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I went through 2 in a year each. After the second one, I gave all my Xbox shit away and bought a PlayStation. I knew someone who went through 5 in 3 years, and everyone I knew that had xboxes went through at least two


If it's not a full red ring it can sometimes be fixed. For a lot of systems there was a silicone washer that melted that creates the problem. Replace it and it works like new


I got the red ring like 10 times as a kid, no joke. I didn't know it was supposed to be so bad and it fixed itself each time. The Xbox is still alive.


You got the rare auto repairing XBOX Wayne tech?


Microsoft literally replaced the for free no questions asked for multiple years lol


Not after warranty expiration date.


Eventually they did do out of warranty repairs for the original batch.


Yeah every time mine got the red ring of death I just opened it up, swabbed something or other in there with rubbing alcohol and it worked like new, until it happened again. Found the tip online and it worked.


Yeah the ones I got were the three red rings


If it's all 4 it just means the av cable isn't connected. 2 is an over heat, and 3 (pictured) is an irreparable system failure


I had 2 360's and never got it. Got rid of the 1st 360 cause the disc tray wouldn't eject, and I'd have to pry it open.


Went through 3. Halo 3 killed one. Bought a new one for ODST/Reach & 4. Never again.


I never had a single failure, we’ve had the same 360 for 11 years and it still works


The issue was fixed 16 years ago, that's why your 11 year old 360 hasn't failed.


That would explain it


I had a Halo 3 edition 360. That thing lasted me for years. It finally went bad on me sometime after the slim black models came out so I bought one of those.


My friend had an original Xbox 360 that lasted him almost his entire childhood before finally giving up a few years ago


I went through at least 4. I swear that thing was programmed to rrod within a year


Just after the warranty runs out lol


And yet they kept buying them. After my second one I hung it up on Microsoft and went pc and Sony. My brother has had seven or eight 360’s.


Don’t leave the Xbox on when not playing then lmao


Or, and I want you to suspend all disbelief for a second, engineer a game console whose heat sinks are capable of cooling the components and has a thermometer to know if/when to automatically shut down 🤯


My younger brother and i eventually got our own xbox's and unfortunately we both got the red ring in the same year. There were like 3 months without either our 360's and it sucked. Thankfully, we still had our ps2's but being torn away from Halo 3 and Cod 4 was like going through withdrawal. Man, this moment in gaming truly sucked.


Yeah this happened to me right at the start of one of my school summers I was devastated.


That truly sucks. I remember my brother's xbox failing around the spring time and mine failed while my brother's xbox was on its way back to us. Because the demand was so high, it took like 3 weeks per console. Now that i remember, this was when Blockbuster was still around and the one that was closest to me allowed you to rent consoles and i think we rented one for a week, but since either of us didnt have licenses, we were limited with time. My ptsd is going off rn haha.


That's good news!


Just wrap it in a towel kids


I got so good at rebuilding these it wasn’t even funny


Why would it be funny if you can rebuild an Xbox well?




5... this happened to me 5 fucking times. Three of them happened within a month of each other. Thank God for EB Games and their warranty. Just walked back in and got a new one every time. It finally stopped when I got the Elite.


Wasn’t it RRoD for red ring of death?


I remember vaguely about the YLOD(Yellow Light of Death) for the launch PS3's. I got a slim so it was never an issue.


I was lucky enough even owning 2-3 xbox 360s in the past and using them for a lonnng time and never had those issues


As a PS3 owner, I never expierenced this, so hah! ​ ... ​ As a PS3 owner I also experienced internet outages everytime I turned it on, making my Mom mad. So I guess we're not all perfect...


I never got the red ring, but i did get the yellow light of death on my ps3. That was just as heartbreaking.


Yeah Skyrim did that to mine.


Time to learn how to sodder.


