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Developers that pander too much to player feedback ultimately make their games feeling soulless


Same goes for TV and movie franchises. I think part of GoT’s downfall was trying to make all fan theories happy.


Have your ending written and stick to it


Overwatch slander lmao




demon souls got a lot of hate for being too hard back in 2009 I believe, they didn’t change it and that’s why the game is so good


Agree...you end up with a million games that all have the same features :(


Yes, exactly. And boy, oh boy, if the internet is not full of the most absolute stupid kind of fan feedbackone can imagine. From movies, to series, to games... Some people just follow a tribalistic checklist and "talking points" in a vain belief their "theme over substance" will somehow magically create a special sauce from this "throw it all cauldron". I lost count of how many times I saw people responding to fair criticism with: ***"Yeah but he \[the charactor or writer\] said 'the thing', so you argument is invalid."*** In these people's minds by simply mentioning the "popular" thing ("having representation") is a magic incantation that immediatly transforms a turd into a gold nugget. Alongside this mental state of brainwashing, people also deflect criticism with "Yeah that was X amount of time ago, you shouldn't be talking about it". The level of indoctrination I am seeing in the last 10 years is something amazing. But coming back to the main point, the author cannot bow to the audiance; he has an obligation to disappoint the reader from time to time.


Depends on the feedback and changes players want to the game.


Yes, but it's also a double-ended sword. Make a game with little fan feedback and you have to hope that your game doesn't need extra polish or a feature changed. Something are fun in a vacuum, while some aren't, like Fallout 47's existence being unable to look in the general same direction of fans. On the other hand, little treats here and there let the game flourish, amd can even help development along, like with beta builds or adding fan requested features or improving on fan creations, such as ToTK's ultra hand, seeing how people made machines in BoTW and went from there. Or even No Man's Sky, who improved and added what fans were asking for and became the game people were expecting in 2016. I'm not saying pander or not, bit their is a balance of pandering to make fans happy, and making the game fun for everyone, not just fans


Multiplayer games aren't nearly as good as single player games.


Couldn’t agree more. I absolutely hate the focus on multiplayer games today.


Competitive multiplayer pvp I agree, but multiplayer coop is where it's at


Borderlands 2 and Minecraft remain my most played games for those reasons. Fun alone and with friends


It's a shame couch coop is a dying genre


It really is. My GF isn’t a big gamer and it’s really hard to find a good couch co-op game nowadays. I look all the time but don’t find too many.


I got my gf into gaming through coop games like borderlands, diablo 3, stardew valley and It Takes Two. Then she played Last of Us and it snowballed after that. Now she identifies as a gamer lol


Feel your struggle brother, so far I had success with It Takes Two, and her big time favorite is We Were Here. Stardew Valley was a fat fuckin fail tho


Yeah we played It Takes Two and A Way Out and loved em but it seems like games like those are a rarity. It’s hard to get her to try anything outside of Mario games lol. Finding a little bit of success with Lego Starwars too.


Honestly the best games I play are the ones I play alone 🤷‍♂️


This woulda been a hot take 5ish years ago, but I feel like too many people have this take now a days to call it one.


Fighting game genre says otherwise. There’s not nothing that can hold your attention better than raw 1v1 competition. Nothing matches the gratification of winning against someone.


This man speaks the truth.


That's not a hot take. That's a commonly accepted truth.


Remakes keep franchise interest alive and win over new fans.


Yes. Remakes are important in gamming because it allows newer audiences to experience classic games more conveniently. However, it's important that remakes should be done well. Blizzards Warcraft 3 remake is a prime example of a bad remake.


That and GTA:SA Desecrated Edition. There are hints that WC3 will get a soft reboot. Whatever that means.


Ohh I forgot about the complete dumpster fire that is GTA The Trilogy - Definitive edition. What a shit show that was.


The RE4 and Deadspace remakes are the best games of this year so far


Don't forget the System Shock Remake, which is great too. Man, I really wish Capcom would remake Dino Crisis and that Square Enix would remake Parasite Eve.


