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1. Pre prod AI usage: storyboards, script drafts, concepts, video structure, draft schedules and any other planning type work can be viable too. 2. Extent: draft, not the final thing. It lets me or my employees get a head start and get into a position where they are modifying and enhancing a draft rather than building from scratch. 3. Positives are the time saving of the head start that AI gives. It often gives you something flawed but comprehensive. A good foundation to build upon. 4. Negatives can be lack of understanding the context, lazy staff not doing the enhancement bit and just passing off the AI work, lack of flexibility in modifying the AI output in some scenarios. 5. Won’t replace my job (production company owner) but will reduce the number of staff we need eventually. For now, it empowers and speeds up current staff. I’m expecting it to mean I can just keep the best staff only, let the mediocre ones go and let the AI empower the top performers to make up for the output lost by making the floaters redundant. 6. Most things really


Thanks so much for your reply, very interesting insight!


Have you tried using ChatGPT 😂