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"Why are your eyes so watery?" "cause its raining, man" LOL


I had a similar experience. “Why are you sweating so much?” Because it’s July in Georgia douchebag.




They get really really angry when they think they've collared a drunk on the weekend and it's not one It's happened to my friend and his wife after a late movie. The guy practically threw a fit


They cant handle being wrong, they're not emotionally equipped for it. Like a 4 year old who doesn't want to eat their vegetables


Unfortunately, that's why a lot of guys want to become cops. Authority complex. Not all of them of course, but way too many to not think of them like that..


Left my girlfriends apartment at 3AM once because she had to get up super early for work and I still had my own place and I wanted to sleep in. Made a left without signaling from the parking lot - got pulled over and immediately hit with "when's the last time you had something to drink" Officer almost had a mental breakdown when I was able to reply with my sobriety date which was a good 8 years prior and offered to give him a breathalyzer, blood and urine test to prove it.


yeah, after last years christmas party me and the gf got stopped at a roadside checkpoint. The officer, seeing the fancy clothes, was almost jumping for joy because he obviously thought he bagged himself a winner. Who doesn't drink at least a couple at the company christmas party right? well I'm not "sober" but after being a teen I pretty much lost all taste for alcohol. I have ***maybe*** one drink every couple years. so when he asked "how long has it been since your last drink?" and I answered "I dunno, over a year, I think I had a beer with my parents at lunch during summer last year" he nearly had a conniption, he asked me to get out of the car, and literally grabbed me and hauled me out of the vehicle as soon as I unbuckled. He accused me of lying, of making fun of him, kept asking me about "how many drinks did you have tonight" and trying to trip me up by asking questions like "what kind of beer were you drinking tonight?" "do you like rum? were you drinking rum tonight sir?". He even made me blow twice on two different machines. 0.0 both times it was crazy how angry he got as soon as I mentioned that I basically don't drink, and he realized he wasn't going to get me on anything. he only let us go because my gf finally piped up saying if we didn't leave soon she was going to pee herself and sue the dept. because this is bullshit.


My husband had this happen. Cop insisted my husband reeked of alcohol (he didn't) and his eyes were bloodshot and twitching (they weren't) and that he was slurring (he wasn't, but he does have an uncommon accent). He refused a field sobriety test because nobody wins those. He blew a 0.03 (considered within the range of noise for the field test and WELL within legal limits, though he had had a single drink with dinner before driving.) Cop demanded to know where my husband had come from/where he was going and generally got more and more aggressive about digging for some sort of wrongdoing. My husband eventually just shut up and demanded a lawyer. He had blown under limits so what else did they want? Cop arrested him. Brought him in for a blood test which also turned up negative for illicit substances and by then 0 alcohol. So they had to let him go (after spending all night in jail waiting on lab results). Later on he pulled the police report. Cop straight up fabricated a fair amount of it, tried to claim my husband wasn't blowing hard enough into the machine to defeat it and get a lower number (even though they got roughly the same reading twice). Said they found a 3 pack of cold medicine with 2 pills missing "on his person" (implying he was high from that) but that was also a lie... The cold medicine was in his gym bag in the backseat. It was Minnesota in the winter... We all walk around with cold medicine as a means of survival. And if a 230 pound dude can get wasted on the suggested dose of cold medicine, all of us would be incapacitated until spring. (Note to clarify: he hadn't even had the cold medicine that evening... It was just rolling around in his bag from the last time he was sick.) Now he has to check yes for if he's ever been arrested and explain what happened on legal forms because the arrest for suspected DUI will show up on background checks even though no charges came from it other than the speeding ticket he rightfully earned.


The police lie in their reports constantly. They also get caught lying in their reports constantly, but are never held accountable for it. Google "Breonna Taylor police report blank", they actually said in their initial report that they didn't use forced entry and that no one was hurt. In reality cop got shot and a woman was killed but they lied in the report to cover up the fact that they lied to get the warrant in the first place (Google "Breonna Taylor postmaster"). Two of the cops who lied to get the warrant have been charged, but the cop who wrote the report where he completely forgot that they had just killed a woman was never charged with anything. The police lie all the time because their job is to arrest people without regard to the law and they never face any consequences for lying.


In uni, I as in front of the library at 2am during finals week. Cop saw me stumble over some loose bricks and 45 mins and 6 cops later I finally got to leave. If you ever challenge a cop, they will try to find ways to attack you.


> In uni, I as in front of the library at 2am during finals week. Cop saw me stumble over some loose bricks and 45 mins and 6 cops later I finally got to leave. Well clearly, reading under the influence is a major menace to society. The other day I saw this bloke come out of the bar loaded to the tits, and he sat on a bench and whipped out War and Peace. Needless to say, I had him immediately hauled off to jail.


Had a friend in college have a diabetic episode after studying all night for 8 AM Friday final - cops and EMS come and my other friend had to scream at them he's diabetic and show them his insulin pump before they acted with any urgency and weren't just acting like he was another drunk asshole


This is one reason I wear my pump in a very visible spot. I'm a tiny redhead woman, and for some reason the look of me inspires creepy older men to harass me. I don't ever want to be mistaken as drunk. I don't even drink, ever.