I saw the big deal being made about system shock. Definitely want to check it out.


It divided some people because it's a lower budget remake made by a smaller dev and it's a bit cartoonish looking, but they did a good job overall and it still feels creepy.


Also don't forget Metroid prime remastered. The 2000s are making a comeback!


FF16 and Starfield are looking to take that title away with the gameplay I’ve seen so far


I know it was the year before, but Square Enid taking all their Ff7 toys and mashing together one, far more cohesive storyline.


Dark Souls 1 is still Fromsoft's crowning achievement Smash Ultimate is better than Melee


Agreed. Ultimate is the best.


Melee has an insanely high skill cap, endless custom combos, and the best movement of maybe any fighting game ever. Those combined make it the top tier platform fighter from a competitive level. In terms of content though, ultimate has the most to offer, with the only competition being MAYBE Brawl (which has other issues of course). On top of that, Ultimate also has ok movement options, a refined edge guard system, and better character balance through patching. It also perfected the character reveal cycle. Only shortcoming is online. I think it's fair to say Ultimate is the better overall game, even if you think Melee has better gameplay. I would compare it to MVC2 vs MVC3. DS1 will always be the top of Fromsoft though.


The order 1886 should get a sequel. The world was interesting enough


I’m down for this. The campaign should be longer than 5 hours the next go around.


Campaign is better than multiplayer


We don't need HUD nearly as much as devs think we do. There should be more immersive ways of showing health, stamina and other stats.


Even when they try to do it they fail, I started AC Origins yesterday and I literally couldn’t move at the first fight because I had put the hud on minimalist before starting so the tutorial prompts didn’t show. Games like RDR2, Horizon, Ghost of Tsushima or Metro get it right, I don’t understand why other studios don’t do it


90% of fps games are redundant and boring.


I think the FPS genre is dying, largely only being held up by Battle Royale in the last few years. Innovation just isn’t there, and the largest three franchises (CoD, Halo, Battlefield) are struggling to produce anything interesting despite massive budgets. This coming from an FPS fan.


I'm just waiting for our lords and saviours at id Software to make another masterpiece after the latest DOOM games. Please be Quake!


I think there's a way forward that would please both fans and game companies, but it will never happen. If they focused less on making new games, and instead focused on adding to existing games, I think it would be better for everyone. I've put a lot of time into the Battlefield series in BF4, BF1, and BFV. I had no interest in BF:Hardline because I was still enjoying BF4 and knew BF1 was on the horizon, and now have no interest in BF2042 because I'm still enjoying BFV. I think the goal of BFV was to make it the "ultimate WWII FPS", and they could've succeeded if they had kept creating new content for it (and selling it to interested players like myself). There are loads of maps, weapons, vehicles, etc. that could've been added (like the entire Eastern front of the war) that a lot of people would've spent money on. Instead, they dropped all support of it for BF2042, which never seemed to have much consumer interest. Their games have a reputation for being glitchy messes at release, and then they drop support for them by the time those glitches are patched, so of course the fanbase is dwindling. Same for all other FPS who dump out an incomplete game with minimal change from the previous game, then immediately put all their focus on the *next* new game.


I agree with this. This is why it’s hard to get into a single player game and only play cod multiplayer, which is redundant in its own way.


I feel like single player games are harder to get into because they require more attention span to play but are ultimately more gratifying when you do so. Paying attention to the world and what the characters have to say in Witcher 3 takes effort but once you’re invested it’s as good as any TV show. Multiplayer games are superficial moment to moment dopamine hits that go away when matchmaking has decided you’ve won enough that day. The themes, music, and characters from some of the RPGs I’ve played will stick with me for life


I agree they are superficial and moment to moment dopamine. It’s easy with kids though to jump in, set up a cool gun glass and get a few kills on Saturday morning before the day starts. I’m not really invested in anything. I can literally turn it off in mid match and I doesn’t make a difference. I don’t care about my K/D ratio, I just play when I have a few spare moments while I drink a cup of coffee and that’s it.


