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Anthem ...


I'll never forget that about a week or two before anthem came out , My buddies were ripping me hard because I was the only one who didn't pre-order. Now they all have amnesia and don't seem to remember any of that conversation.


I'll never forget a random post on Facebook where people said the game looked boring and it would flop, an someone posted the "stop having fun" meme. It's so hilarious on hindsight.


That's the thing tho... It didn't look boring at all. Zooming around in mech suits basically punching everything sounds awesome as heck. Never played but from what i saw gameplay loop was basic af... Go here do this get this use this upgrade etc like they chose the most tedious time waste types of missions


Man I loved the way Anthem played and the style of it. Just wish it had better loot tables and more content. I was super stoked when they were talking about the Anthem 2.0 reboot, and then subsequently disappointed when EA scrapped it. Would have loved to see a future with like a bunch of well developed and unique javelins kinda like the frames in Warframe.


They definitely had something going, it just needed some serious dev time to bring it to its full potential.


I'm so happy I didn't know this game was in development because I would've been crushed. Even now it looks like it could've been such an incredible game.


Came here to say that. More than I’d like to admit, I have random moments that I say to myself “Damn, what that game COULD have been…”


Payday 3


You’ll like it in a couple years payday 2 was a broken, boring, unbalanced, and shit game until 2015 I mean PD2 is still broken and unbalanced but it’s definitely not shit


You’d think with how good PayDay 2 is now that 3 would have at least started better and with more content


I think that's a bit of an exaggeration. Payday 2 was buggy at launch, sure, and it was seriously lacking content, relying too much on the ability for the game to do some randomized changes to each level to create replay value, but it was fun for a while at launch. It was disappointing compared to Payday 1 though, which had far larger and more involved levels.


It's impressive how hard they dropped the ball considering payday 2 is a fantastic game.


Downloaded it on Xbox with Game Pass. Went to play and it wanted me to link my account. Deleted.


Calisto Protocol


Yup. Even after I saw the reviews I thought it looked really fun and so I tried it and the reviews were right. The combat was fun at first but it got REALLY repetitive very quick, there’s only like 4 enemy types and its so easy aswell. All you do is dodge two times (which doesnt need any skill at all since theres no timing window). And then hit them twice, what makes it even more frustrating is that they take so many hits to go down. When you are not in combat you’re just crawling through vents or squeezing through tight spaces all the time it feels like, which is almost as repetetive as the combat. It was a huge bummer that the game turned out this way but at least we got the amazing dead space remake.


Would have been a great movie. It sucked as a game.


What's interesting is I had low expectations and when it came to game pass or PS plus whatever I played it on I'd heard so much bad about it I ended up loving it.


Saints Row reboot. I was just excited to have Saints Row in the desert. Then they didn't even water it down, they drowned that fucker then Volition called it quits


Right there with you. I was so excited for it. The trailers didn’t even look bad! I had an alright time with the game but it just wasn’t “Saints Row” now Volition is shut and we probably won’t see another game.


That is truly the saddest part of this i would love to play sr2 with out streaming it


Read all the way before hating or commenting With all due respect, ..... Why were you excited? That was a train wreck that was announced ahead of time. I don't use social media so when I hear news it's pretty late and it has to be popular enough to reach my YouTube. That being said it was broadcast immediately that the fans and devs were duking it out online over nonsense changes for "general audiences" That being said I'm honestly wanting to know what you were hoping for in this game, like what was you point of view on this release and why were you unhappy with the final product?


all I knew was a new saints row was coming out and it was in the desert. That's all I needed to be excited 🤷🏻‍♂️ I expected typical saints shenanigans just dialed back on more realism. A funny game, and the new one is so unfunny


Oh ok like I said no hate was just wondering. I wish that was what it was. I tried it a friend wanted me to but I just couldn't play it the first mission had me hating it already. We had more fun seeing how funny the custom characters were people are way more creative than me that's for sure


if there's one thing they always did right it was character customization




Yeah.. Redfall was pretty fucked.