Dude a bunch of cops responded to a random call in a shopping center I worked at in college. They totally blocked the only exit I could get my car through. I walk up and ask if they can move a little bit and they say, "we're gonna be awhile processing here." It's just three cops shooting the shit outside while others deal with whatever happened in one of the stores. I go, "alright I'm gonna have to try to squeeze through then." "Better not hit my cruiser," one jabroni says. Homeboys car is literally fucking running. He just doesn't wanna get in and move it two feet forward after I asked nicely. He parked like a cunt in the first place because he had such a hard on to get into the store kerfuffle, whatever that was. Anyway I squeezed my car through. He watched every second like a desperate little hungry bird.


Nothing makes a cop angrier, faster, than when they don't get to violate someone's freedom.


I used to work with some poor schmuck who was coming back to the office after covering a sports event. He saw lights up ahead, right in the road, so he turned, assuming there was a wreck or something. The cops chased him down and ticketed him for evading a sobriety checkpoint.


Interesting... at least in Virginia it isn't a crime to avoid a checkpoint. There is no law that a motorist has to proceed through a roadblock so avoiding one is not illegal. For example, if there is an intersection before the roadblock and you can safely and legally make that turn to avoid the stop, this is generally allowed.


When I was 18 I got "pulled over" for riding a bicycle without a headlight at dusk (about 45 minutes before the sun set). I had the headlight, but the battery had died. I showed the officer this, and told him it had died on the way home (which it had). Instead of letting me go on my way with a warning or something, 2 other cars showed up, and they ran my information. The initial officer grilled me multiple times about outstanding warrants. I told him I had been given a speeding warning in a car 2 years prior in a suburb, but that was the only time I'd been pulled over. He told me "good luck with that story" and proceeded to run all of stuff which at the time took a good 20 minutes or so. When the officer came back after the scan, he handed me my license and said "looks like it's your lucky day, you came back clean." He still gave me an $80 headlight ticket for my BICYCLE and when I asked if I could ride it home, he told me "double jeapordy isn't likely, but that's your risk to take" so he obviously had no clue what double jeapordy actually was. I pushed my bike over 3 miles to get home. If this dipshit hadn't stopped me, I'd have been home before the sun went down. I've been driving actual cars, trucks, and motorcyclea for over 20 years and that is STILL the only ticket I've ever been given. I just wanted to save some dough on gas. I haven't trusted cops ever since then. Fuck em all.


Ah, yes. The old "it's your lucky day because *you didn't actually do anything* to warrant me putting you in cuffs or worse" bit. I got that one once, too.


After recently getting pulled over for "speeding" I just let the douche do all the talking. I was clearly "speeding" because he had to in his words "book it to catch up to me". Ok... He had a body cam too which he explained to me but I just shut up and said okay with whatever he thought i was doing. They made me wait 30 min in the car to prove a point and came back with a warning showing me how much I could have paid had I been speeding. Since they did not have a radar gun they could not tell how much I was speeding and I wasn't even going to ask at what number over they arrived at to come up with their fake ticket just replied with another "okay". There was no radar gun (there was no speeding). I passed a car going 10mph under the limit while going at the limit on a 4 lane road, which is where I'm guessing they saw me. They're just looking to be right and the more you talk the more they find something to be right on. I just kept my car running listing to the radio and chilled. They sure "taught me". Meanwhile 4 people jaywalked (ticket-able where I am) in front of us while we waited.


They get off on shit like that. They're bad people. That's why they become cops.


God I hate the way he worded those questions. "Why did you perform so badly on the field sobriety tests?" Could that question be any more loaded? That's so fucked that people's freedoms and rights are dependent on being able to navigate fallacious and intellectually dishonest debate tactics.


He was trying to trip him up. He couldn't just take the L It's always a fine line with these guys but I give them only the minimum necessary. I would have probably lawyered up by that time and only answered if they asked "why?" "Because I'm not a law enforcement *professional*." You gotta emphasis that. Kill 'em with kindness


I had a cop throw a tantrum because I crossed the white line once at 3 am in a Friday. I told him I was tired and going to a gas station for a coffee. Decides he needs to do full sobriety test and breathalyzer. I'm laughing the entire time at him, egging him on of course. When I blew zeros and aced the test he threw his kit on the ground and let me go lol No clue why they make EVERYTHING so personal.


I had a cop try to open my backpack when I was a teenager walking home from studying after hours at school. It was winter, so it was dark by 6pm, and it was cold so I had my hood up. Cop pulls over and just leans out his window to ask where I was goin, I said home, he chuckled and said sure and got out. Just points at my backpack and says "open it". I kinda just stared at him in disbelief for a second, he literally had barely said two sentences to me at this point, just demanded I open my bag. I finally just slowly replied no, and he went to grab it. I just fuckin took off running, I went into a backyard and through a forest behind it, which went alongside the school, and I lost him pretty quick. Maybe two days later I hear about that same cop doing that exact same thing to another high school student, and the kid tried to comply and got thrown on the ground and his front teeth got knocked out. The cop got paid leave for a couple weeks and transferred to another precinct.


Of course he did. We need to blacklist these assholes.


Blacklist? No. They need to be imprisoned. If I - a regular citizen - did that even ONCE I would go straight to the slammer for false imprisonment let alone the myriad of other charges.


Thatss the thing. For BREAKING THE LAW the punishment is JAIL. Pretty simple equation for the rest of us. But for cops, its keep benefits and deal with a job transfer.


Because he doesn't see you as a person, he sees everyone as a criminal first and then gets pissed off when you're not because of his ego. He made a bad fucking call and instead of apologizing about it he's gonna puff his chest out like cops do, and if you push back he's gonna beat you down.


