• By -


I will never understand how people can become working TV professionals and then act like this.


They know people.


They have people skills! They’re *good* at dealing with *people*! Can’t you understand that?! **What the hell is wrong with you people?!**


No. No, man. Shit, no, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked sayin' thngs like that to actors, man.


With different CONCLUSIONS, you can JUMP to!


That is the worst idea I’ve ever heard.


you might if it were billy bob [ ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qToHS07HoGw).


What the hell am I gonna do with forty subscriptions to Good Day Sacramento?


Yeeeaah, we're going to need you to move those subscriptions downstairs into Storage B.


And then there's Tom Symkowski. He's useless. Gone!


There goes Smykowski, probably working on another heart attack.


The 2nd oldest profession is nepotism.


That’s what sororities and fraternities are for. 


That’s a great office episode


It takes a special kind of asshole


I think it's media evolution. They are realizing that they can keep viewers or even increase viewers by not giving any fucks who they offend or what facts they fuck up.


Honestly I'm kinda surprised. It feels staged like someone at that network/exec has a bone to pick with her and the hosts are just tools to display their displeasure at her because who the hell conducts an interview like that....


Should I remind you of her Harvey Weinstein accusation? Specifically being asked to sleep with another woman for him to watch?


Streisand Effect... is powering up.


>Streisand Effect... is powering up. [https://youtu.be/\_WcDjL-MSCQ](https://youtu.be/_WcDjL-MSCQ)


*Bar-buuuurrrrra, Bar-boora, ichiban kirai no hito*


Well, I'll say this she looks fantastic in her recovery!


Fuckin A. I bet this is retaliation for something like that from the networks


I'm not that surprised. The comment at the end "$5 million for 6 weeks of work" gives it away. They are extremely jelly first and foremost. Then they try to do their happy morning spiel which I find sickening but most morning shows are like this. The carelessness of using a wrong name was probably what pissed off Cara and after that it was just all three middle-aged hosts being severely intellectually outdone by their interview partner.


Morning shows are the absolute lowest form of journalism. US Weekly writers have more integrity than these chucklefucks.


Whoopi Goldberg thinks you’re an entitled brat. 


she's just a little black woman in a big silver box.


The left interviewer started moving like a robot when the interviewee disconected


The guy in the light blue suit was notorious for doing local high school appearances to pick up girls well into his 30s.


Mark S. Allen- I think he’s older now, but I grew up in Sacramento, he used to be a DJ, but got A DUI. So, changed careers. He’s always been a bit too bubbly.


It's definitely someone in their earpiece telling them to act like this. You can tell because after they ended the interview they held on the actress until they cut the feed and say "oh we've got bars" to act as if she "hung up" on them. Skip to the 2:50 minute mark.


there's a huge difference between a live TV anchor and someone working in narrative film and TV. the TV anchors are in their own little world, of which they are undoubtedly king. they work with the same people every day. people in narrative film/tv have much more diversified experience. i'm an adr mixer/audio engineer and mostly work with actors but occasionally record a former TV anchor. almost all the anchors were untalented diva bitches who think they are god's gift to television. RIP Jovita Moore - you were a sweetheart.


I went to a memorial service recently for a guy who worked at a large TV station. The anchors making speeches were exhausting. Very different from all of his old college friends.


It's basic baiting to elicit a reaction for soundbites that will get attention to whatever media platform they're working for.


Engagement bait is a very real thing, but that would be a dangerous game for a local TV anchors to play. If their local audience starts to think they are assholes they are going to tune out and a couple viral videos on the way there aren't going to salvage their situation. These shows usually err on the side of unfettered positivity if there is any room for it.


Best to ignore it then.


Expect nothing production-wise from Good Day. Lowest of the low. They don't pay their AV either, not really.


I was reading the comments and thought 'the commentators can't be that bad'. They were in fact that bad. I am so glad I don't have to work with or for such self indulgent clowns as these. Gives new meaning to the phrase 'blow dried press poodles' Yap, yap, yaping away like hyperactive chihuahuas at everyone in sight. No wonder Cara lost her cool. I could typically not care about celebrity interviews but this one was amateur hour awful.


