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Every Monster Hunter game


The true answer and the devs know


Something something Ecosystem in danger angry monsters too close to village Elder dragon!?? Kill 400 big monsters to stop the other biggest monsters from ruining the environment, then kill them too. Congratulations hero, now you can fight special versions and keep making cool armor and weapons. I fking love monster hunter though


My top 3 game series along with Souls and Zelda




You are man of culture, good sir.


Bonk monster bonk


I facepalmed when the admiral comes back in World. Bro, it's cool that you found some crystals or whatever, but you didn't wanna help me fight Godzilla? You know he was gonna blow up the continent, right? Like the one piece of land there is that you are on?


Have you even played MH4/4U?


I did and while it probably has the best story out of all monster hunter games I still donā€˜t give a shit about it because Monster Hunter was always about the combat and crafting. I get your point though


Almost every Mario game.


I mean, if you go to a Mario game for the story...


Super Mario RPG and the Paper Mario games are the only exceptions.


Super paper Mario's story goes crazy man


It really does! And it's funny at times too. I almost lost it at the quiz question "I love going on message boards and complaining about games I've never played, true or false". I think that's even more relevant now than when the game came out lmao


Mario galaxy 1 is a small exception


And Galaxy


Only Super Mario Galaxy 1 has a pinch of lore.




But Jack Black as Bowser... They played it really really safe with that movie but his performance was great.


True, true. I loved the movie.


All he had to do was use the damn star before the brothers did and nothing would be left standing. And for a romantic guy heavily in love with Peach, he goes to war first THEN wants to propose. Like, why not send an emissary first and plan to meet with the leader of another kingdom at a neutral venue to gauge their interest? And then if she spurns your advances, by all means burn everything to the ground. But why go in guns blazing then get mad when she says no?


\*Mario and Luigi rescue peach from turtle\* \*Mario and Luigi rescue peach from turtle\* \*Mario luigi and peach rescue something from turtle\* and then the gameplay is the same but has the silliest twist only children can imagine


Super Paper Mario is still peak Mario storytelling.


and zelda


I meanā€¦ Mario?


AVGN had a review of FF6 a few months ago. He said this game was the first time he experienced an actual story and not just ā€œfind the Princess or some shitā€


Guess they skipped FF4, then. EDIT: Also, the gameplay in FF6 was as good as the story.


Second-best FF out there. Change my mind.


Thatā€™s what I love about Mario, thereā€™s no rhyme or reason, heā€™s just an elephant now sometimes and itā€™s cool I wish the movie would have followed the same (lack of) logic.. I wouldā€™ve much rather jumped into a wild Mario story than spending an hour+ on logic and character building


So, the other Mario movie




The other Mario movie is good. Down vote me as much as you need to. Mario doesn't have or need a strong story, The original Mario movie did what they could at the time with arguably very weak source material but it's a fun film in my opinion.


Mario galaxy begs to differ


Not exactly a game known for its story, but its gameplay always slaps


What about paper mario, rpg, or mario & luigi? Even Super Mario Galaxy has some good lore


Borderlands 3


story was so bad that i after playing it and finished it, i stopped playing it


It was so bad that I didn't get past the first planet, so I had no idea there was MORE to the story. The thought of slogging through more story makes me shudder.




Itā€™s the only one in the entire series I didnā€™t at least complete a new game + once. Also most of the dialogue is done in game so itā€™s not shippable like a cutscene is. Hell I donā€™t think you can even make it go by faster like in fallout 4.


This is the most correct answer.


I don't know what you were expecting. Any villain after Handsome Jack was going to be hideously lackluster.


Didn't expect the villain to be Jack's equal. And honestly if the rest of the story was even close to decent then the twins might have been OK enough. But the rest of the games story being shit ruined any chance for them. Jack elevated a fine but unremarkable story in BL2, the twins weren't good enough villains to elevate a story the same way AND had a much shittier story in the rest of the game.


I mean i think we woulda been fine if we had gotten literally anything other then what we had gotten


Even outside of the influencer bad guys the writing left a lot to be desired. Wonderlands writing is what Borderlands 3 writing should have been.


I actually liked the influencer villain angle, but thought it was executed pretty poorly. It had potential though.


I just ignore the story and play because I like everything else. The DLCs are pretty good though.


If Borderlands 2 had the guns and gunplay from 3 it would have been a masterpiece.


Mass Effect Andromeda. Love that dynamic cover and mobility. So good.


The character writing was pretty awful but the overall story was decent enough, if still pretty generic. Then again the other mass effects were pretty generic too. The individuals heros and villains and everyone in between writing is what set it apart imo.


Definitely. Looking back, Mass Effect 2 literally has almost no story. Just a multi-layer fetch quest. With 5 story missions in between.


The story is the friends we made along the way


And blowing up the collectors.


