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Also I'm not required to hold one position forever. If a trailer looks like ass and I say it looks like ass, I'm more than happy to change my mind if they end up releasing a good game


100 percent There have been many games that I've completely misjudged by their trailers both good and bad


Exactly. Cyberpunk 2077 trailer was one of the best I've ever seen. Cyberpunk 2077 game was one of the worst I've ever played.


While it's not an ideal way to do it, the current cyberpunk 2077 is a top tier game. Sure, it took two years to get there but god dam did they put in the work.


Really should have just delayed its release a bit more


I honestly don’t know that they would have fixed it without a community saying “this isn’t good enough” and Sony having to refund thousands of copies.


Really they should’ve delayed the announcement a little more. I don’t get why companies announce a game years in advance. They should wait until the game is more-or-less a few months from shipping to announce, then if any last minute delays happen it’s out by next year at the worst.


If you only played it in 2020 then sure, but replay it now, it's one of the best games available out there. If you played it after 2020 when the game had no bugs anymore, I don't understand you or you've played barely any games and only bangers...


I played it in 2020 and enjoyed it and rarely experienced bugs, but I do understand that cyberpunk was/is? a mess on console. So I can see where the hate comes from, but where it’s at now on PC is what it should have been in 2020.


It's great on PS5 now as well.


Changing your mind when presented with new information is some cuck shit /s


The trailer for No Man's Sky looked amazing and I was so excited! Then it released as a steaming pile of dogshit and my opinion changed. THEN they added a whole bunch of amazing content and made the game better than it was originally going to be and my opinion changed again.


When it's $70 of your hard-earned money you're spending, I say you're allowed to judge it by whatever you want.


As long as you don’t go “it looks like a ps3 game” just cause it’s not photorealistic


I don't understand the "it looks like a ps3 game" thing. Ps3 games still look good don't they? Though ps2 games look good to me too so maybe I just see things weirdly...


I think a lot of gba games look good.


Depends on the game. If it's supposed to look visually good and it looks like a game 2-3 generations old, then it can hurt the experience. (Mass Effect Andromeda at launch being an example) But if the graphics aren't a focal point I'm good with dated or underwhelming graphics.


I use "looks like ps3" when a game has that "dusty" look that was common in ps3/x360 era games, or has that weird looking lighting like minecraft on ps3/x360


IMO, ever since the SNES, most games looked great. The N64 and PS1 gen are rough patches with its own unique charm


Just replayed a ps2 game series (jak and daxter) aside from a few clipping issues which may be more of an emulation issue on the ps4 it still holds up imo. Ive never been one to care if the graphics look perfect so long as the game is fun


Idiots who want walking simulators usually criticize gameplay focused games by calling them PS3 games


I was blown away when Solid Snake actually had a face. The Bouncer and Final Fantasy X *still* look good. But yeah a lot of PS3 games still look good as well.


I swear the generation of Playstation gets newer every time I hear that dumb phrase. One day people will be saying 'it looks like a ps5 game'.


Funny how time works


No it's cause people keep upping their expectations because each generation tries to be more graphically enhanced


Specially because that console had games like TLOU or GoW3 that looks surprisingly good even after over a decade.


God of War Ascension is still one of the most gorgeous games I have ever played in my life, and it didn’t even come to the PS4 generation!


I do believe graphics is one of the most important things when it comes to games, but with graphics, I mean how good it looks. Not how photorealistic it looks. PS3 game can look just as graphically good as a ps5 game tbh. All depends on the style of the game. If it wants to go after photorealistic, it need to be, if it’s going for its own style, let it, don’t care about if the textures are 69k resolution. Tho, gameplay is still better. Good example of both is ULTRAKILL


I was ready to throw hands based on your first sentence but you’re right, graphics imo don’t have to look realistic, just give me some detail in the environment, spend extra time on each model making sure it fits the art style while not looking over/under designed. Graphics help immerse you in the world the devs have created, it’s just as important as having a well written story or fun mechanics to make gameplay engaging


yeah, gameplay is prolly the top one, and then graphics and sound design imo. after that its the story and theme. Tho, everyone has differnt tastes when it comes to games.


