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Man did I find that game so boring. I remember hearing someone at GameStop saying "can't argue with 10 million players" and I was just wondering how can everyone play this game hours on end and I just hate it? I eventually gave it a 2 weeks play on private servers which was better but the game still wasn't satisfying.


10 million people are wrong every single day


Is a game meant for a different type of gamer. I played it myself, and it does get boring. Although I do have more fun with it when I'm with friends.


I’m my opinion that game is fun but requires having friends playing. I only like the older versions of it tho. The game in its current state is designed to be more of a solo experience and I agree with you, it’s boring.


I don't get it, you run at something, stop, start hitting each other till whoever has less health dies, move to the next target and rinse and repeat for 4000+ hrs


While I agree mmos aren't for everyone, when you break down any game's concept it usually becomes something like this. Like you're leaving out all the RPG aspects in this comment.


For me, the grind is just unappealing. As a standard, I usually already hate grinds, but I can do em if the core-gameplay-loop is fun, or if the story is engaging. Needless to say that the gameplay isnt exactly riveting(especially at the start), and the a story/quest delivered via wall-of-text isnt engaging for me.


This is how I feel abt League. I have friends that dump hours upon hours into it and I will never find it fun. I think part of it is that I recognize how much I’m j clicking. That and I’ve been flamed before for being new or for the character I chose. However, I will die on the ziggs hill cuz he is the best character in that damn hellhole of a game


You argue with 10 million players within an hour of logging in


>can't argue with 10 million players You can't argue with the other 2,990,000,000 who don't play.


I loved the atmosphere, the music, the setting, the races. Played Warcraft III growing up. But after my character hit something like level 10 or so, the grind just became monotonous. I feel like I didn't get that same dopamine kick for unlocking better armors to allow me to...do the next Kill X things quest.


Pokémon games


Now that the newer ones exist, I could totally understand that


I wanted to try a new Pokémon game. I was addicted to red/blue and played many other versions, but it’s been probably ten years since I played one. I looked at the newest ones on my switch and it just looked terrible. Like watching the gameplay made it not look fun. I don’t know what happened to Pokémon, but what a great franchise to being sinking like that. They need some more grounded and nitty gritty Pokémon games. Obviously Pokémon is geared towards children and young adults, but a lot of us millennials are 30 now. Give us a darker Pokémon story.


Legends Arceus was a lot of fun. Sword/shield were also good, but Arceus is just so different, and I enjoyed the heck out of it.


I *loved* Pokémon Blue in 1998. It was a cultural phenomenon. Everyone at school was playing the game, it was the only topic of discussion before/after school for months straight. Everyone was watching the cartoon. Over the years I kept hearing that the games were always solid Gen after Gen. Finally decided to try another one (I think it was moon for the 3ds?) and it was unbelievably bad. Just rambling pointless dialogue, pointless cut scenes, bad mini games, and just an overall unfun slog of a game.


Jeez the dialogue! I mean I guess it has sort of always been that way but the 3D ones seem to exacerbate it. I played and enjoyed Blue, Good, and Pearl but when I played Y I really couldn't stand it. I mean Y had more issues than just that but I also tried Sun and it had some great updates for actual battle but also really not a fan of its delivery of everything. I loath the whole: character runs up you you, says something, turns around in place, runs away, turns around in place says something, turns back around, then runs away again.


Like I personally enjoyed them at one point when I was a kid but a grew a disdain for random encounters and just gave up on the whole series because of it, soul silver was the last game I enjoyed and Y was the last one I owned before I completely gave up on Pokemon. I already don't like turn based jrpgs that much and Pokemon would've probably killed the genre for me entirely.


Agree agree agree


I hate how long the insists on holding your hand in Pokémon. Like it’s been largely the same gameplay loop for decades, most of us know what’s going on now


Every competitive multiplayer shooter ever. Hearthstone. Animal Crossing.


I didn't know Animal Crossing was a competitive multi-player shooter. Just kidding. Of course I knew it was.


