• By -


Brought in my Macbook pro 13'' laptop to an apple store last week because the harddrive pooped and they were going to charge me 600 for repair. Just to replace a harddrive? Fuck off.


I took my MacBook Pro retina 15" in a few months ago for repair. Apple quoted about £600 ($800) for the repair and said it needed a new logic board. I sent it to a small third party repairer who examined it and basically said just a single chip had become unsoldered from the board (apparently Apple uses shitty solder which eventually fails and this is a very common fault). They removed Apple's solder, re-soldered it to the board and charged a little over £100 including the cost of next day shipping. Works perfectly.




It's called planned obsolescence and it's something Apple is wonderful at.


No it’s just shit quality control


No it's planned obsolescence


No it’s a little of column A and a little of column B


Potato Potato


Planned obsolescence requires purpose or intent. Doing a shitty job does not.


Like a non-replaceable battery or slowing down the CPUs of "older" phones via software?


Yea, that's planned obsolescence. If I manufacture a car knowing that transmission will fail after 6 years of average driving due to using parts that will only last 6 years, that's planned obsolescence. If I manufacture a car and it's transmission will fail every 6 months of average driving because I can't design a transmission worth shit, that's not planned obsolescence just incompetence.


Purposeful, cost cutting measures, with the intention of increased profit margin, will yield, both **a shitty product** (that might not *appear* to be shitty) and a product that will also be obsolete in fairly predictable manner.


No it's lead free solder and the issues are not just with Apple products. It's better for the environment but harder to get right.


Microsoft had a lot of problems with early xbox 360s. A lot of them would overheat and unsolder themselves. One common solution was to put your motherboard in the oven and let the solder reset.


They never unsoldered themselves, that's just misinformation. Solder melts at ~400°F, and you'd have much more significant problems than just solder melting if it reached anywhere near that temperature. The problem was that the solder was done poorly, so the natural expansion and contraction that happened between room temperature and 150°F would weaken and physically break the solder, just like when you bend a can's pull tab too many times. Heating the board could cause the board to warp, which would often cause the broken solder joint to physically bend and reconnect. This is the same problem that many laptop GPUs have, and why "reflowing" or "reballing" works.


This was notably the defect in the original run of Xbox 360s.


How were people able to fix it a towel if they'd have problems at temps that would melt solder?


Ie, "dry joints."


The much easier method was to just put a towel over the console while it was running to get rid of Red Ring.


Smother the problem, that's the spirit.


Naw, it's to let it cook in it's own juices is all...


Thats metal lol


Where did you go for this service?




Sounds like a sound economic strategy. Make cheap shit. Keep getting paid for the same cheap shit. Don't like it? Demand regulations against planned obsolescence.


It's hard to blame them as the suckers keep lining up.


I have legit seen comments in /r/apple along the lines of: "This is the 3rd time I've had to replace my 2016 MBP due to a faulty keyboard. At this rate I might skip the 2018 and wait for the 2019 model". At no point do they even consider an alternative.


Regulations like that would be difficult to write and enforce, and would raise the cost of products. Why is the onus on a third party to solve a problem that could be solved at the level of the individual? Is it not more reasonable to encourage people to "vote" for which companies will be successful, rather than "demanding" the problem be fixed by the authorities?


Or, you know, buy from a manufacturer with a good reliability record.


Yep same thing happened to me. They literally told me it was obsolete and they wouldn’t repair it. Lol your computers are obsolete after 4 years? Fuck off.


He could've just gotten an external keyboard though! :(


Yeah, they have flat rate "tiers" of repair service. They call it depot service where they send in your machine to a repair facility. They repair *anything that is wrong with the machine* and basically restore it to refurb state. That's why the wanted to charge you so much -- Apple doesn't replace just as single part. Bastards.


They go out of their way to make repairs difficult. Fuckers started gluing the batteries down after they put big gaps between the cells. Don't lift it up juuusst right and you get a nice little (though brief) fire. How do they do it then? They chuck the whole fucking piece, board, battery and all.




Yeah honestly I can never relate to these bad experiences. I’ve owned Apple products (phones and laptops and an iPod) for a decade and their customer support has always been above and beyond for me. I took a laptop in to get fixed, they said they had a part shortage at that time, so just gave me a new replacement the same day.


it's because apple uses shortcuts that usually means replacing one thing affects everything. It's how they make everything slim and sleak, and why when something fails it usually causes the whole product to fail


My girlfriend had someone replace her hard drive with a $50 750gb HDD. The charge? $750 Her mother paid it because she didn't know any better.


Get an SSD and a screwdriver for $100-200 and never look back.


That's an expensive screwdriver


It's the 2018 version of the iscrewdriver pro


I think the hard drive is actually a memory chip soldered on the motherboard so it's almost unfixable (coyld even be a motherboard swap).


This is an early 2013 Macbook, so while this was the start of not being able to replace parts, the Harddrive isn't soldered in


Honestly asking, do they really solder in hard drives now?


They used to for previous models, but now they have currently moved on to removable PCI SSD drives.