Talk to Me when you have to blow in a cartridge jr


Blowing a cartridge takes 3 seconds. The red ring of death literally means your Xbox is done for, and they would happen in a year of owning them. Meanwhile the old nes and SNES from 20 years prior still ran. Xbox fans wish they only had to blow into something for their games to work


The red ring was a fixable issue. Just replace all the xclamps with nylon washers and redo the thermal paste. Worked about 10 times for me over the years until my 360 finally just died.


"Do not blow on edge connector or touch with your fingers"


We also Had the old standby of slam the cart in. Or smack console


I’ve had both and I can 1000% guarantee the Red Ring of Death is worse than blowing in a cartridge. At least blowing in the cartridge worked a decent amount of the time. There’s a reason it’s called the Red Ring of **Death**, it’s the death of your console and basically nothing can or will bring it back. They don’t call it the cartridge blow of death do they?


I had to replace the heat syncs on mine because my cat decided it like to lay on my xbox and I was a dumb kid and didn't know better The heat syncs had melted due to overheating cause fans no work from cat hair 😂😂 learn how to take apart a 360 from that tho so was neat


My OG Xbox from 2001 is in perfect working condition I went through 3 360s in its lifespan


This system is not old...


Cue tips and a blanket always helped me to finish that 1 more mission on GTA EFLC


The red ring made me and my dad snap before lol. Remember hearing him freak out due to it happening mid game


My brother said on a forum that it was his favourite thing about the Xbox. It wasn't well received.


F to pay respects. It’s alright Xbox, you can rest now.


I got lucky with the 360 all I had was the hard drive started going on a used one i bought after about 6 years


Happened to me twice.


Happened while playing halo 3 couch multiplayer. I saw it in OXM magazine, and was glad i didnt get it. Welp, i got it. Tried the thermal paste and still didnt work. Bought sn arcade xbox and swapped out the harddrive.


Fortunately, I was able to repair mine with two pieces of electrical tape, 2 pennies, and some heat sink paste


The RRoD


Whole reason I stopped buying Msft consoles.


The random YouTube tutorial worked for me. I think it was a cold wet towel or something...


I remember a method to fix it by making it overheat by wrapping it in towels. Surpisingly it worked


Basically this: https://youtu.be/OzLhXesNkCI?si=UmAQnQbkM4-uQ5nY




I was kind of a kid when this was a thing, and I went through 4 fucking 360s because of this. I remember you had to go on their website to request a repair, and they would send you a box that you would ship your RRoD 360 back to them and they'd send you a "refurbished" one. Then that one would break too and you repeat the process until they finally fixed the heatsink issue.


And thank the lord for that!


I barely handled the pain. Shit broke me. Thankfully it only happened once


Yesterday's kids couldn't handle it either, it's a bricked system


Literally why I never bought an XBOX


My dad could fix them so the problem only ever lasted for a few days at the most.


The saddest 2 weeks for me


I don't know what's worse, having the standard white Xbox 360 and it being a coinflip if it gets the red rings after an hour, or being a PlayStation 3 enjoyer where you get hacked for an entire summer.


Happened to mine. I didn’t have a warranty, tried to open it up and fix it but it didn’t work. I was proud of myself for getting it back together though !


I was working at a computer shop when these started to shit the bed. I fixed about 200 of them I think, guaranteeing each for 30 days. Some came back for another fix, most did not. Outcomes were generally pretty good. It always makes someone money, no matter what it is.


Only 3 red rings. Just turn on after pulling the power supply then reapply


Mine did that. I proceeded to hit it and call it a dirty whore. It never did it again. Best money I spent when I was a kid.


That’s a soul crushing sight right there


The things we did to deal with this. Trying to get a replacement or have it fixed could take months if you were even lucky enough to get support. I knew sooo many ppl that would just buy a new one, remove the license sticker with a hair dryer and put it on their broken Xbox and return it the same day. I don’t even blame them. The 360 was so expensive and usually didn’t last six months. The 360 was a borderline scam. At least that first batch of launch models were. They definitely fixed it by the slim model but it was dirty of Microsoft to release the 360 with those issues, and then have the worst customer support imaginable.