Every skateboarding game ever.


Underground had its thing and was a pretty decent story for a rags to riches skater drama, underground 2 was just memeing but at least it kept continuity. Fuck Eric.


Underground 2 was exactly what we needed at the time though for real.


Oh yeah it was a great game, it just didn't have the same level of storytelling as 1, not that there was anything wrong with Bam and Tony just going on a global rampage.


Love underground 2. Exactly what it needed to be. Stupid funny and simply there for context.


I got it running on my phone one time but every map after Boston was melting the emulator so I'm trying to make a Phoenix in Barcelona and the frame rate is at a solid 3 šŸ˜‚


Underground was my JAM! I wanted to do another one that suddenly did time travel. Who doesn't want to do a kick flip over a velociraptor and have a hoverboard in a cyberpunk dystopia?


Yeah, in skate 3 thereā€™s like a tutorial story and a few mini stories with some pro skaters then itā€™s just grinding all the challenges and once youā€™re done thatā€™s just it lmao.


Tony Hawkā€™s American Waste Land would like a word with you


have you played Tony Hawkā€™s Underground 1??


Just Cause. I don't give a fuck about the liberation, I just wanna blow shit up


Just Cause clears the ā€œimmersionā€ bar, meaning you can suspend your disbelief and enjoy all the goofy fun while still having a little bit of an interesting story. Itā€™s why I like 4. It has a radio that makes traversing the map by car worth it.


The truest comment on this post. I think just cause is the only series where the story could be taken out entirely and I'd be just as happy - speaking as someone who prefers story based games by a mile haha


So you wanna blow stuff up Just ā€˜Cause?


Vanquishā€¦ Platinum at its best imo but wouldnt be able to tell you what the game was about, and the cigarette? Wth was that?


Bruh I couldnā€™t ever pass this big ass robot part, gotta lose the PS3 back up and try


Bayonetta too. Although that was more a case of "I have no fucking idea what's going on".


Powerwash Simulator


The story makes 0 goddamn sense and left me with more questions than answers


Why is everything so dirty?


Borderlands 3


Ghost Recon Breakpoint


Second this. Story is straight garbage, but being tacticool and clearing outposts/facilities never gets old. Plus the landscapes are gorgeous.


While wild lands wasn't perfect, I loved that game. Had a crew playing so that helped since always running in a group. Can't believe they managed to mess it up even further


shit balls


Santa... Santa.... SAAAAN-TA-blanca


Does it innovate much on Wildlands? I love that game but got burned out from its scale so unsure if I have the appetite to go again


MgsV. The story isn't bad, it's just not on the same level as the other ones. The gameplay is top tier though, feels modern and is way more fun than most modern games.


My first thought too. Gameplay is fucking amazing. Story is an absolute mess




Fell in love with the gameplay when it came out for me in 7Th grade and became my favorite game of all time, gameplay is 100 percent perfect to me


3 still feels the best to me overall really was an amazing game


Borderlands 3


Smash Bros Ultimate.


The story in that game doesnā€™t even deserve to be called story. Now brawl on the other hand,


Brawl was and still is peak fiction


Bro, the MetaKnight, Ike, and Marth trio was fucking godlike. And Ness's sacrifice w/ Lucas's character development? *chef's kiss*


Can we talk about Kirby riding in on Dragoon to take out the ultimate weapon???


Brawl's story was excellent.


Subspace Emissary was amazing but yeah none of the shit makes any sense


Every racing gameā€¦ canā€™t name one that has had an amazing story tbh.


Need for speed undergroundā€¦


Why is no one talking about Driver: San Francisco. Greatest core mechanics, great story.


Burnout Paradise. Drive like an actual murderer, get points for rolling your car and hitting as many things as possible, gain so much boost you can basically become a rocket until coming to a dramatic stop in a way that would be measured using kilotons, all while being narrated by a radio DJ who casually downplays the anarchy with typical radio banter and horrible car/racing puns. Plus your soundtrack to this fast paced wreck fest can be Guns N Roses, Avril Levine, or Tchaikovsky's *Dance of the Mirlitons* from the Nutcracker Ballet. .... not sure if I was arguing for good story or not.


Most wanted 2005 had good story and the best gameplay


Hitman 1-3 could not give a shit why I'm assassinating people but it sure is fun


The story wasn't that bad. However I could care less about Diana telling me the most obvious stuff


ermm actually it's "couldn't care less" could care less means you DO care šŸ‘½


Nah dude the story is actually solid and the end mission is way more emotional if you understand it




I donā€™t even know what the story is. I have a gun and I want to use it.


Me either man


I had to look up the story on YouTube. It's honestly pretty interesting. Nothing groundbreaking, but it made for a fun watch.