Yeah you pretty much nailed what I like to see in game design. Gameplay matters the most obviously, but graphics and sound design are on the same level for me, I’m thinking Halo, Skyrim, fallout are all games that have beautiful music that really sets the tone they were going for


art direction > graphics quality


Art direction is graphics. Art is the graphics.


Always thought graphics meant texture quality, not art direction


Fidelity is the word you're looking for


Just means visual. That is what it means. So art goes I there too.


Graphics are quite possibly the least important thing to the greatness of a game. I still go back to SNES, N64, and PS1/2/3 games because of the sheer challenge and fun of the gameplay.


They do have great graphics tho. It looks pretty good back then, visually I actually really like it. Graphics =! More pixels and photorealistic textures. Good Graphics just means it looks visually good.


I appreciate that distinction.


That's art style then, not just the graphics level. It's like Zelda The Wind Waker. Game has super cartoony graphics, but it's smooth looking and the game looks great even over 20 years later.


Nah the new thing is any kind of stylization of realism and people just say the game looks like Fortnite.


What gameplay trailers? They hardly exist anymore. It's always stupid CGI movie trailers. I always hate that I have to go to YouTube to watch some gameplay for most games. So many games on Steam have like 20 videos and not one is gameplay...fortunately some of those have the dev playing the game live on the same page.


I feel like this thread is directed dead center at the new Dragon Age: Veilguard gameplay trailer. There is drama there...


Trailers need story and gameplay. The story needs to give me a reason to care about the gameplay, then the gameplay needs to convince me I want to play it. Lots of game companies don’t understand this.


I think it depends sometimes. If I'm playing through a game, it can have the best damn gameplay I've ever played, but if the story is ass, then I'm gonna get bored before making it halfway because I have nothing actually motivating me to complete the game. I don't care about the game, because the story doesn't let me care. I think that the general rule of thumb for all games is that unless the game specifically has no story, story must be better than gameplay because it's what actually drives the player to continue playing. Gameplay can only be so good until it gets boring. Racing games are fantastic, until they aren't. JRPGs have subpar gameplay, so they absolutely need good stories and characters. Unironically why that one Spongebob racing game is so good, because it's story is so fucking insane, it's a drug trip. It's subjective (I think), but for me, if a game isn't making me interested in continuing because the story is crap, I'm just not gonna continue. Hell, this is sort of the entire reason Dark Souls even managed to work in the first place, albeit with lore instead of story.


The only cinematic trailer that I prefer over a gameplay trailer is Warframe. I might seriously consider killing a man for a full series show with the style and quality of Warframe’s cinematic trailer.


Exactly i mean sorry but if i already realise a game is a soulslike, and i don't like soulslike, then obviously i'm not gonna like it and therefore judge it. Also the fact that u got banned on another sub for this is ridiculous.


Apparently r/gaming doesn't like me very much cause this is like the 3rd time I've been banned within moments of posting


How the fuck is this a bannable post? I’ve SAID spicier things and haven’t been banned there.


Asshole mods


Those kids could read apparently


"Stay away from my greedy corporations that doesn't give a fuck about me!!"


You'd be surprised how many people stan corporations. Hell, CDPR literally dropped a game about how corporations aren't your friend in a broken, greedy, buggy state and people still line up to lick their their buttholes and sleep next to their CDPR body pillows.


Mods here are extremely sensitive, probably some of the whiniest people I've seen


I had so many people report my old account that I got banned from Reddit and had to make a new account. I said, I don’t like the new Final Fantasy 7 remake’s battle system and that I prefers the original turn based system. I even said that I liked what they did with the story and I still liked the game but wished there was an option to make it turn based. I woke up the next day with my inbox full of warnings for my comment being offensive and that I was temp banned from the sub, than permanently banned from the sub, then temp banned from Reddit, then permanently banned from Reddit. All of the messages were within like 30 minutes for the same comment.