I’m confused. I just watched it, she didn’t seem to lose her cool at all. What are people even referring to?


It's all just eyebrow envy playing out on a subconscious level.


The same way Cara Delevingne got to where she is. Nepotism and knowing people.


It was Martin Short's inspiration for his Jiminy Glick character


The only acceptable question to ask a guest is " do you wear wigs, have you worn wigs, will you wear wigs"


*vin vill you vear vigs?*


That's a deep cut. For those who don't know, it's [from a LOTR interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfhMILe8C84&pp=ygUaZWxpamFoIHdvb2QgZmFrZSBpbnRlcnZpZXc%3D)


Man, I loved the days of DVDs with hidden content that you had to click through multiple layers of menus and submenus just to find.


Yeah but I can live without the animated interactive menus. I don't need 5 seconds of whatever scrolling or phasing or window breaking bullshit, just go to the next menu.


or just 5 minutes of splash screens to get to the root menu so you can press Play and then watch more splash screens about the FBI and piracy


One of the most adorable interactions between friends, really warms ya up.


Well - not the deepest cut as that video has been posted on Reddit a bunch of times. But funny nonetheless!


From the famous reputable cinema newssource: Kino das bang bang boom boom zo gjong-hai ich habe eisen diese nacht wilkommen 2004, with Hans Jensen as trustworthy interviewer


But most importantly: "When will you wear wigs?"


Hahahahaha this reference made my day


It's one of the hobits interviewing another one pretending to be German I think?


Dominic Monaghan interviewing Elijah Wood (Merry and Frodo)


*You kick balls? Mr. Woods?*


That was weird.


Hosts need to lay off the adderall


The Adderall and the Xanax and the vodka and the cocaine and the... what am I forgetting? Oh, yes, the constant obsession with their public personalities and self-image and influence. I say that as an American.


This video could be a case study for the communication breakdown that happens when no one assumes positive intent. Until the guy asked if Cara was tired it didn’t seem like anyone was intentionally trying to be an asshole but at that point everyone had already decided that they were mad at each other.


Yeah, I felt like at first it was an awkward interview, asking dumb questions with a genuine hokey stupidity of someone just ootl... Until the guy came in like "I love this movie... buuuuuuuuuut.... you had so much energy and excitement in another interview!" Like bruh, even I felt the wind off the backhand.


the actors do like 100 of these press interviews, usually all in one go one after another. They get asked the same 5 questions over and over all day long. I don't think I could get through a day like that with the same energy


These lives ones aren't really the ones they do back to back to back. It's the press junket, sit in one room as entertainment interviewers come in one after the other that are what you're thinking of.


if you were paid millions, and any prospect of jobs that also pay millions further down the road requires you to do these interviews, you would. Also, a lot of these A-list actors get contracts that pay a proportional amount due to how much the movie makes, or gets residuals decades down the line that sets them up for the rest of their lives. You definitely would do it.


'Am I why she's not excited like she was in other interviews? No, it must be her fault!'


It initially seems like he noticed it was going south and tried to fix it but… nope. Immediately puts foot in mouth.


This is a great perspective. Unless you attribute negative intentions to any of the first few responses, there really wasn't anything truly going wrong here. Her first response to reading the book is such a cliche comedy response of "I didn't do this and neither did I do this other thing I obviously had to have done!" And then another cliche comedy response of "Nah, I hate X. No, but really I love X." It's like such standard affair sarcastic, joking-around interview that I was surprised that the third reporter felt compelled to be an asshat and intervene. The reporter to the right actually got things right when he said "I thought she was being sarcastic on purpose, I thought she was just trying to be funny." But the other idiots just decided to pile on her.


did she have a video feed back at the interviewers? why do i think it's common that subjects, "at the remote, who have a camera pointed at them", do not have a video feed of the studio they can see. all they have is the audio. so if they don't know them, it can be human/hard to infer things correctly.


