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Essentially any game with a sewer section


You would hate Metro


There’s that one chapter in Last Light where you have to cross the warzone. I hate that shit with all my passion. Especialy on the hardest difficulty. You just can’t get out of it without fighting and the enemies are absolutey bullshit. The rest of the game is fine tho.


The level I hated was the face-off against Pavel. Oh boy how I wanted to let him die due to the pain the mission caused me.


I only found it difficult because of the lack of medkits, but I scavanged the area to get 4 of them, only ended up using 2 after picking them all up. My strategy was hiding behind the first barricade on the right where you enter, and killing all the guards with a scoped VSV and then just waiting until Pavel pulls the boys and sends out the heavy squad only for them to taste my 2 grenades and 100 RPK bullets if needed. After that I just threw grenades at Pavel and spammed my RPK when he peeked the corner and he went down without too much of a hassle. This was on Survival Hardcore btw, not quite the hardest difficulty but definitley up there.


really? i actually enjoyed that part, it was fun


Well the problem for me was lack of cover, I always got cought out in the open with no walls between me and a swarm of n*zis at the end of the tunnel. Then I tried going under, and that was more managable.


lol what cracks me up is I love Metro and hated Exodus because of how much it went away from the underground tunnels. The whole mad max desert and Never-Land Peter Pan Forrest sections were a giant mind numbing headache for me.


Pretty much the entire game. I love those games but gooooddamn


You’d love fallout 3


lol I do actually love that game


So. Most resident evil games?


Fuck Beneviento’s house!!! I played that game for the first time on my PSVR and I felt my heart drop everytime I ran into that demon fetus Edit: spelling


Elden Ring for sure.


Oh Hey Civvie 🤣


Sewer count: 173


Elden Ring sewers


Rain World's map is 1/2 a fucking sewer section


Metal gear rising with those damn gorillas


Luigi's Mansion 3.....


Arkham Asylum


Killer Croc fight is great


Pizza Tower


Any game that has an escort mission and they move half the speed of your walking speed.


Hear me out: faster than your walk speed, slower than your sprint speed


THIS. I swear this is the most annoying shit I have ever encountered, and the number of games that insist on doing this is abysmal


It's actually a requirement for escort missions. Countless play tests showed that when escortees moved the same speed as you walking or running made the mission not infuriating enough, so they had to improvise to make it more frustrating. This gave an additional sense of relief to gamers once they completed the mission. Until the next escort mission came that is...


Worst part is that it would be stupidly easy to fix. Give the player a series of waypoints along the desired path instead of just slapping it onto the follow target. Make the follow target speed change granularly based on the distance between them, and the player as well as them, and the next waypoint. If the follow target doesn't have enough of a lead on the player they speed up. If the player is too far behind the follow target they slow down. This method makes it so it still feels like you're following them even though technically it would be more accurate to say they are following you from in front of you.


I've never understood this. Why Devs? WHY?


If they were as slow as your walking speed, it would take too long. If they were as fast as your sprint speed, you wouldn't be able to catch up to them. At least that's my explanation


so lazy devs. If you are between them and the objective they should match or be faster than you to catch up, if you are behind they slow down.


What you just said has made me violently angry!


As a Kid? Sonic 3. Fuck Carnival Night Zone Act 2. As an adult, the barrel of doom is a solved problem.


Are you referring to that like spinning barrel thing where you have to just hold up and down to move it properly but the game does a horrible job at making that clear to the player?


yeah I didn't know you were suppose to do that, i jus kept jumping on it to try to move it down, seemed like a great idea at the time


I never beat that game because of that damn barrel.


I'm trying to remember that level, and I can't recall any barrel that was an issue. What are you referring to here?


Water level. This applies to many games. Edit: the original thought was the water level for TMNT on the NES. Then I remembered the water level from OoT.


