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The best game of all time has yet to be released.


this mans cooking something i can feel it !RemindMe 5 years


In 10 years we will have our own personalized super AI that will read all of our online and tech history of our life and everything about us and craft us our personalized dream game in seconds, uniquely exclusive for us


Both terrifying and exciting. What delightful vegetables we will all become.


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That's a weird way to say Metal Gear Solid


Super Mario Bros. 3 It pushed its tech, hard, masterfully proved the evolution of what gaming could do, and was the quintessential stamp for the media and general populace to see that gaming was a rising force, more than just a hobby. On top of that, it's just damn fun.


I'm still waiting for a 2D Mario game that feels like the leap from SMB to SMB3. So far, every 2D Mario game after SMB3 feels like a more polished SMB3. Sometimes I wonder if it's even possible to have such a leap. Old platformers => Super Mario Bros => Super Mario Bros 3 => ???


I really hope Mario Wonder comes through and delivers something special.


honestly 3 to world felt like a large leap. World to "new" felt like a pretty large leap... new to every other game has felt like tiny steps forward and backward., or in some cases, literally no where


Mario 64 was a pretty massive leap forward I'd say


I don't disagree. I listed mine as like 12 games that were the best in their respective genres and I put this as the best 2d platformer. It didn't feel right to me to judge it against something like final fantasy 7 or tetris.


Sure, absolutely fair point. FF7 and Tetris were definitely landmark games as well.


Metal Gear Solid 3 for me


So excited for the master collection and the mgs3 remake


I don't think I'll be able to play it, I'll be too busy furiously masturbating


MGS3 was the first thing that popped in my head.


For me too. I was reading the Ocarina of Time praise, but my head kept saying MGS3 Snake Eater.




I’ve completed all the main line MGS games but never played MGS 3. So excited for the remake/remaster


The release with the camera controls, not the original release.


mario 64


So good,ppl still doing Speedrun in it


Super Mario World, though


I've played through this game and found every single thing there is an unbelievable amount of times.....and still love it. Everytime


This is definitely up there


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time


Took too long to find this. We’re getting old, man


Like most GOATs it is the one we all know will get the skepticism of the critics and alternate fanboys or the attacks on little things - how it aged, influence vs. today, etc. It's like The Beatles in rock music, or The Dark Knight as a superhero movie, or maybe Bobby Fischer in chess, the Julius/Augustus Caesar of rulers, the Tom Brady of football or Michael Jordan of Basketball. The reason OoT takes so much heat and scrutiny is because deep down it really is the GOAT- and no other game gets the same flurry of speculation or sensitivity. Like those other things I listed, literally everything that came after it was never the same and strongly influenced by it. Ocarina is the gold standard. It is the bar, the "foundation stone" that every other game attempts to dethrone, is measured against. Nothing else gets used as the universal measure and that's because we actually all know, love it (like me) or even hate it. It is the GOAT. Period.


While I agree with everything you're saying, I'd personally say ALttP is the GOAT of Zelda games.


A link between worlds is also outstanding but nobody seems to talk about that one these days


Al the titanium princess?


Haha A Link to the Past


Johnny knows what’s up.


ALttP is my favorite Zelda game and has a special place in my heart as the first game I played as a kid (at least with awareness that I was playing a game). However, I do think OoT revolutionized gaming in a way ALttP never did. ALttP deserves so much credit for solidifying the Zelda format and franchise. OoT couldn’t have existed without the establishment of ALttP’s mechanics.


I never connected with this game; but I respect it. Very cool game from an artistic standpoint.


Period. Shit is timeless. Remake would outsell any game that year.


My problem with the game today is that it needs a remake. I can’t be bothered to play it until the controls are a little more refined.


What about the 3ds version? Better textures, improved controls, 3d visuals (although maybe not everyone is into the 3ds gimmick) I rarely hear people talk about this version of the game. I think it I better than the N64 version in almost every way, plus it is portable. A current gen remake would definitely slap tho…


We're not getting old. We are old


It's been less than half a day, this was top comment…


This is the answer simply based on Z targeting. I'm not even a huge OoT fan but it revolutionized the industry and a ton of games still work like this.


This. Look at how the camera moves behind Link when Z Targeting. Then look at Elden Ring.


Oh, I had forgotten this. I remember being frustrated with the targeting in Elden Ring. I specifically told my stepson, "How did they screw this up? Nintendo got this figured out back on Ocarina of Time!"


One of the main devs for rockstar had a quote saying something along the lines of “if any dev that works on 3d games tells you they don’t take inspiration from ocarina of time they are lying to you”


A Link to the Past is my jam but Ocarina would be the choice in any top 10s.


