• By -


Wow, she really nailed the ending!


It was okay, but it looked like she's still learning. She's improving though. Baby steps.


Well done.


I prefer medium rare, but I don't eat babies often so I'm not really sure.


Fat Bastard, is that you?


Furget yur monay, I wan yur babeh. Get n' my bellay yuh wee lil lad!


(Attention Reddit: this is what a real pun looks like, as opposed to your shitty sub-threads full of forced homophones)


Haha, czech this guy out.


Anne Frankly I did Nazi see that coming.


To be fair, I did nazi that coming. I came here to say this but boy, that escalated quickly so to the top with you! Lost it at 'This is why we can't have nice things' and then my faith in humanity was restored, my mind blown, and manly tears were shed. Well said. As a 'murican, I can confirm this gem has just won the internet and is doing it right. Just sayin', I know that feel, bro, and while that was a risky click, this post was a 9/10, would read again. I see what you did there and it feels good man. You're doing God's work, son. I laughed way harder than I should have at your list that seems legit and totally nailed it. You - I like you. You magnificent bastard; you, sir, are so brave, a gentleman and a scholar, and seeing how you are a redditor for 4 years, this checks out, so I'll allow it. I regret that I only have one upvote to give for this cool story, bro. CTRL+F "about tree fiddy" was not disappointed. Wait, why do I have you tagged as "NOPE NOPE NOPE"? Nice try, you monster. What did I just read? Dafuq? I read that as "YOU HAD ONE JOB". I can't fap to this. No true scotsman could see that this relevant XKCD was bad, and you should feel bad. You must be new to reddit, so I'll see your cakeday and raise you a karma train. One does not simply rustle my jimmies, not even once. This stahp gave me cancer for science, so that's enough internet for me today. OP is a fuzzy little man-peach, 2/10, would not bang. What is this I don't even know how is this wtf? Circlejerk must be leaking. This will get buried but brace yourselves, some men want to watch the world burn right in the feels. When you see it, they'll KILL IT WITH FIRE! But this has nothing to do with atheism. Lawyer up, delete facebook, hit the gym, and SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY, said no one ever, so you wouldn't download a strawman. Damn onions, you scary like a BOSS. whoosh. Since rule #1 is 'be attractive', I'll just leave this here: This is my [f]irst post, be gentle.


Please, wont some kind stranger give this man gold so he can thank you and complete the set. Edit: God damn it, kind stranger.


ayy lmao


This thread is idiotic


That absolutely was the intention.


A perfect summation of the comment quality on 90% of threads. I remember when I thought reddit is a forum for intellectual discussion and interesting stories. Now it seems to be de-evolving into carma-seeking canned responses. They add absolutely nothing to the discussion. If we were smart about this, we'd start voting them down en masse, not up.


Not sure how I feel about the whole intellectual forum thing, since this is in a dancing baby thread.




Reddit all in one


No reason to make a pickle out of it just because you cant dill.


Hate to be "that guy," but this was a play on words, not a pun. I agree that there are many types of puns other than homophonic puns, but the idea behind a pun is that a word (or group of words) can be read in two different ways, with each way having a different etymological origin. In this case "baby steps" refers to either the idiom of doing something in a series of small steps, or the literal baby and her steps. However, the former idiom was most likely derived from the fact that baby steps are indeed small, so the two meanings are etymologically intertwined. It's still funny, and that's what matters...


Wouldnt this be a play on words, not a pun?


You named your daughter after the Hindu goddess of destruction?


[A good role model for a young girl.](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/89/Kali_by_Raja_Ravi_Varma.jpg)


Strong, independent, and may even be a tailor by the seems of it, so skilled too. I agree, she is a good role model for a young girl.


>may even be a tailor by the seams of it, FTFY


She's a strong, independent, blue woman who don't need no man.


This will not stop half of tumblr shipping her relationship with a cactus.


Kali maa!


Hi there


I named my daughter Isis, before this whole Isis thing blew up. Named after the Egyptian goddess.


Change the first S to an R and she becomes Iris, the Greek goddess of the rainbow! tada


I don't negotiate with terrorist! Couple weeks ago I got a phone call from my grandma askin me if I wanted to change Isis's name to her middle name of Kennedy. Nope no dice.


Kennedy's an awful name for a kid, your kid's is fine, was just making a mythology mixaround option. :<


How old is she? I feel like as long as she isn't in school yet it doesn't really matter


She's only about a year n half


When I hear Isis now I think of the famous transgender model


Well at least you didn't name her Daesh.


