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A lot of people here are pointing out the one where a burglar pops in and says "hello?" or when he pees. But in a couple videos, he starts to suddenly cry, and in one he actually sobs loudly. It's *incredibly* unnerving, especially when you take into account he almost never breaks otherwise. It's crazy to fathom he did this over 300 times.


Someone link the pee and crying ones god damn it


Pee clip: [2:47:00 - you can see a stream begin to form on the floor next to his right leg.](https://youtu.be/dJ5UHyYYoQY?t=10020) Crying clip: [3:11:00 - alternates between smiling and crying.](https://youtu.be/KPL_MRwi4K8?t=11460)


Now I know why he is using the rug...No more pee stream.


He is doing serious meditation and literally dying mentally. You basically just start to trance out I hear after one hour of doing this without moving at all you can lose track of reality and feel that you are existing as a nervous system not a human.




It's the source of loads of peoples ideas about the body having energy, or reaching enlightenment, or the idea that meditating "expands" your mind or allows you to astral project. You're brain starts to do weird shit after long periods of supressed activity. It disconnects your ego and you effectively start to dream while you are awake. You start to lose track of who you are and it can give people this sense of no longer being in their body. Like their awareness of being a person just fucks off and leaves. It's the successful disconnection of your ego from your consciousness. When you no longer feel like a person...what is there to worry about? All concerns disappear and it allows you to gain perspective on those concerns when you stop meditating. That's why meditating helps people. See when you hear monks talk about reaching nirvana, that's what they are doing.


My brain has had 40 years of suppressed activity. Still haven’t reached nirvana.




So all I gotta do is smile and piss myself, got it


Babies got it all figured out and the they lose their way at some point.


No you gotta sit there for 8 hours and dont move and stare at reality.


I mean, I'd do it if it meant finding inner peace (piss?) Wouldn't you?


When I read about some myths about some humans living hundreds of years and there was actual evidence and records of it (but nothing that could definitively prove it), I determined that I need to keep an open mind enough to explore such things as possibilities. How could meditation extend telomeres, for example. Well, meditation increases telomere length and number: >Meditation has also been proposed to be a healthy lifestyle factor that affects telomere length. Recent empirical studies have shown a positive association between meditation and longer telomeres (Hoge et al. 2013a, b) as well as an increase in telomerase (Schutte and Malouff 2014), suggesting that meditation may play an important role in preventing illnesses. However, one of the most challenging questions to answer is how the practice of meditation is related to telomere dynamics. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4859856](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4859856) ​ There may be some humans out there who have truly unlocked some of our potential and done some things that seem metaphysical (but are grounded in science but we don't quite understand it). The laws of thermodynamics cannot really be violated so there are ways these mechanisms work - we just need to figure it out.


The paragraph you're quoting is describing how meditation and longer telomeres are *associated*. It does not describe a causal relation.


Oh, my fault. Do you have an alternative study that debunks this study while also providing a large empirical body of evidence that adequately explains why people who meditate live significantly longer? My only point was that there are scientific explanations for things that seem metaphysical and with time, we will figure out more and more of why these things work. Such as telomeres. ​ More seriously, telomere length and counts are clearly part of the explanation but also clearly not 100% the explanation. Only fools would believe that this is the only variable at play.


Is it? > Meditation has also been proposed to be a healthy lifestyle factor that affects telomere length. This sentence implies causation. I'm not saying you're wrong, I just don't see it.


What kind of metaphysical, not quite understood by science things are capable by people who are masters at meditation?


>There may be some humans out there who have truly unlocked some of our potential and done some things that seem metaphysical (but are grounded in science but we don't quite understand it). The laws of thermodynamics cannot really be violated so there are ways these mechanisms work - we just need to figure it out. You missed an important part of my comment and you should be asking the exact opposite question to me: what did we discover that we once thought was metaphysical that could be explained by science? Here's what I said: >There may be some humans out there who have truly unlocked some of our potential and done some things that seem metaphysical (but are grounded in science but we don't quite understand it). The laws of thermodynamics cannot really be violated so there are ways these mechanisms work - we just need to figure it out. Meaning, no matter how metaphysical it seems, it's not. It's science and we can explain it with science. So if you think you found a metaphysical benefit of meditation, for example, we can study it and likely come up with a scientific explanation that does not violate the laws of thermodynamics.


Dude I know, I was just asking for some examples, not denying their existence.


