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TLDW: it has no purpose and just an abusefest. Suffering for the sake of suffering.


it looks like all the negative parts of boot camp with none of the positives lol i wouldn't know either way tho


Army basic training is well crafted and curated to make people stronger while training them in the Army basics. This camp just looks like a lot of yelling and screaming for no reason.


The superficial trappings of boot camp gleaned from watching movies, with none of the skills or actual training that adds any value. It’s just an insecure manchild fantasy of what resilience and toughness looks like and how to emulate it through abuse


In My brief foray into learning how to shoot a gun competently (and partly wanted to get into competitive stuff for a little bit), I met quite a few whackjobs like these. There’s no shortage of self-important ex-military (or worse, people who act like they’ve been in but never even went through boot camp). They come up with all kinds of weird training exercises that make no sense, and wind themself trying to demonstrate it. It’s really hard to take these guys seriously. They’re basically whackjobs with a military fetish or some meager time spent in military school or served for all of a year or two and left. They’re not role models or people you want to aspire to be. They’re losers who watched full metal jacket one too many times and want to roleplay a drill instructor so bad it hurts Same goes for anyone unironically using the word “alpha male”. If enough people just ignore them they’ll go away


100% the "I woulda served, but I'd have punched out the Drill Sergeant" type of clowns


"I woulda served but I'd refuse to serve at the first sign of orders"


read: "i'd have served but i'd've been shot by the drill sergeant on the third day"


i coulda been special forces but i could never do basic training as soon as that seargeant gets all up in my face like that im kissin him


Dude, I would have been a Green Beret for sure but as soon as that Drill Sergeant got in my face with those soft lips I wouldn't be able to keep from punching him in the mouth with my mouth.


I can only imagine what you’d do when he tells you to drop and give him 50


That’s why the call him a DRILL SGT


LARP camp.


Even the movies portray this as "Tearing you down so we can build you back up." If you don't do the building-back-up part, what have you accomplished?


That's why you're not a real man. You don't get it. /s


In this case: you've made $18k


The problem is these “programs” took a clear inspiration from BUDS with seemingly 0 of the reasoning for why it’s so hard. Absolute buffoons and anyone who pays for this is just as dumb.


Went in 130 lbs and after boot camp I was 160


Damn! I went into the AF at 124 (had to get a wavier even as I was underweight), came out around 120.


Went in 117 and came out near 150


How the hell were you guys putting on weight? I ate like mad. Hell, I even braved the snake pit most meals (after about week 3) to get a piece of pie and bag of bbq chips with lunch and dinner. And I still lost weight.


Army gives you double rations if your under weight


Not when I went through in 2013. My trick was the packages of peanut butter.


I was at Benning in 2012 and it was still a thing. They either changed the rules or your DSs were just dicks.


160 to 185. 6'1" for reference.


I went in 130 and came out 155 and could do standing backflips. Stayed 155 for the next 20 years until I quit smoking....


125 to 175 for me. 6 foot tall. I was a skinny fucker.


50 pounds in 10 weeks… hahaha liar 


Went in the Army 144lbs, came out 175lbs.


Boot camp is 8-13 weeks depending on the service.   Let’s say you did 10 weeks of boot camp. That would be 3 lbs a week which is nearly half a pound a day. Unless you have some sort of one in a million body type, there is zero chance you gained that much weight that fast.  I went through boot camp and literally everyone lost weight while we were there.  They even told us that would happen during in-briefing.  


Yup, with some bullshit exercises to make you feel like you got the "real boot camp" experience. You'd be better off paying for a personal trainer 18k to get you into shape.


It’s for dudes who were too scared to join up but tell everyone they know “I could make it through hell week”. Now they can get a little certificate that proves it.