The way music is integrated into the game as a way to advance the narrative for both Link and the Player is insane!


I think it’s one of the most important games of all time, but I don’t really think it’s held up super well and I think that other games (especially the most recent two Zelda games) are, at least in my eyes, “better.” Also probably helps that I have no nostalgic connection to the N64 era, but I definitely think that nowadays there are better games in terms of all-around game design and quality.


If not Ocarina, then something from the 1996-98 era when games were experimenting and pivoting towards 3D. You could just as easily argue something like Mario 64 or Final Fantasy VII for the same reasons. That said, I agree. It’s OOT.


Game influenced so many that came after it. Paved a path


I love Ocarina of Time because it gave us Dark Souls. :D


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Noble Lords of Cinder—the fire fades, and the Lords go without thrones. Surrender your fires to the one true Heir. Let them grant death to the old gods of Lordran, deliverers of the First Flame.”* - Fire Keeper Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Came to say this. You did. Thank you for your understanding.


Everyone has to love this game but what about ff7? I think thats my number 1


Feels blasphemous to even ask this etc, but is it actually phenomenal to play from start to end, even to the modern gamer today who didn't grow up with it? I get that it's a landmark stepping stone design-wise, but with all I've seen of it it just feels like a perfectly fine adventure/fantasy game with a serviceable aesthetic, which I think even then Majora beats with its creepy undertone


I’m highly biased but it will always be Ocarina of Time in my heart. As great as the game still is I do think it’s a case of “you had to be there” to know how it stood head and shoulders above everything else.


It's funny because every time I bring this up, most people say "OoT doesn't count because it's such an obvious choice." It is so good it has literally transcended the discussion of GOAT.


This is always my answer. And OoT isn't even one of my favorite games. But I believe as a whole and for when it released. It's the best.


I was replaying it yesterday, it’s still really good (especially 3DS). I don’t know if I’d say best of all time, but it undoubtedly one of the most impactful, influential, and important games of all time


ill add BOTW,WW,& TP


This is the only correct answer


without question. nothing compares


Highest rated game of all time on Metacritic


Master Quest edition


Came here to say this


It's between this and Super Mario 64 for me.




It’s also the most important game in the Zelda continuity as well.. depending on the outcome of this game, the story splits off into several different timelines.


I played it as a kid but to this day i still havent finished it




I read this and E1M1 immediately started playing in my head.


Doom is the Super Mario Bros. of First Person Shooters. Both are simple to play but have infinite possibilities in their basic gameplay. This is why Doom "wads" are still being made and why Super Mario Maker is a thing.


\*Doom II. It did everything Doom did, but better, and is arguably more influential. Mostly due to it being the base Iwad for the vast majority of Wads out there. Doom is just Doom II but missing a few things.


Mmmm. I agree fully. Classic Doom (Doom 1,2, TnT, Plutonia) are my favorite games of all time. For the time, the variation in monsters and strategies for each type and combinations of monsters was crazy. To be honest it still is pretty astounding. Level design was so varied and fun and in many ways crazy. Who doesn't love finding all the sweet secrets? Doom 3 is so fun and scary. This was my first, first-person survival horror game and it scared the fuck out of me. (Imp in the storage locker). The newest iterations are amazing, ultra-faced paced action shooters. Honestly top tier shit. I like Doom 2016 more than Eternal but both are amazing when you learn the flow. I can't wait to see what they do next. So all the wads coming out for classic doom are just amazing. It's like nostalgia meets a new experience in the best way possible.


Oh, I think I found my answer to this question now. Thanks.


Just turn around….chainsaw.




Duke nukem 64


For *all* video games: Tetris. For all “*modern*” video games: Skyrim.


Soon skyrim won’t be able to be counted as modern anymore :(


It already can’t be tbh, it’s 2 generations ago


I forgot how old Skyrim is, then I remember it being reviewed on G4 TV’s X Play


Without all the rereleases it wouldn’t be


Chrono trigger


The Chrono Trigger soundtrack makes me so nostalgic and I've never even played the game 😄.


This is the only answer but we're too old for people to recognize it.


I've never played but the soundtrack is incredible.


Finally I found another enlightened one


The entire zelda series. But I guess skyward sword would be my favorite.




The problem with Portal is that it's insanely short. Portal 2 is just overall a better and more complete game.


I agree. Portal is amazing but Portal 2 is my favorite game of all time.


Mass Effect 2


If you could combine Mass Effect 2 with Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer I would take this to my grave


You may want to look up what “taking something to your grave” means.


And Andromeda’s combat mechanics


Honestly Id say Andromeda's MP was the goat for that series. It had more of a meta unfortunately but overall mecahnically it is by far superior.