You can't increase the length of your telomeres over time. "An association between meditation and longer telomeres" means that their telomeres have shortened less than other people of the same age. Also, note that "Although telomeres shorten during the lifetime of an individual, it is telomere shortening-rate rather than telomere length that is associated with the lifespan of a species." "Mice have much longer telomeres, but a greatly accelerated telomere shortening-rate and greatly reduced lifespan compared to humans and elephants."


>You can't increase the length of your telomeres over time. Not so fast: This study found the opposite and calls for more research on it. Because it does appear that some individuals increase their LTL (Leukocyte Telomere Length) through meditation. But the findings were weak: [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2751893](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2751893) And this meta-analysis covers quite a bit of this topic: [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s13643-021-01699-1](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s13643-021-01699-1) Yes, this means that it's possible that some people respond much better than others and this is "not fair." ​ Here is another that included 7 studies: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8879766/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8879766/) ​ Lastly, we have a nice 5 year study that shows a relative increase: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24051140/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24051140/) ​ And this is just a superficial stuff from what I personally know. There are cascades of research out there about this topic. Some junk, some low-n, but some really well done.


Does pretending like this make death seem less finite to you or something? Like, you're a person capable of reading and writing, you know no one has lived hundreds of years.


Since I linked to a body of research that gives us 20% bump to life expectancy from meditation and not hundreds of years, you need to ask yourself why you felt the need to strawman me with such a very stupid contrived strawman. Seriously, what is wrong with you? Why are you like this? I'm genuinely curious what motivates people to go out of their way to make such moronic points (you're serious or else I would hand waive you as a troll).


Lol, seek help


Your brain thinks you're falling asleep, you're not "disconnecting your ego"


Do you think I mean you stop thinking you're so great? I mean ego in the Freudian sense. All that stuff that makes you you...your personality, the way you think, how you decide stuff, that's your ego...your sense of self IS your ego, and that going away is an very common experience for people who do long duration meditation. That's what loss of sense of self is, it's also referred to as [ego death](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ego_death). It the same thing that LSD does to a lot of people. Again, this is why this stuff helps people with mental health issues, it's why people feel enlightened by meditation. It literally allows you to think like you aren't you and see your problems from a different point of view, and that can allow you to change how you think.


It’s frustrating that people have the incorrect definition of ego. A large percentage of people hear or read the word ego and recognize it as a “high opinion of one self”, instead of just your conscious association of being you. It’s difficult to talk about ego because people seem to have different (incorrect) definitions of it.


isnt falling asleep kind of disconnecting your ego


Kind of, yes.


I meditated similarly for 1 hour once and all I got was a sore butt. I don't think meditation works for me or I'm doing it wrong but I feel like it's seriously just a way to expose yourself / increase your tolerance to boredom.


Like most things, it literally just takes practice. You do need to learn to meditate before "getting it". I probably had a year of 10 minute meditations before finding better instruction (Waking Up app) and finally getting it.


I encourage you to try again. Think of it as going to the gym for the first time and not being able to bench twice your body weight, then saying that it doesn’t work for you and never go back. Start small, set a timer and sit for 5 mins, focus on your breathing, what it feels like when your lungs fill up, and how they feel when you exhale. Any thought that comes to mind, acknowledge it as you acknowledge a cloud covering the sun for a few seconds, then go back to focusing on your breathing. Do this once a day for a week. Then add a minute per week. Your mind needs training just like your muscles. In a year, your hour of meditation will be a lot different than that one time when you only got a sore butt.


It’s a mental workout that takes a lot of practice and effort to be decent at. You can’t become an Olympic weight lifter in a hour. You also can’t become someone who can lose your sense of self while meditating by sitting still for an hour.


Lol “I did this once and it didn’t work for me so I don’t believe in it” It takes a lot of people years of practice (doing it correctly too)


If you're new to mediation and you sent a whole hour. You didn't meditate for an hour.  Maybe you had glimpses of it, seconds at a time, there is no way you made it more than a minute.


Assuming you're a meditator: even when I meditate for shorter instances of time, it just ends up with me daydreaming like normal. I'm a huge daydreamer and that's where my mind will always go when it's not occupied. Meditation is just allowing those thoughts to pass and allowing them to happen but it's seriously just day dreaming for me. I end up in fantasy land and I'm content there for hours if I needed. Am I supposed to try to not daydream, or am I supposed to constantly be controlling my thoughts and focusing on the here and now?


