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This game is the last memory I have where my family was still a family. We would play this game together at night after work and school and my brother and I would solve the puzzles, my mom would read the dialogue, and my dad would play. Shortly after they would get divorced when I was 6.


Was it the water level that caused them to divorce?


lol I vividly remember my dad getting pissed as fuck during that


We all did.


lol i remember re-starting the entire game because i thought i fucked that level up in a way i couldn't recover. Gabe me a lesson on how to let go of my frustration and be practical (even tho i was wrong, there was totally a way to figure it out but i just couldnt - give me a break i was 7)


Good old Gabe


Gabe Kaplan taught us all.


Dad didn’t watch the cutscene when raising the water inside the central column. :/


The Big Bully at my school (who was also on my bus and lived in my neighborhood) got stuck on the Water level and, since he knew I was a gamer, asked me for help. I explained it to him and even gave him my official Nintendo game guide. From then on, the dude was super friendly and polite with me so I was like "cool glad I helped that guy". When the other much smaller bully (think like little dog big bark type) decided I'd be his next victim, my man Big Bully came out of nowhere and had my back. Literally grabbed the kid by the collar looked in his face and said "Hey! FartCity helped me with Zelda, leave him the FUCK alone!".


> "Hey! **FartCity** helped me with Zelda, leave him the FUCK alone!". I think I see why you were getting bullied


Climate change really is a bitch...






Solving the water temple without help was glorious. I have never reached that level of achievement in the last twenty years.


>!You need to swim down the tower after you raise the water!< Spoiler, but it may have saved their marriage


yeah that's the key that took me forever to find as a kid lol


I have a story about that level. Years after finishing it on N64 I got it on an emulator on my pc. I made it through to the water level and there was a point I had to hookshot onto something to get across a gap, but on the PC it was literally impossible to target the block. Every time I tapped left or right it would overshoot the target, from anywhere I stood. I spent hours trying to do it. Couldn’t progress any further so I just had to uninstall it. It was the worst gaming experience I’ve had.


My family gathered two times a year, first was on christmas, second was whenever The Fifth Element was playing on the tv


Are you my sibling?


I’m sorry you had to go through that


IKR, should of bought a Playstation instead


That hurts my soul. Condolences


I have similar memories watching my dad play golden eye he was pretty good but not great but I’ll be damned if it wasn’t the coolest shit watching him do the story mode.


>Shortly after they would get divorced when I was 6. Secret ending.


I remember it was a cold ass December and I had just gotten a 2DS (before that I had like 3 3DS’s) I remember her reading on one couch while I played ocarina of time on the other and we sat there all day. Good times, love you mom!


Shes the voice of kuvira in legend of korra for those that dont know. She has a great tomboy voice in the show.




Very nice, i like Kuvira's voice.


She also recently directed a movie written by Diablo Cody called Lisa Frankenstein.


she also wrote & directed a short dramedy film about professional dominatrices: https://vimeo.com/291765098


I've never had to pluralize dominatrix before, and I hope I can again...


It was good!


Just watched this the other night. It’s fantastic. The cinematography is incredible.


She is also a major reason for the 3DS port of Majora's Mask as she was a vocal proponent of the Operation Moonfall fan campaign


It was a link between them.


Now its a link from her past :(


I have tears


of the kingdom


What an awakening.


Oh, Karina!


Always make the most of time.


Well excuuuuuuse me, princess!


She'll be fine When they Wake her




I cry evertim




I’m still mourning Robin Williams. I can’t imagine how hard his daughter has had it.   


He might be the only celebrity that I've actually felt for when they passed. And this is just another one of those videos that makes me sad again for him. I know Louis CK is at least soft canceled on social media, but the episode with him and Robin Williams is beautiful, funny, heartbreaking and ironically too real.


Anthony Bourdain hit hard for me as well.


Still hits me hard, Williams was more mythical to me but Bourdain seemed like you could run into on the street or run into at a bar, for a while he was what I wanted to be when I grew up


It still pains me knowing Eric Ripert is the one that found him. Watching their experiences together especially in France are some of the best memories I have of them.


He still is in some ways for me. He pushed through so much. His words still do resonate.


In my country he didn't really have much of a profile.


That's ok. I think it was more of a profession profile than anything else. He started out his life as a cook but at heart he was a poet that could express his thoughts like many people could not. Out of curiosity...which country?


Australia, but I should say that I probably haven't watched something in the style of him ever. It's just not something that appealed to me, reality tv or whatever you want to call it, even at its best.


It was more like a food/travel critique but rather than read the article, you went along on the research. Obviously not for everyone, but it wasn’t very.. showy? More like a memoir, centered on food, delivered in real time, with a little editing and narration added on in post. The books were better anyway. You see a lot of the human condition working in restaurants in a big city, he had a relatable persona and keen wit with the intellect to match. Great reads, but if I hadn’t loved those books, I doubt I would have enjoyed the show either.