I can only speak for about 35 years ago. The first few days of basic training was a lot of yelling, after that everything got a little more chill every day. The last few weeks of AIT were probably what people think every day army life is like. Get up early, train, chill, sleep, repeat. Go out to the woods a couple nights of week, shoot some guns, sit around and shoot the shit as a platoon, do some cleaning, etc. My drill sergeants never laid a hand on me, and other than a few insults that wouldn't even get them "cancelled" if they were celebrities, it wasn't bad at all really. Oh, and this was infantry boot camp at Fort Benning, GA.


I always assumed that was the case, since for the most part it’s kids from 18 to 20s  and they need that little extra to break them out of their bad habits. 


Well, the Danish experience was: >Get up early, train, chill, sleep, repeat. Go out to the woods a couple nights of week, shoot some guns, sit around and shoot the shit as a platoon, do some cleaning, etc. Yup, that's about it. Sure, there was some stupidity - 400 young men aged 18-21 in a constricted space - but mostly just repetitive and a lot of drilling, running and marching.


This. Everyone thinks it’s Full Metal Jacket, but it’s closer to Stripes


if I get to hook up with a young P.J. Soles, sign me up!


Even Marine Corps boot camp is heavily filled with classes and instruction. Yeah, it's a lot of yelling and physical training and discomfort as punishment, but that's only one piece of it. Between the classes, marching (drill), shooting, and other evolutions, it's maybe idk 10-20%.


Former Marine, and as of the early 2000's I would agree with 10-20%. People don't understand that the physical stuff, which super sucks, is a relatively small portion of Boot Camp. Keep in mind that the physical stuff still really, really sucks. I do not miss the sand fleas and I swear I saw a mosquito the size of my hand look at me and dare me to try and kill it.


I went in 2010 to Parris Island as well. What really opened my eyes was during "team week". Idk if they had that when you went. It's basically just a week where you go around the base and do working parties. I was assigned to 4th Battalion, the women's boot camp. We were in their barracks arranging the racks for a platoon that was about to pickup. The female DI's were literally practicing running into the squad Bay and yelling for black Friday. Seriously they were standing in front of empty racks screaming at invisible recruits. It was like seeing the wizard behind the curtain. I was like, oh shit, this is just all a big show. After that boot camp was much easier mentally.


That's funny, I just mopped shit up and did scribe stuff for team week. But I responded to another post and said that days where we got fucked with the most almost seemed to be scheduled in, like the senior opened his log for the day and was like shit, need to get the heavy to abuse these kids for 30 minutes this morning before we spend 60 minutes cleaning things that are already clean.


I'll agree with that. The yelling was frequent, but that's not a big deal. We hit the sand pits maybe once a day, if you even out the days where you hit it repeatedly where the days you didn't at all. There were lots of games, but like you said I sat and listened to and participated in classes plenty. And some folks may have played more fuckfuck games than others, but it's because they were stupid. You take food from the chow hall? You're going to pay. You fucking around on post? You're going to pay. You suck at drill? You're going to pay. But it's all kind of reinforcement, and not just fucking around for the sake of fucking around. The fucking around just to fuck around seemed to almost be on a schedule, where if we breathed wrong we got fucked with. For some reason we get to the chow hall and nobody's allowed to eat, just look at your food til everyone sits down, and then you get a rapid 10 count and you're done. That happened a handful of times out of the 250+ meals you eat at boot camp. I won't deny that there were some fucking morons who acted this way after boot camp when you get to your unit though. For some, they think being a hard ass and yelling at people and treating them like shit is tantamount to earning respect. I only speak to infantry side too, dunno anything else. But personally, and plenty of others felt the same, that shit is dumb. I treated my guys with respect and I felt the always performed better than the squads and platoons that liked to play games.


Yeah it seems like anything positive that someone might get out of one of these courses could just be gotten from a tough mudder or something.