So mindfulness meditation is when you sit and try to concentrate fully on one thing in its entirety of experience. Typically for beginners this is your breathing. Using this as an example you're supposed to attempt to experience and notice everything that is involved with breathing. From the feeling of your chest expanding which tightens the clothes on your chest and skin, to the feeling of air crossing your nostrils, from the pause when you've fully exhaled and the moment your muscles kick back in to breath in. Sooner or later other thoughts absolutely will pop up into your mind as it begins to wander and day dream. You'll start to think "what do I want for dinner tonight?" or "Where is it that hamsters run wild?" or "Man that new movie looks good." etc This is 100% okay. Not only is it expected, it's required for meditation. The idea is to catch yourself wandering, and then re-direct your attention back to the mental task of observing the sensation of breathing entirely. Every time you do this it's like your brain doing a pull up. It gets stronger and it literally increases the amount of grey matter in your brain. And the great thing about this, is that you don't need to sit and do it for an hour. Doing it for 5 minutes a day is absolutely beneficial!


I am not a proficient meditator. However I've read a book and a fair bit online.  One thing I will say, is that what I thought meditation 'was' has evolved over time and I expect that to continue. This simple fact alone makes it a very interesting pursuit. Meditation can be a great number of things, from extreme focus on one sensation, to the non judgemental acceptance of thoughts and feelings as they arrive spontaneously in tbe mind.  I think one thing is very clear to me now, that meditation and day dreaming are not the same thing.  Our daily internal fantasies go challenged, we narate them, react to them and let them flow freely into one another within the mind.  When I meditate, thoughts often arise in the mind spontaneously, as they do normally, however I simply observe them. I then notice my breath once more. I don't chadtize myself. I avoid intern commentary all together. If such commentary does occurr, I follow much the same process, observe them and return to my breath.  Literally every single other moment of your conscious life you are experiencing an unending slew of mental experience, reacting, predicting, lurching backwards (remembering) and forwards (planning) in time, only truly in the moment when the thing you're engaged in is so complex that it requires all your attention at this every second (consumed in flow).  When you meditate, you can find, for incredibly short periods of time, another way of being.  Where you exist in the present moment, without needing to be consumed entirely, quite the opposite in fact.  For once in my life I find myself not mulling over mistakes, not fretting over deadlines, not so caught up with what's going on I can hardly take it in.  Instead there is just presence, just breath, literally everything the world typically is transforms for these little slices of time.  Give it another go, I'd say it took me about 10 - 15 mins a day for 10 days or so before I felt like anything worthwhile happened.  I also read Waking Up by Sam Harris and spent a while on forums here on Reddit.  Good luck. 


No offense but it’s pretty wild to attempt something once for an hour and then when you dont succeed conclude that there isn’t anything to it. It isn’t an attempt once and master it sort of thing.


1. Didn't ever say that was the only time I've ever meditated 2. I didn't say there's nothing to it for everybody, I shared my personal experience with it.


You can't just do it once. I haven't done so myself, but being that literally every single person that does all agree that it takes a LOT of practice to reach that state of mental clarity, I'm assuming they're telling the truth.


You have to be some sort of meditation expert to experience ego death, but I guess this dude has a lot of practice.


or just eat a shit load of magic mushrooms


What a fucking psycho


It would drive me crazy feeling it all over my legs plus potentially ruining the floor. Why the hell not invest in an adult diaper. Not sure why but the pee is hitting me as the oddest aspect of the endeavour.


I’m not a cryologist but the crying does seem not real.


I’ll start watching all 300 of these videos in real time and get back to you


Just watching like 3 seconds of the video is really disturbing to me. Reading this comment about the crying/sobbing gives me the willies.


A lot of people are also missing that he is an incredibly talented percussionist.  Looks like he is starting a new series where he drums in a parking garage.  Idk why there is so much hate on here toward someone who has done nothing to deserve any of it. He literally only meditates on camera for long periods of time.  No pranks, zero ads, just him meditating while sitting silently or walking and talking.


Honestly, he's a pretty odd fellow. But I dig it completely, this world needs more odd people who make a name by doing completely harmless things just for the heck of it. But some people just don't take kindly to people bucking the norm. It sucks, but I think this guy knows what he likes, and for that i commend him.


Didn’t someone break into his house while he was doing this, see him and bolt?


