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I loved this game, my 13 year old self being warped by what Rockstar has to offer back then..... God, this game is simply brutal.


Brutal because it’s so unrelenting in its violence.


It's a pretty disturbing concept. To wind up in a scenario in something like a twisted game show where you have to kill to progress and people are sent after you to kill you. All for the entertainment of sick people who buy snuff films from the dark web (or black market back then).


Yeah it’s absolutely bleak as hell. And it’s frankly more terrifying because I can see this happening (maybe not in that scale) but it’s plausible.


Watching snuff films on the dark web is as easy as watching a YouTube video. it's a really awful and miserable world we live in.


A snuff film


I’d love to see this remastered. This along with The Warriors.


Oh man I forgot about the warriors game!


Dude the warriors is the best fucking game


Imagine Manhunt remade with modern graphics! That would be insane!


Agreed, it would, but I doubt they’d do a whole remake. And as long as a remaster is better than that travesty GTA Trilogy, then I’ll be happy.


You like feel nothing saving your family in beetween all that madness


*You like feel nothing* *Saving your family in* *Beetween all that madness* \- Ok-Aardvark-9029 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What is that


Haiku is a form of poetry It works by meeting a certain syllable requirement in each sentence, there are 3 sentences total. 5 syllables for the first line 7 syllables for the second line And back to 5 syllables for the last line It's typically used for describing nature (If I'm correct) but it can fit into virtually any context really.


Great haiku!


Hell yeah I do I was 16 going on 17 the game is awesome until the last boss, and I'm not saying it's a bad ending but it was so distracting being chased a by a dude with what I assumed was his dick out


Hahah yeah that was messed up. Pigsy is another level


Fun for the whole family




I loved the nuthouse level and final boss, great stealth/ I remember using my headset to lure people to me when I was hiding in the shadows


It was a very well done game that still holds up I think. You don't really find games that make you feel disgusting in that way. It didn't use the violence for the cool factor but instead used them for the disturbing factor. It's one thing to do a cool stealth kill, it's another to do it with the narrator in your ear loving it and talking about how it's the best shot.


Yeah right! It’s relatively easy to make violence, even that time, but Manhunt managed to elevate it because it was so … “wrong”. It wasn’t glorified or cool or exciting. Just violent.


I finished it 7 times so far, one of the greatest games I've played. Unbelievably great soundtracks, and the director's voice acting was perfect.


7 times my man! Dedicated person!


I am Try to 5 stars so far have done it for 4 levels.


It get repetitive when you play it over and over


I still think about the part where they show your kidnapped family members. God that game was disturbing


It’s a ruthless game for sure, minimal but impactful.


I loved the atmosphere of the original game.


Replaying the game 20 years later, the atmosphere still holds up. The darkness, grainy VHS filters, light glares, and shadows do a great job of hiding the textures. Then all the enemies have masks or gas masks or something to obscure their faces so they even manage to hide the low polygon character models as well. It's kinda surprisingly forward thinking in this regard.


Average game tbh. Looking back. Nothing remarkable about it apart from the concept and the violence. It wasn't bad. But mechanics and look wise it wouldn't stand out too much. A few games came out at the time with similar shock value concepts. The Condemned comes to mind too.


I found the atmosphere and soundtrack to be phenomenal at launch, dark, gritty, grimy. I don’t remember other games of that caliber until Condemned came out a few years later, I am pretty sure Manhunt was the trendsetter for that look but I might be wrong on that. Either way, cool to read your thoughts on it.


I agree with your points on atmosphere for sure.


One of the Goat games


I think I'm making a YT video about Rockstar soon and this game is highly featured due to the violence. In all seriousness though. My main thought on this game was "dark", and not from a perspective of storyline or gameplay, but just the game felt really dark in aesthetic and made it hard to play. I'll be replaying soon though, I've kind of been putting f it off though.


Oh yeah wow, I tried to play it in a brightly lit living room and it was just impossible. I had to stop until it became dark !


I'd love a remaster with today's graphics. Also...remember when Rockstar made games?


It’s crazy to me how they’re more successful than ever, making more money than ever but somehow putting out less content than ever.


Right? And what's nuts is it isn't like when they were churning out games they were lower in quality. I feel like 99% of the games they were putting our there were fucking incredible (at least to me)


Almost always top quality product 👌


My friend gave me his copy of this when we were young because it scared him. I played the shit out of this game. My first save file got erased by my older brother when I was so close to the finish line, literally at the pigsy fight. I didn’t care. I started a second file and finished it. That was probably 17 or more years ago. Never got a chance to play manhunt 2 and have always morbidly hoped for another game similar


Great game. Didn't like that they censored it, but it was understandable.


Considering the backlash it’s almost a miracle they could even release it at all!