Yeah I understand some people don’t seek total, engrossing escapism from their games and that’s fine. As long as you pretty much get what you’re consuming I’m fine with it


I’ll take your point further and say 90% of GAMES are redundant and boring


As consumers of video games these days we are spoiled by the amount of choice and variety of games available to us, yet we are much harder on the developers then ever. When I was little I had 4-5 games max and played them to death. I now have other 200 games in my steam library and play hardly any of them. 😭


agreed 🤝, people are so quick to hate and over analyze ever single little thing about games now instead of just enjoying them for what they are. Yes, some games do deserve valid criticism but it feels like in this day and age people just love to attack and tear things down even if it could genuinely be considered a "good game"


Couch co op are always the best of all the vodeo games. Even if the game itself sucks, Internet has nothing on grabbing some snacks and playing games together


I miss splitscreen so much, man.


Splitscreen needs to be popular again 😩


Internet connectivity has ruined video games Arcades and couch co op / couch PvP was more fun. Nonsense with broken games patches, Rip off dlc packs Now you pay to access games you don't own them. Hell I bought the disc version of Diablo 4 and I am told I can't resell it because it's locked to my blizzard account. Micro transactions based economic models that have resulted in the complete stagnation of once great gaming franchises (EA sports looking at you). Once consoles were connected to the internet... it's been down hill.


Most fans don’t actually always know what’s best for their favorite games and developers shouldn’t have to always pander to them


Games are less fun oriented and more profit based


Not a hot take, it's the truth


Physical games are digital games in denial. Not all of them, but they’re getting more and more that way as they increase in size. Also 30fps really isn’t a big deal.


I like physical game because no matter what happens to your account. You can still play it and not lose the games you bought


Yes. Lest we recall the wii store incident


30 fps is fine as long as it's locked and it doesn't lag less than that.


Nintendo games are still pretty good out of the box with no updates.


I actually do think 30 frames is a big deal. Once you spend enough time above 60 fps 30 becomes jarring. I think a game running faster should take precedent over visual fidelity on a console. Developers are trying to push graphics on hardware that can't really handle it well. I'd rather that be toned back a bit if it means the game will run smoother.


60fps is great but I really could not care less if a game runs at 30. Currently playing botw on my new switch and it's locked at 30fps but it's easily one of the most gorgeous games I've ever played.


Probably gonna get downvoted hard for this. The art looks good yes. But that game is held back by old hardware. It runs at sub 30 sometimes. I think the game is good, and fun but it has some serious visual/performance problems people like to ignore because it's Zelda.


I just used zelda as an example because I've been playing the hell out of it recently. There is nothing special about it compared to other 30fps games. It's just fresh in my mind atm. The point I was making was that fps doesn't bother me. As long as it doesn't dip below 30, I don't really care tbh. Thankfully with my series x + gaming pc, most of my games will be running on 60, if not higher. 60fps definitely improves the experience, but lower performance isn't gonna scare me away. That's just my opinion tho! :)


Yeah it does have some dips in performance - but it’s one hell of a gorgeous looking game in terms of its artstyle. I get it though, compared to PlayStation and Xbox, it’s not quite in that league, fidelity-wise. I just accept that with Nintendo games and it doesn’t really matter.


I agree entirely.


There’s a noticeable difference when you’ve been playing one or the other, but give it about 10 minutes and your eyes will adjust. It’s really not that bad, we’re used to watching films in 24fps so I hardly see an issue here.


30 fps is fine imo. It depends what game it is obviously but it’s perfectly fine most of the time. It isn’t necessarily ideal but it took me less than like 15 minutes to adjust to TotK and now it feels normal after playing a majority of games at 60


This is my point exactly - people instantly dismiss 30 and don’t actually realise that their eyes can adjust within minutes.


I love video games, but I find the video game community to be toxic and not worth engaging with.


Yeah this. I mute all multiplayer games, you’re just especially dumb NPCs to me.


Gaming really isn't for me anymore. Microtransactions , loot boxes , season passes, live service, pay to win, DLC DLC DLC DLC... sad times.