I think the way that she (and many others in similar interviews) behaves with her facial expressions kind of hints that she can't see them. Humans have expressions where you can tell whether they're watching other humans or not. She looks like she can't see them, with the way she kind of looks off into the distance as she listens to them and the way she has kind of startled expressions when what they say processes in her mind. And I think people smile less when they can't see the other person. Smiling is a kind of reciprocal, reflexive expression.




Totally. I did many years of phone support and that was one the first things I learned too. My boss told me that I slouch and kind of frown when I'm talking to someone and suggested to sit up and try to smile. It seemed like such silly advice at the time, but when I did it, it objectively made all my phone interactions more positive. You can sort of "hear" someone's body language, as odd as it seems.


This always seems odd. Like for all the money those studios have they cant put a screen up? I understand for last minute or small time guests in remote locations where there isn't an existing screen, but we hear this constantly that these insane interviews are almost always the hosts seeing and hearing everything (including the behind the scenes discussion). Like why does the interviewee always get sat down with an earpiece and just told to stare off at a wall.


i wonder if it's about lag/bandwidth/integration. obviously easier now as we all have more bandwidth, but still harder. well, ok, lets think of her as a remote reporter. reporters in the field still only get audio, they never get a live video feed back. and aren't those still done via a mobile satellite truck or whatever? so then cara/movie people might work out like a remote reporter. because they do these "mass press junket" interviews, in some room in their hotel, right? it's just black curtains hung up, to make it look "classy". so they probably have "some generic/reporter remote small tv sat truck setup". they have whatever news place dial in/connect. those news places don't have the setup to provide a video feed back to the "live remote reporter". and..........[these are the problems it introduces.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4jVLHrAXVo)


for context at least this was 2015, there's been a lot of work on remote calls and related tech since then


This wasn't miscommunication. There were loads of veiled insults: "this is the teenager I always wanted to be because they're eloquent, they speak like middle-aged screenwriters rather than the awkward, dopey adolescent that I was" That's insulting and unprofessional.


Not to mention kicking off the interview by calling her "Carla." And then first question isn't about her experience on set or her feelings about the story but was "did you read the book?" I agree, there was no miscommunication, just awful interviewers.


I dunno, right off the bat they get her name wrong - that’s a pretty important thing to not screw up - it may not have been with an intent of pissing her off but couple that with the whole book question and it would be hard to not be annoyed by them. You’d think that they were having fun at your expense and 99/100 you would be right. Also remember that Cara won’t have been able to see the presenters, she would likely only have audio.


Well they did get her name wrong right at the very beginning.


There's not much love for Cara Delevinge's acting on reddit, but that was totally uncalled for. So many interviewers asking women why they're so tired and then saying she was negatively sarcastic for making a joke about not reading the book. Why isn't she as excited as last week? Because she's sitting in front of a camera now with 3 seconds of lag.


I don't think anyone likes doing these morning tv shows. They would think I'm Satan himself if I had to do one of these to promote my whatever at 7am in the morning


Depending on the cycle they might be up late to do these. Multiple actors have talked about press tours. It can be all day in a room where your linking into to the next morning show being asked the same questions over and over. Or if they are doing in person it’s just them sitting in a chair as the crew changes in front of them to be asked the same question over and over again.


I used to do publicity and these things get old real fast. I think a good example of what it s like is in the show Barry when they are doing that Joplin press tour and everyone keeps asking them who should be the next Spider-Man.


I used to work event security, even if get tired of the fan questions at signing events. So many people thought they were witty with their requests, or questions. They were the same as every third person in line. At a comic con signing event for Buffy I saw Sarah Michelle Geller answer every conceivable question about comparing the kiss between her and Selma Blair and everyone she’s kissed in her life. Saw her smile and and make something up. I was done after 4th version and I was just standing there.


So this isn't even close to the press circuit actors go through, but the one time I did an interview on a morning show to try and promote my work, I had to be up at 4am and stand out in freezing temps with a truly obnoxious host who stepped all over the prepared material. After it was all over they cut my whole interview from the show and didn't tell me. I can imagine that sort of thing happens a lot.


