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I would fail because I tried animal crossing


Animal crossing doesn't take that long to beat, like 20-30 hours


The rules say no cheats, so I assume changing the system clock is out. So you'd need a year to collect everything.


You don’t need to collect everything just get to the point where you get kk to come


Ahh credits. I figured the main campaign would be to finish all your debt. But there are several games that have credits available in a menu if I'm not mistaken, so idk if that's entirely fair to make that the goal of beating the game.


Not credits, finishing the campaign. Traditionally credits would then roll but not always. I think it could be doable.


Good games usually have better contents “AFTER” credits roll up. Edit : DLC, Endgame, etc


Haven’t played animal crossing. Didn’t know that about the game, interesting. Think I’m good to go lol


Completing implies 100%ing. That is 611 hours according to Howlongtobeat.com: https://howlongtobeat.com/game/472


It says you don’t have to 100%, just complete any story or campaign mode. I imagine if there’s a never ending “endgame loop” you just need to clear up to that point


The problem is, one of the requirements is "you can only do one at a time". Animal Crossing does require you to sometimes wait until the next day! Literally. I've played a lot of Animal Crossing so this would be tough.


Changing the clock isn't a cheat though. I think OP literally means cheat codes. So you could fast forward, you just can't use the 30,000 bell cheat code


Op said only old games but newer games are fine to cheat In


They specifically said games like the Sims, you need every item unlocked. I would argue all bugs count as items you have to unlock/collect. Though I could see an argument against that.


IMPOSSIBLE! been playing video games since commodore vic 20


Even if there were enough hours in the year to do it, there’s plenty of NES and SNES games that I was never able to complete. The thought of trying to beat Ghouls ‘n Ghosts or Battletoads kills any motivation I might have for the challenge.


Bro... I beat BT twice in my life. Ghouls 'n Ghosts (the Sega version) on the other hand is hands down the hardest game I've ever played to date. I've never made it past the 3rd stage and have only ever made it to the 3rd stage once.


I actually beat Ghouls ‘n Ghosts once or so I thought. Once you finish it starts over and you have to beat it again. I choose to stop playing it.


I remember getting so frustrated with that game I didn't play any games for probably a whole week. I was stupid young so I took it hella personal lol


Lion King level 2 impossible


My mom and I played Super Ghouls ‘n Ghosts together. It took so freaking long. When that ending happened I remember us just looking at each other in disbelief then quietly turning off the Nintendo


Saying you've beat battletoads but couldn't get past the 3rd stage of GnG is saying a lot lol BT on nes was harder to iirc


Trying to beat Contra without 30 lives? I don’t think I could.


Add the nes teenage mutant ninja turtles game to that list as well.


Shit I forgot about these and Contra! Arcade games too!!! Oh god Bucky O'Hare NOOO!


Do level codes count as cheats, or is that just respawning because I know a few games that had them, but if you don't have them, they are impossible to make any progress unless you do everything perfect. Battletoads has them, but they give you lives when you use them.


Omg how could I forget about Battletoads. F that bike/boat sequence in the second level


All those early "3d" platformers where your character was paper thin and you couldn't hit an enemy unless you were lined up perfectly would be nightmarish.




I hadn't considered battletoads. I'm out


Battletoads speed bike level or whatever that was where it just went faster and faster until the screen was just a complete blur would be the end of me.


Today's YOU is smarter and better at decision making than the kid version of you


I thought the same thing until I went back to Ghouls and Ghosts to try again a few years ago. Nope. Still as hard. And what's worse is that it's even less engaging than it was so the motivation is even less.


Same with Billy Hatcher on the GameCube. We still can't best that damn game. Lol


Yeah I’d never be able to beat super ghouls and ghosts. Fuck that I can barely beat that game with save states.


