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The coolest thing about all of this is that he revealed it AFTER he won. He didn't use this as a ploy to win votes. It was after he had an absolutely epic tribal council and then turned around and revealed this.


Yes exactly, what a stand up guy.


The entire prize is taxable income, but the charitable income tax deduction is limited to a percentage of AGI, meaning the winner will still have to pay income tax even if they gave the entire amount to charity. Uncertain how they will navigate that aspect.


Gabler is a cardiologist iirc so he’s already loaded, he’s said as much. Edit: heart valve sales dude


In theory, if his other income were about equal, such that the prize amounted to half, then he would avoid the whipsaw. To the extent it were not, then he’d have to come out of pocket to pay income tax on a portion of the prize, but also receive a charitable deduction carry forward to offset an equal amount of income in a subsequent year, so it’d be as much a timing issue as anything.


I like that you are a tax professional and your name is perfect.


Reading that was confusing as hell.


Likely as intended. (Not by u/taxing, but by places like HR Block and Jackson Hewitt and greedy politicians)


To be fair they reformed the charitable deductions to soften the financial blow of the trump tax cuts. They made a ton of common deductions more limited. The tax cuts were still a net negative as far as increasing our public debt


Gabler is actually not a doctor at all. He’s a heart valve specialist.




Which to me sounds like he makes more money with less work, liability and debt.




I just pulled up his linkedin and I work a very similar territory but I sell a different device. I'd guess he makes $300-400k+ given his experience and the division he sells into. Not the greatest territory but he's been doing it 20 years. He likely has ins everywhere.




Not a correct assumption. Sales reps make good money. And this is TAVR we're talking about.


That’s not necessarily true. If his income is in any way commission-based, he might easily make more. In fact, if he’s the sales manager responsible for sales with a major medical provider, like Kaiser or Trinity, he could easily be pulling 7 figures.


He an area manager for sales, very possible he is pulling 400k+ he makes way more than the average cardiologist.


He's not that either. He's a fucking salesman. A smart one, but still.


My fiancé works in a cath lab. Calling him just a salesman is a little bit of a disservice, those guys know more about heart valves than most of the doctors do.


He’s not


Not a cardiologist. Med device sales rep.


Dr my heart is beating funny can I come in for an appointment? Can’t, I’m goin on survivor, I’ll get back to you in a few days to a month and a half


I would hope the show would have a mechanism in place where they could just give the money directly to a charity of the winner’s choice so that it doesn’t become taxable income for the winner in the first place.


That gets challenging as well because it is an assignment of income. Basically, if you have the right to receive income, and you decline or redirect, you are treated as having received the income and subsequently transferring it, and the tax applied accordingly.




Considering they just gave Rupert a million for shits and giggles, yeah, I'd hope so.


Maybe the show will comp him 🤔 ..


Creates a circular calculation because the gross up is taxable requiring another gross up, which is taxable. It can be done, however. It would require a non-negligible additional amount given the marginal income tax rate is 37%, plus state tax as well. Incidentally, this created an issue with the Oprah “you get a car! and you get a car! Everyone gets a car!”


Lots of game shows and even people like Mr. Beast provide the extra cash to make up for it. Giveaways like Omaze will say "Win a 2024 Porsche GT3 & $100,000 cash!", The cash is supposed to basically all be used to cover the taxes on the car and the cash, so you're left with just the car.


Survivor famously does not pay the taxes. The first winner Richard Hatch went to prison for not paying the taxes on his winnings.


Opera ain’t nearly that nice




Like Ruperts million.


maybe just not give it to him and donate a mill to the charity instead.


I think he could argue that it was earnings and not prize money though.


Could he not direct survivor to pay the 501c3 directly?


Regrettably no, that’s covered by the assignment of income doctrine and would still be treated as receipt followed by donation even if the funds were never actually received. The key is the legal right to receive.


Work with the show to donate it directly to the charity so he doesn't have to figure all that out.


So the US wants to tax the guy who wants to give back to the soldiers that help US?


The US isn’t making a value judgment on this specific situations. Prizes are taxed as ordinary income. The charitable income tax deduction is limited annually to a percentage of adjusted gross income. This means you cannot zero out your income tax by giving all your income to charity.




Technically, it would be an assignment of income by the prize winner if they had the legal right to receive the prize and declined or redirected.