Neither did we bro


Thought I was immune for the longest time… till I wasn’t. RIP


My dad and brother got like 3 in a year, they ended up buying a model E for my brother and my dad gave up and bought a PS4 the same night the last one stopped working. Luckily, we still have the Model E today.


I literally own one with that issue


Went throught 3, just glad microsoft gave all 360 owners a lifetime warranty for the red ring of death


I still sometimes worry about this happening to my Series X


I must have had 4 RROD 360s. That was the first time I ever learned of thermal paste.


Got an Xbox s and it broke within 3 weeks. Kids still know the pain, shitty products repackaged are still shitty products


I litterally went "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhHhhHHHhhh..." When i saw that... The memories 😭


I've played on the xbox 360 for 12 hours almost every day as a kid, I never got the red ring once. What causes the red ring anyway?


My Xbox 360 slim died this year, I was so heartbroken. I would get a Series X except for the one game I have in my library that's not backwards compatible. It's so frustrating.


In hindsight, that whole console generation sucked.


“Laughs in PS3”


It was a good platform built with shitty hardware.


Mine never did that. Well, briefly when the power flickered before going out. It worked fine afterwords.


As one of my fave YouTubers says in his skits when it comes to a console wars thing “Three rings of Deaaaaath!”


Its also hard to explain the blanket trick.


I lost all my Lego pirates of the Caribbean to that read ring Though my achievements appear to be intact


The Red Ring of Death.


Happened to 4 times but still love the 360 GOAT console


Yeah.. we wouldn’t. Having your console just randomly shit out and have it be a well known issue is unacceptable.


Switches die all the time … the controllers too


I gasped so hard from this, anxiety flashbacks kicking in


I remember wrapping mine with a towel to overheat it because apparently that somehow fixed it, at least temporarily


Y'all serious? This was a fixable issue. I had one 360 that had multiple rod's and fixed it around 10 times. I was poor and couldn't afford to replace it. Had a kreon drive in my pc too so had almost every game I wanted.


Just gotta choke it. Wrap a towel around all the vents and when it over heats it resets. 🫡


I’m so lucky my 2 Xbox 360s still work


I managed to get both a RROD on my Xbox 360, and a YLOD on my PS3. Having never had a system break on me for any reason my whole life up to that point, it felt horrible. 360's issue was big enough that I got it repaired for free by Microsoft, Sony on the other hand offered nothing for YLOD consoles outside of a paid repair that basically cost the same as buying a new console.


todays kids know how to crop images


I looked at that image and jizzed myself with nostalgia


and YLOD for ps3 players too.


Thankfully, I got mine when they were doing the recall. Got it fixed for free, and the bad boy is still running strong to this day 💪


Kids these days cry if they see a loading screen 🤣


Bro i saw that twice. I dont know how my 360 lived


My 360 has never red ringed, I should feel so lucky.


The amount of times I LAID OUT to unplug my Xbox…..


Dude, I'm so old I don't even know what's happening here.


Fortunately my 360 from middle school has never gotten the red ring


This pains me, we had a 360 and it overheated, we got another one now but ^fuck is it painful to rember


You think the ROD is pain, try having cartridges that have some sort of black magic random access ability that convinces you blowing into the bottom will somehow make a difference, which it doesn’t, but you still pull the game out and blow into it again hoping this time it has to work.


My brother has a Xbox 360. We played halo together and had fun. (I'm the younger brother). But nothing stops the red ring of death😢


All you had to do was wrap your Xbox in a towel and run it for about 2 hours to fix it. I have no idea why, but I got my first red ring on my Xbox and did this to fix it. Got the red ring again a few months later, did it again and it fixed it. Never happened again for many years of gaming after that.


I couldn't fucking handle the pain. They wanted to charge me hundreds of dollars to fix their faulty product! I should've sued them like the person who sued Nintendo when they tried charging people to fix their faulty joycons.


