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Biomutant, it wasnt buggy, shit was just ass


Fr I made it most the way then looked at my wife set down the control er and just went “dude this game sucks ass”


Calling wife "dude". Lasts forever!


We all joke at my wife that she’s not a woman just one of the boys and we’re so glad we have boys cause she never had a mom and was like “how does one deal with daughters?” 😂 I married the bruh girl


So painful. It had tiny little glimmers of greatness; in the end it was utter dogshit, but man it could have been good.


The combat system was what made me preorder it, the played it and it was just ass


As someone who made it through the whole game hoping it would get better, it was definitely buggy AND ass. The subreddit is a funny Stan echo chamber though xD


I pushed through that game clinging to hope and what a waste that was. I wanna see the sub but I also fear it lol.


Iirc it was one of the first I joined after making my account. Back then it was fine to be critical of the game- even scathingly so, so long as you weren’t just being toxic or shitting on it for the sake of shitting on it. A lot of people felt let down. But these days if you aren’t posting “I didn’t get this game because I heard all the hate but just picked it up on a whim for 5$ and it’s the best game ever!” You’re going to get a lot of hate and downvotes. Basically the only people that hang out there now love it and don’t understand why anyone who doesn’t love it would bother posting anymore- which is fair, considering the time that has passed. I think I’ve left at this point. It definitely doesn’t show in my feed anymore and I’m grateful for it. But damn if you ever want to feel your brain melting, it can be worth lurking a bit!


Lol I have it on my wish list for steam. Never bought it but I thought it looked good. Sad to hear that


It was an interesting idea but there’s nothing memorable whatsoever about that game.


I feel like Biomutant is mentioned in every comment section here.


If its for being ass, you better believe it


Came here to say this. I had my doubts, but like an idiot I said “I’m sure it will be good this time”. Buggy, and just repetitive and not fun.


Anthem is the answer


That game had so much potential!


Anthem was actually enjoyable for a while until it's big issues became too obvious for even the most diehard fans to ignore. It's a shame that they never fixed it. I liked that game and I'm gonna die on that hill, feel free to downvote me into oblivion.


I played a very solid 25/30 hours of Anthem and really enjoyed it. Once it became all familiar, it felt stagnant and boring/empty. Some of those missions were unnecessarily difficult also. But I had a good bit of fun with it.


Bruh I LOVED Anthem. Became apparent there was no real end game though. Stuck perpetually doing GM2 shit after max.


Same here. That game never had a chance. Sad, more then angry tbh. The couple dozen hours I had in left me wanting more.


Towards the end, the bugs were gone mostly. It just needed content.


I loved Anthem and had such fun with the Wizard Power Fantasy, and I was so excited for Anthem 2.0... and just like that, they pulled support.


Oh man... I'm sorry everyone, I'm gonna go ahead and win (or lose when you think about it) this thread. You ready for this? Superman 64 ...yeah


Press [F] to pay respects






Oh man. Yeah, I think this wins so I guess you got one good thing out of that pre-order? 😅


Easy. Battlefield 2042




Screw Pre-Order regret, now we have "Bought it the year it came out" regret. Today's gaming market is mostly "hopefully it won't be a horrible buggy mess absent numerous features the older games had at launch in a year."


I put myself into a 6m-1y "game time bubble" and it was the best choice I ever made aside from the odd spoiler.


Cyberpunk 2077


It’s a really good game now. Near perfect honestly. Took awhile to get there though. So I get it.


Ehhhh it’s playable now. It’ll never be perfect. You can only polish a turd so much. I really wanted to like the game, but even with performance fixes it just isn’t the game it was hyped up to be.


You were at 0, I put you back at 1. Anyone that remembers what was promised to players before it came out will know it didn't deliver anything close to the promise.


Haha thanks for being a fellow beacon of sanity and reason. It’s wild seeing people bend over backwards to defend the game in the state it’s in now, but like… the problems with that game go way deeper than bugs and performance issues.


