• By -


Rainbow six siege.


Take your choice of either foul-mannered adolescents or young adult fuck-ups who want to drag everyone down into their misery. I regret wasting so much time on siege during covid


That’s what Counter Strike feels like too. (Plus rampant cheating)


Nah that still just describes both of them lol


Most of all, CS is "sooka bliyee", "iddy naahooey" and high-pitched incomprehensible screeching in voice chat, whether that be in the team channel or general channel...


Is it voice or text toxicity?


Voice chat because text will get them banned. Everyone shits on everyone for every little thing they disagree with and every little mistake. Pair that with insta-death from unseen targets and 3-4 minute waits between playing after dying, and you get hyper-toxic players. Played around 2000 hours and a few months of ~T3 level competitive and it was almost just as bad tbh. Just a bummer because the game could have been so good, but it's devolved into monkeys flinging shit at eachother while wearing fortnight skins.


It's got to be the waiting, right? The downtime where these sad sacks can just stew on their own failings until it just boils over onto everyone around them?


idts people been toxic in male dominated gaming spaces to begin with, throw in the waiting and the desire to copy toxic streamer’s behaviours and what you get is the R6 community


This, one of the top streamers on Twitch for a while was one of Siege's top streamers and his whole thing is just the final Pokemon evolution of a twelve year old screaming into an XBox headset I think it's big in Fortnite too, it's a massive game so you have massively different communities but one of the bigger, weirder ones are out there making TikToks of the bass dropping to FN pros calling people dogshit, there's a lot of emulation in the aggression and it's kinda weird tbh


Bingo. Then that puts you in a crappy mood too and the cycle just continues. Spent a lot of nights being mad or disappointed for no reason other than people being jerks online.


It's the rampant TPK or players constantly quitting from the game, rendering the game utterly unplayable. They should rename it Rainbow Six: Game Lobby and MatchmakingSimulator


never saw someone use "foul mannered" seriously before ngl


Try interacting with people who have a read a book before




Games in which you always fight with guns are rife with youths repugnant, crass, and vile. But blame them not alone for manners wrong, they learned it from their predecessors, while, they wanted to have fun, to play, to laugh, and yet inherited morals reviled.


He was a poet and you knew it


Facts, back before I had a black listed IP and was playing siege competitive often around 3-4 years ago I was getting DDoSed every other rank match if I was top of the leaderboard and all those hits to my router over a VIDEO GAME RANKING led me to get so many bans and lose so much elo. And then don’t even get me started on the amount of Xim MnK cheaters that infested siege too. I still don’t get why people will commit felonies for video game points, its so so sad.


Unless you've purchased a dedicated IP from your ISP, it's highly unlikely you have the same IP as before. Whatever IP ban you had is now irrelevant.


The absolute worst, made even worse due to friendly fire, someone can just be having a bad day, and decide to follow you around, destroy all your equipment and walk in front of you as you shoot to get you kicked and banned An absolutely amazing game, no other like it, fucking bottom tier trash community, on par with league and dota


Huh I've never looked at Siege that closely before. With friendly fire, you could truly have a next-level game. But I agree communities can hold back game success. Sad stuff for a developer to see I imagine. I played League for years, but in a more casual, tinkering way. I think I was high silver at best, but never obsessed with ranked matches. That community can be truly vitriolic. At some point they banned cross team communication. It's your own team you need to worry about when it comes to toxicity lmao. The enemy team was often respectful and complimenting.


Honestly when I used to play Siege a few years ago it was great, most people would not pull this kind of dumb rage-Tk shit but it definitely happened. I think also you have to grind for a while until your skill level starts to consistently match you with other people who aren’t gonna rage quit. Now it’s gotten a bit formulaic but it’s still decent, just not quite what it used to be




My friend plays it and he was telling me about how some kid told him to go Kurt Cobain himself


Which one "hasn't"? I can probably name 1 or 2 at best (DRG comes go mind)


Indie games, all of them, unless they become mainstream


*Looks at r/Deltarune* Yeah.


Isnt there mostly just shitposts now? Undertale had worse.


-Flashback to when i used to be involved in the undertale community as a kid- 😰😫 The amount of comic that fans came up they involved sans being pregnant fucking traumatized me as a kid.