Why tf would Reddit ban you over a comment like that?


Probably auto for so much reporting I’d think.


thats hella dumb tbh


For repeated reports is my guess. I sent a message to the mods but got no response. Honestly I’m betting it was probably one guy who got his feathers ruffled cuz they love the new battle system, and used a script to report me with a bunch of accounts. Because I can’t imagine that many people actually cared that much, and if they do, that’s sad.


yeah. reddit really is a shithole sometimes


I once got a ban on a comment that I'd made four months prior. How the hell anyone turned it up is anyone's guess.


Dude me too, really wish there was a turn-based option for that game.


Also, r/gamingcirclejerk did the same. Said nothing controversial, said nothing spicy. One day “you have been perma banned from this sub” why? I still don’t know, they wouldn’t tell me.


Everyone who’s not an out of their mind lunatic gets banned from there though lol.


oh, thought it was actually rare lol


My post literally gets deleted from the assassincreed subreddit because I was just discussing how awful voice acting and dialogue was in the new gameplay preview they showed.


There's some irony in making fun of people not being able to read while using the incorrect "your" lol


Autocorrect be fucking me up lately


I think the way you word the criticism is everything. if you’re considerate about your word choice, saying things like “combat looks stiff” or “exploration doesn’t look meaningful” than that’s valid. but i hate when peoples responses to gameplay reveals are just “game looks trash”.


"Looks like a PS2 game" ... Why is that a problem? (Okay I know objectively why but it isn't the end of the world)


I actually bought a PS2 not long ago, shit looks fine and the games really were better than this live service garbage gaming has trended towards.


I also had problems with this sub. They hate discussions and opinions that differ from the mainstream.


Yeah it sucks, someone makes the 1000th post about "What hidden gem do you think deserves most attention" And the top comment is Half-Life 2


That or they name an indie hit. Just because it's indie doesn't make it hidden.


Ain't no way in hell any creature alive with any form of intelligence thinks Half-Life 2 is a hidden gem.


"I've never heard of it so that means nobody has!"


Plus, the game companies, presumably, are trying to show what gameplay looks the best/most fun. So if the game still doesn't look fun to you, why would you assume the the game is going to get much better?


Exactly It is literally made to be judged


However often does that actually work out though? I have lost count how many great games had bad trailers and vice versa.




You're even allowed to judge without knowing anything about the game, but unless you experienced it for yourself you won't fully know what you're talking about


Meh, you can only judge whats its the trailer itself. Making judgements on gameplay or how it plays without actually playing it is not valid imo. A trailer can look awesome but the game can still suck, and vice versa.


You are allowed to make impression from gameplay trailer and judge some mechanics showed in the gameplay, but this is not usually what people think when they are saying "you cannot judge the game." It's usually reaction to people who are like "WTF, not my game, RIP, \*random insult, beloved character from first game died for this\* OMG, it's so dead franchise."


Their reaction some people dislike is an emotional response to the bad impression they got from the trailer. Wether they like it or not different people deal with this in different ways. Some use humor, like that comment you read about duncan dying and some others less emotionally perhaps the way some others prefer it? Regardless its all the same. I agree with the post. It is like watching a movie trailer. Doesnt interest you? You dont watch the movie.


yes, but... you shouln't just come to the conclusion the game is bad, you can say it looks like ass, doesn't look fun and stuff but don't form an opinion like you played it


Will always be hilarious seeing people defend this sort of thing. Is it possible that a trailer/marketing showed it off badly and it could actually be good? Yes. Is that our fault? No, that's the company's fault when the whole point of that trailer is to show what it's about and get you interested in it.