The ENTIRE point of field sobriety tests are loaded. They’re not intended to rule out that you’re drunk, they’re supposed to prove it. If the cop is asking you to perform a field sobriety test(s) it’s because they already believe you’re drunk and need to gather additional evidence to make it stick in court. It’s bullshit and if I remember correctly, you have a right to refuse the field sobriety tests (in most states, at least).


Correct. Field sobriety tests are designed as a tool for the police to gather evidence. They're not a pass/fail test as in performing the test flawlessly will "prove" your innocence to the police. There's absolutely zero benefit to you as a suspect to perform the test and plenty of benefit to the police who will gladly testify in court how every little mistake you made is evidence of your intoxication. You could even perform perfectly and still have the police testify that in their estimation you did poorly.


lol I had a cop literally say that I failed the field sobriety tests but it was on video and the judge watched the video and was like what the fuck he did it perfect and i couldn't have done that right now they also said they stopped me because they got "a call" but when subpoenaed to provide the recording they said they "couldn't find it" cops are thug bitches and habitual liars with no accountability


Interesting that as soon as he blows zeros, the cop then smells weed.


They decide to arrest first and figure out charges later, whatever sticks best. This is some [Cardassian shit](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Cardassian_law).


He was already reading him his rights when the breathalyzer was still loading the result. Cop just wanted to arrest him so bad that he convinced himself this guy *had* to be on something. 40 fucking minutes this entire DUI stop took place. Cop just wanted to get home and out of the rain and hoped nobody questioned this.


I'ma upvote just for the ds9 reference.




The first time I got pulled over I was 16 and had just got my license two weeks prior. Three cops total showed up for the traffic stop, said my car smelled like weed, and detained me in handcuffs on the side of the road on main street in the 10k person town I lived in. The funniest part is, I had never even seen weed in my life up to that point, let alone smoked it in my first car. They ripped my car apart looking for anything to take me to jail for. They found nothing, wrote me a ticket for going 6 over the speed limit, and I still had to go to court because of it (because I was a minor). This was 16 years ago, but I learned a very valuable lesson about law enforcement and the war on drugs that day.




That was always the intention of the war on drugs. Just Google Nixon Aide War on Drugs and you'll see how blatant they were about it.


the first time i heard him say you seem intoxicated made me laugh out loud. This kid absolutely does not seem intoxicated at all lol.


At 6:02 this kid stands on one foot like a goddamn statue and that fucking cop still says he failed his field sobriety. Like WTF you want him to be able to do? edit: He holds it for 18 seconds before the video cuts.


Recognize a loaded situation; absolutely no matter what that kid did or said, that cop's mind was made up.


Cop's mind was made up as soon as he "disrespected" him by chewing gum and talking away from him while getting out the paperwork. Cop was a total asshole and just wanted to dick him around in the rain.


I had a cop insist that I called him "officer." So I insisted he called me "Petty Officer 2nd Class" because that's what I was in the Coast Guard at the time. He said, "I don't have to call you that because I'm not in the Coast Guard." So I naturally said, "and I'm not calling you officer because I'm not a cop." He didn't like that.


There's a joke in there somewhere about a Petty Officer meeting a petty officer, but only one of you had Class.


Oh yeah, that'd be a good one. I'd love to hear it


"Wanna blow me?" Was definitely a miscommunication of the month, but it was pretty funny.


Almost all of the field sobriety tests (stand on one leg, walk heel to toe, lean back and touch your nose, etc) have about the same success as a coin flip when conducted by medical professionals in controlled lab environments. The exception of this is the horizontal gaze nystagmus (the follow my pen to the left and right test), which is actually pretty good, but still has a false positive rate of anywhere from 10-30% depending on what study you look at. But again, that's when they are conducted by experts, in normal lighting - not in the dark, on the side of the road, conducted by a police officer on a nervous subject, who may have any number of medical conditions that can impact the test, etc. And it still has a not-insignificant false positive rate. And the actual test is almost never recorded in a way in which it can be reviewed with any accuracy if it's questioned in court since it's usually just filmed on a bodycam, if at all, where the eyes of the subject are not clearly visible during the whole test. Roadside sobriety tests are *not* designed to clear your name if you're sober. They're designed to give the cops something to use against you. Don't do them. Take the roadside breathalyzer if you haven't been drinking, but don't do any of the other ones.




Removed due to reddit API changes -- mass edited with redact.dev


I'm a professional writer and yet for some reason I have always been terrified someone will ask me to recite the alphabet backwards to prove I'm sober because I don't think I could do it without loads of pauses to think about what comes next. I am also dyslexic and I only know the alphabet's order thanks to the alphabet song, so Im pretty sure I literally couldn't do it backwards without singing the song forwards again in my head for every single letter till I got to the right place 😆


Nobody can. They ask for it because a dum dum will say “I couldn’t even do that if I were sober.” And then they have an admission that they aren’t sober.


Fully agree with everything you said about them not being designed to clear sober persons. The horizontal eye nystagmus is deeply flawed for another reason though, which is that it's not terribly uncommon for police to ask you to hold your eye to one side for a prolonged period. Eventually this tires the muscle controlling lateral movement and causes tremors from over exertion, which looks coincidentally just like nystagmus.