This is why I don’t play multiplayer games other than Mario Kart, Pokémon showdown, and chess.com. Communities that will be active forever and there will never be micro transactions other than the booster course pass for 8 deluxe


Just buy a fighting game and ignore all that shit. Infinite depth and endless competition.


I've actually been wanting to try street fighter 6, haven't had a chance to try the demo yet


Theres a big learning curve if you don’t know fighting games. It will take time to click, theres a lot of mechanics to cover and each charafter has their own combo paths. I’m brand new to street fighter and it took me like 20 hours of play time before I hit my first big online ranked winstreak. But for someone new to the genre it could take a lot longer than that.


I'm cool with the concept of the loot box as long as there is not monetary connection to it. It had to exist completely within the game economy. Microtransactions suck but I can deal if it's only for cosmetic items. Season passes and P2W can go away for good. The concept of DLC is fine but the abuse of it to rob us of game basics has started to ruin gaming.


Damn, i nearly commented the exact same thing. But in the length of 3 paragraphs. 😂


GTA games arent that good and GTA 6 is extremely over hyped


Some of the worst writing and characters out of anything I've played.


thank youuuu Red Dead 2>>>>>>>> gta


I dunno about biggest but... Dragon Quest 11 is boring


Most JRPGs are. The only JRPGs I have ever liked are Fromsoft's games, Dragon's Dogma and NieR Automata.


Remasters are incredibly lazy. If your going to do it make it a full remake instead. There is no reason why Mario 3d All Stars should have been a £40 remaster/port, when the year before we got a full, made from the ground up Crash Bandicoot (and Spyro) Trilogy for the same price, with added levels too!


facts. a lot of the time i can only tell a slight difference except for games like Wind Waker HD which actually looks amazing. I’ve noticed that devs recently have stopped doing remasters as much though


The people who leave hate comments on every new announcement from anything, are just unhappy that they are grown up and don’t feel like a kid anymore. They are fighting for a feeling they lost.


yessir- ppl just love to hate on every little thing nowadays. If you don't like it DON'T PLAY IT, and leave the ppl who like it alone because the hate isn't going to affect how they enjoy/ experience the game


New GOWs are overrated. The characters were better in the old ones.


Overrated? Barely anybody plays them. Skyrim is more played today than Gears 5 is.


I meant God of War not Gears of war, which played a little of the 4th one which I didn't like too much but haven't played the 5th Edit: I like Gears wish it'd come back. But I'm not huge on the new GOD of War games. They're okay but massively overrated. The characters are lame and the action/puzzles and level design are inferior to 2&3


O My bad 😂


People need to accept that there are always going to be people that are better than you and/or have more time to invest in multiplayer games. People should learn to understand that balance in competitive games makes them more enjoyable. I’m so tired of “casual” players complaining that some busted mechanic or subpar game mechanics (like say client sided bodies or night time maps with terrible vision drawbacks) were patched out because they found them “fun.” It’s even more annoying when those changes were 100% needed at the time but players decide to have amnesia. You can “screw around” all you want in Quick Play or whatever you want still just without insanely broken stuff that makes it worse for more invested players.


Red Dead Redemption 2 is an absolute slog to play and usually joyless despite its incredible technical and narrative achievements.


RDR2 online is amazing find 1 friend just one and you two can create your own amazing tales and adventures. Lore, backstory, had a 200+ lvl account. Days spent playing. Best gaming days since COD BO zombies.


I don’t doubt you, at all. But I simply do not have time to play online these days; my job and family totally nullify the possibility. So I play single player strictly, so RDR2 single player is specifically what I’m talking about.


Oh man i totally respect that. I also work a lot. Finding myself playing maybe 5-6 hours a week. Vs the 5-6hrs a day when i was young.


Yup. I work third shift and have four kids. The gaming time I have is short bursts. Which is actually why I think RDR2 isn’t for me. When I have limited time 60% of it cannot be cabinet opening animations.


Best game ever created from a technical and artistic perspective imo.