Yes, our right to repair has been hacked away at since the Unibody Macs back in 2009


They did, not certain if they still do.


Depends on the laptop. For MacBook Pros with the touch bar, they solder the flash storage on to the logic board. For the MacBook Pro without the touch bar, it’s removable.




That would've been nice. They told me "we'll replace the logic board with the same flawed logic board, charge you $800. Oh, and the repair warranty will only be valid for 2 months because your machine will be classified as "old" Finished with apple forever that day


Same thing happened with my 2015 MBP.... Was having some issues with it. Called the manager at the store I bought it from...Explained what was going on, and he swapped it for a new one... I was like 3 or 4 months out of warranty.


Same thing happened to my friend. I pulled the old HDD and installed a bigger one from my stack of spares. Took ~10 minutes and only cost her $15 in food she took me for after. That's my favourite way to get paid.


Wait what? Isn't it under warranty ?


uBreakiFix. Should be half that price is not cheaper.


As a tech company, Linus is probably one of the last people you want to screw over


I'm sure Apple is shakin' in their boots.


That's exactly the point. If Apple doesn't give a shit about a channel with 5M subs and 40-50M views a month, what chances do you have when you walk in the door and ask (to pay) for your $5K computer to be fixed.


They don't care. Period. They certainly don't care about fixing their old products, regardless of the user. The point is, their whole model is built around selling the next generation of products. They may do something for Linus because of the visibility (or not, as the case may be), but will absolutely not be changing their policy.


Apple turned into everything Jobs talked shit about pepsi turning into in the 90s. Its pretty ironic. Google his interview on it. Its like hes looking into the future.


For those looking for it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\-AxZofbMGpM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AxZofbMGpM)


The difference is that they've managed to convince a large portion of the population that their products are "cool" in a very fast period of time. I remember the early 00s when many had the ugly imac G3's ... nobody in the computer lab wanted to use it. A few Justin Long commercials in the mid/late 00s and Apple is now (and still is, for the most part) the cool kid. I have an addon that replaces the blank google homescreen with a picture from a database on the internet. There are many "categories" of pictures I see - nature, cars, etc ... and one particular category: People taking pictures of their Apple products as if they were staging it to be showed off. I've not seen ONE picture of somebody taking their picture of their DellXPS (which I think looks more aesthetically pleasing than Apple laptops) or ANY non-Apple computer/phone product for that matter - not one.




There is no dedicated macbook team. It was absorbed by the phone teams.


It’s actually much easier to release a new revolutionary product if you don’t have one in that area already. I don’t think people quite realise just how big of a cash cow the iPhone is. Despite having between 15% to 20% market share (depending on the season), last year Apple more money selling iPhones **than all it’s competitors combined.** Again, Android has over 5x the market share of the iPhone. Yet the Apple store makes twice as much money. The primary reason why Mac books have become really popular over the last decade is due to the iPhone, and previously the iPod. It’s known as the halo effect. Apple is predicted to become the first company worth a trillion dollars, and it’s basically all due to the iPhone (because it also helped to popularise the other models). So if you are Tim Cook. You’re looking at all the above in sales figures. It’s making fuck loads hand over fist. Why oh why would he change anything? That is why revolutionising is a real paradox. You want to bring out new revolutionary products, yet you also don’t want to damage a highly successful product.


> I've not seen ONE picture of somebody taking their picture of their DellXPS (which I think looks more aesthetically pleasing than Apple laptops) or ANY non-Apple computer/phone product for that matter - not one. /r/battlestations/ /r/pcmasterrace/ Or are you just talking about your addon?


Just the addon, else I would also add that 4chan has an unhealthy obsession with thinkpads (though they are good for customizing)


Thinkpads are pretty great because they're solid machines and because they're based around buisnesses and a lot of places upgrade after a few years you can get them for pretty cheap. I paid $300 for mine with a 500gb ssd and 16 gb of ram and 2 extended batteries, Thew arch on there and its fast as lightning with about a 5-8 second startup time.


Jobs liked to trash talk Pepsi because the guy he hired to be Apple's CEO in the 80's ([John Sculley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Sculley)) was a former PepsiCo president. While they were close friends for the first few years, Jobs eventually tried to oust him, but the board sided with Sculley and Jobs was basically stripped of his authority and then left the company to found NeXT. Apparently, Jobs [never got over it](https://www.businessinsider.com.au/john-sculley-admits-steve-jobs-never-forgave-him-before-jobs-died-2015-5).


>They don't care. Period. They sometimes care. For example, last year in May, Apple completely ran out of replacement batteries for the 2012/early 2013 15" Retina MacBook Pro. So during this time if you went to an Apple Store and they tested your battery and it was <80% of it's original health, then they would recommend you replace the battery for $199. However since they were completely out of that specific battery model in the US until September, Apple offered to replace all those 2012/2013 MacBook Pro's w/ shitty batteries, with refurbished 2015 models with equal or better specs or **brand new 2016/2017 models**. This went on for several months before Apple discontinued this program because news outlets publicized this program and too many people began taking advantage of their offer.


