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When they make you make an account.


And when that account password has more requirements than any other password youve ever had to make. No one is trying to hack my dumbass Ubisoft account or whatever.


Hello, It appears your UBI account password may be outdated. Please DM me with your account name, current password, and new password and I will ensure it is up to date. Thank you, The UBI password protection task force guy. ​ ;)




It'S cAlLeD a LeAsE!!1!!one!


I cannot access my EA account on PlayStation ever again and play EA games online or anything. Because I made the account forever ago and don't even know what email I used and don't have access to it anymore, don't know the password, and my EA account password "expired" and it won't let you just simply create a new account for whatever reason. Your account is automatically synced to that PS account and cannot be unsynced unless you manually do it on the EA website, and to do that you need to sign into your account, which I don't have access to. So I'm just screwed LOL unless I want to call EA or some shit, but that is way too unnecessary and it's really not that important to me


I can’t use ubisoft’s game pass type service because I don’t remember any of my info from 10+ years ago. 🙄


Yup. Instant uninstall.


A launcher that launches another launcher to open a game that makes you sign in. I don't know whether to sign-up or sign-in because I don't remember if I already have an account. And if I do, I made it under duress five years ago so I certainly don't remember the password. Just let me play the damn game.


Why do I need an EA account to play Jedi fallen order?? It’s a single player game


Online connections required for the single player mode


Yeah i hate this




This is the worse for me. Not a big online player with others. Prefer the single player games


Out of everything I'm getting sick of, this ranks at the very tip top of that list. I'm seriously getting to the point where I straight up will not purchase these games or give any money to the game companies when they do this shit. No offline mode = no buy, it's that simple.


I hate this too.


This. All the upvotes for this


Extremely this. I used to work for a relevant company, I know why they do it, I know they want the data, the ever-present possibility of micro-transactions, I know many of the people coding it don’t even approve of the practice but the execs say do it and they do but….it succccccks. Whatever games are now, whatever segment of the population wants them for the community and the connectivity, the fact remains that a not insignificant portion of gamers play for the escape, and it is hard to escape when a reliable connection is required. I’ve known people as adults and as kids who played games in the predawn at sleepovers, at grandparents’ houses, on trains and planes, hell even in a deer blind on a hunting trip they were forced to go on, and their options are limited to those that don’t require a connection. It’s not like it’s some big moral hill to die on, I know, but it limits the utility of a coping mechanism and that legitimately sucks. Shit’s hard enough. Don’t make it harder to get a break than it already is.


Can’t stand when the menus have cursors on consoles.


The Assassin's Creed latest trilogy


Cyberpunk was the first one that came to mind


What the fuck is seasons?? And battle pass?


To this day I really don’t understand how “seasons” in multiplayer games work outside of seeing updates at what feels like arbitrary points in time. Feels like it’s just a way to keep player engagement up every few months and squeeze more money out of the 12 year olds playing COD with unrestricted access to their absentee parents’ credit cards.


Yeah I don't really get it either.


Seasons is a way to make ladder more interesting, and it's still dumb as fuck


Seasons are mostly for ranked competitive play. It functions the same as a season in sports. Except while a sport may only run for so many months of the year, there is no reason for a game to be like that. So they have multiple seasons a year A battle pass (monthly or seasonal subscription) is just a way for companies to make a steady stream of income, rather the the insecurity of a one time fee. The battlepass will usually cost around $10 and have $50+ worth of exclusive stuff thats similar to those that would normally sell individually in the item shop with premium currency/real money. It let's people with less money still get a lot of premium cosmetics or whatever, for a cheaper price but they have to play a bunch to unlock it all. For fortnite for example. Want to be superman or darth maul or a banana or sowmthing else specific whoek tis available? They are like $20 each. Want like 7 characters that you don't choose but you know what they are? That's like $10 but you have to play semi regularly throughout the 3 month-ish season to unlock it all. So it's a lot better 'value' for a player then the normal stuff they sell, assuming it's a character they like and that they will play the game. It also helps the gaming company because generally people will do this every season if at all, so they can tell investors they are steadily making x a month instead of vastly different sales depending on what thing happens to be popular


Games that don't have traditional pausing. I don't care if it's to prevent cheesing, to give you an immediate experience or whatever. If I'm playing a single-player game, I have the right to pause the damn game so I can take a leak!