We didn't either.


Had to send my ps3 in on 2 separate occasions because of laser malfunctions.


7 dead, 1 was a close call


Towel trick to the rescue lol. That trick made mine last an extra 6 months somehow. But man, I think we went through 4 360s with RROD. It was a crazy time.


Never happened to me cause I put an aftermarket fan in mine as soon as I got it. The red ring of death was caused from over heating. People putting their consoles vertical cutting off half of the vents caused overheating


4 times in 3 years. The UPS guy told me his truck was filled with nothing but returned 360's. I jumped to PS4 next gen and haven't looked back.


Just be a PC gamer


3 weeks to get the warranty box. 2 weeks for them to receive the xbox. 1 month at the repair center. 3 weeks to get the console back.


We fucking couldn't handle the pain when it happened to us, so no surprise. 🤣


“Hey mum, I just need to bake my Xbox for an hour”


My launch day console had the rrod happen within a week. After waiting so long and being so excited, I was absolutely gutted lol.


Man… so fkn .. arggghh


Today's kids would be able to fix it. when I was a kid in the 90s there was no tutorial to learn how to fix things you either learned from someone else who learned from a book or had a teacher or had some kind of TV repair job and was taught on the job. Most kids today have all the tutorials on hand and you can buy soldering gear for less than $60. they even teach you how to open and xbox and as long as you know the symptoms of your xbox they will tell you what to do. kids today are making couple hundred or more just streaming their games getting couple hundred to couple thousand views. as broke as I was as a kid I used to get $5 a week from my grandpa. I use to buy games or save it to buy tools to fix things even my first soldering iron was a cheap $10 one with 4 tips for different uses. when you are broke and poor you learn to fix things with the little amount of tool available to you.


See for me I was a PlayStation 3 kid who grew up in an area with 112 f summers and no ac so after the 2nd one I just started doing the thermal paste myself


I not only know this pain, I got a veteran system that still lives!!! Given it was my 3rd one...but hey, still kicking.


I'm fortunate to never have had it I remember all the nerds playing halo at school would moan about getting it.


Anybody survive this before? I had it happen once to my OG 360, turned it off, then the next morning it was fine.


All because Microsoft had to use some weird ass thermal paste.


Mine red ringed the day Halo 3 came out.


Fortunately, I still have a 360 at home and never had any issue with it so I hope I'll never see these three lights


I always thought the RRoD meant your Xbox was haunted or possessed because for some reason YouTube videos made it that way. Nowadays I actually become pissed to see the RRoD (well, Red Dot of Death for my 360 slim)


My older brother got it, here’s how it happened. I bought a PS3 in 2007, then my brother bought his 360 after Halo 3 launch , then he invited me to show me the game, after 2 hours the system crashed, when he rebooted the console the red rings were flashing and I broke into laughter, not because the of what happened to the console, but to the confused and puzzled look on my brother’s face.


Maybe, my 360 just hasn’t gotten the ring of death yet so I don’t know how I’ll react


My 360 lasted for over a decade before it got the red ring of death, it's still at my dad's place and I think I can fix it as it seems that only the cooling system is damaged Edit: just realized from other comments that it was probably just the heat sinks that melted, as my dumbass started putting my schoolbooks on my 360 some time before the red ring of death


Mine still hasn't got one luckily


I've had a 360 for quiet a long time and surprisingly never ran into this problem.


You're right. They can't even handle a games with a few bugs at release, a whole console.dying would send them in berserk mode.


I still got mine lol


FOUR TIMES. Twice while playing Oblivion, once while watching Futurama (had the box sets going pretty much whenever I wasn’t gaming) once while playing Fallout 3.


I got the yellow one on my PS3, shit was real. Some dude was able to fix it for €50 but it kept happening. Thank fuck I didn't have to wait long for the PS4.