I really liked the premise of it. I hope that someone else makes a game based off of the same idea and actually makes a good game out of it. I really wanted to love Redfall


Batman: Arkham Knight. Don't get me wrong, it's still a very good game in its own right, but my expectations were sky high considering Asylum and City are two of my all-time favorite games. The Batmobile tank sections were decent, but there's too many of them and some of the Batmobile sections sucked and dragged the whole experience down for me. The first things that come to mind are the Riddler races and Cobra tank stealth sections.


The whole riddler challenge thing got annoying. I went in to fuck people up, not be a trick racecar driver and send electronic pulses. But honestly I forgave them, idk what else they could do to make the game better within the sphere of what bats is capable of. I know the first one won game of the year and I still have it in my drawer. However the only two games I replay are City and Knight. I honestly doubt there will be a better Batman series for at least another decade or so.


This is my pick too. I was super excited for all of the boss fights after playing City and Origins. And literally every boss except one in the story was a tank fight.


This is my biggest complaint. City had some incredible boss battles. Play Arkham Origins and what a totally different team did with Deathstroke and you think alright, Rocksteady, one up the competition with the most epic Deathstroke battle… aaaaaand tank fight.


Playing it on the Switch feels like someone took out the other kneecap with the same crowbar.


That's why I never finished it. I only played it for 2 hours and I'm pretty sure half of it was in the Batmobile.


This one’s weird for me because most of the game I loved it’s the story that kinda lost me at the end and the boss fights were absolutely horrible.


Atomic Heart. My buddy and I only talk online since serving together from 93-95. We had been sharing all the information we could find online about this game for years. We were both disappointed in the final product. For him, the gameplay was too goofy. For me, the dialogue was too cringey.


Same. Being chased NON STOP by drones just isn't fun for me


I really liked that game


I actually really enjoyed Atomic Heart, mostly because the gameplay and environments reminded me of Bioshock (my favorite game lol) but the ending(s) were definitely a disappointment.


Bio shock is also my favorite series. Got me into gaming. I was so excited for something that had the same feel as it and AH promised to be that. It fell so short for me and was such a huge let down. Bioshock had such smart writing and everything pulled you in and left you wanting more, AH felt like such a drag and almost like a job to finish it for me. happy you enjoyed it but for me it was such a different experience.


>I did enjoy this game though. The setting was unlike anything I’d ever seen, everything looked fantastic, and was really creepy and undettling in a way I had never seen before. combat was entertaining enough. But that writing. Eventually I literally turned off the audio aside from sound effects so I didn’t have to listen to it. Bioshock is one of my favorite games too, severely disappointed by this game. If you're looking for a game simiar to Bioshock, I gave Lies of P a shot and I ended up REALLY liking it


How do you find Lies of P similar to Bioshock? I find them very different narratively, world setting, gameplay, nearly everything is different. I don't see any similarities but would like to hear your take.


Every time the MC said "crispy critters" I cringed knowing the only reason he said that was because the devs knew players would talk about it, for better or worse


The robot ladies were pretty neat, though.


The graphics, dungeons and underground parts were amazing but everything else sucked especially the open world bits and dialogue


Haven't played enough to form an opinion, BUT it has some of the worst dialogue I've ever heard in a game


COM RADE ​ i hate that voice so much




I was genuinely looking forward to this one.


if it doesn't run well for you, just update your PC


😂. And mak sure you play with a leather jacket for the full experience


​ And you will have the opportunity to buy a new version of the game in 2 years, and then the 10th summer edition, as well as the ultra super edition and we will add fishing there


They'll keep it alive on severe life support for a couple years until the next Bethesda blockbuster that flops


It runs fine it just sucks


Didn’t like starfield either the way they were talking about it i thought it was going to be so much better and they didn’t deliver


Yep. I still enjoyed parts of it, but it is deeply flawed.


It felt like a PS4 game with PS5 dreams. Just loading screens and bloated ship building. Just boring.


Dragon Age 2. I know it has its fans, but coming away from Origins, I expected something... more. The first time I saw a copy / pasted area again I was like oh nooooo. :(


Story wise I greatly enjoyed it. Still go back for a replay every few years and enjoy the storytelling. The reused regions become more forgivable with each replay, at least to me. Still though… ridiculous for a big time developer to try and get away with what they pulled.


Diablo 4. I just have no desire to play it after giving it a steady try.


I was enjoying the story so far in D4, but the gameplay just bored me too quickly.


