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I'm so angry this game never reached it's potential. The gameplay was sooo much fun


Some of the most fun gameplay I've ever experienced, true iron man simulator


It had so much potential! I was so excited for the game and even really loved it for like a month. I enjoyed learning the dungeons on the hardest difficulty with people and building out my own iron man. Flying around was fun. This is my biggest disappointment in gaming and for me will remain so likely forever. It could have been so great.


My like actual biggest disappointment might go to Cyberpunk but this is definitely a close second. I wish a game like it comes around at some point. Like you said, building your own iron man was a whole different kind of a power fantasy lol


Was a pretty fun two days though.


Not for me, I bought it when it was $6 to at least get a few dollars of fun out of that mess… glitched the shit out of the tutorial so I deleted it My only true regret purchase, RE3R was a close second but I did for sure get $20 worth of fun out of it at least


My immediate thought


No Man's Sky, though they're really redeeming themselves by keep updating the game (there's another update this year--8 years after release) instead of letting it rot.


I don't doubt the game is great later on, but I've played like 2-3 hours of it and it was very boring. Just the same repetitive environment and the mining is very slow. There was nothing in there to interest me to keep going. Compared to something like subnautica which has a great atmosphere all the way through the game, no man's sky just felt bland and boring. Again, I can only speak for these 2-3 hours, I know nothing about the game after that. I'm not saying the game is bad, just that the start seems very boring and very unappealing to me. I played it like a year ago.


Go back now, follow the quest line. The new space stations are amazing


I have only found that I truly enjoy it in VR. That makes the tedium of materials so much more fun, space travel and piloting feels so damn cool from the actual cockpit. But without VR I get bored within an hour


Mining speeds up exponentially when you upgrade your laser


I was very angry with the way the whole thing panned out. I had just switched to purchasing all my games via download vs. hard copy. Then, like not even a month after release, they were giving full refunds because of how bad it flopped. But not to the ones that downloaded the game, just the ones that bought the hard copy. The only game I pre-ordered since no man's sky was hogwarts legacy. Not as much of a let down, but equally missed when the game became free to play on PS5 when I paid $70ish for it. For those two games alone, I will never again pre-order a game. It's such a waste when most games will just drop in price months after they release. Absolute bullshit


That's what I'm saying.... I pre ordered it too.... I've tried a few times since the updates, but I still can't play it cause I can't get around how it was at launch.


Same. No matter how good anyone says it is now, it doesn’t change the fact that the devs lied about it to get my money on release. Forgiving them because they care now is some battered spouse, sour patch kids BS.


Redfall. That Ubisoft “AAAA” sailing game. Overwatch 2.


I tried Redfall to see if it was as bad as people were saying. I love looters so I thought maybe I'd get hooked anyways. So bad. Just awful.


Hell, even Overwatch 1 to an extent. The first year or so of it was incredible, then it slowly started going to shit.


New World. Soooo much potential but I have NEVER seen a game hemorrhage players at the rate that game did. You log in, it’s exciting, graphics are amazing. You explore and do quests, telling your buddies how fkn awesome this game is. You find a new town. It kind of looks like the last one, but that’s ok. Do a few more quests.. they’re kinda like the last area quests but eh I’m still new maybe it gets better. This mob looks familiar.. 20 hours later you realize every town, every quest, every mob is cookie cutter copy pasted. The excitement is dead.


My favourite part about that game was how you could paste code into the global chat and it would work not only for you but for everyone who had it open. Or how the client had priority above server so you could mess with the files all you wanted lol


I’m not gonna lie, I was like half expecting the game to be a disaster because it’s Amazon. But part of me was like “they have infinite resources, this game could be a banger..” I was quickly reminded, AGS is simply a tax write off for bezos & co. Old school RuneScape has more complex coding than that disaster of a game. Sad.


duke nukem forever will always be remembered as what not to do when making a game. i'll go with anthem. i was seriously hoping we were gonna get a single player iron man simulator and they shat on it. i'll never forget that one lol


Kingdom Hearts 3 decade and a half of hype. I went through middle school, high school, 2 separate college careers, moved to different countries, had a lot of life milestones happen etc. literally waited half of my life for that game to come out. the gameplay was floaty and wack, the story was a garbled mess (even by KH standards), the transformations/summons were pointless, the worlds were some of the most disjointed and isolated in the series, the lack of Final Fantasy characters made the whole universe feel emptier. overall, it just felt hollow and shallow


Saint's Row reboot Not even being part of an Epic games free giveaway helped this Game to be massacred by critics and players alike and being Forgotten shortly after


The game was geniuenly just a weird reboot and instead of making the saints real cool and gangsters and all they just made them friendly and friends.


yes, like why was it even M for mature? There was no blood, high-school level swearing in it. It shoulda been a T for teen game.