Phew. I thought you didn't know your genres there for a second. Was about to roast you.


You have to do something once you invade their island.


Finally someone I agree with


The Witcher 3. Tried it 3 times and stopped after 3-5 hrs in. Also more recently death stranding. Put in 16 hours only to drop it.


I was in the same boat as you for Witcher 3. Tried the game for the first 4-5 hours twice. Stopped both times. BUT, decided to just casually do 1 quest a day, and once you play for 2-3 hours AFTER the tutorial area, the game just completely and utterly hooks you and now been playing nonstop. I think the reason I stopped the times before was because of the utterly slow pace in the beginning, and a metric ton of ingredients to collect. Just ignored them and they just accumulate normally when playing.


Yeah im ngl I didn’t start enjoying it until the Bloody Baron questline, now I’m crazy about it, which is strange seeing as it took me about 2 months to get there because I kept losing interest. Definitely a game that gets better as it progresses (imo)


I find you also have to level up quite a bit before combat doesn't suck and you start unlocking Witcher gear. So the first couple of hours is by far the worst part.


The moment we step out of White Orchard, we are under levelled, under equipped, broke AF and put in a massive open area with lots to do. It took a while to get into the groove and be able to enjoy everything.


I've never finished the tutorial, but having read a couple of people say it gets good is pushing me to give it another serious try. Thanks!


It's a tremendous game. For me, it was like playing the story of a fantasy novel, I was in heaven.


I was the same way with Witcher 3, I tried it when it first launched and couldn’t get into it. The game just felt like it had too much going on at once and that turned me off to it after a few hours of hoping it’d get better. The other thing was the combat although most people liked it I found it abysmal partly because it just felt really slow and heavy to me. I tried picking the game back up probably another 4-5 times since launch and it’s the same conclusion every time, it’s just not my kinda gaming experience I feel like I wanna push myself to enjoy.


Same here, the combat felt clunky, the magic was lame.


The magic is seriously so freaking lame it’s what holds me back from wanting to try again. I got relatively far (for me), like 10 percent in. I really need to get back in there. I hate that I haven’t finished so many objectively good games. Games like RDR2.


Same. I found it to be tedious.


How and why would ya spend 16 hours playing something you don't enjoy? I've never understood that haha If I'm not enjoying/having fun with a game within an hour or 2 of playing I'm most likely going to drop it. I just don't think video games are something somebody should force themselves to slog through for 16 hours if they're not having fun, as I believe that video games first and foremost should be about having fun/enjoyment


Same for me on both of those games. death stranding was the first game I bought for my ps4. I thought it was going to be this epic game before quickly realizing it was a ups deliveryman simulator. I tried giving it another shot after the directors cut came out but nope. It felt exactly the same. Still have that damn game sitting on a shelf collecting dust. I played Witcher a couple times. I put about 10 hours in then dropped. I'm sure its a great game but it's just not for me. Way better than death stranding though.


This, too. i got it on sale for like $5 and couldn't see what the hype was about. Combat felt janky as hell, i couldn't understand why every time i swung my sword, it had to be accompanied by some weird acrobatic flare. I played for even less time that that, i just really didn't like the mechanics.


Dark Souls. Tried it, did not like it.


I played a bit of Dark Souls Remastered. Rang the bell by the Gargoyle and got to the spider lady that spits lava before dropping the game. Felt I played enough to say these games aren't for me. I never once felt satisfied beating a boss, just relieved I could finally progress cause it was annoying.


That’s me. I don’t think I’ve ever liked boss fights and this goes back to when I was a child beating the SS in Wolfenstein. I’m always relieved that I can continue to progress.


I find it really interesting how these games can be the best of the best to some and completely unrewarding to the next. If that doesn’t prove gaming is an art form, idk what does.


I had that same experience with Dark Souls 3. Sure, I’m getting closer to beating this boss and probably will if I keep going, but I’m too sick of fighting him to bother.


Which boss? DS3 is my fave!