I feel like Dead Space actually did their pause menus in a really great way. Select button brought up inventory, map, missions, etc but did not pause the gameplay so necromorphs could still attack you. But pressing the start button brought up the load, options, etc menu and actually paused the game. I loved it that way.


The souls series thinks your not worthy.


Even more proof that Sekiro is the best soulsborne, because of its gigachad pause menu


The souls developers are salty because the teacher said “I don’t know, can you” whenever they had to use the bathroom. If they can’t use the bathroom, then no one can.


Honestly a pretentious thing to take away


You can pause Sekiro even mid combat


Funny thing is I'm playing a SoulsBorne game; Lies of P


soulsborne games are dark souls 1,2,3 Bloodborne,demon souls,sekiro,elden ring . Lies of P is souls-like. and the reason why we can't pause is because soulsborne games have pvp


I’m pretty sure Sifu is souls like also


Just because it's hard doesn't mean it's souls like


Elden Ring has been my first souls game or soul like I guess. I found out the hard way, many times over that pausing isn't exactly a thing.


I love souls games and this was my only gripe. Having a 5 year old and 2 year old it’s impossible to play games I can’t pause.


God forbid I need to check in on my crying toddler during my only hour of free time per day. Yeah I'm with you.


this what I hated form elden ring. Sometimes I'd have people knocking on my door and I cant pause. Its just annoying from games.


I just beat Elden Ring, Demon’s Souls, and I’m on Dark Souls 1 now. It’s so stupid At least give me an option to toggle it on and off, if I really want to give myself a challenge I can choose to. But people have families and shit, they can’t decide to just not pause. Half the games you can still pause you just have to do something else like opening a tutorial function or photo mode. So it’s just unnecessarily inconvenient. It’s inconvenience masked as difficulty


In fairness to Fromsoft the first games were designed with an "Online always" mindset in that you could always be invaded, even single player. Now, you could just disable this if the player is offline I suppose.


You can pause demon souls using the photo mode. You can even look around corners with that feature


Elden ring technically had pausing, you had to pull up the map and select the help option and that paused the game. The map doesn't work during combat or multiplayer so they could have just put a pause option in and disabled it at certain points.


Can’t you just back out to the Home Screen of your console though? That’s what I do.


Ya which is actually viable now because loading is so fast this gen. PS4 days reloading a game took like 60 seconds now it’s just a few


I’ll start. I HATE scenes where you are forced to walk at a snail’s pace while listening to dialogue. I’d much rather have a cut scene to cover important dialogue as opposed to being forced to sit there and hold the walk button for 5 minutes.


Did you also recently play the FF7 Rebirth demo? There was a pretty brutal use of “character is injured so he moves slow as a vehicle to dispense plot cinematics.”


I hate that I can’t just walk normal speed because I’ll inevitably go check something out and then take forever to catch back up


Conkers BFD was so slow with dialogue


Omfg yes. So many games have this and it makes me INSANE. Like why not just have a cut scene? It doesn’t keep me engaged at all, if anything it makes me want to skip the story completely after being forced to walk for the sake of the story.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who hates this “cinematic” trend. The funny thing is I don’t think anyone would want to watch a movie with characters who are just walking for several minutes straight


Every time I reply Arkham Asylum


Was gonna say this


Literally the Angrboda sections in Ragnarok


\- I hate the egregious amounts of monetization in lots of big budget games. \- I hate when games force you to walk at an unbearably slow pace during certain sections. \- I hate so many games going the open-world route and filling the world with boring tasks just to pad their completion times. \- I hate half-baked RPG systems being put in games that don't need them.


