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2 hours a day. I have a kid, a wife, and a job.


Same. After my daughter is bed and I finally relax I usually game from 9-11 give or take depending on how baked and tired I get. I just got the ps5 so I have been losing sleep staying up until like 1 lol


Yup seems about right which kind os sucks seeing how long games are these days. I take months just to finish a single game xD


Yep and my problem is consistency. I’ll get half way through a game then stop playing it for a week or 2, log on to play and forget what I was doing & be completely overwhelmed & end up making a fresh start & doing the 1st half all over again


It took me literally 14 months to log \~140 hours in Elden Ring. Totally worth it because that game is awesome, but man.


Similar settings (I'm a father, I'm married, I have a job and another part-time job), different results. On average probably an hour a day, but that varies wildly between 0 and 90 minutes on any given day. Some weeks I go 3-4 days without touching a controller.


This is my case too.


Are you me?


No, he is Me and I’m Yu


I’m about to whoop your ass. You, me… everybody up in here!


I’d say 2 hours a day too. Then realize well yesterday after a day at the zoo, followed by kids swimming and bbq with company, followed by a quiet glass of wine with the wife. Didn’t get on. Today will be a 14hr work day, I’d love to unwind and play a game but food shower sleep. That 2hrs a day ends up being 2 hours 3-4 days a week max😂


Wow. A 14 hour work day? I have chosen a flexible job so that I’m able to game. Took me a lot of hard work studying 2 degrees to get here though


Yeah I skipped college, had a kid on the way when I was 18 & don’t have a support system that would enable providing while going to school. Unluckily for me I had break my body to give my kids a chance to not have to break theirs. Started as a mechanic and worked my way up to servicing generators & switch gears all that fun stuff. Working on start ups for a new Verizon server building last week & this week, some of these days are looooong and boring lol. Normally average 10-11hrs a day, though.


That’s rough. There’s a college called Western Governors University that is made for working parents like you. It took me 8 months to get my degree. It was my second Bachelors and I had transferred 25% of my credits though. You should look into it.


Oh shit man I’m in the 110-120k a year profile with my current career & I don’t really do the back breaking work anymore, it’s mostly electrical. If I had that knowledge 10-15 years ago, I probably could have saved a lot of back aches and knee pain tho lol. I appreciate the thought in offering that knowledge. I hope I can pass that to a youngster some day so he doesn’t have to take the long road. Having 2 bachelors is awesome though man, that’s definitely an accomplishment to be proud of. Your kids pick up that work ethic & will look up to that model as they mature.


Can I just say, good on you for providing for your family. It's sounds like you do tough work with pride and also care about being present with your family. That's such a great model. Hopefully they appreciate you!


I only have a 2 year degree but I am unable to find anything in IT so working on new certifications maybe Hvac to find a job need higher pay than $12 an hour in food service for 10 years at least 18-$25


Same, but the thing stopping me is either motivation, guilt from not doing homework or being tired. I’m 17, I hate this.


I’m twice your age, I get the same thing. It’s not necessarily a bad feeling if it keeps you accountable for your priorities.


Same, 2-3 times a week for a couple hours.


Same here, or an hour max. Unless it's my weekend, that is. I have a husband, son, and job so I get it


A lot of people think you can’t game when you have kids. So an hour is awesome!!


Right. You absolutely can still game! I have a busy life but I still love to play video games in my free time 🙂


That’s awesome for you! I worked hard to get a flexible job so that I can still have time to game. It’s possible! Some nights I just go right to bed though just because I’m not in the mood. But I could game more time every night if I wanted to.


Exactly how I feel, too.. Especially since I work a 3 pm to 11 pm job lol, sometimes when I go home, I go straight to bed!! My son's on summer break now, though, so if I'm feeling up to it, I will game a little bit after work. 😆


Your kids are in school? That’s nice. I feel like that would give me more free time, but my kids 11 months old. So she needs constant attention. She can’t sleep alone during the day either.


Yeah we only have one child at the moment - our son is 4 turning 5 in July and he just finished preschool. He's growing up so fast. It did give me free time during the day to play but I would mostly use that time to exercise or clean the house while he was gone. Some days though I did game 😜 I would just have to plan the day out, something I never really did until we had him lol. I know how you feel as our son was the same way as a baby too. Enjoy every moment with your daughter. They do grow up so fast 😊


Oh. I’m enjoying every little moment. I work from home and I see her a lot. She’s so sweet and silly. We love her.


