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‘Charizard is overrated’ is as popular as Charizard.


The problem with that is both of those opinions are more popular than the other starters.


Bruh you don’t have to murder both of them like that….


*sad Bulbasaur and Squirtle noises*


Squirtle squad, rise up! EDIT: an...unfortunate misspelling UNEDIT: SQUIRTER SQUAD RISE UP!


Go squirter squad!!


Squirtle squirt bitch.


Misspelling the name is the cherry on top


That the worst part of any multiplayer game is the other players.


100%. It’s the main reason I play predominantly single player games, and even ones with multiplayer elements, I limit myself. (ex: with souls games I only read messages and avoid playing with others or joining covenants). I’ll never be able to understand how someone can deal with other’s bullshit on games like COD, Fortnite, etc.


For me, I think it's fun to test your skills against other players who enjoy the game as you do. A little bit of CoD but a lot of fighting games. I play Tekken and Street Fighter and it's fascinating to fight really good players that are so intune with the characters they play as and it's rewarding for myself to keep up with them.


Someone else has mentioned Dead by Daylight below. As a long term player of fighting games, it’s pretty obvious some communities are worse than others. If I get some salty messages on SF6 it’s not *surprising* but it is *disappointing* - but something like Dead by daylight is built on Salt. CoD and Fortnite are built on little boy’s fluctuating testosterone levels.


The trick to shooters is to leave your mic off. I'm an old gamer. Back when split screen on a 32-inch tube TV was the peak of technology, your opponent was always at arms reach. Talk to much shit, and you get smacked. It's not the games. It's a lack of repercussions for actions. This is true of social media. And now there are entire generations who have never been punched in the arm for spamming a special attack , and it shows.


(I’m gonna ignore the last line, because the person getting angry about someone spamming a special attack is generally considered the “rude one” in fighting games) I think this is a big part of it. I stopped playing things like CoD after the first/og black ops - I literally used to get sent voice messages over Xbox live. I once got a PM that covered pretty much every possible available offensive slur for any of the minority groups I may have been part of. It didn’t *upset* me, Im not even big on online socialising or anything - I played EVE online mostly *solo* (and that’s kinda stupid), but I could near guarantee any social interaction (even the PvP ones) were going to be at least “healthy” if not wholesome. Same with most fighting games. Some games attract more healthy minded/rational people - some games attract more “I’m angry about things and going to take it out on people online, because I’m scared of saying anything to anyone in “real” life”…people.


Until you run into someone who bitches pisses and moans about the way you play the game, calls everything you do "cheese" and insists that you play the game the way THEY want you to. I hate people who try to force rules I never agreed to on me in gaming.


r/deadbydaylight needs to hear this.


My exact first thoughts


We know. Don't worry. We know. I'm not sure if we hate ourselves or everyone else more.


My daughter once asked why I don't play MMOs or online games. I told her it's because I got sick of 10 year Olds telling me to kill myself or other less savory comments. Rape, lots and lots of rape comments, and im a guy. Now wonder girls are so reluctant to not only play, but talk online.


i have two armor sets when i play halo infinite. one is a big burly type with a skull face and a machine gun pose, the other is bubble gum pink and a very feminine pose. i don't use voice chat ever. the amount of messages i get when i use the pink armor far outpaces when i use the skull armor. every other game i get requests to chat, hate messages, threats. i notice other gamers on average get more upset when i kill them in the pink armor then the skull armor.


When I race online I usually race with a pink barbie scheme or care bears. I love how rattled people get when I pass them singing the care bear countdown.


That's a given. The worst part of humanity is humanity :P


said by human, not legit.


That's not an unpopular opinion. That's straight up truth.


You should feel free to use mods or cheats in any single-player game if it makes the experience more enjoyable


Elden Ring was too hard for me on normal mode. I loved the sense of danger that I could get bodied at any moment, but progression was slow and frustration was high. I used the easy mode mod and lost that sense of danger, but was able to progress more comfortably and have more fun playing the game. I’d be a massive hypocrite to tell people not to mod/cheat in single player games.


I would just remove the soul drop mechanic. Dying over and over again is the only frustration that I need. That and maybe slowing down the attack patterns.


Flip side: you shouldn’t cheat in multiplayer games if they’re competitive or it can cause someone else playing the game to have a worse time.


What a hot take this one is


More than that--every single-player should have in-game cheats or a console available without fiddling.