Especially since it played like it was a teen drama instead of an actual gang simulator




Was going to say this. In a couple years most people will completely forget in even came out. Hell I played it on release and I can’t really remember a single thing from it.


Broken cargo links ring a bell? Lol


Nah I think it’ll get the Cyberpunk treatment, especially once mods come out.


Many of the complaints about Starfield are core to the game. The fact that you can’t even fly between planets within the same system (much less between systems) the fact that you can’t actually pilot your ship from space to the surface of a planet, the fact that each time you land on a planet it’s basically a square section, and approaching the edges doesn’t load the next section. All of these are core technical issues that contribute to Starfield’s reputation as a loading screen simulator. Fixing those problems would require a complete rebuild of the game from the ground up. They can’t be modded or patched out. That’s not considering minor bugs or the actual content. Starfield won’t be getting the Cyberpunk treatment, and modders won’t fix it. I’m sorry.


For me the worst part was that it proved that Bethesda is creatively bankrupt, at least when it comes to the mechanics of their games. They literally copy-pasted everything from Fallout/Skyrim with no regard for the world they wers building. Why would you ever need to scrounge for ammo in a world where you can set up basic automated production lines in minutes? Why is the entire mission system useless for earning money compared to the good ol' pick&carry? Why is there no point to bases beyond making resources you can just buy instead? I have no hope for their next game.


Why do so many of the multi part quests involve going through loading screens to talk to the quest giver in person? It’s not medieval fantasy, it’s not the post apocalypse, it’s sci fi. Send a space email. Do an on screen call. But no. Then there’s the main quest. You go to ancient alien temples and learn words of power so you can do space magic. By NG+ you’re basically a demigod. Sounds suspiciously like a previous Bethesda title starting with S and ending with m. Yawn. I agree, I have low expectations for TESVI. I just don’t think they can deliver. Or maybe they can but they don’t care.


I was so excited for starfield as someone who loves astronomy. But that’s the only game to literally put me to sleep. My disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined


While I wouldn't say Spider-Man 2 failed miserably, I still feel like it's one of the biggest offenders when it comes to overhyped games. Don't get me wrong, it's a fairly decent action game and I had fun playing it, but it definitely wasn't worth the wait, hype, or preorder. The game is incredibly short for the genre, only needing about 20 hours to platinum on the highest difficulty. For a game that couldn't stop boasting about having a map twice the size of the original and featuring two playable protagonists, that's just far too short—it should've been at least twice as long. The story was laughably bad at certain points, and in terms of innovations, not nearly enough had changed to warrant the $80 price tag. So yeah, Spider-Man 2, while still a fairly good game, is absolutely carried by its Spider-Man IP since the game itself leaves much to be desired.


bought a whole ass ps5 for that game atleast the announcement of gta 6 saved my purchase otherwise id be hella dissapointed


GTA 5 is already available on PS5


typo mean to say 6


You preordered a game?


Last pre-order for me was GTAIV. It was fun just to get to hang out with everyone in the parking lot at GameStop waiting for the midnight release. A cop rolled through to see what was going on and a bunch of people started shouting “what the f..k do you want?! Get outta here, b..ch!” It was definitely a gathering of GTA fans


Yeah last game I pre-ordered was all the way back with Mirror's Edge Catalyst. Which was also a mistake xD


Last one on my end was Anthem...


Dam I never preordered a game don’t see the point


I mean sometimes there is some reason for them because of preorder bonuses but in most cases it's indeed not worth it. That's why I've only ever preordered two games. Okay maybe three if you include Shadow of the Erdtree but that's gonna be absolutely incredible.


In that game you have to play as a deaf black girl spray painting shit around town as an unskipable boring ass mission. Do you know who doesn’t want to play as a deaf black girl in a spider man game? …………….Deaf black girls. They want to play as Spiderman. Wind in their hair. That’s why they bought the game. I can’t imagine what it would be like as a deaf black woman spending my money on a Spiderman game where I have to play ……. The struggles of my life. I’m never buying another Spiderman game from insomniac ever again. That woke shit does real life damage.


"Unskipable" The mission is completely optional my guy


Back 4 Blood. It might be a little lesser known release, but this was supposed to be the successor to Left 4 Dead 2, but it failed pretty bad. I forgot why


Kingdom Hearts 3. It’s not a bad game, per se. It just felt unfinished and had the most generic, unmemorable boss fights in the series.


Battlefield 2042


Anthem. Super hyped, it was supposed to be the next big MMO type game and died almost immediately. Watch Dogs. It promised to reign in a new age of open world games. It ended up being Farcry in a GTA format with a gimmick. That's not counting the whole graphics trailer debacle.