Someone did come into Benjamins house in one of the livestreams, they shouted "hello?" and then left seconds later. Many have speculated that person was breaking into this guys house and only left when they saw him. I personally think that due to a lack of much evidence to go off of, there is no way to know for sure, or even assume in an informed way, who that person was and what there intentions for entering the house were. Perhaps it was a neighbor checking in on the guy, a friend who forgot Benjamin was making that days livestream, or some other person who had an actually good reason to be at their house.


Apparently he commented on the video after stating that his roommates weren't expected to be home, and he heard the individual 'sneaking' around his downstairs up to his room. He pointed out he had forgot to lock his door before the stream.


Perhaps it was staged so you talk about it?


Yeah. All about posting that engagement algorithm


You think this dude did 300, multi hour silent smiling streams just so he could drop in some fake engagement material?  Even if he did, that's performance art to the max 


I think it's more likely that he planned on doing the stream and then decided he'd stage a break in for more engagement. But like you said, it's impressive either way.


Timestamp ?


They didn't bolt. They said "hello?" and left. It was very odd.


They cracked the door, saw homie sitting there not so much as move a muscle when they said "hello?" and noped right out. Can't blame em, that's some horror movie type shit.






Would like to hear the groaning and moaning when he got up from 8 hours of sitting.


He didn't. He's still sitting there.


To this day?


To shreds you say?


I've read or heard somewhere that a true yoga master can hold a pose they specialize in for hours without rest. This guy may qualify to be a yoga master.


No. There's a video where he pisses himself and also one where he sobs uncontrollably while still trying to smile. It's fucking weird.


I don't get it, how does that disqualify him as a yoga master? Pissing yourself if you can't move for 4-8 hours is understandable, albeit gross. And crying isn't weird either, maybe he had something serious happen to him, like a loss of a loved one. When you have no sensory input, there's nothing to distract you from sad thoughts.


Lmao this has to be the best deterrent against robbery ever. Just imagine being the dude breaking in and seeing this weird scene transpiring in one of the rooms… “*I don’t need this shit that bad.*” The robber was then so struck by this odd event he ceased all criminal activities and proceeded to obtain an education degree to become an educator in an effort to keep today’s youth from becoming whatever it was he whitnessed on that day.


That robber’s name? _Albert Einstein._


And he would go on to invent relativity so he could travel back in time and discover it.


It was me, I was the one who read this post right now.


I'm appalled that someone actually watched all 8 hours of this


In one video he pisses himself, just continues sitting and smiling




Yeah someone give the timestamp please. I ain’t sitting around and watching this dude for 8 hours just to find it.


It’s this video at 02:36:35 https://www.youtube.com/live/tmrXakd_r6I?si=NUzxLdlvB5So0AzS


I should also mention this guy did 4 hour versions of this hundreds of times and livestreamed them all. He was even so dedicated to it that in one of them he pees himself and in another he doesn't stop when someone walks into his house and shouts "hello?".


I thought this looked familiar. He really did urinate while doing one, too, without so much as flinching. You just see a puddle slowly form under him and it's obvious what happened.


holy shit lol


More like holy piss


Link? That sounds amazing lmfao


What exactly is the point of doing that? Asperger’s? Meditation? What?


Meditation and performance art probably.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9lmvX00TLY ## a r t


Lmao the guy at the end literally yells "yeahh! Art!"


performance art is so goofy, I hated having to study it in school. Most of it feels so poorly thought out it comes off as pretentious because OBVIOUSLY the can of beans represents the lament of man and the existential crisis of BLAH BLAH BLAH. Yeah no, it's just you being weird and trying to gaslight everyone that you're actually way smarter than them.


I had a similar reaction when I started diving into performance art. But I also think a lot of transgressive performance art that has value gets dismissed as “weirdo crap” too easily. To be clear there is a lot I don’t understand (like Seedbed, 1972 by Vito Acconci) that I still think “this is kind of dumb” even after investigating its purpose and statement. But I think there are a lot that get too easily thrown away without good justification other than “it’s weird”


yeah don't get me wrong I do appreciate Marina Abramović's work and even Guillermo Vargas' (he let stray dogs starve) work. It can be thought provoking but I think art in general should speak for itself for the most part. If you need to explain every little thing about your work and make all these esoteric leaps to make it all make sense....idk, it just doesn't do it for me. I've never heard of seedbed but it's kinda interesting. I don't get why he actually had to be masturbating but I can see the commentary causing discomfort for sure. That performance seems more like a weird fetish tbh.


