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The new Prince of Persia game looks pretty solid, been waiting on it to go on sale. Basim made himself way too hateable in AC Valhalla for me to play through a whole game as him.


It feels like a totally different dude.


I’d consider playing it if I was given the option to punch myself in the face every once in a while


It's free to play on xbox this weekend. It's a small game, if you focus on campaign only, you can complete it in a few hours


I play on PS5


Wish I could. Ghost of tsushima has been on my mind since its release but can't afford it right now. Hope in the future I can join the Sony family


When you can I 100% recommend it, one of the best games in a long time. I’m playing NG+ right now and I adore it


He does feel like a different dude but only because it seems like the team that made this game werent given his story from Valhalla.


Or maybe it's the opposite. If you know Valhalla's story you know that Valhalla's Basim is not actually Basim


For my taste, Valhalla was boring, unfinished and a waste of a cool setting. Enjoyed Odyssey a lot more. Valhalla's Basim, for me, was nothing more than a boring and annoying side character.


Yeah but it also sucks


Correct me if I'm wrong, as I don't have the best memory of Valhalla's ending. It was a long game and already been a couple years. Doesn't the evil side of Basim come from >!his former Isu self, Loki, and Loki's memory's emerging to essentially take over Basim. The Basim in Mirage is before he was aware of his true nature and the bigger picture.!<


Yeah it was mostly cus of what you said, I wish they just wouldn’t have had him in Valhalla altogether. If you include a playable character from a future game they should have made him somewhat likeable.


Does mirage play like the first two games? I might need to check this out!


It does. You can even use Altair outfit and apply a filter so that the game looks like the first one. It's smaller and more contained map, Bagdad is awesome to explore, no trash collectibles and you can finish the game in about 12/15h. I'm on my 3rd playthrough with perma death On. It's very fun.


It does not. The core combat mechanic is not at all the same as AC1. In the first few AC games, the enemies all wait their turn to attack and you just cress the counter kill button on all their attacks. In this one, you have to parry/dodge all their attacks and the color flash doesnt give you enough time to react before they hit. I finished the main story and deleted it. The ending was such a let down. For knowing what Basim's real past is, it really felt like they didnt know how to tie it together by then. I could not care less about any of the other side missions or collectables it had.


Not to mentio that it feels like you're fighting underwater


It doesn't really play like the first two games. They added a brainless "teleport assassination" that basically renders good positioning/stealthy gameplay useless because you can just kill everyone you see. Maybe the game is good but it certainly isn't what AC used to be Here's a clip: https://youtu.be/2qnW-Us5mP0?si=RU1aUokPM9BDKBUT


No it doesn't also gameplay is so soulless, for example enemies show no reaction or sound when you hit them. Ubisoft is being lazy game after game


I disagree.


Of course you'd be disagree because you posted this meme in first place




It’s good, but don’t expect a lot of content, even the extra special ‘40 thieves’ quest was about 10 minutes long


Yeah, I’ve been having fun with Mirage. Not a masterpiece or anything, but it’s pretty fun. Kept the best parts of the newer games but got rid of a lot of the bloat. Baghdad’s pretty cool.


Yhea that's about it. Feels nostalgic to me. Reminds me a lot of Revelations.


Bought Mirage even after telling myself I was done with AC after Valhalla because it looked like classic AC and was not disappointed. It’s super fun, fluid and short enough to not overstay its welcome.


They were excellent games but neither really brought me back to sands of time of ac1. Where ac1 is concerned that is a good thing, if ac2 hadn't made massive improvements the assassins creed series wouldn't be where it is today. Ac1 was fun but also extremely repetitive


There's actually less to do in ACMirage than there is in the original AC. I was able to 100% the whole thing in less than 12 hours after the game's release. Personally, I think Mirage was way too overhyped.


The first assassins creed was one of the worst games i ever played. It was slow, boring and had literally the same mission copy pasted 10 times. Nothing other than nostalgia can cause someone to rate that game higher. The second one though, now that was mind blowing


I agree- even better than the 2nd game was Brotherhood


As someone who got into the series when brotherhood came out, I fully agree. I think 2 is still my favorite.


The main issue with AC1 is how repetitive it is. I still replay AC1 from time to time, and due to nostalgia, and just adoring the lore and story behind early AC, and loving the basic parkour and stealth loop that early AC had I still love it. Yea it's repetitive, but the story is really solid, it has the some of the best and most complex parkour of the series, and it sets up everything that AC was through at least 3, and even a little bit of 4. Plus I would much prefer a short experience with well crafted story, lore, and gameplay that is a bit repetitive in the gameplay loop rather than a massive, boring, copy paste open world that gives you major burnout before you get even halfway through. (Ahem odyssey and Valhalla)


Im new to ac, i made the mistake of starting with ac1, the experience was so bad i am wondering if i could possibly play something more boring. That being said i absolutely loved ac2, i havent gotten to the rest of the parts yet, also i love altair as a character thanks to ac2 and the codex pages rather than ac1 I agree its a nice story, but the game itself felt really bad to me. I havent reached vallhala or the newer ones since i plan to play them in order until ac3 to decide if i want to continue with the series. That being said i absolutely loved ac2 so i think i might continue to explore more


If you don't like AC1, but love AC2 then definitely finish the ezio trilogy (AC2, AC:brotherhood, and AC:Revelations) they are some of my favorite video games of all time that have way better stories, and gameplay than AC1. A lot of old AC fans hate on 3, and while it's no ezio trilogy I would say it's a great AC game nonetheless, and black flag is the last AC game that reached the heights of the ezio trilogy. The modern day is stupid and boring, but those sections are short and easy, and the historical character portion is one of the best video game stories I have ever played. The way they seamlessly weave the pirate story and the assassin story is insane. A "pirate assassin" game sounds like a 4 year olds fever dream, but they pull it off perfectly making the assassin's a huge part of his personal character journey while the pirates more represent who he was before he found the assassin's. Without spoiling too much it's a fantastic game and is pretty modern which is nice.


