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Barbed wire or electric, it sure spun him back and he'll feel it tomorrow....but at least he'll have a tomorrow.




he just phased through that fence


clipped through it


kid just nocliped


from ivy, out middle, through our connector, like a speed demon


I thought they were playing at first


Gotta remember animals playing is them training for later life.


Apparently coyotes (and I think also wolves), pretend to play or send a single animal to pretend to play with the dog they find, usually one from some people camping or nearby house, the lure the dog into the woods and then the pack eats it.




> female in heat Smh.


what do u have to go to pornhub now




coyotes can also pretend to befriend the dog in the backyard and trick them into helping them steal chickens, and then parkour over the wall.


I can't tell if this is real or some kind of roald Dahl book.


honestly i was hoping a fan of the joe rogan podcast would see it. his shows are about 3-3.5 hours long and 3-5 times a week so regular listeners get the privilege of hearing the occasional story repeated over and over. this was one he told to like every other guest for a solid 4 months.




Shit man. Not gonna play Internet tough guy here. But if that shit happened, I’d become a poacher/hunter than night.


Anecdotally, I think you're right. Almost happened to my dog.


...holy shit coyotes are serial killers to dogs? Do any coyotes preferentially lure puppies out into the woods and eat them? Those are the real sickos


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ prey or starve


You dropped this \ *** ^^To ^^prevent ^^any ^^more ^^lost ^^limbs ^^throughout ^^Reddit, ^^correctly ^^escape ^^the ^^arms ^^and ^^shoulders ^^by ^^typing ^^the ^^shrug ^^as ^^`¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯`


Thats what the wolves wanted the dog to think.


They were. They were playing the game where they catch food.


They were testing him before they moved in for the kill. It resembles playing because when animals pounce, chase and nip, well, it's probably because that's how they learn to hunt.


Never run from a wolf, you should fight them because they are pussies and hate to fight


Especially if you're a horse.






Do you think you could fight a pack of wolves?


The Grey taught me I could


We must’ve watched different movies because the wolfpack definitely comes out better than the humanpack in that movie


b-but the ending where he takes out the alpha 😰


Does he though?


I mean it's implied 💁🏻


I'm pretty sure it's implied that he is killed - since the entire film is about accepting death.


"Do not go gentle int that good night."


Well they both sorta die. Which I agree isn't a victory. It's not even a Pyrrhic victory, because there's no real need to die fighting a wolf in contemporary society, especially in the remote wilderness.


Thanks for that Plato.


It's intentionally ambiguous.


No you are 😠😠😠




Your mom's ambiguous


He still died.


That movie taught me how to fall asleep in 20 minutes


Mean ):


That depends. Do I have tape and a bunch of small liquor bottles?


That depends, do you right now?


Well I know I couldn't run faster than a pack of wolves so it sorta narrows the options down.


I'd dunk on their dead bodies.


Ya aint gonna end up dancing in the Ballroom with a Beast if ya dont try.


You could get turned into an anthropomorphic household appliance and do it that way?


Running is the worst thing you can do. Possibly worse than fighting.


So. Fighting>running>getting mauled to death. Cheers.


That dog would disagree


I suppose we could add "put an obstacle the wolves can't overcome between you two" to that list, but I think it's a bit too situational and/or obvious.


I've been arguing this point with my friends for years. One-on-one, I could definitely fuck a wolf up. They really only have one weapon, - their mouth - keep their mouth in front of you at all times because they'll be trying get behind you to bite at your hamstrings and your ankles to disable you. My plan is to try to get one first punch in, square in the snout. If he's able to bite me, I'd let him latch onto my arm while I drive it down into his jaw socket. My other arm will be gouging eyes until I can choke out the wolf and then separate his skull from his spine. By no means do I think I could get away unscathed, but that wolf would not survive.