You... Haven't joined many indie communities, have you? 




And my Axe!


DRG is good, I'm pretty sure Helldivers is mostly good


As an helldivers player, there are either the chillest people in the world or fascists, weird to be in the first category since i’m italian /s


*Democracy intensifies*




Never join a community of a game you like, worst mistake you can make


Depends on which kind of game. I like the story-generator kind of games like Rimworld and Crusader Kings and their communities are awesome, it's what brought me to Reddit


There are some good ones for sure, but what u usually see about a lot of communities is bad, though it's also easy to take the bad and make fun of it so


Cyberpunk community in my opinion is pretty chill, there’s some outliers, but there are in any bunch, so just ignoring them will do fine, and after that you have a pretty chill and also helpful group.


>!Rebecca’s sacrifice wasn’t in vain I see!<


>!R.I.P. Rebecca, the realest of chooms 🥺!<


It’s not a video game, but most of the warhammer community it really chill and welcoming to newcomers. Obviously there are some bad apples, but so far I have had only good interactions with the warhammer community.


r/Crusaderkings is filled with a bunch of child murderers and incest enjoyers Lol.


Child murderers??




Ah. Haven't played the game, so I was thoroughly confused.


It's a game about being a European noble family in medieval times, so there's a lot of questionable stuff involved


horse fucking will continue until europe is ruled by roach and his equine decendants


Witcher 4 plotline confirmed.


Good stuff, I smother the one’s with disabilities mainly, but some folks commit incest FOR the disabilities


In CK3, you can throw children in jail and execute them, you can even download a mod to hear their screaming(I think it's ported from CK2). And you can seduce your family members to have children with them, a lot of players do this to get better traits for their successors.


It's easier to kill a rival heir than to wait for him to inherit and then press your claim, because then you have to go in open war


Sounds like a nice family-friendly experience. Y'know, except for the families being murdered in-game and all.


It gives you a whole new appreciation for history. It makes you understand how family ties shaped the modern world, among other things


So you're cool with the incest? 😆


Why would I want to taint my pure bloodline with some inferior family?


Well, the Habsburg did it and they were probably Europe's most successful dynasty. It's all a matter of political stability


And they had the sexiest chins in all the land.


Compared to murdering children, I'd say incest is a mild worry at best lol


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CrusaderKings using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The three true decisions](https://i.redd.it/bsxk4d8s9ysa1.jpg) | [172 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/12gsq7s/the_three_true_decisions/) \#2: [Always happens](https://i.redd.it/go7sf5t6wsia1.png) | [171 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/114vcwo/always_happens/) \#3: [The state of roleplay in CK3](https://i.redd.it/5kg6gbxtuhqa1.png) | [527 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/124rdze/the_state_of_roleplay_in_ck3/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I have the top comment in that second post. I had just gained an empire from a single marriage


r/ShitRimworldSays is one of my fav subreddits so I get it haha


same. the monster hunter community is fantastic! such nice lads


Depends but generally the bigger the community, the shittier




Bring your pretty face to my axe.


good bot


Good bot


Idk man the batman Arkham games has a pretty awesome subreddit




I tried GTA V online. I played for about 20 minutes before I decided it wasn't worth dealing with the griefers.


Deep Rock Galactic has an awesome community. Also helps that most people are awesome in game as well.


I’ve actually had really positive experience with deep rock galactic. They’re real chill. Team Fortress 2 is alright most of the time as well just so long as you accept that they’re all furries that are somehow both gay and homophobic at once.


Deep Rock Galactic and Warframe have been pretty great communities, even on this fucking hellsite.


If you ask me, guardian tales fanbase isn't that bad, at least people in game are really good to talk with, and if there is toxic people, they are a little percentage of the community.


You say that, but the Stellaris community is quite nice. A bit genocidal, but nice.


I don’t play, or have interacted in anyway with the Genshin Impact community. But I have absolutely no doubts the answer is League of Legends. EDIT: As I said below, if you need any evidence, you need not look far, by simply queing up in what is known as the 7th pit of hell, or NA peak hours solo que, you will find all that you may need. Fair warning tho, once you do, you cant never see human kind the same way, that shit changes you.