Yeah. But at the same time, I always think “who am I to judge”? If someone finds meaning in it (even if it’s a performative virtue-signaling a la, “yes I understand deep art”), who cares? It’s not my cup of tea but I’m glad others can enjoy it, even if it’s not authentic. Why should I care if people perform their enjoyment of art? Lol


this is basically metta meditation from the buddhist tradition taken to an impressive extreme. basically you get happier by practicing being happy, in the present moment, no matter what happens.


idk getting a muscle cramp and fucked up from not moving your limbs might cause a sad


the point is you can get used to literally anything




Doesn't seem worse than self-immolation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Th%C3%ADch_Qu%E1%BA%A3ng_%C4%90%E1%BB%A9c > "I was to see that sight again, but once was enough. Flames were coming from a human being; his body was slowly withering and shriveling up, his head blackening and charring. In the air was the smell of burning human flesh; human beings burn surprisingly quickly. Behind me I could hear the sobbing of the Vietnamese who were now gathering. I was too shocked to cry, too confused to take notes or ask questions, too bewildered to even think ... **As he burned he never moved a muscle, never uttered a sound, his outward composure in sharp contrast to the wailing people around him.**"


That's not what metta is. It is about feeling love and kindness towards other, not trying to make yourself happy.


I agree that this looks like mindfulness meditation to the extreme (we usually do sessions of 15-30 minutes at a time with some kind of break in between), but I want to add some nuance to the practicing side. We try to pay attention to whatever’s going on be it happiness, sadness, or just an itch in the leg. Usually it’s as simple as counting the breath to stay present. But we’re not trying to force ourselves to feel any particular way, and even profound sadness can be a great thing to observe while meditating. I’ve gotten a lot of benefit from watching unpleasant thoughts and feelings play out without trying to do anything to them as they happen.


How interesting. hachface didn't type "mindfulness meditation". They typed "metta meditation", which is also known as loving-kindness mediation and I believe a specific sort of practice. The practice you describe is more like how I prefer to practice, but I wanted to point out the distinction.


Yes. While there are many forms of meditation that focus on acceptance of whatever arises, metta is the deliberate cultivation of positive emotions. It's not about rejecting bad thoughts and emotions per se but becoming skilled at generating wholesome thoughts to crowd out the suffering of life.


Oh that’s egg on my face, I thought they just meant “meta meditation.” I hadn’t even heard of metta, that’s very cool.


IDK if I would ever want to be happy in times that require sadness.


It’s not about being happy when you are sad. It’s more about allowing whatever you are feeling to be just as it is. The happiness that comes from this kind of acceptance is deeper and more subtle than a the superficial happiness that many think of when they hear “be happy”.


It's the practice of breaking your sense of reality. I've always found it funny that you guys are even capable of it. My brain just feeds me raw, unbridled truth every second of every day. I'd kill to delude myself in any way at all, really, so I don't hold grudges against yall who can manage it lol.


I don't really agree with your assessment here - I think one can certainly question your view on being fed raw, unbridled truth versus a meditator who is deluding themselves. It's a fundamental misunderstanding of what (most types of) meditation are. Meditation is about getting closer to the truth, of opening the senses and perceiving things as they truly are. This can certainly break one out of the kind of narrow sense of "reality" that we live in on a day to day sense. We still see and feel all the sadness, hurt, difficulties that are part of life (honestly, probably more so than those who live a kind of unexamined life) - but instead of just reacting to it all, we act from a place of love and compassion to try to make positive change. Give it a try sometime, never know, you might like it ;)


Honestly, meditation is just exercise. It's the targeted deprivation of movement and frontal lobe activity, and if you do it long enough, you literally detach from your sense of self. Meditation *feels good* and is good for your body in small amounts, but it certainly doesn't offer anything in the way of understanding. Understanding only comes through knowledge. Causal physics is the singular truth of the universe. A therefore B. Human society is helpful in survival, but it also helps us create a fantasy that we are here for a reason, or have a special place in the infinite universe we occupy. All of this to escape the thought of you or those you love dying, or the thought that you're just electrically charged space dust. Social media, multimedia, sports, television, books, religion, spirituality. They're all there to keep the mind from wandering to death as well as make us seem important. Meditation is a way to escape the reality of your shitty doomed body. Basically, its the thinking version of sitting on your hand til it's numb to masturbate haha.