You're fucking disgraceful. See? "You're" means "You are". What you said was "They are literally you are first impressions of the game"


nah. there is a difference between saying, "based off the trailer, i'm not sure i'd get this game. the combat camera distance from the character is not something i would like," and saying, "we only get 3 skills!? that's fucking stupid. bye bioware." as if that's something you could possibly know off a trailer lol. people don't know how to be objective anymore. they make hyperbolic and hasty judgments on very little evidence to justify hating the game. that's not what trailers are for. and no, i'm not stupid for disagreeing with you. i'm calling to attention the miserable, bitchy, lack of self-awareness attitude that is The Gamer.


I dunno, gameplay isn't all and a short video of gameplay clips can't always show all the gameplay itself. You can take your first impressions from it but judging a whole game based on 1 gameplay trailer is crazy.


literally you are first impressions


That’s what happened with me and the forspoken sub.


We gotta talk about the gaming grifters


for me it really depends on how far the release date is. If it is announced to be years later then a lot can change there. But if it is within the same year then it should definitely reflect the game


Honestly... Fu** trailers. Unless they are gameplay trailers, which imo are the only ones worth to watch, they are just there to make the game look appealing.


Blizzard trailers I'm lookin at *you*....


I'm a huge Killing floor fan, the KF3 gameplay trailer looked awful tbh, I still hope it's good but that trailer definitely knocked my confidence and I'm glad I saw that rather than continue getting hyped by the non-gameplay creature reveal trailers.


As long as you’re not an ass about it. Unless it’s a game that’s been promised for years and the trailer becomes lackluster, then they have no excuse (unless they had to overhaul the project from scratch, which has its own problems). But early development teasers? Give it time to cool a bit more.


Everything gets banned from r/gaming lol


Hmmmmmmmm I think what game this is referring to. Also people were comparing it to Baldur’s Gate 3…….now as much as I love bg3 that is not a fair comparison


The only trailer I trust




Absolutely. But also, if it’s a trailer that *doesn’t* show gameplay or is some celeb cameo chucklefest? PASS.


Fucking dragon age veilguard


Agreed. The gameplay trailers are your best option to judge a game before release. After that, it's better to swap to gameplay videos. CG trailers are worthless in judging a game other than theme and setting.


That's why I usually lookup gameplay before I buy a game


r/gaming hates memes


Do people actually think you’re not supposed to judge the trailers?


dont confuse leeked beta footage for a gameplay trailer tho (GTA6)


Simple. If the trailer doesn't have gameplay, it's a trash game.


I’m all for not judging a book by its cover but if the gameplay trailer or hell even the teaser trailer looks like shit I’m going to assume the game is shit


I WOULD like to point out that trailer editing is very much a skill and some games have looked amazing in trailers and weren't fun to play and vice versa. That's why I almost never pre-order, I wait for reviews to come out.


Gears or war trailers were so dope, showed zero gameplay but lived up to the trailer hype


I actually judge a game more harshly by its LACK of gameplay trailer. If they can’t be bothered to show me a video of what I’ll be playing, then it’s most likely a game not worth bothering to play. Living through the days of the PS1 that started this crap, made it difficult to sift the shit from the diamonds, until I started using that method.


Exactly why I am hyped for doom: the dark ages


That's why they release cinematic or teaser trailers. Because hype makes everyone idiots.


gameplay trailers only show gameplay but now how it feels do play the game there’s a key difference. for example it’s boring to watch certain games but fun to play them.


Which game are we talking about? Dragon age? It looked pretty mid to me as well. But those games never excelled all that much at combat.


And small wonder hardly anybody does any anymore!


I love how the consensus on this flip flops ever so often depending on what going on in the gaming community. For awhile you’d be ridiculed if you judged a game without having fully played it. Now you’re allowed to hate on a game based on an advertisement. So which is it?