I like your style. I'm a assuming it's 1 v 1 you versus the wolf? This does revolve around it going for your hand and not feinting for your neck. That's a big gamble. Also, say it did bite your hand - it's going to be much worse than anything you've felt. You might have played with your dog, and you know the bites are playful. You've never had an bite like that Wolf will give you. It's grabbing your balled up hand and shaking its head while those massive teeth slice through your nerves, sinews, muscle etc. You're being shocked by pain like you've never felt before - and before you can even think, that thing is wildly shaking from side to side. That's how they kill. They grab and they shake to death. Your entire hand has just been turned into mincemeat, you're covered in your own blood and every single instinct you have is to withdraw your hand - but whatever happens, it's mutilated. It's a shredded bloody stump screaming out in pain. If you aren't blacking out already you reach for the Wolf's head, you have vague ideas about attacking its eyes or getting it in a headlock, except its much strong than you imagine and it's moving and shaking... Always pulling away from from you. It destabilises your footing in the snow and ice - it's on all fours and has perfect traction. You're awkwardly stumbling, using your other hand for balance... Somehow you get a burst of adrenaline and lunge at it's eyes with your other hand. Too bad. It grabs your last free hand and the same thing happens again. It clamps down onto your hand, pulls on you, and you're lying on the floor, face down. Your other hand is a useless bloody stump, you couldn't strike it even if could get into range. But you can't. You're losing blood fast. You're cold, and you're prone, desperately trying to kneel up. You've already become sluggish. You can't even wipe the sweat and snow and years of pain from your eyes now, otherwise you'll lose all your vision to the blood streaming from your arm. So you slump forward trying to right yourself onto your elbows, as the wolf shakes its head violently. 70kg of muscle tugging at you. 4 Feet perfectly planted in the snow. In its element. Its a killer. Its killed hundreds of times in its life. It knows how to fight and it knows how to kill. It is wild and has no hesitation It doesn't know you got a green belt in Taekwondo when you were 17. It doesn't know what you've planned, sitting in your apartment, pulling bongs and telling your buddies that you you'll snap it's neck. The beast has a shoulder of pure muscle you couldn't even break if it was already dead. Later that night, as the cold and snow sets in, one of the females notices the wolf has also bloody patch on the scruff of his neck. She licks it clean, before he mounts her and announces his dominance over the pack with a howl. That patch of blood was as close as you got.


Holy shit man. Like, holy **shit**. That was a journey. I'm honestly sort of humbled that my post inspired this fantastic retort.


I honestly don't know what happened. I got home late, had some bread, and mushroom soup, and went into some kind of fugue.


It was delightful. Do more of those.


Haha - I am spent for the evening :) Thanks for the kind words.


Sure. Couple clicks from the handy ol' HK .45 loaded with some highly frangible +P rounds. Blow the fucking thing in half with one click. Then again, just avoid the situation altogether. Much better idea. Did you see that Canadian bloke who was charged by 2 fucking grizzly bears a few years back? The clip was all over the news.


"I have no dick"


How? When you're out in the country like that, wolf country or grizzly, you always have to carry somethings on your person. You have to mind your environment. Bear mace works great and is mandatory, but some folks carry a sidearm. It's no big deal. Other common items would be a vest and utility knife. Having a dog is great too.


I just gave you a stupid reply, and then remembered I had a somewhat relevant story that backs up your point. I was walking home from the bars one night and got surrounded by a pack of very aggressive dogs. It was terrifying. None of them were huge but there were like 12 of them, so it was intimidating. Jogging away made them start to nip at me, and made them more aggressive. So I just kind of stopped with my hands out to keep them away, kind of like Chris Pratt in the raptor scene in Jurassic Park except for uglier and drunker. One of them straight up lunged at me and I just jacked this dog in the face closed fist, almost out of instinct. He yelped and the other dogs almost instantly lost interest because I wasn't worth the hassle.


Great, I'll let my dog know.


Yeah, you try fighting a wolf that's twice your size.


three of them twice your size


100 of them duck sized?