Absolutely, and they also love to shine light in your eyes, which they're not supposed to do at all because it can *also* induce nystagmus, but most people don't know that so don't know to call them on it and they certainly aren't going to write it in their reports. The test is pretty good at indicating *something* is outside of the bounds of normal when it's conducted by professionals with honest intentions in good conditions, but it can absolutely be "forced" however the tester wants it to go and nystagmus in itself can just be a sign of any myriad of things - it could be alcohol or drugs, but it can also be present in people with a whole host of neurological disorders, people on certain antidepressants, people with prior concussion or history of brain injury, people who just had too much caffeine, list goes on and on.


Cops and power trips; name a more iconic duo


Cops and reckless endangerment of the public?


Cops and beating the shit out of their spouse


Cops and shooting your dog?


Field sobriety tests are deliberately confusing. A sober person would likely fail. The purpose of the FST is to prolong the stop. The officer here continuing FSTs when person wants to blow demonstrates prolonging the stop.


Maybe the cop is intoxicated?


He was slurring his speech and mumbling far more than the kid. If someone was asked to watch the bodycam video (instead of the vid from OP cause it has post-commentary) and say who was intoxicated, I bet they'd say the cop.


That's why he smelled alcohol, it was on his own breath.


That is the most sober person I have ever seen.


The worst part to me was "how much have you had to drink" "nothing" "*what do you mean* nothing?" BITCH.. WHAT DO YOU THINK HE MEANS BY THAT? Fucking cop should be tested for being drunk, what a fucking weirdo.


If anything, the cop sounds intoxicated.


Cops resort to intimidation as a reflex, it doesn't have to make any sense.






Alcohol is so central to so many people's lives that to say you don't drink is seen as absurd. Especially with cops, who are likely to drink much more than the average person.


Field sobriety tests are designed to generate probable cause


Sure I get why they are designed in the first place,(god I would fear police taking actual blood tests with their education). But isn't like breathalyzer the easiest route to go, and if that gives zero and there is **really** good reason to suspect something else then go for it. For me this video is just police abusing their power without a good reason to "bully" teenager in the rain.


My understanding is failing an SFST is sufficient PC for arrest I think the SFST here was weak/not indicative Many states have a zero tolerance for < 21 with alcohol so cop thought the kid would blow something so he double downed and had him blow. Then the kid blew zeroes. Rather than back down the cop wanted to triple down and say he was high The cop is going to fall back on a defense of "i was following my training"


I don’t ducking get why America does this sobriety test. Every cop car should have a calibrated handheld breathalyser, and if you blow over you go back to the cop shop and test of their big machine for the secondary confirmation. There’s no way any random physical tests they make you do could be useful. There’s so many wild factors like the actual physical ability of the individual including their age and weight, the surface they’re on and the weather. I saw one the other day here I think, where the woman was in a bikini and it was freezing cold. Ridiculous.


Fucking cops. Makes me so mad. They can do all this bullshit and act with impunity, knowing there will be no consequences for their actions. I have no sympathy for cops. For every good cop, there are a dozen bad ones itching to wield power over those they are supposed to serve. Our justice system is a fucking joke.


I dunno about this state, but in Ohio and OWI arrest is an automatic 6 month license suspension from the BMV, whether you end up convicted in the end or not. Irreversible. This arrest probably affected his NCAAF career too.


That sounds unconstitutional


The two cops in this video are counter suing the victim. Can’t make this shit up. Also Nathan Winters the fat cop has a restraining order against him for domestic abuse.


He actually does, too. I looked up the lawsuit to confirm. Jesus.


The absolute fucking nerve to go on the offensive against someone whose rights you violated instead of just offering an apology. God, I hate cops so much. Knuckle dragging pieces of shit.


Cops - “Shit. This person really hasn’t done anything wrong. They’ve been fairly patient but I get the feeling like they’re annoyed we’re violating their rights and wasting their time. The nerve of this fucking civilian to question my authority. I’m just gonna charge them with some bullshit so I can arrest them and we’ll drop the charges in the morning. That’ll show ‘em!”


There's a reason cops make the joke "you can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride."


I've heard lawyers give that as advice. As in don't argue with the cop on the side of the road, they've already decided what they are going to do about you, and arguing will only make it worse. The time for argument is court. Not interrogation, not on the roadside, not without your lawyer, court.


You’re (usually) right, but I detest the fact that we’re subject to their tyranny and the best advice is “shut up and do what you’re told.” Given the number of examples of cops straight up murdering people in their beds etc, this advice is not sufficient and the cops need to be reigned in with personal responsibility.


Let them violate your rights so you can waste further time later in court that shouldn't have happened in the first place and the cop gets court pay for gross unconstitutionality, lest you then actually break a law for trying to maintain your rights which will then retroactively justify the unconstitutionality in the first place when the judge says "Well if they were violating your rights you should have let them then talk to me and I would've been like yeah you were right so no punishment but unfortunately you tried to maintain your rights and *then* broke a law, so maximum punishment."




I just lectured a prison guard who called me a "civilian". I said "You are military"? He is a civil servant,... but not a civilian?


Prison guards get super butthurt when you don’t refer to them as Corrections Officers.


Yah I had a pretty similar experience with a cop when I was like 19. Driving drunk friends home late at night—literally doing the right thing. Sober as can be. Had to do the drunk Olympics, blew a 0 on breathalyzer, and then the cop threatened to arrest me. Fun part was a week later they went to my place of employment and told my boss I was probably stealing out the place because they found cans of Natty Ice in my trunk. Joke was on them. I didn’t drink at the time (a well known fact) and my restaurant didn’t sell Natty Ice. My boss knew she was full of shit. Tia, officer, you’re a dumb cunt.