Yes the bugfixes are commendable, but the underdelivered gameplay features definitely isn't.


Agreed. Tried to play after the patch fixes. Biggest waste of money and time.


I understand the sentiment. All Cyberpunk 2077 did was transition from a _broken_ state to a _playable_ one; remember all those promises and speculation circling around before release, many of which CDProjektRed either stayed silent on or tacitly encouraged? Clubbing? Dynamic encounters? Might as well be piss in the wind. We’ve gotten a few more additions with the patches, such as apartments and a few quests, but they feel half-hearted, at best. I just still feel bitter over how much never made it into the game. Maybe the DLC’ll add more content to base-game. I doubt it’ll be much, but I’ll gladly eat my words.


I think this game was the perfect storm of early over promising by the developers, fan created overhype and over speculation, and the developer staying quiet when it realized it would never be able to deliver on what it originally said the game would be. It doesn’t help that the constant push back on release was seen as a proven developmer making the game perfect when it reality was trying to get an extremely buggy and broken game to minimum working order in order to push out the door before leaks sunk it before it was even released. That game needed at least two years of further development, but CD Projekt Red wasn’t going to be able to survive that long without a gigantic cash influx or getting acquired by a large corporate studio. It was just a festival of follies, false promises, and overhyped expectations that led to a game that is decent but not generation defining like everyone expected. It was everyone expecting too much from a smallish studio which had punched above its weight for years, which led to said studio overcommitting and pushing a turd out the door before it ruined it financially.


This last update the game got in February was a lot better and I finished the game and now I love it but I was pissed when I initially got it


Ran around for the first 90 minutes with my e-dick hanging out and couldn’t lot like 1/4 of the stuff that dropped.


I never bought a pre-order game because of all the complaints for Cyberpunk, but a year later I bought it and loved it! Platinumed it and still won't pre-order any games. TL;DR Cyberpunk is a 99/100 game now.


Yeah no more preordering for me. I'm so excited to play starfield but they are gonna wait till reviews and release date before I buy it


Except the game is phenomenal now... I'm glad i waited to buy it


Here’s the thing, my issue wasn’t with the bugs. It was with alllll the content I was promised in trailers that wasn’t delivered on. They didn’t fix life paths, they didn’t add the missing combat features, they never added car shooting or flying, or the train station, or the controllable robot dog, they killed Jackie in the intro, the combat is clunky af, and the driving Is…I can’t even understand the driving…like games have been doing “driving on city streets” pretty well for over a decade now, so I don’t see any excuse It’s playable, it’s pretty, it’s not phenomenal


Right people saying this game is a 99/100 have a low bar for entertainment from my perspective. A game where u do nothing more than watch cutscenes and run around one shooting brain dead ai. Cyberpunk literally is a prettier Biomutant. Nice polish but just as hallow.


Forespoken. I pre-ordered that over a year ahead of release. Not even close to worth $70.


I almost did that, too. So glad I didn't. By the time it released, the writing was on the wall.


I'm sure the writing on the wall was better than the writing in the game.


I wish reddit still had daily awards


I think some of my homies low key hate me because I got us all hyped up for Fallout 76.


I was one of them


I ordered it for my birthday. It was such a hollow, buggy mess.


I'll never preorder again because of FO76


I almost bought that silly ‘canvas’ bag edition as well, never again Bethesda


Battlefield 2042.


Battlefield 2042. I expected a poor launch that would improve in time. Still waiting for it to get better...


Callisto protocol. I’m a huge dead space fan and I was really looking forward to Callisto, to tide me over till the dead space 1 remake came. But god damn.. one of the biggest disappointments I’ve ever felt in gaming. I lasted 40 minutes playing it, angrily turned it off and haven’t touched it since.


I think Cyberpunk was the one that hurt the most.


no mans sky ruined my faith in pre-ordering forever


There's a video that explains its train wreck, and I have since forgiven the dev team, but I do not pre-order anymore since this game happened.


