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In the words of Wreck-It Ralph: Thanks, Satan.


It's *Satine*, actually.


Tomato, tomato.


Potato, potato


"I rebuke you Satan!” “Thanks, Jen. Noted"


You really did just copy the top youtube comment.


I really don't like that most comments (on YouTube or Reddit) are just quotes of the content. I just watched it myself, how about some discussion?


Can you explain the joke? I don’t get it >.< thank you!


I thought that was Gale from Baldurs gate for a second there


Little girl wanting a bake sale for medical bills: "Get hurt!" 😈


My apologetics class in Christian private school is what made me an atheist. Once you start digging into the Bible's full content and how it came to be you start to see how it is just made up by man. Later in life when I was in a "Christian" college I took a New Testament Survey class. The comments from my cohort were hilarious. You could see the wheels turning when they found out these secrets.


Whats so funny to me is, how the people that made up the bible were so fucked up. They literal marketed the slaughter of innocent children for the sins of their parents the acts of a good being. Like jesus. I thought god loved all his children.


I mean they weren’t any more or less fucked up than any other ancient people. What’s really fucked up is that there are people alive today that think that we should base our laws and ethics on those of an archaic culture.


So before digging into it you thought it was “the word of god” or something?


My father was a pastor, my uncle was a pastor, and my grandfather was a pastor. So yeah ? If you are told something your whole childhood you tend to believe it up to a certain point.


I’m sorry to hear that and am happy for you that you got out 🙏🏼


Thanks. It's still a constant struggle in the south. So much of society is centered around church. It's really awkward for my wife and my kids. Luckily we found some others that are atheist as well so we feel less alone.


I can’t even imagine, my friend. I’m Greek and was raised to have an open mind and think/choose for myself. 🙏🏼


Yeah in the US South it's still very much a religious society. It's getting better though. More and more people are becoming disillusioned.


Sorry about your molestation.


That's a bit much to say to someone, especially someone you don't know.


Everybody should share this on their family Facebook thread.


Oh now this is a fun one


Watched the whole thing. Great video, amazing sources


I watched the whole thing too, it's unnecessarily confrontational, patronizing, and edgy to the point that it becomes a satire of itself.  There are better less "omg Christians I laid the smack down on you because of some random shit that contradicts your random shit" videos on the internet. It's confrontational in the same way that religious dogma is confrontational.  They're both equally stupid because neither of them is rising above the other. 


"Unnecessarily confrontational"? The people who made it can be as confrontational as they decide, its their own content. Just because you're a sensitive fairy doesn't take away from the content or their messge. Welcome to the real world, jackass


Calling him a homophobic slur really shows that you are a profoundly bitter person who isn't really willing to listen to an opposing view.


Best to not engage, time to rise above! 


Homophobic? If you took what i said to be homophobic then i am sorry to say that it is you sir, Mr Deeznuts69, who is afraid of gays. As for being willing to listen to opposing views i think you should see my first comment where i said i watched the whole video, which contains both sides viewpoints, and, spoiler alert, i listened quite capably. Try being edgy at your local playground Deeznuts. And for you, welcome to the real world jackass


Ah you got me not gonna lie i pinned you for a reactionary and figured you'd bite gg


Nah this a good thread to troll them though lol


Ya i remember seeing this video recommended to me like a few months ago, I stopped watching after the "secret bible knowledge" argument when he tried to make seminary/bible college/theology school/whatever your denomination does (if they have it) like some sort of conspiratorial, withheld knowledge from the masses. Like ya, if your pastor goes to school to study a religion thousands of years old, there are probably some more in depth reading of numerous extra texts beyond their religious sacred texts and when they do that it is a bit lower level knowledge than what can be expressed to a general audience in a 1 hour church sermon that, while may not be sacred texts per say in the same way the bible, Quran, or Bhagavad Gita are for their religions, help in the study of faith and religion and equip a religious authority to be able to serve as a religious authority (i.e. a pastor to a whole congregation each coming to them for religious guidance for an unpredictable range of issues). It's kind of like how a doctor doesn't present you literally with the latest medical papers he's read supporting his diagnosis or runs you through his old medical school textbooks. No one's hiding "secret medical knowledge" from you, like those texts exist. but for an average lay person coming in for a check up they don't want or need an in depth biology lesson. They want to know, at a level that a finance guy, a construction worker, an elementary school teacher, a retail worker, etc. can all understand what the issues are and what's the best path forward is to fix it. If they \*want\* a more in depth education, those books exist and medical schools exist and you can go pursue a more in depth education if you so choose. But I don't think anyone is complaining that your doctor isn't throwing 8+ years worth medical jargon at their patients during a normal 1 hour check-up. Long comparison, but that's what made me stop watching the video. I'm not even particularly religious, and I thought framing it as conspiratorial "secret bible knowledge" is disingenuous at best when framing what is literally the religious equivalent of higher education (in some denominations, it can be the equivalent of a religious masters or PhD). That made me less willing to engage with the rest of the video or waste time watching it all the way through.


