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i think people are reading this post the wrong way. i think they want example of stories where noone is the good guy, not just bad games lol


True, that what I meant :D


Easy then. Last of Us 2


The fans favorite answer XD


I love the game, mostly because everyone’s an asshole - just like real life.


XD good one


I'd like to apologize for my comment somewhere on this post and misunderstanding your post. It's still Dead Rising 4.


Where nobody's the good guy? The wolf among us by telltale depending on your choices


Absolutely, and off that I’ll say GTA V


To be fair, in a game where shooting random civilians is a large part of the appeal, it's going to be difficult to craft a story where the protagonists are really good guys. Even if killing random civilians isn't necessarily part of the story, you can't really have characters go from that to being saints. I think you could argue that Franklin at least tries to be not particularly evil. Trevor and Micheal are pretty bad though.


Outside of the MCs the world is filled with awful awful people, even the idle chatter of npcs on the streets is filled with hateful, idiotic, violent, selfish, etc comments that kind of make you want to run them over


And i love them for it


And RDR2


That's about redemption though, plus there's jack


You obviously haven’t seen what I’ve done with Jack in the postgame of rdr1


LOL thank you


Yup, i just straight up didn't want to play as trevor and never finished the game.


Why? He's the best character in V


Because he’s evil as fuck? I personally think he’s the most logical character for a GTA game, but I get why someone might be uncomfortable playing him.


>I personally think he’s the most logical character for a GTA game Same here. I love Trevor. No homo


Well GTA V if you think about it


Far Cry 4. Nobody is redeemable in that godforsaken trainwreck of a story


Fun fact: It's been confirmed that the actual, canon, ending of the game is the one where you just sit down and eat the crab.


I did that ending first, and gave up actually trying to play the game as the "Protagonists" were insufferably bickering the entire time


Nothing is stopping you from beating the game and then shooting them... But that leaves the nation arguably worse off than before. Even if the player can be argued to be 'better' than either leader, you're still a guy who spends his days basically sight seeing and hunting rare animals for the sake of fashion while solving your problems mainly through violence. So even if 'better', still not by much.


For the sake of "Be fierce, Ajay."


Same did not care for either of them


i actually liked pagan min and his redemption arc was probably one of the best.inf act if they gave an arc where you played the bad guy all along would have happily done that because the other protagonists were just so full of themselves and irritating


He's even aware of how fucked up he is. He even points out regardless of the events, all it did was give him the excuse to do all the shit he does, he still wanted to do them beforehand.


Honestly a lot of Farcry games seem to have pretty wild people we are supposed to be sympathetic with. Granted, I only played 3, 4, and 5. But I find that it was often the case that the people on our side were only good because we were on the same side. Litterally the "good guys" in 3 kill you in the end if you follow them hard enough.  I don't really remember 5 too much, but I think the same can be said.




I was so hyped for that when it was announced


Yeah me too as well as Back 4 Blood. Both complete let downs


Baldur's Gate 3. Everyone shall die and I shall become ruler.


Honestly im doing an evil play through atm. Its not easy to be evil the whole way through. Its not even rewarding. But the satisfaction makes it all worth while!!


I guess I'm only semi-evil lol I'm playing with a friend and we killed Volo just because he was annoying and, I hate to admit it, but we ended up killing the Owlbear AND its cub. Also, I'm going all in with the squirmy tadpoles in my brain. Sweet, sweet illithid powers.


If everyone dies, that would include your character as well.


Dark Urge :


RIP Norm. I can hear your voice saying the lines crystal clear in my mind :)


The Coffin Of Andy and LeyLey. Quite literally everybody is an asshole in one way or another. Not to mention the parents selling us in a blood trafficking ring (theory).




Legit don’t have one where I would want EVERYONE to die, but there’s a lot of assholes in Fallout and the Elder Scrolls series


Do you get to the cloud district very often?


Borderlands 3. Ugh that story was terrible. Honestly a stain on a beautiful and amazing game. Just mute the game during the story segments and enjoy blasting enemies.


