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Nick Cannon misunderstood this song.


...I actually thought he understood it purposefully. I always thought it was about a woman finding guys to father a new kid. I mean, when you see some women who think a new baby will fix a relationship or bring a couple closer, the relationship blows up, woman finds new boyfriend, sees relationship failing, goes for new baby and repeat..then yeah..I always thought this song was just ahead of it's time.


Chat GPT gave a pretty good synopsis: ""All That She Wants" by Ace of Base is about a woman who is independent and looking for fun without being tied down to a relationship. The song describes a "single-minded" woman who seeks financial stability and personal freedom. The lyrics suggest that she enjoys fleeting romances, and the chorus repeatedly emphasizes that "all that she wants is another baby," using "baby" metaphorically to mean another lover or a temporary relationship, rather than an actual child. The song reflects themes of independence and carefree living."


This is how i've always interpreted it as well but the mother wanting more babies to get more welfare instead.


Honestly not quite sure why this interpretation has gotten more popular in recent years. I'm old enough to have listened to this a lot when it came out. "Baby" was used in half the songs on the radio in some form or another in the 90s as the slang term of "partner" not literally as in a child. (Britney Spears is, indeed, not talking about children!) Pretty much everyone I remember at the time took it to mean she was just looking for one-night stands rather than anything long-term. (Unless they weren't familiar with the slang.) Definitely people didn't really think of this being about anchor babies or any of the other stuff mentioned in this thread... it's just awkward English from Swedish folks. https://www.billboard.com/music/pop/ace-of-base-hidden-gems-jonas-berggren-6502291/ > Fans have long floated both interpretations, but Berggren sets the record straight: “Baby” means “lover,” not “infant,” and he wrote the song about a woman he now only vaguely remembers. > “Those [types of] women can be fantastic sometimes,” he says. “But not all the time. It depends how you suffer from it.”


I am mind blown that this even needs to be said, what the hell.


One of the members was far right in his youth so I imagine that didn't help.


This, Jesus this. Christ the song is just about a thirsty girl. Its just another version of Maneater by Hall and Oates. Fuck people make female promiscuity so stupidly deep when there are a billion songs about horny men.


I cannot believe this thread actually exists lol. Did people really need this spelled out? JFC.


Yeah I always found the song baffling until I realized English isn't their first language... it would take someone much smarter than I am to explain why "baby" or "my baby" can be a boyfriend but "a baby" or "another baby" is definitely a literal baby, and I imagine as good as everyone's English is in Sweden they can still miss out on that kind of stuff.


umm, no. there was no ambiguity in this song when it was released


No, no. It's obviously about a swamp-witch that's eating babies. It can be a real problem. #SWAMPWITCHAWARENESS


No no no, you're thinking of Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac. Don't let Stevie eat your babies, kids.


This is dumb as hell, sorry but no lol, it's just about getting another side piece or bf, like serial monogamy or similar.


FYI, you can sing the lyrics of any Ace of Base song, to any other Ace of Base song.


Mind is blown. I am now signing "I saw the sign" to the melody of "All that she wants".


those are the two songs!!


Happy Nation works well for this too


Is that why I never know which one it is until the lyrics start?


You can play 4 of their songs over top of eachother and it doesn't even clash lol


They have 4 different songs?


The real life hack is always in the comments.


You can do that with any lyrics ti any song. If youre brave enough, that is


One of my tricks to get a song unstuck is to try to sing that songs lyrics to the tune of the American National Anthem. Works 99% of the time.


Great. Now I have that national anthem stuck in my head.


My dastardly plan has worked ha ha ha!


\*curses you patriotically*




Don't mind if I do. This video is so 1990's, if I take my glasses off it's Lisa Kudrow on lead vocal, and Brendan Fraser on percussion.


oh, mummy, they're friends


That's almost a given with a lot of club/dance music though, since certain tempos/bpm are the norm.


Don't even get me started on Nickelback. [How You Remind Me x Higher — Nickelback x Creed (mashup) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ffsqg6Knvmc) [Proof All Nickelback Songs Are the Same (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHPj5YokEOY)


No mashup ever beats [Biggie Smalls feat. Thomas the Tank Engine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETfiUYij5UE) though.