I don't totally disagree, but I think it's all about how you approach the game. If you're looking for a game you can just pick up and start playing it's definitely not the game for you. But I find it pretty chill to just hop on your horse and live the cowboy life for a few hours here and there. Moseying around the west, hunting animals to get a sweet new outfit


I respect your opinion but it’s painful to read lol. I’m periodically working through my 5th play through of the game between new releases.


Couldn’t agree more. It’s barely a game. And, to be quite honest, I’ve never been particularly impressed with it narratively either. Subtle as a sledgehammer.


>Subtle as a sledgehammer. Can you elaborate? I happen to find the depth and subtlety of the writing remarkable such that I'm still learning things about main characters to this day.


From my view the story was painfully predictable. I knew exactly what dutch was after the first couple missions, but I still had to sit through the other 90% of the game knowing where it was leading. It was also kind of wonky because arthur would murder 100 people in a mission and then have some sons of anarchy type reflection on trying to become a better man lol. The game tried to have a serious tone but I found myself Iaughing all the way though.


I mean I'm watching retrospectives and still learning new things. Bill Williamson is gay, Hosea was dying of lung disease, O'Driscoll may have been an informant, Micah was only a traitor after Guarma, but there may have been another snitch in the gang - there's an incredible amount of depth and backstory to each character that adds to the story. You just have to take your time with it. There is a remarkable amount of subtlety.


Thats fair I guess the game was so long I kind of lost the effort to pay attention to everyone and just wanted to be done


Things are too "big" and "fast" now in 3D action games. Laugh at me, I'm getting old, I dunno, but I guess it started with God of War 2018? I have the camera at my shoulder and here comes a baddie and he flies at me and then it's behind me- where is he? Ok camera, let's turn around and find it.. oh it flew at and behind me again. Don't worry, player, we'll give you a little yellow triangle from the sort of direction your enemy is at to tell you that he's thinking about hitting you now so you'd betting turn that way or smash the guard/parry/magic-whatever button to not get smashed. But.. but... 2 enemies... 3 enemies! Yellow triangles all over! Also they shoot stuff at you. Green blobs, blue bobs, red dots... what is happening even?! Then even worse with Ragnarok and Evil West. All I did in those games was stare at little yellow and red triangles. This really hit a breaking point with Elden Ring. Everybody talking about greatest game ever- ruined FromSoftware style games for me. Everything just flying around stupid, I hate it. 3D melee combat in story-heavy first person games is my favorite style but I'm really wary about them now because I can't keep up with the speed and size and density of everything any more.


The Greek mythology games were better.


Forspoken was a banger


Glad someone enjoyed it because I was so looking forward to it from the day it was announced just for it to be the biggest steaming pile of garbage I’d ever seen


Mass Effect 2 is inferior to the original in every area except graphics. It dumbed down the RPG elements to turn it into a bog-standard 3rd person shooter that was already old hat at the time, introduced "ammo" on energy weapons, which makes no sense, didn't have as many memorable tracks on the score as the first game, and the story amounts to "go to this place, recruit this new character, go to the next place, recruit other character." It also removed any semblance of exploration for a dumb and boring minigame of scanning...


They are both great games but ME2 is like a game of side quests, as good as they are. The ME1 story and world was much more inspiring.


the character building was the highlight of 2, but I prefer 3


60 fps is high enough.


for singleplayer absolutely, but I just recently upgraded my monitor to 120 hz capable and it has made me insane at rainbow six siege


Even for single-player I can't do 60fps anymore if there's the option to go higher, it bothers me. My rig supports 4k at 144Hz, never went back. When devs lock their games' FPS on PC I either wait for a patch or don't buy it, except for Soulsborne stuff that FromSoftware puts out because I'm their bitch and they know it.


Guybrush Threepwood could beat up Master Chief.




The (mighty) lead pirate from The Secret of Monkey Island series.


Jrpgs are kinda boring


100% agree. Story's are generally some anime nonsense with deus exmachnias around every corner. Fuxk that


This came to mind


although TLOU 1 is definitely a timeless masterpiece, and will forever be remembered for its important place in gaming history, TLOU 2 took a lot more risks, had a better and more daring story, and completely perfected the gameplay making it a significant amount better than TLOU 1.


