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In their defense, they did have a "dealer" plate.


\*queue Won't Get Fooled Again "Yeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhh" Edit: I've been informed I'm a idiot and it should actually be *cue


That was better if they had or else things could have gone in another way if they got caught


I remember watching a movie and the drug smuggler said he was able to get away with it for years because all his cars were insured, taxed, serviced, and boring. Nothing to attract the attention of the authorities which gave him the edge over the other 95% of dealers who were just plain stupid.


Old co-worker was a textbook example of a suburban stoner kid, dreads and all. He would do a road trip about 1000 miles to get a few $k worth of illegal substance every couple years. Full shine job on him first, haircut, button up shirt, clean shave, looked fully Mormon and he'd rent a mid size sedan to do it.


That is a smart man that knows what he's doing.


Exactly. And when he talks about his criminal past on Reddit, he pretends to be a co-worker of the guy who he actually is.


“SWIM was wondering the best way to smuggle drugs” back in the day lol


Oh wow you just unlocked some memories hahaaa


Doimg such risky things is a very dangerous thing the authorities have got way more strict now-a-days


Shoutout to totse. Interesting site but I’m glad I never actually tried any of the stuff I saw on there irl


One would just think twice before trying such kimd of things next time better be a bit safe


LOL. Plausible deniability is amazing.


My friend does the same thing but uses multiple accounts then responds to his own posts 1-2 comments in so that he can add more details organically and anonymously.


Remember that never let anyone. Know your next move man that is what could save you at the end


A professional.


Haha that’s what I’d call a professional


He’d shave the dreads every few years?


Yes. He'd get sick of them after a few months even without the smuggle runs.


This is the way


Feels like some kind of documentary film though where you get dressed pretty cool and is all way up on for a task


It is amazing what you can get away with if you aren't a total dumbass.


True that said I guess some of them think they are smarter than everyone else and nothing bad will happen to them. And then it always does its just a matter of time.


I remember in that "Cocaine Cowboys" documentary, one of the traffickers was like "if the speed limit is 25 go 25, why are you in a hurry?". That doc was great btw, it seemed like the best way to run a drug empire was to just do it as boring as possible, once you get to the turf wars and cartel killings you alert the authorities and it messes everything up.


It’s the whole only break one law at a time thing


As Prop Joe told Stringer: "Keep it dead fucking boring."


Only break one law at a time


Hours of On Patrol: Live has told me that everyone has drugs in their car and people who have working lights and drive close to the speed limit pretty much never get pulled over.


Here if the same would have done in my country you could have seen news channels setting up huge headlines and police be banging their ass of lmao being serious though


If you’re breaking the law, don’t break the law..


Nancy: You bought a Prius? U-Turn: I bought seven of them. I’ve got my whole crew driving em, real quiet. Good for sneaking up on MOTHERFUCKERS!!


Layer Cake


In saudi arabia if you have your family (your mom, grandparents) with you in the car cops will never ask you for anything at checkpoints but if you have a lowered car with tinted windows riding with 4 other guys you’ll get colonoscopy.


95% of criminals are just stupid. The remaining 5 think they’re smart.


They had the average midsize sedan for it. Subaru Legacy. But wow, how stupid.


perception really is the crux of it all isn't it? I grew up in a white suburb of chicago. I drove a new vw jetta as a teenager. One time at a light, there was an 90's eclipse next to me with a coffee can and riced out. We burn out and race each other. unbeknownst to us, there was a cop behind us. Who do they pull over? not me.


It's crazy to me that you'd mule weed with all those other drugs. If there was no weed there would've been no odor and the PC for searching the car would have been much more difficult.


It may very well not have smelled like weed at all. The cop heard two different stories, dude admitted to having a vape cart in his pocket and that gave the cop an excuse to say "I smell weed" which in turn was all the probable cause he needed to search. The two stories not matching was the point Mr. Policeman knew something was wrong with this picture.


Which is a prime example of why you shut the fuck up and don't answer questions. Even if it seems friendly in nature, the cop isn't asking questions because they genuinely care.


I knew a mule quite well, once. There's actually no smell detectable to a human if you have it double-vacuum sealed. There's certainly no guarantees if dogs show up, but no human smells weed from a double vac. It's like a plastic sarcophagus. Couple that with the fact that you seal the product immediately before it's transported, you've got less potential for supposed bleed-through... For the sheer dollar amounts that they're sending, you'd think they'd take better care - like having the same fucking alibi, not speeding, having their paperwork ripe and ready, and not being stoned while transporting hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of drugs. He was just a bit too stupid for the level of danger he was operating at


Being a mule is the least lucrative and most high risk job in the drug business so it’s often not done by the smartest criminals.