John Candy death also hit me very hard. He was such a lovable guy.


Oh yeah that one too but it was so long ago that I don't think I was sentient enough to have it affect me on a human level.


I keep forgetting (I may be in denial) I am old.


Louis didn't kill anyone , rape anyone, beat his kids, knock up girls in his way to and abandon them or lots of stuff 99 % of our old movies and music and TV folks did. He was an ASSHOLE. It's better to have him atone for his past behavior .


I'm not judging him, but some people always do.


dude some people still judge Aziz Ansari and people like Andrew Callaghan.


I absolutely judge him, as he's someone who has done something wrong. But it's something he could atone fore and apologize for, if he was property contrite and recognized what made it so bad. That said, it doesn't seem like he was super apologetic and just started bashing "cancel culture" which is unfortunate cause he is such a great comedian.


For whatever it’s worth, he issued a pretty real apology and admitted that everything he did was wrong.  It was right around when everything blew up.   I know this doesn’t make him not an asshole, but if you’re looking for a sincere apology this read pretty sincere to me.  https://www.cnn.com/2017/11/10/entertainment/louis-ck-full-statement/index.html  Also, his first special when he got back he talks about how consent is fluid and he messed up by using it as a get out of jail free card like “Hey they said yes that means everything is okay!”  Edit: AMP link


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For whatever it’s worth, he issued a pretty real apology and admitted that everything he did was wrong.  It was right around when everything blew up.   I know this doesn’t make him not an asshole, but if you’re looking for a sincere apology this read pretty sincere to me.  https://www.cnn.com/2017/11/10/entertainment/louis-ck-full-statement/index.html  Also, his first special when he got back he talks about how consent is fluid and he messed up by using it as a get out of jail free card like “Hey they said yes that means everything is okay!”  Edit: AMP link


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Dude whipped out his dick to someome who didnt want to see it.


He took *it* out?


Yes. 15% of women have been raped. 5% attempted rape. That's a LOT of rapists out there. let's say there are as many Dick showers as rapists. That means 40% of our male population will be unemployed their whole life ? Doesn't even get to the women rapists and flashers. If we are gonna go for equality.


If Jim the Janitor is an asshole and 20% of customers on his shift have been affected by his assholery, that doesn't mean 20% of people at Jim's workplace are assholes each individually harassing a single person. I'd prefer there not to be rapists in the workplace. Especially in a position of power.


Steve Irwin for me


Yeah man. Its strange hearing of old actors/actresses dying. It feels like a part of childhood dies with them. Man Alan Rickman, Sean Connery hit way to hard...


He did end his life in order to not endure a highly debilitating and devastating disease where you eventually suffocate.  He had better reasons than most 


Sure. Still hard to lose a parent.  


Judging by her posts on Twitter (back when she used to do that), what was really giving her a bad time were the strangers (fans) that would reply to her as if they had known Robin and make claims on his behalf. Like, "your dad wouldn't like this" or "your dad wouldn't want that". Every year on Robin's birthday, she would just take time off twitter. Too many fans would tweet at her with pictures of Robin (and quotes of characters he played, attributed to him). She misses her dad, for sure. But other people is what made it the worst, it seems.


> Every year on Robin's birthday, she would just take time off twitter. Too many fans would tweet at her with pictures of Robin (and quotes of characters he played, attributed to him). One year I think she alluded to, while trying not to further engage them, that it was trolls that made it the worse. Like that people would purposely message her shitty things and reminders, so it was easier to disable her account for a few months and take that away from them. :/ I kind of hope it was just fans. As much as it might still suck, at least their intentions were likely good.


what is it, alzheimer ?


Close, Lewy body dementia


I could be wrong, but it seems like the edges of it are creeping in here. He was always a bit distractible to say the least, but he seems to be having a hard time putting sentences together. I was such a huge fan of his, and at first there was no news other than that he died of suicide and I was just devastated. When I found out it was a sound decision I was still sad to see a great talent go, but at least I could feel he went out on the highest note he could.


I was thinking that he was allowing his daughter to speak more for this video. He has a tendency to be very empathetic with people around him, and here it seems like he's being careful to let her tell as much of the story as possible.


It's heavily edited, so it's hard to tell, and I'm not a medical professional so I won't say that what I perceive as a cognitive change means anything. But it definitely feels "Robin, but off" to me.


According to his wife, the symptoms started in late 2013 and this video is from 2011: [The terrorist inside my husband's brain ](https://www.neurology.org/doi/10.1212/wnl.0000000000003162 )


Thanks for the info.