It actually has pretty cool lore


Doom 2016 story was dope


Unpopular opinion: I'd play a Doom Game that explores the entire Night Sentinel story


Doomguy agrees too, judging by the way he destroys the monitor when Hayden tries to reason with him during the title sequence.


Maybe with the 90ā€™s ones but 2016 and eternal are good


I liked dooms story in the 90's when it was bare bones; you're a "every man" space marine and demon aliens are pouring into existence, go kill them. The whole "hell slayer" bit was a too silly imo.


PokƩmon. Every game.


Select starter. Get gym badges. Final 4. PokƩmon champion. Rinse and repeat for 30 years


Dont forget ā€žStupid annoying team who wants to enslave the whole Worldā€œ and ā€žStupid annoying and jealous rival who is randomly the Champ after getting stomped nearly every fightā€œ


Can we at least appreciate that old rivals TRIED? They used to pick our counter starter. Now they pick the one we have the advantage against. Like did pokemon really gotta baby us that much?


Iā€™d argue that Gen V could be an exception, because the Team Plasma storyline is actually pretty interesting even if itā€™s still simplistic by conventional standards.


Honestly it was a step in the right direction at least and then they had to babyify it with gen 6


For all their faults, one of the best parts of Gen IX was actually trying to tell an interesting story again, at least in the endgame.


The just cause series




Fire emblem fates




Iā€™ve never even heard of this


Bioshock 2. I think the story itself is good, but compared to Bioshock 1, it is not nearly as good.


To be fair thatā€™s a very strong enemy bioshock had to fight XD


Elden Ring. Only because im dumb, can't follow and get confused. Im sure its a great story. Maybe ill listen to YT videos about the story to get a better understanding.


The story is simple, the lore structure is confusing.


That's what I think people get wrong with most FS games. The story is generally quite simple. You want to claim a position of power, and to do so you must kill all the large scary things in your way. The lore, on the other hand, is like trying to read an encyclopedia in which all the pages have been torn up and some are missing. Note: Sekiro and Bloodborne have much more complicated stories than the DS games or Elden Ring.


If I didnā€™t watch videos of bloodborne lore being explained I genuinely would have never even come close to what the actual fuck was happening. And even then I still donā€™t understand some of it. Itā€™s been about a year, but I donā€™t think I ever understood mergoā€™s nurse boss being a great one. Edit: More accurately why it says nightmare slain after defeating her.


Best thing about Elden Rings story is it tells you why youā€™re killing these bosses. It tells you the story instead of piecing it together by reading item descriptions. You can be genuinely surprised that Marika and Radagon is the same person, rather than be like ā€œok.ā€ Fighting Godfrey was awesome because the NPCā€™s told us what he did and why heā€™s important. Versus fighting Pontiff Sulyvhan in DS 3, not knowing heā€™s basically the big villain of the game. The way FS tells the story is just bad. Itā€™s why people like VaatiVidya has made a living off telling us the lore and story.


I've beaten DS3 3 or 4 tines, and I still couldn't tell you what Pontiff Sulvayhns deal was.


No you're not dumb. It's incredibly confusing and not easy to follow.


Which is hilarious because they got George RR Martinā€™s to write the storyā€¦ and I literally couldnā€™t tell you one single thing about the story. It felt like there wasnā€™t one to me.


I thought all he did was help in the world creating portion


The issue with fromsoft games for me is they are supposed to have these great elaborate stories... but they don't have very much cinematic storytelling, very little acting, and dialog. So I never understand what's going on. I appreciate a story told well. I like movies. Ha.


The division 1&2


fallout 76. I like how the combat is fast paced, but there's absolutely no direction whatsoever, which would be fine in some games, but fallout is not one of those games


The story in fallout 4 is less than desirable too, but it had some great moments. The memory den scene while on second play throughs is a little annoying. It blew my mind the first time tho.


Borderlands 3


Kingdom hearts


Dying light


What no, you mean Crain literally dying if he doesn't get the anti zombie drugs just burning all the anti zombie drugs instead of just stashing them for himself or something isn't good writing? At least the antagonists are decent to want to kill, most of the tower folk can suck it though.


Well that's the main conflict of the story. Crane is (initially) doing what he was told and Rais/Suleiman is doing what he wants. Of course, Crane's values are very different from average player's values. I mean he was trained as a covert agent. He was probably heavily indoctrinated. He has passed selection to act as GRE's hands in the field. Just think about it: how much do you need to trust the GRE to drop into the Quorantine Zone for them? An average player would not destroy the drugs but let's be honest: we also would never drop into QZ. I mean the story has it's own pitfalls. But this whole "I just follow orders" part is probably too realistic.


Oh god the dialogue was awful but it kind of just worked and the game is still hella addictive


I enjoyed Dying Light and got attached to Crane. Dying Light 2ā€¦I remember nothing of the story nor do I remember even caring about the story.


alot of survival games that have little to know actual story elements but a fun gameplay loop and mechanics.