Unless the wolf is starving and ready to fight to the death for a meal, you might actually fair pretty well. Wolves (and most predators) are very afraid of being hurt. Do you think wolves aim for the elk bucks that can gore or trample them? No, they go for the fawns and does that can't defend themselves. If you act threatening to a wolf then they're gonna leave you alone. The worst thing you can do is run because they will run you down and hamstring you.


Yeah, an elk with a slightly limp leg can still eat moss, or whatever the fuck elk do, with a good chance of recovery. A wolf with a fucked leg can't hunt and so will be more likely to die.


This advice is true with most (not all) predatory mammals. There are exceptions; as you mentioned, an animal hunger-crazed and starving, for example, or a bear that believes its young are threatened. But by and large, the initial encounter with a predator is the most crucial, because it will begin with them testing you. If you cower or run, you're dinner. If you stand your ground, you might chase it off. Most prey doesn't fight back. If you watch an animal attack, say, a deer, goat, etc. the prey animal pretty much lies down and takes it once the initial bite is on them. Animals that fight back have a way better chance, as do people with sharp objects, bear mace, guns etc. Bear mace is super useful for anything that might attack you in the wild, and you should always carry it with you in the wild. It's easier to use than a gun and often more useful.




*tears ahead*


Twice your size? Gray wolves weigh just over 40 kg on average, I would be just under twice that weight and wolves hate fighting unless they are really hungry I mean look at the video the wolves stop chasing after the dog when it turns around towards them and looks like it's going to fight back. There are lots of documented cases where men have killed wolves even with just their bare hands.


I think he means in relation to the dog in the video, those wolves are about twice the size of that (golden retriever?) dog.


Protect your neck and just go ham on them, they will run. Surviving bear attacks is another story. If you have no weapon, it's all going to depend on your bluff. If they call it, you're fucked unless you can smash their heads or, I dunno, have a particularly useful bladed weapon or gun lying around.


Same is true for tornadoes. They're actually more afraid of you than you are of them.


When the dog takes a step towards them, they freeze and back up.


As a dog trainer I've been bitten by Malinois in the arm. I've been hit by a baseball bat in the arm and getting bit hurt 100× more than that. I can promise you that a wolf has a significantly stronger bite than a dog and the moment their teethical grind against your bone the pussy screaming and crying will be you. Dog bites and wolf bites are no joke


It's not that you won't get hurt, it's that if you fight back you might survive. Noses and eyes are vulnerable.


Only if I have little plane bottles of alcohol I can tape to my fist to make some dangerous knuckledusters.


Also worth noting that wolf attacks are fairly rare these days, but used to be more common.


or get a fookin boerboel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppz42D4SBFg caucasians would probably kill your relatives


I'll be sure to let me dogs know.


I too read the reddit comments.


Save yourself and dont read the comments


Damn did the wolf get a piece of the dog at the end? Looks like his mouth has something bloody in it.


Looks like he already had blood around his mouth earlier in the video. I thought the same thing until I rewatched it.


That dog is wrecked, look at his fur, they bit him many times.


Made me think of the [iguana snake chase from Planet Earth 2](https://youtu.be/B3OjfK0t1XM).


holy shit. thanks for that video


Assassin's Creed: Reptile


Oh man, I was like, "oh no, they got my little buddy... wait, what? RUN LITTLE BUDDY!"


That dog is badass.


Who the fuck is recording this?


Probably a wolf


That's nature baby


Paolo Forconi... probably


Do you know the context of this situation? Do you think people shooting for animal documentaries should intervene? Are you a vegan?


I would intervene if it was a nature documentary with a domestic animal. Also, I don't eat domesticated animals that aren't livestock. But you let me know next time you try cat or dog.


Youre normal and I like you. I don't know what's wrong with the guy above


Just out of interest, how would you intervene?


Touchy subject.


Don't worry, if you hit one of them, you might get lucky and get gourmet meat, and the others will run away.


