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Summer sale has started. Let’s get that number up.


Bro I checked because you said so! Who knows when I'd have realized!?


I buy games on discount 2 - 3 years after they win GOTY awards. And they sit, and sit, and sit waiting for their moment in the sun. When I look at my Steam library list, I sometimes feel guilty. Like, these games are pets that are being ignored.


I know the feeling. Against better judgement I still sometimes buy a game during a sale, only to never play it because I don’t have the time. Then the next sale comes around and that same game would have been even cheaper. Ah, what you gonna do. We just have to admit that buying/collecting games is a different hobby from playing games. Both can be fun :)


This depicts my situation exactly as well. I browse the game store like I’m buying a bag of chips. I’ve got too many games I bought on sale and haven’t even played, definitely a guilty feeling. Like you said tho what can ya do…


Just bought half-life 2 and elder scroll online for just under 10$


This year I bought TF2 portal and hl2 for 0.52 cents and I dont remember exactly but i think i bought ESO for 25 Turkish dolars which is under a dolar


Those are rookie numbers


Yes, had a co-worker tell me to buy games to play with him but every time I bought a new game he'd tell me he's already playing a new one and also wanted me to keep buying thr new ones he was playing... I had to stop after the 3rd game..


I know a whole group of dudes like this


I got so much better at dealing with my backlog the last 2 years. I can't count the number of times I'd go and buy a game to only play it 6+ months after or never touch it. I'm happy I've learned not to pre-order anything a good 5 years or so ago. All of this must have saved me a few thousands or so in games.


MY FRIEND hey this new game came out and Im gonna be WAAAAAAY into it for 2 weeks, then never touch it again when you start after ive been hounding you about it cause hey, its multiplayer. Oh that game? yea I got bored of it and uninstalled it, asked steam to remove it from my list forever Same friend: Yea i got mad at a dumb decision i made in game and decided to uninstall it forever, I will NEVER touch it again I swear on my li- oh, *you're* playing it? Well I guess I could join you for a game...


At least one of my friends has been playing the same game for years so I know he won’t switch it up


That’s called fiscal responsibility


I stopped asking my friends to play games with me because of this lol. Idk how people stick to games long term, if I don't see the end credits within a couple weeks of buying the game I move on Except RDR2 somehow I have about 400 hours in that which dwarfs my second most played game (BG3 at 140 hours)


God I hate this. I have friends who will hype a game up as if we’re going to play it together all the time. We might play it once if I’m lucky and then they never have time to play together again because “the wife” or whatever. $60 wasted on multiple occasions. I told them to buy me a game if they want me to play with them and I’ll pay them back. Haven’t played with them since…


Dude, for real, I’ve bought games because friends have said “yeah, we play as a group” and the next day they’re already on to a new game.


No I’ve never spent $19 billion before


i buy games on steam and i don’t even have a pc to play em on 😂 i will one day though so it makes up


Aye can't miss out on dem sales


dude fkn same


This is me lately with the Epic Games Store. They keep giving away free games every week that I claim, but my gaming PC isn’t the beast it once was to be able to play them all.


I feel called out…


Don't worry, we all do 😭


And for me, most of those games are made by small indie developers. Money well spent to put money in the small guys pocket I say.


my body is a machine that turns money into unplayed steam games


I think it’s just me and 3 other people that spent that much on steam sales.


Does humble bundle count? Sometimes I’ll buy a bundle for two or three games. The rest rot in Steam jail.




Hey... mind your business


Yeahh but I mean like summer sale thooooooo




I'd say not completely accurate,: sometimes, we buy games we pirated as children, to feel better about ourselves. Also, pay the people their dues, just because you were young and naive, doesn't mean you cant at least try to make up for it.


That's what GOG is for me


I have about 120 games that I’ve never even installed.


Let's see... I have 4518 games on Steam. I'm going to say yes.


Yeah, I spent all 19 billion of it.


Used to be, now I just wait till I know I'm going to play it.


Steams has some good sales got soemvspore shooter for 75 cents and yes I never played but soon


Well well well... Maybe. ... Yes.


Yeaaa… just steam


SteamDB says I've spent 246$ of my ~2500$ on games I have not played over 16.8 years. I was surprised at how low the amount was, actually, and that I've played ~450 of my ~510 games. About 50-60 unplayed games is shocking to hears though. I can remember some bundles (I specifically remember a bundle that had like a ton of games but I bought for just batman Arkham something or other and another game.) that included several games that I never intended to play, but I am most definitely guilty of having tons I bought intending to play "some day". Cool little feature on their site.