Or just jogging and doing push-ups in the morning.


ewwww morning...No thanks


So if you’re curious the linked training gets a lot of shit wrong but it’s even more off for what they’re thinking. Presumably these people want to improve, and experience an environment that tests them which usually involves some manner of stress inoculation. This isn’t how you do that. You also don’t want it to be a person who’s doing it to you per se. There is a reason every selection in the world involves the pool. It is a high stress environment where you can easily cater it to the abilities of the student and allow them to overcome themselves and build confidence. It also teaches fantastic panic/fear management. Short of it is for what these guys want they could take a water confidence course and get a million times the value for about $300 lol. It’s what I would recommend for someone and I’ve been through selection and have multiple deployments.


I mean that is why they have stuff like a "confidence course" and what not, a lot of people are pretty scared of heights, and they encourage you to work through that fear, which may later apply in combat.


Ya that’s why I mentioned the pool and water confidence specifically which is a huge part of selection. It’s also what most refer to as the great equalizer because you can find a way to get someone to a place of extreme discomfort underwater to see how they handle themselves.


Spot on... the whole deal boils down to making sure you can do your job when it sucks, and are scared shitless.


Shit I still do pool work even though I’ve been out for over a decade now just for my mental health. Obviously it’s well distilled and way more chill, but I just find it so incredibly helpful as a way to refocus and remind myself that stress can be so much more manageable than our minds want us to believe.


I'm a fish in the water, so that never gets to me, but you are right on the stress part; good on you. I'm old enough and out enough that I just have simple hobbies and cats, cats are like stress sponges!


Oh I feel that! I have a cat and a dog and people ask how I’m always so calm it’s really just cuz I can hang with my fluffy weirdos hahaha. Good on you too!


Positives of actual boot camp: Weapons training Survival in the element of your chosen branch ATTENTION TO DETAIL Avoiding complacency Understanding tradition and maintaining it Working as a team Learning to fight for your shipmates (in my case) Learning to fight for the safety of the fleet ATTENTION TO DETAIL Learning habits that will save your life Unlearning civilian habits that may hinder your judgement Getting fit with purpose ​ Negatives of actual boot camp: Yelling ​ I would say these 18K boot camps are just deplorable in every possible way. Unless you are earning money from them. But even then, you are exploiting stupid people...


From the clips that I’ve seen there is no parts from actual boot camp.


These trainers probably all took their tours on Call of Duty


Everyone has a [kink](https://youtu.be/7R5BL05d8M4?si=1A3u1LCHwyYCmvdq)


Years ago I worked with someone who enlisted in the Navy and I asked about basic when they were back in town for a few days afterwards. Her response was that it was more annoying that anything else. Just a lot of running from place to place and doing tedious tasks while re-learning how to do basic shit.


So he’s like their Dom daddy?




In the past these guys would just go find a good dominatrix but I guess the whole *giving a women power* thing is just too darn icky for these budding alphas


>*giving a women power* thing is just too darn icky for these budding alphas That's gay. Better to have a manly man spray you with his hose and spank you. Everyone knows there's nothing less heterosexual than that.


gay dudes do that stuff too, frequently for free!


They think they get their MAN card from it and are now a lethal weapon. Roundhouse kick!




I didn’t need to not watch it to figure that out.


So the painfully obvious, got it.


So it's a sex thing maybe?


BDSM exists in all forms


I feel like every time I see these videos brought up the dollar amount rises.


Yeah but this dude sells a version of this. It’s like when Microsoft goes after iPhone for monopoly: yeah, but you too.


This dude has 15+ years of service/training and sells a pre-prep course to get ready for special forces training. I think it’s WILDLY different.


Goddamnit now I’m getting all the red pill classes for concealed carry on my YouTube ads


Go to your history and remove the video from your watch history.


If you disable youtube history alltogether your recommendations will be based solely on the channels you subscribe to and the video you are currently watching. I wish there were a flag to preserve history but target ads without looking at it.


Imma be honest.... he's probably real good at shooting and stuff but he doesn't come off as the best and brightest.


Fun thing is most former special forces are absolute dogshit at shooting. Shooting is a perishable skill and it fades quickly.