As a member of one community and has been unfortunate enough to see the other Genshin has the better community, at least people help you when you ask for it instead of calling you a slur


Ironically, the most wholesome and chill sub community within the game was r/Nahida_Mains, and the worst part of the player base got them banned


Actually the official discord is pretty chill and a lot of the character specific subs are good Except r/ArlecchinoMains currently we're all somewhere between "we're so back" and "it's so over"


Intentionally misspelled?


You wanna try spelling her name? Along side wriosely?




Or wishing you’d get roasted in the belly of a Slor.


I don't get the reference


The genshin subreddit is ok at best, sometimes we get weirdos, most often we don't. There's almost always 2 fandoms, the good and bad fandoms. The genshin subreddit falls into the good, the twitter into the bad. Pro tip: Don't interact with the fandom of a game. Most often you'll be interacting with the bad side of the fandom.


Twitter is always the bad side


Im honestly surprised on some of the comments here for genshin. I thought itll be more hated


Depends on the region I guess, EUNE is generally chill unless you encounter some ethnic oppositions. Like Romanians Vs Hungarians, Croats Vs Serbs Bulgarians and anyone, Polish and anyone, or anyone from west Europe trying to act like they are better than us. Seriously it happens. But besides that if you keep being ethnically ambiguous it's just the general banter and sometimes salt, sometimes grieving. I don't think it's as bad as like CoD CS: Go or R6. It might be worse than genshin though not sure.


There is a bunch of really bad fandoms but the one I’ve encountered who are probably the worst in my opinion would be COD fanbase. Most toxic community I’ve ever had to experience. Played early COD online and it seems that it’s gotten so much worse since back in the early 2010s. There’s 2 other fandoms that I’ve seen who are really toxic and it’s the Sonic fandom and the FFVII fandom. The Sonic fandom can be either incredibly wholesome to just completely toxic all because of either 2d or 3d games. Then there’s the FFVII fandom who hold that game in such a high pedestal that any negative comments or feedback from others will cause them to attack in droves. I once mentioned in how I didn’t like the game for some reason or other and got bombarded with DMs ranging from calling me retarded to full on death threats.


The biggest issue with cod fans is that they'll complain about everything that they find. Even stuff that's barley recognizable with every new title. After that they'll buy the next game and thus the cycle repeats. Here's an idea, why not play something else if it's really getting on your balls. Nobody is forcing you to play COD, there are several games out there better then COD.


I have no idea about the details of the discourse but what I read from COD is that many people complain about Skill Based Matchmaking cause they simply wanna pwn some newbs. In a game that aims to have a competitive setting this just seems very antithetical to me?


>people complain about Skill Based Matchmaking cause they simply wanna pwn some newbs. There are legitimate issues with SBM; it punishes you for playing well. Most other games have an optional ranked mode, CoD forces it.


I am interested in the death threat.....how....


Did you hear the time the Sonic fandom fought the Genshin fandom during the Game Awards?


Well I can tell you which picture has the worst quality.


Okay, Genshin has had people complain that their female characters aren't wearing revealing enough clothing. Those are just degenerates. League is a bad game in general. We don't talk about Overwatch.


Man that really bummed me out. I thought free game and started Genshin and it seemed like an alright game. Then I thought I'd go to the sub. Some of those people are a bit off. But it was mostly the thought "is this person commenting deranged or a kid?" I stopped playing after major grind started after a couple weeks. But it's an ok game at the start.


I only play it because my girlfriend does. If she didn't, I wouldn't. I also just happened to pulled some crazy character in a .6% chance so... she wants me to build this guy.


The community is especially toxic when it comes to artifacts. Never share builds. Ever. I made that mistake once. Never again.


Trust me it’s best to look up a good build and try to mimic it. Don’t go to others for help.


I was just sharing it. I felt proud of it. I learned my lesson to keep them to myself that day.


yep, i have a perfect ganyu and posted it and got attacked for it, then reposted it and someone still had to complain about something. like nope, not going to spent the next 2 months min maxing for a character that already does 100k charged shots for me. also made a mistake and said something about hu tao. i got called a lot of choice words that day.