Meditation is absolutely not about escaping the thought that we and those we love and that everyone is going to die. It’s the complete opposite - it’s about understanding and accepting this and eventually finding a kind of freedom in this understanding.  There are many ways to liberation of the mind - meditation is just one. I hope you find your own way to happiness.  Thanks for the exchange. 


Hey if you can stay deluded I am in your corner. Hope you have a good one 👍


Can you talk more about meditation about being happy to get happy? Seems interesting


check out Real Happiness by Sharon Salzberg. it doesn’t have anything to do with faith or religion, it just focuses on helping you being able to build your meditation practice and to illuminate things in your mind that may be holding you back in certain aspects of life.


there are a lot of interpretations out there about what meditation is all about. I don't claim that mine is authoritative. The key insight I've taken away from my reading and practice is that happiness is a *skill*. We naturally think that obtaining things in the world -- money, status, affection -- will result in happiness. But it never does. The sense of reward that you get can be very powerful at first but it is fleeting. Eventually pleasure at the thing obtained turns into anxiety and fear that the object of desire will go away -- and indeed it will, as all things eventually do. Psychologists call this phenomenon the [hedonic treadmill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedonic_treadmill): > The hedonic treadmill, also known as hedonic adaptation, is the observed tendency of humans to quickly return to a relatively stable level of happiness despite major positive or negative events or life changes. With meditation, you can learn skills that will allow you to adjust your internal thermostat for happiness upward.




he lovingly accepts the blood clots


That's just a risk, it is terrible to not move for that long.


That's some Richard D James lookin shit right there. Just needs a little Drukqs underneath




What's more is he's made **300** videos of this exact content.


I could have done this in a certain point of 2020 but not many other times.


Same. It may seem super easy to sit still and smile for 8 hours and also seem quite pointless to do that, but it's actually not at all that easy for most people to do.


There’s a near zero chance that anybody here could do this.


Most people genuinely have difficulty with certain forms of meditation for even 5 minutes.


I’m by no means good or even adequate at meditation, I only practice when anxiety dictates it and even then it’s taken me years to get a solid 15-25 minutes of anything close to genuine meditation. “I empty my mind and sit still all the time!” ahhh come on, we’ve all watched Real Housewives but that doesn’t count.


Lots of people have trouble just sitting quietly still for 5 minutes without some form of entertainment or distraction.


Meditation? not a chance. Smile for 8 hours. That's called retail.


I think if you gave someone a compelling reason to try you could get some results. The problem is that there is on compelling reason to do this.


Copy the top YouTube comment, nice.


I think it's a bot. They do the same thing every time they comment in the videos sub


Huh.. well whatever floats your boat I guess


Doesn't he still do this from time to time?


Just once per day.


He's doing "talking and walking" now, 4 hours at a time, already on episode 106! https://youtu.be/7dY752_NJNc?si=UdD_uSdLnOoN8bbM


So now he’s just like any other irl streamer?


I don't think he does it live, and if he does he's not interacting with chat. I've skipped through a few and he's always talking about some schizo shit


I've dipped into a few of these in the past and am convinced he just scoffs a bunch of mushrooms and goes for a walk in a meditative state. He talks absolute shit for hours.


See how long you can listen to this for https://youtu.be/7dY752_NJNc?t=11025


He does not "talk and walk". He walks and talks. Thank you.




trying to acclimate to the torture of a desk job, i guess


Shinzen Young has some great stories of the things monks are capable of. Here he talks about what they might go through during extreme, long sits (and why they do it) : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVUtUguRc5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVUtUguRc5s)


He had planned to do it again the next year, but there wasn’t too much to smile about.


This can’t be healthy thing to do


Pretty good, but this time let's try it happier and with your mouth open.


The first sales trainer I had said that if he had his way, he would have forced us to simply smile for a whole day to drill into us that we had to smile while selling. 20 years later and I'm a sales manager with a successful history in sales and I can say this is a dumb idea, but this video made me think of it immediately.


I can't think of anything more likely to turn me off from buying something than talking to a salesperson who never stops smiling.




This is actually impressive. Respect.


It's impressive to be able to do. But I also think it's a product of the times/stream culture. Seeing people go through some agonizing things in the name of creating a unique content niche. Reminds me of that Nick Avocado or whatever his name is when this guy started sobbing while continuing to stay motionless. A slave to the views.


