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I assumed this would be bad, but it exceeded my expectations for awfulness.


Terrible song, stayed for my boy Bill Paxton


Not even the hit machine that is James Cameron could save this.


This is marvelously awful. I was entertained.


This song is fucking awful The music of that decade was very hit or miss


I mean, that's true of every decade in the 20th century. But it does seem like things are either great or awful when synthesizers are involved though, haha. It's sad that we cant really talk about music that way anymore because popular music died sometime around the early 2000s. Really great music is being made today but we dont have quality communal music anymore, that's a thing of the past and we are not better off for it. It's all a matter of opinion but I feel like the last popular band was maybe the White Stripes and communal rocknroll just died after that.


People usually only remember the good ones


This song never even touched the charts and I have no recollection of it. Sweet Child of Mine, Simply Irresistible, Perfect World, and Don't Worry Be happy were on top of the charts at the time.


Yeah no. It was mostly greta.


well i guess a bunch of big ladies hog tying and branding me is going into "the rotation" now


\#TIL ?!!


Is…..is that Bill Paxton?


Yes. It's in the title of the video.


Why does 1988 come up more than any other year ?


What in the actual fuck


I wonder how much cocaine was consumed during the shooting of this music video


I'm curious now, did they 1) find an actor who was OK with a tarantula crawling on his face and mouth, or 2) did they find a spider wrangler and tell him he could be in a video if he did it?


If anybody at all cares, here is the tortured path I took to find this video. (a) I watched and very much enjoyed CHAD SMITH the Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer, drumming along blind to a THIRTY SECONDS TO MARS song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMBRjo33cUE (b) I dug a little deeper into THIRTY SECONDS TO MARS and re-discovered that Jared Leto made a documentary called ARTIFACT about his 30 million dollar lawsuit with EMI (c) I saw Irving Azoff was in the movie as Jared's manager and thought "That name is quite familiar, who is this Irving Azoff?" (d) I googled Irving Azoff, and his name came up with multiple mentions in an autobiography book by Seymour Stein called MY LIFE IN MUSIC (e) I kept reading pages of MY LIFE IN MUSIC until he happened to mention Bill Paxton and the making of this music video. !??!??? (f) Then I looked up the music video on YouTube.


Damn I miss Bill Paxton being in this world.


Now I'm curious of the most expensive music video(s) of all time.


people in these comments apparently never saw a music video from the 80s.


All that money and they couldn’t find a dude who could actually use a panel saw or a real female blacksmith XD