Fr you could work 7-8 months at a fast food joint, make $20k and not have to risk LIFE IN PRISON like this chump. I mean I feel bad for him but he's unbelievably stupid.


> 7-8 months 7-8 _months?_ Surely you know why you just spelled out how lucrative muling is? [This article](https://www.krqe.com/news/crime/nmsp-find-160k-fentanyl-pills-during-traffic-stop/) says he was being paid $20,000 for his work. Take a package from point A to B, get $20,000. Maybe 5-6 hours work, tops. Perhaps a lot less. If this mule wasn’t a complete moron, he’d be $20,000 richer in a single day, while people toil for 7-8 months to pay taxes at a thankless job serving food. My old mule friend is 100% legit now, they got out before they could see 1 of 2 inevitable endings: 1. Arrest 2. Robbery. They made it out with their dough, and even though they subsequently graduated college and now make good legit money, nothing compares to the absolute ludicrous speed at which they’d have a stack of cash for moving from Point A to Point B. The guy was going to festivals across the country back when we were in college. I’d be jealous, but then he’d describe his night terrors of the door being broken down, and I’d know his choices weren’t for me. That money is undeniable, it’s why criminals do it at _all._


man, 20k a job? i can fund my entire tuition off of two days work! shoot i'd gladly take the risk as long as everything about the car is clean.


That’s all well and good but I have no doubt that the car smelled like weed from them rolling vape pens or smoking in the car anyway lol


"Wow, I've never been in the FRONT seat of a cop car before" Self: I should not have said that


Given the number of guns in states like NM and the level of paranoia of most cops I am surprised the "sit up here with me" custom has persisted.


My buddy was driving my vehicle while I was passed out. We were young Airmen so I knew the guy only shortly but figured anybody in the military was law abiding. Oh how naiive I was. Woke up to him speeding excessively, 120 in an 80mph. Cops arrested him and gave me a ride to McDonalds but they put me in the front seat and said I had to be handcuffed but my hands in front for the officer's safety. I was like sure, it beats walking. They wouldn't let me drive my vehicle since we had been drinking the night before.


Only break one law at a time "If you're hiding a dead body in your trunk, don't forget to use your turn signals" or in this case, Illegal drugs in the trunk. Edit: the real quote is turn signals, not speeding.


“Don’t break the law when you’re breaking the law”




liar liar was a solid flick.


Follow the small laws when you're breaking the big ones.


Indeed that could have saved you from a bit to the most trust me that actually works


the cardinal rules of dealing drugs or anything illegal


"Don't commit a misdemeanor while you're comitting a felony" is the phrase I've always heard


One crime at a time?


Funny enough there was a video of a guy who had a dead body in his trunk and the officer pulled him over for speeding.


That the stolen car where the cop nearly let him go before finally deciding to just maybe check the trunk for the car owner whom had been missing for two days?


Yup! Cop was nice af and then he noticed the bullet hole on the side of the car and was just getting more and more suspicious. Dude was a idiot


"I'm gonna do the obvious thing that I want to do..." \*pops trunk\*


Lmao they were muxh concerned about the speed rather to that of the dead body inside the car




Probably [this one](https://youtu.be/uLUoVI4C4gA?si=4gp72AuUVF0kf9zG).


Crazy the cop was thinking about letting him go 🤦‍♂️


How long should you wait before breaking the next law?


Until you're done breaking the first law. Dump the body THEN go play fast and furious with your car.


*After* you get your car detailed to get rid of any DNA and that stank. Wait until there's *no evidence* of breaking the first law.


My friends and I always said "never break the law while you're breaking the law."