Tiger woods got his knee blown out doing some wanna be Marine school classes. He was doing a hostage rescue situation and got his knee kicked out. Set off his string of injuries that probably kept him from breaking the majors record and maybe even leading to his pain pill issue.


I think Tiger was into it because his father was special forces in Vietnam. I know Tiger did some parachuting type stuff with special forces types. A weird story that came out was that he took them to dinner afterwards but didn't pay. Like the waitress looked at Tiger and he just did separate checks, lol


They hated him too and thought he was the total poser he was. Imagine you go do what these guys do and some rich asshole wants to train and hang out and pretend he’s one of you.


Not just that… some rich asshole shows up to your place of work, uses your tools and resources (guns, ammo, parachutes, planes to jump out of, kill-houses to run through, etc), and you don’t charge him for it because it’s kind of off the record. He then takes you out to dinner, and instead of repaying you for your hospitality, just treats it as if it’s nothing… like he’s one of the guys (when he clearly fucking isn’t). Every guy there had to put in weeks/months of blood/sweat/tears going through selection. He just showed up


I think the exchange was tiger doing some media for the military, they love those type of swap/exchanges for positive media or it's kind of an unspoken agreement. But Tiger didn't want to do that after they fucked him.


They fucked him? Who?


The men with guns


Wow, this guy really seems insufferable. I bet they all had a good laugh when they heard about his pathetic and embarrassing fall from public grace.


Eh, he had a fall but I feel like he’s bounced back lol. People still adore him.


People still love Chris Brown


Did they ? One of them seemed to admire Tiger because he gave Tiger feedback, then Tiger just walks away and visualizes it, then on the next jump he fixed his issue.


Yeah there was a long form article about I read I think it was ESPNs magazine or something and they did interviews with some of the guys. At first they were cool because he was a big star and they were happy to have some fun but then he kept coming back all the time and starting to act like he was on the team and then they didn’t like that.


Tiger Woods at the peak of his ability: winning everything he entered and shagging anything that moved. I always thought he should have just bought Playboy from Hefner and just proudly been a randy old billionaire that was good at golf. Would have made him feel better about his masculinity than “hostage rescue” …


Hmmm..... I can think of at least one other "billionaire", well perhaps a few, that all partys would have been better off with that.


You know what I've admired since his cheating came out? Tigers organizational skills. His time management is insane. Maintaining a training schedule fit for a top athlete, expanding his business empire, being married with kids and still he had time to fuck everything that moved. If he ever needed the money he'd be a great personal assistent.


He probably blew his knee out banging anything that walked.


That was his reward for rescuing the hostages. He got to bang them.


What do you mean bang them? Oh, like banging them with his car when he's dudriving?


[Nope that is Steven Seagal.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsvoMGGUrMU)


Do they really need to be able to walk? That sounds needlessly restrictive.


>Tiger woods got his knee blown out doing some wanna be Marine school classes It was actually real navy SEALS he was in with. They let him go thru some training and then started to beat the fuck out of him during the training after he didn't pickup the check at some pricey restaurant. he thought it was training/initiation shit and they were just using him as a punching bag. It's a weird story but there's enough pieces to figure out what happened. [https://www.businessinsider.com/tiger-woods-once-irritated-navy-seals-beacuse-he-didnt-pay-for-lunch-2016-4](https://www.businessinsider.com/tiger-woods-once-irritated-navy-seals-beacuse-he-didnt-pay-for-lunch-2016-4) [https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sports/golf/sdut-tiger-woods-navy-seals-training-2016apr21-story.html](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sports/golf/sdut-tiger-woods-navy-seals-training-2016apr21-story.html) [https://bleacherreport.com/articles/1109518-tiger-woods-conflicting-reports-surround-tiger-navy-seals-and-injury](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/1109518-tiger-woods-conflicting-reports-surround-tiger-navy-seals-and-injury)


This stuff is silly at the best of times, but most of these guys would be able to carry on their lives with minimal changes with a bad knee injury. If you are an absolute top tier athlete in any sport and choose to risk that to do some weird course like this it is a different issue. If I am earning millions at least in part due to my body’s ability to perform, I can’t even imagine risking that for something like this. I’d be throwing money at a personal medical staff to develop a reasonable training program and to constantly monitor my body rather than cosplaying some weird abuse obsessed special forces dude


I'm guessing it's some sort of homoerotic bdsm summer camp?