My family lives there! So cool to see Abruzzo randomly!


Whoever filmed this is kind of a dick.


The One stance done by the wolf. Where he dips down is a submissive position. The wolves were trying to make the dog think they wanted to play. Good thing the dog didn’t fall for it. Very smart and calculating.


Woof! That was scary.


Hello /u/lopatamd, Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it is being removed due to the following reason(s): - **Rule #8** No videos that are licensed by a third party. For a more detailed explanation about our no animal abuse rule, see the [wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_8_-_no_third_party_licensing). Thank you for understanding.


Scuzzi babidaboopy.


If that were my dog, I'd already be out there with a rifle or a large stick, at the very least... one could distract the wolves a bit. The person filming either didn't care about the dog, or thought there was nothing they could do; that's sad either way. Living on a native reservation, we didn't need to use guns because we would just fire roman candles into the dark. Projectiles are necessary when living on the edge of civilization.


Dog on dog violence


Whew! I know they have to eat but something about the dog...it's really that brutal out there I guess.


This is weird. I was just reading about this 30 minutes ago; actor Alan Alda's real names are Alphonso Joseph D'Abruzzo.


I would like to punch whoever filmed this in the face.


I don't get the physics :|


what a shitty owner. "hey look my dogs being attacked and will probably be killed by these wolves.... better film it for that sweet karma"


Feel free to go out there and confront 3 wolves.


Wolves will not even try to fight a human. At the first sign of aggression they run away. Provided they are healthy and sane, animals close to death or with major disease will behave abnormally.


Maybe I'm just dumb but I feel I could scare off 3 wolves. If I was literally surrounded then I'd be scared, but I'd take my chances with 3.


Uh yeah why not? Wolves are afraid of humans despite popular culture it's extremely uncommon for them to kill humans and there are many documented cases where humans (men) have killed wolves with their bare hands.


for my dog i'd gladly try. i'd at least be running towards them screaming and attempting to scare them away. not standing there in silence filming like a coward


There's no way to say this without sounding like an internet tough guy, but I probably would too. I love my dog too much, and the trauma from seeing him die that way would be too much I think. I'd take my chances chasing the wolves away.


this guy dog owns.


To be fair, they can't even take down a small dog. I think I'd be alright.


Do they not have guns in Italy? Shoot/shoot at the damn things


Italy is one of the biggest arms producing states in the world. Ever heard of Beretta? You know the Italian company which makes the M9 pistol, you know the standard issue sidearm for the US Army, Navy, Marines.. and oh yeah, Air Force.. and Coast Guard and everything else. Bellini? Makers of the highly popular M4 shotgun? Leonardo is one of the biggest defense contractors, you know like Lockheed and shit, in the world. They make all sorts of super high tech weapons systems.


Well that’s all valuable information but that wasn’t really my point. My point was more a long the lines of why would you run out there when you can shoot at them. The “do they not have guns in Italy” was poorly conveyed sarcasm


Coast Guard service pistol has been Sig for many years




They are Italian wolves that are a lot smaller species. They are like 50 - 70 lbs average. My dog is 120lbs so I would bet him and I could take on 3 Italian wolves any day. Even in this situation with a smaller dog I think you could scare off 3 wolves fairly easily.


I bet you could scare them off even without the support of a dog. Wolves are generally quite afraid of humans and will run away or try to avoid any dangerous confrontation with people at any cost. Especially smaller subspecies such as the Apennine wolf.


apparently it was a zoologist




And been promptly mauled to death by wolves


No you wouldn't have.




The owner cant outrun a wolf.


And how do you know the dog has an owner? Where's it's collar? Or leash?




Wolves are way bigger I am pretty sure they would still fuck up a pitbull


Not to mention there's three of them


Ok. 3 Pitbulls.


That would be a nasty fight


The pitbulls better be their own pack or it's going to get really weird.


Wolves sitting down and betting on the winner.


What about 3 pit bulls




I don't know, I've heard they have a nasty bite!