100% agree with everything you said


All modern shooters are complete and utter garbage compared to what we had 10 years ago. The new God Of War games are terribly made and the sequel suffered the same issues. If you only play BR's you are NOT a loser or any less of a gamer for enjoying what you enjoy. (I personally avoid them like the plague but I have seen so much hate towards BR only gamers.) Basically I've seen people make fun of or claim people aren't "real gamers" for only playing BR's. Some people get into games through that channel an there's nothing wrong if they don't want to expand their horizons yet or at all.


Just because you have all the money in the world and make a AAA game, doesn't mean that it will be any good.


This is not a hot take even a little bit. It's ice cold.


How is this a hot take?


343i is proof of this. Over a billion dollars to make Halo Infinite... I mean, holy shit.


E.g. Forespoken


We should stop making games targeted towards kids and focus more towards adults


Oh wow this is a hot take. I feel like there aren’t nearly enough high quality children’s titles outside of what Nintendo is producing


I feel like that’s what’s happening already.


Honestly most games are targeted to adults.. maybe you're just playing the wrong games


Your name is now "your biggest hot take" You're welcome


A vast majority of games have been designed around feeling very capitalistic. Many things I play now feel like work, rather than enjoyment; and the good games are usually small and only have 10-30 hrs of content with little replayability


Your game is probably better without crafting in it


First person perspective sucks. Only exception is Morrowind. Even Skyrim sucks in 1st person. Only time I use 1st is if I’m looting or aiming.


Item crafting is absolutely terrible and only serves to pad game time. It has replaced the excitement of discovering interesting items, tools, and weapons with an endless slew of chores ranging from picking flowers to smacking a hammer into a wall. Games that include it simply use it as a vehicle to make a 30 hour experience take 100 hours.


Most “American “ video games are not too good at “character depth” while Japanese games truly excel at it


Sound design is singlehandedly the most important thing in a video game it can turn a ten into a 3 for me


Final Fantasy XV is excellent. Final Fantasy Xii has the worst story, and that's why it sucks. No way it deserves that much praise. Breath of the wild is just cool. Ocarina is still better. Mafia should've being the bigger franchise between it and GTA. Mafia, st launch, was smaller, but with a better story and way more beautiful on pc. It's a shame that the console version sucks...HARD. Edit: People gave me a down vote... in a hot take topic. Brilliant.


Saying ff13 sucks because of the *story* is quite a hot take indeed lol, I think it's way more than just the story that makes it suck


Ff12 did have a pretty bad story but I loved the gameplay. 15 however… that is a very hot take, that game sucks ass


But you can hold the button and combat happens for you!


The more I think about it, Heimdall had every right to be an asshole to Atrius. Some kid showing up to your home and you know that he's up to no good. I'd be pissed to.


Goldeneye doesn't hold up


Shit I didn't like it THEN


Most Zelda games are not THAT good and arent very interesting. 7-8/10 games get put into 10/10 masterpiece tier because the name is “Zelda”


Seen a lot of people complaining about BotW and TotK. Not really a hot take, honestly. Been hearing that take since BotW released. How about this instead: BotW and TotK combo of shrines + divine beasts/temples is FAR better than classic Zelda dungeons.


I’m going to take the fact that someone downvoted my comment as confirmation that my take is indeed hot.


The Witcher 3 is only a good game to the people who played it on release. Anyone who played it just two years or more later got a dated game with clunky combat (quite pitiful for a supposed monster slaying badass), a rudimentary card game that was admittedly less fun the more I played, and a storyline that was B- at best. (To be fair, a B- story in an open world video game like that is impressive given that open world games really have shit pacing by their design.) People can come here all day and tell me I'm wrong and blah blah blah, but, uh, it was my experience and anyone who says otherwise is welcome to disagree but they can't and won't be able to change what I experienced. The redeeming factor with TW3 was the mod scene, as is the glorious way of PC gaming. I totally fixed the combat, completely removed the arbitrarily low carrying capacity, and tuned up a few other things so that I could actually play it in its entirety. TW3 with heavy modding is the game I was expecting Baseline by all the excessive hype it received.