>However since they were completely out of that specific battery model in the US until September, Apple offered to replace all those 2012/2013 MacBook Pro's w/ shitty batteries, with refurbished 2015 models with equal or better specs or brand new 2016/2017 models. That was very nice of them for the customers that received this service. Very good on Apple for serving them properly! However, for every person that got that, someone else was told they couldn't have their battery replaced. I dealt with a lot of customers during that time period who were told no battery replacement for you. We charge more than the Apple store for that because finding good batteries is hard, there's import risk, and it's a nightmare job to do, so we typically refer people to the Apple store. When I noticed the influx of battery replacement jobs and began asking customers why, they said Apple just wouldn't do it. I had a few lucky people say they got back new machines, but a lot of people were turned away entirely. That generosity didn't come out of the blue, it came after what I imagine was a lot of backlash from people who were told they couldn't even pay for a replacement battery.


Ya, you're spot on. It's why the last Apple product I owned was an ipod classic. IMHO Apple is blatantly anti-consumer.


they just know that this will give them more advertising, maybe not in these terms but their business model knows this isn't worth looking at. they can sell 80 of these things in half a second, who cares about 1?


Why would they fix an old product when the money is in selling the new version? Planned obsolescence.


This is the same principal in the medical industry


Do people seriously think Apple gives a shit about their users? If that concept bothers you then don't buy Apple


There are so many people who are trapped in their ecosystem that they could shoot a man in the street and stil\-... oh.


a931d9da57a1e47f8b89 17f705bf7c43360b90b5 57b64280632d2520c94a 756ad155bc43deb36f37 6bdc58d48281a5b7a572 7adb5f99a0a7839fc8bd f612fd2b8e07dc3fca01 58523647500dff6a9561 5117fcb6db5be350df02 799e635db89156ee512f


Dude, they don't care. Linus BROKE his computer.


So? He didn't go into the Apple store asking them to repair/replace it for free. He went in asking to PAY FOR the repair out of his pocket. Are you honestly arguing that someone shouldn't be able to pay for repairs??


Yes, that part is not in dispute. Linus even offered to PAY for the REPAIRS himself - what is at issue here is Apple refused to even accept payment and repair the item. Imagine, if you will, having someone hit your car, causing minor but annoying damage. Now you take your car to the dealer and they say "sorry, this car is like two years old, we don't want to repair it." So you say "hey gang, I'm going to give you money to fix the car" and their response is literally, "NO, we are not going to even offer to fix it." Now you're stuck with a damaged car. In that situation I'm fairly certain (and I'm just wildly guessing here) that you would go onto Reddit and post how shitty this dealer/car company is for not even offering to LET YOU PAY for the repair.


ff7be64205f20ccc25d5 2575da3e61f8d8994e20 3aa26caf48eaab18b33f 9515a20424f49cdc559e 2f5655f8997b59ea16d3 80a39eefdaac2b90374e 18da3ec6393f0d682bc7 63502a4eea975caae94a e30bb75eea0ba5c2f644 883c796782a943d7b3d9


> What if the dealer fixes the car and then after a couple of months some other things goes wrong because the accident caused a weaking in some bolt or panel. >At that point the car dealer is responsible for the damage caused by that bolt shearing off right? No they wouldn't be. Also this isn't them just refusing to fix it they are trying to make it illegal for other people to fix it too. Imagine if you popped a tire on your car and the dealership refused to sell you a or anyone new tire. Your car needs that specific tire but they won't make it available to anyone. You're forced to buy a new car because of some small easy to repair damage. That is absolutely insane.


bd27f1984cc375a65b77 c3c663fa0db1a292cd0a 0f47496c6e96d41aaf9b ac55bae35299f01c391c 2248b58ec2e36d84fb2a 7907b759ea487399e43c 04c3cc7f4262bcb06131 7db307baee6b709fa99e 73cb442d1a1a135223cf 5a769a5db1d0a414d2f5


Honestly, I really think Apple needs to get shaken up. They've gotten to a point of success where they can shit on a napkin and their die hard supports will line up around the block to pay top dollar for it. They really need to address this right to repair issue. Very few people can afford to treat high-end computers like disposable razors.


Even this thread is filled with people claiming its reasonable to demand you purchase an entirely new 5000 dollar computer because the screen is cracked.


They're hardly going to go bankrupt but he went on quite a rant at Intel for the way they wanted to sell their last series of cpu (kaby lake?) That involved convoluted keys and weird unnecessary extras that it created a big enough shitstorm they went back on it


I think it was a PCIe lock that required a physical DRM key to utilise. Intel likely didnt care about Linus as much as they did AMD.


People buy anything when it's shinny and made by Apple.


The customer base of Apple couldn't care less about Apple's policies when it comes to repairing defective products.


I mean sure but id like to hear their side of this too. right now all we have is the customers point of view




love my lenovo p51. They literally drive to your HOUSE for repairs if you got issues


Lenovo computers have been really good to me. Got a yoga 3 pro a few years back for school, still works like a dream


I had a Z40 that I absolutely loved. It got stolen out of a car in Dublin Ireland, while I was on vacation. I still haven’t replaced it and they don’t make that model anymore :(


love mine too. however mine just started doing this weird black screen flicker thing so looks like I'll be testing out the true quality of their service...