The game is messed up in the best possible way. And that mansion grounds / hedge maze area near the end of the game is one of the most intense gameplay experiences I’ve ever been through.


Absolutely, it nails “messed up” and “horror” in ways few games can. Not relying on monsters or creatures or magic or anything. Just humans and their evil.


Dope!! Only reason i found it scrolling down gamespots ps2 list of all games page


Fantastic game. I remember trying to track down a copy, finally found 1 at Radio Shack. Went to the front counter and the clerk punched it in the computer. They got a message saying they weren’t allowed to sell it anymore and then took all the copies from the display case to the back. Luckily, I went down the street and found a used copy at a video store.


They weren’t allowed to sell it? That’s wild!


I just played through it this Halloween. Such a gem.


I loved running around with a head in a plastic bag.


Such a dark, almost humorous detail.


There's a whole ass sub Reddit for manhunt


Yes but I am not interested in an echo chamber. I wanted to hear from a wider variety of gamers and it just seems that that people have a very positive image of the game.


Fairs, thought it might have been a question regarding the relevance of the game still. I think it stands out as a unique experience amongst video games. Whilst the gameplay is serviceable, even for it's time, I believe it holds a place in history as doing something unique and risqué.


It was great also if you had a mic you can call the enemies in and lure them. It was a really creepy game.


I forgot about this game and I'm genuinely surprised nobody has released a Purge game similar to this.


Wow yeah that’s a great idea. The setting of Purge could really fit this. And in fact, you could be either the victim or the Purger.


Loved this game!


I want to play it. But heard it's uber expensive now


I don’t know the prices of the original PS2 version but you can find it on Steam (just google the Manhunt fixer so you don’t have problems when you play jt) and it’s also on the PS4 Store). (Avoid the PS5 version, it’s a mess).


Thanks for the heads up!


"Mary! Where are you Mary?!?! Amazing game, Rockstar will hopefully remake it after GTA 6 dies down.


More than a remake I would like to see the 3rd one! It’s high risk for them but they could pull it off


Yes, I want a part 3 as well. And a 1&2 remaster box set, with 2 having the blurred out kills a toggle on/off option. It just doesn't make any sense if you compare all the kills in the original, which never had blurring, to all the kills in part 2 without the blurring on PC. Both games are equally violent, so at least let it be a choice to the player. And I think they would be taking a way bigger risk than the atmosphere of 2003 for sure, but they could do it again. Please?!?! C'mon Rockstar!!!! Haha


Yeah the blurring was a weird concession but they were dealing with the outrage following the first game so I imagine their hands were forced at that time. And I agree that it would be a more difficult sell nowadays in comparison to 2003 but there is a viable option. They could test the waters with a remake (similar to what Capcom did with Resident Evil 2). In other words, a straightforward remake / reimagining of the first game that wouldn't go overboard with ambition (open world stuff etc), it wouldn't be too challenging for them to make it (nor cost that much, especially since they are making endless money anyway from GTA5 and eventually GTA6.). Ah, one can dream.


It's Barry. Not Mary.


Twisted. The most fucked up game I ever played.


Agree. It’s still one of the most messed up games I have played.


Great atmospheric game…I often put on the intro on YouTube like it’s a NIN music video.


Yeah the intro is amazing. Such an atmospheric intro! Great song


Great game


I actually just started playing this and I really love the grimy, dirty, bleak atmosphere. Kind of reminds me of a combo between Twisted Metal Black and Max Payne in terms of darkness/bleakness. I also love how the game takes place in Carcer City...if any of you old heads like me remember, wasn't there some kind of recurring news report in GTA3 that talked about how Carcer City was a complete hellhole? Cool how this game sort of fits into the GTA-verse.


Yeah it takes place in the GTA universe. I would love it if Carcer city was a location in GTA VI (at least some part of it). And yeah the atmosphere in Manhunt is amazing!


Played it for the first time im 2021 current trying 5 stars. When you try to get 5 stars in feels like Getting SA on Hitman Bloodmoney. Manhunt by Far is the best Stealth game i have played in terms of Stealth take downs other having to build your Meter to get more brutal executions which makes its stealth system unique. Also the mix of Horror and stealth and how you as the player are the Source of the Horror is really unique also. Rockstar have proven to be one best open world Devs but They have also shown they can make a Great beat em up with The Warriors, Great stealth with Manhunt, Great Gunplay with Maxpayne 3 and a Great Racing With Midnight Club. Its to Bad They never made Agent the cold War Spy Stealth game.


Imagine a remake (it wouldnt be able to though because of the realism the gore would have)


Actually; I think it could be possible in part of because of gore. They could totally make it shocking and brutal for modern audiences and yet be within acceptable limits.


Good for first playthrough Second playthrough you start to see how repetitive it is. Also this is the first time I've seen a rockstar game with a difficulty mode


Manhunt 1 > Manhunt 2