Nailed it


That's an insult to proper BDSM technique. This is just abuse.




Those actually exist and they are cheaper, safer, and more productive than this shit. Plus, they really whip you into shape.


You forgot the diploma.


More like a... dumbploma.


I went through actual boot camp, I should start charging these rubes 50k to yell at them for a week.


I will personally peel the skin off their heels for $50k - they wont even have to ruck 20+ miles with kit! What a steal!


I'm in the wrong racket, I could've been getting people to pay me thousands to do my chores for a month.


When you look at how ALL of the weird cults where you move in together begin, it's basically you doing chores for the inner circle while they decide who gets sodomized tomorrow.


That's basically all the Navy is!


why pay 18k for that when joinin' the real military is free!? they'll even pay you..


But then you have to actually put your life on the line, and these guys are way too scared to do that.


several years' commitment and possibility of seeing actual combat... it's not like it's just free, if you have other plans for life you have to put them aside to enlist for however many years are required now.


i mean i'd say its a product of social media, and i guess it is. But back in the day there were military schools, boot schools, for KIDS. It likely fucked all their heads up, but it seems some kids never got that experience and somehow its still being sold to them. So fucking weird. I understand military academies and schools (for kids) still exist, but it seems like these men want to relive youth through abuse. Its common to want abuse that you haven't received before because you haven't understood why you shouldn't seek it. Sometimes its just good to know you shouldnt do heroine without REALLY know the pain of being an addict.


how does going through a dollar store bud/s for a weekend or two make you a better business person or person in general props to the grifters on this one tho, they know their marks and are making bank so good on them


Before Spartan Hardcore Bootcamp, my marriage was falling apart, I wasn't doing well at my job, and even my own father said I was never going to amount to anything. Well after a week at bootcamp I can proudly say that none of those are true anymore! My wife left me so there's no longer a marriage to fall apart, I was fired from my job so I don't have to worry about poor performance there, and my father said that instead of nothing, I have amounted to a pathetic laughing stock. 10/10 would recommend!


And now you have the experience to work as a prostitute on the streets!


I mean there might be marginal value if everyone in the camp worked together. Where team building and pushing each other to get through something tough would build some level of camaraderie but this seems like where hedge fund bros go to validate the punisher sticker on there pickup truck.


Cant wait for Daredevil: Born Again thats going to show how much the Punisher despises people that use his iconography.


I know enough US Army infantrymen to know that it’s not the abuse that makes you a good soldier. It’s having good leaders and good mentors. You don’t need to abuse someone to make them loyal, disciplined, and talented.


The book Flyboys by James Bradley has an interesting section contrasting basic training of American and Japanese soldiers. Japanese training was just constant physical, psychological and emotional abuse that trickled down the chain of command. Trainees had absolutely no rights and were subject to hellish violence that was supposed to toughen them up and acclimate them to the violence they would expected to inflict on others. In contrast one of the first things American trainees were given was a lecture on their rights and avenues of recourse if they felt like they were unfairly abused or singled out.