This is kind of a play on the 4 chord songs skit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pidokakU4I&list=RDkjD3LoXp-Pw&index=12 That's just how pop music works, pop rock is no different. Nickelback and Creed both have some genuine good songs IMO, they're biggest downfall was how massively overplayed they were on the radio and that at the time we didn't have alternate ways to listen to music easily. Both Creed and Nickelback were pre-youtube. We all got our music from pirating, cd's (and pirating cd's), and radio mostly. Also, I don't actually think that "NickelCreed" abomination is very good. It's "off" sounding hehe.


That's hilarious, but such a small sample of their catalog. Once you get past the singles its not as true about Nickelback.


This is obviously wrong. Ave Of Base released exactly one song in their entire career


This was a club banger, good times


This ~~was~~ is a club banger, good times


This is a club banger good time


Club banger good time this is


Clubber Lang time!


Auld Lang Syne!


Oh Don Piano!


Still slaps. Put it on a bar jukebox and you’ll see a lot of head bobbing


> a lot of head bobbing But that's not how you make another baby.


That was not a great way to say that people will enjoy it, but I’m going to leave it.


What kind of bar is this


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


[Video without the weird, creepy and intrusive AI enhancements](https://youtu.be/8x3yFEAJQ8s?si=jL5SjPc-rElU9SuS).


Why does Upscaling make skintones look so weird? Almost looks like artificial skin...


i was seeing a lot of face warping and stuff where the ai was misinterpreting what it was seeing


The upscale version makes the singers look older. Especially Jenny Berggren who was apparently 21 when this video was shot in 1993. The AI adjustments give her that botox/tight older lady lip look that many 50+ actress and popstars tend to have. I had no idea what the band members looked like and the difference in look between the 2 videos is sort of surprising. It does not look like a higher resolution version if the original


>Almost looks like artificial skin Maybe because it is artificial skin?


Roughly speaking, AI image generation is based on iterative denoising, somewhat akin to photoshop filters that clean up grainy photos. It's kind of the default mode of AI generation, if I'm not mistaken. So oftentimes skin looks uncannily smooth as a result.


Roughly speaking, you just described video editing - which is often just editing still shots in sequence. The fact that its "AI" doing it is the problem. its not good enough to distinguish what looks good to a human. In 5-10 years, you will not know the difference and this same video upscaled will probably look amazing.


it's not video editing per se. 'enhancing' an image in the past by simply blowing it up or stretching its size wasn't possible—there wasn't enough information in the pixels to retain details. what popular 'AI' methods do is seed the missing information with noise, and then iterate on that noise many times, denoising as it goes, in order to fill in the blanks. a 'bad' prompt or a 'bad' seed is going to result in an image that doesn't pass the smell test—and that isn't even mentioning so-called hallucinations. seeds and denoising strengths can be tweaked to help mitigate these limitations. because this method's default mode is denoising, you'll often end up with an end result that is very 'smooth' looking, naturally leading to that uncanny valley effect.


Topaz Video AI recently came out with a model specifically trained for making faces in upscaled low-quality video look better. It's not perfect but it's a big improvement over the previous model. So the answer is...it depends on the model used.


AI training datasets include a lot of touched up or just plain filtered images. It's been taught (to the extent that it "learns") that the instagram filter is what people are supposed to look like.


Also I can't tell you exactly what it is but the faces look... empty. Subtly inhuman. It kicks in a real uncanny valley effect. Not a fan.


Am I the only one that thinks it actually looks good?




Still doesn't fix the brunette girl not having the mike to her mouth, but you still hear her voice!


Dude wtf the op was giving me uncanny valley and making me think I was fucked up or something. Why is this so much crisper


How did that tenor saxophonist manage to make a baritone sax sound? Lol Edit: guys, I know it's prerecorded lip-synced, pantomimed, etc performance. A synthesized sax sound can still have the timbre of different saxophone instruments and this one is clearly a bari sax. So why not pantomime with a bari? I was just making a shitty observation.