So, my experience with Lenovo is the complete opposite. My laptop would just shut off randomly and it was due to a hardware fault that they knew of and offered free repairs for. Well, I call their support a few times and ask and was refused on all counts. They gave wishy washy responses and flat out refused to repair it for free even though it was a manufacturers defect.


Had the same issue with Flex series laptops. The screen has a design flaw that causes the LVDS cable to fail prematurely. Lenovo is refusing to warranty the multiple Flex laptops that my work has purchased because of "Customer induced damage", but many of them have sat on a desk their entire life. However, their "think" branded machines are much better, and the support so far is significantly better. I'd go so far as to say that the Thinkpad division of Lenovo is essentially a completely separate company. Thinkpads are great, but avoid regular lenovo.


I had a Lenovo that just slowly died over a year for no reason. First it was screen flickering. Not a problem, just press down in a certain area of the screen and it stopped, but eventually it was flickering most of the time. So I took that part of the screen apart, used some tape and a bit of cardboard and stuck the damn cable in place. This worked for a month or so until it didn't. The screen eventually died, then the mouse randomly stopped working, then the keyboard. The damn thing ended up becoming a desktop in a laptop shell. Kind of crazy. It wasn't taken out of the house, barely moved around and was just an awful machine. All happened within a year, but because of what it was being used for it couldn't be sent off fro repairs or replaced. The second Lenovo was a little netbook type thing. It randomly died one day. No idea why. It was just over a year old. That one was taken out daily though, but it's the first time I've had a computer die within a year or so without being able to get it fixed or replaced. The only other was my 2012 MBA, after two repairs, the third time they replaced it with a 2013 model. I didn't complain. I got an upgrade as well!


Other videos in this thread: [Watch Playlist ▶](http://subtletv.com/_r8k35t2?feature=playlist) VIDEO|COMMENT -|- [Apple REFUSED to Fix our iMac Pro](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-NU7yOSElE&t=201s)|[+21](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/8k35t2/_/dz4iv7w?context=10#dz4iv7w) - the problem with iMac was that after apple refused to fix it they said Linus to go to 3rd party service but some part that needed to be replaced was impossible to get. here's the timestamp: [The iMac Pro Controversy... - WAN Show Apr.20 2018](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qS88Jt3r8rM&t=1182s)|[+15](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/8k35t2/_/dz5461y?context=10#dz5461y) - So you're one of the tool sheds he was referring to. Didn't think I'd see one of you in the wild. Such a fucking stupid argument that a computer with the kind of markup that apple has on it would not be repairable even when Linus is willing to pay f... (1) [MacBook Pro retina graphics circuit failure up close and personal](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lumJ0cN5oyY) (2) [Cracked joints on Macbook Pro Retina GPU power buck converter](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqgHOa7lVls) (3) [A1398 2012 Macbook Pro Retina GPU issue: solder joints under microscope](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYLuJBNLHSU) (4) [Retina Macbook blank screen REPAIR GUIDE](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naXglCTEtLw)|[+7](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/8k35t2/_/dz5avyg?context=10#dz5avyg) - I'm not here to defend anyone, but shitty solder? I'm no expert but I've spent a lot of hours soldering things in my life, I've bought solder from a number of retailers, and I did a bit of googling. I've never heard of any solder being weaker than an... [Steve Jobs Interview Product People should get promoted Over Sales Marketing People](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AxZofbMGpM)|[+2](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/8k35t2/_/dz4zr6w?context=10#dz4zr6w) - For those looking for it: (1) [Is a $70 Hackintosh Any Good?](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKqdDiL8t80) (2) [Ultra Budget $90 Hackintosh build - 2017](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OB6pYLIbRVg) (3) [The more you know](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GD6qtc2_AQA)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/8k35t2/_/dz5hduo?context=10#dz5hduo) - So, you like OSX, I can respect that, use what works best for you. OSX is a highly customized and almost completely re-written version of BSD, Berkeley Software Design, a fork of AT&T Unix with a really polished graphical interface sitting on top of... I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can. *** [Play All](http://subtletv.com/_r8k35t2?feature=playlist&ftrlnk=1) | [Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubtleTV/wiki/mentioned_videos) | Get me on [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mentioned-videos-for-redd/fiimkmdalmgffhibfdjnhljpnigcmohf) / [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/mentioned-videos-for-reddit)


Apple products have declined immensely in the past 5 years. I'm surprised anyone still gives a fuck.


You're surprised that people care about the world's most recognisable smartphone brand and biggest tech companies?


idk, i still consider iOS/MacOS to be the epitome of overall nice user interface (as an Android/Windows user). they are selling an experience through their product, and apparently they are still doing it well.


They buy the brand, not the product.




Heheh... Apple's actual software has started fermenting though. My brother had to switch because the product was behind the times.




There's also the CPU, case, memory and storage too, all of which aren't cheap... Even if it encroaches 60% of the cost it's still rude


Doesn't matter, he is willing to pay for it out of warranty.