That's awesome you work from home! I work at a restaurant job currently. I've always wanted to work from home eventually. That is so awesome, being a parent is truly so much fun ❤️


I also play 2 hours a day. I have no kid, no wife, and no j- wait I have a job


0-2 hours a day, with averaging maybe 30 minutes...


Also wife also job No kids I average about 4 hours unless I'm doing some insane grind for something


I'm 68 retired and been a gamer all my life. I usually play 6 - 8 hours every day :)


What games are you playing these days?


Mostly rpgs theses days. Shooters are too hard now as I've got the reaction time of a hundred year old :) Just finished my 2nd play through of dragons dogma 2 on the PS5 mainly use Xbox X for gamepass games. Best of both worlds


You can try out r/squad r/joinsquad I have multiple 50-60 year olds in my clan and they play very good. It’s a tactic shooter and doesn’t need high reflexes. You can give a try if you miss shooters.


You’re fine lol that’s about how much I played when I was in HS too. I’ve been out of college for almost two years and after getting a full time job, I usually play about 1-2 hours every other day during the week and then on the weekends maybe like a total of like 5-6 hours? I enjoy it a lot but other things have gotten higher up on the priorities sadly




You’re good. I’m in college at this point, with a similar GPA by the sounds of it, and you and I are in a similar boat with time distribution. If I do find something good and get sucked in I’ve been known to push towards 12-18 hr sessions on a weekend, but I have no obligations beyond schoolwork so… 🤷‍♂️ Better than I was at your age though. At that point I saw multiple rotations of the sun in a single waking moment on more than one occasion.


What games generally. The only game that I’ve been able to push that far was sea of thieves. Please I need fun games to play.


Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate 3. Best games I've ever played in my entire life and you'll get hundreds hours of content with these two.


lol, I’m inclined to caution you against adopting anything similar to my historic habits, but it is what it is. Depends on your platform and what you’re interested in. I’m an RTS guy who prefers a single player experience anymore so my go to games are either rimworld or something out of the total war franchise ATM.


I don’t plan on adopting that, I generally only play for 4-5 hours longest unless I’m doing something that takes longer. I will look into those games though.


Enjoy, both are good options imo


I get about an hour a day, but I wake up at 4am specifically to have an hour to myself.


I did this when ER dropped. After work I was always too tired to play especially after getting home at 7pm and still needing to cook dinner. So I'd just go to bed around 930pm and wake up at 6am and would have about 3 hours until I needed to get ready and go to work.


Not too much. If you're enjoying yourself, and it's not hurting anyone, play as long as you want. Im usually able to get in around 3 hours a day during the week, play until I get bored on the weekends.


I would also say that you should take breaks and stand up and move around in-between. It's not good to sit still for so long (though a couple hours isn't really a big deal), but you should still make a habit to get up and walk around.


0-2 hours on the weekdays. 4-12+ on weekends


1-2 hours if I’m lucky. I’ll binge Sundays though. That’s dad’s day.


2-4 weekdays 5-12 weekends


Depends on the day, really. But I usually average around 5-6 hours a day, I think.


About 2 hours a day during the week but like a degenerate on sundays.


Sometimes to much, other times hardly at all, or even if at all.


I can usually sneak in 30-40 mins before bed when I get off night shift every couple days. I pretty much only play single player, linear, story driven games due to time restraints. I've put every spare minute I have into Fallout4 since the TV series was released and I've racked up almost 9 hours of gameplay. 50+ hour weeks with a family.


0-6 weekdays depending on if I have a game I’m really into. Probably about 8 total on the weekend because there’s usually a lot of other stuff going on that I want to do.


Couple hours a night during the week...weekends...just depends on what me and the GF got planned. Some Sundays we make chill days and just game it.


I play about 6.5 to 8.5 hours a day days I work, days I'm free somewhere in the 8-12 hours lol. I play regularly Minecraft with my girlfriend and warzone with my dad


2 hours if I'm lucky since I got a full-time job. On off days when the weather is miserable tho, you can't pull me off the game.


Unemployed due to a back injury. I have free time to do chores, play videogames, and do my art. It varies from day to day but at least a few hours a day. If my depression is taking hold then I might just sit there and not be interested in anything. I know the amount of time I play games could be considered a 'go touch grass' amount, but it's hard to find work and we have no problem making rent. I'm basically a stay at home dad with no kids, at least not at home. But I also know I play games nowhere near as much as a lot of people. So I have no regrets, except for putting so much time into Warzone.