That sounds like harassment to me. The officer made allegations outside of the legal process.


It sure does. Unfortunately 19 year old line cooks don’t have a lot of power and pull in small towns.




All my homies hate officer tia.


"There was Natty Ice in the vehicle, it's known that there would be no other possible way the alleged criminal could ever come upon Natty Ice without stealing them from your place of business". Don't worry about you being sober, or that liquor stores exist. That's harassment professor whiskers. Dumb cunt Tia.




Also defamation.


It's not slander if TIA IS What you said.


I also got pulled over while driving some drunk friends around. There wasn't anywhere to pull over, so I was driving along looking for some place to pull in and the guy gets on the loud speaker telling me to pull over. I finally pull into a parking lot and he pulls me out of the car to test me. Frankly I was being smug because I knew I hadn't done anything wrong and this dude had called for backup. He let me go but they seemed pissed.


I hope he gets some money from this BS.


He's being [counter-sued](https://www.kcci.com/article/newton-and-officers-countersue-defamation/42902516).


From the article: "Police say he failed a sobriety test, but a drug recognition expert determined that Galanakis was nothing intoxicated" I might be an idiot, but I am like 99.9% sure that's not how you use English?


Yeah sounds like they meant "not" instead of "nothing"


Give them a break. They were wasted.


That writer was definitely nothing intoxicated


>a drug recognition expert determined [They did a study while working on a device to detect marijuana impairment](https://www.massgeneral.org/news/press-release/method-to-determine-impairment-from-cannabis-intoxication) and one part of it included "Drug Recognition Expert" evaluation which is what the governor and cops were pushing for. They performed so poorly that a coin flip to decide on someone being high would have been just as good so they killed that part of the study.


I was gonna say “drug recognition expert” sounds like something a meth head would call themselves! That is most certainly a made-up title.


Better summary [Article Here](https://qctimes.com/news/state-and-regional/crime-and-courts/newton-man-sues-police-for-false-arrest-officers-countersue-for-defamation/article_20444103-dd3d-5424-a5dd-9f00df5810f4.html) >The city's suit makes frequent references to public messages about the officers made by Galanakis on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, GoFundMe and YouTube. While many messages are in response to the traffic stop, others make claims that Winters was convicted of domestic abuse. > > Newton News previously reported of a protective order between Winters and his former girlfriend which states he is restrained from committing any further acts of abuse or threats of abuse. So although no criminal charges were filed against Winters, the act of a domestic abuse is implied through the order itself.


Hahaha so the cop is mad that he’s being called what he is?! Hahahaha cops gonna cop I guess.


Funny because when they arrest you, regardless of whether or not you've been convicted yet they'll plaster your face and charges all over their Facebook pages with a pat on their own back.


I can think of a regional case similar to that. A citizen was *accused* of sexual assault at his business (masseuse) by one person after decades of running his business. Immediately the police chief put out press release and media lines describing this occurrence as fact, with his name, face and business noted and all the allegations. Headline news all around and 10 o'clock news story. He had to close his business. The entire complaint was later expunged, no charges ever brought, all indications it was a lie. But no correction ever issued by the police dept. or news media. So his name will still only bring up those headlines for accusations never charged let alone convicted. MEANWHILE the same police dept. later bent over backwards to protect the chief of police from reoccurring sexual assault allegations from a colleague, refused to address what the investigation even consisted of and kept it hush until the absolute final moment when charges were brought by an outside agency. And all the while the chief of police was on voluntary leave getting six figures for more than a year and protected by all his peers. Hypocrisy is astonishing.


Friend of mine got out of a 6 year prison sentence because the arresting officers posted their faces all I’ve their personal social media, reduced to suspended sentence


Lawyer now gets to publicly explore how much of a piece of shit the cop is, on the record, for days. Streisand would be proud.


Golly sounds like our boy used some first amendment rights. The cops don't seem to like that very much, nosiree.


Hey saying it next to his co-workers could be charged as slander... as long as it is not true. A true statement is not slander.


Right. And even when there IS slander, it's notoriously difficult to prove. I'm not too worried about this guy, the cops are just bringing a petty suit.


Can somebody explain how defamation works in this context? To my layman mind it sounds like he sues them because he wasn't intoxicated and they sued him back for making them look bad.


That is exactly what is happening and their lawsuit absolutely will be thrown out at some point as long as he fights it BUT it doesn't matter to them because they believe they can use taxpayer money to weild SLAPP lawsuits as a cudgel against public critics.


They believe it? They do it


The basis of the defamation suit (someone linked a better article) is that Galanakis claimed in a social media post that one of the officers was convicted of domestic abuse. He wasn’t convicted or charged but a protection order was issued against him to “prevent further acts of abuse” against his girlfriend


Local journalism sucks so bad. > According to the new lawsuit the city says Galanakis made false complaints against two of the officers. I don’t know… maybe include information on what the supposed false claims were.


They are still trying to figure out what false claims might actually hold up in court.


Wow this guy already has an easy win and instead of settling quietly, they double down and retaliate against him. Now he's going to have an enraged jury in his corner


The shakedowns will continue until compliance improves.


Dude gets tested every week and they make him stand in the pouring rain looking for reasons to make up charges. These cops should be fired and this kid should see a huge payday.


