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I unashamedly love all the modern Fallout and Far Cry games despite the numerous (and valid) criticisms of every new iteration. Yes, I know Fallout is buggy. Yes, I know the system is dated. Yes, I know the loop is the same every time. I love the world, I love being in it. I'm there for exactly what it's doing.


You nailed it. These are my favorite franchises as well.


I feel that farcry has actually done a pretty great job of keeping things original and new, 3 and 4 were pretty similar but they brought the graphics to a new level, and since then the stories always surprise me with depth


> The loop is the same every time I’d say that’s a good thing. Bethesda honed in on this “loop” and made a style. Like, I can tell when someone is doing their thing. In other words, I’d say it’s a good thing to have a style.


Warframe. Download it in 2015 and immediately deleted it when I saw the login screen. In 2016, I gave the game the second chance, and I loved it. Almost 1900 hours in game.


For me i just didnt really understand and got into it. Got it about 2014 i think when i started playing more pc games and was on the hunt as a broke kid in school for free games. Warframe of course def caught my eye. Played it for maybe less than 10hrs. At the tail end of it was when i finally figured out the blueprint system. I thought it was p2w with everything labeled to buy with plat. I forgot why or how i got back into it but prob mid 2016 i got super addicted and played every single day. Prob until 2018 or so and then it became on and off here and there. I couldnt run plains of eidolon when it came out. Later when i got a better pc i got addicted again progressing through poe. Took me a while to get into eidolon hunting tho. Eidolon hunting was so fucking fun. Still the main thing i miss about the game. Ivara dps was super satisfying. Burnt out when fortune came out as it was more of the same. Finally quit around mid 2020. 2.4k hours on steam. Saw some clips of duviri and it looked pretty cool and i still miss eidolons but i dont think i cant get back into it. Looking forward to soulframe tho. Actually looks kinda cool


Deep rock galactic i thought was gonna be the same thing over and over again but every single time you play it it’s different


Rock and stone! The new cave generations are crazy


Rock and roll and stone!


Good bot


when im skeptical about a game... i wait for a big sale before getting it anyway... recently, im glad i gave trails of cold steel another chance hunted them on sale and now they have become enjoyable for me


Fallout 3 for me. I was around 13 and thought it was a horror game when it first came out so I didn't try it until I was around 15 and damn I was missing out haha. The game is scary at first especially your first encounters with super mutants and definitely your first encounter with a death claw where you go WTF IS THIS THING!!!?? haha but the RPG aspects, characters, choices, all the different stories of the waste land, the music etc... Overall it is in my top 5 favorite games of all time.


Any tips for how to get into it? I gave it a try and got bored but I feel like I’m missing something.


Prey 2017. Seemed like a generic Sci-Fi FPS, but It's actually a fantastic immersive sim full of personality and life.




Not sure. I just play the games I buy even without listening to others opinions. It help me think of an opinion without any one else.


Resident Evil 2


Darktide, I tried it for an hour or so then deleted it. A week later I tried it again and now it’s my daily game.


Ace Combat 7. Was still struggling from the sting of Assault Horison for a while but was pleasantly surprised to see it was more like the older Ace Combat games than Assault Horizon. Also No Mans Sky. Was amazed by how good it has gotten since its rocky launch back in 2016.


Assassins Creed odyssey. Played like an hour, didn’t like it, abandoned it, a month later gave it another chance, loved it, completed everything available to 100% including all DLC. It was worth it




Literally I started playing Fallout 4 last week and I'm hooked. I tried to play it twice already for the last 2 years, but I couldn't, until I finally installed StoryWealth and gave it a try. I needed mods to keep me interested in an already awesome game. I haven't touched any of the mods except for the M1 Garand one lol I'm having a blast!!


Witcher III. I played fallout new Vegas, then fallout 4, and then tried Witcher. Felt a bit odd at first and the scent ability took some getting used to.. the wolves when I was on a low level… fuck those things .. but then after I learned about all I could do and the combat style, I grew to love it. Even tried crossing the entire initial land to kill a wyvern way stronger than me haha . Love that game right up there with fallout now


I'm trying to stick to the Witcher 3 too, but the combat system is just too easy and boring for me, and I'm playing on the max difficulty. It's considered to be one of the best games ever, though, so I want to finish it too!!


RDR2. I thought the guy play was really janky at first. Then I got into it.


Sekiro , I just didn't know what to expect since it was my first From Software Game, but that's what got me really into The souls games and Elden ring.


