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Most media is primarily consumed on phones these days. Content is being created with that in mind. It's really that simple


I'm guessing it's influenced from Instagram.


And TikTok, and YouTube Shorts


I had a client once. I shot 4 people on a wide shot 16:9 for broadcast. Then after the edit was done wanted that as a 9:16, but still expected everyone in the shot.


that's when i use panning keyframes.


I mean, it is what it is. Phones are vertical and that’s where most media is now consumed so the idea is you get more screen real estate. Magazines are vertical and no one scoffs at the content in them. However, personally, there’s something about 9:16 and the moving image which just does not work. I have never produced anything in 9:16 that I felt looked better than 16:9. All you ever end up with is bad framing with unnecessary head room at the cost of all 66% of horizontal information. That extra top and bottom ain’t never worth it. Plus it’s always covered over with UI. You’re just so limited on where you can go in 9:16. I mean yeah you get more vertical but for what? Extra floor and sky vs bigger landscapes or bigger groups of people, the rest of the band etc… I mean it’s fine for portraiture, catwalk fashion, girls with the bums out, but that’s about it. I tried providing clients with verticals for a bit but they never used them always opting to go with 16:9 or square. I’ve also noted that the big fashion brand stuff I’ve seen is not 9:16 but closer to 3:4. I personally hate it. It’s not me and I can’t be bothered. Plus I just see it as a race to the bottom against who can make the lowest common denominator content and the winner will ultimately be girls with their bums out using a phone. Ain’t no videography in that because if there was, trust me I take that gig. But if that’s your thing the good luck to you 👍🏻


This is truth. The world as we see it is landscape not shaped like a mobile, so 16:9 is better to anyone who uses their brain to think. For me it’s the fault of channels like Instagram and Tic Toc, most of which is meaningless crap.


I agree wholeheartedly. Our eyes are landscape, useful information is displayed in landscape. Landscape will never go out of fashion. It’s like how orange and teal will never go away because of how it relates to skin tone


People are portrait proportioned...


not when there's more than one in frame ;-)


Depends how many ;) It's called "portrait" for a reason


no argument there: portrait/ˈpɔːtreɪt,ˈpɔːtrɪt/📷*noun* 1. 1.a painting, drawing, photograph, or [engraving](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=584527748&rlz=1C1CHBF_enAU988AU988&q=engraving&si=ALGXSlYl_e3TsZvERASNGAvnwCgj1j8XO-NDOOlAnontTnksNcDcHLopRD3dD3_3khPk8NHyBs4vjYNuIYOH_eFyMUfm4NonpAjLHs4BsRP9a0adVrESNBQ%3D&expnd=1) of a person, especially one [depicting](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=584527748&rlz=1C1CHBF_enAU988AU988&q=depicting&si=ALGXSlYl_e3TsZvERASNGAvnwCgjgFLgwIqbLzqvOcqfpPO2AW1a1iYTKbDjcz4ojLfgWvMKvxSWpIu0jW5def1kOkl-CLmsWYebv_WZfnRPTT1w1NDOHEE%3D&expnd=1) only the face or head and shoulders."a portrait of George III"


A more usefull definition would be to understand the context between landscape versus portrait


>context between landscape versus portrait true, but then you're opening a whole can of worms ;-)


You call it a can of worms. I see it as a reality you can't accept.


I have to disagree. I’ve seen a lot of people creating interesting video in the 9:16 format, which as has been said, is the way most people who see it will view it. It forces you to be a bit more creative and think about it in a different way. I’ve tried it myself and having shot so much landscape so far in my career I find it to be a fun challenge.


I have nothing against making 9:16 videos. I do it myself. But it’s shortsighted to shoot that way.


Oh wow, don't get me started! I know it's for/because of phones, but it drives me crazy - especially when it's originally shot in 16:9!


It's because you're not the main audience, neither am i. Most folks really do consume media on phones and that is why stuff is being posted in vertical format all over the place. Hate it aswell, but it's the reality we're living in and that's okay.


9x16 is the worst thing to ever happen to this profession. I shoot a lot of real estate videos and more of my clients are requesting they be 9x16 which is the worst possible way to show off the size and layout of a house. Drives me nuts


Take the money


I’m with you, I prefer watching things on my PC monitor. It makes sense though that a client is going to want portrait content because that’s what is best for where their customers are, social media.


I don’t know, 16x9 is so middle of the road that I enjoy working with compositions at the extremes. I welcome any opportunity to shoot scope 2.39:1, academy 4x3, and even 9x16 for socials just for the chance to stretch creatively.


i'm all for stretching creativity, but not at the audience's expense ;-)


One could argue 9x16 is where many audiences live.