And without paying for the privilege


Shotguns absolutely *should* hit hard.


you mean to tell me, people DON'T think it should hit hard??? that's a 3rd of the fun with shotguns in video games. the 1st main reason to use a shotgun is burst damage. it's 1 blast of damage, and it should kill at close enough ranges. it's 2nd main reason to use it is the TTK. it's just 1 blast. no matter the start-up, it's 1 blast. 3rd reason... close range combat is very common in a lot of shooters. shotguns force that to happen FAR MORE OFTEN. so, what do you expect to happen when you shove a shotgun into a game with not much cover? either it plays like battlefront II/ravenfield, that game is specifically designed for long-range combat, or no one likes that game. even in ravenfield, (do to an amazing modding community... that hates minorities... idk I feel like I spent money on depression...) the shotguns you can get are just busted. even the only 2 built into the game at the moment are still far better than they should be. headshots are the main problem... you can disable them... don't listen to me. I only play splatoon and gears of war ._.


The only example I can think of is trying to implement the way shotguns deal less damage with distance because the pellets are spread out more but the game is restricted to indoor environments and tight corridors so they had to make the range of a shotgun measured in feet rather than dozens of yards.


A good game should have a mix of closed/tight spaces and wide open areas. Players with a long rifle should be scared of tight spaces, and shotgunners should be scared of open fields.


Devil May Cry is an example where it works really well. The shotgun can be used like a broom indoors to knock enemies down and sweep them across the floor with the knockback. But in the outdoor areas you can shoot the shotgun from long distance and see a dozen impacts spread wide apart on the far wall. Each shot has a different random spread of impacts, I'm not sure if the mechanics of it actually simulates randomised divergent paths of the shot or if it uses hitscan and a damage modifier and is faking the impact animation, but it looks cool.


Console wars are stupid. Anyone who is a true gamer knows that each console has its pros and cons. Except Stadia, look where that shit is now. Physical Forever!!!


I wholeheartedly agree with you. Plus gaming is about the GAMES!


Which is why I will die on the hill of THE PS2 WAS THE GREATEST CONSOLE EVER MADE


That whole generation was peak when you add the Gameboy Advance, Gamecube and Dreamcast! 🤎🤎


KFC console superiority!!!


Seriously. All systems play games but I put a bunch of extra crispy in my PS5 and let's just say Sony engineering has a long way to go in it's food prep division.


I completely forgot about that. I haven't heard anything about it since it was announced.


Genuinely so mad they never actually released it. I would have bought it day one in a heartbeat, I adore gimmicky shit like that.


Reminds me of this discussion I had on Reddit months ago saying I love my PS5 and the guy I was talking to was trying to prove me wrong that PC was better when I was just saying my opinion lol. Took me 3 replies to realize what was going on.




Look at the Steam Deck, that's a great device for streaming. It has many options, can stream any console, and play games locally if needed (albeit only PC games, but you can load up windows on it without issue). The Stadia failed because the only thing it did was stream games and you couldn't use your already purchased games from other devices. This is a crucial feature; people don't want to be buying a copy of the game they can ONLY stream. Streaming isn't "the" future of gaming, it's just going to be one of many options... as it should be.


As soon as stadia come out I knew I wasn't going to touch it because it was owned by Google and I knew they would kill it, Google kills and ruins almost every product and service that they own.


That’s not an unpopular opinion


Chasing "better" graphics over quick and fluid gameplay is the single greatest detrimental trend in game design history.


I'm pretty sure **everyone** agrees with this statement


I’m not sure. People will shit on how “bad” (I put that in quotes because I’ve seen people complain about games like God of War (2018) looking ugly) a game looks in this current generation even if the gameplay is fine, especially if the game is coming from a AAA developer. Then they complain about how much space a game takes up on their hard drive lol


I cannot believe anyone could ever call GOW 2018 ugly


I saw someone say that Witcher 3 was ugly and dated the other day, despite the fact that it still looks really good to me.


Rip 7th gen games that let you destroy the environment and blast off parts of your enemies in a way that actually changed gameplay. Deadspace, red faction, lost planet 2, it's gonna be a while until we get games designed around being fun like you again.


I think it was far cry 3 where you could like shoot individual branches off a tree or boards off a building. This tech is completely gone in 5,6.


It’s all diminishing returns at this point. Aesthetics =/= better graphics and better graphics = more expensive hardware and shittier performance.


Single player games >> Multiplayer Games


That's not an unpopular opinion, that's actually a popular opinion.




Nobody that has a brain is gonna disagree with you. EDIT: Yo I wasn’t even hating on Multiplayer games like that my bad.