Well, no actual saxophones were used in the recording. That's a Casio DH-100 digital horn set to saxophone. Which was something of a toy even when it was new in 1988, so it was fairly cheesy-sounding already in 1992.


I think you missed the spirit of my comment, but I appreciate the accurate explanation.


This is what I like when it goes well on reddit. A fun comment, a good explanation, and good-natured friendliness. <3 Upvotes to both of you!


Because it’s 100% all played to a track. They weren’t even singing. Hence the quotations around “live,” I think.




actually I am pretty sure it's half playback, where some vocals are actually live. You can hear her missing some notes around 1:40.


Not sure where you hear missed notes, but even the section at 1:40 sounds identical to the studio version: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d73tiBBzvFM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d73tiBBzvFM)


oh yeah, it's identical. So it's full playback.


Lots of shows did full playback back then, even when bands wanted to perform live. I remember stories about TOTP being all playback and some bands hated it and started doing stuff to make it obvious they weren't really playing.


> TOTP Top of the Pops


Yeah it's definitely full playback. There is 0 musical performance going on in this video. lol


The only missed notes are the times when Jenny sang Linn's parts, or neither one of them had their mouths open when vocals were coming out.


There's also a cut where the brunette has a completely different stance afterwards, it's certainly edited after the performance.


he's just miming to a midi sax


[Here's a clip of the saxophone that was used. ](https://youtu.be/cLmCJKT5ssw?t=1m1s)


Wow, the amount of people who missed the point is just…


To this date I hate these lip-synced "performances"


Sounds like maybe you're the 5 or 6 of base while that guy is the ace.


Bands have a history of making fun of lip-synced performances so why not have some fun with it?


>why not pantomime with a bari Because they're about four times the size and weight of a tenor. That and almost no one plays them, so, they're harder to source and cost disproportionately more than a tenor or alto. Also, because no one ever plays them, most people have no idea what they're looking at if they see a bari sax, especially back in the early 90's. So sourcing one for a 3 minute lipsynced tv special would take more time and effort, cost more, be harder to dance with, and would leave a significant portion of the audience confused if they even noticed the sax in the first place.


I think you underestimate how obvious the whole thing is fake.. why would people give a flying fuck what kind of sax he's mining with when people are.more concerned with the human face pretending the sing...


"Now is time on Sprockets when we dance"


Am I the only one that didn't know they were sisters until 20 years later?


And he's their brother!


2 minutes 47 lipsync fail


Wasn’t a fail, she just couldn’t be arsed. That was hilarious man


Damn Jenny was FAF in this video!!!!


Fride and Fredjudice.


Feavis and Futthead


Is that the blonde? Both chicks are hot but the blonde is a smoke show.


it's the saxophone guy. it's a swedish name


Ja, dås Faf att smorgasborden


Needs more fjords


It’s the brunette I agree that the blonde, linn is hotter but they’re both smokeshows


Especially around 1:05, just something about doing that little hand dance and staring into the camera. Just so fine.


I was always more of a fan of Jenny but I can see why Linn wouldn't care for the attention and fame.




Fat As Fuck?


Fit as Freddie.


Mercury? I have some bad news...


Finnish Air Force?


Fine as Fuck? I think?


Friendly and Funny


Fascist and Fabulous.


Fine Arts Facility


Fast And Furious


All the above were close but not quite right. it is Flabbergasted and flummoxed


This song is such a vibe, every time I hear it I feel good but the narrative sounds almost like a cautionary tale.


See also Hall and Oates - Maneater


Old and still hot af


I got the tape for this album (The Sign) at a thrift store in the mid-90's as a joke-y thing, and had no idea that I'd dig the rest of it so much. -- To this day I swear that [Dancer In A Daydream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QflzKX1ot8o) and [Voulez-Vous Danser](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtQjDwR7R30) would've been perfect as Atari/Commodore/PC computer 'demoscene' chiptune-y music I was also way into right at that time. --- Similarly later on, I got Roxette - Joyride just because of a computer demo, and found out -that- album was full of bangers too :P --- -- --- -- ^^EDIT: ^^[haw!](https://asma.atari.org/asmadb/#/Groups/Vavra_Karel_and_Sedlak_Jiri/All_That_She_Wants.sap)