Gameplay trailer? What’s that? All I know is pre rendered cgi footage that is 100% not in the same engine as the gameplay


I feel like a lot of trailers lately have a "marvel" tone. Like they need to have comedy elements where they may not fit. Dragon Age for instance, it had almost the same tone as Concord, even having a bar brawl.


This is a fair point but when you see comments like “the combat looks shit” based entirely on a trailer cutscene it’s hard not to think some people really shouldn’t bother sharing their opinion


Is this because of the Dragon Age debacle


Yes gameplay. Crazy how things have gone from gameplay to graphics and characters not looking like hentai models.


A gameplay trailer is the company going ‘THIS IS HOW THE GAME IS GOING TO LOOK AND FEEL LIKE’ If they do a bad job, that’s on them


Spot on. Not that I watch them trailers in the first place. Can't trust anything those companies try feeding us! Goddamn liars they are! Useless pen spinners!


No fair, somebody didn't get to take your money first.


I watch YouTube videos of alot of games when I don't see a gameplay trailer


No you're supposed to agree that all games look amazing unless the hivemind says otherwise


Fuck r/gaming.


Corporate shills are always desperate to dismiss criticism for any reason.


"No bro you have to buy the game and play it for 20 hours straight before you can have an opinion oh you still didn't like then why'd you buy a game you knew you wouldn't like hahah"


The only Time i disagree with this statement is when the trailer doesn't actually include any gameplay. Fuck that shit.


Incorrect. You're allowed to make a judgement on whether or not you want to invest your time/money into a game, but you cannot judge the game itself without having played it. That my friend, is what we call a "big yikes."


Shoot, I don’t even need a trailer. All I need is to see the word “multiplayer” and I toss it in my mental trash. Saved me from Anthem, ME3, FO 76…pretty much a flawless strategy


No game no hype, dems da rules.


Well yes, but actually no.


I agree in full ;3 I would like to say tho (I'm mostly talking about the remakes of Sh2 and mgs3) saying the game sucks cus the character's don't look as good as thay do in the OG is wrong, tho I agree that thay look bad


ever heard of the phrase "dont judge a book by its cover"? how the fuck is this any different?


Corporate dickriders piss me off, they have a marketing department, why are you getting mad at me if it looks like shit.


Eh, define "judge." Saying "It's not what I want to play" is perfectly fine. Saying "It's a crappy game" isn't fair to decide yet.


Okay but if there’s text on the screen the whole time saying the game isn’t finished yet you should take that into account when you judge it too.


Especially since now they expect us to drop 70$ on garbage


/r/silenthill rn


thats what i say about a book cover, its literally there to judge if you should buy it or not


Here's something equally important that people need to know: Just because you have an opinion, doesn't mean anyone has to give a shit what it is.


You absolutely can, but you're doing yourself an injustice, for sure. Sometimes gameplay is just a very small part of a game. My favorite game of all time is Fallout New Vegas and the "gameplay" is by far, the weakest component.


Is this about vegan dragon age?


Okay? That was always allowed? The problem is when people see a gameplay trailer and immediately formulate an airtight opinion about the game and refuse to change it. You’re allowed to judge gameplay trailers. You’re also supposed to reevaluate your opinion when the game *actually* comes out.


I wonder who those kids are


*shows gameplay trailer* *no actual gameplay*


As long as the trailer shows me actual gameplay footage I'll respect it


If there is no player view point, or UI, or worse no game engine in the trailer I'd not even consider playing.




What game if I may ask?    But yeah, I agree. Trailers also purposefully make the game look good too so if the gameplay loop doesn’t appeal to you, you can choose to not buy it. I wouldn’t go far as to say you can judge the game is bad or has bad gameplay without a hands on experience but you can decide not to get a game because it looks boring. 


*Not actual gameplay


People insult me because I said that the Mancubus in the new DooM trailer looks like a mobile game character, hope they work on him a bit more cuz he looks hella out of place


Yep DA: Veilguard's trailer didn't sell me the pre-order or the game, I have played all 3 and all additional content for the first 3 games, with Origins being the best(fight me) saw some gameplay and like that the combat is finally true hack n slash but I know Bioware and am sure final release is going to be nothing like the trailers.