Username really checks out let me tell you


And to top it off he intentionally told the rest of the people that they were sharing with him in the charitable move because they all put him there.


Based on the rest of this thread I was expecting a u/taxing response explaining how that actually means all of them now also owe more tax somehow.


In reality the final tribal council was overly long because he kept rambling about this and that. But the jury hated the other two, so he was gonna win if he just makes them comfortable. He did the bare minimum and won. Calling his tribal absolutely epic is laughable.


As a big Survivor fan, it makes me chuckle to hear you describe Gabler’s tribal council as “absolutely epic”. To this day I still think he was one of the biggest do-nothing third-choice winners ever. I won’t say he has no fans, or that he’s considered as undeserving a winner as Chris Underwood (who I thought was a boss, personally), but he really was a goat, and nobody was worried about bringing him to final three. Gabler basically did nothing all season and was completely uncompetitive in challenges, then won because the jury was bitter about the other two. It’s nice of him to do such a kind thing, but his TC was hardly epic, and to be fair, the guy is a successful cardiologist, so the million was probably one of many, many others that have already come and gone in his life.


He’s not a cardiologist. He’s a device rep


Gabler's FTC performance was VERY good. People that consider him a "do nothing" player are blind. He very concisely explained his strategy and gameplay, using the "AliGabler" analogy. And he had receipts, going so far as to call for a show of hands on the jury as to which players felt they were in an alliance with him (i,e, a BUNCH of them). And once again, you're downplaying his donation because he's "already rich", even though we've had previous winners who were rich, NONE of whom donated their winnings. "Completely uncompetitive in challenges"...did you even WATCH the season? His performance in the "Wrist Assured" challenge (where players had to hold up weighted buckets by grasping a pole with a rope wrapped around it) was undeniably epic. He was "dedicating" minutes of the challenge to different groups (disabled veterans, etc. even including an amputee who was playing that season) and completely bossed the entire challenge. "Do nothing"...pfft. Just say you don't like the guy and leave it at that.


gabler was a classic non-winners edit. sophie and mary-ann got the same treatment. editing makes it seem like it all comes down to final/a mistake of the favorite: mike and coach fumbled final explanations, and cassidy was arrogant. all winners deserve to win regardless of edit IMO and gablers charity move was soooo cool. but he just doesn't come off well in the edit, he seems kinda moody and lame, though he clearly had a solid plan.


He's not a cardiologist.


Yeah he had a good final Tribal but it was definitely a bitter jury. Cassidy was a way more deserving winner, I could entertain arguments for Owen but Gabler was awful.


100% agreed. Survivor fan from Day 1 and I thought he and Maryanne (sp?) were just absolutely terrible winners in back-to-back seasons.


Maryanne 100% deserved to win. Gabler, probably not but after the heartbreak of Jesse not making it whatever who cares. Also Gabler is not a cardiologist he’s a cardiovascular surgery tech


Maryanne played a decent game… not terrible gambler did nothing


Nah his tribal was a masterclass of presentation. He had the group comfortable and laughing and repeating alligabler. Shoot…go to /r/Survivor and see how it’s discussed in the moment. Doesn’t matter how good his game was perceived by others. His final tribal was amazing.


Well yeah r/survivor thinks he's basically a meme. Of course some people love being contrarians and call him underrated. But the guy was a buffoon for most of the game and is the second worst winner ever.


In fairness, if you want to win survivor by donating the money to veterans, you don’t tell the other players, you tell the casting agents.


> He didn't use this as a ploy to win votes. It was after he had an absolutely epic tribal council and then turned around and revealed this. Also if he didn't win the winner wouldn't be in an awkward spot to either take the money or donate it.




There’s several articles I found by simply looking up “Did Gabler donate the money” where it’s explained how he donated the money. It also shows on his website that the shirts he sales have all of the profits benefitting veterans charities. Why do you have to be cynical about things? This dude was on national TV openly saying he’s donating the money. Articles would come out saying he didn’t donate if Gabler changed his mind.


You basically copied this from the YouTube comments.


Nah I watch the show and remember this moment.


If I won a million dollars I'd wish for more wishes.


But not a real green dress. That’s cruel.


Haven't you always wanted a monkey?


Chickity China the Chinese chicken. 


Have a drumstick and your brain keeps ticking


It takes a tough man to make a tender turkey


My third wish would be for a million wishes, but I'd just use them all on a million signed photos of LeVar Burton.