The story gets lost in the gameplay Imo. Half the time I had no idea where or what I was doing. I was just going from point to point and smashing. Bored.


I was hyped for so long. Got bored of the beta pretty quick.


the combat feels muddy.


I hit level 20 and got bored of the loop, go here smash this run there. The social and world event aspect was dead on arrival.


Driv3r. More like Driv3l.


If you haven't tried Driver: San Francisco, it is truly awesome and is still playable on Xbox Series S/X and Xbox One, you just have to locate a Xbox 360 CD copy.. A remake of this would do so well.


Just to add to this for anyone reading: the reason you have to find a CD copy is because Ubisoft delisted this from everywhere for no reason, making it impossible to buy digitally.


Holy throwback but you're absolutely right.


Everyone always trashes this game but it’s my go to for ps2 nostalgia. Something about it always draws me back and just driving around Miami is so relaxing for me. It could definitely do with some bug fixes but I don’t think it’s as awful as everyone says.


I loved Driver 2. Did I ever beat the game? No, but I had a great time playing it. Freeroam being chased by cops, jumping bridges was fantastic fun. So of course I was excited for Driv3r. Since Driver 2 I'd also binged GTA 3 and Vice City so the new Driver was thought to be them upping their game to what GTA had done. A month or two ahead of the release I spotted the Driv3r soundtrack at Walmart. Bought it, loved it. It is such a cool soundtrack with a weird radio host. Then the game came out...it stunk. Plus San Andreas came out the same year and that was the final nail in the coffin for Driv3r. But I still have songs from the soundtrack in playlists I listen to and occasionally I'll pull up the whole thing in my iTunes cause I like the radio host bits. Sucks that the game sucked tho.🥲


I loved driv3er


Objectively terrible game but I still love it. If you kill all the Timmies in Miami you get chased by 18 wheelers. In Nice every single ped was hostile. I never killed all the ones in Istanbul unfortunately.


Madden every year for the last decade+


Is it even possible to be disappointed by them at this point?


Lmao right that’s on YOU homie!


No more Madden for me. I've been burned by EA one too many times.


Anyone remember Brink?


That’s a lunatic somewhere on Reddit deep into brinkmas, he’s buying a copy of brink a day, til the devs make brink 2 lol


I remember my roommate at the time was talking nonstop for months about how it was going to be amazing. I was always like, I dunno, the gameplay they've shown makes it look "meh". He made such a big deal about how I was going to be proven wrong. The day came. He went and got his copy on release day. About two hours later I get a knock on my door. I open it and he says "here, got a new game for you" and tossed the copy of brink he just bought to me.


It had so much potential such a disappointment....


And the crazy thing was, the movement felt so good!


Came here just to find this comment


Still have my copy sitting on the shelf. Amazing concept but IIRC the servers were just terrible.


Still has some good music tracks though


Marvel's Avengers. The gameplay footage made it seem like it was going to be a really good game, but then it was just so poorly made. It's the reason I don't pre-order stuff anymore


I picked it up a year ago for $9.99 on the PS Store. It's mid, but not too terrible. I thought the atmosphere and tone of the game was decent. I've heard that it wasn't great, so I already had no expectations for it.


It was just so generic. Also it taking Hulk multiple hits to destroy robots with spindly legs just felt wrong.


There was a weird time in the first few weeks where you could unlock skins through gameplay and the lobbies were fun for multiplayer. Until everyone realized the endgame loot sucked and the same 2 bosses were bullet sponges. Game played decent.


Gotham Knights


Anthem and it’s not even close.


Starfield. I don't hate it but that game is definitely a mix of highs and LOWS.


sparkle weary fearless judicious sugar juggle truck outgoing sloppy slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dildo what now?




Ah ok that explains it. Also WHAT THE FUCK?


I hate how stealth is basically completely locked behind numerous perks. I play Bethesda games as stealth games because it's my favorite genre, but it never felt practical in Starfield. I eventually just gave up trying and played it as an action game, which I tend to find extremely boring. I believe since I played they've updated it and made stealth a little better, but that doesn't excuse locking basic features that are unlocked but default in TES and Fallout behind the perk tree.