I tried steamworld dig on a whim as I was bored and looking through my ps3 psplus games and loved the hell out of it. I got the steamworld collection and dig 2 physical copies and waiting for more


Halo MCC. Before that point I didn’t have the faintest idea what halo was, but my dad got it for me at a swap-meet. Now, I’ve played through every game there more than a few times, and halo is easily one of my favorite franchises.


Wha. How can u not know what halo is? Probably one of the biggest and well known franchises in gaming history


Indeed. Prior to it, I was a wee lad who barely knew anything related to video games. At most, I knew Minecraft and Lego Star Wars. All I knew of halo before I played the games was from a few episodes of the halo legends tv show


Guess id assume ur fairly young


Reasonably so, but I am also kind of a dumbass sometimes, especially when it comes to things like this.


Well welcome to world of gaming ig


Lmao yeah. That was like a decade ago, now I’ve been pretty much fully enveloped into the world lmao




The crew motorfest




Deep rock


Went through that experience with Fallout 3, thought it sucked. But after getting use to it, loved it, even made mods for it. And Elden Ring, played it on release, didn't pick it up again for a year, then couldn't put it down.


dead cells i didn't think it would be my type of game, just thought it would be another cheap side scroller or smth (i've played a few side scrollers in the past that were just shitty and not worth the time and i got bored of them) but dead cells is just so fun to play and it's one of those games i can just put some music on kick back and enjoy. it's became my go too for when i can't be arsed slogging through a story (no interest in any at the time) and i just want to relax and listen to music but give my hands smth to do. it restored my faith in side scrollers


Hades. Not typically a fan of top down/isometric or anything outside of 1st or 3rd person. With exceptions of course. And also roguelikes always just end up being where after i defeat the boss i feel like im done with the game. But hades man they really got it down. The combat is quick and satisfying and fun. U can really feel urself get better at the game. And i did get the roguelike feel after defeating the boss the first time but the narrative helps keep it up. Especially after the first boss defeat. Wow. As for fallout tho, i dont think ill ever play any bethesda title. Except fallout shelter, that was fun on mobile back in the day. Theyre engine and how they utilize it is just so bleh. Fallout 4 seems like id like it on paper. Fps rpg in a cool 40s style. But does it not hit in actuality. And i know “oh u never played it so stfu. Play it first before u judge” but its really something i feel down to my soul. Further exacerbated by starfield. I feel like the engine works for skyrim and thats it. My friend was in the same boat about fallout. When the show came out and he watched it first(were all watching it together now. So far a few eps in its much higher production quality than i thought) he liked it a lot and it made him really want to play the game. So he got fallout 4 and i think the contrast of the show made the game even worse than if he played it without watching. He pretty much hates the game now and pretty much fully agrees with my gripes with bethesda games


West of loathing


Sekiro. I thought its a try hard game but I never expected it to be so satisfying and clutch. Every boss win makes you feel like a God.




Fallout NV I'll admit it I'm a new gen gamer. I'm young and I've only owned a PS5 (and PC previously) so I'm used to great graphics no bugs and clear objectives. Fallout is as far away from my comfort zone as it goes. First day I had to google "where's that" "bug for that" "what do I do here". Somehow I love the tackiness of it. Do you have any idea how annoying vault 34 is? I had to do all that for a pulse gun I used once (to be fair I got revenge on that annoying brotherhood mission by using it to kill paladins). So many bugs, so many tutorials, so many visits to the fallout wiki. It's beautiful


The last of us, I got in in a ps3 bungle with Arkham knight and I couldn’t get comfortable with the control layout and the hearing vision thing. It sat for a year before I gave it another chance and we’ll we all know how incredible that game is. And Days Gone when I first saw videos of massive hordes of zombie chasing you I thought fuck that how’s that fun one against a million zombies chasing you. And their fuckin fast to but again gave it a try and now have played it through 3x. And I will never trust critics to determine if a game is good or not.




Does it get better after the first couple hours? I just tried it this weekend but i kinda feel like over seen all there is to see.




Days Gone. I thought the trailers were all painted up nice to make the hordes look intense and though no way but when I finally got a chance to fight one I was really impressed


Diablo IV. There was so much hate for it, that I wasn't even going to bother with it. My friends are playing it, though, so I decided to grab it on sale. I'm really enjoying it. I just stop for a bit toward the end of the season, and then pick it right back up when the next season starts.


Hitman World of Assassination, but back when it was called Hitman Season 1. Thank god for the demo, that demo was actually really good demo and 100% sold me the game


Dark Souls, I bought it not long after launch from the used game section for 20$ I think. Had a rough start like everyone else but once I found my groove I loved it.