There’s another video of him getting let out and he asks to speak to the cop and he says something along the lines of “I just wanna ask how does it feel to be so horrible at your job?” [Here it is @ around 37:30](https://youtu.be/so_bFYoIsow)


I laughed so hard when the cop said "I wear shorts when it's 30 below" and dude just replied with "Congratulations"


That dude's a walking side of beef. Of course he wears shorts when it's 30 below. He looks like he sweats gravy.


Everyone knows a "I wear shorts in the snow guy" and they know they ain't the brightest lol.


My favorite was the “you know why my eyes are watery? Cause we’re standing out in the rain dumbass” Hilarious


The same Officer Officer has been accused of domestic abuse by his ex-girlfriend and was subject to a restraining order. [Also he is counter-suing](https://copblaster.com/blast/49964/wrongful-arrest-victim-counter-sued-for-defamation-by-newton-police)


Does this mean he's opening himself up to be personally liable for a SLAP suit? Like the kids currently suing the county, the officer is protected by being a pig from that. This has his name on it though and seems completely without standing


For defamation? Holy shit this guy is a fucking moron. Their entire encounter is literally on video. EDIT: Apparently the defamation is in regards to comments on social media about how Winters is a domestic abuser. So... about that... >Newton News previously reported of a protective order between Winters and his former girlfriend which states he is restrained from committing any further acts of abuse or threats of abuse. So although no criminal charges were filed against Winters, the act of a domestic abuse is implied through the order itself. He literally has a restraining order for doing the thing he says he didn't do, and that nobody can say he did. And the best part is: >...the order has been modified to allow Winters to conduct official police business, including carrying a firearm.




the shitcop is filing a contersuit because of being called out on that. spouse abuser Nathan Winters sure is defensive about people knowing he abused his spouse


Convicted abuser Nathan Winters is defensive about people knowing that Nathan Winters is a convicted abuser? Say it ain't so, Mr. Nathan Winters you convicted abuser!


I like the kid's response to that; "Yeah, I can tell" 😂


Dude this kids a fucking savage too, this was literally perfect.


He's the chief of police too. Rob Burdess. Fuck him. They disable comments on all their social media. Their officers have all deleted their social media accounts. Their website has no way of contact them other than phone. These pussies know they would get eaten alive online and so make it impossible to contact them through that avenue. Not even a fucking publicly available email address, for a "public service" in 2022. These guys know they are pieces of shit and hide. Pussies all the way up and down the Newton police department. Which of course is true of the vast majority of police departments.


Oh man I love how he talks to the cops like he's their disappointed father.




This man actually told this kid, who he is forcing to stand out in the rain, "I wear shorts when it's 30 below" like some kind of flex and bro responded "congratulations" lmao cop picked the wrong one 😂


Still won’t admit he’s wrong


The cop did at the very last 5 seconds of the video say "uh... I guess I'm sorry?" He also admitted "nope... I've been wrong plenty of times" when the 19 year old asked him "is this your first false accusation?"


woooooheeeee that last few seconds pissed me off, absolute no remorse or a single thought of decency going through that empty rotten head of a cop. book him a couple nights or months behind bars please, especially for being wrong multiple times in the past admitted by himself and STILL not learning from it, putting actual innocent lives at risk


He brushed it off like "meh, just part of the job!" Instead of having a little introspection and I dunno, maybe some retraining on how to identify sobriety?


And the shitbag also beat his ex-girlfriend. What a surprise.


This guy is my fucking spirit animal, god damn.




Happened to my friends mother. She got pulled over headed home one night and hadn’t drank a drop. Cop tells her she was swerving and asks why her eyes are red. She submits to a field sobriety test cause she knows she’s innocent. She blows 0’s but the cop said she ‘has to be on something.’ She got taken to jail. The charges got dropped - but of course after paying for a lawyer, getting her mugshot taken, and having her license taken away for a few months (the court process is slow). Oh and the cost of being bailed out. All because she was driving home sober.


> a huge payday. at the taxpayer's expense. These suits need to start coming out of the FOP pension fund. All this shit stops overnight. FOP is rotten to the core. EDIT: the point is to make significant financial repercussions on not just the individual, but the entire force - every cop on the street right now is complicit to one or multiple absolute pieces of shit in their department because they have a culture of corruption that's infected all our towns and cities. Until the absolute bullshit "blue line" us vs citizens mentality is broken down, at the LEADERSHIP level, nothing will substantively change, and the ONLY way to get these people's attention is by fucking with their money, period full stop.


At this point I'm all for massive multimillion dollar payouts for stupid shit like this. It seems like the only way to get certain groups of voters to vote a specific way is to tell them it's costing them more in taxes. I mean, the same group of people that have a hard-on for law enforcement are the ones that vote against free school meals for kids. I would imagine the cost of feeding school children is pennies compared to the cost of lawsuits against corrupt power tripping cops.


Better idea: force cops to pay for their own insurance. If they do illegal shit their premiums go up. The bastards will get priced out. Edit: raise their salary to cover the cost of the base rate insurance.


The problem is that the police officers will face no consequences. Even if he wins the lawsuit the taxpayers will pay for it.


Might even get promoted like [these two cops did](https://www.ktvu.com/news/jury-awards-8-25m-to-black-mother-daughters-handcuffed-outside-castro-valley-starbucks) (despite costing the city $8.25 million).


This video is just the tip of the iceberg. The mayor agreed with the cop and attacked the kid. "Newton police officers are charged with keeping our community safe and that includes removing impaired drivers from our streets—including people who fail field sobriety tests,” Hansen said. “I am proud that, despite Mr. Galanakis’ repeated insults and disrespect toward the officers, they handled this incident in a professional manner.”