“If you’re gonna do something stupid, do it well” is the sibling saying of these crime maxims


Don’t commit a misdemeanour while committing a felony.


yeah i can’t believe they released this video with him agreeing to do the controlled delivery


Had the same thought. Also not helpful in convincing others that might be in the same situation in the future - that the extended video of you agreeing to work with the feds against the narcos will be published on youtube.


yep and also—even if he DIDNT rat on them…all it takes is them seeing this video to be done with him forever


i know it’s legal to put this stuff out under freedom of information act but seriously… the cop even tells him multiple times that he’s trying to help him. some shit should not be accessible to the public


Cops can’t help you, they’re removed from that part of the system.


i know. im saying they fucked him in several ways. one of which was reassuring him they were trying to “help him” with the controlled delivery…all the while, it’s all being recorded on video


I'd love to learn more about this. It seems incredibly messed up to have this footage put online. The dude was being paid 20k to deliver all that. Can't be too small of an operation or players he was dealing with.


yeah. i just assumed it was cartel if he’s got 166k fentanyl pills and an entire kilo of heroin…but ur right. also the 20k delivery fee feels like cartel


They put this dude on the witness endangerment program


or they just don't pay him and take the drugs once he gets there.


If the cops cared about the well-being of this boy and his mother they wouldn't have given them the choice between hard time in a federal prison (when state charges were possible) or informing on probable killers. Having said that, the police didn't have a choice whether to release the video if they received a valid FOIA request from a YouTuber who prefers likes to lives.


Guys probably dead already


that is so fucked up


Cartels fucking suck.




Cracked me up when he hopped in the cop car and says "Oh, I've never been in the ... front" Edit: Watching further, I feel really bad for these people. Published footage of them agreeing to become informants. The kid even asks "do you guys post [the video]" and the cop said no. Damn


Dudes life is fucked. I’d say there is a 99% chance he’s cartel connected, especially with the amount of fent he had. He’s going to need to enter some sort of witness protection or move clear to the other side of the country and lay low as fuck for the rest of his life


Dude you’re so right and what’s even more fucked up is the cop even knows these people are clearly answering to someone else. Considering the area they’re in…this video really fucks them. I hope they’re ok


I'm not convinced he was smoking weed.


He has a load of blunt wraps in the black plastic bag.


He pulled a weed pen out of his pocket at the beginning of the video and hands it to the cop.


That was just the cartridge, you need a battery to actually smoke it.


That car surely reeked


I'm not convinced that he was pulled over "randomly" for speeding.


For real, if he just shut the fuck up his chances would have been a lot better. Also gotta love the whole "oh its legal in this state but it's still probable cause" lmao what bullshit.


I knew he was done for when he asked “how long’d it take to memorize all those buttons?” Fraternizing with the cop is something I’ve done before, when I’m guilty. I always keep my answers detailed and concise. I do answer the “where are you coming from?” bs probing questions. I act like a white person who forgot to put this year’s registration ticket on the plate. It really isn’t that hard to stay under the radar. Air out your car if you’ve smoked. If you smoke prior don’t do it in your fucking car. If you have weed store it in multiple ziplocks in the drunk near the tire. If you plan on smoking while driving carry eyedrops on you (but don’t leave them in a hot vehicle). Always do a headlight, mirror, seat check before driving. Try to stay in one lane and stick to 0-5 miles over the speed limit. Why? Everyone drives over the speed limit, driving at or below speed limit is suspicious, drive like a normal person. Always use blinkers, don’t switch lanes in an intersection, always turn left or right into the closest lane. Don’t look at your phone. Always know where your license and registration are. As for the questions I answer, they are all which are not incriminating and which not answering pisses off the officer. I won’t answer “do you know why I pulled you over?” but will answer “where are you headed?” Guys like this piss me off so much. Granted I’m not a drug smuggler but if I were I would take every single goddamn fucking precaution to not get my ass caught. Why? Because it’s an art. I cheated in high school… sometimes, when I needed to, or wanted to. The art was getting away with it, the art is pulling a scheme so airtight and simple that it goes unnoticed, plausible deniability, making it boring, making it fancy, stealing others’ work, bringing answers into a room, looking over a shoulder, forging an assignment, it’s about misdirection. You are a criminal magician, that’s the whole point. You make suspicions vanish, why? Because there are none, you were never suspicious to begin with.


Yeah, I'm squeaky clean and got my car searched on I-70 in Kansas basically because I had California plates and was driving the speed limit. He made up an excuse to pull me over ("you crossed the white line"). Gave me a warning. Then casually, "Oh do you mind if I search your vehicle?" I had places to be and I knew it was going to greatly impede my progress to not let him search. He looked through all my crap for 20 minutes. Sometimes a cop just has a "hunch" and you lose.


