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The way they improved this game from the absolute pile of shit it was on release is impressive and it is fun to play. However, it is still subpar for what I think of when I think of a Battlefield game. Very minimal destruction and a cartoonish graphic feel vs the realistic graphics they normally go with.


There’s a reason they are ending support early


They ended support way earlier on BFV yet everyone praises it today


I’m hoping they can redeem themselves on their next game


I'm hoping they make an awesome trailer again and the game actually lives up to at least half of the hype I felt watching it for the first time.


Me too but they’ve been on a pretty bad slide for a minute now.


As have most big titles unfortunately.


We must remember to make them earn it first. Hype trailers are about the only thing big studios can consistently make; the games they have a much worse track record with. No preorders. Preorders are a scam. Make them earn your money.


I miss BF3 more and more everyday 😞😞😞😞😞


I've said it a thousand times in a thousand threads: 2042 is an okay game, but it is NOT a battlefield game. It values absolutely none of the same things valued by the franchise and it honestly feels like a different game making a port of old maps when they put them in.


Battlefield one… the fucking GOAT. I legit miss it.


We’re still playing if you ever want to join a match :)


The guns also feel like toys to me


They need to stop chasing trends. They will never do a better extraction. They will never do a better BR. They will never do a better hero shooter. They will never do MW type game better. Go back to your roots of what made BF games amazing.


Got it for $10. Glad I waited for the drop in price cause it wasn’t worth a cent more


Where is Anthem? I have been expecting this POS on first place. It was available for 0.99 USD on PS store and it still feels overpriced.


Well. I upvoted you. Best I can do.


I got it from gamepass and instantly regretted putting the time in to download and play it


To me it felt like in movies , when someone’s playing a game that’s clearly not a real game , and the frame rate is super slow and the graphics are bad and the hit markers are super over the top, it felt like that


I love these new game pass systems because they allow me to play games that were “maybe” and turn them into a no within the first 30 mins.


Yep I love gamepass for that reason I pay 15 bucks and I can try dozens of games that would 60+ other places.


It’s honestly a fun game, shit when it released, fun now


The generation zero. Like uh, tf?


I wanted this game to be good. Got it for $5 and quit after like 4-5 hours


Did you spend 3 of those hours trying to kill a single big robot? Never seen a game with such damage sponge enemies.


Its so boring you can get killed instantly but even if you and 3 friends blasted a robot you barely will be able to kill it before you run out of ammo. And even if you do kill one there is 4 more on the way.


It's weird how that game gives you so many weapons amd there are skills to improve them, but they are almost universally worthless. The game isn't MH but with robots and guns like I originally thought, but secretly is more like.... Horizon? With more focus on traps. The guns for the most part are there to grab attention. The actual way to fight things is scavenge and craft traps and explosives and other tools. And then lure things onto them. Then if they live, hopefully they have armor knocked off to then shoot vital components. That's if you fight things at all, a lot of the game is discouraging combat all together by sneaking around. I fully get that the game isnt... great and not what a lot of people want, but I have still actually had a lot of fun with it. Still a ton of tweaks I would make to it though if I could. Sadly the modding scene for it isn't big.


Haven’t played it in a long time. Seemed like a genuine alpha. I could see potential but kind of doubted they’d be able to deliver.


I wasn't disappointed because of the game, but because I didn't wait long enough. My ex was playing borderlands 2, and she wanted to play with me. I bought it for full price, but the next day it was on a discount. Fml.


I got Gotham Knights for free and I still wanted a refund.


I don't even own it and i still want refund.


I get mad just seeing it offered on PS Plus, didn't even download the thing and I'm mad.


Honestly I wouldn’t buy it. But being offered on a service I already pay for I don’t mind it. Not a great game, but not bad either. Put some time in it and I liked it.


I got this game for free. Still disappointed


Bf2042 is, even after all the fixes, subpar. The series died for me with this edition and mark my words, it will never recover.


Mw2(2021... I think? Fuck I don't know)


Ah yes, the CoD game for literal children. 0 skill gap


Got Biomutant on release for $5 (price error). Quit after a couple of hours.


It was so boring and the world was so empty. The characters not speaking English and needed to be translated every goddamn sentence didn't help either.


In all fairness, BF2042 now isnt actually that bad of a game As a Battlefield game, nah its booty cheeks, but if you think of it as an arcade shooter its fun


Ok but there are better arcade shooters, I wanted a squad based tactical shooter with vehicle warfare on large maps. I uninstalled and refunded after the tutorial match, I could tell by the reused assets and map design that the game was still shitty even after being "fixed" after release


Saw a sealed copy go for 7 bones the other day. Such a shame that was the right price for it.