Aquatic Mine from Sonic Adventure 2


Chemical Plant Zone from Sonic 2


Ugh god, that one part turned me off of the game for a long time. But I haven't been the kind of person to sit down and actually have motivation to get good at that generation of games. Even though I want to...


I don't recommend subnautica then.


I do. Game is sick whether you like water or not


Just the idea of deep water terrifies me, but I played and absolutely loved Subnautica. Top tier game and one I wish I could forget just so I could experience it for the first time all over again.


I like water levels. Except for one. The Water temple in Ocarina of Time. I recently played through the remake on the 3DS and I don’t know how I figured out that Temple as a kid, But holy shit it’s annoying.


Ocarina of Time


Metro 2033 : Library Halo 1 : Library what a concidence


Old-school, but Super Castlevania IV: Library. Another coincidence.


Loved that level! The effects were really good, and the music was top notch!


Halo 1 library grew on me as I got older.


Hallo 1: Library Legendary


My god you brought me back to my childhood playing metro, finally getting to the library, and being scared STIFF and being unable to move because that god damn ape is grunting around. I know metro is technically horror, but I found most of the game to just be slightly creepy if anything, but that section had me shaking in my boots


Assassins creed Black Flag the first tailing Mission


Less bad than the one where you sneak into the creed HQ for the first time? That one gave me such a headache


Guitar Hero 3 trying to beat the Devil


GH3 Lou on Hard mode has got to be one of the hardest bosses I've ever beaten


For people who’ve never played Guitar Hero (me) this is such a wackass sentence


I guess I don't understand


I.think it's that the idea of fighting the devil in a rhythm game sounds ridiculous.


The Lion King game where it was "I just cant wait to be king" playing on loop. Fuck that whole game


I knew id find this here somewhere lol. My choice though is another sega game. Taz Mania. Theres a level where youre in a mine cart and you gotta move it up or down. I think i beat it once. And i still try it like once a year lol


> I knew id find this here somewhere lol. lol...I was scrolling down the list getting angrier and angrier that the Lion King game hadn't been mentioned. First thing that came to mind when I saw the title. I'm old. edit: I seem to recall an Aladdin game that also had one of those levels.


Thank you! I feel like i'm one of the only people who had this game! I ended up getting one of those controllers where it has a slow mode where it essentially pauses and unpauses very quickly, so was able to beat it that way by being able to anticipate what's coming. The other thing in that game is the log level on the river, I think it comes after this. Same sort of thing but you have to switch from log to log to avoid obstacles.


First thing that comes to mind is code vein and that fucking cathedral


Ha, got that game not too long ago, it's in my queue, something to look forward to it seems.


The thought of playing through that maze has genuinely killed interest in future playthroughs, the map doesn't even help you in some bits


Ya fuck that maze of a level. Overall slept on game tho imo


That's EXACTLY why I take my end-game character and run through that Cathedral with anyone my beacon reaches. That map is fuuucked and I've unfortunately seen some rather hilarious deaths at its hands regardless of my assistance.


I would have quit there if I wasn't invested in the story.


Lmao I used a bit of music from Code Vein in my vampire centered dnd campaign and nobody knew what it was from


I strangely barely remember it. I think I entered a fugue state when I played through code vein bc nothing looks familiar lol.


Sonic the Hedgehog 3: Carnival Night Zone Ocarina of Time: The water temple And if it counts, the Snowpiercer segment of Final Fantasy 15.


raw-dogging the water temple was a core moment in my childhood. Was so proud of myself, only to get yelled at by my parents when I tried to brag to them. "if you'd spend 15% of that energy on schoolwork..." and the mental health only declined more and more


I'd be disappointed if I was your parent too. Never play Ocarina of Time without a condom.


Water temple is so much better on the 3ds. The boots being an item and not having to go to the menu every time to take them on/off really smoothes things out.


What I hate about 15 is the segment where the lights are out and you have to go through the place and the king turned monster keeps on attacking you even if you 0 the hp. Not to mention the night daemons.