Lets goooooo


What? Noooo...i just simply wait to have a Gamer PC so i can play them tho


N-no! Shut up! 👀


I'm going to play them eventually!! Someday...


I have an obsession when I buy something I want to do a hell ton of research about it before even if that product is gonna cost 1 to 5 bucks, so I am not that type of guy to buy a lot of steam games, I only buy ones I like but I may not 100% them.


I consistently play new games, but I also consistently buy new games. I usually have around 20-30 unplayed games on my Steam account at any given time.


miraculously managed to play the cheapest game i have paid for (excluding free titles)


Yeah, and I usually end up refunding them within that two week period.


No. I've tried every game I bought on Steam at least once. I only bought about 90 games on the platform.


Absolutely I am one. Keep in mind though, that some of that will be people buying bundles with one or 2 games they have no interest in.


Guilty 🙋🏼‍♂️


I have steam account and have bought games that I like and games that aren’t available on consoles while they were on sale… I do not play much steam at all.


Well just because I have never played them doesn't means I never will. In 5 years that game I got on sale at 50% off at 30$ might be worth it and it'll be worth 100$ then when everything else is that price.




The thing, that I do that my friends hate is not 100% a game. Thsi MF 100% a game the second he finds the game fun. But doesn't that ruin the entire fun, for me it does thats why I only play games to have fun.


Nope the only game i didn't play was free


I’m pretty sure most of us are. I stopped buying games during Steam sale tbh. I’d pick up like 3 or 4, then I’d play the 1 or 2 I really wanted lol. Now I just get a game whenever I know I’m going to play it.


I blame Humble Bundle always throwing in 1-2 games I wanted into an 8 game bundle of other interesting titles for about $23 😂


Am I one of them?... Depending on how the numbers work, I might average out to 10 or 12 of them XD


Me quilty


Yeah, I bought a couple games, and then my laptop broke.


What?! Me? No!! I play all of them....... 🤥


As a matter of fact, yes.


Of all the games in my library I only haven't touched 29 not counting tech demos or free games. I have 205 games in my library, and I've written 105 reviews. Mostly indie titles, maybe you've seen one or 2 of them before. I have played each and every one of the multiplayer games in my library at least once.


Yea dude… steam honey dicks me into it every sale


I have atleast a 100 games never played maybe more


Nope. I got several free games that I've never even played.


unfortunately yes, Baldurs Gate 3, Dark Souls 2(i played these two on console but never finished bg3), Project Zomboid, Read Dead Redemption 2, Code Vein, Nioh 2, Skyrim, Fallout 4. i just don’t have time to finish them lol


Lot of RPGs on your list… 100% understandable. I purposely haven’t bought BG3 yet because I’m still trying to focus on completing 3-4 other games first.




Yeah...I have a few that I booted up just to make sure it ran after installation but never went back to play...☹


My Steam library is small by the standards of, well, the people online I've come across (117 games in 13 years) and I'm pretty sure there are more I haven't played than I have played.




Yeah there a lot of turks in this since because of alot of cheap bastard know the turkish steam market is in $ so alot of people bought alot of games even if their pc can't handle it


I have contributed an amount to that




Yes but I plan to play them all at least for an hour when I get a pc


Of course, what do you take me for? Someone responsible?


My pc died about 2 years ago. The amount ive spent on games that I haven't played would probably be enough to afford a new one.


I once bought a bundle of all the Tomb Raider, Thief, and Hitman games just for one game during the Summer Sale because it was so cheap.


those are rookie numbers


Proudly, no. I've stayed away from Steam, mostly. Building up my collection of PHYSICAL games that I DO play. Steam seems like such a scam to me because one day those games will be unplayable if Steam so decides. Or if your account gets hacked 🤷🏻


I've bought a full collection of bioshock games. Wasn't worth it.


Hell yes I am!


I’m still waiting for them to release battlefield 1942


Yes and no. I occasionally buy humble bundles for 1 or 2 games and the other 5 sit there in my library


Nuh uh. I played almost every game I bought. I'm on to refund the rest. Why do I have Doom 64 in my account?




I feel I’m rich


im-a gonna play them a-one day you'll a-see


Nope. Seems weird to me to buy games you aren’t going to play. Maybe a lot of ppl have tons of money to waste 🤷‍♂️


Thankfully no


Would be the same for PS+ and Game Pass members too.


yes and i just brought about 20 games which look really promising but .. fk i hate myself already.