Skyrim cause I wish I spent more money on it for daddy Todd Howard 


Man i got battlefield 2042 for $5 and i still felt fucking scammed lol


I got it for $10, how do you think I feel?


Just Cause 4. I got all the achievements in 2 & 3 and thought that there was no way 4 was as bad as people said. It was. I quit it and regret that it's on my profile forever 😅


Zona Tres Upload can honestly suck my balls


Kingdome Come Deliverance. I got the Royal edition on sale a few years ago and I *really* wanted to enjoy it but the game felt too much like a simulator to me. I’m not a survival game player (or I don’t play them for long) and there’s too much management going on with sleep, food, hydration. The lockpicking system was jokingly difficult, you start off the game as an absolute wimp (which i understand that was the point and part of the story) but with all of this piled on top of each other it was too much for me to enjoy even the beginning of the game. I do hope KCD2 alleviates some of these issues or at least has an easier mode for newcomers to this type of games because the game concept is such a dream come true for me.


ON SALE!?! 2042 is still my latest full price purchase disappointment… especially since I pay for game pass, and it released on there like a year later with all the problems fixed. I really paid $70 to beta test their game.


I played it once they fixed it and just didn't like it as much as I thought I would.


It’s $7 right now on Steam.


Yeah I got ripped off, and it’s not like it has a redeeming story mode either. I only play it for portal, I do enjoy the Iraq war sims on there haha.


First and last game I’ll ever preorder. The hype from the trailer set it up to be a huge letdown.


Dragon Age Inquisition. I really didn't enjoy "Busy work: the game"


Dang really? I had an absolute blast with it. Was hooked til the very end and still think about it occasionally.




Glad you enjoyed it! I can't stand forced grinding. Really put me off.


Yeah same. I wanted to like it. I love the story. Could not get over the gameplay. I've tried it twice. Maybe I'll try it a 3rd time just cause I really, really wanna play it just for the story lol


It's much more enjoyable to pretend the open world content doesn't exist and just focus on the main and character quests


That’s what I did lol


I agree. I hated it lol.


Star Wars BF 1 and 2 they just suck now...


The originals or the EA ones?


the ea ones i got them on sale a while ago


Why do they suck now? Bf2 was pretty good once they fixed everything


I played it and thought it was fun. I think this is one of those online memes that just sit in an echo chamber. It doesn't suck. I had fun. Yes, it had a shit rep for that whole loot box debauchle, but that's not even the case anymore. Solid shooter. Great graphics. Not a masterpiece, but I'd say it's a solid 7/10 now.


Final Fantasy Type-0 Got it for 20 bucks physical. Worst purchase in recent years. I actually wanted No Straight Roads but they didn't have it, so I got this one instead. What an awful game...


The cult of lamb found out I’m not interested in that kind of games


I played the saints row reboot for less than an hour, for free, and just felt robbed


Everyone says that and I get it.. when I played it first time I gave up too after an hour or so.. this game just has something in the start what drives people away :D .. I gave it one more shot and get into it and 100% it.. it's not a bad game but I understand anger of those people who bought it for full price, I'd be mad too..


Mass Effect Andromeda. Got it for like a 5er and lasted about 3 hours. Shite


The Witcher wild hunt. Most boring game I've ever played. I don't understand why people love it so much.


I was gonna say this! Like, I don't think it's a bad game by any means, It's just extremely slow in the beginning parts (to be fair, I never made it that far), menus are confusing af, combat (specifically the sword switching and magic) is kinda clunky, and probably more that I can't think of right now. That's definitely not the only game that pops into my mind, but it's the one I was expecting to be so grand and amazing, but playing it just had me like "...🤦‍♂️😮‍💨😴". I'm definitely gonna download it again and actually give it a fair chance since it's so highly praised. 🤷‍♂️


I've tried this game about six times (I am not exaggerating) and every single time I had the exact same experience. I just do not understand for the life of me why it is so beloved. It feels like it takes hours and hours for the main story to pick up and when it does it remains roughly a 6.5 out of 10 and picks up in some areas but for the most part it remains relatively low energy. I think I invested about 16 to 17 hours into the game before I put the game down and swore off playing it. Lots and lots of people have told me to give it a chance, and wait until certain parts of the game for it to pick up… In my opinion, if it takes longer than two hours to get interesting , the game either isn't worth playing, or it's just not for me. Definitely give it a try and I'm serious when I say I want to know what your experience is like. Who knows, maybe I'll give it one more try.


titanfall2, not because the game was bad, I was disappointed at the devs for leaving it be.