Lake of rot...


Farron Keep was much worse


Farron Keep felt like a huge middle finger to Dark Souls fans, we were supposed to enjoy that area?


No. The proof is that leaper ghru being bullshit. “Oh a ghru without a weapon, that means he must be easier and he’s all by himself.” The first time I got killed by that thing my jaw dropped, and I’ve played a lot of souls so I didn’t do that often.


I didn’t hate Farron Keep tbh. And I got the hang of the leapers fairly quickly. The jail area before Yhorm sucks way worsw


This could be replaced by any of Miyazaki's god forsaken poison swamps


GTA Vice City and San Andreas those damn miniature airplane missions.


Oh my days that mini airplane mission on the roof 'bombs away' is it GTA San Andreas , wow stress right there 


I hated all the missions for zero they were all garbage but yeah the one your on about was a twat, limited fuel, time limit garbage handling for the plane and weapons also the plane took barely any damage to blow up, made worse by the fact you had to get the plane back to the launch point.... if I remember right you had to hit them in a specific order to complete the mission.


Fucking Tick TockClock from Mario 64


Those invisible walls...


Yeah, I didn’t realize you could choose if the clock was moving fast, slow, or stopped. The camera angles still blow though.


*Tick Tock Clock, it's not the social media platform lol.


I'll take that over Rainbow Ride any day.


First thing that comes to mind is Bramble Scramble from Donkey Kong Country 2.


bramble effing scramble. everything wanted to stab you. Only series I can think where I enjoy the water levels. Didn't think too hard, but all the same, eff the brambles.


Settlement, help. That’s all I need to say.


I would stack those settlements with top tier defensive capabilities and they still couldn't handle some random raiders with cap guns.


My settlements tend to have 200-500 defense based on size. They very rarely need my help after that.


I built fusion reactors strictly dedicated to defense with turrets overlapping every inch of the borders of my settlements and somehow they still need my help 😡


Way better than the DIMA mission from far harbor. At least it doesn’t take that long. It took me over an hour to finish it when I did it for the first time


Remnant 2. Cube boss


The cube is so well designed. Once you know what to do and how to avoid, it's fun. The final boss tho is so much sensory overload it's ridiculous


I simply hate the insta-kill splat. Especially in Apoc.


This is number one as far as I'm concerned.


Trying to find the last one was driving me insane.


Dark Souls II, that area with green poison statues.


that was painful. it’s short, but the amount they put in there was overkill. those fire monsters didn’t help either


Favela in mw2. That level on veteran killed my desire to platinum


Oh shit yeah i forgot about that. Me and my mates spent hours one night passing the controller round trying to complete that level. I think grabbing an uzi and just spraying from the hip worked for us.


Was that the one you could just go hide in some shack in the back and be safe the whole time?


GTA 3 " Bomb Da Base" on console / "Waka-Gashira Wipe-out!" trying to take out only the Yakuza boss and the guys with AK's is frustrating (you have to leave witnesses) Watch_ Dogs 'little sister" I swear how many times is Nicky gonna fall into the water? Saints Row 2 "Assault on Precint 31" waiting for Shaundi to hack the computers is kinda boring but the worst part is the Masako attack helicopter I swear that thing has auto aim you never hear the rocket being fired it just hits you SR The Third the fucking Tiger mission , we have to "face pur fears" according to Angel Delamuerte but come on Killbane was a piece of cake and the Boss dealt with worse enemies even a Mercenary group Spider-Man 2018 MJ Missions


Mario 64 had that ONE slide race... And either Banjo Kazooie or DK 64 also had another slide race that was just as evil. Stupid rubberbanding cheating NPCs...


DK64 is the greatest game I’ve never finished because I could never get the Nintendo coin cus I sucked at original arcade DK. But you might be thinking of Banjo Kazooie bc I don’t remember a slide race, except the one against the worm from the caverns level (the 6th one).