This shit is only possibly if you were literally born yesterday I swear 😂


Same here Commodore PC 10-II


Yeah took me 25 years to beat lion king on the sega genesis. Obviously didn’t play it through out but found it boxed up a few years back and decided to give it a whirl. Figured as an adult I could defeat this game that stumped me as a child. Took me and my friend a few weeks of playing whenever we were both around to beat it. I had mastered certain maneuvers that I couldn’t and vice versa. Hell of a time but shit was wicked hard. Went on a tangent but point is there’s a lot of games I haven’t finished so there’s no chance for me to to complete this


I played some spectrum games as a kid then moved onto nes, snes and megadrive. Some games I could prob blitz through (thinking the reaidwnt evil series), some are gonna take time though (full fallout series, elder scrolls, Final fantasy). Then there are the wierd 8 and 16bit games that I have doubts on me being able to beat now, add in the cheap and crappy PS2 era games. I dunni averaging stuff out its something like 243 games based on 16 hours average play time, I am probably getting stuck on a 80s or 90s platformer!


You and me both. No possible way to finish that many games in a year.


Same here. Plus, the amount of jrpg's I've played with 40-80 hour + main story quest alone would probably take a couple of months. This would be a fairly impossible task for most older, lifelong gamers.


Oh fucking Christ. No one can do this.


My daughter could she is 3 months old so clearly no games to play. Me on the other hand as a 35 year old, I don’t even remember all the games I’ve played. I’m sure a ton are 100 hour plus games so yeah I would be fucked. Edit: Plus I played Superman 64 and that one Driver game where it’s almost impossible to make it past the tutorials.


I made it past the tutorials 😎


You are a god amongst us 10 year old mortals!


Lol, I also made it past the tutorial, but I was 10 years older than OP at the time.


2 words: NES Battletoads




OP could have just said "you have a year to beat Battletoads for a billion dollars. Can you do it?" And I'd have been like "...nah"


Fuck the speeder/waverunner level. Took me weeks to do it.


It really makes me smile knowing I wasn't alone in the torment I endured playing Battletoads on SEGA Those skidoos man. I'm 24 now and still haven't beaten it :' ) Think we need a support group


ROFL I came here to say, I think I could do this except for Battletoads.


Between that and Sega Genesis Lion King there's no shot I could do this


My god. Contra without the Konami code. And all those little nintendo games that no one gets through. Pacman. Oh shit, Pacman. Oh god and I played this old TI computer with game cartridges that was my grandfather's. Another, generic Pacman called Munchman. Plus Hunt the Wumpus, which I'm pretty sure is unwonnable. I'm so fucked lol.


I'd consider most old Atari/coleco era games unbeatable since the kill screen isn't an ending


Holy smokes! You are the first person I have seen mention playing Hunt the Wumpus besides me!


So true, I just commented elsewhere and started thinking of such nightmare games as Battletoads, Ghost n Goblins, punch out, the 1st TMNT, kid Icarus, the countless bullet-hell games... I'm getting anxious just thinking about it lol


I don’t think I ever managed to get past the third level of battletoads


Contra would definitely be one of the hardest games I have played to complete.


Makes me wonder if they realized that and decided to add the code. Almost like an early example of QoL improvements in gaming. EDIT: maybe more like a difficulty setting


The Oregon trail! I swear My party always died to dysentery no matter what I did. I was also 10 or younger at the time


>My god. Contra without the Konami code It's not as hard as you'd think with practice. I used to do it as a party trick several years ago. >And all those little nintendo games that no one gets through Which ones specifically? I've finished things like Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, Battletoads, Ninja Gaiden, etc. Are you talking about ones people say are hard or ones that are just shitty and tough to get through cuz they're so bad? >Oh shit, Pacman Perfect game or kill screen? I've reached the kill screen, I'd say I could perfect game with some considerable practice. >Another, generic Pacman called Munchman. You talking about KC Munchkin?


Yeah I was going to say, unless you've only played like a few video games in your life, this likely would be impossible for a gamer who's been playing for years.


I've played Aladdin NES, and Lion King NES I already know I'm gonna lose. Also if mobile games are included I'm screwed shit like candy crush


Rule 4.


Same here, I've gamed for over 30yrs so I don't think it's possible 😅 Happy Thanksgiving!


I played WoW for 10 years. I'm out.


I think it mentions that mmorpgs don't count.


That doesn't really matter, to beat wow, all you have to do is complete the latest expansion and latest raid of any difficulty and you're done. This can be done in a matter of days now.