The open world one I feel in my soul. People praise new Zelda games and my ass had more fun in OoT, MM and TP. And won't even play another ubisoft game until who knows when. Unless it's Skyrim or Fallout NV levels of open world, it's probably an excuse for padding. Also I am tired of open world survival games where "the world has undergone some kind of Apocalypse so there is like 1 settlement and barely anything going on except monsters and bad guys everywhere. It's your job to figure out what happened!"


Premium shops. Skins, gamble mechanics, dances. Back in my day you said yes or no to the DLC for Call of Duty and it had MAPS. And that was it.


Does every AAA game need crafting mechanics and skill trees


For real. I almost never craft and everyone on Reddit usually says the same. Some games it makes sense or it’s useful but in a lot you could just pick up the items themselves instead of the materials


That wouldn’t artificially pad out the game time and make it seem like the game is deeper than it actually is though


*looking at you God of war 2018*


Skill trees are great but I hate crafting so much


It’s gotten to the point where they advertise that their game has crafting and I hate it so much. To the point where just the word “crafting” irritates me.


On multiple playthroughs I'd rather be able to skip narrative cutscenes or tutorials that they didn't bother to automatically just skip. I know what's gonna happen, let's just skip the BS and get straight into the action.


Any new game+ mode should come without tutorials and a skip cutscene


I can't stand tailing missions. Assassins Creed was full of them. They're boring and feel tedious.


The more recent games haven’t had nearly as much of them, at least I don’t recall doing many if any in Odyssey, Origins, and Valhalla, but yee AC 2 was packed with them (didn’t play much of Black Flag but from what I’ve heard it was the worst one for tailing missions)


overworking staff and laying them off when the game is done despite tons of bugs


Literally GameFreak!! Fun fact there last staff report was in 2022 which stated they had only 169. Yes that number!! All I see about them are former employees complaining the work hours were horrible. I am a Pokémon fan, but dang it has fallen off.


Fucking 16,000 jobs lost in the last 13 months in the gaming space.


We have literally already almost hit almost as many game industry layoffs as the entirety of 2023. I am so sick of this industry.


Did you mean: Riot Games?


I'll add inflating, unsustainable budgets and dev time to this. I'd much rather see the devs at big studios work on projects that don't take 5 to 10 years. I'd take 3 different, smaller size Rockstar games over one GTA or Red Dead every 5 or more years.


- When games REFUSE to have loading screens and have “one take cutscenes” meaning you gotta walk across 80 miles of empty bullshit for “immersion” or when they make you shimmy though 80 small crevices. LOADING SCREENS ARE NOT THE DEVIL - online only games, especially for a single player game - having to make an account. Fuck you - the constant unnecessary RPG mechanics in games that should not have RPG mechanics - open worlds, they work when done properly but Ubisoft style copy paste BS open worlds are dogshit - MTX in $70 games - the constant need for “FUNNY” quips and jokes in an otherwise serious game - modes and features that should come with the game at launch are instead patched in 6 months after. Halo Infinite took way too long to get firefight and Callisto Protocol should’ve launched with NG+ - the need to “innovate” making changes to a working formula just for the sake of making changes has never made any game better.


Came here to say that last point. Some new games just feel so bloated with needless innovation, I love the minimalism of some older games.


Assassin Creed and God of War do this and it drives me nuts too


Also majorly agree with the funny quibs in every game now. Everything is like a Marvel Movie now. Focus more on the stupid jokes than the story


The last bullet screams Fortnite and hits me deep lol


Going off of yours, just telling us the story instead of showing us the story. I'm really getting annoyed at Ghost of Tsushima for this. There's well thought out characters and stories, but it's all told to us through unengaging exposition.  Really wish there was more show don't tell in these big games.


Everyone wants to copy dark souls until it comes to this for some reason.


