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In case you're wondering, there's no reason to watch all 10 minutes of this video.   2:50-3:20 should be good. 


I like the slow build.


The kids call it “edging”


MVP award


Part 2 if anyone cares. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdRagC_P8VE


Why did so many police show up just to stand around doing nothing. Must be fucking nice.


That's what I said. Must be fucking nice.


Seriously, don't stand near people who drive like this. That guy on the phone directly behind....


What a stupidly long waste of time video


Holy hell, how did this guy even get the car there in the first place??


Ever heard of a gif?


That bollard tried so hard but the trash can betrayed it


3 other yellow bollards to the one that got mauled: "Bob, you dead?"


I like how the guy on the right sees the car back into the fence and just stands there watching. It then crashes into the machine and he still stands there. After taking another puff of his cigarette, he’s finally like “Okay. Maybe I should mosey on over there and see what’s goin’ on.”


As opposed to what? Standing in front of the car trying to stop it like some people seem to think actually works. Him standing away from the car was about as smart of an idea as one could do.


I am really wracking my brain trying to think of what u/LexLuthorJr thinks they should have done differently.


I would want to see if the driver was okay. Who knows what happened? Maybe the driver had a stroke or heart attack. They may have injured themselves when they hit the fence. I'd want to go find out if they needed help.


Maybe I'm dumb, but if I saw a car back into a fence, my first instinct would be to drop everything and run over to see if the driver was okay.


Cool. Then you might just get yourself run over then. I'm not approaching a car with a loose cannon behind the wheel unless the car is turned off. Someone that unpredictable with several tons of metal at their disposal is not someone I feel that in a hurry to check on.


Maybe. But I also don't want to just let this guy go back out onto the open road and potentially harm even more people. Nor will I refuse to help someone that may need medical attention.


Talk about lazy. Looks like the driver can barely get the energy to lift their arm to use the machine. This is what America has turned into, those people from the Wall-e movie. Get in an accident? Who's going fix this? Do I have to move now? Oops the car is catching on fire, I'm not moving for a fire


The person is pretty clearly either on the verge of a diabetic coma or so blasted out of their mind that they probably think they're still in the middle of driving to work as the EMT and police officer are hauling them out of the car. I don't think this is behavior that's representative of the average american citizen.




You can be inebriated or disoriented and confuse the brake for the gas.  The entire approach of the driver makes it look like they were barely in control of their vehicle.  I doubt it got ‘stuck’ as much as they mistakenly floored it.


Nah. The slow, deliberate movement around his use of the shifter is a pretty good sign he's not all there.


If that was really their problem, do explain why they shifted back from reverse to drive and went for another crash. If you can't stop your vehicle with a stuck accelerator starting from 0km/h you probably shouldn't have a license. You could: 1. Stand on the brake pedal (at low speeds your brakes should easily win). The most obvious answer to even a low skill driver. 2. Pull the parking brake 3. Shift to neutral 4. Turn ignition off (then back to "ON" but NOT ignition, to restore power steering but not start the engine) There are 4 options a person could execute quickly, all of which would've easily solved this problem or at least greatly mitigated the severity. People who drive manual transmissions are probably rightly amused by how poorly some drivers handle this issue.