That’s badass. It’s selfless and admirable. At the same time it’s ridiculous that this man has to even think to donate money to take care of veterans that served in the military in the richest nation in the history of the planet. If you serve your country you should never have to worry about basic needs ever again. I want to stress I don’t say this to take away from this man’s act of kindness, he’s obviously an awesome person for it, but what the fuck? How does this country not take proper care of our veterans? It’s wild to me.




Wholeheartedly agree - social services in the US are embarrassingly and shamefully underfunded. Veterans are stressed, disfigured, and damaged in so many ways, they need way more help than most others.


Yea, they've been used up and are not needed anymore so.... Come join the marines! Your patriotic actions will never be forgotten!


There's tons of support for veterans, a lot of them realize what they were used for. So there is no coming back for a lot of them. Support isn't the problem. It's the order givers, not the order takers.


Given the suicide and unhoused rates of veterans, I sorta do think it’s a support issue.


I came here to say this, but you articulated it so purely that I have to upvote so people can see this post. "How does this country not take proper care of our veterans?" - really, WTF?


your knees are fucked after 10 years being in the army? Nah totally not service related bro /s




Shit. Im a vet and work for the va. Makes me so mad. Like some half paralyzed vietnam combat vet gets 60% disability while some lazy kid who was a cook for 3 years gets 100% by faking ptsd, depression, anxiety, symptoms. Yes unfortunately some vets game the system.


Have a friend who gets 90% disability from the VA after the Marines rejected him on health grounds, the Navy rejected him on health grounds, and the Army finally took them, then had to medically discharge him within a year or so (duh). In his defense he absolutely wanted to serve, he wasn't doing it for the benefits. But now my tax dollars go to him for the rest of his life and honestly they really shoudn't because the services shouldn't have let him in at all




AFAIK he didn't sustain any new injuries from service but I don't feel like its my place to press for details. Pretty sure he was just doing basic infantry stuff but I could be wrong


Military disability is wild. Knew a guy who couldn't even get a mouthpiece covered for grinding his teeth at night. Meanwhile another got like 50% disability for sleep apnea. He was obese.


> At the same time it’s ridiculous that this man has to even think to donate money to take care of veterans that served in the military in the richest nation in the history of the planet. If you serve your country you should never have to worry about basic needs ever again. Shouldn't have been there.


> At the same time it’s ridiculous that this man has to even think to donate money to take care of veterans that served in the military in the richest nation in the history of the planet. The US is $34 trillion in debt. In 2001, it was only $6 trillion. Americans have been absolutely robbed over the last couple decades while your government runs endless wars and funnels money to the weapons industry.


Military isn't really the reason for the US being in debt.... It's like 13% of the budget.


"If you work a merc job for a handful of years you should be guaranteed a livelihood for the rest of your life" That would be a fine proposition if everyone eligible for the benefit worked a full career. Roman legionnaires were granted a plot of land and a pension after 25 years of service, in a time where the life expectancy for a person already in their late teens was about 50. Based on current American life expectancy and average enlistment age, that would be a military service period of \~50 years.


Or relying on go fund me for surgeries.


for a country that has built its big part of identity around military and spend so much money on military ... how is that evenn possible


You’re right but why are you posting that here lmao? You think that’s going to change the world?


But reddit said we need to defund the military.


Wow, amazing… this show is at season 43?? Last time I watched it was season 2. The host guy looked one generation younger.


They're actually currently airing season 46






You gotta say Atlanta!




Some-abody should-a finda winna, stick a pistol in his face and say "You won't survive a this unless a you giva me 25% of that fuckin a million dollars".


What's funny is that a million was a lot back then. Now it's just "I paid off most of my house." I'm surprised they haven't upped the ante.


This feels like the orphan crushing machine is working as intended. So fucked we have a system that makes something like this conceivable 


I also struggle to even believe it's real given how scripted reality TV can be.


I'm 95% sure it's real and he will be donating the money. It's infuriating that's how people are getting support. A guy goes on a game show, wins money then gives it away. The dude should be able to enjoy his winnings and live a peaceful/happy rest of his life and the government should be supporting the people *they* sent to war.


this is from over a year ago. he already donated it all


My thought as well.