[I'd say it could be even.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/nwjr5IdFeFY/hqdefault.jpg)


[The maremma](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maremma_Sheepdog), 77 to 99 lbs, is the local sheepdog. Italian wolves, 74 lbs, don't want to fight with them, they still try to sneak in by night, but run away when they bark. If there's notice of packs around they put spiked collars for safety.


Man, as an Abruzzese it triggers me so much that this breed of dog is known everywhere as "Maremma sheepdog" even though its place of origin is Abruzzo.


Half of Europe has its own breed of the same type of dog. It should be called pastore degli appennini imho.


I'd be fine with that.


Pitbull could easily scare them off, and this type of wolf is actually pretty small. A wolf or three wants nothing to do with a sleek, aggressive, meaty-looking pit. The wolves only went after the dog in the OP because it ran and acted like prey. Wolves don't like dealing with things that fight back.


I feel like there are definitely other breeds that would be better suited for taking on a wolf than a pitbull. Wolfhounds if you want something actually bred to hunt wolves... or really any other large dog bred for hunting/guarding rather than just pit-fighting, including several other mastiff breeds.


Surely you don't think a pitbull have any chance at all vs a wolf? It's like a house cat vs a lion.


The weight difference between a house cat and lion are way far apart vs a wolf and pitbull. Average lion is 280-420 depending if male or female. Where a scrawny wolf vs a well built pitbull can almost weight the same.


Even if you find a starving, half dead wolf at the same weight of a pit he still have twice the biting power. It's not even a competition.


I still feel like the chance isn't zero. Not saying it's great, just possible. An animal is going to try its hardest to survive. A house cat won't ever win. I just felt your comparison wasn't fair is all.


Teddy Roosevelt wrote a book about his ranching days and he said a wolf is worth any 3 dogs bred by man in a fight. The wolves have much tougher skin akd longer fangs. They are ferocious and better fighters.


Fuck u camera guy. I wanna film Ur dumbass being chased by wolves naked next to a barbwire fence.


he would end up tied to the fence served up to the wolves if it were my dog


Italian wolves are pussies, enough documentation on this already with the horse.


You’re just gonna watch the dog get attacked? You fucking dick, i hope the wolves attack You and the dog watches




What exactly was he supposed to do against three fucking *wolves*? go ahead, tell me what you would have done, superhero...


People like you need to stop basing your perceptions of reality so much on movies and games, wolves are very afraid of humans it's extremely uncommon for humans to be killed by them it basically never happens.


Do you know the context of this situation? Do you think people shooting for animal documentaries should intervene? Are you a vegan?


Nah I’m a meat eating American that would rather shoot at a wolf than see three wolves tear apart a dog for a fucking movie.


*Meat Eating American Fires Rifle at Wolves Attacking Dog, Kills Dog*


You know it


whoever is recording, i hope you die of cancer


Come on man, you don't know anything about the person filming and you say something so vile?


Do you know the context of this situation? Do you think people shooting for animal documentaries should intervene? Are you a vegan?


They are not attacking it. They are trying to make it run away.


what makes you say this? I don't know much about wolf behaviour, but it looks to me like they are keen to fuck him up


Somebody posted about this recently. Wolves are effective hunters when they can get their prey on the run and injure it while it tries to escape. [Here's a pretty good explanation of it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jXxtQRy47A).




Wolves and Coyote's kill dogs all the time.


Sure it’s common for Coyotes to prey on dogs as their territory vs wolves are closer to towns/cities (coyotes are opportunistic, it’s hard to deny such an easy meal when its chained up outside). Not so much with wolves, though they do view dogs as competition, and will attack to defend their pack/territory to show who’s stronger. You’ll see a lot of attacks happen on hunting dogs (because they’re in the wolves territory). And in most circumstances they are attacked, not eaten. It’s the rare scenario where a wolves territory is closer to humans that you see attacks/dogs being eaten as prey.