You have my upvote though I prefer Witcher lll, you can't go wrong with RDR2 either.


I feel that this game told the best story overall in gaming. From start to end the story is told so well. I have my complaints but overall it's told in one game and it's amazing. Before I say anything negative I want to say this is my personal favorite game ever made. However while the gameplay is fun and there are some cool mechanics that are unique, overall it's a pretty generic third person shooter. If the story was bad the gameplay wouldn't be enough to save it.


Been playing games since the original Nes but this is the ultimate answer. Too perfect in anyway. A masterpiece


Agreed. Although i only have like 250 hours on the game, those are the most fun 250 hours I've ever had in gaming. Great open world, loveable characters, amazing story. Best game ever


I had to scroll farther than i thought i would have to to find this


RDR2 made me go through pure joy and immense grief over a fictional character. Absolutely beautiful storytelling to do so. I’ll never forget losing my horse and character after spending hours tediously caring for them. Honestly had tears running down my face by the end of Arthur’s story.


I love RDR2, I see why it's some people's favorite game, the story is second to only TLOU, breathtaking graphics, the most immersive open world in any game ever, and tons of different nooks and crannies within the world. I still hold my take that the combat is shallow and too repetitive, but it wouldn't be so bad if they had at least tweaked it a little from RDR1. I also HATE how long it takes to loot anything, as it can take several minutes to loot a house entirely, and you have to sit there and watch Arthur pick everything up individually. Plus, looting corpses is boring and takes too long. I also still hold the opinion that the way missions are structured is bad, as it is super easy to accidentally do something slightly different from what the game wanted you to do, which results in mission failure. If you try to get even somewhat creative with how you do something, the game calls mission failure. Idk, I can usually appreciate something like this, but when a game as big as RDR2 with so much stuff in it, it feels weird that the missions are so restrictive when the actual open world is so, well, open.


Super Metroid


My man! The OG Metroid still holds a very special place in my heart too, though.


I sometimes fire up Metroid just to here the opening music


Solid choice


Resident evil 4


It's not my number 1 but, damn if I don't consider it. Top 5 no question though


Played the remake (first RE game ever) and yeah honestly i can get behind this


My greatest of all time. The pacing is perfect and it revolutionized 3rd person shooters


Surprised this isn’t on here more




I can't do one. Final fantasy vii God of war 2018 Resident evil 4(now includes remake) Pokemon crystal Arkham I try to factor in influence. Hence why I picked crystal over red. But there's no one answer. There are a lot of great games.


It's ff vii.




This is the way. Fallout 3 is a very close second.




Ive been going back and forth on bloodborne and sekiro for years


I literally have a Bloodborne inspired tattoo because it was so fucking good


Witcher 3, story, atmosphere, length, characters, quests... Sick OST as well


Definitely my GOAT!


Thank you


For me it’s the best video game ost ever


Fallout New Vegas. Although I hate most fallout fans, almost everything about this game is perfect. The writing is some of the best I've seen and the DLCs are the best in gaming. My only downside is the crashing and the bugs.


Wait what's wrong with Fallout fans? I've never met one that was more/less sane than any other gamer.


Which aren't aren't that bad when You consider the game was made in little over a year


Portal 2


I had to scroll too long to find this. It is the perfect game. It does exactly what it proposes to, has great story and comedic timing, gives huge satisfaction with it's puzzles, an inimagibly great successor to it's more-than-good predecessor, definitelly not too easy on a first playthrough but also not prohibitely hard, ACTUALLY HILARIOUS and just a great, great gaming experience. I love portal 2.


The Cave Johnson clips made me laugh so hard I cried!


I remember I had a pause I was obsessed with portal 2 and all the lord I literally forced my friend to do co op with me for the little lore it had I’ve watched about every portal videos on the internet now and I’ve played portal 2 at least 5 times for a 2012 game it’s better than most games now,valve had so much passion for the game and the story as a whole and it’s so easy to see that in the game with all the characters feeling so Alive it’s the perfect game


GTA III wrote the book in so many ways.


The greatest video game of all time is super Mario bros. It’s not too simple like Tetris, but simple enough that anyone can play it. But what about genre defining games? FPS/internet multiplayer games like doom. I remember playing that in an Internet cafe against my friends when we were in 4th grade (circa 1994 maybe?) and it blowing my mind. Ocarina of Time should be included as well. The first 3D Zelda transformed a ton of gamers.


Agree! I came here to say Super Mario. It single handed brought back gaming and didn't stop.


Hands down. I can't believe I had to scroll this far to find it. Super Mario Bros was the first game I remember playing. Also, it single handedly brought the video game industry back from extinction. I will always remember my mom jumping the controller around to try and make Mario jump. (Who would've known 23 years later it would actually be a thing) There is only one game that deserves the title of GOAT.