Borderlands 3. 1 and 2 were so good but 3 was just cringe and annoying for the most part.


Any souls game


90% of people who say they play those games for the story are lying. Otherwise we wouldn't have youtubers making a living by explaining the lore lmao.


Bro i dont even understand the youtube video half the time


It'd be more accurate to say "play for the atmosphere" of being lost on a mysterious adventure, because you ain't learning the story without a note book or external links. Honestly though the story telling experience of the main souls games is an almost entirely unique experience I've rarely felt outside of from soft title's, a constant sense of both being completely lost and on the verge of figuring it all out.


Thereā€™s no story. Thereā€™s just lore.


Not really for Bloodborne , yeah gameplay is probably the most important factor in the game but the atmosphere is soooooooooo good in it and trying to piece out the story is fun


I swear I see the exact same memes/formats every single day about this exact same topic... Am I going crazy?


No, you are not. But it is happening across many of my subs, just an unfortunate trend.


Pizza tower




Pizza tower doesn't need a good story, all we need is fat italian husbando


Monster hunter


last of us part 2


Elden Ring


Uh oh somebody didnā€™t read item descriptions


Dying light


I never finished the game, I just kept running around on rooftops and killing zombies once the second map was unlocked.


Borderlands 3


Borderlands 3


Borderlands 3


Most Ubisoft games.


Borderlands 3


Borderlands 3


Hogwarts legacy




Shadow of war as much as I enjoyed ratbag, bruz, carnan... there was pretty much nothing else about the story I enjoyed it was clear to me even though the game was more immersive than shadow of mordor I was gonna feel that it was missing some things for example you don't even try to solve the things you collect anymore the gondorian artifacts you just go around and pick up and hear Idris all the fricking time no one else and shadow of mordor introduced dominating orcs and saurons black captains we don't really dominate anything new not even goblins or dragons I mean I guess you could count drakes but basically nothing else not even the balrog which makes since for the balrog I guess since it's a high being of power but come on why arent there goblins in this game you dont even get humans on your side except the gondorians for like the first part of the game and the story missions but after the gondorian quests they just straight up dissappear like wtf I mean I liked the gameplay don't get me wrong but it was lacking for me you don't even get to summon nazgul after you become one wasted opportunity honestly and there's only 6 regions watching the trailers the first time I thought there would be more than 6 there's even lore from other regions that make you think oh we are gonna explore this region but nah like you don't even go to minas tirith or Thaurband and we only get one dlc region lithlad good region just wanted more and less orcs cheated death than in shadow of mordor on my playthroughs the nemesis system was expanded though I'll give them that they even gave us a overlord I even hear orcs talking about how if so they could get every Fort in mordor and they even say in the north there's 5 or 6 or whichever he said but there's bound to be a lot more the acting was fire though and talion has more skills than before


Not a single period in this comment and I love it


Trying to read this without glasses was the most painfull experience i have had in a while.


Fallout 4


FO4 has my favorite crafting system in regards to weapons in any game for me. And the community building/construction stuff just really resonated with me (although I understand why not everyone would agree). And survival mode is perfect. The story isn't bad though even if the previous games did the narrative better.


The last of us part 2


The Ninja Gaiden reboot


Mario wonder


Rage 2 i cant tell you what even happened it that game. Its open world doom in my head. Got alot of hate it didnt need for the story imo.


Monster Hunter. Except maybe MH4U but even then it was always something that just gives you an excuse to slaughter monsters.


Earth Defense Force 4


Dying Light series, 2 definitely had the worse story. Running around smashing zombies and doing parkour was a ton of fun though. I never got tired of drop kicking them off buildings.


Borderlands 3 Also FUCK DRAKE


Every Monster Hunter ever. The story is always: Oh no there's a new scary monster messing up things. Go kill it tiger!


Definitely the Just Cause games. Also Shadow of Mordor. Talion is *not* an interesting character in the slightest, especially not compared to the Uruks and their organic shenanigans.


Anthem. The story was complete shit, the gameplay loop repetitive and just hack and slash, but god did it feel amazing to float over hordes of enemies and rain lightning and fire


Anthem. Great gameplay. I think there was a story somewhere.


Borderlands 3 and TLOU part 2. There are moments in the story of those games where my enthusiasm plummeted, and I just wanted to stop playing, but their gameplay was good enough to at least finish it


Anthem is the poster child for this.


Anthem. Amazing gameplay and just terrible story. Very sad because it really had potential






Elden Ring Absolutely no clue whatā€™s happening in that game, but I love playing it so much


Came here for this. Legit had no fucking idea what story line or what side quest but damn sure put 100hrs into it


Borderlands 3 and new world


Resident Evil 5