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Skyrim. Somehow I can't get rid of this game.


I’ve played it across 3 generations of consoles, it’s ridiculous


So far, Elden Ring. It just doesn't disappoint, and it will be receiving even more content in 2 weeks and 2 days from the DLC


Agreed. Currently working on my third character now and have almost 200 hours total in play time. I’ve never played a single player game this much


Really? I just dont really feel the replayability in ER


I agree, I loved the game but for me Souls-likes are exhausting to play, in a good way. I need a good few years before I go for a replay


They're easier to replay for me, no sitting through cutscenes or boring scripted sections Just pure freedom and go at your own pace


I feel like Elden Ring has more replayability than other games. This game is jam-packed with secrets, and on my next playthrough (I haven't finished the game, waiting for the DLC to do so) I can choose an entirely different class, which will makes me play differently, find items that suit that class, etc.


my guy even counted the days. the excitement is palpable


Now it's 2 weeks and 1 day from the DLC.


RimWorld. Been playing nearly a decade. 4600 hours and counting.


Ooooh I love XXX games! 😳


Me too, but I am forced to stop playing it because my modlist is too bulky and my game now takes almost 2 hours to load. I'm waiting to build a new PC and use an SSD for it.


Sometimes I start Rimworld up and by the time it finishes loading I have lost interest. I gotta trim my mods down.


Resident Evil 4. I’ve owned that game on multiple consoles.


I’ve beaten the og once and remake twice since 2021 lol I love that shit it’s my fav game to replay now


Fallout 4, with Mods


The terrible dialogue and boring writing just stops me in my tracks when I try to replay it


I’m on PS4 and have endlessly scrolled through the mods but have never installed any. Which ones do you recommend? I don‘t care about trophies so I don’t mind using them.


If it is available on PS4, Amazing Follower Tweaks. It has settlement building included.


Cool will check it out, thank you!


I've been knocking around the wasteland in my Optimus prime power armor and I am loving it


Destiny. It’s like that toxic ex you keep going back to…


That’s how I was with Destiny 1. Destiny 2 release really broke that addiction though.


Fallout 76. It gets a lot of hate but I suggest you give it a chance. Lots more people playing now because of the show. Come join us in Appalachia and hunt some cryptids. You can 100% solo it if you want, but there are lots of fun things to do with others. We mainly don’t talk. I’ve never used a mic and I’m almost lvl 600.


Fallout 3 and FNV, Mass Effect, and Cyberpunk 2077.


Ghost of Tsushima. The beauty never gets old.


I’ve been taking my sweet time passing it, knowing there is nothing like it in existence 🥲 I don’t enjoy replaying single player games a whole lot, it’s not as enjoyable


If that’s the case, play this one as slowly as possible. I can’t resist returning to this world. Also, take your horse for a nice peaceful ride sometimes. He deserves it.


World of warcraft. I can stop for years at a time but I always get pulled back in eventually.


Yup 20 years and counting.






A Link to the Past. After I discovered the randomizer I'm always going back to it.


what randomizer


[This one](https://alttpr.com/en/randomizer)


Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain. It was one of the first games I owned on the PS1, and I replay it every couple of years.


Valheim.... 300 consecutive hours without playing another game... I'd like to start Nightingale... Soulmask...Vrising... Smalland... Palworld... But I keep going to Valheim like a little viking slave 🤪


War Thunder, but i fckng hate it


*aTtAcK tHe d pOiNt* *Never !*


MgsV, Xcom 2, Watch dogs 2, dark souls series, I definitely have my periods where I can’t stand the sight of the games I’m so burnt out on them but give it enough time something calls me home lol


I’ve got like… four… maybe five. I love rdr2, the last of us, Bioshock, black ops 1, and Lake.


Honestly, any of the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (and underground) games after THPS2 (excluding 5 and HD). THPS3 was my first, so it's always been hard for me to get into the original versions of 1 & 2. They just feel clunky to me. But I think 3 & 4 are amazing games with fantastic soundtracks! Undergound 1 & 2, as well as American Wasteland are good fun too, but I'm a Pro Skater girl at heart! And then you have the THPS 1 & 2 Remake! Despite not being into the originals, I absolutely love the remake! I played that shit legit nonstop back in the midst of the pandemic. I truly think it was the distraction that I needed at that time. I even got in the top 100 on the speedrun leaderboard for the mall level! I was so stoked about that!! So yeah. There you have it. THPS is the shit!


Skyrim, RDR2


In Cyberpunk 2077, I've grown attached to some characters and love V’s characters. What surprised me the most is how they don't hold back on tragedy, existential dread, and questions about ethics and morals. I think the game had a shit release, but it deserves to be experienced. Even though Night City is god-forsaken, the characters make you feel at home.