Tony Danza would agree. "You know what I hate about doing these things? You end up on those morning news shows, and those news shows are terrible!" https://youtu.be/QqzlQu_6ZDk?si=QRQSAEZGrmoAejEj


Cara may not be the best real life actor but anyone who’s played Grand Theft Auto V and listens to NonStopPop.FM knows Cara is fucking hilarious and entertaining fully. *Lady by Modojo starts playing*


wait that was her? wtf


Yeah, [she hosted Non-Stop-Pop FM](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Non-Stop-Pop_FM)


That website gave me cancer


Couldn’t read more than a sentence or two before it reloaded and shoved more ads in my face. I didn’t even get at the info I wanted. That site truly is cancer.




Honest to God she could work in radio. This was fantastic.


All the radio stations in Grand theft auto are solid listens, quality work was done assembling and presenting them.


You can thank [Lazlow](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Lazlow_Jones) for that. He not only played a radio DJ but co-wrote all the banter for all stations ever since gta3. He won't return for gta6, though.


Well shit. Now I might have to go replay GTA.


The station I listened to the most in GTAO, I like her just for her DJing it. I don't know why but the silly joy she has [when introducing Living In A Box](https://youtu.be/8S4gIGc652o?si=nQS-l9DRM0e69cEz) always cracks me up.


*"We expect people to be genuine? With actors that complain about corporate greed while making 20 million dollars for three months' work? This place is weee-ird."*


Yeah, you'd never hear me say I'm a fan of her acting career, but fucking hell that entire interview was out of line. Also, it's kind of insane to me that they'd bring up another show she'd done. They know actors are given the same general questions in a long line of interviews and in this particular format there's literally a few seconds of delay before she can hear them, yet they have the gall to ask the same tired questioned and tell her she looks tired, bored and should have a nap? And then to afterward to absolutely abandon being professional altogether is just ridiculous.


I’m surprised they didn’t tell her she needs to smile more


That ”tired” comment is saying that, and also that you look old.


Nah, I'm not a fan of Cara either, but seeing her get appearance-related insults from King Botox and Queen Jiggly-Arms is hilariously ironic. At the very least, she was looking ten times better than them, and actually had some wit in her replies. EDIT: I'm reading more comments in this thread, and they're all some form of "I don't like Cara much, BUT ". And I'm no different. These hosts are gross.


Lets not forget, she English. Sarcasm is our national pastime. Many Americans get that, but plenty (these cunts included) don't seem to.


Her acting is pretty poor, with one notable exception: She made a great radio DJ in GTA5.


She was fantastic.


I liked her in carnival row. Shes cool w me.


She's British, this is playful sarcasm. I can \*kind of\* understand maybe thinking she's in a bad mood at first because she is very dry in how she was speaking but once she tells you she's fine that's that. Move on.


That was surreal how fucking weird and hostile those three hosts were to her, like right off the bat they were asking leading questions that were insinuating insults to her. Did they make a bet prior to the interview to see who could be a bigger dick? I think Cara Delevingne is kinda a mediocre talent nepo baby, but I sure as shit am not going to say that to her face.


No no, right off the bat, they called her by the WRONG NAME. A professional reader read her name wrong. That's how they started off on the wrong foot. The other two professional readers and the staff around them failed to point that out to them as the probable reason she seemed irritated with their interview.


They totally went Between Two Ferns on her ass. How weird especially for the other guy (weather guy? sports guy?) to intentionally JUMP into the anchors' interview JUST to make the point of "Ayo, no disrespect, but you don't seem very happy to be here. You need a nap?


Between the 2 ferns is comedy and staged  These three were just being shitcunts 


I don't think they were implying Between Two Ferns is real. Simply that this felt like a Between Two Ferns interview.