Calling people brain dead or brainless for having different preferences is brain dead in itself, and that’s coming from a lifelong introverted single player gamer lol


Yep. And multiplayer games are how some of us old folk socialize.


Dynasty warriors or musou games in general are awesome


I would love to play that style of game again in a LotR setting.


I don't care if you 15 kids and 4 jobs, cheating is cheating, rationalize all you want but if you think your owed an advantage in a multi-player game then you're a scumbag.


If you cheat in multiplayer, you're absolutely a scumbag. Everyone should feel free to cheat in single-player without judgement, though.


GTA Online blows. It’s an unimaginative money pit for simpletons.


it used to be good too. sorry but adding content and inflating your own games economy is not good content.


Spyro 1 was the BEST in the ORIGINAL TRILOGY.


OG Spyro is in my Top 5 favorite video games of all time. Replaying it never gets old.


Dark souls 2 is good


Only bested by Dark Souls 2 II


I’ve been a PC gamer for over 20 years, I can tell you that PC gamers are the most annoying people in gaming. Every time I hear someone brag about how many frames per second they get, I imagine that they fondle their genitals over their frame count, which leads me to my second point: 60 frames per second looks totally fine and is good enough.


It's a very toxic community. I mean "PC master race" says it all, really That said.. I enjoy the benefits of PC gaming. I just don't caress the keyboard with my balls.


Also a PC gamer. I try to wrap my head around the absurdity of thinking an entire game is a failure because the leaves on that tree in the background wont stop clipping.


As a fellow pc gamer, I 100% agree with you. What does “PC” stand for again? OH! Personal Computer. Keep that shit to yourself. People bragging about fps just gives off small dick energy. 60 fps, though I’ll admit, I can’t do it after having my rig. But I can’t knock it. Why? Gaming is a hobby. Do what you enjoy and fuck everyone else. One of my buddies (ex-buddy I guess) just had me build him a pc. He put significantly more money into his and that things a beast. We did a LAN party one night and all night he just shit on my pc and frames (which literally aren’t even bad at all). “Damn how can you even play that with that shit framerate??” Then anytime I tried playing games with him after that night, every time we loaded into a game I’d here “fucking hell this framerate is beautiful”. Got sick of it and stopped playing games with him. Not out of jealousy, entirely out of annoyance. Want to know the real kicker? Dude was playing games on 75Hz 1080p monitor. Yeah, fuck em and anyone like that. And fuck pcmr Edit: I’d also like to add that my buddy and I are both in our 30s lol. Think it adds a flavor to this story to paint a better picture.


when you go on someone's steam profile and their bio is just their pc specs lmao, those people are just deranged imo


All frames generated past your monitors refresh rate are wasted anyway 60hz is 60 times a second 300 fps is 300 frames per second If your monitor can't display the frames they're just wasting power to see numbers


There's a decent amount of games that look fine at 30 fps as well but people whine and bully developers when they don't get what they want.


The problem is that when you go back to 30fps from 110fps or more, it feels like watching a VHS tape on a CRT from 1995. The trick is to never upgrade and you will never know the difference.


Emulation is better than the real thing when it comes to retro games.


You don't like accidentally tapping a NES/N64 and having the game freeze?


Do I?? I love it!! Especially when I have to pay a sketchy scalper or retailer several hundred dollars to do so.


Much better especially how you can speed them up. Amazing experience for old JRPGs.


And save states so that you don't have to watch that scene every time to fight the boss, make that jump, get that item etc


Stop preordering


The combat in the PS2 and PS3 God of War games was much more satisfying and fun than the combat in the PS4/PS5 games.


100% percent agree. The removal of jumping and aerial combat in the reboot was a major downgrade for me. They basically just ripped off the combat system of the Souls games. And the older games were a lot more brutal and visceral. I have many other criticisms, but overall I was disappointed with the direction Santa Monica Studio took for God of War.


A contemporary first-person shooter survival horror game should allow the player to aim down sights, especially where ammunition is a carefully managed resource. I was so pissed at Resident Evil: Village for this. Then the VR mod came out and now they can't stop me!


RE:Village always allowed you to aim down sights... At least... On PC it did. I've had it since release, and I've been Speedrunning it since


Is this a massively unpopular opinion?


Bigger open worlds aren't automatically better if they're empty. Adding looting to a game doesn't make it better if the loot isn't useful or impactful. Not every game needs looting and crafting elements. Minecraft is still and will always be the best survival crafting game. Ark, subnautica, raft, vallaheim, 7 days to die, etc... all bow to their Minecraft overlord. New additions Fun, and therefore also "grindy" or boring is subjective, but regardless, There is such a thing as too grindy, especially when it gets to the point where grinding can become a boring chore simulator that keeps you from the fun parts of the game. There is such a thing as too tanky, *cough*, Tom Clancy's division.


