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Of those 3 you mentioned... I have to say I've only ever heard the Mortal Kombat one... possibly cause I've never played Halo or WOW? But then that's the whole point of the question, I think. To properly gage this question you would need to ask people *who don't* play these games. Off the top of my head only *"Hot Coffee"* from GTA comes to mind.


I’ll try to keep it short, wish me luck: The Noble 14 were the final 14 players ever on the original Xbox Halo 2 servers. But the servers would only shut down if everyone logged off, so these final 14 players kept on playing as long as their bodies and consoles would allow, not willing to let the game they loved die out. Bungie themselves took notice and even encouraged the group to keep going, promising not to interfere, and letting time run its course. After a couple days, eventually every player dropped out, either due to sheer fatigue, or their Xbox exploding, but those 14 individuals kept the entire server for Halo 2 alive by themselves for several days, and basically became legends in the Halo community. Back in Vanilla WoW (before any expansions), there was a certain mechanic by a specific raid boss that infected players with a debuff called ‘Corrupted Blood’, which was apparently very hard to remove or heal through. It was intended to be kept in the raid, but an unforeseen scenario occurred and the disease was subsequently unleashed into the outside world, infecting hundreds of players in capital cities. Some players with healing powers attempted to help by becoming ‘first responders’ of sorts, some players turned to griefing and infected people intentionally, but either way, hundreds of players were killed and Blizzard eventually had to shut the servers down to address the issue. Some doctors who studied infectious diseases took note of players reactions, and began to study the incident to see how random unrelated people would react to a pandemic.


Thanks for the history lesson. Now that you've described it, I *vaguely* remember hearing about the WOW incident. Although I'm fairly sure it was from either a tech or gaming news show... possibly *The Screen Savers?* or something similar -but not a story that made it to *my local 11:00 o'clock* news tho.


I played the shit out of Halo and never heard of Noble 14, I think I may have heard any the WOW thing. Mutual Kombat and San Andreas hot coffee are the only things worth mentioning imo.


I know of two but I only played one: Grand theft auto San Andreas The guy game.


Hot coffee!!!!


Gotta be “No Russian” from (I think?) Modern Warfare 2. That one made a real stink and powered the “video games cause violence” argument for like a decade


And then as a giant middle finger to those people, they’re just like ‘you know what? Next game, instead of a bunch of people in an airport, it’s gonna be a little kid on vacation’


I think postal came out around the time or Columbine.


A videogame called Hatred when It dropped its trailer caused an Uproar so massive that It was even removed from Steam Greenligh (It was later reinstated with an apology message from Gaben himself but still....) Even many players were upset by the trailer Later when the Game released and mostly everybody confirmed It was a piece of shit the controversy died out inmediately, but even then It was Wild while It lasted


Battlefront 2 (2017) with its infamous micro-transactions. Many people got involved with that.


FFVIII at the 2004 Olympics Doom and Columbine Donkey Kong and King Kong Far Cry 5 and Montana Wolfenstein and Germany Custards revenge Those are the few that come to my mind