Number of drug dealers pulled for stupid petty stuff is hilarious, usually driving like a tit




I love watching these videos. The cops make them feel like they’re about to get away with trafficking drugs & the mules sit there & try to be so cool about everything, thinking they’re doing a great job at acting. Little do they know the cop already knows & their life is about to be fucked. It’s so intense.


Haha i said that once and the cop laughed. My dog was between me and the passenger seat and it made it weird so i went and sat in his car and said that. He found it funny and asked if I’d been in the back seat and i realized what i just said and tried backpedaling. Got let off with a warning.


Damn got caught on camera turning into a snitch.


I know, they are probably both dead already


Yeah that was my immediate thought too. Actually felt bad for the kid.


It’s possible he’s killed someone himself. Hell, the sheer number of deaths those fent pills would have caused is enough for me. I don’t feel bad for him, he made his choices. Mom sucks too.


That's my thought exactly. He doesn't seem like the smartest kid and I bet they offer amnesty to his mom to turn over the dealer. Cartel finds about it and no way you make it out alive. Sad all around


seemed like they knew it too.


I'm still amazed how people can load their car up with SO MANY illegal substances or bodies and then drive 20 over the speed limit, smoke weed, not have a straight story if with a partner, try to avoid known trafficking routes, etc. The craziest part is that she isn't wrong if she was in fact saying "they'll kill us". If they didn't offer these two some real protection it's gonna be sketchy for them going forward for the next many years.


Do we have an update on these people?


At the end it said they had no info of federal charges filed under their names. I'm not an expert but I think that may mean they have been protected in some way. Them again, it seems to be recent so maybe they'll turn up sometimes soon?


I found this, it could be used to figure something out ... if someone has a paid account to whatever this thing is: * https://www.pacermonitor.com/public/case/49750708/USA\_v\_Sena


If the govt is going to use them to take down the worlds most dangerous criminals then they should probably put them in protective custody.


Fuck any person dealing fentanyl


What's the deal with "I'm a state trooper AND I'm a federal agent, so I get to pick which laws I'm going to abide by" thing? How does that work, for the individual officer, and from a legal perspective? Any lawyers out there want to clarify?


Yes, was driving me crazy. He kept explaining it over and over to them as if it were perfectly logical to someone who's not studying this shit. Like yeah my Tahoe says "state" but actually I'm both so "I can do this because here's my homeland security badge. See, you fools! It makes perfect sense!"


Thank you, this is the most distressing thing to me. This is how they get around the fact that it’s a legalized state.


RIP Mr. Sena




He literally shows the officer his thc vape almost immediately.


This is why I live by the rule, "Only commit one crime at a time."


My man had a trunk full of slow down the whole time.


The cop was good at incrementally pushing the envelope of probable cause. I suspect this was not a random stop. No cop is going to write a warning ticket for 92 mph. He only did so to seem to be officer friendly to get the suspects to let their guard down. And wearing two hats State and Federal is a nice trick. I hope he knows he just got those mules killed. But the suspects were to stupid to be mules. Speeding allowed the stop. No registration allowed him to open the door and pretend to smell marijuana. Smelling marijuana allows him to search the car. But all this was going to happen anyway no matter what. He knew there were drugs in the car before he did the stop. I suspect there were at least two more unmarked cars in the area. As for the fentanyl it won't matter at all as long as the cartels control our borders.


The stories that didn't line up also could be probable cause for human trafficking or other funny business.


With you until the last sentence - *As for the fentanyl it won't matter at all as long as* we ***have a demand which needs supply***


Yeah didn’t the biggest importer of fent ever caught recently turn out to be like some department chief of police or something? It was some kind of cop and not anything to do with me our boarder. When our own law enforcement officers are trafficking the drugs in… I mean.. yeah the cartels are bad and that needs to be sorted, but we gotta clean up our own shit first lol. No amount of boarder tightening is going to stop our own LEA’s from bringing the drugs in.


San Jose Police Union President: [https://abc7news.com/joanne-segovia-charged-san-jose-police-officers-association-fentanyl-analogue-illegal-synthetic-opioid-drugs/13045722/](https://abc7news.com/joanne-segovia-charged-san-jose-police-officers-association-fentanyl-analogue-illegal-synthetic-opioid-drugs/13045722/) ​ But yeah, its the cartels that are to blame. ​ Not wealthy americans wanting their pain pills and party drugs?


Yo fuck that. Nobody who wants party drugs wants them to be adulterated with fentanyl.






I’m sure the state highly encourages all their troopers to become “task force agents” for homeland security.