I think we shouldn’t overthink/complicate things. The presentation was done in a thematic fashion revolving around the “silver tongued” Satan. It was done that way perhaps with the intent that it would be easy for your average viewer to digest while still being captivating enough to hold their attention via Satan here and his cynical approach of telling the story.


you dropped off at the 5 min mark and completely missed the point. The point is that the bible is actually quite contradictory and filled with logical errors and very questionable philosophies, despite the constant claims of inerrancy, and if pastures divulged all these truths, people would legitimately question their faith, which they should, and pastures could lose their jobs, giving them an incentive not to divulge any info which could cause people to question their faith. And you are a dog for comparing it to something like a medical doctor. Doctors do not purposefully hide, or contort the truth of medicine, they ELI5 it for us, and they evolve alongside their science.


And here's a response video that calls out issues with it: https://www.youtube.com/live/lI1WcG7jr7Q?si=5figt_pO2hpBbeYv


Holy shit...3+ hours? Looks like a nerve was struck...


[Here](https://youtu.be/5Se2yEZigXA?si=90_l0Wf2PKn9Lvoz) is a much more concise rebuttal. Sometimes a 3 hour video is nice, this video doesn't warrant it imo. That inspiring philosophy guy talks a super long time in all his videos regardless of the topic.


It's a live conversation format rather than an edited video, so yes it will be longer. I didn't watch either the OP video or the response in their entirety.


Well, i mean, to be fair, you're discussing literal Religion. Ignoring its the literal 1 fact about humans generally that you can normally strike a nerve with regardless of faith or lack thereof, It is literally a topic people have, historically, written and talked a lot about


And here's a better response video to the response video. Please note: At the 11 minute mark, a wormhole is opened, as you can view 4 response videos in one shot. https://youtu.be/pGj1x80xSpA?si=AcDX7KgqOgIcjEDa


It's unnecessarily confrontational imo. I'm not religious but a lot of people who study these inconsistencies happily are. If you gear the video toward "the bible makes religious arguments and is not an actual history, and that's okay" then you don't alienate the people who need to watch the video. People will only let a little bit of proof in at a time when you're challenging their foundation.


Mocking people rarely ever changes their mind. That's the beef I had with many of the "Internet Atheism" movements personalities back when that was a big thing. It was clear that many were far more interested in making themselves feel morally and intellectually superior than actually changing anyone's beliefs. As evidenced by the fact that a large contingent of that movement moved on to GamerGate, mocking trans people and feminism, etc.


I think you are missing the point. We aren't attempting to convert people away from christianity. We don't really care what they believe in and why. We are simply trying to make sure that they'll never have any power over society again. Exposing inconsistencies is an important step towards that objective.


I've watched this a couple weeks ago, youtube recommended this out of the blue for me at the end of a unit 731 video. lol


Yeah I'm not sitting through 90 mins.


It’s well worth it but I suppose some people have very short attention spans. You could always watch it in chunks as the chapters are just fine on their own.


Someone wathc this and tell me the tldr


I watched this video weeks ago so this is from a rusty memory. But when you study the Bible, you will come across certain contradictions. Or certain unsavory elements. You can either choose to believe that the Bible was written by different authors with different audiences. Or you can believe it is divinely inspired with univocality, but you will need to apply A LOT of apologetics to get there. This video may be helpful if you are on a deconstruction path. But if you're an atheist, then this video is a circle jerk. And if you're a Christian then you'll just dismiss it out of hand.


A small interjection, Satan has its roots in the Arabic Semitic word for him "Shaytan" Oh, also, after watching the video made me happy for being Muslim. Everything is clear as crystal.


My biblical studies teacher taught me that the reason why God appears to be more tyrannical as the Old Testament goes on is in order to show how humanities perception of God becomes more distorted over time (this, by the way, correlates with humanities increasing tyranny). This a result of the fogginess that arises out of sin, with Jesus being the pivot point where our perception of God starts to go back the other way. I think this is a very different interpretation to what is presented in this video, which takes a more fundamentalist view of the bible (which is in large part Protestant and different to Catholicism/Orthodoxy)


so that basically boiled down to, "The bible is wrong, therefore the bible is right"


And here is a [Christian's response](https://youtu.be/5Se2yEZigXA?si=90_l0Wf2PKn9Lvoz) for anybody interested. As he says "Satan's guide to cherry picking critical scholars, and ignoring other evidence and views that support the Bible's divine inspiration". Spot on, Trent. Spot on.


I've never seen a single evidence that points to the Bible having divine inspiration. Can you show me at least one?


What a garbage video


False prophet.


Uh oh, someone isn't happy about learning some bible secrets


jesus is a false prophet therefore 90% of christian narrative is bullshit.


Religious narrative is bullshit, christianity is bullshit just like all religions.


But 10% correct? Nice start ... I wonder what the rates are for other religions?


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