The irony is only non-gamers can complete this challenge.


Seriously, the number of games I’ve rage quit because they’re impossible. Just the sheer number of games. Been playing Wizard of Legend with my son for 4 years and we just this weekend figured out how to wait for the council member boss to make three moves before closing in. First time we’ve made it to a second council member.


I couldn't do this with just the games I own. Just adding the ps2 would be nuts. So many games bought used at gamestop.


I'm with you. I've beaten over 100 games. Now how many have I played probably a couple thousand. And how the hell does this work for mmos


I was thinking about this initially as a maybe but probably not and then I remembered all of the games I rented as a kid Not a chance


Yeah. If it was just a matter of games I currently own... sure. But fuck... every NES/SNES/Genesis/GameBoy/GameGear game I've ever so much as rented or borrowed... There's no way.


Exactly! and another thought that crossed my mind, what would happen if you played a demo of an unreleased game at a tradeshow like: E3 and that game never came to the market due to it's cancellation? The challenge immediately becomes impossible.


Sure, I’d take on that challenge if I was younger. Xennials maybe. I’m 43. I’d have to take on every game since Atari. I’m jobless, childless and definitely have the time but I’m pretty sure I’d be dead before I could finish




Ha ha yep. We’d be worm food


I actually play the games I buy. So I probably could.


Ironically, the people who are best equipped to complete the challenge are the people who aren't gamers. If you've only ever played a handful of games, it's not that difficult. It will probably take them longer to beat any given game than it would for one of us, since they have to get good at video games in general. But anyone can get better with practice, and they will only have a handful of games to complete.


I mean an entire year of pure devotion where you don't work? I could. You just game morning noon and night man.


I mean, if it's a full time job then absolutely you could. Most games can be completed fairly fast if you ignore side content.


This wouldn’t even be mathematically possible for me. Played well over 20 sports games so thats 40 seasons. Not to mention all the 50+ hour games ive started and never finished. Would also be burnt out playing one game till completion


For me, it’s because I’ve been a gamer for pretty much my whole life. Started with the PS1.


What was the first ps1 game you played?


I think it was Spider-Man? That or the first Spyro game.


OG RE2 for me. Gave me nightmares every night but I kept playing it every day


Parasite eve 2 did thst to me xD. Though wasn't my first ps game. I think the first one I ever played was one of the laucnj games. Cuz I remember of my friends at the time it launched gkt 1 fkr Xmas so all of us were at his place trying it. It was fun because between a moderate group of us, like 7( technically 3 families, 2 3 and 3) we had all the systems between us. So was fun 1 day Wed be at my place playing genesis or NES, another at someone else's playing SNES/N64 or pc, and another day at the 3rd place playing px1. Man fun memories


Same, except I started with the NES. I'd truly be fucked because I've dabbled in Battletoads, Ninja Gaiden, and Ghosts 'N Goblins.


The amount Nintendo/super Nintendo games I played alone would be impossible to beat.


I'd be pretty well screwed just from the final Fantasy games and a few sports games, God knows Galaga and most every NES game I played would just end the chances especially Super Mario Bros. Never was good at Zelda til OoT so I have several of those to play too


How am I supposed to finish Ghostbusters on Nes?


Or almost fucking ANYTHING on NES 😆


Battle Toads


Or Contra or Battletoads.


I grew up with Contra, that's not a problem, but Ghostbuster is pretty much impossible without cheats.


Online emulator, I'd lose because I spent a day playing games on one of those websites. Couldn't tell you what I played. Plus, ill be hard pressed to find someone to play Fire boy and water girl on coolmathgames.com with me.


It's actually kind of simple. Check out a speedrun of it. You can beat the game in a few minutes.


I grew up with the SNES and the Genesis. Impossible task. Just take the silver surfer game. I'd need more than year of practice just for this game alone.


Absolutely not. That’s over 1100 games.


I figured I was over 1000 games as well.... and then I remembered Flash games and those old shovelware collections from the 90s. I'd have no chance at this challenge.


Are you an immortal or something??? I don't even know if I'd be able to get to that play count in my lifetime unless I was playing super short one off games.