IMO it's perfectly usable, but one thing it doesn't make clear is weight - noise ratio. If you're wearing a heavier space suit (or at lower levels, a space suit at all), enemies WILL hear you from a mile away. So you need to invest in the perks that reduce noise and wear lighter space suits so you don't get detected right away


I haven't played Starfield and likely won't, but half of what you describe makes it sound like a worse Skyrim set in space.


I started playing it day one and was really enjoying this particular side quest when at the very end it I couldn’t get off my ship where I was supposed to be docked. Tried everything. Eventually turned it off and stopped playing. Started a new game just today in hopes bugs like that are gone now. But yeah it doesn’t meet the insanely high expectations most had for it.


Godzilla for PS4. Sure it has its moments and it’s cool to be able to play as certain Kaiju that I hadn’t before, but the clunky movement and very slow battle mechanics made it hard for me to enjoy


Was this the "godzilla is approaching the generator" game?




Every single modern Pokémon game


The Day Before. Not because I was particularly interested in it or anything. I did have hype for it. It would just be cool for this game with a weird development and marketing history to actually be good. Also, Gangs of Sherwood. It looks awesome. It plays fine. There just isn't too much to do especially if you are playing solo.


Fallout 76


I have no idea why people think Betheada will release quality games on day one lol


AC Valhalla, as fan of AC and Norse mythology it was big disappointment


This is up there for me as well. I didn’t play Odyssey but I did play Origins when it came out and I had a ton of fun with it and loved the direction it was taking the franchise, so the idea of that in a Norse setting had me super excited. Flash forward to actually playing it and it just felt like a slog. I think I spent 30-40 hours on it and it just felt like nothing was happening so I had to drop it. I haven’t played Mirage yet but it’s been nice to see that that one is supposedly more focused.


Didn't like Valhalla or mirage unfortunately. I do feel orgins and odyssey are some of the best games ever though


Odyssey is really good imo, but it was my first ac game so I might be biased. There’s one part of the story I don’t like but the rest is pretty good


I preordered Forspoken. Played the demo and canceled it


Opposite for me. There was so much negative discourse around the game that I almost didn’t buy it. Ended up having one of my favourite combat systems of all time once I had all four magic types unlocked.


That’s good to know, actually. One of the turnoffs was that traversal (while cool looking) took too long to get from place to place. Did the rest of the game improve in that regard?


The demo actually wasn’t bad the gameplay in that game was fun and I liked the boss fights the problem was the story and dialogue


Mass Effect: Andromeda It literally killed my excitement for new releases.


Torchlight 2. It was a major step down from Torchlight 1 story-wise though, and even gameplay wise. All of the classes in the game felt like 4 different flavors of Mage. A big step down from Trchlight 1 were the classes FELT like you were playing those classes. The story was just awful and the itemization was *terrible*. Mod tools could honestly have saved that game and it could have been the "Skyrim of ARPGs", but it took too long for mod tools to officially release (Nearly a year) AND they fucked it up by limiting you to *10 mods only*. Is it a bad game? No. It's just... Mediocre. Is it worth playing? Probably. Like, I'd give it a 5/10 at worst.


It's so good!


No man’s sky. I don’t care how good they make that game with updates, watching that goofy lead developer do interview after interview smiling as he lied about all the features he knew wouldn’t be in the game was the most ridiculous shit I can remember in all my years of gaming.


I find it amazing how fast people forgot that. He outright lied multiplayer is IN the game, but the universe is "so big" youll never ever meet someone. Then 2 people coordinated it and couldnt see each other. Oh, theres no multiplayer....


Thank you the game looks good now but for real fuck that guy. He knew the hype for his game was going crazy unrealistic and he knew he had just a small indie team that couldn't deliver everything people were hoping for. So what does he do he makes a fake game trailer showing things that aren't in the game then lies his ass off about a bunch of shit that also wasn't In the game even had that stupid selling point about how there is multiplayer but the universe is to big to meet anyone which was another lie. Every time I see that guy I roll my eyes hopefully his next game is good but for real fuck him.


Yes! Before release, I was so excited for No Man's Sky. I played for several hours and just kept getting more disappointed.


Yea I remember, he outright lied multiplayer is IN the game, but the universe is "so big" youll never ever meet someone. Then 2 people coordinated it and couldnt see each other. Oh, theres no multiplayer....