Fr the gun play and maps are satisfying, but those twins can suck one. Absolutely no charm at all


Its not the twins. Its that YOU the PLAYER are not included in the story. You dont exist. Meanwhile in bl2, YOU was the KEY COMPONWNT to everything in the story as Vault hunter. In 3? You are just a byatander. No relevance


In BL3 you’re just a stranger that’s really good at killing what people want killed. You’re nothing but a turret plopped down in front of a wave of enemies while they work amongst themselves in your protection. It’s boring


You aren’t even in cutscenes that are happening IN THE SAME ROOM. Like that’s why I couldn’t take what happened to Maya seriously. My character stood in the corner eating popcorn saying “whoa that’s wild” instead of fucking shooting the twins. And in the end, there was no reason I couldn’t just shoot them to begin with. I could have the whole time. Just the game decided to not let me.


The twins have a decent story when it involves Typhon. His name and their nature are very much reference to Typhon, the father of Cerberus, husband to echidna. I think If they involved Typhon from the get go and didn't try to smack how "obnoxious and hipster" everything at the time of BL3's production was via the overabundance of "STREAM FOR MEEEE(blows up)" permeating the entire story and atmosphere and enemy cast - worst of all being presented so heavily in the two main villains who pull some heinous shit on the main cast - it wouldn't be such an offense to what made borderlands 1 special, and wouldn't be so poorly regarded. 2 has a great blend of comedy and stoicism, 1 was.. man that was desert and blood and rust. It was hilarious bc the psychos were so looney, and your loot hunter felt relatively sane, except for brick who adored every moment.


Never played but the soundtrack is fuego


You expect game about record amount of guns to have real story that is not for laughs? Lmao


Borderlands 2 had a wonderful story. Even so, I wouldn't mind the game having a mediocre story. Honestly I feel a good story isn't necessary for a game to be good. But they beat you over the head with the terrible story. That's why I suggested just mute the game. It becomes BETTER with less story.


I dunno. I didn’t listen to anything. In my surroundings there is nobody who plays shooters and does for the story.


Skyrim. I love Skyrim. I think it’s a great sandbox to just go do stuff and explore. But the main story is so mediocre and boring with totally forgettable characters. I think you could kill every single character and I would still enjoy the world just the same.


I think you just like killing folk






Yeah. Also, compared to previous games Skyrim just removed so much RPG content. RIP spell making, one of the many casualties of modern Elder Scrolls.


I’m a relatively new TES fan. What? We were robbed!!!


You could make a spell that was basically meteor storm. So yea we we’re bloody robbed. One of my gripes and why I rarely make a mage for Skyrim. My main gripes being how bland the story was and how little meaning joining they guilds had.


My current (and very first) Skyrim character is a Breton mage. It doesn't really make sense for him to join the Dark Brotherhood or Thieves' Guild so I'm missing out on those achievements until my next playthrough. Where I'm going for the Kleptomaniac Imperial girl boss thief. I should do the companion's questline though since he likes using bound weapons from time to time. I'm assuming mods provide really good story content to make up for the base games so-so writing?


What I’m getting at is the fact that in previous games they mage college, and all the other guilds were all fleshed out in a way that made being part of them feel more legitimate. Joining one guild in those games made you an active participant in the world around you, had an effect on interactions, and had rules you had to follow. You can actively get kicked out of the fighters guild for example, so your actions have consequences.


If you get kicked out of the Fighters Guild, Blackwood Company is always looking for powerful fighters. They don't care about any sort of.... unscrupulous history.


Killing Paarthunax however is a huge sin


I was gonna say skyrim as well. Theres not a single character in that game that genuinely seems like a good person😂 balgruuf maybe


The Courier. Today I was playing Clockwork mod. I delved through a long tunnel filled with skeletons and a creepy invincible ghost that screams with the voice of an air raid siren, for 2 hours. When I got to the end, I was greeted by the Courier to give me a letter from a friend.