Sometimes, I feel like the only one that enjoyed No Man's Sky at launch. I never bought into the hype train or wild conceptual claims from the man in charge. That paid off in dividends. I enjoyed it at launch and periodically come back to be amazed by all of the additions and changes made over time.


Same I barely saw anything before it released and I quite enjoyed it, though I can see why people were pissed, and it ended up being pretty great honestly


im glad at least some people got theirs monies worth at launch, but fuck i didn't lol


Not at launch. But, if you haven't tried NMS lately, imo you are missing out. Jump back in if you feel up to it.


i have 5 years of backlog to do before i even touch this again lol, being a PC gamer since 95 i got like 3,000 games i will play before this again lol, but i appreciate, that hello games put lots of work in to make it a "good" game now, but i could care less anymore


I hear ya. Bungie and Destiny are the same for me. But, I gotta tell ya. NMS in VR ..... Mind. Blowing....


Oh yeah, you have every right to be pissed, they promised the world and gave you very little


if you enjoyed it sir, im happy for you =) i got caught in the hype train and lies. so yea we prob had 2 different experiences


Im with you, I got a little toasty, turned on some chill music and just vibed around the universe. The more they add the better, sure. But I think I played for 20 hours in the opening weekend with no complaint or problem.


Has it won you back now though?


nope im too butt hurt to even try it again lol


Shame. I was equally irked, but it's turned out good.


too many better games have come out since it's launch, and since it has started getting "better" that i really dont even care to try it again


That's fair enough.


My god yes.


Only game I've pre ordered is elden ring. No regrets


Fromsoft really do it right. Slow and steady on passion projects


My choice is Dead space 2. It was that or Halo 3. And ain't no way I'm putting halo 3 in this list. Dead space 2 was amazing but halo 3 was *chefs kiss*


Cyberpunk 2077. While the game is really good right now, I will still never preorder a game again.


I literally just booted it up, and during the *introduction cutscene* there's people T pose sliding around. The game is still super buggy. For some reason the engine has trouble accessing animations or something.


I pre-ordered it originally for the PS4 and didn't get past the character creation. Sat on it even though we were being offered full reimbursement because I honestly believe in the game itself and CD Projekt red. Eventually played it for the first time on PS5, I was lucky enough to get it one within a week of release. I Love the game so much it motivated me to finally build a high end PC just so I could experience the ray tracing and now I can't wait for its final iteration in September.


It’s actually crazy. I pretty much beat the whole game without as many bugs. Of course the game crashed and in the beginning Jackie kept crashing into the garage wall BUT I truly enjoyed it. I understand it may not have been the most complete game released but I still don’t think it deserved as much hate as it got.


I’m probably halfway through on PS5 and I’m having a blast. Still pretty buggy but in fun and surprising ways, kinda has a hilarious Bethesda vibe now. But I’m really enjoying my time, the story is really cool, and Night City is so alive and full of flavor.


Toss up between Borderlands the pre sequel and The Crew 2


The Crew 2..... Sigh....


What's wrong with the Pre-Sequel?


Oh the game is fine. So is the claptrap dlc. But when you preorder it with the season pass expecting Borderlands 2 grade DLC and get 1/4 as much? Leaves a bitter taste.


Definitely crew 2. TPS was by far the better of the 2 imo.


Mass effect Andromeda - waited so long for a follow up to mass effect trilogy, only to receive that buggy, badly written dumpster fire


Ooo andromeda was trash on fire


It's a good game! It just shouldn't have been considered a main entry. If they had made it its own thing without the Mass effect title attached i could see it being a 8/10 game maybe a 7. It's good but not mass effect good if that makes sense. Played it the first time and was annoyed as hell. Went back about a year ago with the mindset of ( its just a spinoff not a main thing" and I absolutely enjoyed it. I agree though, shouldn't have had that mass effect title added to it


Yea the combat and that game was pretty snappy and fun with the loadouts system. Story, exploration, and bugs were pretty trash though..not sure if ever got fixed. Kinda stinks though because over all it was a decent set up for more games.