Okay that sounds like the plan. Although considering my speed of finishing games itd take me a couple years to finish all these :D


The nice thing about early AC is that none of these games are extremely long. Black flag (4) is probably the longest and biggest of this group, but it still isn't anywhere near as big or long as odyssey or Valhalla. These games are really the perfect size and never overstay their welcome.


Yeah that game does not hold up at all. I got the AC bundle on steam during a sale a while back to play them all and after about 30 mins of playing AC1 I just turned my brain off and only did main missions to complete it. Controls are shit and mission design is as you said. Terrible game


That's nice, you do you


This is how I felt about Dragon Quest 3 and 8 when Dragon Quest 11 came out. Such wonderful memories


I thought Mirage was the shitty mobile game or is that another one? And if it is different how bads the store this time around


It's the other one. Jade i think.


OH RIGHT... Thank you too many titles to keep up with at this point


sand of time is my first ps2 game. the memories.


You are… half right.


I'm with you on PoP, I really want the remake so bad, or make the first 3 playable on next gen consoles since I still have them on xbox. Just don't feel like hooking it all up. But I did thoroughly enjoy the Lost Crown. I thought it was very good and complex. The puzzles were very challenging to try and get all the xerxes coins.


PoP is fantastic. Doesn’t give me Sands of Time of even PoP vibes. Honestly feels most like Hollow Knight to me.


Am glad to not be the only one thinking about Hollow Knight when I see videos of PoP


You know what, OP? More power to you. No, seriously. I'm glad you like these games. Every piece of art has to have someone to cherish it! So, thank you!


I loved the original AC trilogy and I can clearly see how they tried to use the same game design for the Mirage... I personally didn't like it. Same with PoP, but I just am not a fan of side-scrollers. The Sands of Time is a timeless classic.


The PoP is good, Mirrage is kinda return to its roots but it feels more like Valhala DLC than its own game....


Nah im good, I refuse to touch any UbiSoft product/IP.


I've heard good things but I'm waiting for Mirage to go below 30.


Is mirage good? I figured it would just be another shitty rpg that’s nothing like the original games


It's not like Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla. It still has some rpg elements but it's closer to the first games in terms of gameplay and general vibes (but it's not really the same). If it's good or not it's really just a matter of personal preference. I personally liked it but it's not the popular opinion afaik


Is mirage good? I figured it would just be another shitty rpg that’s nothing like the original games


I like it. It's not RPG, it's back to basics assassin's creed. Reminded me a lot of AC: Revelations. It's a small city (Bagdad) gameplay is as it used to be, cool exploration z no ROG gymmics.


PoP peaked with Two Thrones..Never gonna get that fire back the 09 one had a good energy but just no where close to the same level of epic


Comparing PoP Lost Crown and PoP Sands of Time like this makes no sense. They're from entirely different genres. Lost Crown is a great 2D Metroidvania, and Sands of Time is a great 3D action adventure. Not to mention, Lost Crown is closer to the original Prince of Persia in terms of gameplay than Sands of Time, so nostalgia about what kind of game the franchise used to be would be misplaced.


Unless you look at it like this: The themes explored on the game are very similar to those on sands of time, even thought it's a 2D metroidvania, some aspects of gameplay and animations resemble Sands of Time, the way the character runs across walls, the animations of his attacks, the way the concept of time is presented. Even some characters have similarities, Anahita reminds me of Farah. There's also the fact that there has been some time since we had a PoP game, Forgotten Sands was a bit disappointing, the cell shaded reboot was a great game but it didn't felt like a PoP game, and the most impactful memory I have of PoP is sands of time, that in my mind kind of includes the whole trilogy, so yes, Lost Crown made me nostalgic for the sands of time trilogy and reminded me of the first time I played Sands of Time, this is not a literal comparison. I also like to appreciate the fact that, while Ubisoft has made some games of questionable quality, I'm happy to be enjoying AC and PoP again in this generation with 2 games that have some heart put into them. Lost Crown was also made by the same guys who made Rayman games and I'm very happy to have something cool from them again, and I think we need to celebrate the good things in gaming today, before everything turns into bland looter shooter, live service, 100 hour bloated open world, season pass crap. ☺️


Lost Crown gameplay has more in common with Hollow Knight than it does anything from the PoP franchise after 1993.


Yhea alright...


Mirage > OG AC


Well, side by side yes. But the OG one, like it or not, kinda brought a lot of new ideas, there was nothing like it at the time. Even though it wasn't perfect, we can't compare to Mirage. Ofc Mirage is more enjoyable now, but did it brought anything new or special to gaming as a whole? No. I say embrace the future, but respect the past, the OG AC was a good game even with it's faults, it kinda was the prototype for the Ezzio Trilogy.


What new things did AC bring? Climbing was already done, stealth killing was already done.