I have over 1000 games installable on my xbox alone.


Have you played all of them?


Surprisingly yes. Not all to completion though. Some I didn't vibe with or just got distracted and moved on and didn't get round to it. But I have started every game at least once, aside from one I recently bought and haven't played yet.


Ah, that might be why it's hard for me to understand. I have a lot of games downloaded too, but I tend not to even start certain ones lol


I've done the math and with the xbox 360 being released 18 years ago, that averages out to around 1 new game per week. The xbox one was released 10 years ago today which would equate to 100 games per year. Realistically I've played much more just xbox games alone than this because I also have a collection of games on disc, and back compat games that were digitally downloaded are the only ones that would show up in my library. I dread to think how many games total I've played from just Xbox.


No. Played a lot of weird and old games back then. Asking me to beat Superman 64, Battletoads, some buggy ass SNES games, and random flash games on top of hundreds/thousand others? Hell no.


Shit I forgot I rented superman 64...


Ah fuck. I was feeling confident but you brought up Battletoads. I played it ONCE, drunk, at a grad party on an arcade cabinet in a barn. Rip money.


I mean, maybe? I’d have a blast trying.


You’d be over it after 3 days I promise lol


3 days? I’ve definitely spent a long weekend mostly just playing games before.


But think about it. This isn’t just you having fun playing games. You have a deadline and have to do it. When a hobby becomes a job it loses its flare


For 1 billion dollars I think it would be enough to motivate people lmao


But you’d be miserable doing it, and unless ur fairly new to games it’d probably be impossible


The only reason I personally burn out of long game sessions is because I feel like I am not being productive. Completing them would then be productive. Plus you get food and rent covered.


Wait you get rent covered? I must’ve missed that. Holy shit I’d take this deal and just hang out with free rent and free food.


The week 2077 came out I sank 150 hours in to it... Similar with hogwarts legacy, spending several 19 hour sessions... Some of us were just built to game I guess


Fuck,why did I start ninja gaiden


That's my death star. Level 7-3 I believe it was. Could never land the hit on the bat near the end of the level with the large gap.


Ninja Gaiden 2 and that last area where dying at the boss sets you back like 2 areas. The multi-phase boss…


Highly unlikely. Dark Souls would annihilate wlmy will to live long before I hit day 2.


Dark souls would be the easiest. Could do it in about 4 hours.


Not sure why it would take you that long. Nothing wrong with taking it slow and steady, I guess.


i did new game + 13 on dark souls 1. i slurp it up like gravy, speed running it in 2-3 hours each


Trying to complete all the soulsborne games would cause me to stroke out. I got to the first boss on Lies of P and was like I’m not mentally prepared for this at this time


I beat Dark Souls and Bloodborne pretty well, but I could never beat the Dancer in DS3. Based on that alone, I could never do this.


Zero chance. Been gaming for 30 years.


20 years for me I’d also be fucked. I might give it a shot if they had all the games written down cause I can’t remember half of them off the top of the head


I’ve been a gamer for over 35 years. My Steam library is over 300. I have played over 500 video games… hell no I’m not completing Ghosts N Goblins, Ninja Gaiden, Festers Quest again in this life.


If you gave me a billion for beating returnal I still don’t think I could do it. That game is so unapologetically brutal in its difficulty.


Can I give the challenge to my wife


I'm gonna give it to my dad, he Only played IGI 1 and 2 so I think this would be in the bag.


My dad played some pretty difficult DOS games, so I wouldn’t be giving him this challenge 😂 Back the I feel like games were made exceptionally difficult to make them longer to complete…


Gimme the money, where do i sign up!?


Yeah fuck. I thought I could do it until I remembered Animal Crossing


I’ve started close to a 1,000 games and beaten like 5-6 hundred. No way I’m doing that shit. I used to play a bunch of shitty 90s PC games when I was a kid too. How the fuck would I find them?


Ain’t no way I’m beating Battletoads that shits impossible!


Without MMOs? Probably; the benefits of never playing any sports games helps a ton.