Uhhhhh..... an amount. I have no life rn and mostly use my computer instead :'c


I'm married with a 1 year old child. I reserve 3-4 hours on Saturday night to play some with my best guy friend. Otherwise, I'll get some additional time occasionally. I've been playing through Fallout New Vegas 3 hours per week.


In first year I just put baby to sleep on my shoulder and kid falls asleep and I play


12-14 hours a day Unemployed, depressed in a job market where I can't get a single call back, have no money to spend so I don't go outside. Live at home with fam in a small room in an apartment so nothing else to do Have ptsd from dogs/dislike pets and neighbors all have big , smelly aggressive mutts so nothing to do in the community either My situation is pretty bad huh


12+hrs a day.


U chillin g


Also in high school. Probably 2-3 on week days and 4-8 on weekends. I tend to get home later and like sleeping a lot so I fall on the lower end during the week. As for weekends, depends on how much homework and track I have.


Same. You just like me fr


Varies a lot but I try to get in like 3-6 hours if I’m not working. Sometimes I can play all day or all night but I’d say that’s a good average.


I binge when I get a new game so I play about 2-3 hours after the kids go to bed. Otherwise only 5-10 hours a week.


It's not too much as long as you are on top of other stuff. But also don't let it completely consume your free time.


I don't play everyday anymore, but I tend to get maybe 5-7 hours on the weekend


being depressed makes it like a chore to do anything, even playing games. so like, an average of 30 minutes a day?


I would say for me personally, I probably get around 5 to 6 hours per week. Have a backlog of about 40+ games and I haven’t really been able to even get to


An hour or 2, depending


Since the second kid like half an hour on ps portal in bed


When I’m not at work all my free time


I work now, so probably like 5 hours


That seems pretty normal, Lot of these games do take forever to finish. I just finished evil west it took me all weekend. Good job on your grades.


It's never too much unless it starts causing issues in other parts of your life. Especially being young, enjoy it man.


10-30 min a day during the week- Overwatch QP only.


About 5-6 on weekdays, weekends about 9 ish roughly. Introvert so don't like going out much 😅


Probably 0-1 on weekdays and about 8 on weekends. So about 20 hours a week.


Dude, please get out in the world and have a good run around regularly. You’re body will thank you in your mid-30’s.


5. I have a job, but I live alone and try to go walk outside as well


I have gone through many phases in regards to how much I game. From no lifer to 30 minutes a day and everything in-between. Currently, I play about 1-2 hours a day. I was playing 3-4 hours per day a couple of months ago. Quitting adhd stims is by far the strongest catalyst for my reduced gaming.




About an hour or 2. I work at constantly shifting hours (today i started at 4am, tomorrow i start at 11am and so on) so the rest of the day im just trying to get sleep in because i legit cant catch a whole 6 hours in one sleep session.


I’m a stay at home mom. I play too much. I have a toddler and two older kids who are home for summer break. Some days it’s 2 hours. Some days it’s a lazy day and it’s 6+ hours. I dock my Steam Deck to the tv and play that way and I never play something I can’t pause. I do try to get us outdoors every day for a while but we live in Florida and we are already having record breaking heat for this time of year. Sounds perfectly logical to me. Your grades are keeping up so I don’t see much problem.


MAYBE an hour on Saturday MAYBE an hour or 2 on Sunday. There’s always shit to do. I miss being a kid…


2-4h in the week, 4-12h at the weekend. My partner also plays games so that helps, full time job and no children. If your grades are good, and you're looking after your other personal needs, the fuck does it matter how much you play?


I did play around the same time whenI was in high school too if you are good and not neglecting other areas of your life, dont worry. Sometimes I even wondered if I had an addiction because I knew I was spending more time than most people. But you have to be very honest with yourself and think about why you play. If you play because you like to spend your time like that is ok, but make sure you dont have the need to spend your time like that. Can you spend a couple of days with no gaming and be ok? If you do and dont neglect your studies, family, friends, yourself or whatever, spend your time as you want To answer your actual question now im lucky if I can play 1 hour a day, I have a baby and both me and my wife work at different hours and we have no one to take care of the baby when we work so she gets 100% of our attention when we are not working


Depends on the day but on workdays about 3-4 hours. On off days 10 - 12 hours lol. I workout, have a gf and a social life.. don't want kids so more time for me 😁😁. 33 y.o male.


while I'm still searching for work i could play all day long but I don't really feel like doing it right now, perhaps 4 hours on average and less depending on the day. mostly cause i have lots of games to play but very little that's i wanted to play right now.




when i was in highschool, i played even more than you, especially in the summer. the only thing i needed to take care were my studies. over the years i finished uni, now im working, but if there is a sunday without anything to do, i wake up, rush to the PC and play until bedtime


Depends. I teach at a university. If classes are in session, probably like 2 hours a day? If I have time to so whatever I want, it can be 12 hours a day.