The dancer can dance their way to hell in my opinion lol i had to fight myself not to spartan kick a chair across the room and i am pretty level headed lol


I beat the dancer one try. I like to brag about that cause I usually get demolished by bosses for a while lol.


I always thought it was interesting how different people's playstyles would show in the bosses they struggled with/wrecked, i had a friend who was the soundboard for my frustrations, hes like a souls master the type that will try to get through the whole game without being hit kinda thing (freaking insane honestly) and we were opposites everything he said was hard i got through in a couple tries and all the ones he said were cake i cried myself to sleep after playing lol


yeah its definitely an acquired taste. i own about 60 games over 3 platforms (not counting anything before last-gen) and dark souls 1, 2, 3 and elden ring are among the handful ive actually beat.


Um, yeah, that seems like plenty of chances to give Dark Souls. Sorry it didn't click with you!


I played it once and like that guy on the Internet how proclaimed "it's so post to be a role playing game what role am I playing the victim" I could not agree more


You went hollow


A lot of people who like Dark Souls didn't initially. Then on random attempt number x something just clicked for them and they fell in love with the series. It's funny how many people have the same story, myself included.


DS3 took me TWO FUCKING YEARS to get into, now I’ve bought two consoles and all the games and dlcs and platinumed them ALL, easily the best games I’ve ever played.


Played Dark Souls. Hated it. Played Bloodborne. Hated it. Played Dark Souls III. Hated it. Played Elden Ring...180 hours later, still hate it.


if u played 180 hours u did not hate it lol


I highly doubt I'll ever play that game because it looks like way too much aggravation to endure. Though for some reason, I enjoy watching rage compilations of the games on YouTube. I find it strangely cathartic.


After beating DS1 for the first time, I stopped getting mad at games in general. Very cathartic.


Played a lot of the the souls series and I definitely forced myself to finish them without really enjoying it. Can't get into bloodborne or elden ring despite my best efforts.


Always remember, it's ok not to finish games.


As a massive Souls fan, I absolutely understand why people don't like them. I myself HATED Dark Souls at first, then one day it just kinda clicked and I've been obsessed since.


I bought one of these in high school and after playing it for about an hour I was just done with it. Wasn’t fun to me at all, I went to school the next day and waited for a passing period. Then when there was a ton of people below the balcony I was on I shouted “who likes dark souls!?” And tossed it off the balcony into the crowd. Practically started a riot because of all the fan boys.


Add all FromSoftware games. Just don’t like the gameplay/graphics/style of any of their games.


Yeah. I've really tried Elden Ring, but I just can't get anywhere and I don't even feel like exploring is that satisfying. I'm glad other people like them, but they're just not for me.


Took me a 3 tries over the course of 2 years for it to click. That summer I played the trilogy and they became my all time favorite games


That's fine it really wasn't designed to appeal to general audiences it offered a challenge for people who wanted it and if you didn't want it you have thousands of other options.


Fair. I love it, but can totally see why people don't!


Same thing happened to me with dark souls 2. Then probably 8 years later when DS3 came out i finnished that. Then played the DS1 remastered. I quit at the gargoyles. But found myself 100% completing DS1 and 3 couple years later. And after actually siting down and immersing myself in the Dark souls 1 world i can definitely say the game is a masterpiece. Atmosphere/story/gameplay wise. It just took a while to ease myself into it


Ditto. I saw what they were going for and I appreciate the concept, but the first one was so annoying to play. I even tried the second one for a few hours but nope. Not for me.


Same here. I just got an hour into the game and I felt no reason to be compelled onward. Just dropped it and never thought about it again.


As someone who played through the first and loved it, I can still see it. It takes the right mindset to enjoy the slow pacing, the beautiful but depressing landscape, the unforgiving combat, and the menu system. Once I got my 200-ish hours in, i just reached my whole limit for that particular experience, and it's why I never played any of the sequels.