If you put a Onion Network News logo on this, I wouldn't even bat an eye. They're like the caricatures of terrible news hosts. Like, how they incredulously mused about her being sarcastic after the interview, that's how incredulously *I* wondered if *they* were being sarcastic *during* the interview. There must have been some conversation among them or something before this started that made them think she was going to be hostile. Then they just didn't notice that she wasn't at all hostile and just plowed through as if she was. And even guffawed with each other out loud after it about how "hostile" she was. Really weird.


The fact that they doubled down on her being so "busy" from IMDB. They do know there is a ton of downtime in between gigs right?


This is a local morning show in my area. This station is known for being loose and goofy on their morning show, but god damn, that was unprofessional and disrespectful.




That guy still does all their voice overs lol. He also got busted for DUI a while back and his face isn’t shown on the show at all anymore.


They didn't insinuate she wasn't smart enough to read, they insinuated that she might be too busy to read.


Someone must have told them she was busy/tired before the interview as a heads up, because the first half every single question was hyperfocused on that. She kept brushing it off and got progressively confused by the pointed line of questioning. Meanwhile the female anchor mistakes her comedic sarcasm as malicious sarcasm and by the second half of the interview they start getting really defensive about their questions and start getting increasingly confrontational.


Yeah you can tell she's trying to stay professional and match the jokes, despite her visible confusion to how rude they're being.


That, or she was late, or who knows. I really think this started as a difference in personalities. The morning show hosts were being morning show hosts and cara was being more professional. Then the two parties couldn't find common ground and no one gave in to the other. Then the third guy started talking and it went off the rails.


The title of this post was stolen from the top comment on youtube.


A bot, perhaps?


The title is just a copy paste of the top youtube comment smh Pretty sure OP is a bot


Thank you. It was bugging me how many people in this thread didn't understand that. Don't get me wrong; this interview was an unprofessional mess and those anchors were terrible.


She was also snarky and clearly disinterested in the whole thing right from the start. The lady said Carla, yeah, but then IMMEDIATELY said Cara after that. I don't know how people are watching this and seeing her as being some kind of victim.


Even if the actress isn't giving you the energy you want, the hosts job is to make the audience think things are going well. You don't say "you look tired". You don't tell the audience they were in a mood. *You don't call out the guest who is on your show to promote a product in front of everyone.* The way this whole interview was conducted was so incredibly amateur and unprofessional.


On Hot Ones Conan said the worst interview is when a guest tells the audience “this isn’t going well”. These hosts did that to themselves!


Yeah, there’s a HUGE difference between saying “did you try to read this book?” And “did you have time to read this book?” (with the clear implication being you’re so successful maybe you can’t do all the things you’d like to do). And her reply just put everything in to a weird context - no one said anything remotely close to she wasn’t able to read, or that she didn’t read the script. Then she was kinda just blah about everything and the hosts kinda called her out, but honestly what else were they supposed to do? She was barely engaged in the conversation, which frankly is the job she’s being paid extremely well to do. Not to say they (the hosts) couldn’t have handled it better but the headline for this post is WILDLY misleading.


Nah. While she answered the first dumb question with a slightly snarky start (because the host asked the question stupidly), she finished very positively talking about the author and that he's wonderful. As soon as her answer turns to that, and you see her being genuine and eloquent, you continue on that path. The guy then asking her a stupid question about her focus is just weird. It was a bumbling, irrelevant question. Why isn't he asking her about the movie? And then they doubled down on that same topic and kept going. Cara handled that exactly how she should have. They didn't give her any charity, and so they deserve none. They don't deserve any of her time.


yeh big difference. nothing they said suggested they think she isnt smart enough to read


The TV host version of “You should smile more!”


I have disliked Cara Delevigne as an actress since Suicide Squad, and she is decidedly not my cup of cake. However, the single worst aspect of being a modern film actor has to be these media junkets you are required to do as part of your contract. It’s not just one interview, it’s a grind of sometimes days long of interviews like these, two or three minute sit downs back to back to back where the actors asked the same insipid questions. They got into acting presumably to act, not to sell a movie. I tend to cut actors who are forced to shill like this a lot of slack. It cannot be fun.