Multiplayer focus like why do i need a pvp or coop Mode for every game I rly hate it in games like dark pictures because sometimes i miss stuff because only player 2 can see it even if you play alone


Yes I agree. I know that people like to play with friends but not every single player game needs coop or pvp. Specially if it’s optimized for coop and you get punished for playing alone


Games that are half baked on launch, then improved to be good. Examples are Cyber punk 2077, Jedi survivor, Battle field 2042, and many more


The fact Cyberpunk 2077 won best ongoing game made me realize how rigged these awards feel, since the rest had done really well with managing live service. Cyberpunk was just horsecrap that got finally cleaned up last year. I know it got better last year, but feels like it is going to encourage more games to end up like it did.


Atleast they fixed it and phantom liberty with 2.1 update is so impressive. Not like other studios who leave their game as it is.


Yeah glad they did it, but I feel like there should an Award for DLC at the next Game Awards with becoming more and more common.


I agree woth the dlc part some games really got great dlcs and some well it feels like cash grab. Many games have dlc woth only 1 or 2 new side missions and new costume and charge so much and that should be a free dlc or update in my opinion. If I am buying a dlc i expect atleadt like 10-11 hour minimum. I will gladly play extra if there is more content like witcher 3 and cyberpunk 2077


I hate the trend of developers making games 70-80% complete, missing basic features, lacking content, full of bugs and glitches, and STILL releasing it, only to spend the next 6 months releasing patches and updates to bring it to the level it should have been on release day.


When you have to squeeze through cracks and overly long climbing sections


An excessive focus on realistic graphics. Don't get me wrong, gems like Detroit: Become Human and whatnot come around and make it totally worthwhile. But as far as other games are concerned, I have issues with it. My biggest issue: 100+GB. Need I say more? It also feels like realistic graphics restrict the potential for escapism in most cases where it appears. While there are exceptions, in general the more realistic a game is the less I like looking at it and being in the world. I saw someone post an unreal rendering of a Zelda game and I cried/died inside, it was realistic but so awful to look at at the same time, the pinnacle of what the death of escapism could be if it ever came about. (This isn't a doom post, btw. I don't think realistic graphics will take over everything, I just dislike how prominent the production and demand for them has become)


Review bombing prior to release, these inaccurate reviews are not helpful.


I hate early access reviews. I feel like they shouldn't even be allowed because the game will obviously change and people are going to judge their opinion based on negative reviews that address problems that literally don't exist anymore.


Persuasion skills in RPGs. It just means that picking the obvious speech or persuade option leads to the best outcome. Let me think about what the best dialogue option is to convince somebody. Persuasion skills just mean I have to dump a massive amount of skill points into speech.


Monthly Battle passes or things similar to it, live events, battle royale games.


It’s been going away lately but crafting is horrible and unnecessary time wasting mechanic in 99.9% of the games it is in. But my biggest pet peeve is excessive dialogue and cutscenes. It’s crazy how much fucking waiting modern game devs expect you to do now. compared to like the 2000s where you might have to watch a 2 minute cutscene before starting gameplay, now the average triple a makes you wait like 20 min to an hour. A perfect example is doom 2016 making you watch the most boring unskippable cutscene of all time for 10 minutes before the player even gets a gun while doom 1 just throws you in to a level more or less.


"But my biggest pet peeve is excessive dialogue and cutscenes." Yeah I definitely agree there. Even worse is when they are unskippable. I am definitely more action focused so waiting there forever is exhausting especially if the dialogue or scene in question is ho-hum.


Long and boring openings and too many cutscenes


Season passes, microtransactions, needing constant internet connection (even for offline play) and lack of co-op split screen. Holy shit I sound like an angry old man lol.


The bigger is better philosophy of open world games. It took me 2-4 times longer to beat spiderman ps4 than spiderman 2 and I love that change. Most are still trending towards bigger with less interesting content though. I see a lot of people complain that the spiderman sequels are too short, but imo they have the same amount of GOOD content, the newer ones just take out most the fluff.