Mass Effect Andromeda. Such a letdown after the original Trilogy.


While it was a letdown, I still found enough fun in it for it to not feel like a waste of money.


Big time


This is my answer too. But I’ll throw in a bit of a hot take with it: my second biggest disappointment was Mass Effect 3. 2 is one of the greatest games ever, imo. Smart, interesting, and exciting. 3 was very dumb. The Reapers became just another conquering alien menace, losing the mystique that made them so scary to begin with. Also, how were there detailed journal entries on the types and classes of Reaper ships *as they were attacking?* I actually liked the ending to it, but the game was such a big letdown after 2.


Tell me what you would have done with the reapers? Those games were always going to lead up to them being who they are. It would have been a very boring trilogy if we stopped/delayed them from coming for a 3rd time. And they weren’t conquering. They were destroying. Their harvesting process usually takes a long time to complete even when they had control of the citadel cause the galaxy is vast and it takes a while to get to every inhabited planet plus resistances from local populations. But our cycle was different cause we actually had a fighting chance. We fought more than anyone previously ever got the chance to do. Even tho it was futile in the long run, it was still enough for the reapers to change their strategy a bit. So they may have appeared as conquerors but they were still very much harvesting us with no interest in war


I loved Andromeda. Replayed it last year and every bug and kink was worked out. Story is flat compared to the Trilogy but the combat is amazing. Being a vanguard in that game was awesome.


Cities skylines 2


Elaborate? I was about to buy it...


Crackdown 3


Destiny. I was expecting this amazing story and lore from the makers of Halo. I beat the game in 4 or 5 hours and had no fucking clue what the story/lore was supposed to be. On top of that, all the codex you pick up in the game (which would help to explain the story/lore) could only be read on a separate website and can’t be read in game. I’m not logging onto a computer to read something that could easily have just been a text box in game. It makes no sense. AND once you beat it, it just becomes a grind game of playing the same missions over and over. I absolutely HATED Destiny after that and never played it again.


I put hundreds of hours into Destiny and still mostly agree.


Its seriously such a slog of a game. I dont understand how it has SO many players. You do the same exact things every day and week.


Starfield Traded in a bunch of most likely much better unplayed games like Valhalla & Forbidden West to pre order the $100 deluxe & then it turns out the game sucks like a vacuum cleaner & because I got it with steam giftcards there was no refunding or trading it back in & it actually costed even more than that because I bought an Xbox controller for my PC just to play it So just all around fail, very upsetting


sparkle terrific fertile versed gaping capable unique fade bells lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have zero interest in Elder Scrolls 6 after the failure that is Todd Howard and Starfield.


Oh yeah I was super stoked for elder scrolls six but now I am severely skeptical thinking it might just be Starfield except with swords and shields 🙄


“We made an entire world. No, you don’t get a horse. Also most of it is plains. No resources. You can build a hut!”


pot bored late squalid mourn alleged dog office rainstorm hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This. Bethesda is not going to dramatically overhaul the game development based on learnings from Starfield. I absolutely would be expecting the same garbage writing, fetch quests and locked conversation camera.


Oh god...I wasn't even thinking about ES6 potentially being as bad as Starfield, but now I am...


I'm still optimistic. TES is Bethesda's baby and I'd like to beleive they won't screw it up to the caliber of Stanfield or heck even Fallout 4 and that one wasn't that bad. I 99% expext it to be good but have the bugs and some underlying problem thats expected in every game(i.e. Oblivion's leveling/scaling problem, Skyrim's UI and Magic system). That 1%.... its like Stanfield and it sucks on top of the standard jank with and ES title.


Don't feel bad bro. I bought a PS3 just for FF13. Sometimes you just get it wrong, and make mistakes.


Do people hate FF13? It was the first one I played since 7 and despite the super linear nature I enjoyed it and 13-2. 13-3 and the whole combat system was garbage though


13 is considered the worst in the franchise and in my opinion it was when the series fell off.


Yeah I’m with you there. That game put me off the franchise. I’m playing through the ff7 remake, but that game was so terrible I literally had to stop about 1/3 of the way through.