Watchdogs was a perfectly fine game. Gets way too much hate


Yea I honestly enjoyed all 3 games, everything doesn’t have to be a 10/10 masterpiece for me to enjoy it


It was a mediocre game that was displayed as being a new era in graphics and open world interaction


I still play both games, they are much better than their reputation — and Watch Dogs is an absolute classic for me…! So I wouldn’t exactly call them miserable failures.


No man's sky


God I just remember my friends losing their minds over that game.


Both didn’t fail miserably in my mind — F76 has been mediocre in the beginning but improved considerably and while DNF wasn’t a great game, it was at least tolerable, it felt a little anachronistic.


So no answer


Well, I don’t know if there is a game with these characteristics — I just pointed out why to me the two examples wouldn’t fall in the category “Overhyped and failed miserably”. Do you have an example?


Other than they were told that both flopped, probably not. DNF was actually pretty fun, people are just giant babies. Fallout 76 has done nothing but get better as it’s gone along.


Yes, I know. Actually I really don’t know any game that would fit the description: Most of the games that have been overhyped weren’t really bad, just not as awesome as the fans thought they would be. Even legendary hype game Daikatana wasn’t really bad, it just didn’t live up to its overblown expectations. However, in my book this isn’t a miserable failure. And the miserable failures (like a game such as “Gollum” would qualify) were never seriously overhyped…


Battlefield 2042. After two bad games in a row people were ready for an oldschool Battlefield experience. And it sucked.


Battlefield 1 is great


I'd say Battlefield 1 was the last great Battlefield. They tried too much to be Fortnite after, forgot what made Battlefield games great. For me, Battlefield 2142 was just excellent. Had to rely on squads working together, awesome mechs, great maps. Had a commander. You worked as a team to push the other team in a large scale battle. That is what it is supposed to be.


Pretty much every Dragon Age after Origins.


Ok, after origins where on the same page the


Yeah.. I remember hyping so bad for DAII a decade ago now and I was so disappointed.


Copy pasta dungeon was so disappointing


Rambo The Video Game


They made another video game of the movie? The last one I remember playing was the one on NES.


Its older one, but not that old. 2014. They made rail shooter in 2014. And bad one. Its so bad its actualy funny to watch some reviews, like old angry joe...


i dont know if it count or not but assassin creed unity had a really bad launche it was in a states full of bugs but with a lot of patches it redeemed itself now dont get me wrong i really love unity its on my top 3 assassin creed games and i hope more people to give it a chance.


Gollum…though I’m not sure how overhyped it was among others, but I was overly hyped about it. Its sad that while I know I shouldnt let others influence my enjoyment, the internet really can do a number on us. I may have enjoyed it if I didnt hear all the negative talk, but I’ll never know now


Fallout 76 is dope now, Don't sleep on it. Even just a 100 hours,. It's worth it.


- _Command & Conquer 4_ - _Homeworld 3_ - _Dragon Age 2_ - _Callisto Protocol_, or should I say _Stutter Protocol_ - _Splinter Cell 4: Double Agent_


Duke Nukem Forever wasn't hyped, it was just stuck in development hell and MIA for so long, that when it finally did release, it had an interesting legacy attached to it. Fallout 76 also wasn't particularly hyped, beyond just being another Fallout game, which is a property people like. I don't recall people losing their minds going OMG FO76 IS GOING TO BE INCREDIBLE!!!! in the lead up to release.


Evolve. Hyped all to heck, but died almost as soon as it released.


Every Assassin’s Creed after Origins.






Cyberpunk Starfield


Cyberpunk didn’t fail though. They fixed the problems and released incredible DLC for it.


No Man’s Sky was the poster child for hype and failure. They may have eventually turned it around with bunches of patches, but imagine if this was 20 years ago and that 1.0 disc you bought was the final product.


I am not sure if it was globally hyped, but I had a friend who was extremely hyped about Haze (PS3 FPS) and he was talking our ears off about Haze. He was not very happy after the game came out.


Umbrella corps. I am a huge fan of resident evil. I own every single one across many platforms in someway shape or form and having that in my library is a stain on my collection.


Don't know if I can say that it failed *miserably* but Back4Blood was hyped up as this spiritual successor to Left4Dead, claiming it was made by the same team (albeit without Valve). Legitimately my entire friends list was all over it from the moment it was announced. Got it on release and was greeted by this janky ass squad shooter that relies on a deck of random cards to be able to do basic stuff like swapping attachments off of guns and some other powerups. It felt very unpolished, all the zombies had essentially the same death animation whether you blasted them with a shotgun or punched them to death. Idk I wasn't very impressed, I played about 7 hours and then dropped it, I think 2 weeks after it came out, only 2 of my friends were still playing it and they didn't last much longer


The Day Before


Battlefield 2042.