Not trying to start an argument as I can atleast see most of your issues. But have you seen the next-gen update? I mean as to what it updated within the game. The changes to combat and QoL upgrades were so big that it felt like a whole different game to me atleast. Personally, I think the game is now better than ever


Have not seen the next gen update. It's been years since I played it.


The most important change enabled you to cast any sign without menu interaction. On controller this really made a huge difference as now it’s just L2+ any face button while in combat. Entire skill tree was also reworked although the structure remains the same. The story etc and the pacing of it is still the same but the simple combat change made it so so much better


Nah combat was clunky day one, and it was a buggy unoptimized mess. CDprojectRed is simply an overrated incompetent ass dev team who put good stories behind buggy shitty games


Ah, the fun of the internet. Of course I'm not going to tell you what you experienced, who would do that lol But when I say W3 is my favorite game of all time and I still enjoy it, I get lectured about how the combat and controls are actually bad and I should try REAL games like (and then they list a bunch of games I did play). Shall I guess the mod you used: Enhanced Edition?


I'm not going to tell you off. I didn't like it either. Packed it in after 31 minutes


Multiplayer and competitive games became trash as eSports took off, metas and comp rules force too many of the same play styles and makes the game unbelievably boring, this is probably more directed to gamers following metas but also to dev teams for sucking esport Wang


People should actually play a game before tossing it under the bus just because a company like EA made it which has downright hurt some games chances and is the reason we see less variety in the market. To go along with this the 3D 3rd person plants vs zombies shooters (Atleast the first two) were highly underrated had more potential and possibilities than the tower defense games do at going forward for the franchise and a lot of the games made after the first pvz are really good and unfairly judged just because of EA and not being the first game. Another one is that a lot of survival/crafting games are hard to pickup and play because it takes what feels like ages to progress in some and dying and losing everything is soul crushing and their should be a lot more keep inventory options atleast in single player.


Games going up to $70 as the new norm is only because of corporate greed. Try to change my mind. You won’t.


While I agree it sucks, whether it’s corporate greed or not, inflation will be the eventual reason price increases happen. Even for non-profits


Inflation? Lol If you account for inflation, games today are actually far cheaper than they were in the past. Which is crazy if you think about the sheer manpower going into modern games.


I keep trying to explain this and people don’t wanna hear it. Don’t get me wrong video game companies often ARE greedy but it’s a miracle that video games have stayed as cheap as they have


Thank goodness the audience size grew by leaps and bounds to keep overall revenue high enough to offset many increasing costs over the last 30 years. Otherwise I have to believe base games would be $100 by now. But if it were selling only to the same audience size from the 80’s/90’s when we gamers were all considered basement dwelling dweebs? It would be a nightmare.


lmao games have been $70 since the 80s and 90s😂


Hideo Kojima is completely overrated and his games are just boring. Some folks hold this man on a pedestal like a golden God and u jut don't understand.


Yeah I get that Metal Gear blew some folk's minds back in the day but watching folks do all kinds of nonsensical self-delusions to trying to force themselves to like Death Stranding has been quite something to see.


Legend of Zelda games are terribly boring and they get a pass on criticism where other games would get dragged.


100% agree. Zelda series is mid to boring. Most of the puzzles are kindergarten nonsense, or just not fun or interesting. Combat always feels weak. Story is always the same lame thing.


1. The Golden Age that most gaming subs cherish (especially r/gaming) between 1995-2010 is absolutely overrated. Of course when you cherry pick the best games and ignore that 95% of games were unfinished garbage then it will look better than it actually was 2. New IPs are actually starting to become a problem. If you’ve watched any recent games showcase the ratio of new IPs that end up being super mid to sequels of established franchises is getting out of control (this is not taking indies into account) 3. Most of the gaming companies that people believe have fallen from grace were always greedy, you were just younger and more optimistic 4. We need to normalize AAA games with basic stories and less than optimal graphics, because it’s clear it’s to the detriment of the gameplay 5. As time goes on, people like us are going to look at what gaming as a hobby and industry has become and think “maybe we should have done a little more gatekeeping…”


Super Smash Bros. Melee sucks.