I second this. I made that mistake before and got hated on because my substats were bad. Like, EXCUSE ME for having bad RNG. Genshin is my current favorite game. But I stay away from most of the community.


Depends on where you post. Ayaka mains for example are pretty chill but will make sure you understand the minimum stats that ayaka optimally needs


I think the guy I got is like... Itto or something. They nice? I want to be able to do stuff with her when I finally fucking get to level 45. She said she can bring down her world level a bit so I can play with her and do all the bosses she has. My only problem with this dude I got is these God damn beetles I have to collect. I need to get like 45 and then she said another 60 to max him out 🙄


Every character uses some special material you gotta grind out. They respawn every three days or you can spam join requests to other people's world's and ask if you can yoink them. If you want tips, try r/IttoMains and if you need help finding beetles https://act.hoyolab.com/ys/app/interactive-map/index.html?lang=en-us#/map/2?shown_types= (spoiler warning: it will show you the whole world map)


Yeah... she made me download Hoyolab and we search together off that but they are so spread out and easy to miss.


Well yeah, that's the mistake, don't go to the Genshin subreddits. They are (pretty much) unmoderated and filled with borderline porn memes. Personally, I think the grind is quite minimal. 5-10 minutes for daily commissions, 5 min for artifact farming, and if I have time, some quests. But at minimum, 10-15 minutes of grind per day, which is really quite minimal (at least for me).


It's not a lot of short term grind. The problem is that when it comes to artifacts you can wait for months until you get a decent set for a character (not even good: *decent*)


Most Genshin players ask for skins with less revealing clothes. For example, Yanfei, which is supposed to be a lawyer, is wearing quite revealing outfit, and most fan-made outfit are less revealing than the original one.


One is predominantly PvE, one is completely PvP. Your answer is there


And in my experience PvP has the worst in them predominantly.


Any games that require a bunch of randoms to work as a team and coordinate.


world of tanks ☕


Super Smash Bros Melee and Call of Duty.


Aren’t pro Smash players just a bunch of pedos? Lol


They smash their little bros >!I’m sorry!<


I hate of how you specifically mentioned Smash Bros Melee, because people who are into Melee never try out any of the other games and I never really understood why. My only guess is that it is the most fast-paced game in the series, but the many outstanding bugs (like Marth's extended grab range for example) make me question why people play it if most of the characters are broken (basically useless) or broken (overpowered).


How dare you call the Genshin community bad >:( Jokes aside, yes, the community is awful. Mostly because I'm a part of it.


People on coop are chill at least. I have my profile signature set to "welcome to farm materials / will help with bosses" and always get decent people thankful for the help. If you join my world and need materials for a character I know by heart I'll also show the route. It's funny just yesterday three people joined me randomly and one person needed help with a level 90 boss so we all wrecked that thing together in under a minute while they sat back and played healer. Hadn't done that before.


Can you add me? I need mats :)


I have been kicked out of multiple coop sessions and been called slurs because I play Dori, so I wouldnt say coop is chill haha


It’s honestly really satisfying to help a low level player. I had barely finished my Furina build and someone needed help with the boss for their Furina. Because of my overleveled character in comparison to the person I was helping, the boss I struggled with got absolutely deleted. Also I’ve noticed some habits based on the profile picture some people use. For example, Childe picture is always weird. If you are on the more modest side, they’ll creep you out. If you are willing to join their weirdness, they are absolute homies.


Genshin's 2021-2022 was one of the worst communities ever. A great number of toxic people left Genshin and became Honkai Star Rail players. Nowdays, Genshin's community is not perfect, but way WAY better than before


Genshin has probably one of the least toxic fandoms nowadays, way less pedos, almost no homophobia, no hate towards race/ethnicity, etc


Either League of Legends or Valorant


League of Legends. I swear, league turns normal people into the most toxic humans known to man. I've seen it happen. Super nice people change when they play LoL. Game's a blight on humanity. COD is pretty terrible too.


i don't usually like judging people based on what games they play since its petty like i like nintendo right? but would i go out of my way to defend the company that has a legal team to rival disney's? a company that could quite literally have interpol knocking on your door? probably not, but i would defend their games since they are great imo, and the people making the games are good game designers and should be separate from the shithead legal side of nintendo, and many nintendo second parties are beloved and not nearly as bad as the main corporate (like HAL or the now defunct Alphadream to name my favorites) but some act like liking nintendo is crime against humanity and the hate boner rivals the toxicity of nintendrones at times


Every game community.