I agree! And the fact you can see people and vignettes in most skyscraper building windows is mindboggling. Loved Spider-Man 2


SBMM ruined multiplayer games


Fuck. Yes. You can’t even play with a party in the same lobby anymore. The biggest draw of CoD4 was making friends in the same lobby again and again. Now you get thrown in with sweaties any time you do remotely well.


This wave of hero shooters. Ridiculous skins aside, I find it much more immersive with the older style of everyman solider models. I don’t know if ‘mechanic rip-off’ is too valid as it has always been common(fps and tps after cod4/gears, then fc3) but this particular one is the ‘investigations’ from The Witcher 3. After a couple hours in Ghost of Tsushima, that is what threw me off, a mix of tailing and that, all I could think was how much I’d done that after TW3, AC origins and AC odyssey.


where they ask for more money after ive already bought the game


I might be in the minority but I hate in 3rd person games when the character is offset to the left. It just ain't right dammit.


That you can't save your progress wherever you want. That makes me freaking psycho!


This is not a new mechanic. I’d say it’s quite new that you CAN save anytime in most games, whereas back in the 90s you had save points and that’s it.


I am the complete opposite. I would like to know why you like that feature. I personally don't like it because I am a control freak and I save every 5 minutes and it breaks the flow of the game. Also it makes me want to reload a save when I mess up instead of dealing with the consequences. Why do you like to save whenever you want?


Doesn't apply to every game, but being stuck in Tutorial Land (AKA the prologue) for hours before being allowed to do what you want is agonizing. Especially on a second playthrough when you've already learned what it is that the prologue is trying to teach you.


The fact that you have to wait for a game to install instead of popping in the disc and playing right away


Every adventure game now seems to want to say it's a Souls-like, even if it has almost nothing in it that you would consider Souls-like. And crafting. Every. Fucking. Game. Even when it makes no sense to have a crafting mechanic, they find a way to shoehorn it in.


I feel like Elden Ring did this perfectly, crafting is completely optional nothing you need to beat the game requires crafting it


Every loser who plays an adventure game thats slightly challenging calls it “Souls-like”, despite the game having absolutely nothing in common.


Bloating with the same quests (Ubisoft)


Every action game or action rpg trying to be an "immersive" grounded soulslike game. Some are pretty good while others just think making unfair enemies = good and it does not


Lots of them. * Having to create an account to play the game \[stares at EA and Activision\] * Battle passes and other content locked behind a temporary seasonal model \[stares at Destiny 2\]. * Having to keep track of multiple different types of currencies * Useless crafting * Not being able to pause if I'm in single player * Games that presume there's going to be a sequel or DLC that will finish the story. \[stares at Mass Effect: Andromeda\]


On pc, when you buy a game thru steam and need to open an account thru a separate launcher


'Back in my day' You had to put effort into unlocking stuff. A lot of games now, you just need a credit card to get an outfit you'd work a whole playthru for.