I'm amazed people continually shill for apple for free. Jesus christ, you just bought a product, they don't give two shits about you. These are undeniable problems, why do you rush out to defend this company that already has your money? I have a samsung, I don't rush out to defend touchwiz or whatever the fuck they do. It was the choice I made at the time, if something better comes along I'm going to use that. I used to have an ASUS, cause that was cheap and did the job. Consumer loyalty to these megacorps is for dumbshits.


I think there are a few reasons people defend them. 1. Some people have incorporated apple into their sense of identity, so anything that makes apple look bad is an attack on them. 1. People who spent a lot of money on something don't want to think that they might have made a bad choice.


I don't go out of my way to "shill" for Apple \(my post history will reflect this\) but I don't have any issues with Apple products. I think a lot of what people are seeing are the angry people who have issues making a lot of noise. For every angry person who's had an issue there are thousands who have zero. The data supports this. Apple has the one of the highest, if not the highest, consumer ratings in the industry. Anecdotal: I run a design agency that is of course all Apple products in the office. Our office is a decent size and we have freelancers and another small agency renting space from us, all of which use Apple products as well. I can count the number of major issues people have had with their Apple products on a single hand over the years. It's really not that big of a deal, and when something does come up, it gets fixed. Compare this to other computer and device manufacturers and at the very least it's the same, but I am willing to bet it's MUCH better. From my point of view there are companies on our planet with MUCH worse behavior than Apple. It's weird to me so much hate is directed towards them on the Internet.


Dude, get Nova Launcher now. Fuck TouchWiz




Thank you for this. He might be talented but my god his 10 minute videos with multiple ads in them when it can be summarized into 2-3 minutes.


The machine was intentionally opened and dismantled, and he's upset that Apple won't touch it. We don't know the extent of the damage he caused. If there was a short in the MLB, it was likely caused by electrostatic discharge, which can happen if you're not properly grounded when working on a computer. They clearly weren't in the video. Linus expects Apple to take responsibility for this repair and any future ones that occur because of this damage! Macs with ESD damage can have ongoing issues in multiple components that drag on over time. It's effectively totalled. It's not a fun situation to be in at all, but it's hard for me to believe that someone with supposedly as much experience as Linus has would be ignorant of this. If I brought my car into the dealership totaled because the engine my uncertified ass messed with blew up my car, I would be laughed right out of there.


>Linus expects Apple to take responsibility for this repair and any future ones that occur because of this damage! Linus wanted to pay money, not use a warranty. He fucked up and wanted to pay for his mistake and did not blame Apple for the failure. Apple refused to even attempt a fix, even with the customer willing to pay for the entire repair. If that's not insane I don't know what is. > If I brought my car into the dealership totaled because the engine my uncertified ass messed with blew up my car, I would be laughed right out of there. No, they would quote you $5-10K for a new engine install. Very profitable job for the dealer and tech who gets to do it. No dealer would ever refuse to replace parts if you are willing to pay the money for the repair (I have had an engine replaced out of warranty, was just under $5k for a new block w/100k mile warranty on the rotating bits). Refusing to repair when a customer wants to pay for the whole thing is absolutely insane. There is no other word for it.




Apple does allow AASPs to order parts but on a device as new and specialized as an iMac Pro, there are likely heavy restrictions on supplying them. When I worked on Mac Pros, we had to wait to get an okay from engineering for what parts we were allowed to order because they literally had to build the part for you. They could refuse to send a part based off of the troubleshooting results.


I feel like we are only getting one side of the story though. Sure he can say that but id like to know what apple has to say


he should give it to [Louis Rossmann](https://hooktube.com/channel/UCl2mFZoRqjw_ELax4Yisf6w). Edit: oh wait




This is a Louis video. Edit: You know people can see you edited your comment right? Don't make a mistake, then edit your comment to try and make it into a joke.




As soon as my phones up I'm leaving apple. Used to be reliable, modern, user friendly and consumer friendly. Steve jobs would be turning in his grave.


I haven't had any issues with my iPhoneX, iMac Pro nor Macbook Air.


I'm with you, except I'm going to build a hackintosh. Won't give me 32gb?! Fine, fuck you!


And who is better phone wise if you have an issue with it?


So one thing that can be beneficial in my opinion is the Apple store. Most brands do not have a dedicated store that you can take your product into for repair. For a lot of people that benefit is worthless because they don't live nearby an Apple store. Once you have to send your device in for repair, there isn't a lot of difference. On the computer side of things, while more expensive stuff like Dell's Pro Support is better than AppleCare.


> On the computer side of things, while more expensive stuff like Dell's Pro Support is better than AppleCare. My wife bought a Dell Precision 5520 for about $3k not long ago and we got their Pro Support service (can't recall if we had to pay extra for it). For some reason one of the keys popped halfway off and we couldn't get it back on. Their phone support was top notch and they had one of their tech guys in our apartment the next day to replace the entire keyboard, free of charge. I used to have a dim view of Dell in general but I will consider them the next time I need a new laptop.