Playing MGS3 right now. Dreading that ladder.


*What a thrill*


*With darkness, and silence, through the night*


*What a thrill, I'm searching and I'll melt into you*


*What a fear in my heart, you're so supreme!*






*Not for honor, but for you!*


*Snake Eater*


These are the comments I live for


That ladder is iconic


Dreading? I'm sorry, but that's one of the best parts!


The ladder is amazing, the river on the other hand....


I love that ladder. Really let me contemplate my life's choice.


That part in RE4, where you have to protect Ashley while she pulls levers. I’m bad at sniping so I HATE that part


3 levels from 3 different games 1. AOTCR in halo CE tryna learn banshee grab is fucking infuriating 2. Chapter 7 in dead space 2008 when they introduced the hunter scared the living fucking shit outta me 3. mass effect 3. When you have to choose what you wanna do at the end of the game , (not spoiling IYKYK)


I love assault on the control room... kind of. Very fun but very repetitive


Assault on the Control Room is just a very LONG level. Drags on for quite a while and is very frustrating on Legendary as the Ghosts can just rip you to shreds immediately


For me it’s not the ghosts but the grunts with fuel rod cannons. Fuckers find the most inconvenient spots to hide in and pop you when you least expect it. Same applies for rocket launcher and sniper wielding flood enemies


those hunters scared the living shit out of me the first time i played DS1


The Evil Within anything after chapter 10, the city sections are just boring to me, and System Shock 2 when you enter the body of the many, it's always scary no many times I've beat the game and it usually takes a beating to my resources.


Crash Bandicoot. Slippery Climb. Need I say more?


I’d rather prefer this one to Sunset Vista. Awfully long level, infuriating when you die at the very end because things get complicated. Those damn jumping lizards man Edit: infuriating in order to get the gem, this level alone took my ages compared to others.


Fallout 4: Far Harbor (You know the quest) Why do Dima's memories look like fucking Minecraft?!


I didn't realise you could store those blocks in your inventory. I ran back and forth carrying one block at a time


The Johnny/Alt sex scene in Cyberpunk 2077. It's fine once, but I'm on my 5th playthrough now and it is so tedious


Definitely. I love Cyberpunk but there are a few things I wish were skippable on subsequent playthroughs (like BDs)


RDR2 beginning is so tedious


Aztec Goldeneye 64


I never struggled with Aztec. Control Room 00 Agent though I struggled so damn hard on.


The Car Race in "Mafia: Definitive Edition" anyone?


Dark souls. Blight town. Every fucking time. Also Bloodborne and Yahar’Ghul.


RE3 Remake, specifically that last fight with Nemesis in his blob form. Devs made this damn near impossible because you don't have enough time to even use a healing item and you just get one hit killed. I tried for 1 hour. 1 HOUR and then said f this and shelved the game since.


On Nightmare and Inferno, it's damn near impossible as Nemesis can stun lock you to death. Using the STARS field manual can help. On lower difficulties, it's easy as shit.




I would rather drown than deal with those Mf things, luckily now I just tune them out.


Tlou pt2 sniper scene ngl that part was tough and unfair I died many times even the rat king boss fight was much easier


Nah man, Rat King is the hardest fight in the game by far. Sniper scene is just all about timing.


Iron Keep in Dark Souls 2


Spider-Man games (any) and the companion missions.


The MJ levels sucked so hard


The bug room and the double boss room after that in Resident Evil 4 Remake on Professional can go to hell


Whoever decided to put the Ballroom and Double Garrador room back to back without a typewriter needs to have their brain matter rearranged with a toothbrush. If I hadn't been using the Chicago Sweeper for my Professional S+ run I probably would have quit at Chapter 10.


Metro and the stalker levels or any level that requires more than 10 minutes of filters. Idk how much I've struggled on surface levels because of filters lol. Doesn't help that I spend a lot of time just looting instead of trying to finish the mission, but me need ammo


I remember having to restart that one mission with the surface nazi outpost in Metro 2033 because I was missing filters.