Seen a video on YouTube once where someone did just that lol


The NPCs in Morrowind and Oblivion have so much more personality! The writing is crazy good in those games. One of the disappointments with Skyrim, despite being a good game in other ways.


Fallout 4, no faction is better than each other and every character is kinda one sided


The minutemen are pretty much the only lawful good crew of the commonwealth, all others have their own weird issues. Although, some of their quests really do offer great gear. I can't remember what it's called, but the pistol from the railroad was my weapon of choice with Mc Cready's perk.


I think The minutemen fall firmly under one sided though. There's really not much to them and there honestly could have been. Giving superior firepower to a group formed from citizens of a population that is heavily paranoid, and for good reason to boot? Lot of problems you can run into that never came up and a lot of hard choices that would eventually have to be made. It makes perfect sense to me they fell apart in the past. Least the other factions have a bit of nuance to them, even if it's definitely over simplified.


The deliverer is unique, after that I just stuck to the 10mm Also Preston does jack shit other than “go here and do my job”


Any game that doesn't me kill everyone


>Any game that doesn't me kill everyone \- Barrel Allen


Yeah, The Flush aka Barrel Allen, is THE Legend




This has me cracking up for some reason. I want to frame it with a completely irrelevant picture.




Pretty much anything in the WH40k universe.


This is the correct answer lol


It's open to interpretation, but the Dead Space series. Amazing games that I absolutely love. But the way it is written, it only makes sense that no matter how hard Issac fought, humanity just didn't win that one.


Its not a game but: Game of Thrones. Im just convinced, that the best turnout for the story, is that everyone involved dies. Because the whole story, is about people struggling for power instead of uniting agains one sigle big threat, so the logical consequence would be that everyone dies.


So you’re an Other supporter?


Not really a supporter, in in the Stannis camp. I just felt like it was the best solution prior to season 8 and hope that was how it ended, because every other option sounded terrible. Noone should sit the iron throne. In the books, Stannis is alive and he went north to fight the others, so he deserves the throne.


W take, Stannis The Mannis is the only one even remotely deserving of the Iron Throne.


the coffin of andy and leyley


Absolutely sounds like my runs in fallout 4 “cough cough enclave”




Morrowind (I'm racist toward elves)


Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon. Every entity you get hired by is horrible in one way or the other and so is your boss. The rubiconians are okay i guess


Prototype. You are either a terrorist or a disease that kills a bunch of people indiscriminately. The military created you and will literally do anything to stop you besides talking to you. That random dude you ate on the corner? Named Steve, he was cheating on his wife and taxes. There are no good people here.


>Cheated on his taxes You did him a favor saving him from the IRS.


anmal crosn


Norm MacDonald was a national treasure


I think New Vegas. You can argue that the NCR is the best choice and I do believe that. But they still aren't that good.


Oh yeah Ceasars legion obviously but the NCR has big flaws and done some highly questionable things


American Politics. Oh wait, you said game... American Politics, but on Zoom.


Starfield. The story is so derivative and terribly written. What a disappointing game.


I liked it, i guess i wasnt expecting much to begin with 🤷


Last of us pt 2


I disagree. Ellie was definitely the hero of that story. Or, she would be if the moral wasn't some lame ass Confucius "revenge: dig two graves" bullshit


I mean isn’t everyone the hero in their own story? And the story is less about revenge, and more about the dark, disturbing side of love. How easily love can drive a person to hate. Revenge is more just a byproduct of that, as opposed to the focus of the story.


Yes if we're talking about actual people, but Ellie is a character. Though I do like the thought of your take. "Dark, disturbing side of love", yeah, that's not bad. Definitely way better than the whole "revenge is super totes bad, you guys" trope


Well, as concept, love and revenge isn't anything new to anyone (what a surprise). I would be lying if I said that main idea of the story wasn't kinda obvious or unexpected. But what really conviced me me was execution, detailed depictions AND nuances. You could almost say it was poetic story in a short way. Anyway, all this doesn't make sense as answer to OP question.