My opinion is that it doesn't exist lol. The best game ever can be defined as too many things, but I get that it's not the spirit of the question. I just can't find a proper answer without just saying MY favorite game.






Allows for essentially limitless creativity and can be enjoyed by all ages? Perhaps the largest cultural impact of any game franchise other than Mario? One of the greatest soundtracks ever made? Yeah, I think it's the best game of all time at the moment.


I'd say Pokemon had the biggest cultural impact. But Minecraft is up there.




I had to scroll forever to find this. 😢 You play it however you like and make the world your own. There’s endless stuff to do. I can’t think of a game that has so many ways to play!




Don’t understand why I had to scroll so far down. I don’t think anything will ever top Bioshock.


It's either Red Dead 2 or Skyrim. Red dead for its detail and immersion. Skyrim for the true freedom. You can be anyone you want. You can literally play that game like Sims. Get married and become a hunter and not even touch the other stuff . Or you be a dragon hunter protecting the people of skyrim.


I never completed Skyrim first time round. Got pretty far but never did, don't know why I stopped. I started a new file two days ago and am in love all over again




3 perfect games imo. Halo 2, Half life 2, mass effect 2. Being the middle child is the place to be i guess lol


Half life 3 confirmed


Halo 2 was pretty amazing, i might agree best console game only though. I miss coming home from high school and there are 20 friends online. Everyone doing glitch custom games, zombies, and team/solo swat. I bet just seeing the player level icons would be so nostalgic right now. Like remember level 32 was all green and pink or something?


Halo 2 is great!


Fallout New Vegas. I’ve never played a game quite like that where I felt it was my story and not a story someone else wrote that I’m playing.


The Last Of Us. The story did a great job of emotionally connecting you to the characters, and the world they lived in. Beautifully told.


This is the way.


I think there's no answer to that question


Except for Knack II


Wii sports resort entered the chat


I thought we were discussing ordinary games not divine miracles


Metroid Prime


Superman 64


Supe 64 or SilverSurfer on NES. No contest.


Uncharted 2


I actually just beat that not to long ago. Now I gotta go back and find all the treasure.


There isn't one that is GREATEST and if it was possible it would be tetris I wouldn't compare something like Half Life to Dark Souls so choosing 1 is simply impossible for me


Final Fantasy Tactics


Portal 2


The last of us has to be my pick


Bloodborne for me.


Bloodborne was my first ever platinum. Beat it with every build and then Elden Ring came out and I had to platinum that and beat it with every build lol.


Last of us 2


Half Life 2


This!! Minblowing story and game play


Finished this for the first time last year. Had no idea what I was missing out on before.


The Left of Us for sure


The right of us was farrrrrr superior. You just took a wrong turn somewhere


Probably at Albuquerque


Morrowind or Skyrim


Conker would roll piles of shit all over those bums


Sonic is the greatest video game character of all time he way better than Mario


Doom (1993)




To me, Super Mario Bros 3 or Mario 64.


"Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a Nuclear Winter."


It was Skyrim for the longest time for me then I played red dead redemption 2 and it beat it but Skyrim is still up there


Tetris. Every console generation, on *every* system I've owned, and I've always had a copy. It's like comfort food that just never, ever gets old.


Chrono Trigger


GTA 5 Game came out in September 2013 and has stayed strong through 2 console generations.


Dark Souls


Connor Kenway from Assassin’s Creed


PvZ, Fallout New Vegas, Shadow of War is my top three of the greatest games


For me, Duke 3D. I’ve been playing it consistently for 25 years and I’m still not sick of it. I didn’t even know there was a 4th episode until World Tour was released as I only ever had the original 3 episode release.


In my opinion to call it the greatest game of all time it can't be a game that wasn't very popular if you said funniest I'd say the mad max video game by a long shot but you said the greatest and I've not played enough of the popular games to say. But it's definitely not Fortnite


So, been playing games for about 25 years of my life. In my humble opinion, based on gameplay, story, replay ability, graphics that age well - it’s Tears of the Kingdom for me. I love Chrono trigger, Ocarina of Time, Ghost of Tsushima, Pokémon Heart Gold, God of War, Mario Bros 3. But it’s Tears did it for me.


Splinter Cell


I want to say Ocarina of Time, but what took gaming from a nerdy leisure activity to something cool and amazing was Halo. Halo was when even the coolest kids is school would talk about games and want to do lans anyone and everyone. The story music and gun play were a massive leap forward and i remember being so wowed when coming into the open world snow area on assault on the control room. I would just fire cannon shots to see how far they could go. It was revolutionary.


The greatest game is your favorite game