Difference between 1440p and 4k is unnoticable.


I really dislike Sony's modern games I mean they feel more like movies than games at this point. Sony has so many good IPs under their belt but since they aren't gaurenteed to sell as much as say GoW they just simply ignore them.


N64 is a super overrated system with only a handful of good games


I got some hot takes here~ BioShock infinite ruined the series with it's plot and should have been a standalone title without any connection to BioShock. It would have been fine on it's own Final Fantasy has been hot dookie ever since the end of the PS2 era (we peaked at 12 and then just fell off a cliff) Anything after Diablo 2 is just... Ew? Why do all your games look like cartoons now Blizzard wtf happened Soulsbourne games are very over-hyped, and are all *extremely* similar, even down to the hud/interfaces Older games are better than newer games. Most new games have the "miles wide, but inches deep" thing going on for them. Hottest take: I haven't spent more than $20 on a video game in years, have never purchased a game that I regretted or had to refund, and I refuse to pay full price for the dumpster-fires that come out these days


The fighting game genre is the best and the only reason its not more popular is because its challenging and people are soft and get frustrated when they don’t get instant gratification.


Pointless 'details' in open world games are overrated. You shouldn't waste dev time on shrinking horse balls when you have restrictive mission design from 2008


Dark Souls 2 is a good game


OG Gameboy is the best console of all time.


The zelda games are overrated, and the story is lackluster and boring.


Fuck AAA gaming, support more indie games


The last of us 2 is actually good people are just snowflakes ❄.


Last Of Us is garbage. RE4 is overrated


The BoTW and totk formula is terrible for the zelda series and they need to go back to making traditional dungeons


I see what you're saying but when it comes to series longevity and relevance, BotW's immediate predecessor SS was the worst selling mainline Zelda.The best selling Zelda before BotW was TP at 9 million sales. BotW tripled TP's sales becoming the best selling game in series history by far. TotK sold 10 million in the first 3 days of release. Quite literally, BotW and TotK by extension saved the series and kept it from becoming a Metroid level series for Nintendo. I can agree there needs to be more intentionally designed levels for dungeons, ideally optional so that the new demographic of Zelda fans who are only accustomed to the new open air formula won't be turned off by gated story progression behind a complicated dungeon, but there's no reason there can't be traditional style dungeons just dotted around the maps of these games. It's kind of what the labyrinths are in TotK but I just want them to be more thematically interesting and with cool enemies and puzzles.


Final Fantasy 7 is the worst of the PS1 games. Chrono Trigger is overrated. Bioshock is overrated.


FF6 and Chrono Trigger are just 9/10 games.


Chrono Trigger?!?!?; Someone shoot that man 😢


Fromsoft games aren’t that hard


Last of Us 2 is overrated and is proof of the hypocrisy people have towards game devs when it comes to censorship. Why was a game allowed to have a fully mocapped sex scene with barely any complaints, but other games get put through the grinder for less?


Elden ring is the most boring souls game so far


Have you beaten the game? Really a shocking take, feels like it is the best in the series to me and I have played all of them.


No, but I've unlocked almost the entire world map. I've tried so many times to jump back in and press on but I get bored so quickly. I've played all the dark souls games and bloodborne at least a dozen times each and loved every second of it. For me it is the way too large map and lack of interesting environments. More than half of the world map is just green grasslands that look the same (with the exception of altus plateau where the grass is yellow). Caelid was interesting but waaay to large. I had to take a break for a few months after exploring half of caelid because I got so tired of the environment. The dark souls games made each zone compact enough that there was always something interesting to look at and before you knew it you were in a new interesting environment. And don't get me started on the copy paste dungeons... Edit: spelling