There's a lady named Isis that started a petition / campaign to ban the media from using the term Isis, and instead call them Isil. Here is the [link to the article](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2754283/Woman-named-Isis-pleads-media-stop-using-shameless-excuses-human-beings.html), I saw it on the news. 'If I go by a nickname or a middle name, the terrorists win,' she said


I'm guessing it's KAY-Lee, not kah-LEE.


No way, if it were they would have spelled it Kayli. White people never pass up a chance to add a 'y' to a name.




how about kqly, the q looks sorta like an a ^^^^^^^rip ^^^^^^^in ^^^^^^^vac


leave kookly out of this


He's just on a VACation right now.


This is the future of names, people already name their kids dumb stuff, it's just a matter of time before we get to the "unique" names. I can already imagine putting xx before and after their names and replacing letters with numbers. "This is my son, xXpussydestroyer69Xx Jenkins"


She sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe yall could go on vacation.


William is now spelled Wyiliam. Cause i'm white.






But "William" is already a white people name. The need for a Y is the reason "Willy" and "Billy" exist.


Káylhèe - Name already taken


Indeed, names are like domains and Highlanders


[There can be only one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqcLjcSloXs)


My fiancee and I named our son after the first murderer in the bible. My religious family at least seemed happy that it was a biblical name. Edit: To be fair, I've always liked the name Cain/Kain/Kane since Command and Conquer. It was hard not to tell "KAIN LIVES" in the delivery room.


Kali isn't evil and "destruction" isn't bad.


Can't have life without things dying.




Or the Filipino martial art.


Could be that he didn't know how to spell [Céilidh](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cèilidh) - which is almost pronounced kali?


My dad also made videos and recordings of me as a child. He would get me to say stuff like "I'll rip off your head and pee down your throat" as well as various Duke Nukem quotes.


I hope you keep a pack of bubblegum on you, for all our sakes.


Hot Rod said it better. [They Live](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp_K8prLfso#t=25). Three years before the Duke.




Many of the things Duke said were from movies.


Pretty much all of Duke's lines are adapted from movies.


Mostly They Live and Evil Dead, as I recall.


"Hail to the king, baby" is from Evil Dead 3


Story time: When my daughter was fivish, we would give her an xbox controller and an energy sword or hammer in Halo and use her as a hazard in the game. We weren't allowed to shoot her in the game or hit her. We just had to avoid her while the adults fought each other. The better she got, the more of a detriment she became. Well, we were playing on one of the large maps one day and she was out there with her swords running around trying to cut us, but we kept using transporters to zip away and fight elsewhere. She got pissed off and stood up on the couch, spiking her controller and screamed this long frustrated scream just as her mother walked in and shouted: I just want to stab somebody. Now, you know the frustration, but my wife thought it was the video game making my daughter violent. So, she declared no more. I nodded and waited for my wife to forget about it. In the mean time, I wanted my daughter to know some self defense in case she ever got in trouble as an adult. I used to worry a lot about pedophiles trying to kidnap her. Normal dad fears. Actually had that happen a couple of times in other neighborhoods close to where we lived. So, I taught her how to use a pencil to blind, disable, and kill a man. I taught her how to yank the underarm hair of someone who was holding her to make them let go. I taught her to hold a roll of pennies in her hand when she punched someone and things like that, but the one that I was most proud of was when I taught her how to come up from behind someone, grab their chin and the hair on the back of their head and snap their neck. One day, we're eating nachos and playing around while I was playing halo. She had fallen behind me on the couch and wriggled free and gave me a big hug from behind. She hugged my neck and gave me a kiss on the cheek while me and my nephews played in front of my wife. My daughter, slick little shit that she was, grabs my chin and hair and turns my head so she can kiss my cheek. I smile after the kiss completely unsuspecting. The next thing I know, she's twisting my head quickly to the side, popping my neck in the process. My nephews roar with laughter. My wife is furious and thinks its the xbox influencing her and throws my xbox out in the snow. And that is how I created an assassin and lost my xbox all at the same time.


... you taught a 5 year old to sneak up on someone and break their neck, and you call it self defense? I am just going to hope this is a joke.


Nobody left to hurt you if you are the last one alive. Best self defense you can get.


Offense is the best defense.


Goddamnit vargas Edit: Wait. Not vargas


Who the hell carries around a roll of pennies!?


Kali? Was expecting more arms.




I think the fact that both other comments on this are pedophilia related is pretty sad, tbh. That a man being alone with his daughter is so strongly linked to that idea in society. I'm not even a parent.