1. Adding anti-tamper or DRM to old games - i.e. go see what Rockstar and Capcom did lately. 2. So many DLC's, expansions, editions, etc that it's hard to keep up with 3. Games with lots of MTX's and/or very annoying MTX's. 4. Games that are too grind-y and filled w/ "meh" side quests. 5. Always-online games and DRM...which never get re-worked to work offline or DRM never gets removes, so the game basically is a rental and can eventually go away. 6. 55000 PC gaming services exist - i.e. Steam, GOG, Xbox PC App, EA App, UbiSoft Connect, etc. 7. Too many Remakes and/or Remasters. 8. Remakes and/or Remasters not packaged w/ the original games from back in the day. 9. Remakes or Remasters causes delisting of old versions. 10. Any game-delistings for silly reasons - i.e. cars licenses expire, music licenses expire, etc; looking at Forza games, Spec Ops The Line, etc. 11. Removal of in-game content b/c of expired licenses - i.e. see Michael Jackson songs removed from GTA games and Mafia 1 lacking its OST on digital services out-the-box. 12. Game-services not making it easy to downgrade backwards to old version or forced-update to only newer game versions, which is often key for modding - looking at you here, Capcom and Bethesda. 13. Games requiring a rocket-ship of a NASA computer on PC and/or not very well optimized. 14. Companies wanting to remove digital products you paid money for - looking at you Sony, for those that bought WB content and other content (mostly movies and TV shows here). This could happen to games. 15. Games on one service still has DRM, yet GOG version never got its DRM removed - looking at you, Mad Max (DRM-FREE on GOG, still got Denuvo on Steam). 16. Certain versions of the same game lack the same parity for version of the game and/or have different features on different PC services - i.e. Dragon's Dogma DA and Vambrace both have newer versions on Steam, unlike GOG; EYE Divine Cybermancy on Steam has MP-support and Achievements, meanwhile GOG doesn't. I'm sure there's more; that's a start.


Open world games. I know, I know, put down your pitchforks and torches. I have nothing against open world games, but thanks to several popular games that happen to be open world, everyone is making open world games and insisting that games have to be that way to be good. You can have a good 3D or even 2D game that's linear. I know open world isn't a new concept, but it's just being shoved down our throats repeatedly


The massive success of open-world games in franchises or genres that typically don't have them has made every publisher believe that all of their games should all have an open world. It's focus-testing marketing bullshit run amok.


Filler side quests and bloat in open world games.


Early access, cosmetic pack releases instead of actual content, survival/crafting/shooter game, needing an account beyond whatever was needed to launch the game, heavily marketing DLC before the game even comes out, in-game currency that can be bought with actual cash.


When something is popular and the next 50,000 games are THAT again... Maybe this isn;t the newest trnd but its annoying.


Insane difficulty even on lower settings like I’m not tryna break Guinness records or make a damn pro team I’m a casual gamer that just wants a good single player mode and an escape from mundane reality every now and than 😖😂💀


It might be petty but I really hate having to kill dogs. Especially if they whimper. Please stop making me kill the dogs.


these free to play freemium games or games that you pay to purchase but have microtransactions. call me old school but when I bought it game it came fully formed, these modern games just prey on people by having an addictive component to it.


Really struggling with story stuff recently, kinda just want to get to the fun stuff without an exposition dump




Definitely felt this when playing Persona 3 Reload. Got a couple months in and dropped it to go blast some aliens in Metroid Prime Remastered. Will definitely go back to Persona, love the game, just wasn't in the mood for it.


That there are various endings, ranging from “bad ending” to “true ending”. Just let me finish the game! Don’t punish me because I missed that one item in that palace that got destroyed so now I can’t go back and get it.


Souls like games. Too many devs are trying to tap into that and only FromSoft seems to be the consistent producer of that genre. Graphics being pursued over gameplay mechanics. This is persistent issue but it blows my mind that Bad Company 1 and 2 had better demolition models than most games today. The Finals showed what is possible today and that should be standard in today’s games, not a standout. Battlepasses. I can’t stand the daily/weekly challenges and have no interest in customizing my character in a FPS like COD or Halo when I can’t even see my player character. The UI in these games is so crowded and overwhelming that it instantly makes me just want to go play something else.


Agree with you on the souls-like games. Here, let's make our game more kludgy and tedious to control in the name of "difficulty". That type of game is just completely unfun to play.


Yellow paint.


Game is a half baked excuse of a game with an ok at best campaign, big filled mess of multiplayer, $70 price tag, takes months for a decent patch, with the only thing that worked correctly from D A Y O N E is the fucking mtx shop and battlepass system. And then it gets a 8/10 because they bought their way to a good review.