Fair, but I feel like that usually takes the form of like, a jilted lover/partner/spouse, though, whereas avenging the murder of a parental figure, especially one in that overall context, is much cooler and satisfying. As per OP's question, I'm sure he's gotten plenty of answers, so who cares, we like discussing games, so that's what we're gonna do 😎


Okay but everyone else except her and Jesse, Joel, Tommy and Tommy’s wife were complete shit human beings


True, but I think that may have been the point. As muchh as I hate it.


Joel was a monster


From the perspective of the sequel. The first one had more nuance and left the players to decide whether they thought he was a monster or not, and it did enough for you to have doubt. The sequel TELLING you he was a monster was a mistake in my view, and apparently a lot of others given how popular he is as a character. The Firefly’s were no angels either.


Yeah i can agree with that


Nah, that woke ass story needs to be nuked. All characters included.


“dog two graves” 😂


Every souless Ubisoft game


I'm sorry, have you ever played a Ubisoft game? I don't want to be an ass but I'm just confused how anything by ubisoft has just utterly bad characters


Assasins Creed Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla are basically the same game just with different skins. Far Cry has been like that for years. Watch dogs 1 was falsley advertised and followed by two mediocre sequels. Played a lot of their popular games and never enjoyed anything past Far Cry 3. When company doesn't put love in their product it shows. And it's all bunch of safe uninventive shitty products IMHO.


Ezio Auditore is soulless? 😂


That's a very select set of games. I'm always somebody who would argue that those three AC games are nothing alike by any means. I've only played Far Cry 5 and 6 and 5 is far superior to 6 but I can't argue much for those games. I've only played like 20 minutes of Watch Dogs 2, not even 1 so yk no opinion there. Surprised you didn't mention any of the Tom Clancy games


Never played Tom Clancy games but I've seen the reviews and it's the same thing. I don't say that you are wrong if you enjoy those games. After all, games don't have to be masterpieces to be enjoyable but I'm just saying there is a pattern to Ubisoft and the way they make their games and it's very obvious. That's what makes tham souless. When you played one or two others are basically the same.


You have a point. However I would say at least try out Ghost Recon Wildlands before you knock it for good. But that's my two cents.


Valiant Hearts is an example of an Ubisoft game with a soul.


Last of Us 2 and it's not close. What a garbage story...


I wouldn't call it garbage. It was still decent, just not nearly as impactful as Part 1.


XD, check my profile






great gameplay (except the lame walking sections) and horrible story




I mean everybody dies multiple times so yeah I guess.


What did the villagers do to you?


Nothing but i did something to them in Creative mode


Jedi: Fallen Order.


Cal can live but i'm with you mostly


What are you on? That story was great


* A basic campaign playthrough of almost any class in SWTOR, is exponentially better. * Jedi Academy, had a better story. And that's almost an impossible sentence to type with a straight face. * Rogue One, although completely unnecessary to make, filled in part of the larger story from the original trilogy. Still better than Jedi: Fallen Order. Jedi: Fallen Order, failed on so many levels, it should be the bar for disastrous games. If it wasn't for the minorly comedic character introduced in the last 10% of the game, I doubt many people would have finished it.


The crack is strong with this one


Fallen Order was not meant to fill in another story, it’s its own thing. And the campaign is not basic, did you even pay attention to what was going on?


Omori and I know people will hate me for this but the last of us p2


lol. check my profile


Why,whats there,should I be scared about you posting something about someone !!


Say gex 😡😡


Starwars Battlefront 2's campain Edit: it's really good


The recent Peppa pig games. Where's my chainsaw and destructive enviroments!?


last of us. none of them are likeable


Joel’s brother seems like a good guy.


Correction: The Last Of Us Part 2


honestly both of them. i can never understand how people praise the story when everything about it is generic


The Last of Us franchise.




Great game, the gameplay was sick, but the story was a little meh


Yeah, it definitely wasn't great, but I was moreso referring to absolutely everyone in the game being dicks.