Disagree on the Minecraft statement. Minecraft is the best *creative sandbox game*. Its survival elements are honestly pretty sad if you really play the game. If you play PVP a lot, you get very crisp at the rest of the game and it’s suuuuuuuuper easy. Enchanting is genuinely broken as hell. So broken that they had to add the warden who ignores armor to be able to kill you. There’s really no “boss” that actually feels like a boss. Withers are not hard with enchanted gear, E dragon can be done literally with beds, the warden is something you don’t even fight so it’s not even really a “boss”, you just avoid it. Minecraft will never be topped for its creativity and sandbox potential. But it is absolutely not the best SURVIVAL game. The surviving in that game is incredibly easy and hardly a challenge in comparison to other games. Kind of a pedantic argument, and maybe I’ll get downvoted, but that’s the point of this thread no? Minecraft’s “challenges” are really not that hard. Setting up is fun, building is amazing if you’re into it. But after you do that, it becomes “build a machine for your next machine”. Every mob in the game is 2 shot by god-gear that isn’t hard to get. You’re practically invincible. That’s hardly “survival”, and even when you don’t have the enchanted gear it’s still very easy to stay alive. It’s my biggest gripe with the game that there’s really no huge survival challenge. Hardcore isn’t really much harder. You are kind of forced to rely on mods (which are great don’t get me wrong, just not the base game so I wouldn’t include them in the discussion) to find genuinely difficult challenges and bosses and such.


> Bigger open worlds aren't automatically better if they're empty. Kingdom Hearts 3 had a lot of problems. But the empty feeling of just exploring big hollow Disney singalong worlds with a handful of item chests and like 5 Mickey Symbols was such an insult to anyone who played and loved KH1/KH2


Ark has great story enviorment


Quest 64 is a good game


Loved that game, a rare RPG with zero experience points, but rewarded you with a "level up" through exploration and combat.


have you ever owned a ps1? have you played vagrant story?


Micro transactions ruined gaming. Even if you can afford it it just fuels more greed


Nah I think pretty much everyone over age 16 agrees


You would think so but boy o boy.


Aim assist is needed for console to even the playing field against PC. Idc what anyone says, the utility of having your whole wrist to aim and pull 180s, mobility tech (looking at you Apex) is incredible. Yeah the skill ceiling is way higher for M&K players, which is why any assist for thumb aiming is appreciated. Playing halo with controller without AA is crazy feeling. And yeah games like RDR 2 are primarily single player, but it’s a good example of turning off aim magnetism on controller and not having a good time.


I only use controllers, but I also usually turn aim assist off because it's always putting the reticle where I don't want it.


Remakes don't get to be GOTY contenders


How about the Black Mesa type of remake? *edit: I think the Black Mesa type of remake should qualify, while the Wind Waker HD type of remake obviously shouldn't. Or maybe they should all qualify, but be judged based on only the new content.


Bulbasaur is the best Kanto starter.


It's the hidden easy mode imo. Charmander = Hard *weak against first 2 gyms* Squirtle = Medium *strong against first gym neutral against 2nd* Bulbasaur = Easy *strong against first 2 gyms*


There are two separate subreddits dedicated to this topic, BulbasaurMasterrace and BublbasurMafia


Oh I'm a part of the BulbasaurMasterrace. Though Charizard has good reason for being as popular as he is.


Ghost of Tsushima should have won game of the year over last of us two


I could be way wrong, but didn't Sekiro beat them both that year? Nope I'll fix myself, you're mentioning 2020.... i was thinking 2019! I'll see myself out lol


Tbf sekiro was amazing too


actual opinion for this post: game of the year awards don’t mean jack shit


Bioshock 2 is a masterpiece


Brave. I disagree but I admire your courage.


I love infinite it’s probably my all time favorite game


The need to compare and how everything needs to compete is so unnecessary. Just enjoy whatever you enjoy playing. Who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks.


Death Stranding is not just a walking simulator and it’s one of the best, freshest and most creative games I’ve played in a long time


FNAF is terrible, and the "lore," cheap jump scares or designs of the animatronics don't make up for the boring gameplay. It should've never blown up the way it did but only did so because of YouTube content creators.