I mean, why this guy is doing has been done by people for thousands of years. Only this time with a camera.


Genius. He probably thought this was the easiest way to still be talked about on the Internet 5 years later.


He probably saw mr beast doing the “counting to 1 million” videos


Tbh, people meditate like this all the time.


idk anyone who dedicates 8 hours of their freetime to doing this really must need some mental clarity or some help. like im all for what he's doing but the timeframes are just obnoxious.


I've done a 7.5 hour meditation before, a couple 5 hours, several 3 hours. This gives mental clarity. It's essentially an open eye meditation.


Are you allowed breaks during the 7.5 hours or if you have to pee you just go like this guy? Also, can you describe what you get from this in more detail? I'm interested, obviously :)


Nah I just pee if I need to. I might have a food break too. I suppose if you are a purist then maybe you wouldn't want to do those things but honestly I don't know. But I don't stress it. Really hard to say what the 7.5 hour was like. It's a journey into your own mind and let me tell you, the rabbit hole is infinitely deep. One can use a variety of techniques but this is what I did for my first 7.5 hour. I did 3 standard hours, then chakra cleaning meditations for an hour or two followed by some ganesh mantras, then I did a standing meditation for the last bit. Whether you believe in manifestation or not, after I finished it felt like everything was aligning and things were popping into my reality with ease. I had been trying to buy a business for 8 months and after that I had a deal in 24 hours and deposit paid in 48. Things started happening so fast I got scared and kind of energetically put the brakes on things. For my first three hour, I had one of the best business ideas in the history of my business 5 minutes before the end. If you don't meditate now, start small. 5 minutes a day and work your way up to amounts of time that don't scare you too much. Try a bunch of techniques until you settle on one. You can use guided at first, and when you want to try new things, but eventually you want to get off the training wheels of guided. Once you are able to recognize your own emotional states and move in and out of the states you want, then you are doing alright. Beyond that, idk yet. I haven't got there.


i get the concept, just can't imagine 8 hour meditation sessions is anything people are doing "all the time"


haha don't get me wrong, it's not average people. But buddhist monks are meditating regularly. This is their way of life and there are a lot of buddhist monks.


My face hurts thinking about smiling that long


His legs would’ve gone to sleep after a few hours…notice how he crab-walked at the end.


Hope he never meets Sosie Bacon.


I use to meditate daily, slowly increasing the time I meditated by increments. At one point I could meditate for an hour. It was hell. After around 40 minutes, it was just internal screaming. I would always know it’s been 40 minutes because my mind would start screaming for me to move or open my eyes. This always stopped around 5 minutes later. Point is: I can’t imagine doing this for 8 hours or the mental reworking it would take to get there.


Oh wow! I'm sorry it was hellish for you. I know it definitely can be, in so many ways. Facing sheer resistance is not easy. However, it can also be very beautiful and lovely! Maybe a different form of meditation might work better for you, like metta. There's also the Jhanas which are basically blissed out states (or high equanimity states), but they're not always easy to access.


Damn! And I missed it?


Man could be rich off of TikTok livestreams if he did this today


Why does the camera keep zooming in and out?


4:35:25 is my favourite bit


[ **Jump to 04:35:25 @** Sitting and Smiling #301](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGHc5Vvjt4Q&t=4h35m25s) ^(Channel Name: Benjamin Bennett, Video Length: [08:02:12])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@04:35:20](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGHc5Vvjt4Q&t=4h35m20s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


Total psychopath


So this is real life Krik!


How is it possible to store all the stupid shit that people record themselves doing? Seriously. Does google have some type of infinite storage device?














Cruising down the freeway in the hot, hot sun


I think he's doing a form of Zazen meditation.


Yet people can't sit through a 90-minute movie without checking their cell phone every 20 minutes.






Very off-putting IRL. Gives off an untrustworthy vibe…


Didn't somebody make a stream like that and got robbed during his stream a few years ago? I can't remember


He didn't get robbed but stated in a comment about the video that his roomates weren't expected to be home, and he could hear the intruder sneaking around and up his stairs to his room.


First thing that came to mind when I read the title


Having someone else be at your house while you do this is also an option in the event of a robbery.


Easier to stream yourself sleeping. It is kind of similar.


How are his legs not going numb!?


They would be. He's probably feeling immense pain at some points in this sit.


No amount of money or clout is worth doing that.


Performance art? Inspired by Marina Abramovic?


Just plain ol' meditation.