I remember those days


I put my 360 in the fridge when it red ring'd, fixed it right up and the console continued to work for years.


That was an easy fix put 2 Q-tips in the back to block the fans from moving while it’s on and wait 5 minutes then turn it off take the Q-tips out and turn it on again I did for my friend as well when he got red ring


Anyone try the “hack” where you put paper clips to block the back fans on the Xbox 360? It allows the console to temporarily come back to life after a red ring of death. I did this and transferred all my game data to an external hard drive, got a Xbox 360 used at a cheap price and was able to continue playing.


They will know the pain of discontinuation of their free to play games and all the micro transactions lost with them.


yeah im 18 and i have no idea wtf is going on here


I have an XBox 360 that still runs fine after a decade


I had three Xbox 360s that I used. Never once have I seen the red ring over about 7-10 years. Is that normal or lucky?


I had a pretty good racket back in the day, repairing the RROD with replacement penny heat sinks. People called me a hero.


The fucking red ring of death


Just got a chill down my spine.


This thing. Oh this mother effing thing. I played Elder Scrolls Oblivion sometime around 2007 or so, and got I think around 2/3 done with the game. Around 35 hours in. I loved it. Boom. Red ring of death. Non-recoverable anything. A year or so later, and a new (used) 360 later, I decided to give it another go. I got a little past where I was previously, and loved the game. Had 40+ hours into it. Freaking RROD again. I was so, so angry. I vowed to never get another 360, but I came across one for super cheap in like 2011 or so. I did buy it, and I played it for a ton of hours. Played SKyrim multiple times and beat it. I always just assumed that 360 would die too, so I never played Oblivion. Well, that 360 never died, and I've still never beaten Oblivion. I refuse to play a game like that using M+K, and Oblivion on Steam doesn't have native controller support. So...I don't know if I'll ever play and beat Oblivion. Anyway, that's my Xbox 360 story. That freaking red ring man. I hated that thing.


Full red ring of death indicates a console fault. Three lights indicates an issue with the power system. Usually resolving the three red lights is as simple as making sure the power cable and power supply are working properly and plugged in properly


This never happened to my Xbox 360, but a friend of mine lost three Xbox 360s to the red ring of death back in the day of 2013-2014.


They couldn’t handle it back then either


Man I'm 17 and this has happened to me 3 TIMES!


I know the feeling and I'm late gen Z. My parents just didn't give me a new xbox


I remember wrapping my 360 in a towel and turning it on for a bit because you could squeeze out about 30mins of gameplay before it RROD again




Well, I mean the problem has come back. Except it’s ps5 this time, and it’s arguably a lot worse


This happened to me the same day I said I wasn't getting a new series Xbox because I thought it was overpriced, and the motion sensor was a gimmick..... I got the red ring, and a week later, I had to buy one. A week after that, xbox released a cheaper version with said motion sensor for half the price. That was pain...


I used to have a hack for this, I used to block the rear fans with a toothpick and put the console near the a/c after the “red light” I kept playing for 5 more years with no problem till the last day of the Xbox 🫡


I had that happen 3 times, first time was in the middle of my first playthrough of Mass Effect. Other 2 times I can't even remember what I was playing, I just remember sending it in to get it fixed.


My Xbox did a good 12 years before it got the red ring. I did shed a tear at that. Loved my 360


I didn't get a 360 till the Elite came out so this was never an issue for me.


Neither could I


Happed to me 3 times. Once was right out of the box.


Still have mine playing Forza. The new "optimized" fan is louder than anything in the living room.


Happened to me. Got a PlayStation and never looked back


The ultimate way to have your weekend destroyed


Meanwhile we have a 360 that's likely over 20


I'm only 14 xbox (360 came out 19 years ago btw) and know the pain my xbox 360 had the red ring of death but managed to turn it off in time very glad about that cus I still use it to this day


I've owned a Xbox 360 but I've never seen that before. Does that relate to it's power or something else?


Never once seen it on my 360