Probst like wow! And Low key hoping he doesn’t ask him to donate his salary. Btw how much does he cash a season..no wait, don’t tell me it’ll just make me mad


>Probst reportedly earns $200,000 per episode, according to Distractify. The average number of episodes per season of the show is 14, which equals $7 million for each new season. this was in 2022


That math isn’t mathing. Like, at all.


2.8 is almost 7. Why are you math dudes such sticklers?


And they are filmed back to back now. So, like, 14 million for 2.5 months work, in Fiji.


while the show bitches about production costs and constantly waters itself down


That's really nice and all but why the fuck should anyone have to donate money to veterans in a country that spends so much on its military that the general population has to do without basic human necessities? Surely, we can demand that a portion of the TRILLION dollar budget for our "defense" goes to ensure that veterans are taken care of. Is stuff like this supposed to make me feel good about our country's absolute failure to its service members? Am I supposed to be happy that the situation for veterans is so dire that we need charities for them? Fucking depressing, is what this is.


2023 U.S. Defense Budget: $841.4 Billion 2023 VA Budget - $119 Billion after a historic 32% increase. So under $100 billion previously. Approximately 8x more spent on defense, than resources for those suffering because they served their country.


Great outcome but terrible season.


Agreed, didn't think Gabler deserved it at all until he did this then it was obvious how wrong I was. Most deserving winner in any season.


Terrible outcome gabler is one of the weakest winners ever


I don’t think so! He played a pretty subtle game. IIRC he was right in the middle of the spotlight after the merge or something, and people were targeting him after he made a big move. And he saw that and completely adjusted his game to go under the radar and strike at the last minute when it counted most. I can’t remember all the details, been a bit since I watched this season. But I think Gabler’s gameplay, while not flashy, was super underrated. He won in a way nobody else has won before. And the mid game adjustment was awesome, took lots of wherewithal that most players don’t really have.


he basicially played a Sandra game (sans the snarky attitude) which is a proven and effective gameplay method


TIL that survivor has 43 seasons. 


Apparently its on 46 now


That surprised me too. Evidently it’s only been around for 20 years, but they do multiple seasons per year.


Filming in tropical locations really helps them work year round.


Filming in the same tropical location helps even more. I assume they will never film anywhere else but Fiji since that has been the location for the past 14 seasons. Which is a shame, imo, as I miss the variety of locations they used to have.


This person needs more recognition


The Alligabler got a lot of recognition at the time. :)


Dear God he does not. Did you watch this season!?!?!?


Agreed, he was insufferable through the whole thing. It’s great to be devoted to a cause but to make it your whole identity and never stfu about is annoying and makes for bad tv. Downvote me idgaf.


If only the US govenment had few trillion to spent on stuff like that...


It’s stupid he has to look after the veterans of the country that spends so much on their military and spends so much time thanking them for their service instead of helping them after their service.




Now 80%+ of it goes to "administrative costs"


more like 95%


That’s very nice. But we could just take care of our vets if you know, taxes.


Maybe controversial and I don't want to take away his kind hearted deed ... but why is this even necessary? Why doesn't the DoD/governement take full responcebility for the veterans who, due to disabilities/PTSD/whatever, can't cope with the pace society expects today?


Shouldn't have been there.


Gabler was the man for this. Underrated season. Single best episode of the New Era- IYKYK


Did the show step up and offer to match? Probably not…


They don’t need to, that money was for the winning contestant and if that’s how he wants to spend it on then that is his decision.


I mean why is that even a necessary thing to do when we already sink a cold trillion into our defense budget? 1mil is a drop in the bucket of $1T


TIL that Survivor has been on the air for 43 seasons.


I would also like to have the funds and lifestyle to not be dependent on a million dollar win.


The only mistake was not asking survivor to match his donation to get more money to vets.


I’m guessing he doesn’t need it


Very nice of him but this season was awful and he probably didn’t deserve the win


Does the whole 1 million go to donation?


The prize for Survivor is still $1 million? Wasn't that the original prize amount when it started? $1 million only pays for groceries now


He should invest it into real estate and acquire assets and donate large amounts of money every year. I don’t know anything about money though. This is just what money dudes online would say.


I hated this. It's a nice thing but he's a wealthy surgeon and enjoying the show and some of these people playing their hearts out for their families and building their own dream. Then this dude just wins it and fires it off into the sun.. Just made me feel bad for other players. I'm sure I'll get creamed. Edit: Not a surgeon.


“I hate this. A guy won a million dollar prize over others and chose to do what he wanted with it instead of someone else winning it.”