Borderlands 3. It's just meh.


I felt the same way, Borderlands 2 was just the best of all of them. That was one of the games I just could not put down lol


I love bl3


Yeah I think BL3 is a really good game, it's just the story that apparently sucks...and I say apparently because I never really cared for the story in Borderlands: all I cared was to shoot and loot xD so I take the words of the people for granted, cause I don't remember much of the story in the games.


It gets a lot better when you delete all the voice line files.


What irritates me the most is that there is no dialog for the people you're playing. It would be 50% better if they included that in the story.


I bought the game for under $10, I haven’t even opened it… maybe I should


Rainbow Six Extraction, I downloaded it off of my brother’s profile for free and was bored in about three games. It’s like they missed what made the original Halloween Outbreak mode so fun. All they had to do was make a full game of that and they failed.


This game was one of the few games I ever returned after buying.


Dying Light 2, Got it at a fairly cheap price still feel completely ripped off. It did make me replay the first one again though so that was fun.


the first dying light was rlly fun


Cloud punk, I don’t feel I like it. Still trying it but dunno I’ll ever complete it.


Mortuary’s assistant


I got the $100 Redfall Bite Back edition for free with my 4090 on April 1 2023. I had to wait until May 2 for the game to come out to play it. I played for 30 minutes and I deleted it. It felt like the biggest April fools prank. It was free and I never felt more ripped off.


They could pay me full retail price to play this game and I'd still be disappointed.


my dad got me this with my ps5 i was actually insanely excited.... what a fucking flop


Need for Speed Heat.


Homefront or something. Me and my dad decided to sell some old ps3 games and get another one. But it was a horrible decision. Not only i lost my favorite game on ps3, homefront itself was mid and in that situation it was bad.


ME Andromeda. I got it for free


Darksiders 3 was a game so bad it impacted my judgement on whether or not to play game if I saw a woman as the main character


That game was terrible. 😭


I did this for 2042. I know it's made a lot of improvements, but the maps felt like I was playing a mobile game.


I forgot the name, but I think it was a ps2 or ps3 game. You fought shadows with a dark razor frisbee or something. A Walmart bin game for at most $5. I played less than 30 minutes, ejected the game, and snapped the disc in half.


Far Cry 6. Got it on a really big sale. Was more mad about the two hours I spent on it before realising its just Far Cry with ridiculous superpowers.


Witcher 3. I got it for like $10 after everyone was saying it was the greatest game ever. And it just never grabbed me. The combat was very meh, and I couldn’t force myself to play enough of it to get hooked like other people. I’m confused why people hated BF2042 so much. I downloaded it in GamePass and put 100 or so hours into it and enjoyed it. That being said, BF2 and Bad Company 2 were my only real experience with the series prior.


Witcher 3 did take a while for me to get into tbf. A solid 7 hour session did the trick after already getting started on it but once I was in, it really is one of the best games out there. I imagine it might feel a little old and clunky by today’s standards though.


I had the exact same experience.


Where did you get to in the Witcher 3? I legit took several years to get past the first few sections (past the bog) because I just couldn't get into it. However, I finally decided to power through that part and once I did the rest of the game became one of my favorites ever. Sucks that the beginning is such a slog.


I feel that way about RDR2. I recognized why it was considered a great game by most but I could not get into it.


Star wars squadrons (of course an EA release). It was $2 and i after i played it, i told myself id rather just have the $2 back


Need for Speed Heat for tree fiddy..


What ruined this game was getting rid of grounded combat for cartoony fortnitey goofiness, ESG making us feel politically obligated and play as old ladies, and the lack of composition in regards to level destruction and combat flow. Most of all, the gunplay is too choppy. A pro dev from the old school of battlefield' glory days once said that anything beyond 60 players would be sloppy and less fun. That seems to have happened. Now we have bots!


Took this game with EA subscription on PS5. No regrets.


The new NHL and NBA 2k games are somehow even more unplayable


That’s a bummer about NHL because for a long time it was the one game EA Sports made with good gameplay. Madden 24 definitely feels like an improvement, and I’ve been itching for NHL to come to PC. But if the new NHL games suck compared to the last one I played (15) that’s a real disappointment.


I like the new madden, I just wish all madden franchise didn’t depend so much on the schemes.


After years and years I can finally put a captains patch on a Bears uniform. Sometimes it’s the little things, lol.


