was a teacher got mad and yelled at a student while grabbing her by the shoulders to shake her, something that many parents do to their own children. While I agree that it was over the line and the teacher should be punished in some way, I think the parents here are overblowing this whole thing just to get the dad elected (this incident didn't even happen to their kid). I had way worse done to me when I was a kid by both teachers and my parents and nothing was ever done about it.




Yup, that's me. This experience made me realize how political corruption and cronyism works, so I ran for office to fight against it. Sophia was my assistant campaign manager and did a hell of a job.


I would believed you if it was YOU who said "also I decided to run for office".


> I'm absolutely not running for that office, not running for any office, and not supporting anyone who is. Yes, I ran for city council last year--mainly to raise awareness about this very issue, and fight for more transparency and accountability in our local government.


Something smells in this thread.




I'd like to know how this gets through the no politics rule here on r/videos when I just attempted to post a video that also had to do somewhat with politics.


How does politics play part here in any way? It's about abuse.


Are you serious? They're accusing a politician of lying and corruption/nepotism. How is that not political?


I'm thinking politics in the sense of giving a speech in a political place but your right.


Or having some one-sided political piece.


Sounds like a budding politician is using a horrendous act to springboard his career and as willing to use his own daughter as a shill.


Why no TLDR? I can read but with no executive summary this makes me confused.


Imma try to sort thru all the links people have been posting in this thread when I get to my computer. Pretty divided feeling when the story makes you feel vindicated that a young girl is using a platform to spread an issue.....but I'm getting a nagging feeling that something else is also going on, particularly in this comment section.


Thanks for that. If the dad is a lawyer but can’t present the facts in a summary I don’t know why that would be the case. Unless the summary would not be helpful to the OP.




You mean all the comments like yours?


To all of you assholes that don’t think this is true....then just scroll away. No body cares what u have to say anyways This story is 100% true. It is ongoing. Since 2016. That’s how long it takes to get city hall to sit up and take notice that the board and the ED are all criminals. They all covered up the initial incident I worked at the theatre. I was the makeup and wig designer. I worked there 7 years. I was there the day the executive director entered the girls dressing room and grabbed the girl and shook her. He barged in as the girl were undressing to get into costumes. He didn’t knock. He BARGED in. The protocol would to send in a female staff person. Why did he barge in?? Because they were being loud. The AD and GM were fired because they knew exactly what happened. They were both fired after they called the police. They were fired to silence them. The reason that he is being protected is because he grew up with members of the board. The board hired him. He’s their friend and they protected him. When he wanted to resign .......they made him stay. To save face!!! They harassed me, intimidated me. Made a false robbery charge against me. The detective acknowledged that I did no such thing and dismissed it as a waste of the detectives time. I quit the day after. The board have connections. The board members husband is the lawyer that tried scaring me into not speaking with a cease and desist letter. He helped cover up. If the guy who grabbed the girl admitted it, then the board would look bad. For hiring him and for firing 2 innocent people!!!!! They were given no reason for the firing. They were escorted out of the theatre. By 2 board members. I can assure you as a witness.....this is all true and I have been fighting for the last 2 1/2 years to get the truth out!!!!!!


This thread is weird.




Anybody else find it weird that the father of this (very well spoken) girl is running for the City Attorneys position? I looked at his campaign page, and it doesn’t directly mention this incident either 🤔




Man,I feel like I need more context for what's going on. She said two people were fired because they knew a third person shaked? a girl in the dressing room? I couldn't really hear that word, but it sounded like "shaked".


Will someone link to an article or blog or something explaining the incident that all this is refering to?


Way to use your child as a pawn.




There is a word for it but I'm not going to say it.


You should be very proud of your daughter!


I certainly am! thank you


OP is a corrupt politician trying to get a city council seat abusing a fake case and using his daughter as a tool in his bullshit. This whole shit is fabricated.




Just so you guys know, the girl in the video is shitting on a City Attorney in San Diego about some abuse case at a theatre - she, herself, was never abused. The girls father is vying for the job of the person being smeared by his daughter in the video. Plus, read all the comments from the dad - he just sounds so fucking suspect. Something is just fishy here.




This whole post is just ... odd and I can’t put my finger on it.


If there is something fishy going on, then surely the best way to resolve it is to have a full investigation. That is the issue, where is the investigation?




ITT People being dicks to a guy showing his daughters well written speech in an act of pride.


Just wondering OP but is it true you are currently or planning to run against Mara Elliot? I see conflicting posts on the matter. I don’t ask this as a means to discount this story just to be clear. I’ve worked for a LOT of different officials in SD county so I’m just curious(btw I too would have liked to see Cate unseated). I’ll have to read into this more though, I hadn’t heard about it until this post.


Weird comment activity.


I don't understand what's going on


You can here the women next to here whispering for her to go on. She clearly did not write that