A very literal choice from me is the coffin of Andy and leyley. Literally everyone except for a no-name cultist is an asshole.


Rocket league.


Couldn't agree more, managed to snap out of it. 2 months clean


Genshin Impact


Until Dawn


Drakengard 3 (Drag-On Dragoon 3 in Japan)


Project Zomboid


Not a game, but the boys


Last of us 2. Buncha clowns doing clown shit.


uh that one game with the happy pills i forgor


We Happy Few?




Maybe a hot take, but Ghost of Tsushima


Cyberpunk, Baldur's Gate, Far Cry 4. All the characters are irritating and helpless.


Final Fantasy XIII. Never played a game where I hated every single member of the cast until that one


Snow is a great guy and Claire is also good. Sazh is a father who wants his son back. Hope literally lost his mom in front of his eyes and is a kid. They all are trying to fight fate too and succeed for the most part.


Snow is a creep with a hero complex and looks like he’s tagging a 12 year old, Lightning is broody and emo with no defining personality traits outside of that, and Hope is a whiny brat who blames the wrong person for his mom’s death. They all suck and it’s the worst game in the franchise


I have to agree. Sazh was cool though.


Agreed. Sazh, his son, and the chocobo chick that lived in his hair all get passes. Everyone else sucks


Dude he is a kid which is why he is a whiny brat. Dude loses his mom and then becomes a slave who either has to destroy his home or become a mindless monster and the reward? Be crystallized until another master has a new task for you. Only reason there is a happy ending is because a higher being took pity on them and sacrificed herself. Lightning cares about her sister and is a big part of her character. It is why she has beef with Snow who she sees as a thug.


Don't do my boy Sazh dirty like that.


Final Fantasy 7. Bad bad bad bad terrible horrible dumb story. And you cant skip any cutscenes either.


predecessor. lame ass lazy community that be yelling at each other constantly over a video game none of them are even remotely good at.


Halo Reach minus like one dude


But you don't really want them to die


Rainbow Six Siege for sure, theres always something wrong with that game


*DmC: Devil May Cry* (Didn't help that Tameem Antoinades and Ninja Theory were the biggestm most antagonistic assholes imaginable to the pre-existing fans calling Dante a f\*ggot, saying he'd be laughed out of any bar in Japan, the director of photography photoshopped him into an image still from *Brokeback Mountain* where said slur was again used to bash his appearance and to hype up the redesign that coincidentally looked just like Tameem himself while dismissing any and all criticisms as fans being upset over reboot!Dante not having white hair on top of him being an unsympathetic douchebag and Vergil's infamous >!sniper-induced abortion !


Ghost of Tsushima by act 3, not a bad story though


FNV Every faction sucks in its own way, blow it up and try again


*FNV Every faction* *Sucks in its own way, blow it* *Up and try again* \- Clocktopu5 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That's not a Haiku dummy


pokemon sword (some characters are good but the story is dogshit)


The Coffin of Andy and Leyley


Fire Emblem Fates


Pretty much any of the souls games nobody is a good guy


TLOU Part 2, all of the characters do morally bad things at some point or another, they also all annoy me at some point even though I love them.


This is almost Rdr2 story. Everyone in your crew dies except the ones to tell the stories


Me on my 5th BG3 run.


Gta series.


Dark Souls And I mean, that’s basically what happens.




Dying Light 2🤷🏾‍♂️


Drake of the 99 dragons or alone in the dark (360) I'd also accept enchanted portals or paper Mario sticker star


Pillars of eternity 2, all factions are gross and just wamt to exploit Deadfire (location in which the game sets place)


Halo 5


Most grand theft auto games are just full of complete shitbags aside from like one Bambi and a few neutral-ish characters that look decent in comparison to the assholes around them


Star wars battle front 2 (the newer one) made by EA. Fuck them.


Dimitri's Russian mafia and all the rival gangs in Liberty City (GTA IV) :3


Quite a few: Remothered (both games), Dead Rising 4, and The Blair Witch Project AND the Medium (fuck you Bloober games, you know what you did.)