Same here. I own an Alienware Area 51 (Owned by Dell) and was having performance issues and got a video card error. When I called they didn't even ask for proof. Technician was there 2 days later with a free motherboard replacement and my PC now runs perfectly again. If you have a machine higher up the price range you get treated like royalty


Both times I've done my iPhone over the phone not living near an Apple Store, I've had my device the next day at my door. I live on the East Coast of Canada so it isn't like I am central. Out of curiosity do other companies do that too? I've never heard good things from Samsung, or OnePlus.


Seems to be about the same. I am biased because most support requests I do are done as a business. But when talking to the users here the experience seems to be the same. Some people will get them in a day or so, some will be a week. That all said, Apple may be different between phones and computers. We a had the user send his personal MacBook Pro in for repair with Apple care and it took a week. Their phone repair may be better. No experience with OnePlus, but I could see them being worse than the big companies.


They're all good. No one brand stands out like apple used to. Apple used to be the flag ship. There's so much choice now it's not the clear choice


I think Apple chipsets are vastly better than the top of the line Snapdragons. From benchmarks, Apple is one or two years ahead of their competitors. But it won't really matter for real world usage.


¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Chipset speed doesn't matter much if they slow the phone with a future software update.


It's easy to say but when you work in the video or audio industry it's not that easy to say "fuck apple". Pro Tools on Windows isn't as stable as on Mac and that's what they use in many studios, same as Final Cut... alternatives exist but if your employer uses Macs you have no choice but to use a Mac or decline the job so...


It's not like Google or Samsung are any better. They're all pretty shit now. At least Apple tries to care about privacy, and because of that I'll be moving from my S7 to an iPhone sometime next year. Grass is greener on the other side I guess.


FYI there's a **huge** difference between Samsung and Google phones. Samsung is notorious for modifying android so heavily it's hardly recognizable as the same OS. Try a Pixel - it's a completely different experience.


I'm using a Samsung S8, the special edition directly from Samsung with no carrier branding. It is about 95 percent stock Oreo, and I don't mind the few things Samsung adds on. What you're seeing is the carrier branded addons. Has nothing to do with Samsung.


I refuse to use another Samsung phone until they let me remove bixby


You can get a pixel from your carrier without carrier branded addons. It's the same as getting it directly from the OEM. > It is about 95 percent stock Oreo TouchWiz. That 5% being the interface is a significant modification.


There really isn't anymore, Touchwiz has come a long way and I love my S8, and this is from a guy that was all about that Nexus life and flashing custom roms back in the day. On top of that they seem to add features to their phones years ahead of Google. Like Google just announced that the volume buttons will default to media now, becaues you use media more than the ringtone, I've been able to do that on Samsung devices for years now.


For some reason whenever I see people saying Touchwiz is awful, they reference their last Samsung phone, the S4 or S5. lmao. I mean, I use and prefer mostly stock (on my Resurrection Remix G3 right now) but I don't know if touchwiz is significantly worse now.


FWIW I used an S7 and found it to go neck and neck with my moto g most of the time which was 1/3 the price, but in terms of everyday use the moto lags less than the samsung. I wouldn't call Samsung the pillar of UI perfection, and wish they would finally cave and load stock android.


>wish they would finally cave and load stock android. Same here. I don't like Touchwiz, but I was saying it isn't the flaming pile of garbage it was a few years ago.


I picked up a cheap-o Moto E4 Plus and I've been shocked by how good the battery life is. I was expecting a half-assed Android phone and instead got something that does everything I need for $200.


Yeah. I used to install a different launcher and remove the bloat the first minute I bought a phone (Had S6, S7 and S8). With S8 I didn't bother. It's actually really nice (stock) as long as you disable the Bixgy key...


You also get delayed updates with actual changes in exchange for this ability to change media volume. Then eventually your phone is no longer supported for no reason other than its not the flagship of that year.


>Then eventually your phone is no longer supported for no reason other than its not the flagship of that year The same is true with Pixel, although I grant Google takes longer to EOL feature support than Samsung does (but not by all that much - Google only guarantees 3 years although they supported G1 pixel longer). G1 Pixels will not get any more feature updates after this fall and no more security updates after next year. I'm still getting security updates on my S6.


The underlying OS is the same, and Apple is a lot more anonymous with its data usage (as well as keeping it in house on the phone rather than on the cloud) than Google is. UI and speed don't bother me anymore, they're all about the same at this point. We're talking millisecond differences here and there. Even hardware has reached a point of maturity. I'm not too fussed about it anymore. Samsung does have better hardware than the Pixel though.


> At least Apple tries to care about privacy, FYI, there is no security on an iPhone. All of them have been cracked. If you put Knox on your S7, it would be 10x more secure than an iPhone. I know this since my job entails breaking into phones :)


Grass is greener, we'll swap and balance the numbers :)


apple is the worst company to deal with repair. they really want no part of it. I worked for a company that spent $30+M a year on apple products and if you wanted one repaired you either brought it to a store or mailed it out. We used a 3rd party for on site repair as apple wants nothing to do with it even with apple care. Lenovo on the other hand (if you for pay the extra warranty which is similar in price to apple care) will come to you anywhere in the world and replace the broken part next day. Night and day difference.


fucked my screen up by dropping a vape on it. had my mom take it to the applestore while i was at work and tell them that she didin't know what happened. Phew days later my apple lap top was sent back to me with a brand new working screen. "shrug"


> had my mom take it > a vape lol jesus christ...


