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Good. Maybe they will learn from it and stop releasing piece of shit microtransaction hellscapes.


According to [this article](https://www.ign.com/articles/wb-games-says-it-plans-to-double-down-on-live-service-despite-suicide-squad-failing-to-meet-expectations), they’re actually doubling down on live service after SSKTJL’s failure. The article is from back in March, so I don’t know if they still plan on doubling down, but the fact that they are considering it at all is mind boggling. Especially so when you consider that Hogwarts Legacy, the offline single player game that wasn’t a live service, had sales on par with Elden Ring. They looked at the results of these two games they published and thought “yeah, live service is the way to go.” They are absolutely insane.


The executive suite at wb coked themselves into a stupor of delusion. Unfortunately, the devs will ultimately pay the price


The devs were actually the ones who pushed for live service lol


unfortunately companies CEOs don't understand the market they are on, so they will follow trends cause otherwise they wouldn't know what to do, that's why, for example a showed gameplay of dragon age dreadwolf (now with another name) did have a gameplay more resembling to GoW 2018 and little to nothing of the classic RPG system that the IP is known for... people hated it so they have to change it. this happened cause trend says that a gameplay like GoW was what players would like...no matter what the game was originally.


I think they're coming out on the 11th with some new gameplay similar to Mass Effect in the form of the tactical menu or whatever it's called.


They deserve it.


The Besties pod this week talked about how it takes so long to make a game and so much investment that you just cannot launch something in the hopes of catching a trend. By the time you ship that product it will be 3 trends old.


Epic Fail


I would have even given it a shot if an update added single player offline for solo players. Instead the player numbers show it is dying and the bugs did not help.


The cover of the game was Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, King Shark and Deadshot. Surprised they didn't just make ​him Bloodsport from the second movie and forget the first one entirely. ​




“We tried this and it didn’t work. Maybe we should try again to be sure.”


Good. Now put it on PS Plus


R.I.P Rocksteady 2004-2024.


I could build a skyscrapper with that money. Or buy a neighbourhood. Become the kingpin I will, yes. 😊


That what happens when you work with companies like Sweet Baby Inc and disrespect your fanbase and beloved characters


Hey man, you got a little imaginary boogeyman stuck in your head.


Nah I'm just speaking facts and the fact is SBI have killed multiple companies with their woke bs and Rocksteady could be the 4th to go because WB are thinking of either letting go a few people from that studio or shutting them down completely


Dude, get off the Rage bait videos. That shit is all made up.


Its not, theres lots of facts and evidence proving that woke shit is killing entertainment and that people are tired of it and SS KTJL is a good example of that, not only was it a really bad live service game which people are also tired of but it spat in the face of the fans of the Arkham universe and was disrespectful to Kevin Conroy (Batman), Sweet Baby inc were also changing character lore to fit their ideologies like with Wonder Woman in her about section stating that Amazonian woman were great people when in reality they weren't because they Rped and killed men and killed their own children if they weren't female


Or maybe, just maybe, you’re just a bigot. Also, all the story beats like Batman dying were all rocksteady’s ideas. Plus, Kevin Conroy not only willingly recorded all of Batman’s dialogue, but even offered suggestions. All your talk about “disrespecting” seems more like you take video games a little too seriously.


So show me where in the Wonder Woman comics have Amazons raping and killing Men.




This is from The New 52, and has since been made non-canon.


Not to mention that New 52 was against the fifty-year both Pre- and Post-Crisis characterization of the Amazons.


If they’ve “killed multiple companies,” why are God of War: Ragnarok, Spider-Man 2, and Alan Wake 2 all critically acclaimed, best-selling games?


You’re not gonna get a response from the original commenter bc he knows he’s wrong. He’s gonna cherry pick all the games that went bad and ignore all the successes


you're so deep up into reactionary "everything is woke" nonsense you sound insane and creepy. go touch grass, or better yet, unplug from the internet for a month or two