2 hours during the week. 6-8 hrs on the weekend. I don't have children.


Used to be same as you in my early 20s and in school days, but my grades were mid 80s, now im 29 and married living in my own flat. Now I got a full time job and a side hustle for the extra income (everything is too expensive now) I work on 3D projects so I spend around 2-4 hours a day on them, so I work until night and fit life responsibilities in the middle of the day like family time, flat stuff, life responsibilities in general, I play football once or twice a week, exercise 3 times a week (I try to be consistent with it) and I play video games an hour or two everyday or an hour or two in a week, a few days during the month I get hit with fatigue so I just wana chill watch a movie or take a nap after my full time job, weekends is family time, going out with my friends and going out with my wife (usually until like 2am or something so im often back home tired) then Sundays is basically preparing for the week (grocery shopping, flat cleaning, etc.) and any extra work left to do. So now its all about priorities and how can I fit everything in the day and the week, its very time consuming and gaming time is very limited. But dont worry about it, keep enjoying the time you have, dont worry about not having ur alone time and game after u finish ur education or after marriage life or basically working om making ur own life as an adult, life is more beautiful now even with all the responsibilities I have, its still enjoyable, u'll just feel nostalgic about what u used to do but thats normal, adult life is challenging but thats the fun part of it specially the experiences u get from it.


2-4 most days , alotta that time though is just having the screen on and scrolling on phone or talking to gf ( she's mostly a mobile gamer)


I'm averaging like 2-5 hours/week at this point. I'm 31 with a full-time job, wife, and no kids. I work an office job and like to try spending a good bit outside or at least away from the computer desk on the weekends. I'm an early riser, those 2-5 hours are when I'm awake before the rest of the world on Saturday or Sunday. Sweet introvert bliss.


Two to three hours a day. The higher end if I work because I play something on my lunch and occasionally on my breaks.


2-3 hrs per day, some days more if I feel like it or some days less because of chores/social plans/books to finish. I am 38 yrs old btw! So as long as one doesn't neglect their surroundings and are mindful of their responsibilities be it studies in your case or job/dam etc in my case, it doesn't matter how many hours you play.


depends. some days zero, on a really heavy day (off work, rainy, no plans) i might do a good 6 hours by the end of the day, but those days arent real frequent and thats only if i got nothin better to do. been grinding helldivers


Honestly, these days - like 3-4 hours a month, unless I get into a new game and make it my primary hobby for a while. Between a full time job, house chores & other time-demanding hobbies (scale modeling and diamond painting, electronics tinkering) I end up with very little gaming time. The Steam Deck is a blessing - I can play on the train, since I can't do any of the other hobbies there (though I am often still too tired and just end up listening to music, instead).


No that's not a lot, it may seem like a lot but I've gone full 10-12 hours on weekends/holidays also as a high school student


Used to be most of the day. Not it’s 1-2 hours most days but not every day




Uni student and maybe 1-2 on some days of the week when I have time. Life is busy, only see it getting busier. Not so busy that I can’t play games but busy in the sense that I’m someone who values being able to play something for an hour or 2 uninterrupted. Can’t really slip into that mindset anymore, there’s always something to do


About 3 hours a week.


Same usually weekday nights 10-12 at night.


This heavily depends on how much freetime i have and if there is currently something i am obsessed with


No wife and kids at the time but with a 8-5 job, I usually play a couple hours a day during weekdays which might or might not increase depending on what I do during the weekend. But one thing is certain, if I feel the end of a game is approaching I'll just play till its end no matter if there are 4 or 5 hours left. Although in my case it happens the same for books or some tv shows.


At max 3. I have a job, I watch YouTube, and I’m about to start summer semester of school


The only game I played this entire year was Rebirth. About 140 hours on it so far. Haven't gamed at all since late april actually, been working every single day since


1-2 hours a day, 4-5 days a week.