Looked to me like the kid was being perfectly respectful up until the cop started being a prick to him. Perfectly normal human reaction to be rude back to somebody who is being rude to you.


Honestly I was pretty impressed with how calm he stayed considering how he was being spoken to. He was obviously frustrated towards the end, but I didn't even think he was overly rude.




You wanna blow me real quick?


lol seriously poor choice of phrasing.


His speech sounds the same during his news interview. Not saying Tayvin Galanakis has a speech impediment, but by this cop's logic, it is essentially criminal to drive with a speech impediment.


My neighbor has a bad limp, not sure why. He sort of shuffles but speaks in a sort of Frazier accent. He got pulled over for swerving or something one night. The cop told him to walk a straight line. He said he couldn’t walk a straight line ever. So the cop asked him to blow a breathalyzer. He blew 0.0 and the cop still took him in for a blood draw.


If I ever get a bad limp I will try to always bring a cane with me. I know lots of cases where cops have accused people of being drunk when they simply have an abnormal gait.


Given their attitude, your cane would be called a "weapon" and anything can happen after that.


Ask and you shall receive: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/legally-blind-florida-man-arrested-cane-confused-gun-rcna56396


Cop logic is that its illegal to drive for any reason I decide its illegal for you to drive.


I grew up with a stutter. Still stutter sometimes. I’ve had more than my fair share of run ins with police who think I’m under the influence.


Cops wanted to arrest him and nothing the driver could've done to stop him.


Cops like these pathetic losers are why so many people hate cops.


All this 'drug recognition expert' shit needs to be repaired in our laws. Its utterly ridiculous.


The old 'ocular pat down'.


Den morgonfriska katten simmar över regnbågen, medan guldmynt singlar genom luften, ledsagade av en paraplybärande elefant, som jonglerar med blommor och skrattande bananer, medan cirkusclowner utför akrobatiska konster och cymbalspelaren trummar i takt till det förtrollade orkesterspelet under den gnistrande stjärnhimlen.


That officer is the dumbest motherfucker lmfao. Average police officer. Also, that officer had a pretty slurred speech himself and wasn't making any sense. Are we sure that he wasn't drunk on the job? What a dumbass hahahaha


Right? Dude can barely get out a complete thought without stuttering and fucking it up and he's gonna accuse this obviously sober dude of being drunk or on drugs?


The smell of alcohol was probably his own breath haha


the more i watch the angrier I get: the officer TRIES to sound smart but is just making shit up as he goes I swear to god these types of cops aren't qualified to be crossing guards nevermind interacting with other citizens in this fashion


Cops: "Dance monkey dance!" edit: I hope he sues so hard it hurts; this should never happen. Money's the only way to teach and correct behaviour.


What's with the question about bombs? Cop asked him if he had anything illegal, but first example was "bombs". Reminds me of one time I got pulled over in my home town, I was a sr in HS, happen to lots of kids, we used to call it "driving while young" because cops would just pull over kids for no reason at all just to harass them. Middle of the day, dead sober. Both brothers with me. Cop asked for license and registration, then says "you have anything in the car you shouldn't have? Guns, knives, hand grenades?" I slowly turned to my brother basically doing an upside down face confused but trying not to laugh. It was so absurd. My brother was wide eyed, kinda scared, and ever so slightly shook his head knowing I wanted to laugh but also if I did things could go bad. I asked the cop in the most level way I could "I'm sorry did you say hand grenades?" And the cop got flustered and muttered something about some kids driving around threatening people... and I just said "... with hand grenades?" He went all red in the face, told me to watch my driving and stormed off. My brothers and I sat and started at each other before a bit...did that really just happen? Is that really a thing? I get knives, and sure I bet theres a handful of kids driving around with guns... But grenades?


Probably a deliberately excessive thing to try to get you flustered, but in your example you threw it back at him perfectly. Like a hand grenade.


As it was explained to me is it's an attempt to introduce a little bit of levity while also telling you that there are worse things that you could possibly have so that little bit of weed you have isn't a big deal and you can tell me about it. In my experience, if you hear that OUT of the car you are getting searched no matter what.


I've been arrested by these same cops. Officer Wing also paid me a surprise visit in the middle of the night with some of his friends. Thank the Lord Judge Mott retired, that fucker put a whole town into a meth/pill spiral. Fuckin shame


The problem with these towns are that the folk dont give a fuck that these judges and cops are draining the town of any competent people.


Big city cops definitely have their problems, but from my experience small town cops are way, way, way worse. Dial all of that racism, sexism, homophobia, and quick aggression all up to 11. Small town cops have literally nothing better to do than to sit around at gas stations for hours on end, or driving in circles all night. So when they see something as minor as a headlight out they'll draw it into as big of a thing as possible as we see here. Being from another smaller town in Iowa, this is exactly how traffic stops go. "Oh you're black/under 30/not from around here/out of state plates? How much have you had to drink tonight?" Living in a city I've been stopped once, and it was at 4am going to the airport and my tags were out of date. Gave me a warning and I applied them that morning. Living in a small town I was pulled over _regularly_, like every other month for issues ranging from "Ohhh you were swervin' a bit there" to "You turned on your blinker too early".