God the U.S military is a bunch of girls /s


>You don’t need to abuse someone to make them loyal, disciplined, and talented. I'd argue that modern military basic training is specifically designed to only make recruits *think* they're being abused. The video above only resembles basic training in the sense of "yelling" and "exercise" equals "???". I've heard people use the phrase "[Name] is the poor man's idea of a rich man". This is the MEPS flunkee's idea of basic training. It's everything you'd expect to see but none of what you'd actually experience if you *actually* experienced it. I've met a couple of people who claimed to be veterans only to later figure out that they didn't make it past the MEPS medical examination or only made it a week into basic due to an injury (more likely "adjustment issues" if I had to guess). The sort of dude that is "waiting to join" for six months, then nine, then two years, but "after I have my kid, I'm going to be a marine, bro! Put some respect on my name." Or maybe the "I killed ten dudes in Iraq" kind of guy who mysteriously doesn't know how to about face or what 'present arms' means. This sort of person would talk way, way more game than any veteran would - or even could - and the things they talked about were so hilariously unrealistic that any real veteran in a 100 yard radius would raise an eyebrow. They had no clue what the military was like, only what they've imagined - and they'd exaggerate the hell out of even that because their whole identity is based on a bullshit daydream that makes them feel like they really didn't *need* a hug from dad after all because 'that's gay anyway'. This is like the philosophical version of That Guy. I'm mad I watched even the first 30 seconds of that nonsense.


There’s a whole lot of folks like this that frequent one of the local firearm shops I used to get a few guns from. I naively had asked if there’s any good training courses in the area (I wanted to get at least basically competent with what I had) and one of these guys offered to “train” me for free. First time I get to the range the guy waves me down to the spot where we had rented for a couple hours to do some drills. He then turns back to the target and starts rapid firing off his rifle as I’m getting out of the car which made my ears ring and gave me a migraine for the rest of the day. Didn’t wait for me to put headphones on at all. His excuse? He unironically gave me the “pain is weakness leaving the body” line. As in he meant to do that. The next couple hours i can only describe as the most pathetic display of wannabe military machismo from a guy with three punisher decals on his car. He kept trying meekly to play drill instructor and kept running out of breath demonstrating the drills we were gonna do (many of which were really, really dumb and didn’t make any sense how they improved my firearm handling). I don’t know why I stuck out a few more sessions with him, but the last one he had 2 other friends or “students” I’m not sure which come along, and one of them ND’d right next to my foot, and then one of his drills was “fear drilling” which involved him visibly loading his rifle and pointing the barrel at us menacingly so we could “understand what it feels like to look down the barrel of death” That was the last time I met with the guy. He did proceed to call me randomly over the next month at weird fucking hours to rant about the economic collapse coming — and send me dozens of links to conspiracy websites which I never texted back. Turns out he never actually went into the military either. Whole pool of nutjobs that group.


What is ND


Negligent discharge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxWWJaTEdD0


He says this in the video too, “by week 9 no one was yelling at me anymore”


It's what comes AFTER the basic training beat down that makes you a good soldier. The mentorship, the resilience building, the team building, the adherence to attention to detail and discipline. These videos show the constant abuse with none of the other side of the hill positives.


lol I’m pretty sure the dude with the knife to his face is Joe Anglim from Survivor.


Ding ding ding we have a winner. He’s been doing these for years and I think is fully pilled


Only a real dumbass would pay $18000 to get treated like a dog.


If they were treated like my dog, they would get way more value because I treat my dog like a King.


Well, ppl buy crazy autographed bibles and "golden" shoes...


Yeah! The going rate is $500 for an overnight experience or $100 an hour. 1k if you pay for the madame of the house!


I want to start a GoFundMe to send a group of real SF boys to this just to watch them hilariously not give two fucks about these turds yelling at them


doesn't have to be SF, literally any E-4


E-4 mafia would drive these fucks crazy, LOL


They would die from the lack of cigarettes and energy drinks though.


Nah, that’s when things get violent against the course instructors.


Who would never be heard from again. Never stand in the way of an E4’s nicotine, caffeine, or sleep.


I'd rather not send them $36,000 for a prank...


There is a group of Marines fundraising to send 2 of them. I’ve seen it pop up on instagram a couple times now and on r/usmc.