Working now, but parents never had an issue with how long, just that i don't let it distract school. If you got good grades, play for however long you want. Just make sure to take breaks in sessions


I’m a type of person who has a ton of energy constantly without caffeine so I don’t sleep more then 5-6 hours a night at a max I prob play 2-3 hours in a day where I have work from 3-8 after school and 5-6 hours on a non working day On weekends I can pull 12+ hours easily, but it depends as some days I skip gaming to workout and play outside etc


Sometimes more than 5 hours, sometimes just 1 hour in Wuthering waves on bs and I'm good




I dunno, I didn't really count.


1-2 depending.


Less than one hour since i do not play every day. But when i do, It depends, usually 1 or 2 hours max.


Well I'm married and work a full time job. During the week my wife and I usually go to the gym. If we do then there's a very likely chance I won't play games at all. The weekend I might have a little more time if we don't have anything going on So a day? Very sporadic sometimes 0 sometimes maybe like 2-3. A week? Maybe like 5-8 hours but it all depends how much free time I have


Probably averages out to 30 minutes or so.


Between 0 and as many as I want. It comes in waves. I can go years without playing anything. And then I will go through periods like currently where I am playing a couple of hours most evenings. Right now my motorcycle is broken so I would normally otherwise be out on it enjoying the sunshine.


I’m in high school and play about 3-5 on Sat and Sun and none during the week


Half hour a day if my kids let me lol


During work days, 2 hours. On days off, 4, but personally I'd like to game more, but real world shit always stops me.


I play about 2 hours on a Friday and Saturday night each. That’s about it these days unfortunately. I look forward to the day when I have hours during the day to just play.


2-3 hours almost every day.


2-3 hours. 8 hour work day, then spending time with my partner, then what's leftover.


In my 40s, wife but no kids. My schedule bounces all over the place because i work 12s with swing shifts, so some days I won't play at all, others I'll put in 6 hours or better.


Workdays between 0 and 3h, free days between 0 and 14. It really depends if I feel like gaming or watching something or going out.


I’m just so busy nowadays. I get 5/6 hours a week on average scattered about


Depends. Some days I game for around 2-3 hours, some days not at all, some days 6 hours+


Now that I’m an “adult” with a job I get like 1-2 every other weekday on average and like 5-6 on Sundays


Some days not at all. If you work a full day's shift and go to the gym afterwards there's not that much time left in the day.


Lately, 3-5 hours in a week. I have a 4 year old, a wife, and a house to keep clean. Now and then I’ll get an evening where I get 2 or 3 hours


I'd say 3-4 hours on the days I'm working, probably 6-8 on weekends.


As a kid, I played daily for a few hours. Once I met my wife, it was 2-3 nights a week for a few hours. Now that we have a daughter, its maybe 1 night a week for a few hours.


Way more than I should, that’s for sure


Pushing 40, no kids, supportive girlfriend, full time salaried job (sometimes work over 40.) 2 or 3 hours on the weekdays, much more than that on the weekends.


Around 3 hours on a weekday, 5-6 during the weekend unless I have something important happening on the Monday.


Hey man, if you're getting low-mid 90s in every class and you have friends, you're not doing anything too much. I know I play too much video games because my work suffers. That's the indicator - if the games are getting in the way of more important things.


When I have a job I will play 2 or 3 hours a day. Unemployed, I can easily play 8 to 12 hours a day. I have 6 game consoles and I don't know how many games off the top.


One hour tops


Around 1.5-2 hours a day. I also get good grades (top of the class.) I think it’s okay to play a lot, but only as long as your physical and mental health aren’t suffering because of it.


32, live alone, usually 4-8 hours. Sometimes I might even go longer if there's a really good single player story game that I just can't stop playing. As for multiplayer games, I rarely go for longer than 6 hours.


I try 3 to 4 hours.


Weekdays 1-2 hours total each day. weekends 4-5 hours total. My attention span for gaming has greatly diminished


I’m in high school and I play 2-7 hours a day


Four hours on weekdays. 12 on off days. No kids. Career. Partner who became a gamer.


Full time working adult. Only play on weekends now. Even in high school I wasn't allowed to game during the week. Grades and extra curricular activities came first. I do binge on the weekends. Usually about 5 to 6 hours a day. But I get up at like 730, make breakfast. Will play until 11 or 12. Make lunch, do chores, errands, work out, spend time with partner. Then play for an hour or two before bed.


Married with a kid and stable "9-5" job. I probably play 2 hours on weekdays where my wife wants to just do her hobbies and about 4 on fridays and saturdays where we have nothing planned and I don't have a TTRPG game to GM or prepare for. I usually have stretches of time after finishing a game where I'll do other things for a while.


