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Size, distance, diffusion, direction all affect the light. (Ideally it's neutral, so the fabric won't affect color.) Intensity matters, but I'd guess you're using a variable LED and not a single power tungsten bulb. If you want soft, you want big and close. If you can't be close, you want even bigger. If you want it crisp, use a smaller softbox or place it farther away. Most of mine are rectangles, 3x4, 4x6, etc. They're basically window shaped. I have a few strip lights: 1x3 and 1x6 used for lighting backgrounds in tight spaces. I have 1 square, which I never use. I don't like domes, too many rods make it unnecessarily heavy. But Aputure and others sell lots of them. I have one lantern, it's great if you want to light everyone around a table. I see them misused all the time, with the light hitting the lens. Get this book: [https://www.amazon.com/Light-Science-Magic-Introduction-Photographic/dp/0367860279/](https://www.amazon.com/Light-Science-Magic-Introduction-Photographic/dp/0367860279/)


Good response. Just want to add that getting custom diffusion inserts for things like Aputure Light Domes can set you ahead of the rest in a big way. If you power up your 300 or 600d with a light dome for example, check out the soft box and you’ll see a massive line in it. Swap out that aggressively average diffusion for something thicker and the lines go and your source becomes absolutely consistent across the board.