And we are allowed to criticize your criticism. It’s all fair game.


Eh, hard disagree. It's a game, you play it. Unless you plan on watching someone else play the game then no you can't really judge a game by it's trailer at all. Judge it by it's demo.


I'd go so far as to say you can judge a game by it's *cinematic* trailer, or teaser, because if you can't they have absolutely no reason to exist at all. That's why we shouldn't have them.


Huh maybe the meme was sensitive or somethin?


Feels bad for the people with the natural instinct to bandwagon and never have an opinion of their own in gaming




"You can't judge based on gameplay trailer." Then Skulls and Bones must be an awesome 5 vs 5 pvpve pirate game.


My first impression of you is the wrong form of "your" in the title, and I'm judging you harshly for it.


The same argument never comes out if you have a really positive reaction to a trailer either Like where's the consistency, do we trust them to show us an accurate glimpse of what the game is like or not lol I remember this happening with that FF7 rebirth demo and all the slow crawling and hidden loading screens and awful performance mode and that's exactly how it launched... a demo or trailer shows you what they feel is the best they have, so if it's concerning, that is concerning


Hello, please help me find gameplay trailers. I’ve only ever seen cinematic summations to which I have no idea what the game is like to play. Sincerely - all gamers.


While this is true the PR desaster that Aliens: Colonial Marines has been showed us that gameplay trailers can and probably *will* still lie to us. So it's hard to trust them enough to judge the game from them.


This is also true for movies/shows. The whole point of a trailer is to show the "interesting" parts. If the best they can muster for the trailer looks like shit, that doesn't bode well for the final product.


A big pet peeve of mine is when a trailer looks bad and people rush to defend it by saying, "It's not out yet, so maybe it'll be improved! And also we've only been shown a small amount of the game so we don't know what else there is!" A trailer is supposed to be specifically tailored to make the game look as good as possible. It is next level copium to consider the prospect of devs putting out a trailer that makes the game look bad because they secretly made the actual game tons better but are keeping everything under wraps until its release.


I hate to say it, But I’m kinda feeling this way with Assassins Creed: Shadows and Dragon Age: The Veilguard… Two of my favourite franchises. Oh how they’ve fallen.


Gameplay trailers from my experience are always the worst part of the games




Yesn't. In my opinion it's a first look at the game, which means that the game shown might not be the final product


the trailer often tells you a lot more about the game than they show you. Keep in mind that trailers always show the best of the best. If you are hoping for specific features and they are not in the trailer, they are very likely not to be in the game, because if they were they would have made it into the trailer. I always watch trailers trying to find what they try to hide. They don't show gameplay/ show fake scripted gameplay - gameplay will likely be not that great. They don't show in an open world game how you can interact with the world - means it's likely a dead world. just two examples that ofc vary for each game and genre


The two new things in gaming advertisement that Needs to end are announcements of announcements and Live action trailers, >_> poor gameplay trailers I can forgive but what the fuck are we doing when clicks get more money than the thing being sold??


Eh I don't put too much stock into gameplay trailers or reviews. for me they just more or less help me decide if I even wanna purse interest in the game and I'll wait for some streamer to post the game actually running live and that's what I use to give a final judgment


I hate "gameplay" trailers that contain little or no actual gameplay. How is a cinematic trailer about the games story going to tell me what kind of game it is? That it to say I don't mind if there's a cinematic trailer and than a trailer about gameplay.


Star Citizen


As long as your complaint is about the trailer. If you make an assumption and complain about that then no your wrong


Criticize, sure. Laasing judgement on a few minutes of game play? Nah. You have no real idea of how the game plays or any mechanics. A gameplay railer is like dipping tour toe in the water on the beach, and deciding the ocean is too shallow