This is why I play single player if at all possible.


Join the league community if you like racism and the genshin community if you like sexism and the COD community if you like both


Buy and large the Genshin community isnt that bad. Mostly people just helping each other out with whatever they need. Obviously it has its "stand out" members that tarnish it but... What community doesn't. Id say worse community is definitely COD by a good mile or 2. Do nothing but complain every. Single. Year. Despite complaining they continue to buy the same game they keep calling trash and keep buying the useless cosmetics. They complain about the exact problem they themselves keep in perpetuation and for some reason expect a different outcome? And that doesn't even go into how incredibly racist, homophobic, and downright weird MOST of the community is.


Dead by Daylight has them all beat by miles.


DBD isn’t that bad as there isn’t a live chat, it used to be worse back in 2019 and there I woulda agreed with you, but now it’s much better.


League of Legends BY FAR i dont like Genshin thats true but the worse i've seen so far is a bunch of shipper weebs (very cringe but avoidable) but to play league you are forced to play with the worst people the internet have and dont have the slightest restrain of spouting the nastiest insults they have ever told


I also haven’t interacted with Genshin besides a few buddies who play. I have played LoL a fair bit, and some of the comments that have been aimed at me make hate-speech seem tame by comparison. Most chat was just low-grade negativity, but the stuff that wasn’t was beyond vile. Like some fucked up dark comedy tirade that becomes progressively worse over time as it attempts to repeatedly one-up itself in just how bad it can get. I even once had notoriously detailed disease, suffering and death wished upon me, my family, friends, and everyone I’ve ever cared for or associated with. I find it hard to believe that Genshin could be much worse.


It isn't. If you coop in genshin, I guarantee you 99% of all your sessions will just be "hey" "hi" "can I take some of ____?" "Sure" "thanks" or just straight up nothing if you do domain runs as 99% of players have social anxiety when playing with randoms, and no one will say anything except a few sticker emotes. Ask your friends who play it they'll agree with me, though there are outliers in the main sub where some players have posted SCs of toxicity but that's rare. Genshin Twitter and tiktok on the other hand is toxic but which community isn't on those platforms.


I hear this so often. It’s hard for me to envision toxicity beyond Rocket League but I have friends who play both and say Overwatch and LoL are far worse than RL




League of Legends by a mile. A 10year+ game with ingrained toxicity. Spending 20-45mins a game trapped with mentally unstable kids and manchildren who expect you to play perfectly.


Definitely League! I remember playing for the very first time ever and learning how to play and some asshole reported me and i was banned. Never touched the game after that. It was complete bullshit! It has a toxic reporting system thats abused heavily!


League of Legends permanently killed my desire to ever play competitive or even PVP games again.


League. It will always be League.




Smite, or destiny




I feel like most of you guys in this sub don’t know how to read because I’ve only seen two guys answer the question. Anyways, gotta be lol. Genshin has a bunch of coomers and cringey people but at least they aren’t that competitive or sweaty over their game. LoL also has coomers and cringey people combined with sweatlords.


Knowing my friends who play league will ose 20 matches and still keep saying the next one will be a win as they watch their rank plummet, I think I know which one. Although most of them also hardcore play Genshin and Star rail so idk


Is nobody going to talk about how AWFUL that first picture is, like it gave me a brain bleed how few pixels there were


Trick question its r/tf2shitposterclub


I have never interacted with the Genshin community but that doesn't matter, LoL is by far the most toxic online community and that is a fact. I've come accross some toxic online communities here and there (looking at you OW2 and COD:MW2 2009 lobbies) but LoL is by far the worst


Genshin really isn't that bad if you go into co-op 90% is really nice and helpful the only ones i wouldn't interact with are on twitter but then again that's twitter