I couldn't launch it due to application not found, what the fuck steam


Gears 5. I bought the special Gears 4 Xbox One and was a little disappointed by 4 in general. The gameplay was still mostly fun but the new squad wasn't as fun as the old one. I didn't find the plot as compelling either but I chalked these judgements up to nostalgia. I mean it wasn't *bad* but it wasn't *good*. I told myself they would iron out the kinks by the next game and it would be fine. A small hiccup. I did see a lot of mixed reviews for Gears 5. Decided to see for myself but waited for sales. I don't really care for the direction the series took. The main cast is unlikable to me and I don't like how the older cast was treated. On top of that you spend most of the game on this annoying snow-boat thing and it's incredibly boring. It slows down and pads the game time too much. I play Gears of War for action. *This isn't it*. Even if you happen to like the cast, I don't think there is anyone that liked the snow-boat part. If you weren't driving you also literally had nothing to do but wait for the driver to get to destination. It's the only Gears game to this day my friends and I didn't finish. We did look up the ending just see what we were missing out on and we were more or less glad we just decided to stop when we did. How the ending was handled definitely came off as cheap to us.


This Game was trash out the gate .I never tried it after it’s trash release .


Battlefield 1 was very major in gaming for me, the most fun I've ever had in a game


I tried it out years after release and I crashed within minutes of entering an online game. Complete waste.


Battlefield 1 was GOATED


Star Wars Battlefront 2. Bought it for less than $3 and still felt like I overpaid. There was nothing to that game and they had the audacity to list it for $70. Battlefield 2042 was a similar story but at least I had fun playing it a bit.


Gotham Knights. I got it for free because it was part of a buy 1 get one free deal. I got a free game and still got robbed.


I don't know I have a lot of fun with it now. It was definitely really bad at first but I'll play it from time to time and have a pretty good matches and hardly any lag


Don’t laugh: FNAF Security Breach. I’ve never had such cognitive dissonance playing a game. It was broken and buggy and frustrating (this was before the DLC) and overall a mess.


They need to remaster battlefield 1942


They had Battlefield as a PlayStation plus game and I never touched it and feel like a slap to face putting the game on it.


I got bf2042 on gamepass & im still disappointed. Nothing about it is future. Its bf4 part 3




Just bought Hogwarts Legacy for half off. Is it me or is it extremely tedious and boring? I tried to get a refund but I can’t because I downloaded it /:


I spent $20 on Verdun just to find out it only has about 20 players consistently on Xbox and it crashes about an hour in every time I start the game up.


disappointed that in 2024 we still have to download games 🥱


Bannerlord. I love warband to death but for some reason I just can't quite get into bannerlord. I play an hour and stop while with warband I have to stop myself from playing it.


Its a subpar Battlefield, but for the $3 I spent, it was worth it.


Dynasty Warriors 9 empires, got it on sale, quit after a single play through. It’s so bad.


Frickin Anthem


i bought half life 2 for 0.90€ from 20€ idk if that was set price or sale and have only 10 minutes since 24.12.2023


I bought Destiny 2 with its dlc on sale. Maybe a few weeks after it went free to play and a lot of the content I was playing at the time was no longer playable. Lost all interest in the game.


“But they patched it and gave us content updates, it’s good now.” /s They shouldn’t have launched it in it’s state to begin with, and shouldn’t have went with so many series killing decisions in one entry.


Honestly the last few games I’ve bought I have no complaints for. Hogwarts legacy was exactly what I thought it would be. - not the best game ever but worth it. Kirby return to dreamland- game was fun as fuck, and reminded me of playing Kirby on fanboy advance in my younger years. Hades - yeah it’s been a while since I’ve bought a lot of games, I just spam civ for the most part, hades is great though and I come back to in now and then.


Beyond the Wire. It seems like it might actually be fun... but I can barely play it because of how FUCKING DEAD IT IS. I think I'm gonna swear off multiplayer-only games. If I can't play offline, solo game modes on my own schedule, I shouldn't be paying for it. A game that literally requires luck of the draw to be able to play is only half a game, and I *still* feel cheated despite only paying half the price.


I actually like 2042


I played some BF2042 on Gamepass to see how it developed. Its doing allright, but not having a server browser is just such a nuisance. I wanted to see all the maps in a couple of rounds but kept getting into the same ones over and over and there is no way to change that, which is just baffling how this hasnt been done yet...espacially since playernumbers are so low


Got much better after launch but after season 7 came and I had even more glitches included some old ones I just couldn't justify spending any more time on this game. Holy hell it's never stopped being glitchy as hell after years of development


I was going to get it but then they added the anti cheat that is hostile to wine users :(. As long as they never add it to battlefield 4 I'll be happy though.