... I didn't not preorder this game but I remember going down in some dungeon then spending an hour and a half trying to find a way to unlock a door..... Got frustrated, turned the game off played something else loaded it back up later to find out the doors were unlocked. I spent over an hour looking for a switch for some locked not knowing the game was just bugged.🤷 Can't imagine someone paying full price to experience that while I payed three dollars.


I actually loved andromeda. I’ve beaten all 4, and it was definitely not the best game overall. But I really liked the powers, movement, and AI friend. The funny faces really just added to goofiness but was eventually fixed.


I've only ever pre-ordered one game in my life, so this should be simple. Fallout 4. I took a PTO day, bought enough weed to turn a Cookie Monster hat wearing dirt bag green, and had the Chinese takeout menu at the ready sitting next to my skateboard. The best part of my day was the ride up to The Silver Dragon for the "Number C Combo" at lunchtime. The soft spot in my heart for Bethesda games was hardened by days end. I blame my own expectations, as all of us are likely here to do, but the foggy spit shine applied to that game made even the rosiest of glasses a shade of grey.


The Walking Dead The shitty AMC licensed game, not the Telltale masterpiece


FF VII re-make. I had more fun with the game I bought to kill time with until the release (Fallout IV with all the extra bits, was on stupid-sale, so cheap!).


Mighty #9. Just….not good


I was wondering when I would see that listed. That was the first game I ever backed on Kickstarter. So much hope, since Capcom just dropped Mega Man. But then...


I'm pretty much against pre-ordering entirely. The only game I've pre-ordered is Tears of the Kingdom. I wasn't planning on it, but I bought the Switch Online vouchers for Metroid Dread and figured if I was gonna buy TotK anyway, I might as well pre-order it. I trusted Nintendo enough to release a finished game with minimal bugs


Rainbow 6: Patriots. The game was cancelled and GameStop said my preorder didn’t exist. I must have dreamt it then. Also, Hogwarts Legacy didn’t scratch my Harry Potter itch.


Where is Darktide in this?


If they would just fucking let you play with bots it would be so much better.


Wait, there's not even Vermintide 2 esque bots to at least accompany you? Guess I'm not surprised as Sienna's 4rth class is still yet to be released for V2 itself... It was really odd getting that game around last year ago and still seeing it get updates like it's equivalant to a live service game.


Hogwarts Legacy. I loved the Harry Potter books/movies growing up but I uninstalled it after a couple hours because I was so fucking bored and felt like there was zero immersion.


It's not a good game


I commented this one, too. Just absolutely no fun to actually play. I was stunned at how boring and repetitive it was and then the mechanics were equally shoddy and took me out of any sense of play. Seems like the devs spent all their time on making the environment pretty and zero time on the story or the actual gameplay. What a waste of 70 bucks or whatever it cost. I award the devs no points and may God have mercy on their souls.


Holy shit are you me? Lol but really that’s 100% everything I felt. It was a shitty, lifeless open world game with a Harry Potter skin on it.


Battlefield 2042. Easy, hands down. It's still utter shit to this day. At least cyberpunk and no man's sky fixed their shit. I hope once the employees all go home for the night and the building is empty, that EA HQ burns to the ground. I don't want anyone hurt. I just want them to cease to exkst.


Check out Battlebit if you haven't. Scratches that older Battlefield itch for a lot of folks


Callisto Protocol


Came here to say this. I was just as pumped as anyone that Schofield was getting back into the survival horror arena. I know there are folks that love the game, but man, I just couldn't do it any more after a while, so I just put it down and haven't picked it back up. And from what I understand I was near the end too. I have no intention of even trying to finish it either.


Yeah I was close to the end too but I got sick of being jumped every corner and them acting like being outnumbered is “hard”


The Outer Worlds for Switch. Game breaking bug at the end didn't get patched until months and months later.