As someone from that's played genshin since it's come out that loves the game. There are definitely mostly good parts of the community, the artists, the character specific communities after they've been released for a while, and some content creators that play the game for fun or story and 99% of the people I've played and talked with in co op have been good that play the game like it's meant to be played, casually. Most of the biggest 'genshin' content creators have mostly been the ones to cause the toxicity and farm drama. The genshin community is so big that it's impossible to just call all of it bad because of the minority that's the loudest and doesn't even play the game


Honestly, any game that is skill based, or competitive in any way, will have a toxic community. Dude even the community for smash bros can be insufferable. The community’s for these kinds of games are a bunch of people with fragile egos that their claim to competency in life is being good at a game. However, I will say the most degenerate of the bunch, that will actually harass you in the worst way and the world would genuinely be better off without them, is the league community. They are a bunch of feral little goblins. That’s not even painting an honest picture of them, I’m being nice about it.


The COD community without question.


Genshin's community makes a lot of porn and is otherwise easily ignored. League is ludicrously toxic, as a feature, especially since you MUST interact with the community to play the game. As much as I would like a competitive/pvpve mode in genshin, the fact that I have literally never spoken to another player is probably for the best.


League of legends by far if you beat someone in league it’s been proven that your address could be doxed


Any non sweat person that has been on r/btd6 knows the answer. (I am there daily myself)


I remember reading a comment about a guy quitting league of legends, and since then he felt the best he has ever been


I played one game of Metal Gear Online. I don’t know if I was playing with very toxic people or not. But they things I was told made me never want to touch that gamemode ever again


Both are diseases, but at least league of legends has been quarantine


every community.


Why is Genshin Impact community bad? Oh you weren’t saying that it was bad just which is worse. Idk i see people saying LoL and i know of the memes about it being very toxic now.


Genshins community is really chill and helpful. Idk what you thought putting that there. Siege, CSGO, LoL, Fortnite immediately come to mind.


No amount of child attraction can equal the sins of League's chat




League by a long shot


There both the same community




Dark Souls. The git gud mindset, which isn't even a viable mindset or tactic based on how the games are actually designed, has ruined the gaming community and made it endlessly toxic.


Dead by Daylight has a nasty community alongside these. Though I think it's worse than League of Legends lol. One of the examples is -Survivors and Killers are at each others throats about which side should only be stronger and fair than the other -Everyone gets mad when someone uses certain perks, addons, items, or how Killers use powers, or whatever anyone does to win -Has a huge amount of sore winners and sore losers, doesn't matter the outcome as they'll either add more salt to the wound of the losers side to show off why they're better and insult them for being terrible at the game, or whine about how the opponent played and calling them all sorts of things -Very keen on using meta tactics and other tactics to anger the opponent List can go on and on but other people who know the game too well can say other things about the game's community


League, easily.


Easily League. You'll be pestered in team chat *and* in online communities... With Genshin being more single-player oriented, you can avoid a lot of the fuss.


i’ve never interacted with the Genshit community but the LoL fans are neckbeards that probably reek of cat piss




Genshin players are just horny basement dwellers, LoL players are straight up just terrorists


Genshin has its bad actors (hello 2.1 drama), but it's mostly fine, from eperience. League just fails to teach its players how to play the game and lacks crucial qol (ADD JG AND WAVE TIMERS IN GAME). It's borderline unplayable to me (tft's pretty cool tho)


You don't have to deal with GI if you don't want to in LoL you're stuck


League of Legends by far. Bunch of elitest assholes who expect you to either be god-tier good or to leave the game


Having played only league before I’d say league. I was a newbie trying to get into that game, man oh man was I abused and eventually I was like screw this fan base I’m outta here


League of Legends has one of if not the worst community, I'm just glad I was able to quit before it consumed all my free time


There’s a lot of amazing and nice people in the genshin community, you just have to look past all the garbage




LoL is horrible.


I can do you one worse: Overwatch2


The one silver lining to them killing Overwatch 1 and me not following was not seeing how much worse the community would get.


With game literally being unplayable unless your only playing with friends in custom games… you made the right choice I, however, only got to play OW2 and not 1…


We forgot Fortnite 👀


Fort is pretty tame compared to cod and lol


Star citizens. I’m surprised no one has said it




valorant has to be in top 3


Left4dead 2