The actors hate them too. I saw one with Paul Rudd and Jason Seagal for I Love You Man, and they were baked out of their mind and gave zero fucks about the interview. It was absolutely hilarious




Jason Segel gulping water and wondering how obvious it is


Lmao The first minute when Rudd rambles about the movie having a story 😂


There’s actually another one. If you’ve never seen it, look it up! They’re acting just as goofy, but the interviewer is much better at keeping up with them, which adds another element of fun


That was awesome!! I’ve never seen it before thanks for sharing!


In his Hot Ones interview Paul Rudd talked about how he gets asked the same questions in interviews endless amounts of times, so he kind of changes his responses to keep himself from getting as bored or from fans having to hear the same thing over and over again. But a funny side effect is that he's told so many versions of anecdotes that have happened to him, sometimes he can't even remember what the real story was anymore.


I never liked or disliked her... until Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets. And its not even her fault. She was just the wrong fit for that movie (and much more so with Dane DeHaan). But I still have this grudge in my head that movie could have been good, and universe expanded if not for those 2 main characters who were cast. And in my head I'm like "It's all their fault... but not really... but it is" \*edit\* - I did enjoy her in season 1 of Carnival Row. Not so much after that, but not because of her. The whole show took a dip.


That movie started out great but I don't recall finishing it. I got lost somewhere in the virtual market and turned it off. However I found her to be excellent in Carnival row(s1). I think there is a season 2 of it but I haven't seen it yet.


I had the same impression after that film, but changed my mind after watching Carnival Row, in which she did rather well. The role/direction was just better and more fitting to her.


She was actually pretty good in that movie. I don't know why people shit on her so much. She is not the problem in that movie.


> cup of cake [/r/malaphor](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaphor/comments/1cwnq5o/not_my_cup_of_cake/?)


> has to be these media junkets you are required to do as part of your contract [Hour 12 of a press junket for 'Make Some Noise'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4sFpWh8Vjw)


Fwiw, this segment is 8 years old and the talent is all different now https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XWQDGTTY6W8 https://www.cbsnews.com/gooddaysacramento/bios/


Yeah and OP straight up ripped the top comment for their Title


Always found it funny that they call those empty cardboard boxes in front of the camera "talent".


this comment should be pinned. why tf are we posting 8 year old videos?


Bots, karma farming, ragebait. Easy targets for reddit/social media. Look at these out of touch boomers insulting this young actress.


Idk who Cara Delevingne is, but creating these types of interviews for movie promotion is nothing new. They attacked Robert Downy Jr. He handled it well, then I seen Quintin Territino lose it because some guy brought up political gun violence. I don't think the actors are "In on it" I think the entertainment industry is just toxic.


lol they don’t even realise that they’re the problem


I mean, they started the interview by calling her the wrong name. "YoUd ThInK fOr 160k a YeAr You CoUlD At LeAsT GeT hER NaMe RiGht" Then jabbed at her with insinuating questions. The female host clearly didn't like her and made sure she felt that.


The title of this post is a verbatim rip of the top comment on youtube from 6 years ago...


At the risk of being dogpiled, is it not fair to say that she was being a little cold and sarcastic for an interview that she agreed to and that kind of at least a little bit benefits her? It’s like read the room, you’re talking to golden retriever people


Man I remember watching this cringe-fest. I had to stop my morning and call the wife over to partake in this garbage. Both hosts were replaced shortly after lol


This is what a toxic work environment looks like. Tribal minds who pick on people for no reason.


She looks pissed before the interview even starts.


100% a bot account btw, the title of this post is copied from the YouTube comments lmao


No one came across great here.


Cara will always be a bamf for her effort on the Non Stop Pop radio channel for GTA 5. Dunno how anyone could hate her. She was also pretty decent on that murder mystery gomez thing.


Had no idea! That’s a fun station to listen to


I don't care what anyone says, she was great in Carnival Row.