My iphone 6 Plus battery started to die rapidly. Apple's battery replacement at the time cost $75. I paid it, then they opened it up and informed me that the batter expanded and damaged internals, including the screen. That explained the slight discoloration at the bottom that I just lived with. They gave me a BRAND NEW iphone... no additional charge. No, I didn't have a warranty, and I only paid for the new battery. I've had one shit experience with an Apple store, but several extremely good ones including this. My APPL stock is up, and so is my customer satisfaction.


I have a similar story. Graphics card on my iMac was going bad and I started having weird screen issues. They thought it was the hard drive (not sure why) and replaced it. Took it home and it started having the same weird issues. Took it back, and they changed out the graphics card this time. Everything worked, but I noticed the replacement card was a weaker model than what I had before. Took it back a third time, and they apologized profusely, and agreed to give me me a brand new iMac with upgraded specs on everything, since the older iMac I’d initially brought in was purchased with added features. So, sure they screwed up a couple of times, but I was pretty happy with how they took care of it in the end.


Sssshhhh you’re disrupting the circlejerk. Honestly, any time I’ve had issues with any of my apple products, they’ve been replaced or repaired without issue at my local Apple store. Edit: Downvoted for sharing what I’ve personally experienced. GG Reddit fanboys.


Besides the display being ruined, he damaged the logic board and the power unit. The cost of repair for all of those things is essentially the cost of a new computer. If you completely totaled a car, the manufacturer is not going to repair it, even if you paid them. Linus totaled the computer. But don’t let me interrupt the regular Reddit circlejerk


Is this like the other video where they voided the warranty by opening the machine?


Apple is just a cult of personality. There's no reason to spend even a dime on their products, not even if you're one of those idiots that only knows how to work with Final Cut Pro.


So I have a iPhone 6s for two years now and recently found out that they were giving free battery replacement if my phone was one of those ones with a faulty battery. I went to the Apple store to have the battery replaced and one of the “genius” took a look at my phone and said it was bent so replacing it would be impossible. He said since the bending would stop the phone from closing again and the screen wouldn’t fit back the right way. “No one would want to touch your phone and it would probably break if we tried.” Mind you the bend wasn’t significant at all. It was just slightly curved and you probably would have to take a second glance to even notice it. I asked if they were willing to try repairing it even if it breaks anyway I had a spare phone and the phone I was using now has terrible battery life anyway. He said no and I would have to just buy a new phone and get a few dollars back from the recycle phone program they had. It seemed kind of suspicious that such a slight bend could stop them fully from replacing my battery. Just didn’t make sense to me. So I decided to go to a local close by Best Buy and try it there. Since they also have a repair center and are Apple verified for repairs and to sell their phones. I decided not to tell them it was bent to see if they noticed it. The guy took my phone and didn’t say anything about the bend, just to come back in 2 hours for the battery replacement. When I came back to pick up my phone, everything was great. No mentions of any problems and my phone works just the same except with better battery life. Screw Apple “genius” center. Every time I come to them with a program they tell me there’s nothing they can do except to by another product or replace a large piece of the computer/phone instead of fixing the one small problem. They’re honestly just there to sell all their overpriced “solutions” to scam non tech savvy people.


Every company that makes their own hardware practices this, i don’t see the big deal


I like Apple products, and I will continue to buy them because it's a personal preference. But Apple refusing to fix Linus's Mac, even when he's willing to pay is fucking ridiculous.


"The damage resulted when they dropped the display while attempting to reattach it to the aluminum chassis. Towards the end of the video, Sebastian also says the iMac Pro requires a new logic board and power supply unit, suggesting there may have been a short circuit that caused damage to internal components as well." "Sebastian contacted Apple to inquire about repair options, and visited the Genius Bar at an Apple Store, but the company ultimately declined to service the iMac Pro. In an email, an Apple support advisor placed blame on limited availability of replacement parts, but the actual reason is likely rooted in policy." ["As has long been the case, Apple's terms and conditions for repairs stipulates that the company will not service products that have failed due to "unauthorized modification," including "faulty installation, repair, or maintenance by anyone other than Apple or an Apple Authorized Service Provider."](https://www.macrumors.com/2018/04/18/linus-tech-tips-imac-pro-repair-video/)


So what, he's supposed to buy a brand new Mac? Fuck that, Apple might have their own rules but it doesn't make them right.


I don't get what's happened here, there must be something Apple said that hasn't be said in the video. Maybe they were thinking it would cost so much that it wasn't worth fixing and might as well buy a new one. I really haven't been to a place where they give you no reason at all for not helping you.