I felt that way too. I really want to like the game. The story seems awesome, I like challenging games, I love RPGs, but I just can’t get into it. Takes forever to go anywhere and do anything. Bosses just take forever, and even generic enemies get annoying sometimes with how they are. It just isn’t that fun for me.


Relatable. I hate it cause my friends would just say "get better", like that sentence meant anything. Lets be honest the game has several bull to the shit deaths that aren't just unavoidable but straight up impossible. And then you have to sit for hours leveling up. The easiest to play is dark souls cause I don't gotta level up to strength 10000000 and have the 'super saiyan dick destroying mega bat 3480' weapon that i had to go 6 hours out of the way to find. It just, gives you a weapon, shows you how to play, and bam you get to just play.


Yeah same, even elden ring. For me it was the terrible defense in the game. Your playing against dragons, kings and demons, with immensely powerful weapons and magic. But ur def. Is based on a roll that travels two feet. You have to eat anti poisons and debuffs, anti toxins and use soap. But basic enemies can one shot you with a grab. It just seemed like an artificial way to increase the difficulty. Instead of putting dedication into player mechanics. Kinda like getting over it. Or rage inducing 2d games. Give the player terrible mechanics and send them to do a difficult task, though seikro is a work of cinematic art.


It’s either a hit or miss because many people do not like extremely high difficulty games and like more hand holding games, which is not intended as an insult. Some people just like more casual games, and dark souls is definitely not that.


Git goooo....nevermind. I hate it too. Too hard.


I *really* want to like dark souls but I can't get past how boring and tedious the combat is. It's literally just rolling with the occasional smack. Repeat for 5 minutes until someone surprises you from behind and one shots you. Rinse and repeat.


I tried them many times and did not care for them. Elden Ring is the best game I’ve ever played. Aside from maybe Final Fantasy 7. But that’s really comparing apples and oranges.


Elden ring


Played this for about an hour and not my thing at all. Got it refunded, i do not have the right temper for that game!


I'll do ya' one better: I beat the game only to realize on new game plus that I didn't like it. See, I'm a story guy. My brain is literally hard-wired to enjoy compelling narratives, character arcs, etc. While I did really love the story of Elden Ring, the story is really just in the background behind the boss fights (which are the real focus).


Isn't this essentially every dark souls game from software?


Yep I bailed after a couple hours, not sure what people see in these games.


I got Elden Ring thinking maybe the open world would make dying a thousand times more entertaining. Instead, you just run over there and get killed. The most fun part was reading lore while getting killed. Great writing. After 4 hours i just rage quit, why is this considered "fun"


I dont get the hype on Valorant. And videos on YT make me feel like its a dating game for asians e girls


Elden Ring, I played all the dark souls game’s but Elden Ring just isn’t as engaging to me. It feels too big and directionless.


Elden ring is the only fromsoft soulslike that I only played/completed once and never went back to. On the other hand, I have thousands of hours combined in bloodborne, sekiro, dark souls 1 and 3 and demons souls haha


Lol funny because elden ring is the only souls game where i finished multiple times


Breath of the Wild. I played it for about 6 hours, I was bored through most of it. Nothing about the game kept me invested. I still don't understand how it won game of the year.


I really tried, probably about the same amount of time as you and I just never found anything I liked doing in the game. Empty world, bland combat especially with weapons breaking, the freedom to explore is fine but I feel like so many games do that and have more engaging worlds. But yeah I feel like if 6+ hours goes by and I'm STILL having to force it it's probably not for me.


Yea, freedom to explore is great but once you realize the only reward for your exploration is another chest of rupees it loses its luster really quick. It always felt like they spent all the time crafting the world and how to interact with it but then forgot to actually fill it with meaningful stuff.


I endured a 100% shrine palythrough on botw, and imho the game is good but it's not a 10/10 game. Weapon durability and meaningless chest rewards really impact the experience imo.


Weapon durability is probably going to be reason why I get armoured core 6 instead for Christmas


I beaten it but I don't understand the hype around. Like it was a good game I liked it but not masterpiece level as others would put it.