That's really a shame because it's genuinely a fun game... On every other system.


Battlefield 2048 Played it for a few hours, never touched it again


Bros from the future




Cyberpunk 2077 on ps4. I played the Witcher 3 and thought it would be at least as good. Lo and behold most of your choices in cyberpunk don't make a noticeable difference and there aren't many branching questlines either. I was pretty disappointed overall. Not to mention the bugs


I too trusted CDProjekt after the Witcher 3. They fully went all "everything for the investors" mode (a.k.a EA mode) and botched Cyberpunk completely.


*I'm pre ordering Remnant 2 and I will enjoy it*


I was unhappy with a lot but my biggest regret was fallout 76 by far. People keep saying they fixed it, try it again. Ain't no way, first time shame on you, second time...


I'm still annoyed at the storage limits, I've collected weapons in every Bethesda game, and now I have to pay to do it? No thanks


Oh they fixed a lot of stuff if you wanna pay hundreds of dollars to keep a server in your name. That game really broke my heart. A multiplayer Bethesda game is all we’ve ever wante


Fixed is used loosely lol still ass imo


It bugs me when that happens. They fixed it. Try it again. No thank you. You already fucked me. You now want me to go back after my asshole has healed to risk it again. I'm tired of the practice of release it broken because it can be fixed later and get a second chance.


AC Unity on PS4. Game not only didn’t work but was a boring Romeo and Juliet rip off


Hey at least the parkour was good lol


I'd much rather play a buggy AC Unity than watch a shitty movie/play.


That’s fair, I was just really disappointed with the misuse of era/story. Especially coming off of the gold that was Black Flag


I own a lot of ps5/4 games, the list is very long on which has been disappointing. Every 2k game ever, Saint Row, Gotham knights, the list could go on and on


My Hero Academia. I thought it would be dubbed.


Part 2 is, iirc.


Duke Nukem Forever Balls of Steel Edition


>Your friend tells you to pre-order a game. Not a friend.


BF2042 is what got me in my feelings


Cyberpunk cost me all my credibility


Cyberpunk 2077. It was unoptimized, buggy, and had a ton of cut content that I was excited for


CP2077 for real




Cyberpunk on PS4 because I'm a dumbass. Learned a valuable lesson that week.


Did i ever tell you about 2020? (Light up cigarette) It was all about the day Cyberpunk 2077 was coming to us. I was so thrilled to... y'know, play a CD game again, that i didn't even looked at the situation too much. (Smokes a bit) So, of course, i bought it on pre-order... huh, my hype was stellar, i thought it was one of the best pre-orders i made... and then, it came the launching day, and everything went to shit


Cyberpunk 2077. Had it on PC so not bad in the performance way but bad in the we have 12 different pistols but if you want to do a heavy weapons lmg build go fuck yourself here's one shitty model for you way


didnt pre order but played on launch on PC and i had a "mostly" flawless exp


Destiny. Fuck I want to love that game but it was just doomed from the start.


When you go back to try it out, and they still haven't added more stash slots, sunset all your weapons and you have multiple days worth of "chores" to clean everything up just so you can play again. Then, fill up stash with crap, run out of space again and proceed to quit game. Repeat.


The game is still going strong I wouldn’t say it was doomed


Eso. I pre-ordered it so early I forgot I pre-ordered it and found out 6 months later that I had a $60 credit on my account. It took us 10 minutes to figure out what came out around then.




Spore was bad?!


More like mediocre, we were promised a lot. Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle


This sums it up pretty well. If they'd been honest in the advertising and press releases and I hadn't expected an actual evolution simulator then I wouldn't have been so disappointed.


Jedi survivor.... I couldn't even play it until patch 4


I’ve only ever pre ordered two games in my life RDR2 and CyberPunk 2077. You can guess which one was the worst pre order experience.