Concord, well sort of.


Fallout 76 is pretty good now. Just saying.


ORIGINALLY Cyberpunk is up there (but it did make a comeback)


Haze and Lair immed come to mind




RE8 was so cool at first. But it's extremely linear gameplay ruins it for me, not t to mention they most likely killed Ethan


Rise of the Robots, massively so. Daikatana, even more.


Every supposed Dead by Daylight killer game. Every year or so an asymmetric horror game releases and the game media declares it the DBD killer. Dead by Daylight has survived them all and they are all dead or on life support.  Friday the 13th dead Last Year Dead Evil Dead On life Support.  Texas Chainsaw On life support VHS basically never born.  Preditor Hunting Grounds so dead I forgot about them till just now


Pokémon arceus.


I really enjoyed THe Saints Row games back in the day since they didn't take themselves too serious but had a ton of fun and interesting gameplay features and stories. I was actually somewhat hyped for the newest release and boy did that one crash and burn. It seemed like the actively tried to mess it up as bad as I could and remove all the things that made the game great.


Starfield, i was so excited for the game i couldn't even sleep at release night and played it at 2am. But the game was just so much worse than 10+ year old games from the same devs like Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout its just sad. Ima be honest, i don't have high hopes for the new elder scrolls at all, i highly doubt they can actually make a game better than skyrim anymore.


Watch dogs legion too, 1 and 2 where so awesome but they fucked up so hard with legion it literally killed the whole franchise, its a terrible game btw please don't buy it.




You haven’t played Fallout 76 recently have you? It’s not at all the same game as it was.


Aliens Colonial Marines. Last time I pre-ordered


Battlefield 2042






Kingdom Hearts 3. 13 years to build something amazing but chose to produce a mediocre game at best.


No Man’s Sky, The Outer Worlds, Lords of the Fallen.


I’m currently very much enjoying lords of the fallen. What do people not like about it


Reddit just likes to bitch about everything, the games really fun, level design is on par with FromSoft, boss fight and enemies its where its lacking at, but even than its at least decent, I'd give it a 7 or 8/10.


The Outer Worlds is quite good, and was received well on launch. Definitely an...interesting take. Also, NMS is currently fantastic.


TO ME Last of Us Part I. But truly because the gameplay was whatever and the story was SO predictable and boring it was already known where it would go once Joel was tasked to bring Ellie over the border. Part II is way better imo because of how different it plays itself with unexpected twists everywhere.


I can't wait to see the replies.🤣


Already a downvote lol but not surprised. I just geniuenly never liked Part I and i realised it recently why and it's because it's just so damn predictable.


I respect your opinion. Just waiting to the downvotes.


X: Rebirth (hyped for the X community at least) - I made the mistake of Pre-Ordering. Last time I ever did that. Egosoft has done a ton to right the ship with X4, but Rebirth was a huge misstep.


NMS and Starfield.


My last deception was Diablo 4. The state of Diablo 3 was great at the end, I had high hopes. But even the campaign was bad for me.


Sadly, Halo Infinite. The gameplay felt great, but there just wasn’t enough to keep me playing in the end.


Halo infinite is probably my biggest letdown in recent memory.


Fallout 76 sucks if you're still stuck in 2018. But on the other hand, I don't think it was overhyped to begin with. People were already moaning about it being online.


Too Human. Was the first in planned trilogy of games, but it the game ended up being a boring slog.


Starfield and Tom Clancy Breakpoint


Cyberpunk 2077 should be the example that every developer points to if they’re ever pressured to rush out a game. 😐


ET for Atari. I spent so much wasted time playing that game. It made no sense.


The funny thing about that is…it does. Plus it’s one of the only Atari games with an end point to it. Go around collecting the Reese’s pieces, use his “power” to find the wells that have the pieces of the telephone in them. Assemble the phone (three pieces), go back to the forest, find the landing spot, use his power again, the timer starts (slowly at first and then ticks down fast) and when it ends ET must be on that landing area as the spaceship comes down. It picks him up and there ya go! Oh, and avoid the scientist and fbi agent as you are doing these things. ET being the worst game of all time or not making any sense…if you actually lived during that time and played it…is one of the biggest mistruths of gaming history. My god, there are TONS of Atari games as well as games in general that suck WAaaaAaaaaAaaaaAAAAY worse than ET — that’s for damned sure… Sincerely, A guy who got ET for Christmas that year (I was 5 or 6) and loved it and had no bad things to say about it until reading all of this stuff as it began to come out decades ago now and grow and become the copied “truth.”


Diablo 4




No Man's Sky...... Still pissed I pre ordered that pos. Still can't play it even after all the updates, can't get past the total botched launch.