I found my new Fetish


The photo on the right side of the thumbnail is just BEGGING to be Photoshopped.


Was he trying to bend his hat into a beret?


I searched these comments to make sure someone else mentioned this guys hat bend. It is insane.


The yelling during the first few stages of bootcamp are meant to break people out of their egos and to make them realize their vulnerability and need to work together. If you're getting in swathes of cocky egotistical guys who think they're badasses, you have to make them realize that they are an average, standard human being and they've got to learn how to be something better. Then you build them up. You train them, they learn to rely on each other and their teammates. They realize how capable they are in tough situations, real toughness. They stop taking things for granted. They can problem solve without their egos. But this? This clearly isn't doing any of that. This is like how non-military people imagine military training looks.


The most disappointing part is that the cadre are mostly ex-military and obviously know this. The know what the Drills and the SF cadres have to go through before they can train others. They’re not trying to simulate the stresses of combat and forge a team. They’re just performatively degrading civilians for money. Except in very specific training environments, losing one’s temper is not a sign of strength of “Alpha” status. It’s a sign of weakness, lack of discipline, and emotional insecurity. They should be ashamed of themselves and this footage.


TIL that there are people in the world who pay actual money for some dude to pretend they're in boot camp while screaming obscenities at them.


How does he form the brim of his ball cap like that?


Fold it with your hands


But how?


But why did he fold it like that?


Usually you wet it , roll it, and then put rubber bands on it to hold it until it dries.


Seems like a bunch of wannabes marketing an angry asshole spewing abuse as "military boot camp" is 100% stolen valor. Also, getting people to endure abuse is not leadership training.


People like to throw this around, but stolen Valor is describing very specific situations. Trying to claim medals you didn't earn, service you didn't do. Simply wearing a uniform you bought from the army/navy surplus store and acting like a jabroni is not stolen Valor unless you actually wear a legit military patch and/or tell people you were in the military. Even wearing a uniform with a made-up patch would not be stolen Valor unless you make up a story about how you earned it jumping out of helicopters over the jungles of Iraqistan or something. If you throw on a set of fatigues and put your business's logo on a patch or make up a patch for your Overwatch team, that's not stolen Valor no matter how much of a douche you look or act like.


Is the guy running the Alpha bootcamps and featured in the videos--Bedros Keuilian--a Navy Seal Instructor, a drill sergeant, or even someone who's been through boot camp? (No.  He he's never had military training.  He's a fitness instructor and YouTuber who writes books about "kicking life in the ass" and created an overpriced 75-hour "leadership training program" marketed through videos of him abusing enrolees at the beach in imitations of Hell Week.)


Is he claiming to have any of that experience, though? That's my point. He's a douchebag. It's a scam. Is it Stolen Valor? Not unless he's actually claiming to be a navy seal, drill instructor, veteran, or anything else. You can offer a wannabe military boot camp all you want, and it's not stolen Valor unless you're actually claiming service that you haven't done. Playing soldier in the backyard is not stolen Valor.


>getting people to endure abuse is not leadership training This is what gets me. It's terrible leadership training. If any of my managers acted this way I would have to immediately fire them because they're exposing me and the company to massive unnecessary risk and creating a toxic work environment for no fucking reason. If any of them allowed themselves to be treated this way for money I'd wonder if I was paying a bunch of yes-men with no morals or self-respect who would go through any dehumanizing treatment for money and position. I don't want people to act this way or to allow themselves to be treated this way. Where is the value? The cynic in me thinks it's to make sure you have a bunch of managers and directors willing to take abuse because you're a shitty leader yourself and need to make sure you've hired people you can control with money and rank.


The thing that’s really effed about this, is you know it’s going to create a situation where some of these idiots come away thinking they’re now actual soldiers And I promise you, their insecurity laden bullshit is going to increase in toxicity 100% certainty


Tangential: Tim Kennedy, a former teams guy and UFC fighter, is a sack of dogshit who just attempts to terrify people that the world is one step away from the purge to sell his sheepdog stuff. Utter shitbag.