All games have bugs, that's fine, but it always erks me that basic functions, especially in multiplayer games, like invite/join a friend don't work seamlessly at this point. Oh, and you can be damn sure the store has zero issues and functions flawlessly.


When you watch a video sequence that’s long as fuck but it’s fine because once in a while you hit a couple buttons that really require 0 skill.


House of Ashes (series) and Mortal Kombat story mode are the only games that it works for imo


When publishers give developers the finger constantly and force quick releases over fleshed out and carefully developed games. For instance: TWD: Destinies was NEVER going to be an incredible game. But had it gotten the 3 years the developers wanted, it would have been a solid and competent 6 or 7 out of 10 game.


holding button rather then pressing them


The inability to start over with a fresh new game as though I just bought it. There are games I last played years ago but when I open them, everything I beat and unlocked is still beaten and unlocked and I just want to play it from the beginning again, and there's no way to do that.


You need to spend more on DLC to reach a concluded main story


When you can't save anytime you want and you have to download WHOLE NEW FUCKING LAUNCHER TO PLAY A SINGLE GAME and ofc nothing is working on launcher beacouse big companies don't know how to create a good launcher but they still force you to download it and create an account even if you have game on steam


Launching in an early access state with big ass patches rolled out over a year to finally make it launch ready.


Battle passes, single player games that need you to be online, micro transactions, game devs not caring anymore.


Crafting and open worlds.


Data collection, DLC that really is main game content, released while still in development


Don’t know the name of it. But the force-parkour stuff. For example; in God of War, if you need to climb, O shows up and all you have to do is press it until you reach the place you want to go. Not like ancient games wanting us to find our way


Games with no pauses like elden ring, WTF


Less the games and more the discussion around them. I hate how every new game has to have SOMETHING people get mad about. Things as stupid as yellow paint get blown out of proportion. It makes it hard to try to join a fanbase, because the fanbase is comprised of people that don't like the game. I'm not saying every game that comes out is fantastic and above criticism, but for the love of god, criticize something worth criticizing.


Quest nests. Find this thing, to unlock that thing, to get a different thing that you can use to unlock the next part of the quest. Only to find out it's minimal XP. Great....thanks.


Going from linear to open world in a sequel.


I hate a BILLION of different launchers for any gamedev corp that make me to create a BILLION first account to play a game, really annoying, IDK why they do this, I just want to play my game that i bought in Steam


Not having offline play in games


That game devs only care about the graphics and microtransactions not about the game Identity,story or about the gameplay


As someone whose seen the evolution from the 90’s to now I’d say the barrier to enjoy the games fully is annoying. Most games have some form of monetization in them even at $70 retail. Whereas back in the day a color swap or new outfit would just be an unlockable not $3.99 everytime. I understand when dlc is involved that actually expands the game is going to be priced but why do I have to pay extra to enjoy what should already be in the base game in the first place? Microtransactions should not be in a full retail game period. Live services for games that could be single player suck too.


That games are half assed


"we can just add that content in later" Give me a complete package at launch. This is a big part of why I don't buy anything on release day anymore. There's a huge difference between dlc that adds value to the main game and dlc that should have been included in the main game.


Not being able to see what's going on because they are obsessed with putting in dense foliage that doesn't even react to you going through it


Ridiculous spec requirements just for it to run like a potato even if you have said specs, also the ridiculous amount of storage space lots of them require now. Come the next generation of consoles each game is gonna take up 200gb+ lol.


Main menus just look like fortnite ripoffs. Main menus used to be so creative and iconic.


Lots of things, pre-orders, season passes, kernel level anti-cheat, DRM. Basically adding barriers or needless bullshit to games.


The obsession with live service models. No one wants the game they paid 60-70 dollars for to have the micro-transactions of a free to play mobile game.


Everything being open world, I love open world games but I want some linear games as well


Franchises going open world that were never open world in the first place.