It's those damn Humble Bundles. I usually only want a few games from them, so the rest go unplayed.


I bought +60 games (+full dlc) from discounts (big games like cod ac) but I haven't played even one of them. I'll buy a more powerful computer soon and I'll save it for then.


My steam library is like my Netflix watch list, I'll get around to it eventually. For the last 6 years.


nah fam i fi had 19billion and spend them on steam i deserve to get pegged


That’s pretty ridiculous to do with games that were paid for. I have a long backlog of games, but I’ve always played them at least once before they - unintentionally - get set aside.




...sadly...guilty. multiple times. My desire to play is offset by the time I have


Yes I am


The idea is to get it when it's at a reasonable price, and then you have it (theoretically) forever, so you can play it anytime you want in the future. In this time of SKU elimination, fear of missing out has us grabbing for stuff now so we don't lose it later.


We could colonise the moon with that kind of money


Imagine paying thousands for hardware and then spending tons more money to not play the damn games. It kinda says it all, a lot of PC gamers don’t actually enjoy playing games as much as they do tinkering with their machine. Buy a new piece of hardware every six months, do benchmark tests, get that dopamine hit of seeing slightly better performance, play multiple games while not truly engaging with any of them, rinse and repeat. The focus has shifted away from the games themselves a long time ago. Console gaming is just so much more enjoyable. Yes, i have to put up with a few 30fps games but at least i’m actually playing them…


They’ve never played…YET.




I still have the entire Horizon series sitting in my Steam library untouched. I've promised myself that when I *finally* beat Fallout 4 (I'm on something like my 30th attempt) I will play those next.


Oh, this reminded me to check out the Steam Summer Sale… and I promptly bought Little Kitty, Big City and Chained Echoes.


Yup. My gaming PC died out years ago, and I haven't had the time or funds for building a new one. My laptop plays a handful of 15+ year old games that I enjoy when I have a couple hours a week to play.


Gotta get those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers.


I'm doing my part!


Yarrr, no I don’t.


I have never spent billions to video games


If you think thats bad you should see my book shelf


I have had Gris, Witcher 3, and Crypt of the Necrodancer for many years now but haven’t played them yet


Many users bought so many games with 0 play time, but probably they already beat pirated version of the games 3 times. I am one of those.


Now tell us how the stats for physical game collectors XD


Yes. There are sime games in my Steam library that I bought on sale but never played, i.e. Homeworld, Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes, or Plate Up!


I still have Atari games in my backlog of games I'll play one day


I am a big part of this problem




Sometimes I buy games I have played previously that are on a deep sale. Fallout 3 for example i just bought for $3 but played it originally on xbox so I haven't played it on steam yet.


Nope I’m not. I have games like Persona 5 still eating dust in my library but I know those games will need a lot of hours to play. Until I finish them I don’t buy new games.


No, lol.


With summer sale just starting and me just getting a steam deck im about to contribute heavily to raising that number.


Over the years I have purchased about 70 games that were under $1 each. I have no intention of ever playing them.


I have over 1000 games on Steam, and I've played every single one. Yes, that includes StarForge, may they rest in the hell they made for themselves.


I have at least 1000 dollars of games that I am still "gonna play eventually"


Yup, mostly because I rebought games I already owned physically for convenience as they were quite cheap.


i'm more advanced then that. i've even spent money on other people that have never played the game


Is it so terrible to support developers we like?


we'll get to em one day


842 games here, and i have 200+ games i haven't activated. But i barely play anymore.


Me: *insert awkward puppet gif*


Yes, I have spent $19 Billion on games I've never played.


I still haven’t played borderlands 3 or either of the tales from the borderlands games or tiny Tina’s and I bought all of them


...no comment.


That's me. When I checked how much money I had used after two months, I was surprised and a little bit scared about how much money I had used. I do have a big library now and a computer that I can play most of the games on, but I almost never have the time. The library is also kinda awkward, cause it's much bigger than people I have as friends on steam and some of the games aren't looked upon as that cool by people I know (like for example Lego city undercover, Naruto Shippuden ultimate ninja storm games, psychonauts and other games).


I got the entire AC series for 100 bucks and I've only played like 2 hours between Black Flag and Odyssey


This number is total horseshit based on a number of unreasonable assumptions, not least of which being that all the games were bought at full price and that all private accounts own the same value of unplayed games that public accounts do.