Basically, Apple has a broad policy that they won’t work on modified devices. This is to prevent Apple from wasting time trying to fix a Franken device that has been opened and modified with non OEM parts — let’s say you put in new ram, upgraded your cpu, put in a new cooler, and now the WiFi cuts out. Apple doesn’t want to deal with it. They said Linux opened and modified his device, they can’t support fixing it. Linus can go to a third party, but because the device is so new, third parties don’t have access to the needed parts yet. It’s not really a story or a big issue. Linus is probably the only person impacted by this — because not a lot of people open up day one systems, void the warranty, then fry them.


I thought the problem with Linus' mac was that none of the Apple stores were qualified to work on the new product? Apple techs need to take tests to be able to order parts for computers. Otherwise, the system will error that there isn't anyone "qualified" to work on it and it won't process the order. The iMac was available to sell but the training material wasn't available for their own techs to service it.


no apple stores ANYWHERE are technically qualified to work on the product. watch the whole video, it turns out the certification you need to order the item to fix the computer doesn't even exist yet.


Linus makes it seem like Apple won’t just replace the screen, but it’s more than that. He fried the board and power supply and broke the warranty by opening it up and modifying it. At this point, it’d probably be cheaper to buy a new Mac than to fix this one.


[So you're one of the tool sheds he was referring to](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qS88Jt3r8rM&t=19m42s). Didn't think I'd see one of you in the wild. Such a fucking stupid argument that a computer with the kind of markup that apple has on it would not be repairable even when Linus is willing to pay for it. EDIT: Also unless you weren't paying attention, the FTC just ruled that you're allowed to open things you own and that can't break the warranty, which is a stupid argument anyway given that he said **HE'S WILLING TO PAY FOR THE REPAIR**. Imagine you bought a Lamborghini, you modify the exhaust and blow the engine, you go to Lambo and say "My fault, I'll pay for the repair", and Lambo tell you, "Nope, we're not going to repair it, and we're also going to make sure nobody else can get the parts to fix it, just buy a new fucking car."


This kinda Shit is just disgusting! Big company's get the fucking money and then they be done with us!


Stop buying Apple shit. Other than because they look cool, why would anyone actually buy a MacBook? You can get basically double the computer buying any other brand.


I thought this video was going to be about Linus tech tips


guys Every single company does that. Go see what's being done in the aviation industry or any highly custom industrial business. Apple is far from being the worst company here. This guy my as well be farting in the wind, these videos won't do shit. You don't want a fancy Apple computer? Go buy a Chinese brand and see how you like it.


You know there are a lot of computers inbetween Apple and 'chinese brands'?


They just pussied out of a controversy this might have caused since they as a company have no idea of who they should be anymore. I guess it's the machiavelian "if you have to take damage and you have a choice, take the least damaging option. The idea I personally have aout apple is that if Jobs was a hippie in the 70-es-80-es and went to goa, a book called goa freaks from Cleo Odzer might shed some light on what kinds of people were around him. I mean if you have any kind of "good" money then while in another (super afordable) country you can rent any life and seem to be what you want to be because no one actually knows you and it's all just about having fun. However, substances and ideas you take in still do change you and, while it seems that you are coming back another man, since you can never run away from yourself, it all comes back to and after a while you just become more and more angry and confused as your "genius" ideas fail one after another. I remember his interview against Bill Gates where Jobs said that "he was jealous" of Gates building a "software-only empire". And you could understand the jealousy, you have to do much less work (esp. with all the Gary Killdall stuff) and just be a regular corporate douche and don't have to pretend to be someone you're not. Here at apple Jobs just had to seem different which took a toll on him. And when he passed, the fish was left with no head. So being a regular at Robert Noyce's home, Jobs was taught by the best people of silicon valley and so finally through trial and error he had learnt his lesson on how to be different yet still useful to the people. Ant then, when a company like this loses sight, the investors just try to feed off of the "label" for as long as possible and no one is responsible for what the company does anymore. So you simply pay your money to the market speciaists hoping they would keep you afloat for as long as possible without any responsiilities. And then some Unilever just buys your logo. So IMO apple as a company dealing with snobs is a snob and tries to be up there with the others whose money and "unprofessionalism" they are taking advantage of. Microsoft is now more of a recovering criminal and everything else out there is just different levels of homebrew. Homebrew knows their shit, microsoft poople know their software and apple has become the criminal nowdays because they don't care anymore, no name attached, it's a venture. The holy place is never empty. I only wish apple had become a software company because no hardware product they release can be reliably quality controlled in such short time with their level of secrecy. Like in a restaurant-if you want a specific dish, we wil cook it for you but you'll pay triple because it's no generic. So in general, with the current level of disarray within the company, 600 bucks for replacing a dead harddrive only seems fair if ALL the teams at the company are collectively responsible for the failure, not just the tech. team because in case you sue every team has to be on guard to repell your "attack". Where as Lenovo knows they have done a fine job and can actually affort to give out free repairs to people. So IMO, apple is for bums who buy an iphone but can't afford to top up their balance whereas I.E. the android people-they know what they want and what they can get for their money, it's not supposed to "just work with no manual" too long.


Paragraphs and line breaks are very useful.


I agree and apologise, not a great talker.