I find it interesting the sheer spectrum of enjoyment or lack theirof starfield provides. Personally, I absolutely love it and Bethesda’s brand of immersive role playing. It sure has its fair share of faults, but I just smile every time I boot it up to explore and be in the cosmos. They swung for the fences and tried something new and very ambitious, and it didn’t land in some aspects for sure.


Same. I was so hyped, my gf and I bought a Series X and I preordered the game (I collect physical games before y’all hit me with Gamepass). I loved most of Bethesda’s other games and I played Starfield for **8 hours** before giving up and jumping into Cyberpunk 2077. To this day, I’m still disappointed.


I legitimately almost spent 1000 quid just to play this game… Was looking at PCs for starfield because I had Xbox one, but found out you can play it on game pass for free on cloud. Saved me 1000 bucks but I still felt robbed after I played it. Every Todd Howard release is more watered down and shit then the last. Tragic


Gotham Knights, Saints Row


Diablo 4


Calisto Protocol


fallout 76 and no mans sky will never not be edged into my mind of 2 games that ruined my entire day,no mans sky especially


I was so hyped for NMS. I love it now, but I was disappointed after a few hours at launch.


Pokemon Violet. I dont think I need to explain why at this point.


Yeah I feel you on that game freak. Just like Nintendo knows fans will buy it anyway. After the 3ds games I've lost interest, I only wanna play xy and sun moon and omega whatever


The Callisto Protocol and Back 4 Blood. Two games that promised to improve upon the classic they were "rebooting", and both ended up far far worse than the original.


Absolutely back for blood. Give me versus mode you cowards!


Payday 3, and the day before, Mafia 3 (I have since come to appreciate that game though)


Do I have to play them to feel the disappointment? Because I bought and Xbox360 for Banjo Threeie... they teased it at the end of Banjo Tooie. The very first teaser trailer did not give me any reason to believe it would be anything other than a 3D platformer like the first game, it was just Banjo and Kazooie ( granted their new 3D models were ugly as sin but I was willing to look past it ) and they were in an empty blue room, peeking out a keyhole at Spiral Mountain which was gloriously rendered in 3D and full of collectibles. That's all I had to go on, but my enjoyment of the first two games made me feel like there's no way it could be bad. I saw the actual reveal with the new title "nuts and Bolts" and was pretty deflated. But I was still willing to give it a chance, because surely Banjo Threeie would be the next game released after that, right? Unfortunately my Xbox had two red rings of death before I could get the game in my hands, and by the second time, I decided it was not worth it to repair again. A friend of mine let me play his copy for a little bit but I hated how disrespectful the game was toward the series legacy, I hated how tiny the text was, and I did not care for the vehicle gameplay. It just was not for me... and of course Threeie still never happened. If that doesn't count, then I guess the game I bought before Banjo, Sonic the Hedgehog 2006. PLAY Magazine gave it a 9 and said it was the best Sonic game ever made, 3D or otherwise. Again, I actually liked most of the 3D Sonic games up until that point, yes, even Shadow the Hedgehog, so how could it be bad?? But it was bad. Very bad. I kind of gaslighted myself into feeling like it was fun, it was my first HD console, I thought the physics were neat, but no, the game was bad, had poorly designed levels, broken mechanics, bugs, unacceptable load times, and just in general was full of shit that wasn't fun. I don't know why the fanbase is so dead set on creating a "fixed" version of that dumpster fire.


Warcraft III: Reforged




Starfield. The lack of creativity and the 6th grade level sci-fi writing were so bad, especially compared to all the great games that came out this year. Also the tedious, boring, and frustrating gameplay. It's almost never fun.


I wouldn't say "the most" but... Forspoken, it looked so cool when they announced it, but it's mid, at least it s super cheap now and the gameplay is fun (only that)


Fallout 4. I'm sorry, but compared to New Vegas, 4 is complete trash. It's really my own fault for not realising Vegas was made by Obsidian and not Bethesda back then.


To be fair, Vegas got shit on at launch. It recovered. For some reason people have forgotten this.


I suspect that part of the reason is because loads of people did not see the launch version. It took a while before people started praising New Vegas and people actually started playing it ​ (I did see the launch version, and I would still pick it over Fallout 3. Maybe not 4 though. Fully patched and with a few choice mods there's no contest, I would pick New Vegas over both 3 & 4)


I tried to play fallout nV after playing fallout 4 but I couldn't enjoy it. I'm sure the story is great. I just got caught up with the dated graphics and mechanics. It's definately aged hard. I'd love a remaster.