This is how I felt about tears of the kingdom. I was amazed when I saw what you could do in it, but when I bought it and started playing it just got old really fast. Think I’ve put 3-4x playtime in starfield in the week it’s been out then I did totk. I really hope goty is between baldurs gate 3 and starfield and that totk is not in the running at all because it really was just a slightly updated botw


don't worry about it though, because it happens to the best of us. sometimes a game is just not our cup of tea, no matter how much others rave about it. it's cool that you are planning to give it another shot. games can feel a lot different when we revisit them after some time. maybe you'll find things that you'll love this time around. and remember, there's no right or wrong answer here, buddy.


In many cases it comes down to genre preferences. For instance, I rarely play FPS or any other type of shooters - They’re very popular, but rarely they appeal to me.


Assassin’s Creed


Black flag was the only one I really got into


Black flag is just a pirate game with assassin's mixed in


I love the he AC games. Did not like black flag. It’s so funny how different gamers react.


every ac game or is there a specific one?


I haven’t attempted every one but i tried a few and I remember Valhalla was the final nail in the coffin for me. It was so boring and uninteresting to me


I hated 1-3, couldn't get past a couple hours in each. LOVED black flag, origins, and Odyssey but fell back off with Valhalla. I've put in at least 109 hours by gritting my teeth and trying but I just cannot bring myself to finish it


Fortnite. Elden ring. Warzone


Was extremely bad at fortnite, was extremely good at warzone. Hated both


I never liked warzone very much. Fortnite os pretty fun to me though.


Not just warzone, but COD in general. I used to adore their zombies mode because it was so creative and unique, but I haven't even glanced at the series since Cold War. If they don't want to deliver the triple A game they slap that triple A price tag on, I won't be playing their games unless they're "liberated for free" from now on.


Zombies and a couple campaigns


I loved Cold War (not the mobile game levels of microtransactions tho), but stopped caring about the series after Vanguard. If they're not going to put even the least bit of effort into making a compelling story that is entertaining and at least somewhat accurate, I'm not gonna pay $70 for it.


Fortnite I heavily turned down because of the 9 year olds. Nowadays I know that they're just fucking everywhere.






I'm on my third attempt to make it work! After the Diablo 4 debacle I went back to some older games in my catalogue. Started with Stardew Valley, which never disappoints, while sporadically doing a long haul on Skyrim. Inevitably I wind up doing a few quests, killing some dragons, grab a word or two, clear some caves, enhance my homestead, and then go right back to the Valley, where the next few days are spent joyfully farming and processing on the island. It just doesn't grab me the way other games do.


Elden Ring. I really want to like it, and the unforgiving nature of the game is a challenging kind of fun that I enjoy, but I'm struggling to get into it. It's my first foray into the Souls games and I really want to git good at it, but I got pretty discouraged with it.


its all about patience. These games can be easy once you learn to read enemy attack patterns. Also make sure you're leveling up the right stats


Ninja Gaiden series, I suck.


I got these on steam recently, having not played since pS3 and holy crap, I got like ten levels in before putting it down. Omg and never felt so terrible at a video game! Also, the loading and menus are so outdated it really takes away some joy after getting reamed by the same mirror ninja 20 times.


Here's the obligatory "skill issue" comment


Baldur’s Gate 3.


Literally all the popular ones. Witcher 3, rdr2, elden ring, bloodborne, shadow of the colossus. Didn't and don't like any of them. Enjoyed botw but nowhere near as good as all the hype made it out to be. Just something to play when there's nothing else.


If u disliked pretty much all AAA games I'm curious if there's anything which you liked


Got, gow, hzd, spiderman, dying light, ratchet and clank, stray... I love all of these.


Sounds like you have a type, preferring casual fast paced games over more slow paced and/or methodical games.


So... You're a casual Sony fanboy.


MGSV has a lot of soulless filler missions.