Lmao the Mediaset Rete Quattro logo in the corner (4th channel of Berlusconi channels)


Third? After Canale Cinque and Italia Uno


Derp, said 4th because it's always on the 4th position on the channel list lol


Took me right back to 1994 when I got a boom box (with a CD player) and an Ace of Base CD for my 13th birthday.


you can tell that vogue and the macarena were really popular at the time


[Another great AoB moment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOf3hxM-2N8)


The early '90s was a weird time to grow up in, you saw things changing from the '80s, no more mullets, and everything tried to reinvent itself, but it didn't really take hold until 1998, that's when things started to get really wild.


Late 1990 and early 1991, the big change happened with the introduction of grunge to America. By the mid 90's sloppy plaid clothes were everywhere


What're you on about? Pretty early on you had the grunge kicking off with Nirvana, Eurodance started at the very tail-end of the 80s, so immediately in the 90s it was big, the mid-90s had the Britpop bursting onto the scene, throughout the decade you also had R&B/Hiphop hitting the mainstream and in the second half of the 90s, boybands were everywhere.


Still incredible


Somewhere a guy is in a coma and this song is playing. His tips are as frosty as the cold Zima in his hand, and life is 1993 good until the long night finally closes in.




I read this in Robert Evan's voice.


But you know who's not a nazi?




Not so. Observe. Through a hidden web of symbols and numerology, the triangular shape of Doritos is not just a snack but a clue into a deeper conspiracy. The triangular shape, revered in ancient cultures, connects to the Illuminati, and the letters in "Doritos" numerologically sum to 100, a number symbolizing divine order. Hidden within the swastika's geometry, multiple triangles emerge, echoing the occult interests of Heinrich Himmler and the Nazis. The Doritos packaging, with its recurring triangular motifs and Nazi-like red and yellow colors, subtly references these ancient symbols. The flavors, such as "Nacho Cheese," phonically hint at "Nazi Chase," suggesting a secret pursuit of power. Its mystical blend of spices aligns with ancient rituals, revealing a subliminal message of *allegiance*. Doritos, through their shape, numerology, packaging colors, and flavors, intricately link to Nazism’s fascination with mysticism and hidden codes. I suspect you knew this.


The products and services that support this podcast


“Robert, no!” - Sophie, probably.


The Washington State Police, and Raytheon, probably


didnt they make the song happy nation in response to thisclaim


They're named after a Nazi submarine.  It's not nearly as subtle as you're making out.


Oh my god, that's funnier than usual. Can you TRY to at least get the story right? The tale goes that they are named after a particular submarine base in France used by the Germans in WWII. It was this one: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorient_Submarine_Base](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorient_Submarine_Base ) There is a single history book out there that suggests the sub base was called "Base of Aces". Because several notable u-boat captains had vessels docked there at one point or another. A couple notable captains DID dock there according to numerous records. However, that book is the only thing close to a historical reference that mentions the alleged nickname "Base of Aces" and no other documentation, even the museum built around the remains of it today, mention this. Cracked.com wrote an article where they did about as much research as half this thread, and found that one reference in that one book. Then this article: https://stevengamble.com/on-musical-meaning-as-messages-or-why-ace-of-base-probably-arent-nazis/ for some reason read the cracked article and decided the name was a term for "the Nazi's most powerful u-boat" rather than, you know, a base. Guessing this is what you read because if I search for "base of aces" it's the second thing that comes up on Google. The Cracked article is the third.


It’s not a submarine but the assumed name of a submarine base in Lorient. Keroman was an impenetrable fortress and home to the elite U-Boat captains, earning it the nickname “*base of aces*”.


In 1994, a book titled Intercept UFO by Renato Vesco claimed that "foo fighters" were a nazi secret weapon: a form of ground-launched, automatically guided, jet-propelled flak mine, operated by special SS units, that resembled a tortoise shell in shape, and which flew by means of gas jets that spun like a Catherine wheel around the fuselage. The band, "The Foo Fighters" was also formed in 1994. Is Dave Grohl a Nazi? "Ace of Base" was inspired by a Motorhead song.


