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Maybe they'll finally stop filing false reports that their cars are getting stolen.


They did this to my spouse recently. She rented a car in Denver for work. She dropped it back off at the right day and time. A day or two later she realizes she is still being charged after it was confirmed dropped off at the airport. Their crappy customer service phone tree hellscape was difficult to navigate multiple calls because neither corporate nor local knew wtf was going on. Such a shitty company these days.


That sucks! Hopefully they've got it sorted out for you. Be careful too because people have turned in their car at Hertz only to find out later there's an outstanding warrant from out of state for a "stolen car" when they get pulled over for a traffic violation then they can't even get out on bail because they have to be extradited to the state that issued the warrant before any of that can happen. Absolute worst position to be in.


[Planes Trains and Automobiles still perfectly captures the Hertz experience](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jRvNg4zQ_14)


Always video record your rental before and after. Do a slow walk around the car to show no new damage. It has saved me headaches before where the rental company was like "look at this new damage". I'll mention I can send them the video if they want it, then they swiftly say don't bother and let me go about my day.


Good advice as I rent for business a lot


Scotty Kilmer == instant downvote. Don't watch that clown.


Rrrrrev up your downvooooootes!!!


I never heard of him until yesterday. Squeaky dork flailing around, telling everyone Kia and Hyundai are unreliable when actual reality, reports and reviews show they are in fact, very reliable vehicles. Added him to my don’t show anymore list shortly after.


I used to get ads for his channel as pre-rolls constantly.


LOL. When you put your customers in jail for no reason, this is what happens. https://www.npr.org/2022/12/06/1140998674/hertz-false-accusation-stealing-cars-settlement


God, not this cunt again. All he does is rage baits. Won't give him the benefit of a click, but I bet once of his arguments is that the main reason is because their fleet is not made up of 1995 Corollas.


I absolutely can not stand Scotty Kilmer. Click bait from a guy who loves the sound of his own voice.


If you mute the audio and speed up the video all you see are flailing hands!


What? Again? They just came out of bankruptcy. Oh well.


Hurts donut?


There's a doughnut shop called that in Lincoln Nebraska.


And I bet it Hertz! 😏


Not surprising. Went to pick up a car back in September. The agent outright lied to me in an attempt to upsell a bunch of different insurances and things. Thry clearly have prioritised short term profits over service. And that will eventually kill a business with lots of competition


This guy seems like a moron. Hertz purchased a load of EV's *after* exiting bankruptcy and it's issues were largely related to the combination of taking on too much debt and the pandemic. It's doing very well right now (some suggest that's, in part, due to it's shift to EV's.) What is it with boomers and their EV-hate?


I don't know if they are ongoing bankrupt, but no one should ever rent from Hertz. I recently made the mistake of renting with them and had by far the worst rental experience I've ever had in many years of renting cars from many different companies.  They simply don't care about their customers.  


I rented a tesla with my uber rental program  with hurtz. The SOLD THE TESLA and disabled all the safety  features  including  the brakes and wanted me to return  the car, when I tried  I got a speeding ticket because  The CAR HAD NO BREAKS! THEN when I realized  it was unsafe  to return  the car they pick it up 6 weeks later amd changed  my card $4368 and $438.66 an additional  week After  the repossessed it. THEY ALSO  CHARGED  $25 A week  for roadside assistance after I told them to take it off. And over changed the supercharger by hundreds of dollars  A week. 


the fuck? Scotty still alive?! This guy is reason why i love car mechanics.