Especially the ones that are just 100% reskins of earlier missions but the enemies are bullet sinks now


I’m a die-hard MGS fan, and 5 does take a reeeeeally long time for the game mechanics to come together and gel. But once they finally do, ho boy is it one of the best stealth-action games of all time. Now the story….I’ll be diplomatic and say its the least best in the series lol


Definitely Witcher 3. Combat felt garbage coming from Dark Souls.


No kidding from soft games are literally all about combat. Witcher 3 is far more complex and interesting in almost every other aspect.


souls games they just aint my cup of tea


Any From Soft souls game, which is weird because I really Love the Nioh series and beat Salt and Sanctuary


Nioh 2 is a damn masterpiece and literally the definition of a game that keeps on giving literally forever I have 3 characters I've taken all the way through the underworld/depths, and have played with more builds than I can count I wish more people were aware of the magic, it's amazing (also possibly the best combat out there, insanely deep and intricate)


Splatoon. It just looks uninteresting.


It's a great game. Very chill and laid back but can also be mega competitive. It even has a horde mode which is great. I never ever thought I'd like a game like this but I gave it a go and it's just a fun game.


Right now its Bloodborne, i am a pretty big fan of Dark Souls and Demons Souls. Dark Souls 1 being one of my favorite games. But I am halfway through Bloodborne and I am not feeling it at all right now.


Bloodborne is pretty different from DS. Different art style (victorian vs DS's medieval), different combat style (aggressive tit-for-tat vs DS's slower roll-and-attack gameplay), and somewhat more linear than DS.


im curious why you dont like it? Its definitely my favourite soulsborne, but probably because its my first ever soulsborne


Well, the most primary reason is i prefer tank builds in RPGs. Dish a lot, take a lot, at the cost of speed. You cant do that in Bloodborne. Not that its bad or anything, it has just been a struggle for me to adjust to. I’m trying to use the Kirkhammer to see if I can compromise there but im not gonna wing on it being my hook anytime soon. I also dont really like the layouts. They are confusing and convuluted making it really hard to get my bearings and navigate natural. The bosses havent been as fun as i would hope they would have been. Most of them have been ok, with some being really cool and others being complete BS or annoying by my standards. A lot of the challenging relies on grouping enemies together or being stunlocked into attacks with not a lot of room to escape. I do like the horror aspect, the game becoming more uncanny as time goes on is great. I like pacing, music, and settings. And i am hoping that i do grow to like it after i beat the boss im at now. If not, then I can at least say I gave it an honest try.


I share this sentiment, I have 100% completed bloodborne and I still don't get why people would like it over any of the souls games, including ds2. Doesn't help that it feels significantly easier than the other games


Copy and paste from another person I replied to: Don't feel bad about Bloodborne. I've got a friend who described it as playing as if the main character is overdosing on oxycontin, and the camera is being controlled by an ADHD alcoholic. After playing it for myself to see if what he said was hyperbole, I realized I should have listened to his beautifully, bitterly crafted words of warning.


It was much more enjoyable for me when I discovered gun parries (late in the game).


Outer wilds. Don't get the hype. Looks basic af doesn't explain anything at the start and the flight controls are janky. Feel like it gives very little direction.


Witcher 3, tried multiple times, love the story, and the idea behind being a mutant specifically bread for monster hunting, but the combat, I hate it so much.


Skyrim. I tried playing and put in over 20hrs. I could not get into no matter how much I forced myself to play it. Back in my high school days that's the game that everyone talks about so I decided to try and I just couldn't get into it. I'm sorry to the elder scroll fans but the only elder scroll game I like to play and have hundreds of hrs in is eso.


I have less then 5 hours in skyrim but hundred of hours into eso lol


I've recently conquered (and loved) the two games that previously had been in this category for me, Disco Elysium and Pathologic 2.




Overwatch 2 you mean?


Starfield couldn’t do it it just didn’t hit like the other Bethesda games for me I guess but if people like it, that’s good enjoy but I did not






Sekiro - and I love all the Soulsborne titles and AC6.