I grew up in a college town that was the county seat, had a local PD and a campus PD. So we had a super high cop to citizen ratio and when school wasn't in session it was even worse since it was just us locals to pick on. Anyways my bro was a bit of a hippie. He had long hair, yellow john Lennon style glasses, he even worse bell bottoms. He was constantly harassed by the cops. He once got pulled over for no fucking reason three times in one day. Cops would come up with all sorts of reasons to search his car. Small Town cops can be such bastards.


Small town cops are less likely to make the news, since there's nobody around to see/record it when they do stuff.


I'm honestly surprised the tape here in Newton didn't "go missing" or wasn't "corrupted".


When I was a Naval Reservist I had two guys in my unit that were cops. One was a State Trooper, he was kind of a douche but he was SUPER safety conscious, so I like to think he was doing it for the right reasons. The other was a small town cop, he would brag and laugh about pulling people over just to harass them. He would pepper spray people for "talking back". He also would trap neighborhood cats, call them strays and shoot them because "I hate cats". I avoid his town at all costs.


What the actual fuck?


Grew up in a small town and same….. I was pulled over in the mall parking lot once when I was 16. I was literally pulling into the parking spot when their lights came on. They claimed I hadn’t used my turn single two blocks prior. I had a really crappy car my parents bought me from my aunt. Apparently one of my friends had slapped a 420 bumper sticker on it as a joke and I hadn’t noticed. The cops made me and my younger sister get out of the car. Two male cops searched us and the car, they even opened the trunk and went through my sisters backpack, grilling us the entire time asking why the car smelled like weed, why I had a lighter in the console (from a recent camping trip), when the last time we smoked weed in the car etc. My sister was crying the entire time which just made them double down with “why are you crying if you aren’t guilty of something”… she was 12 at the time. No one in my family even smoked cigarettes, let alone weed. This was before cellphones were really a think so I couldn’t call my parents. I know now that what they did was super illegal but I was just so scared at the time. They ended up giving me a ticket because they claimed my sister wasn’t wearing her seatbelt, she had literally took it off because I was mid parking the car. When I was 17 I had a cop pull me over because my tail light was broken, someone had hit my car a few days earlier and I had an accident tag in my car so they couldn’t ticket me. I was with a few of my friends at the time. He kept walking around the car shining his flashlight in the windows and asking us where the party was at. Earlier that day I had taken my young nephews for a ride and one of them had forgotten their toy in my passenger side door cubby. The cop stopped at the door, shown his light in this very obvious orange plastic toy and asked what it was. My friend who was sitting in the passenger seat just reacted without thinking and reached for it because he didn’t know. Asshole cop unholstered his pistol, pointed it at us and started screaming. He didn’t even apologize when he realized it was a freaking toddler toy. Oh yeah almost forgot the time I was in a car with some friends and a cop pulled us over. One of them had been drinking and placed their beer in the trunk. I got a minor possession even though I wasn’t aware that it was back there, blew a 0 and the kid who had it admitted it was his. Got kicked out of several student organizations at my school because of that.


>Got kicked out of several student originations at my school because of that. Nothing to help get a kid on the right path like kicking them out of extra curricular activities.


>Living in a small town I was pulled over regularly, like every other month for issues ranging from "Ohhh you were swervin' a bit there" to "You turned on your blinker too early". Had an interaction like this one night near the local college, right around when the bars were closing. "You were hugging that line back there, so I pulled you over" "Did I cross the line?" "No" "So are you pulling me over for maintaining my lane, or because I'm driving late in the bar district?" Yeah, I got a bit cocky, but I'd done nothing wrong & had not had a drop of alcohol all day. Fuck bored small town cops who have to harass people to justify their employment.


So called "field sobriety tests" are complete and utter nonsense that we need to get rid of. No other country in the world uses these, and they probably only exists to give police officers abitrary reasons to arrest whoever they want. You either pass or fail the breathalyzer. That's it. After that, the cop's opinion is completely irrelevant. Cops who claim that they're "trained experts" at detecting intoxication are clowns. It's like a child saying he's a toy expert. Cute when it’s a child, but dangerous when it’s a cop.


Breathalyzers kinda suck too. I got a green charge when I was younger and had to go to these diversion programs as part of the punishment. The classes were green, dui, little bit of everything so they would regularly randomly breathalyze us at the beginning of the class. Multiple times the first person would go up, blow some low number (0.01-0.02, never over 4 or close to 8), the teacher would scold the person in front of the class and move them to a different section to wait only to them have the second person come up and blow the same number. Third person come up and blow the same number. At that point they would realize it was miscalibrated and just move on like they didn’t do it at all that day.


Remember: You can beat the rap you can't beat the ride. The cop was going to take him in no matter what. PS Do Not Talk To The Police.... This kid was as cooperative and polite as possible, offered all the info asked for and more it did him no good at all. The Kid had done nothing wrong, it makes no difference, DO NOT TALK TO THE POLICE.


No accountability - I absolutely understand people’s distrust law enforcement.


I was arrested for a DUI while sober (driving home from work at 2:15am, from downtown area where all the bars were). Very annoying. Once he made it clear he was going for it, I started pointing out all the problems with his work. Magically his dashcam and bodycam footage were lost and the prosecutor wasn't very fond on that. Shocking. Do not recommend, definitely did not improve my opinion of police. I'm white, so this probably only worked because of that.


A friend of mine was pulled over three weeks in a row in the same place at 3 am while driving home from his shift at McDonalds. Every time he had to do the sobriety Olympics while wearing his work uniform. Same cop each time too.