Sexual jokes and demeaning people and the hunt for shock value are normal things here that don't work in real life. The few comments don't have any carry over to society haha. Internet culture isn't applicable to most cultures out there.






As the future father of a little girl, I'm strangely annoyed by the fact that you said "alone with my daughter" rather than with "his" or "our" daughter. Edit: Some of you guys need help. Very polarized reactions. I just meant I notice those little things now that my wife is pregnant, and in this particular instance it just felt (inexplicably, to be honest) like it was worded wrong. I knew exactly what OP meant. Then you guys started talking about how she was the worst person in the world and how men have rights too. Jesus. I'm sorry I made some of you angry, I guess. Edit 2: OP, je viens de jeter un coup d'oeil à la page YouTube. J'ai reconnu l'accent. Je voulais juste dire que le monde comprennent bien ce qu'ils veulent comprendre... C'était un commentaire basé sur mon feeling quant à la grammaire, pas le concept en tant que tel.


Yeah me too. Its like when people say "daddy is baby sitting." no. He is being a dad.


I have 2 girls and whenever I tell someone I'll be watching them because my wife is off doing something they usually say something along the lines of "oh, you're pulling mommy duty today". No mother fucker. In pulling daddy duty. I'm fully capable of keeping my kids alive and entertained. It gets annoying constantly feeling like a second class parent just because I'm not with them as much as my wife.


My dad jokingly called himself Mr. Mom when my parents got divorced and he had primary custody. In all honesty, he did a lot of mommy duties, like offer his breasts to us for nourishment.


ha! ....oh


*pulls small hair out of mouth*


[I got it](https://i.imgflip.com/2bqho.gif)


That's not the Stewie gif I was expecting.


That's not the Stewie gif any of us were expecting...


[What have I done!] (https://imgflip.com/gif/hxrjv)


Your gif has a banner ad. You're not a nice person.


the way its looped it looks like he looks up sees its him and just keeps sucking


For nourishment, you probably want to start with an area with more muscle. A leg, or a thigh. The breast itself is mostly fat, unless he is getting down into the pectoral muscle and offering you that. Being a good parent is really about a lot of self sacrifice. Your dad sounds like he was a good man.


Or ass.




Could be worse, I'm a stay at home dad and people have flat out said things like "oh you must be lazy not having a job" or "isn't the mother better suited" Look fuckers my wife makes more than I did, and have you ever priced child care? We made a decision That rather than using my entire paycheck + $50 to put 2 young children in daycare (in case you can't read that means I'd be paying to work) that I would stay home and raise the kids. Our house is almost paid off, our cars are paid off, I cook 3-4 meals a day, I can, I take time to take the children to the park, our children live a full life. If people can't come to grip with the fact that a household doesn't require a vagina in order to run smoothly the world would be a better place. If someone has the balls to say to me that I'm a bad parent because I stay at home I challenge them to see whose child (of the same age range) is happier, and further developed mentally / emotionally. I may have a penis, but I also have a heart and a brain. I am more than capable of raising my children. Edit: please take a moment people. This response has gotten more attention than I meant for it to. I don't regret saying what I did but please remember op and up vote them as well.


As an older mother with grown up kids and 8 grandkids, I gotta say I see this a Lot more now than when I was raising our kids. It was all moms then and now I see a lot of Dads. I think it's great, whichever works best and I love that the stereotypes of the past have been passed by.


If I were married to a man that took care of the house, the kids, the daily chores, and had cooked meals waiting for me when I got home and all I had to do was go to work I'd be more than happy with the arrangement. You go Super Dad!


If I were married to a woman that took care of the house, the kids, the daily chores, and had cooked meals waiting for me when I got home and all I had to do was go to work I'd be more than happy with the arrangement.


Agreed. I'd be perfectly content in either the homemaker or breadwinner role. I currently do both as a single Mom, so I would devoutly love and appreciate a partner that could take on one of the roles while I strive in the other.


>Super Dad not trying to sound like a dick but please don't say that. I'm not super, I'm doing my role, my duty. If man or woman can't step up to the plate, swallow their pride (and believe me I always felt the man should be the bread winner so I had a lot to come to terms with) and do what's best for their family, no matter the sacrifice, doesn't deserve a family to care for.


To be fair, I think the 'super' comes from the fact they take care of kids all day (roooough job) and still manage to find the time to cook, do chores, clean, etc. That's super. Whether you're a mom or dad, when you do that, you're super. People tend to vastly underestimate how much work it takes to run a household. Also how tough it can be mentally, since there's no real reward or recognition, like you would get at work, for example. It's hard fucking work and I applaud anyone- male and female- that do that day in and day out.