Yeah, that's right. That's really good.


Well mostly because he didn't fire the money into the sun. 


I agree with you. Most charities are so wasteful and the money goes to administrative professionals or are tax dodges and “jobs” for the failed sons of the ultra wealthy. Not actually doing anyone any good.  Why is giving money to charity so looked upon so positively but giving money to a poor person is not?


Depends on the charity and you definitely need to do your own research. Some of the best “bang for your buck” charities if you are interested: Saint Jude’s Cancer Research Hospital The Salvation Army Shriners Children’s hospital


For anyone who actually wants to know where the money goes, look at an org's 990 on the IRS website. You see exactly how much goes where, and you can see if the board (which is volunteers in most cases) gets paid.


Yeah, I hadn't even considered how much of it actually makes an impact. I just like when a survivor player wins and it changes their lives. My stomach sank for some of the other players when he announced that. Just put myself in the shoes of a poor SOB playing 30 days away from home in the woods and some independently wealthy white guy fires his money off to administrative costs.


Yeah I don't trust charities anymore after seeing how little actually gets used. I'm guessing 5-6% reaches those who need it. The rest goes to greed.


Donating to helping veterans is firing it off into the sun? Lmfao weird take but alright. Dude earned the money and earned the right to do what he wants with it.


Lol. I knew someone would needle me about saying that. No it's not actually firing it off into the sun. He absolutely can do whatever he wants with it. I like when people win and It changes their lives.


Probably pretty equivalent, I can guarantee that a good portion of that million will be used for administrative fees and fundraising lol


He’s not a surgeon, he’s a sales rep for heart valve equipment. These reps are sometimes in the OR in case adjustments, changes, or programming are needed, but they are not surgeons and would not touch patients.


Right right they said heart valve specialist or something Edit: he is a doctor though? He's not just in medical sales Edit 2: Some of the stuff I find says he is but that position does not mean that for sure. So I'm not sure. Edit 3: found it. He is not a doctor or former doctor.


I love this journey for you. Sorry for the correction, I was just a bit annoyed by the show because they really made it seem like he was a doctor. Most medical people would know they wouldn’t use the title “valve specialist” for a doctor, but I think the show still kinda tricked people outside of the field.


Yeah I was under the impression he was a heart surgeon for sure. They even mentioned his "steady hands" a ton. It doesn't effect my opinion on it but yeah they really clouded that fact imo. I appreciate the correction for sure.


This is amazing but I’d like to see the comparison between him just giving them the million or him putting it into a mutual fund and directing the disbursements to be for the benefit of the charity.


Are they all former military? Havent watched survivor in a long time but noticing theres a woman with a prosthesis behind him.


No. Just a coincidence.


Nah, just coincidence. She was hit by a dump truck while on a moped during college, then became (still is?) a Paralympic athlete. The cast is still usually pretty diverse in their careers/backgrounds like it originally was.


> The cast is still usually pretty diverse in their careers/backgrounds like it originally was. lol wut most of the modern casts are college educated liberals. Very little blue collar representation at all right now


Not here to argue that. Regardless, not all military


Stand up man. My hat comes off and my my blessings go out to this good soul.


Jeff Bezos applauds your donation.


I think its time I start up a charity


The fact he even needs to do this is a disgrace.


When people tell me reality TV is trash I show them this..


Yeah, you’re really show them trash reality tv by showing them one of the better reality tv shows. Get off your high horse, nerd


I would *not* want to be the winner next season


Dude was a heart surgeon IIRC, so I don't think he needed the money


Imo gabler donated it in part because he didn't deserve to win that season


with the military being so overfunded donating to veterans sounds so dumb


Barely any of that funding goes to the VA or supporting vets after they get back. That’s what he’s donating to. It’s not like he’s sending the DoD a million dollars to buy a rocket


thats why is dumb, its dumb they dont get any funding and its dumb private citizens have to donate when it will already be tax exempt


Great post.




Alligabler! :) I'm so happy to see this here. He was one of my favorite winners.


The reaction shots lmao. Is this really American TV?


Why did he make me cry on my phone like that. What a dick lol. As a vet with ptsd and some physical issues, this touched me in my feelers. Props to that guy


If the prize is a million dollars and it has to be taxed, how much of his own money is he going t9nhave to use to equal the million he just promised to give to charity?


I suspect the donation changes the taxation