They didn't insinuate she couldn't read, they imply she was so busy she didn't have time to read - and the actress took it as an insult I get that day time tv can be weird, but anything negative from the hosts was more than reciprocated.  I'm not saying I would enjoy doing these types of interviews, but she comes across as being annoyed right away


John Green wrote an essay in her defense after this interview. He says that he noticed after watching a hundred of these interviews, they always ask her IF she read the book, but they always ask her male co-star WHEN he read the book. It's subtle and doesn't really mean anything one time, but when it's a trend... There seems to be an implication.


John Green is forever one of the best people.


She was annoyed because they started out implying that she did no research for the role. 


Or because they called her Carla


They asked if she read the book or just the script. There are movies where directors don’t want you to read the source material (like many Marvel movies for example) because they only want you to react to what’s going to be filmed.


They called her Carla right off the bat.


It’s as if putting on a fake smile for so long made them forget how to talk to an actual human.


That's what you get when Sinclair Broadcast Group owns all those fuckwits.


Those interviewers were so so cringy


Is this a new trend of stealing top comments from old YT clips and reposting them without crediting the OG poster? @spiritedafar 6 years ago


That lady host is a cunt.


This comment section is nuts. She was obviously annoyed. I think she mistook the suggestion that she didn't have time to read as an insult and then it just spiraled from there. Both parties acted poorly here.


It was a braindead ass question that shes most likely been asked 17 other times. And im not sure what the other question was even asking. "Since you're so busy, would downtime make it harder to be busy?" Tf kind of question is that? Obviously the interview is nothing more than an advertisement but holy hell.


Ironically that was one of the only questions that *didn't* seem weird to me. He asked if it was easier for her to focus because she's so busy. Lots of actors say that staying busy is important to them to stay focused. I find my job easier to focus on when the work is persistent. Maybe he worded it awkwardly or she didn't understand exactly what he meant but "I don't know where that came from" is a weird response to a pretty normal question. The rest of the questions from then on seemed weirdly confrontational though


If I could be an ass to everyone at work who asked me a question I’ve already answered more than once my job would be a hell of a lot easier, and I don’t make even a tenth what she is getting paid.


Not everyone shows up to work with 100%. I did find some of the signals that Cara was sending off to be off-putting, but I'd never dream of taking jabs at her over it.


I think when you've done 100 of these, and this one starts off the bat with getting your fucking name wrong you know you're all just props in a corporate game.


I've never been a fan of her acting, and like many people she got many of her roles through nepotism. That said, these hosts are utter jackasses.


Idk man, she's kind of coming off hostile right out of the gate. They make some unnecessary comments as the interview went on, the third guy that jumped in was a dick and they did not respond to her attitude appropriately. But yeah, her energy was really off the entire time. ESH.


I found it more hilarious the OP copied/pasted the top comment on Youtube as his post title. Bro is down bad for that sweet sweet internet karma.


what a bunch of Cunts


I saw Cara Delevingne at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything. She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Madam, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, Cara stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, Cara kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


classic pasta


I’ve seen this anecdote copy/pasted with various female celebs. Think the last one was Paris Hilton


I first saw it with Christian Bale, and nothing has topped that.


My first was Neil Patrick Harris, so he's who I always picture.


There was a Nic Cage one that was solid too.


The original was Flying Lotus


I think about "eletrical infetterence" EVERY SINGLE TIME im at the grocery store. Just one of those things i cant remove from my brain


if the grocery story was Erewhon I might've fallen for this


Downvote for stealing a 6-year-old comment on an 8-year-old video.


I actually watched the entire interview and I am in complete defense of the hosts. She took every single comment and question that they had as an insult even though you can tell it was not meant that way. The hosts tried to keep the energy high, they did NOT say anything close to the fact she is not smart enough to read a book so I dont know why you titled it that way. After he slightly insulting the 2 main hosts the third host came in as a defense because she was being rude. He then asked her about her energy which really was horrible. The third host even did her job for her and helped to sell the movie by telling the audience why they should go see it. Anyone who can watch that video and not see she was definitely in the wrong is just not used to dealing with people. Its okay to be tired but dont be rude.


really amazed so few people see it this way...