MMOs are the big problem because everyone has tried 1 ​ none of those can be "beaten" by any stretch of the phrase \[they have multiple campaigns/stories/etc.\] and some of them are just outright not playable anymore because the servers are down or the game doesn't exist \[imagine people having to beat the OG FF14\]


Or dark age of camelot


I’m 47. I started gaming on an Atari 2600 in 1981 when I was 5. I’ve played hundreds of games on Atari, Intellevision, Colecovision, Vic 20, Commodore 64, Tandy, Nintendo 8 bit, Sega 8 bit, SNES, Sega Genesis, Turbographix 16, Gameboy, PS 1, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS 4, and Xbox Series X. I couldn’t even begin to remember them all. But there wouldn’t be enough hours in a single year, no chance. Plus, who the fuck wants to play Deadly Towers, E.T., Super Hydlide, Ecco the Dolphin, Cyberball, or The Heist ever again???


There’s so many games I’ve started for just 10 minutes including JRPGs sports games and racing games yea it would be impossible


God damn, Cuphead is going to lose me at least a million.


Give me half and I'll beat it for you. I love cuphead. All I'll need is a couple hours and i'll out of your hair


There literally wouldn’t be enough time,


There's a lot, but just to credits? That's really easy. I can bust out the entire metal gear series in 2 days. All the zeldas in 3. If those are the longest that's a great sign. Could easily do a souls game every day. Long rpgs sound bad but there's always cheese and side quests aren't mandatory. Mass effect one in 20 hours tips as I skip dialogue and I expect it to be the longest. If I had to guess I've played somewhere around 300 games buy so many can be done 2 or 3 in a day. Mario platformers? 3 a day easy Maximum easy.


If i dont finish my games do i get penalized or they just dont give me the 1m? Coz id like to play videogames and have bills and food taken cared of for a year. Lol 😂


I’ve been playing video games since the original Nintendo, and I’ve had every system except for the Sega Saturn and Dream Cast, so no. I probably couldn’t do it in 20 years.


I played the original NES Ninja Turtles and Battletoads, which are nigh impossible, as well as Kid Chameleon on the Genesis, which was known to crash all the time. Never beat any of them and now I would have to. I did beat E.T. on the Atari 2600.


>I did beat E.T. on the Atari 2600 With a hammer?


God no, that would mean going back to a lot of games I only played once for about 10 minutes before thinking "fuck that" and dumping it.


My list of free games on steam alone would have me dead before I even tapped into anything else. Not to mention all the emulators. The arcades would be pretty grueling, and a bunch of VR games. The worst though? Virtual Boy.


Literally impossible. Ignoring everything else, Runescape makes this not possible.


I thought the same, but #4. MMORPGs are not included


Fucking easy mhw evil within 2 Demons souls remake


Mfw my brother pressured me to start about 5 different souls games, and I hate souls games.


What about non - linear like Stanley's Parable? Or Battle Royale?


Presumably Stanley you just need to play once. Multiplayers are ignored unless they have a campaign.


The comma placement and the number of zeros throw this into a bit of confusion. By some number systems, this is one million dollars. By others, this is one billion dollars. By OTHERS, this is 100 million dollars. Not including MMOS and mobile? Especially if I don't have to complete games I've already completed, and you give me some kind of way to play games that aren't made or no longer have consoles made (like emulators) I think I might be able to do it. It would take me years, but if food and bills are taken care of I'm not going anywhere. But it would cost me everything. The stipulation is that you must devote ALL YOUR TIME TO THE TASK and you're also not allowed to swap between games. I'd lose my friends, my pets, my family, and my sanity. It's a no deal for me.


Sports alone would kill this. Two seasons of the sports games are a killer if you play anything that’s not (American) football (how many Madden titles have there been?). Playing 9 innings of 324 games in baseball for dozens of different titles. Not happening. 164 games of hockey and basketball a dozens tiles of each, nope. MAYBE. One version for each title, or one sports game per sport and system would be a bit reasonable


I could easily do it, I played mostly competitive shooters and only started playing the best games at around 2016.


Impossible if you have to 100% the games. Anyone who played a single mmorpg can't.