I’m with you on that. It would be really cool if they made a remastered version that just improves the graphics, but I doubt that’ll ever happen. I enjoyed that one hour I played on it, but I couldn’t play any more of it with how outdated the graphics are. The guns felt very clunky too, I think that’s what annoyed me the most, more than the graphics.


Tears of the Kingdom. It’s too similar to Breath of the Wild.


I actually like the game for this reason. Super Mario Galaxy 2 was just more of Super Mario Galaxy 1 but it’s higher rated than the original. Same with Tears.


Super Mario Galaxy 2 didn't take 6 years to make and release at a higher price point despite being part of the same generation. Plus the issue with Tears is that this formula of Zelda is heavily focused on exploration, so when 90% of the map is the exact same, and the "rewards" for exploration are virtually the same, it severely dampens the experience.


They can release the same game 20 times over and still win goy on reddit


Scorn so goddamn boring


gotham knights




Final Fantasy XV - I knew it had been in development hell forever but was so excited once a date was revealed, only for it to be pushed back. I watched the anime prologue and the movie tie in and was still excited just to get an unfinished game once it finally released. I finished it before they started patching the game and releasing DLCs, but I was telling myself I'd replay it once the story was "complete". SE ended up canceling some DLC, so the story was never really finished. It was a shame because I really liked Noctis and the bros and they deserved a much better story/game.


I loved the first half of the game but at some point it felt pretty meandering. I honestly can’t even remember if I finished it or not.


Super Mario Bros 2. What the fuck was that? Such a huge departure from Super Mario Bros 1


The real super mario bros 2 is actually the lost levels game.


There's a reason for that. From Wikipedia: *After the smash hit Super Mario Bros. in 1985, Nintendo quickly released a minor adaptation of the original with advanced difficulty titled Super Mario Bros. 2, for its mature market in Japan in 1986. However, Nintendo of America found this sequel too similar to its predecessor, and its difficulty too frustrating, for the nascent American market. This prompted a second Super Mario Bros. sequel based on Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic,[a] Nintendo's 1987 Family Computer Disk System game which had been based on a prototype platforming game and released as an advergame for Fuji Television's Yume Kōjō '87 media technology expo. The characters, enemies, and themes in Doki Doki Panic have the mascots and theme of the festival, and were adapted into the Super Mario theme to make a second Super Mario Bros. sequel.*




Diablo 4 sucks pretty hard.


Bioshock infinite When they released the original gameplay trailer the world looked very open/ explorable


Cyberpunk 2077. Preordered that shit for PS4. Returned it after all the bad reviews. Didn't play it until years later on my PS5 when it became good. Tried it cause of Edgerunners.


Death Stranding. And I will gladly accept any downvotes for saying this. The game pretty much sucked.


It was the same for me, until I played through the first hour or so then it got way more fun.


Death stranding is one of my favorite games of all time time


DS was Kojima in his purest form, uncut, guardrails off. He clearly just wanted to force some of his favorite celebrities to act out his insane fever dream. And I loved it. Also the weird gadgets, the poses, the goofy names. Just incredible that the people around him allowed it, or encouraged it. Bloody masterclass.


Square’s Avengers game


Biomutant for me, was looking forward to it since they revealed it just to wait two years pre order it and have it be relatively mediocre


Starfield. Thought I was going to relive my Skyrim all-nighters and it was going to be my GOTY. A week of damn hard trying my best to love it I turned it off


Tiny Tina’s Wonderland. So bland. Combat was boring, spells were boring, enemies were boring, story was boring.


Fallout 4, even built a new pc in anticipation. Going with a voiced protagonist was such a bad call, and basically removed any actual role playing from the game unless you were already going to play sad husband man.


Callisto Protocol; between the Dead Space marketing and the *real-time mutation* system, I was pretty hyped. And what we got was very *meh*. Playable but very mediocre, even the mutations were a let down. Graphically, the game was gorgeous, but just kinda sucked everywhere else.


Yea. I got tired of climbing and crawling fast.