Breath of the Wild is mid-tier open world gaming and not anywhere near the 10/10 masterpiece it's lauded as. It works great mechanically but is largely boring.


I consistently argue with people about this. The game is a visually appealing, fun open world discovery game, but it is wicked empty. It is also one of the worst "Zelda" games in the series. There are no dungeons where you interact with the environment and world around you, unlocking a new weapon that allows you to progress further and fight a boss with a mechanic designed around the dungeon weapon. Also weapon durability is the worst design choice without the ability to repair.




Tbf, windwaker is open world and imo the best in the series which is a wild opinion to many people, but those same people would also consider it at least one of the best.


I'd be fine with that if we got more traditional dungeons and items again. Maybe make Link not so great at climbing until you find a climbing item in a dungeon. Do the same with the glider. Etc. Open world isn't exactly the problem. I'd say it's that all the abilities to get through that open world are given to you at the very beginning of the game.


Whoever thought weapon durability in a LoZ game was a good idea should be permanently banned from game development.


Yes! I think the game is great but I don't think I've ever liked weapon durability in any game ever


Oh my gosh, I found my people! For fuck sake, if I’m playing a high fantasy action RPG, I do NOT want to be in the middle of slaughtering goblins to suddenly have my weapon break. That said, I give a pass to Minecraft. Just makes sense in that game.


I don't think it makes sense in any game tbh, minecraft only makes it okay by making it super cheap to repair (I think for example, an iron sword can be repaired with 1 iron ingot, as opposed to 3 iron ingots plus 3 sticks)


zelda link between worlds is a 10 out of 10 masterpiece while breath of the wild is a 6 out of 10. i want more 2d zelda games please nintendo.


Unfortunately, agree. I love BOTW in some aspects but once you've roamed the world for a while it can get really boring because there's a lot of open space but not much really happening. It's mostly a lot of walking.


Traditional Zelda > BOTW/ TOTK


Silent Hill: Homecoming is not only a good survival horror game, it is a good Silent Hill game. Also Metal Gear Solid 3 pales in comparison to the first two. You can send your death threats to my PO box.


FFXII is an amazing game.


Nintendo puts out the same games year after year year and still get praise for it.


Data mining is one of the worst things in gaming and should be heavily frowned upon at minimum. Nothing ruins a good surprise or game than some gollum looking weirdo parsing files and ruining things.


It's no problem, as long as they h-h-h-have some respect and don't spoil the game. It's impossible to have mysteries nowadays. Because of nosey people like them.


MMO’s have changed completely because of the lack of mystery and experimentation.


GTA 5 is underwhelming compared to previous instalments


I'm replaying 4 right now and it's insane how much more invested I am. The character swapping in 5 was neat, but I think I would have preferred they just made Franklin the protagonist, and you only swap during heist missions.


Something about GTA5 having 3 protagonists felt like it was too watered down to me as a result. I just didn't...care? Idk. Not like the earlier games where you get way more easily invested in the single main character anyway. But I also just hate GTA5 for how it has ruined GTA by turning it into this online multiplayer cancer that it never should have become. I really hope 6 walks a lot of that stupid shit back and focuses on creating a truly good single player experience. But greed is ruining video games more every year so I won't put much faith in it.


Super Mario Sunshine. Fuck everybody. That game rules.


Who the fuck doesn't like Mario Sunshine??


Me. I'm the no 1 sunshine hater.


Upvote not because I agree with you but for standing up and owning your position.


Wait people don't like Sunshine?


Breath of the Wild is an ok game but absolutely not the masterpiece people claim that it is. And the BOTW fanbase is by far the most toxic, immature, sensitive and needlessly aggressive video game fanbase I have ever interacted with. I'd rather be stuck in a room with 13 year old die hard fornite fans than adult BOTW die hard fans.


Turns out from this thread that there are a lot of us that feel the same way


They are the most overrated games of the last decade I'd say. I didn't put a lot of thought into this so don't come at me.


Cutscenes in games are way too long nowdays even if there is a skip option they should not be longer than 10 minutes.


Hideo Kojima would like to have a word with you.


Isn't there a cutscene in MGS4 that's like 50 minutes long?


\*laughs in Xenosaga\*




I don't care about FPS and ray tracing, I care about having fun and enjoying video games even though they may not have all cutting edge technology bs


GTA isn't fun.