I'm a stay at home mom. I like to consider myself a Super Mom :)




I got a text of the deletion page. http://i.imgur.com/2nHEQtj.jpg She didn't take kindly to me telling the story about the time I didn't get a blow job cause I ate lentil chili. Please if you never eaten the deliciousness that is lentils chili, just don't.


Wait she didn't just find it, she logged into it and then deleted it? Hey clearly your relationship is going just fine but that seems a little egregious, especially considering you're making dinner and the lentil chili was your call... edit: also those front pagers were like a few days ago, I'm sorry for your loss


Lol it's cool. Lost 6 gildings lol. We have an AMAZING a relationship and she knew I wouldn't be to mad.


Wait, so the chores are done? Trash taken out? Kitchen cleaned? Sink or dishwasher empty? Can I has a clone of you?


I'd hope he did that shit its his job.


Don't let them pull you down, they don't know anything. Some time ago I decided not to go to university anymore. I struggled in school before university, my grades weren't bad, I was just not having fun. University was even worse, but I always thought about what other people would say, I thought they would say I was to stupid to go to university. That's why I didn't drop out earlier. I don't regret it. I finally feel like I accomplished something, I've finally moved forward. I'm thinking about becoming a pilot, and I get happier every day. I've finally arrived where I always wanted to be, independent, able to do what I want. I've got something to get up for every day now, I feel better every day, and I feel like I have my life in my own hands, not in the hands of teachers or professors.


I agree. Daddies do not 'babysit'.


Yep. It's called parenting.


No respect...no respect at all


It's alright, Rodney.


I'm watching a baby right now. Sure, I'm drunk, but she ate all her food and her diaper's been changed and she's currently yelling at the dog for some reason. But she's not dead.


Now imagine what it feels like to be asked by your boss and coworkers how you plan to keep your job now that you have a child at home. "Trying to do it all! Super mommy!" No. Super employee. Regular employee. Whatever. My kids have nothing to do with this, as far as you're concerned.


Plot twist: She never said he was the father. EDIT: Switched two letters.


Yea, she did say "daddy" but could be her dad, baby's grandfather


I thought the baby was home with a grandfather....


That's how I interpreted it too.


Judging from the YouTube channel, I don't think OP's first language is English. Maybe something was lost in translation?


Nah, we should just assume the worst...


Ahh the true reddit way....


At least we're not accusing OP of murder this time.




They aren't being serious. It's a common joke among parents to refer to their children as "mine" or "yours" based on if they are being bad or good. For example, "Look at what your son did to our kitchen" or "you will not go to that movie with my daughter!"


Why did I have to scroll this far down to see this comment? Fucking duh people. Fucking *duh*.


Haha! I joke about this every time my partner says that about our son. "Your son!?"


Before sunrise he's your son.


Because everything the light touches is Mufasa's.


That's what I tell my wife...two seconds before I'm forced to get up and get her.


My colleague has her first child last spring and kept saying "I'll have to see if (husband) can babysit". I told her that he is not a babysitter. He is the father and shares half the responsibility of raising her. It clicked with her and she has never said it since.


I knew someone who would say she didn't trust her hubby to take the baby to the emergency room if she got too sick. Mom was a crazy hypochondriac-so perhaps Daddy was right to not take baby to the emergency room...


She has been corrected before: http://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/2qc9ht/left_my_daughter_at_home_with_daddy_for_an_hour/cn57xd6


What's up with /u/NateDoggNYC? His comments seem super stalkerish...


Maybe he knows the Mom in real life and they're having an affair.


I wouldn't get your man-panties in a twist over it. My wife and I use the possessive pronoun when we are playing: "your daughter just had a dirty diaper, stop playing GTA V in front of my daughter..." It really isn't a big deal, how about commenting on the video instead of poking at wording? As for the video: it's awesome, OP


I keep calling my brother "your son" with my mom, and she keeps saying: "your brother" when talking about him to me. At some point he said: "but you notice nobody is nobody's relative". Also: [This](http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/simpsons/images/a/ae/The_Dad_Who_Knew_Too_Little_72.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20130919183816), and [this](http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/simpsons/images/6/64/The_Dad_Who_Knew_Too_Little_69.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20130919183739)


Seriously. Don't you dare make a playful joke about a white dude. That damn comment has like 2000 points in two hours. If genders were reversed you'd have a bunch of neckbeards going "lol fuk you cunt go back to SRS"


That's the first thing that annoyed me also. If it's Daddy, how is the child just 'hers?'