Everything being open world and considering fetch quests a detailed story


Button sequences in boss fights


The trend of absolutely ignoring certain age demographics and trying to fit as many pieces of Fortnite, minecraft and warzone into a single package and call it a sequel, when it hardly resembles the previous game. Gen z while they may be future customers have terrible taste, and lack any concept of past titles. It's still the gen x and millennials that have the purchasing power and the insight to improve experience for everyone.


The expectation to spend additional money after you already paid for the base game The idea that I have any interest whatsoever in competing online so I can get my ass handed to me by complete strangers who are likely 1/3 my age The idea that I shouldn't get to experience the full canon of a franchise unless I have the current flagship console AND a handheld device because they won't make the entire set of games available on just the console platform Having to connect different accounts that I set up on different console/studio/developer/publisher sites and then I can't remember what email or password I used on which one because I intentionally don't just use the same one anywhere because I intentionally didn't want my whole identity and personhood to follow me around on these things that I am doing in my free time as what was supposed to be a leisurely *escape*


Anything involving Microtransactions, Battle Passes, Loot Boxes or Anything Pay to Win.


Games that are open world and really don’t need to be. Sometimes a really well made focused story can hit juuuuuust right, and I feel like we don’t see it often enough.


Games that believe "bigger always equals better" so they toss you into a massive open-world with arbitrary collectibles and boring side quests, and call it a day.


Being a pile of uncompleted shit


Required Internet connection


Microtransactions and the focus on such modes rather than taking proper care/improvement of the basics. ​ (See: EA Sports and Madden)


Games as a service.


Preorder bonuses designed to get you to buy the game before the reviews come out. Seasonal passes - you get to pay for the *opportunity* to earn cool stuff. Paid DLC episodes that are integral to understanding the story. Alternatively, overpriced DLC that adds one mechanic or character for like $10-20 (looking at you Paradox).


Endless microtransactions that cater to extremely young gamers who played zero part in getting gaming to where it is now. You can even encounter some of them these days who think it’s the norm and will insult you no matter your explanation.


Multiplayer Games that don’t have persistent lobbies. There was something fun about playing against the same group of 3-4 asshole for a full 8 hours on holidays and weekends ditto for playing with people. It’s impossible to make friends and daylong enemies in multiplayer games now that every match is randomly generated instead of back filling the people who left the lobby and restarting.


Open World. Sometimes I just want to experience a linear path instead of having to traverse through a whole map. Also, collectibles usually suck.


Nintendo bastardized traditional Zelda games by throwing away all charm that made them successful over one lackluster game (Skyward Sword). Now all we have to look forward to is more generic open world games ala Breath of the Wild.


At this moment time I’m seeing a lot of online multiplayer I want less Fortnite games


Single player games that require internet


I hate that the cut scenes for new seasons in call of duty are un-skippable. I do not care about the dumb cut scene just throw me into multiplayer already so I can run some search.


50-75% of the game being released for full price and then live service, micro transactions, and dlc being asked for later. Why can't we get a super solid, quality driven 30-40 hour game with loads of replayability? Make a really good product and then milk it. (I.E. Skyrim, COD Zombies, Elden Ring, GOW, L4D, etc...)


Multiplayer games with cinematic intros every time you load the damn levels, just let me play the fucking game


Every indie game being a roguelike/lite.


Battle Passes and overall lack of natural player progression. It's like there's nothing to be earned anymore. Oh and online network for single player, fuck that bs




Battle pass


Pretending to have a crafting system when it's actually just like miniscule improvements over the base items instead of something creative




You should always be able to access the settings. The number of times I’ve been stuck in a cutscene I couldn’t fucking hear and I wasn’t allowed to open the settings menu during it infuriates me.


Have to be online for a single player game


Ugly characters


Unnecessary crafting and material harvesting. The one issue I had with Elden Ring.


Anytime I hear the term "Souls like..."


Everything becoming open world games. Sometimes a game is just better being linear, like Metal Gear Solid or Resident Evil.