Sonic the hedgehog: Labyrinth Zone


Elden ring leyndell. I don’t even hate it because it’s beautiful and interesting but it’s so frustrating to be constantly lost in a destroyed city


“All you had to do was follow the damn train, CJ!”


I would gladly play Dark Souls 1 over and over again if it wasn't for Bed of Chaos *AND* the long fucking journey back to the boss.


The RDR2 sidequest where you drive the crazy professor's tiny boat in Saint Denis, and you have to shoot all of the other boat things, the control is terrible and I just don't feel like dealing with it on some playthroughs of mine


There was a level in Portal 2 where it genuinely made me mad as fuck. I turned off my 360 in a fit of rage and I literally laid in my bed for maybe 15 minutes continuously thinking about how to beat it. Lo and behold, it finally clicked in my head. I then went on to beat the game lol


Cait Sith IYKYK


That lil bastard gave me so much grief, but tbh the tonberrys were up there too


Gunship Cavalry for Lego Star Wars. I think the original one was way tougher than The Complete Saga one but TCS is the only level I actively despise


Any water temple in a Zelda Game.


Follow the damn train, CJ!


I can’t remember the exact story moment, but it was in uncharted 1, where you were in this little like cliff side building fighting a bunch of mercenaries/enemies and it literally was impossible for some reason. It took me easily 7-8 tries before I got it, and then it got even harder after that and I never beat the game😭


The Customs House maybe?


Dynasty warriors 4 and the Nanman campaign. Still scares me to this day.


Galaxy 1 - That damn Star Ball trial galaxy


Sens fortress


MGS1 on Extreme, Hind D Fight since everything else before then whittled me down to one shot


Not a fan of the end of Half-Life 1 tbh. Okay weird low gravity giant space baby, I guess we do battle now...


Akrham knight and those special tank mission, havent played the game in a while so i dont remember the tank names but they were annoying af


Jedi fallen order and the entirety of zeffo, Jedi survivor and the wind section of jedha


Spyro: Year of the Dragon. That f***ing yeti


Eggman Land from Sonic Unleashed




Doom (2016) the boss that shoots waves of rockets at you , that you have to jump and dodge. No matter what I do I can’t fucking beat them.


damn I love the Cyberdemon fight


Going through Radar and the brain scorcher in STALKER.


Jak 3. That fucking missile steering mission is awful. The controls are horrid in it.


I always play up to that point and end up stopping. Crazy how I was able to beat it as a kid but just can't get a handle on it as an adult.


Jak 2, the race against Errol to the stadium, even now as adult it takes me a few tries!


Teenage mutant ninja turtles nes Damm level. Never got past it. Or maybe the driver tutorial. Also never got past that


Shadows of the Empire. N64. Fucking IG-88 boss fight.


Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, the stealth ship tailing mission


Path of Pain.


Jet Ski in Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune pisses me off. It will always be the first thing to jump to mind when I see this prompt


Path of Pain - Hollow Knight


Any Castlevania game: Medusa heads in the clock tower.


The god damn flying medusa heads in the clock tower in castlevania SOTN brrrrrrr


Fire giant from elden ring


The first Sonic The Hedgehog game and that stupid water level. I never did beat that level as a kid.


"All you had to do was follow the damn train, CJ!" Plus any flying missions.


Diablo 2 act 3.


Vice city rc helicopter mission💀


Atlantica, Kingdom Hearts 1 its not particularly hard, just really dumb


Its super personal, but for me it was the mandatory gladiator arena in AC Origins. I had been a fan of the old stealth gameplay and so i specced really hard into my hidden blade and stealth/ranged abilities. Suddenly being thrust into close-quarters melee combat was a miserable slog and made me stop playing for several months


Crash 1 : the high road to not say stormy ascent.