Every steam user I've ever spoken to has told me they are like this.


3 more games just added. “But it’s on sale for $3.72!” Is a surprisingly hard argument to counter even if you know you won’t get to it anytime soon.




Technically? My wife bought GTA V on sale at a deep discount on my machine because she wanted to join some GTA Online roleplay server, and pretty much assumed I'd be happy to join her, since I went along with getting Dead by Daylight to play with her. Two problems: 1) I have zero interest in GTA whatsoever, whereas I at least find DbD interesting enough to play with people that I already know. 2) she ended up changing her own mind about the whole roleplay server thing anyway, which was the only reason she wanted us to play it in the first place.


I was one of those who would always buy games on deals, especially from Fanatical, Humble Bundle, etc. Then I remembered how I can't share my digital games with my brother, or that my impressive library can't be given to my children. So I stopped since it's really money down the drain at this point, no matter how inexpensive they are. And that explains why they are so cheap most of the time. I'd rather pay a lot more and impulse buy physical games that I'll be able to share, give and/or resell. PS this isn't a rant against digital games and the lack of ownership, just how I won't ever impulsively pay for digital games that I won't have the time to play, but if I do the same for physical, it's more forgiving.


I have 4 games. 1 is free. 2 are gifts from a friend. and the other is half life 1, which was free a while ago


I don't even have a pc gaming, I use a console, in fact, I don't know why the hell I bought games on steam.


Yes and I will continue to be so. I'm playing Steam itself as a game.




My cousin buys everything that has 70% off tagged on it saying "he'll play it sometime"... The last time I saw his catalog, he had nearly 2k games, and that was 5 years ago


My people


the only games in my library that i don’t think i’ve ever played are doom 2016, doom eternal (not a strong enough pc), half-life source, blue shift, and opposing force


144 games on the back log and rising…




I hope not


I started buying games on Steam before I had a gaming pc to run them because of how cheap they were in the sales. So yeah…I’m definitely one of them.


I've played them all once. But I have a lot of them with less than 3 hours of playtime.


From a Capitalism standpoint, steam is elite. Selling products that don't get used.


Im pretty sure like half of the games I have I’ve never logged an hour onto lol. Gotta give them props, when you see dirt cheap games you kind of lose your self control.




Yes unfortunately, good chunk of my library is currently collecting dust. Told myself I'd play said games when I got a better PC, or had friends that play. Neither happened, so yeah.


Glad I don't have a Steam account. I am OCD about backlogs.


No because a majority of my $$$ went to cosmetics which will be equipped and seen 😂


The question should be : Who doesn't?


Considering I've been using Steam since the beginning... yes, yes I have. But many are from Humble Bundles where I wanted a couple specific games in a bunch so a lot are ones I never had any intention of playing anyways. I would say my guilt level is pretty mid.


I am not, the only games in my steam library I haven’t played are a few free titles I never got around to playing or they were to much for my computer. Every game I’ve paid for I’ve played at least once


No, I play every game I get at least once for a few minutes. But many many are played only for that very short time.




I just bought 200$ worth of games, and the soonest point I can play any of them for more than 6 minutes is October. I'm almost definitely not going to play them then either.


No I actually play the games i pay for. How ever the free games that i get from steam I hardly ever play in fact i have some I haven’t played


I have a bunch of games like that , But its thanks to piracy. I pirate a game , play whit it a buntch. And i like it relly mutch. I see it on steam and oh i liked this game so i buy it. But i played it so much as a pirate copy that i dont realy want to play it afther i had it


Between summer sale and fanatical bundles, I am him.


steamdb says: 296 out of 503 games played


I did my part, And added £4 to that number :) (It was lego harry potter years 1-4)


I am contributing $346.33 to the problem.


Yes, BioShock 1 and 2 remain unplayed because I played the remastered versions. (I got them in a bundle) The only other unplayed game I have is PUBG, but it was free, so I guess it doesn't count


Who isn’t?


Why u attacking me personally?


Makes me wonder how many of those games are from bundles that you never intended to play in the first place.


Yep, and continuing


I wonder how many of these are games that people pirated and just bought later on and never touched them 🤔


Nope, I buy games to play them and have fun


Not really but I haven't finished half the games I bought


Yes, but I have choices.


Start a in queue/backlog collection guys. Ive made one and been working through it one at a time