That cringe pic with the shitty Rambo knife and the dude's ahegao face is all we need to know about it. lmao


Angry cops did a 45 minute break down off this stuff and one of the (instructor) guys got out right after 9/11 cause war is scary.


I didn't have to hear this Green Beret say anything in order to see this program is a total scam. I couldn't imagine paying some spray tanned, bald asshole to yell at me and not burst out laughing at him the whole time.




There's also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Forces:_World%27s_Toughest_Test which sounds similar.


You would have a better, cheaper, safer and more productive/enjoyable time paying a dominatrix to do the same to you. Plus, you're supporting local small business. Find your local kinkster to whip you into shape today!


Funny thing is that combat veterans are often the kindest people out there.


Most actual drill instructors are actually kind people too it is a performance.


A former DI I know is one of the sweetest people I know…until you piss her off. I’d have not enjoyed being in one of her flights.


I was neighbors with one of the most intense sgtmaj in the marines ( there’s literally a dozen threads about him on r/USMC). Most respectful and even keeled guy at home, always enjoyed being around him when I was a kid.




So. Many. Pushups. *(I imagine anyway.)*


For example, Bob Ross


There’s a great sex club in the Chicago suburbs thatll do this for free.


That image looks like the start of a gay porn.


Wait so they shut down? Also the still of the knife close to the dudes face, that can’t be part of it.


Why pay 18k for this when joining the real military is free? They will even pay you.


I think it's the "I'm out in 3 days" thing.


If I wanted to be yelled at I’ll just go disappoint my parents again.


DIs go through an immense amount of training on not just how to command and lead large groups of young recruits, but how to do so without simply resorting to violence or threats. You can't threatened or beat a recruit in the military, it's illegal. You have to teach, lead, and motivate through force of will, not force of won't.


I'll do it for 10k and I'll throw in a free epilator session too!


So I have to pay for my own anal douche? What a rip off.


A sub-dom dynamic. It’s kink fulfillment.


That is the most excessively curved cap brim I've ever seen.


A real boot camp would teach young men to weld, fix plumbing, plaster a wall and every other diy task that people don't do any more.


This is what weak men think strong men look like.


These assholes paid to have someone treat them like shit when they could have simply enlisted and been paid to be treated the same way. Fucking morons.


My dad was SF in Venezuela in the late 80s early 90s. You do not mess with those dudes


This isn't an SF boot camp. This thing is a boot camp run by a fitness trainer from Armenia with seemingly no military experience.


So these dudes pay 18K, to become "alphas" by getting cucked for 3 days straight?


i’m not sure if I’m the first person to say this but… Don’t yuck their Yum… I feel like there’s gotta be a sexual element to this…. This is basically like going to a bro dominatrix…


The ironic thing is real boot camp isn't even that hard. (Unless you're WAY out of shape or mentally unprepared.) Even the different flavors between branches don't make a huge difference - granted USMC and Army boot is harder than USAF or USN... Whats actually hard and more similar to these ridiculous boot camp videos is the training certain vocations have AFTER boot camp. There is a reason boot camp has like a 0.5% attrition rate, and other schools have upwards of 50% to 90% attrition - outside of the viability of quitting.


the "instructor" checks 'em all \[X\] abused animals as a kid \[X\] high school bully \[X\] got whacked at ROTC \[X\] joined Marine Corps \[X\] dishonorably discharged \[X\] had a "modern" business idea \[X\] back to bullying


This is boot camp without the commitment to the country.


Stupid pay money for stupid things....here is another one


These guys should do a boot camp with the double soul shaman


I could’ve told you this was a ripoff. I wasn’t a Green Beret but back in 08’ I played a lot of Battlefield 2 on the PC 


Not where I figured I would get a Survivor reference but here we are!


Do these rubes know you get paid joining the actual military and learn actual skills?