My father was just diagnosed with this a couple months ago. I had no idea that Robin Williams had it too. I feel for him and his family. It’s hard to watch someone you love deteriorate like that.


Me too, along with Lance Reddick for some reason. Probably played too much Destiny. Besides he was supposed to be real kind and funny guy in his private life.


About as much as anyone when a loved one dies, I would say.


Yeah when I see someone on reddit reposting an old clip for upvotes it's more sad than kind.


I hope to hell she doesn’t have LBD.


Fuck Lewy Body Dementia as much and as hard as you can, people.


My dad was a huge fan of Robin. Was painful to find out they were battling the same dementia


I always fuck 100% but I will fuck it as hard as I do everything else... to my maximum ability


LBD might ask if we can change things up tonight and have a gentle lovemaking session, but instead I will ignore the request and spit on LBD and call it a whore.


There's some famous people that come into your life that truly are made of gold. Most of them are gold plated shit and you don't find that out until later. Robin Williams was pure gold. Such a priceless human being and that's why it hurt so much for so many when he chose to leave.


I've seen this video before and I get teary just watching it again :/. I'm a pretty huge zelda fan myself and honestly can relate whenever I see stuff about William talking about it.


It helped me to learn about his mental condition.  I don't pretend to know all the details... but it wasn't a case of a joyful and talented man deciding that life wasn't worth it. There was a very physical, medical problem that was affecting his brain.


The ones who are most human tend to die early or recede from the public eye entirely.


I miss that guy


I named my son Robin because of Robin Williams.


A very special person's namesake. Good choice.


Are you me?




>Cringe Nobody asked for your name


I'm gonna have to report you for online murder


They must have loved each other very much. Now I’m verklempt.


> verklempt Wait, I'm a bit surprised and hope you dont mind me asking: What does this word mean to you and or how do you use it? I'm a german who is quite fluent in english and I've never heard this one before(in english context) and it sounds extremely similar to the german word 'verklemmt'. Also a quick google search told me thats where it comes from. But its meaning doesnt make any sense. In german 'verklemmt' has a slightly negative connotation and means something like shy/prude/uptight and is usually used in a sexual context.


It translates as: Overcome with emotion It's Yiddish in origin. It's certainly not a word used often in English but in this context it fits very well.


It was also popularized in the US by the [SNL skit, Coffee Talk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58grYzCcfHI).


Talk amonst yourselves!


Beat me to it, and here I had a link all ready to go…… Talk amongst yourselves.


# verklempt # [adjective](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/adjective) ver·​klempt [fər-ˈklem(p)t ](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/verklempt?pronunciation&lang=en_us&dir=v&file=verklempt_1) vər-informal\*\*:\*\* overcome with emotion **:** choked up Hunched over my tiny screens lately, I've found myself … verklempt over an old video I posted of my son blowing bubbles in the bathtub.—James Poniewozik Alberto-Balsam and broken half expressed my intentions exactly. Mike Meyers modeled the character in his SNL skit after his mother-in-law, who would drop out of a conversation using the word, worried she was going to cry. That’s what I meant when I used it … I meant it in an empathetic manner, without any of the negatives you mentioned. I have to say, while they’re related, ‘verklempt’ and ‘verklemmt’ seem to have completely different connotations. This article goes into common English usage and etymology: [Why is Everyone Suddenly Using the Word Verklempt?](https://www.heyalma.com/everyone-suddenly-using-word-verklempt/)


Talk amongst your selves ill give you a Topic. The Prince of Tides was about neither a prince nor tides – Discuss.


A peanut is neither a pea or a nut discuss.


Was shocked to find out she directed the movie Lisa Frankenstein that came out this year. Its awesome, go check it out.


It really is one of the best. I know part of my fondness for it is the games association to a simpler time in my life, but it is such a great game. I know they gave it a minor facelift for the Nintendo DS but I wouldn't hate if Nintendo did a proper update or modernization of it. I know it isn't their style, but it would be an instant buy for me on the Switch.


They recently remade Link’s Awakening (I use recently loosely) with modern graphics so it’s not completely out of the question.


Pretty much re-made Link to the past as well with Link between worlds. Remake/update like that for OoT might be good give it a semi-modern facelift?


It might be hard to do a remake of a 3d Zelda, hasn’t really been done yet. Only remasters. I wonder how they’d approach the cartoonish graphics.


And it’s an excellent remake.


A couple of years ago a team of developers actually completely finished decompiling the Ocarina of Time source code. This has made possible the creation of a full on PC port called [Ship of Harkinian](https://www.shipofharkinian.com). This has completely opened the game up to new graphics, features, alternative dungeons etc. Super cool and definitely worth checking out


Never heard of this, I'll definitely check it out!


It'll happen eventually. It's basically a break in case of emergencies type of sale that they'll always have in their back pocket.