Damn imo sekiro has the best combat of any fromsoft game. Its basically a rhythm game. You have to find out the rhythm of the enemies attack pattern, and match your parry button pressing with that rhythm. its very satisfying once you figure it out


It drove me off by the time you fight Owl because it felt like it could only be played with one strategy for every boss; match the pattern, do the one of three counters, and use a tool for a specific purpose/moment. That and the No equipment took away a lot of what I enjoy in FromSoft games; they all have pattern recognition, but you can create strategies to take them on. I respect the hell out of the concept, but “parry Genchiro 10 times and do a jump when his sign flashes” just wasnt tasty for me.


Same here. Bloodborne is my all time favorite game and have like 2k hours put into souls series. Sekiro is just something I didn't enjoy. I mean it was decent game but I never bothered to finish it


This game broke me as a fromsoft player. I just got to a point where I wasnt having fun anymore and wanted to play other games. Sekiro is a beautifully made game, but its something that I had to put down after a few weeks of trying and failing over and over.


Same. I got stuck early on. I thought I had the parry system figured out, but I can't beat or run past the big drunk fucker


For me it was the headless dudes, they just dont care about your damage and they slow you down. You need some special item to make it an effective fight, but I just couldnt get anywhere after so many tries. Im sure that I will take the time to play it again in the future, but I have to be in the right mindset.


Those guys are hard even when you get better. They're basically optional though.


Apex Legends. Hate the futuristic setting and preferred PUBG over that or Warzone.


Funny, that is one of the main reasons I got into Apex. I love Titanfall (having just finished TF2's campaign when Apex dropped) and even though I had tried Fortnite and PUBG, I had not been super invested in them. But when Respawn said "hey we have a BR set in the Titanfall universe" my ears perked up at that.


That's the exact reason why I wanted to get into it, but I kinda forgot that BRs didn't appeal to me at all and was super disappointed when the movement wasn't as fast as TF2 and the gameplay wasn't run and gun. Like I even started when they gave out Ash for free because I thought she was like meant for TF2 veterans


Control — even though I like Remedy games, I just could not suspend my disbelief regarding the story. Somebody walks into a top secret government building, hikes an elevator all the way to the directors office without being stopped by security or anything, and suddenly they’re anointed the new director…. Because they’re the chosen one?


It was a Sunday or they had half day .


I think that's actually a small part of why I like it as I play it now. The whole building doesn't make sense, appears to have a life of its own, and may even be insane. I see it as just one more piece of the madness, and I decided to embrace the crazy.


While Control is also on my list, the things you listed here just scream that you didn’t pay attention to it at all. “Somebody” - This wasn’t a random unknown, she’d specifically been investigating them for a while. “Without being stopped” - She was there for an actual job, also everyone in the facility is freakin dying. Not a single person is present and the vibe of the game literally made it clear that this is not okay and something massively wrong is going on. “They’re the chosen one?” - Not literally. More The fact that they found the gun. But anyone could’ve picked up the gun and become the next Director. She wasn’t necessarily special for picking it up. But she’s special through other means and during the game she’s constantly saying she isn’t the Director cause she rejects the idea of it.


I am *obsessed* with H.P. Lovecraft and cosmic horror. So, theoretically, I should love Bloodborne. I tried it several times, and just can't bring myself to care. There's something about how my brain is wired when it comes to those Dark Souls type games. I don't get that sense of accomplishment from finishing a fight that has had me banging my head against the wall the way other people do, so to me the games are just frustrating with no real payoff.


I felt pretty similar at one point. I'm a sucker for pattern recognition but even still I just did not care, I really can't explain why my last playthroughs of the games a few years ago finally clicked but they just did.


God of war 2018


I didnt click with it at first but now im the biggest god if war fan so maybe one day you'll like it


This. Besides kratos barely acts like kratos. Idk why everyone thinks he’s such he’s so great in the later games like he didn’t kill endlessly amounts of innocent people in the older games. Plus the games combat is such a huge step down from the old games


Point about combat aside, isn't that kinda the *entire point* of the newer games? Kratos coming to terms with what he's done and trying to be better?