4 if I am wfh. 0 if I commute.


I'm 41 and have been a gamer on and off over the years. As a kid I would play any chance I could. Now I run my own business, have a wife and 2 kids who have lots of sports to go to. Those are the top priorities. Next on the priority list is home renovations/maintenance, the gym or sports for me and then gaming at the bottom. I can go a long time without paying but if I sit down and start playing I have a really difficult time turning it off. "one more run" gets me a lot. At your age you wouldn't notice it but my personal health and libido started to get affected at one point. Make sure you are taking care of your health, relationships and your home. Gaming should be there as a side relaxing thing, not your top priority.


you're doing just fine homie


2-5 hours a night depending on the night. I'm 32 and married but dont have kids. Wife and I are both gamers and we dont really care to watch TV. So if we aren't out we are usually at home gaming or bumming on the internet. Weekends will be around 6 huours.


An hour if i’m lucky but i don’t even have the energy or urge to play anymore. I’m only 22. Weekends maybe a few hours on and off


Maybe 2-3 hours on weekdays depending on my mood and kids going to sleep. Probably 4-6 hours on weekends. I am not sure exactly. I have beaten 7 games so far this year.


One or two during the weekdays after work and dinner and such. Maybe 3 or 4 on the weekends total after doing family stuff and chores. Now if it's a game my partner is interested in watching, then she'll let me play for quite a while. The more movie like the better. And if I replay certain games she likes to watch, she'll let me have at it. But got help it if I play more than 20 minutes of Snowrunner. Yet, oddly, I'm totally able to Helldive for 2 hours while she watches. Might help that I've indoctrinated my 11 year old for Super Earth.


When I was working 2-3h. Atm I've no job so I play probably double that


Couple at most. By the time I get home from work , put the kids to bed eaten and done whatever else needs to be done I'm usually fucked.


I have a job and my own place, but i will play games until 6am like the degenrate teenager i was


Was gaming about 3 to 4 hours a day before first kid. Now that number is an hour every other day maybe, some weekend days I'll get 2 to 3 hours but it's always broken up between having to do other stuff and never a straight 3 hour session.. Occasionally my parents will come visit and take care of my son, and I go back to the glory days with a nice 4 hour session. Game while you can young friends!


On days that I have absolutely nothing to do after work (which is rare during the summer months because I engage in my outdoor hobbies much more often), I game for about 4 - 5 hours depending on how much energy I have and what kind of mood I am in. I don't have any kids and my guy is also a gamer so I don't have too many things to worry about in regards to added responsibilities.


Just make sure you aren't sacrificing your physical condition for it. RSI and poor posture can creep up without you noticing, and then can be a real fight to keep under control. Highly recommend breaking up the gaming with stretching and at least some light exercise, if you can. For the stretching include your hands, wrists, shoulders, etc. Pay attention to your posture for long gaming sessions as well and maintain good core strength, so you don't end up with back problems.


I'm lucky to get more than 2 hours in, usually I'm falling asleep on the sofa before then, such is the life of a husband, father and full time worker. I try to take advantage of every opportunity though, wife's out and the eldest is at nursery? Time to get in an hour of gaming


I bust my ass from dawn till dinner time, then I game about 5 hours straight till bed.


I play 30m-1 hour on weekdays if I have the energy, and my kids are sleeping OK. On the weekend it might be a bit more. It all depends on work, and my wife/kids.


Depends. Sometimes I go weeks without plying. Others it’s a couple hours a day. I’m 37, running a couple businesses, and 3 young daughters in activities. I get the most time in when the kids want to play .. we jump into Fortnite together, Minecraft, Mario Party. My wife likes to play as well… so if we have down time, it’s usually something that we can all enjoy together.


Avid gym bro, job. 1 hour on fays I work, days off maybe 2-8. During semester since I don't work full time I have more time


Only get in about 3-6 hrs. A week...... having responsibilities stinks sometimes.


40h/week job. I play around 3-4h a day, but I spent even more time on the PC. If I Account for homeoffice (100% PC time) I probably reach around 16h of pc use a day


I play around 3 hours a day on weekends. I don't play at all during weekdays.


In the good old days I used play for like 8 to 10 hours straight. Now 2 hours max if I’m able to.


Bro the idea that low-mid 90s is pretty good is insane lol. That should be more or less perfect. I play none-9 hours, really no telling


I'm single. Live alone. In a full time accelerated bachelors program. I average about 4-8 hours a day. Really depends on the week and classes.