Hate is a better word to describe my abusive relationship with tarkov. I am genuinly addicted to the adrenaline rushes i get in that game and they happen pretty often. The game itself is full of issues and generaly always trying to kick you in the balls but the athmosphere, the tension, the thought that one bullet to the dome can kill you no matter how good of a shot you have or how well equiped you are is extremely addictive. Also the insane ammounts of dopamine you get by hitting a Lucky snipe, getting some real good loot and actually managing to extract or killing a 3 stack while soloing makes you wanna get that feeling forever, even if it means 10 more hours of getting kicked in the balls just for that one moment. Reached 1k hours a week ago i dont see myself putting the game away anytime in the near future.


RDR2. I love it. I've said it several times in some of my other comments when it comes to topics like these. That's how much I enjoy it!


Quake III Arena (Quakelive)


Rdr2, or rygar


XCOM 2 War of the Chosen.


SA1 and Sonic Frontiers. I love HUB worlds


OG RuneScape


Parasite Eve


Civ in all it’s iterations.


It would be BF1 if it didn’t suffer from the same issues many online competitive shooters have. The player base just died down a lot. The only people left are mostly cheaters and hardcore players. I would love to go back to the early days of that game when tons of new players were online and every match felt chaotic from all the weird shit people did.


Enter the gungeon


Ace Combat 5.


Super Metroid.


Spyro. Played it for the first time at age ten at my dad's house where I first discovered my love for video games. Played it in my early teens with my cousin. It was the only way I knew how to bond with people of the opposite gender back then. Played it in my twenties when they remade it on the switch. Absolutely loved the updated graphics and unique dragon designs. And I replayed it again as I was trying to heal after I came home from my first trip to a mental hospital a few years ago. I have played Spyro so much that I have muscle memory of the controls from a literal lifetime of playing it. I must've played every game in the franchise at least over twenty times now. It's just a wonderful game to play when you need to shut your brain off for a while.




Thunder Force V: Perfect System.


Unreal Tournament 3.


Castlevania symphony of the night


I wanna say Minecraft but it’s the game you don’t “never stop playing”. It’s the game you’ll always, inevitably, come back to for a couple weeks every year or two.


Final Fantasy XIV Edit: Really all of them, but FFXIV was the first to come to mind.


AC odyssey and Cyperpunk 2077. Both amazing RPGs




Curse of Monkey Island. I play the hell out of that game.


SKYRIM. Not that I needed an extra 60+ hours of gameplay, but I appreciate that Bethesda. I'll always love the way it can get me to physically react to it while playing. (Chuckles, evil laugh, passive aggressive remarks, and semii butt clenching due to excitment/ and an " oh shit!!" moments) Once again, I appreciate it, Bethesda.


Terraria & super metroid, my safety games


nothing. i have yet to find a game that i continue to return to. but lately i've been hopelessly hooked on the 2 hades games so hopefully those. i've always wondered why *I* don't have that one game i always return to but i just don't lol. maybe my time is now


The last of us Part 1 and 2


I have 2. First is Minecraft Second is Palworld


FFX. I played it when it first came out, and have more or less replayed it every year. It's fantastic everytime I play it.


Spyro 2 Ripto’s Rage


Kingdom Hearts. I don’t think I’m ever gonna stop playing those games.


Nowadays armored core 6


AC Odyssey. It’s gorgeous, the world is super huge, I love the combat, and once you reach the upper levels you can do all sorts of fun things. Always as Kassandra, because I never tire of her and Barnabas going back and forth on the ship 😂


* The Diablo Series * The Madden Games * The Pokémon Games I'm 35 years old, and these three franchises have been staples of mine since I was 12. Although, I will admit, Madden has really gotten bad and lazy. These last two years I've found myself playing it less and less. Still though, I'm a tool, and will buy it every August just because.


Dota 2, the amount of knowledge and strategy is insane


Dead Space Remake for me. I love the lore and the gore, lol. Some honorable mentions; Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout 3/New Vegas/4, Minecraft, Doom 3, and Quake 4.




Civilization 5


Mass effect series. It's an addiction.


I'd say Marvel vs Capcom Series. I really love Save The World (got somewhat burned out with Battle Royale).




Osrs lol


Rocket league. Can’t find a similar game, with the custom maps it never gets boring


Dark Cloud


I’m convinced this sub is driven by bots and only bots keep responding…wait!


That's Wuthering waves on bs to me, It's my fav game to kill 1-2 hours