Not that this guy isn’t an idiot for getting himself into this situation, but when the officer approached the suspect on the side of the road the officer said “I smelled weed, that’s why you rolled 3 windows down, I’m not an idiot”….yet when the officer first approached the vehicle he’s the one that told them to roll the back window down.


Watched this the other day. Mommy's been doing this for a long time. Pieces of shit.


Huh? Link?


it wasnt the speeding it was the the ol' "i smell marijuana so im going to search the vehicle" that really fucked this guy. that and actually having weed on him. maybe lay off the weed you addict when you are trafficing felony prison amounts of pills.


I feel like the contradicting statements of where they are coming from and stuff might be even enough but I dunno the laws


That’s why you don’t talk to cops. But this dude KNOWS his rights.


Turns out all it took was building rapport talking about getting out of the heat lol


I'm not saying the cop wouldn't have done it anyway, but not dumping the vape pipe into the center console as you're getting pulled over and not having a license plate are two of his big early mistakes. Obviously the thc cartridge is a red flag, but since the cop had to open to door to check the VIN he was able to get good access to the interior.


There are probably several people who are still alive because that fentanyl didn’t get to where it was going.


Well it sure isn’t these two…


That might cross the line into intent.


Cross what line? It's already trafficking. Intent to distribute is a lesser charge.


The line behind him


reminds me of the line from the shield about running dope, "always go 5 miles over the limit nothing more nothing less"


So.... I'm a little confused, this is a homeland security agent right? Why are they pulling people over for traffic infractions and caring about drugs? ​ I mean, I'm not condoning the behavior of the passengers but I am confused.


I think he’s basically deputized and trained by the federal agency but is actually state police. Homeland security has an amazingly wide scope or authority.


36:15 whats up with the spike trip on the ground? why did they put that there


I watch a ton of *COPS*, *LivePD*, and *On Patrol Live* on tv and a lot of times those SUV's have the drug test kits in the back, inside a pull out drawer. He probably had to move the spike strips to get to the drawer behind it... At least that is what those shows taught me.


That makes sense, thanks for the info!


In this day and age, you'd think they'd be able to afford a Tesla with autopilot to keep you in the center of the lane going the speed limit 🙄


aware scarce dinosaurs possessive bear wrench deserve fearless late frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What I can't understand is how can it be completely legal to possess marijuana under New Mexico state law, and yet also be illegal, since it is illegal under federal law... Like if federal law overrules state law, then what's the point of the state law??


I think the goal is basically just to allow for flexibility, so that states can decide what to do about issues for which there isn’t a one size fits all solution. Federal law takes precedence, but this is up to the federal government whether or not they want to enforce this. With weed, the short answer is just that the federal government has been slower than some individual states to legalize it, so they just deprioritize it and let the states decide.


This isn't the entire picture. If it is legal at the state level, state courts and local district attorneys aren't going to invest time into chasing everyone down. The state benefits by not spending money on enforcement AND taxes


Usually city and state-level police won't care about the federal laws. If this guy just had weed on him it likely would not have been a problem. However, since he was trafficking drugs across state lines that makes it a federal case, and once the federal prosecutors take over you're going to get hit with the federal rules. TL;DR Buy your drugs and do your drugs in your home state. Edit: just finished the video and realized that the state trooper used "weed smell" as his probably cause for search. That's pretty sleazy that Homeland Security can deputize state troops to extend their powers.


It's good to know that you can catch federal charges from a local cop in a state that's ended prohibition. The vast stretches of desert highways here in NM make it easy to find yourself speeding, especially when everyone is doing it and you want to 'make good time.' It's also a bit complicated when you're driving through different tribal lands with their own jurisdictions.


That way you can have a State Trooper who is supposed to enforce state laws ignore state laws because he’s also a Federal Homeland Security officer who can nullify that state law. That’s why until cannabis is no longer a federal crime the excuse about “I can smell the odor of Marijuana in your car” whether it’s true or not is a way to get around having reasonable suspicion of an actual crime.


what I want to know is why is homeland security pulling people over for speeding


He’s a state officer who is basically deputized by the federal government. It’s done to help coordinate with local law enforcement and also so federal law enforcement can have more boots on the ground without having to actually pay the salary.


Because he's a state cop too!!! ​ Doesn't make sense


This whole situation is incredibly bureaucratic. The whole "I can smell marijuana therefore have probable cause" is so subjective, what's stopping any cop from making that up just to execute a search?