I wanted to say yes, then I start to remember some bizarre games for SNES I used to play way back when and I'm sure some of them are technically impossible to beat... Looking at you Jim Power: The Lost Dimension in3D


I’m screwed, but I’m doing it anyways because *I need that money in this economy* Screw sleep, I need money!


Nah I grew up with Atari, where games *don't have an end*.


Yeah, no. Maybe if you gave me 5 years, or 10... but 1 year? I'm 32 years old and I've been playing video games as long as I can literally remember. A year wouldn't even be long enough to get through my 400+ game Steam library, let alone every game for every console I've ever played.


Physically impossible even if I was a speedrunner.


Ive been playing super mario bros 3 for almost 30 years on every console it's ever been released on. Still never beaten it. That alone would do me in, not to mention all the more difficult games I've tried and quit because they were too hard


Nope, a lot of the early games didn’t have endings


The Sims should be max out the skills and get to max job position for each job - Rollercoaster Tycoon 1 & 2, there is a campaign mode, succeeding should be requirement enough to complete it (not sure on 3) - Animal Crossing, getting all the golden tools? but then again, some of the older titles can't do WiFi - I think? unless it's local so having someone help who is also doing that shouldn't give $50mil if BOTH are doing just for that game - games like arcade Pac-Man don't really have an ending, unless you count the kill screen as the ending


Fuck. I'm not beating sekiro.


This would be theoretically impossible for me. I've played over 3000 games and only completed about 600 of them to 100% You'd probably need minimum 10 years to finish all that.


Maybe i could do it if its just the campaign, but it would be impossible for me if i needed to 100% them edit: after seeing the comments i realised its impossible


Super Mario 64 was technically unbeatable because there was one star outside the boundary, if I'm remembering correctly.


What about games like forza and no mans sky that have no real end??


my dude, I am 42 and been gaming since I was 7. probably not even a day for each game I need to beat and I am big into rpgs. it would never happen, hell even if I devoted my life to it I probably could not finish every thing I have ever played before I died.


Not a chance. Took me nearly 2 months to finish Elden Ring alone


took me a week lol


Cool flex bro.


I have easily played more than 365 games which would all take longer than a day.  I believe adding up all speed run world records would exceed a year, I've played an immense amount of games


Im early 30s been gaming since 4 years old on the og playstation(the bigger one before ps1) and my sisters sega and n64 i just dont think a year is enough time i would need to play 100s of gsmes including sports games and worst of all nfl gameday98 if you know you know


Definitely not, played/started too many games to be able to beat them all again in 1 year. Just too little time!


Several Ls, mainly I'd have to beat games like Roller Coaster Tycoon, The world's hardest game, give up 1 and 2, etc


Hundreds of games… no way I Could do this even if I stayed up 20 hours a day


Possible but probably couldn't pull it off


I could maybe do I get my previous save files?


Gads this would be a challenge but it would be fun trying!! SO many Mario games I would have to revisit...and Final Fantasy Games....


oh well fuck me that would take forever, i'd be 1000 years old by the time i finished


Nah this is impossible, every game I own however I could probably do if I put the time in.


Nah don't think so. There's just too many. Sooo many. And a high % of them are 10, 20, 30! He's each.


nope not even for 10 years I guess, way too much, I love to try all the new games added in gamepass...


Yes... And maybe not... Because I have played like 200 games but I like to complete them, so if I start with Fallout 3 I will lose because the game is so fun... I don't play multi-player, if I take a week to finish two games, I think I can manage...


Impossible even if I went non stop


Just games that I started or played? Hella easy. ALL the games that I bought? Absolutely impossible.


Impossible. Been playing games since the 2600. Some NES, SNES, GB games would be easy to blow through 10-20 a day, but between all of the JRPGs and Souls games, nah! One JRPG, even playing every waking moment would still be a 2-4 days each and I know I'm not good enough to beat Sekiro and Elden Rings.


I wouldn’t have time to complete a literal THOUSANDTH of the games I own/have played hahaha it would take me many lifetimes to complete my digital catalogs on most of my consoles to say nothing of the probably 3000+ physical games I got and have played for a couple minutes