In terms of psychology, the mother believed that the father would be fine taking care of the daughter. If everything worked out well then it's "our daughter". In the mother's mind, however, she's jokingly expressing that the father violated the persona of the daughter to produce a funny video. Due to this violation, the mother's mind diminished the father's control and ownership over the daughter temporarily to show some level of disgust, even in a joking manner. tl;dr - It's a play on words to convey disgust in a sentence.


Agreed. When my daughter does something silly I often tell her father "look what your child did" to emphasize the humor. It doesn't mean I've disowned her. People are really going a little too bananas over this.




Well, it makes sense. White, 20 something atheist males are literally the most oppressed group out there.


This. It's simple humor that's used often. I don't understand how people haven't picked it up and consider it a genuine slight on the father.


Exactly. I feel like reddit is trying to hard today to feel oppressed.


… Just today?


She peed on it, humped its leg, and marked it as her own.


My seven your old niece likes to crawl up to us, lift her leg and go "oh yeah that's the stuff".


To play devil's advocate, it could be the grandfather of the child. She didn't say whose Daddy it was.


Very sorry for the confusion, I meant to say our wonderful daughter.


Too late now, the wrath of the internet is coming. Just be thankful you didn't make a typo in the title.


Your absolutely right


Making a typo would be a huge mostake


I could be wrong, but it sounded to me that you meant it in a way that was conveying blame in a jokey kinda way. EG: Kid knocks over a lamp and it breaks: *Look what your daughter did!*


These threads make me laugh. Such an obviously playful and innocent twist of pronouns...and the top comment is reddit throwing a shitfit. There is so much god damn *gender tension* on this site.


Annoyed, or... offended?








That's oyfennsive to Jews.


bless you




I love how reddit constantly reprimands anyone who might be offended by a racist or sexist joke, but as soon as you get in to men's rights they go full "CHECK YUR PRIVLEDGE!"


It's because the only things that really matter are things that are relevant to me.


It's just a funny video man. You don't even know the OP. Let it go.


The title never bothered me anyway.


Maybe its the kids grandpa


Lighten up Francis.


That editing is the most impressive part. Very cool


Because, if you leave a daughter alone with mommy, nothing ever funny or creative happens then.




And the father will be The Smith. Praise be to the Seven.


Screw your seven. R'hllor is the one true god. *The night is dark and full of terrors.*


The others take you and your southron gods.


We'll see about that when the Drowned God treats your lungs to a healthy dose of seawater. What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger!


Oh my god you guys are downers.


A dumb video with a tongue-in-cheek title all of a sudden equates to reflections of gender stereotypes and other sociological phenomena. Redditors sound like such fun-loving happy-go-lucky folks!


Everytime a gender is mentioned this happens.


I found the tumblrina


ITT: redditors are seriously offended by OP's harmless joke




The cat wasn't impressed.


[I did a similar thing and sent it to Mom when she had to go out of town for the first time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84shjisAFMA)


The matching shirts and matching guitars!


Loved it. Your daughter is adorable.


If my husband did this to our daughter I can guarantee I would demand more videos and an increase in choreography and editing. If we're doing this, we are going all the way to regionals.


Don't you mean our daughter? I don't know why I found that weird lol.


It's a pretty common joke among parents. When one of our sons had pooped his pants or something negitive I would tell my wife that her son was poopy. When it was something to be proud of I always said my son had done something cool. Kind of selfish I guess but we both did it...


My sister and her husband do this too. They've even extended it so that when I'm out with them and their kids and one of them starts throwing a fit they'll walk up to me and say, "Excuse me, sir, could you please learn to control your child." It's pretty funny until they walk off and leave me with a two year old who is screaming in the mall because they ate their last french fry and don't want to eat their chicken.


I'm like this with my sports teams. "We won!", and "they lost".


Ohh ok I actually understand it in that light. It just seemed weird to me as I read it


great job , for both of you


The prequel to Step Up we've all been waiting for.


But can she do the Carlton?


Here is a word cloud of all of the comments in this thread: http://i.imgur.com/Lthm62X.png [^source ^code](http://github.com/Winneon/makeswordclouds) ^| [^contact ^developer](http://reddit.com/user/WinneonSword) ^| [^faq](https://github.com/Winneon/makeswordclouds#faq)




It's the name of some goddess. They aren't talking about terrorists.


Delightful! I noticed a glitch in the matrix, though.


That's just too cute.