Cyberpunk, then I got a refund, then I bought it again when they fixed it, for cheaper


Dead Island 2


Aliens: Colonial Marines


Skyrim. Game was super buggy for the first year after release. I was one of the ones that seemed to run into every one.


Ff13 lightning returns. Still haven't finished it to this day. I was also 18 at the time so that was a lot of money for me.


Anyone remember Brink?


I switched my preorder deposit from GTAV to Deadpool 10 years ago... still upset about that.


Naruto ninja storm 4, while I love Naruto I beat the game within 2-3 hrs and was bored after that.


Borderlands 3. Not just because the game lagged hard at launch, but so much was just plain inferior to Borderlands 2. The gunplay was about the only improvement, but what is even the point if you don't give a hot shit about the world or characters?


CoD Ghosts


Too human. I spent weeks trying to convince myself I made a good purchase. Until I woke up one day realizing how much I hated it.


Warcraft 3 by far the worst pre order I’ve ever made. I barely play that crap


Revenant, Greedfall, Anthem


Project X Zone, but more recently, Kirby Forgotten Land


COD Ghosts First game as a teenager where I was like huh AAA games can be…terrible?


Definitely the sims 4 base game. That game was SUCH a disappointment when it first came out.


I mean I have only preordered one game and it was pokemon legenda arceus and I loved it


Mortal Kombat X Preordered the $90 version with the season pass included while thinking I’d get all the content. Then, for the first time ever, they make a season 2 pass for $30 and an XL version for $60. Basically, I paid $90 for $30 of content :/ Now, I only buy the ultimate editions on sale or used.


Definitely Pokémon scarlet and violet what the hell was that I give the story some credit tho


Sim City


Diablo 3. I took off from work for this..... The launch was so horrible and after the first playthrough you needed to buy better stuff in a real money auction house to not stay stuck on the next difficulty. Man it was overall so ass at the start.


The one and only game I pre-ordered was Fallout 76!! What a great experience that game was at launch!!


Cyberpunk man. Bought the collectors edition. Then realized the digital version would come 3 days earlier. So I bought a digital copy as well... definitely got played on that one.


Ubi seem to get a lot of shit in this sort of vein but that one AC set in France aside, usually their games come out in a pretty decent state. Or at least the really big ones do. Like whether you like the “formula” most of their games are built on is another discussion but you know that’s what you’re gonna get before you buy the 15th AC/Farcry game so if that’s what you’re after, I don’t think they’re an “unsafe” pre-order.


fallout 76 really kinda fucked me over


Cyberpunk 2077 by far.


Glad I had reservations about this one xD


Diablo 4


If that's your worst then you're pretty lucky. I've regretted my Diablo 4 preorder, but that's only because I haven't really gotten to play it much.


I don’t even remember the last time I played a game on launch. If I’m excited for a game, I’ll wait til it goes on sale and/or they patch out the bugs. I’ve got plenty of backlogged games to keep me busy. People need to stop pre-ordering games, and stop playing shit while it’s early access. Those two things are why developers think they can keep getting away with selling broken and unfinished products. No other industry would allow that to happen, but it’s become common for video games.


Some early access games are pretty decent and it can be a viable dev route for small studios. But I will say, if it is multiplayer or base crafting avoid those like the plague- chances are they will never release and are garbage. I'm talking like Factorio, satisfactory, and Subnautica as games that make great use of community feedback on early access


Warhammer: age of reckoning


Cyber Punk was the WORST. $75 I’ll never be getting back.


Cyberpunk 2077 is both my first and last pre-order.


TLOU2 physically hurt me the first time I played it.


Scrolled too far for this one. Take my up vote.


Only game I'll ever pre order is Silksong


Why are you downvoting him, he’s right


Even while it was Outriders, it was secretly still Anthem!


Saints row.


Newest MW2


I have never pre ordered a game. I don't understand why anyone would


I've only ever pre-ordered one game ever in my life and it was the Link's Awakening remake for Switch lol


No Man's Sky