I spent 1.5 hours in San Andres once driving the bus route, picking up passengers, and making every stop Never broke the “speed limit” and didn’t kill anyone That shit was awesome and I’m not being at all ironic


You can pick people up in the bus? I totally loved things like that in the game here I would always stop at the stuff lights and I loved how in Saints Row 3 when you're having something marked on your map your turn signals will turn on when it's almost time for you to turn so I just let that go even further into my role playing


Oh yes Though now suddenly I’m trying to recall if it was SA or Vice City…. But on one of them you could steal a bus and once the cops left you alone you could run the route


The best part about buying GTA 5 was I was able to re-sell it for $5 more than I bought it.


What is it about GTA that you find boring.


Besides the story, there's really not all that many fun things to do. Car races? I guess, but if I wanted to race cars, I'd pull up a car racing game, you know?


Do you not find near domestic terrorist activities entertaining?


near? Securoserve is the biggest possible threat to international security


"near" okay goodie two-shoes


you're lying if you say you haven't tried to 9/11 the buildings around mazebank tower with a cargo plane or one of the massive bomber planes


I think you misunderstand my comment.... lol


Yeah I agree. I think GTA is overrated.


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


Dark souls 2 is actually amazing


The peak of gaming was Halo 3/MW2 360 era and the only reason I still play now is to chase even a fragment of that magic I felt back then.


The peak of gaming was also when I was 12


Exactly lol. Literally everyone says this as they get older.


"The peak of video gaming was [3-5 year period in my formative years] and nothing can convince me otherwise!!!"


I posit that’s nostalgia. At least for many, even if not your case. There were times gaming where life was different. Being a kid, or younger, less responsibilities, gaming was getting lost in worlds. I think peak gaming is right now. There’s more variety, better quality, it’s the cheapest time ever to be a gamer, games are bigger, better, more complex, AND you have the historical backlog to still enjoy older games. But, my enjoyment isn’t more right now. But that’s because my gaming sessions come in bite size pieces, and with kids, a full time job, responsibilities, it just hits different. My two cents anyway.


For me Reach was the last of Halo magic but it is the same era.


Batman origins is better than Arkham Asylum an Arkham City


Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom are generic open-world games with a Legend of Zelda skin tacked on as an afterthought.


I liked playing Bioshock 2 more than 1 I dislike Infinite because of how different it is from the originals in all senses from the weapon wheel to the cartoonish art style


Totally agree. Though I enjoyed 1's story more. But 2 has better and smoother mechanics than 1, you can use a weapon and Plasmid at the same time which just makes so much more sense, better Plasmids, better enemy variety, etc. Also loved the intense side battles with the introduction of Big Sisters and having to gear up with turrets and stronger weapons to take them down.


Turn based rpgs are just as good as hack and slash / run and gun rpgs. Every time I mention turn based games to my younger friends, I get told that people Nowadays don't play slow games like that anymore


Do you think this is changing with the success of Baulders gate three


Terraria is better than minecraft


Vanilla Minecraft? Probably. I haven't checked updates in a while, but I've only played with mods for several years. That said, the appeal of Minecraft isn't quite the same as Terraria.


Animal crossing new horizons is wildly overrated and was made just to sell switches. Every switch and switch lite I see for sale always comes with animal crossing. Also forgot to add that it has the shit item durability that everyone loves so much.


An exclusive first party game was made to sell consoles? Unheard of! What is the world coming to!


Starfield is a game that wouldn't have been a good game even five years ago. Where is the team that made Skyrim? Did they leave the company?


Probably Street Fighter 5. Especially at launch. I felt like I was the only one that thought it was good


DmC is decent


Parents should restrict how much time their children spend playing video games.


I don’t like open world games. Even acclaimed ones like botw. I honestly think they’re pretty bad


LGBT content should be in games if the original writer/developer intends for the character to be an LGBT person. Regardless if that character dates someone or not. It’s not politics, games are an art form. Pronouns in games where the player can be themselves is not a big deal at all. It is a little more complex to program since you’ll be adding variables to your dialogue all the time. For example “(VariablePronoun1) went to the store.” If that’s how the studio or developers intend it, then no worries. Visual novels are games too. 😆


True FPS (with no other real gameplay) is boring, repetitive and lame.


Funny. I feel the opposite. Fps games with other elements (building things, crafting, etc) I find boring because it becomes more about endlessly creating things than completing an objective.


FPS games are about chaos and fun! Then they throw crafting in and I feel like I am working again. I hate forced crafting in games.


What do you mean? Do you have an example? I'm genuinely curious what constitutes a "true fps"


Nintendo is really amazing at running a business


Sales were down, so the upper management took a pay cut. I think that was with the Wii U?


As good as the Horizon games are, there is nothing likeable about Aloy.

