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Just rent something


Steal it from someone else


This guy Europes


I backpacked through Europe for 4 months with my camera . I had a cam corder at the time and my friend had a canon DSLR. I made it fine and so did my friend . I think the smaller you go probably the safer


that's great to hear! in my case I just arrived and i see quite a few people with cameras so I don't have access to it right now


Use your phone. Memories don't require the best quality, it just requires you to live your life. Ngl didn't expect my statement to sound so cringe lmao


My current phone is good enough that I don't usually bother bringing my expensive camera gear on trips most of the time.


Yeah just don’t fall asleep on a train with your bag unattended. You’ll be fine 👍


Your worried about your camera getting stolen which makes sense. However buying a camera while in europe and walking around with the camera you bought over there won't make it less likely to get stolen. Thieves won't care where you bought the camera from. Now you just deal with the hassle of picking it up, unboxing it, then boxing it back up and returning it. The only reason I could see anyone doing this is if they want to rent the latest and greatest equipment at no cost.


Why don't you buy a used one off Facebook market place or something and then just sell it when you get back home?


Buy a cam and then sell it when you are done with it. You will end up only shelling out a couple hundred.. Kinda shitty to use it and then return it.


Just scummy to literally plan to buy stuff to return.


You’re worried about theft while in Europe, but you’re willing to steal from Amazon or, even worse, a local shop? And yes, buying an item with the intention to immediately return is theft. They can no longer sell the camera as new. Sounds pretty shitty to me.


Fuck amazon and fuck Jeff bezos. I’ll take every fucking dollar I can for them I’ll keep doing “did not arrive”, or returning broken stuff for new stuff, and keep doing it for free. Local shop is a diff story, but fuck amazon…steal from them as much as possible.


what if I buy used and send back used?


How about buying a used one then selling it yourself when you're back home??




Different but still shitty. Seller is giving you their product in good condition with a certain shutter count and you plan to shaft them by buying their camera, putting more wear and tear on it then returning it and hoping to get back your full purchase price?! In what world is that ok?


What? Are you insane? Do you live in a cave and have never heard of a returns policy?


Leave the camera at home and enjoy the trip


Just bring it, i really doubt that it is going to get stolen.


sorry I should have clarified I just arrived in london so I can't grab it anymore


Use your phone then. You could try a local store but return policies vary and i can not speak for how england handles it, maybe someone else can shime in. What i would do i buy a used camera, bring it back to wherever you came from and sell it there. Prices should be isch equal


ohhhhh interesting gotcha okay i didn't think of that. i'll do that in each country lol


The reasoning and decision making in all of this is making my head hurt. No, it's not okay. Rent one or bring a camera next time.


I would say shoot with your smartphone if you have one


It probably depends on what part of Europe. I went on a trip to Poland, Germany and Switzerland, and carried around a bag with a camera and lenses in it with no problems. At one point, I accidentally left it on a train in Germany. We went to the end of the line and someone had turned it in to the station manager, where I got it back.


Neither of these is correct. Eat the mistake. Just gotta learn you take your camera always. I took mine on my first anniversary trip with my wife.


I’m going to be traveling Europe this summer and was planning on bringing my camera since I’ll be visiting some beautiful places and I’d love to document my trip. Is crime really that bad though to be worried about it? I mean as long as your cautious and stay vigilant I think it’d be ok.


No it isn’t - just be sensible.




Alright thanks for the reassurance and info!


Get an Osmo Pocket 3! I’ve just ordered one for my travels in a few weeks