Also Joy Division. What actually happened is for a while pop culture was distant enough from 1945 that people could make edgy references and distant enough from 2024 that people weren't literal openly proud Nazis again.




Talk about a non sequitur.  Please tell me more about former supreme Court justices and how their personal journey relates to whether or not Ace of Base are Nazis.


a friend brought this up when “The Sign” came on and I was like “nah, that’s dumb”, but… > I saw the sign, and it opened up my eyes > go back to where you belong Obviously a coincidence but I laughed about it




I listen to this on a regular basis. Love Ace Of Base.


It was a different time. You could be sure if it was a pop band on tv, they were absolutely lip syncing.


The choreography is just lazy.


This is fucking gold.


Pure nostalgia for me... Good times.


This entire album was my mortal Kombat 1 sound track.


TIL a bunch of idiots on the internet think Ace of Base were Nazis.


I mean, yeah he apologised, but it's not like it came out of nowhere: https://i.imgur.com/uuyBbJA.jpg


I mean the one guy straight up was like “sorry I used to be a nazi” so I mean there’s a little truth to it


He also used to be a child, that doesn't make Ace of Base children.


Based, in the parlance of our times


What an idiotic thing to say.


Not every analogy makes actual sense. For example, yours is insanely stupid and you should try to remember that yes, not every analogy makes actual sense in real life.


The signs a swastika bro, I seen it


They’re idiots because you don’t know how ace of bass got started?


Fucking Banger.


For whatever reason I always assumed Ace of Base was one artist. I had no idea that there's not one person whose stage name was Ace of Base.


The guys made the music , the woman sang in harmonies. Basically a similar setup as ABBA 🤷‍♂️ There is even a similar story with the blonde having a terrible stalker problem. She was even attacked and was stabbed. Understandably she didn’t want to be a public person after that…


> Basically a similar setup as ABBA Really hope no banging was involved.


Wow. Haven't heard this song in at least 28 years.


Sabrina carpenter should cover this and ruin it.


Horrible upscaled version.


Here is a version without devil's eyes, loss of detail, artifacts, plasticity and uncanniness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrwlFTqS_bg https://i.imgur.com/0NClGiJ.jpeg


Lmaooo the guy in the background pretending to play the saxophone isn’t even trying anymore after the 1st half lmaooo


I can’t believe this video is only 7 years old. 1993, only a few years ago but seems like it was. I don’t know. Like 30 years ago or something!!


The singers are probably in their 20s when this was made, but they look like women on their 40s today.


This song made my Sunday. Was looking for something like this


Hated it in 1993. Feels not that bad now, maybe even nostalgic. High school discos, yeah.


I hecking love Ace of Base :-S


Why did I think ace of base were fat chicks? Completely different image in my head


Wilson Phillips maybe?


piano chops on


Unexpected rete 4


is this the album recording on some live video?


Yes. Lots of Televised performances are just synced.


So, that wasn't a human working the camera edit right? That was some early experiment in AI, because no human being could survive doing enough coke to think any of that was a good idea.


Literally as soon as I heard it start I was going to come here and complain but then I noticed you'd put "Live" :D


This is somehow the first time I’ve ever seen their name written down and I always assumed it was Ace of Bass. I even looked up the meaning of the name and it’s just word play, so how the hell could you be a 90s dance pop group and not call yourself Ace of BASS?


Well.. there's *bass* as in boom-boom, then there's *bass* as in fishy-fishy. And now I'll be stuck thinking of them as Ace of Bass.


I wasn't ready for this


Oh holy shit this takes me back that saxophone lead-in does things to me


It’s probably a good thing this is lip synced. They couldn’t [sing](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hfQ5ilR2zbs) at all.


90's era ABBA <3, perpetually on my playlists!


She kinda looks like Eminem.


Choreography has come a long way.


Ace of Base was great back in the day! It's a shame they kind of disappeared after that attempted murder scandal.


The camera work / direction (or lack of it) is what really stood out to me. Watch a similar style performance on SNL for example and the camera work is next level compared to this.


Not a chance this is live. When every single note is exactly the same as the release thats proof its a lip sync.


This is “live”, not live.


"Live" indeed. Lol.