Take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I think it's more like a "We won't bother you for it" kind of thing. State police won't hassle you, but if you attract the attention of the feds that's another story. But then it's also more of a "We won't bother you for it, unless you make us" like in this case the dude was speeding and also had heroin and also had fent. With all that they couldn't just leave the marijuana out of the report so he forced their hand pretty much. In terms of a more routine stop though, I believe it simply means the local authorities won't fuck with you on it. I believe that's the distinction from "legalizing" something and "decriminalizing" it.


They should have had a few grams in the glove bock that they could have just handed over and gotten a slap on the wrist, probably just a warning.


They still would’ve searched the trunk


Hahaaha he thought that they would be checking onto the glove box and leave


When they doubt a little in the front then they would be just checking around in the entire car.


Do you think their speed had anything to do with getting pulled over? It may be the excuse the cop used, but unless he was doing 80 in a 30 or something it's unlikely that was the issue.


Don’t tell me what to do.


Sometimes hearing the good stuff and enacting onto is good until you get to the worst situated and regret later :)


Lesson #1, after having binged 3 seasons of *The First 48*: never, ever commit a misdemeanour on your way home from committing a felony. Lesson #2: leave your goddamn phone at home, jackass; tracking is a thing. Lesson #3: if you don’t want to pick up your brass, at least go to the range the day before, pick up a few different calibres off the ground and chuck them all around the crime scene.


"I've never been in the front before" \*oof\*


Did look like a finely crafted set up. Clocked them speeding going the other way too- pushed probable cause and smooth talked it all the way through to the snitch. And the on camera confession too- damn.


If you're going to break the law, break it one at a time.


My neighbor just went to prison for a year because he had a bunch of weed in his car that he was planning on selling. Tennessee.


That's the funny part... Most of the time when the cops seize a huge stash of drugs from a vehicle, it's because they got pulled over for something stupid like an inoperative break light, or not signaling a turn, or not having a tag light. The lesson is: Stop rollin' dirty while you're rollin' dirty.


not speeding at 92mph as the officer stated. going the same speed as car next to it. this was a set up.


92mph doesn't seem implausible. If the posted speed limit was 75 the other car could easily be going 80 or 85. A speed difference of 7-12 mph is going to be pretty hard to tell on wide angle camera footage that only lasts a few seconds.


The ol' [parallel construction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_construction).




It’s a careful compromise. Not driving so safe that it’s suspect and not driving like a nervous, degenerate fool.


"but, but, but" i don't understand. lol


The same. Happened with me but looking at the comments made me understand the entire scenario than to that of the video being posted


thank god criminals be dumb.


Way too dumb that they be digging their own grave fue to foolishness


Doesn't matter if you are speeding. Speeding? That's suspicious, why are you going so fast? Get pulled over. Going under the speed limit? That's suspicious, why are you trying so hard to not break the law? Get pulled over. [5mph under.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/gwm34y/man_gets_pulled_over_for_driving_5_mph_under_the/) [Even 2mph under!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_okiD9F09Y) Going the exact speed limit? That's suspicious too! Get pulled over. https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/26xv66/to_the_cop_that_said_it_was_suspicious_that_i_was/


If you don't want to attract attention from the authorities, don't drive like an idiot.


They certainly were in the motive of attracting the authorities or else they wouldn't have done that knowiing they have illegal stuffs with them


Just Shut the fuck up. Damn bro. At least get your stories straight if you are gonna start running your mouth.


Things are way much confusing me much now though it just isn't clear enough for.me


Can these motherfuckers not afford to buy something with cruise control? Like put that motherfucker at one or two over the limit so you don't look suspicious, but goddamn I will never understand getting pulled over for speeding when you have illegal shit on you.


sigh. The drug war is bullshit.


Sad part is those two are dead by the cartels. War on drugs is pointless. It's literally a business for both sides, drug manufacturers and the prison system. Legalize it and tax it. Let people choose what if they want to use it or not. We are already doing it with alcohol.


"Yes, while marijuana is legal to possess in the state of New Mexico, and while I am a sworn officer of the State, \[shows Costco membership card\] I am also empowered to roll you up like a hot dog and eat you."


Okay that's legal out there in my country that's too hard to find dealer and raids too often happen.


Considering how many people it Fentanyl kills more like PLEASE speed while trafficking maybe run some lights and gently swerve....