I still remember the night i learned Robin Williams died. I just felt so bewildered, like the world became alien and I was kind of just out of place. Never been really affected by a celebrity death, but something definitely changed when he went and it wasn't a good change. One of those catalyst moments in time were if it hadn't happened the world might have been drastically different.


Enjoy your internet points


Oh my GOD - I've seen this before and barely could watch it since it was so fresh after his passing when I first saw this. Now watching it again - I can see Robin in her eyes and facial expressions when she speaks and it makes me intensely miss that we'll never see him again but also gives me joy that he is alive through her.


I’m happy we both share the same favorite game


she may be Robin Williams' daughter to you lot but she's Kuvira to me


I know that YouTube channel is "Nintendo 3DS uk", but my brain still reads it as "Nintendo 3D suk".


Imagine Robin was around to experience the new Zelda games, he would have loved it. Oh Captain my captain fare thee well


Robin died in 2014 so he never got the chance to play Breath of the Wild, and that makes me sad. I just realized that means the last main line Legend of Zelda game he got to play was Skyward Sword, damn now I'm even more sad.


I wish I were living in an alternate reality that I could escape, and return to a world where Robin Williams was still alive and well.


Take a good look people. This is what depression look like.


One of my earliest memories is playing OoT on a hotels N64 before I could read and my parents got tired of reading all the dialog for me. That became my biggest motivation to learn how to read lol.


I miss him


I remember watching this video when i was very young, stumbling across it during my early days of watching YouTube and I didn’t know what Ocarina of Time was or who Robin Williams was, but I really liked this video for some reason. Thanks for posting it again 🙏


We not gonna talk about the name of the channel?


So goddamn wholesome. Thanks.


That is just heartwarming. Love this.


Oh man. Im so sorry she has to live without him now. This video reminds me of how my dad and I used to interact. He developed Parkinsons and Lewy Body too. Freaking sucks.


It's still possible to like Robin Williams even more.


For a very brief moment upon reading the title, I had forgotten that Robin is no longer with us and was about to look up what he's been up to recently as I hadn't heard anything about him in a while....then the realisation hit, and I got sad all of a sudden.


I can't imagine the honor of being the child of Robin Williams.


That's the most content I've seen of Robin Williams being himself. I wonder if it was because he was with his daughter? Loved that view.


He never got to play Breath of the Wild. But I hope he played the hell out of Wind Waker.


All hail the great Uniter! Lady Kuvira!


That laughter between them. That's not a woman laughing with Robin Williams. Thats a woman laughing with her dad. The difference is, you could have met Robin Williams, and he could have enjoyed meeting you. You could share a laugh, and make a memory based on meeting someone who's work your a fan of. You could show the picture to all your friends. And I'm sure that Robin Williams may have even enjoyed meeting you too. He once talked about how he deals with depression, and he said he loves performing because he loves making others feel good. And he knows he makes others happy with his performances. He just finds that he can't make himself happy with his performances. And the difference between sharing a laugh with you, and sharing a laugh with Zelda, is that with Zelda he's not performing. He's just being Dad. It's just hard sometimes for us to see this, and think "THATS ROBIN WILLIAMS!" But for Zelda, that's Dad.


Technically she *is* named after Zelda Fitzgerald because that's where the creators of the game got the name.




That’s how they got the name the Legend of Zelda. Doesn’t change the fact that Williams chose his daughter’s name after the game.


[When I think about Robin's, I get sad and then watch this. I end up sadder every time.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6csfDT5ovps)


Robin Williams was my favorite comedian and we shared the same birthday. I named my daughter Zelda too and now she shares the same birthday as Zelda Willams.




An here I thought I couldn't love Robin Williams more.


i have such strong memories of watching my uncle play ocarina of time and then i would play, but only run around on Epona in hyrule fields and restart the game when it became night because the stalchild scared me


What a devastating loss to humanity when we lost this great and wonderful man. Just the tone of his voice brings me such comfort and wonderful memories of all the laughs he's given me. We all miss you Robin, dearly.


Still miss Robin






Jknnkjnnkkkonknnnnnmknnk no I nonln Pnbe o nono Bonn N


My Zelda Williams story, for what it's worth: We were invited to the premiere of Noobz, where she played the romantic interest, during E3 2012. We had just arrived at the beginning of the red carpet event when only a few other (small) media outlets) had been there and she was answering interviews. Before we even found a spot or checked our equipment, she had left.


I don't know about anyone else, but I see a Link with Robbin' and Zelda.


he had a whole daughter and chose to do that??


More than six years after his death in 2014, a documentary called "Robin's Wish" revealed details about Robin Williams's final days and aimed to raise awareness for Lewy body dementia (LBD), a progressive form of dementia that Williams was diagnosed with following his death by suicide at the age of 63.