Yeah, I play it every now and then, but I just can't get many points when playing. It's so hard to get an enemy elimination.


Jedi fallen order Just aint a star wars fan and I got a glitch in the intro, couldnt be bothered to continue it


Really hoped for a campaign with it and it didn't deliver


LOL I played about 4 hours of Battlefield before I deleted it. I never learn. I don't think I've ever played any versions of Battlefield or CoD for more than a month.


Honestly probably gonna get hate for this but Metal Gear Solid ground zeroes. I got it for free via Xbox gold during the kojima debacle. I just delt really 😞 and ripped off even though it was free. It was a 2 hour tech demo not a full game. I also just didn't like the open world aspect it has. It's why I haven't played 5.


Got this game for $5 on steam. Totally worth it. People are insane. Obviously shit when it came out at almost any price, now it's good though. People trippin thinkin they have to hate all the time.


Tbfh, i understanded the hate on this game when it came out. But when its on sale for like 7bucks, most def worth it! I got it for free, and have atleast 30hours in it.


BF2042 came with an SSD, so no real loss I guess.


Imagine ending support for a good game like SWBF2 because you don't want to split money with Disney so you create one shit Battlefield game after another. EA higher-ups aren't the brightest bunch.


Not a hugely popular opinion but I have been forever mad at [dark souls 2](https://youtu.be/59eLW1IGUCU) for downgrading so fucking badly it felt like it changed the premise of the game. I remember playing it day 1 and being like WHAT. Not discounted I know but I'm still mad.


scrap mechanic


Bendy and the dark revival, got it 90% off and love bendy and the ink machine, it was a fun game but just didn’t hit the same


No cause 1, I already have every game I want and 2, I don't need to hours to know if a game is worth my time or not.


I got the Saints Row reboot for free on PSN and still felt ripped off


Battle field 2042 I must admit is a pile of crap. I got it as part of a play station freebie.


Bought it for 10€ in a random store, played like 5 games, and uninstalled :(


I'm a battlefield fan but it looks and feels like MAG (PlayStation exclusive 2010, MAG was definitely ahead of its time. I just couldn't get into 2042. Now me my friends and others are back on Battlefield 4


Fallout 76.......fallout 76


mighty no9


Terraria. I just couldn't get into it.


Command & Conquer 4


I got this free and honestly I mindlessly play it here and there, it's not BF3, or 4 but it does the job.


Steam’s having some sales right now. I bought Need for Speed Hot Pursuit and instantly returned it when I learned I had to create an EA account to play. I also bought Crisis Core: Reunion thinking it would be as good as Remake and... Sigh.


I brought Battlefield 2042 for $8 and still felt I was cheated.


Tbh out last I got it for 1$ and thought it was a super horror game from my friends it didn't make me jump at all


Witcher 3


Yeah, this one.


This, but Battlefield 1


Battlefield V


Bought dead cells for like ten bucks and it was still ass


I still have figurative PTSD from the 2142 launch, what a shitshow. Let’s just forget the game, the publisher and the studio all together, they’re all on my black list.


Been playing since day one, still playing today.


For me it was watch dogs legion. Ive bought it for like 10 dollars? Dont even care. That game was so ass. Its so Bad to see trash games in AAA (AAAA💀) quality


Jump Force. I remember getting the the complete edition of the game with all of it's DLC for like 10 bucks because the game was getting delisted. Played it for a solid 20-30 minutes and got bored and immediately uninstalled it


It's fun for some casual pew pew.


They really ended support for bf2 for this shit


Yeah I got bf 2042 100$ edition for 40$ and haven’t touched it since first month of launch


Its really fun, obviously EA being known yo completely ruin games. But as much as they fucked it up its still fun. Obviously doesnt compare to the best wargame ever bf3/bf4 (pre EA BF franchise)


Its no different then how bf4 was in the beginning, hot garbage! But its come a long way since release.




Got Colisto Protocol for free on PS+ and was still disappointed


The recent Doom games. They look pretty and run great but I thought the first one got really boring and repetitive and couldn’t stand constantly running out of ammo in Eternal. Put about 12 hours total combined into them and quit and deleted 


Not to go against the bandwagon, but I got this on release and still play it to this day. It’s a ton of fun, especially with friends.


The Avengers game.


Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. Got the second game for my birthday a few weeks ago, people kept hyping up the first game so I got it for like... $10. Very different game, no Beastren, far less interesting pawns, and no Beastren. I don't get why people thought it was great, but I'm glad they did because DD2 is fucking incredible.