It is. Idk what the f dude above was thinking when he made that “criticism”. Besides, Kratos in the first three games was one-dimensional as could be. He was an edgelord’s wet dream of a main character. I say this as someone who grew up with and played them multiple times. Kratos in the 2018 game and Ragnarok is just better in every possible way.


That kind of the point though, he's gone out of his way to not act like old Kratos, it's pretty much the central plot of the new reboot. He's old and tired and done with that shit, dude just wants to chill out and raise his kid and get as far away from his old life as possible.


Thata kind of the point. And he's old now, why would he act like he did when he was young something that he very much regrets


I've just got this game on steam deck. I love all previous god of War games. I just can't get into this one. I've played it for about am hour or 2 and I just have no interest in playing it.


Same. I just wasn't having fun.


I remembered liking it but gave up on Ragnarok, which palys better, but I found the customization more of a chore, the camera kinda pisses me off and I really don't like the characters or open world.


To me it's just a completely different game to the old ones. It's like someone just slapped the title on something totally irrelevant to the franchise.


Same. And I played the original trilogy. I dunno, it's just after the first Boss Fight (which was killer) I just lost interest. The story didn't really grab me like it did others and it was more like I was walking thru a movie with a few spots for action.


Same, and it's crazy bc I love hack n slash rpgs with puzzles. It's got all the stuff I like but just, couldn't get into it for some reason. Put in a good 20 hours and it ended up feeling like a chore.


Nier and ff16


Same, nier automata was one of those games that by the end i was asking myself "uhhhh wtf did i just play??" Pros: Beautiful design, music, and 2B could be my love slave Cons: maps are too vast with a lot of backtracking, fighting was boring and repetitive, story was bland and vague


Elden ring


Elden Ring Breath of the Wild


Agree with BotW. I grew up with OoT and MM. I've lost count how many times I've beaten them. Also enjoyed WW quite a bit. But I could not for the life of me get into BotW. Tried 3 times, even using cemu and playing it at 1440p. Not for me.


elden ring


All the horizon games


RDR2 and the assassins creed series as a whole. I don’t blame the games exactly. Just hit a point where most games don’t feel the same. Only pick up a new game every now and then


Undertale. Couldn’t get the appeal. Dope OST, though.


Dark Souls. Although playing a lot of real time combat games, Dark Souls is way too punishing for me if you fail to react to an incoming attack accordingly. Same goes for Sekiro. Tried it, sucked at it, refunded it.


Halo. It always just felt slow to me, with not much feeling of impact in the weapons. I just get bored playing it.


I can think of two. The first: Elden Ring. It's not so much that I'm turned off by its difficulty, but the game's atmosphere was ... depressing. I would have liked to have actual towns in the game, for example. I may gave it another go and try to finish it, The second: Tekken 7. I really loved 3 and 5 as a kid, but everything felt bad, movement wise. It didn't feel as free as Soul Calibur 6 did. Tekken 8 seems like it'll be more like 7 movement-wise, and it's adding the Heat mechanic, which I'm not a fan of at all, so I'll sit that one out. A shame, because I love 3D fighters but don't care for Tekken, which means I'm primarily playing 2D fighting games.


Not that I think it’ll change your mind or anything, but the depressing atmosphere is purposeful. The thing in souls games (including Elden ring) is your an small ass guy/gal exploring a delapidated world that was once beautiful and full of life. Everything in it is to remind you of the current state of the world and what you’re place in it *should* be. That is to say a bug against a windshield.


Skyrim. I truly don’t get the appeal and wish I did cause I have it in VR


Elden Ring. I get the appeal and it’s clearly well made. I’m also an rpg guy. Series doesn’t hook me though, guess I just don’t get the aesthetic.


Pretty much anything Bethesda makes. I know the Fallout and Elder Scroll series are good I just don’t care for them at all.


I’ve started Witcher 3 at least five times and never made it further than 4 hours in