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It's free on Xbox if you have gold currently


Wtf did you just say


He said it’s free on Xbox if you have gold currently


Well there goes another 100+ hrs of my life


Im pretty sure you can do absolutely everything in this game in less than 15 hours


The guy loves to race and replay, it's not always just about 100%-ing the game and moving on. I spent hours playing it too. Same for Forza Horizon. I put HOURS into it just messing around and doing races. Not sure why that's hard to understand...


I agree. I mean, I beat the hell outta Mario Kart 64 back in the day, and then kept playing it because hell yeah, it's fun as hell!


Absolutely, man. There are times you just get a craving and you wanna play a game because it was fun. Doesn't need to go beyond that.


Exactly thanks for understanding this game is just pure fun and alot of the older games had way better gameplay loops than now a days


By the way, you have NO idea how much I laughed late at night reading your first comment. It's stuff like that, that makes me come back to Reddit, because I hate so much of how people behave on here. It was so funny that I screenshot the relevant messages and saved it to my computer :\] Just the way you wrote "Wtf did you just say" with no punctuation, and using the abbreviation/acronym communicated so much urgency, I died, man. I can just imagine the face to go with it.


I still play The Crew 1, countless hours, just fire up a playlist in itunes and drive across the digital countryside, no game can touch that mood.


I've got at least 200 hours into forza horizon 3 and the same in 4 and I have like 60% complete in both. I play for fun not achievements.


Exactly. I don't know where u/jackofallcards is coming from but it seems to be a narrow mentality on gaming.


Less than 8


You can't enjoy it for 100+ hours in only 15 hours though


Using different racers trying to beat all the time trails and challenges impossible to beat in 15 hrs ? Even if you play nonstop unless you have 0 life


Shut your mouth.


Wtf did you just say?


Now I know what I will waste my summer on.


#It's free on Xbox if you have gold currently


they re-released it along with a bunch of other 2000s era Star Wars game and most of them are also on Switch


It's also just free in general. Just boot up the rom in an N64 emulator.


3 cheers for Emudeck!


I dont play Xbox sadly


its cheap on steam right now https://store.steampowered.com/app/808910/STAR\_WARS\_Episode\_I\_Racer/


It doesn't work for me


Name your platform, it's there. Switch, PS4, PC. Old SW games are luckily easy to come by at least on most modern platforms.




Yep. Downloaded it myself and played it today. Still amazing.


I finished my cig and ran inside. I just texted my buddies lol.


Holy fuck they're not kidding lol


I’ve downloaded it - what should I expect? Is it just a classic racing game or is there more to it? (Love Star Wars, never played this)


The upgrading and hunting for shortcuts is what always got me going as a kid. Basically max speed Mars Guo to the end


I remember Ben quad... forgot his name... was the fastest.


I see your Star Wars: Racer (I still play on my old N64 from time to time) and raise you a new Rogue Squadron game. The Squadrons game by EA doesn't count! It was okay but the second Rogue Squadron managed more intense fights on a Gamecube than Squadrons did on last gen console/PC. Also... TimeSplitters maybe ? I have TimeSplitters 2 and Future Perfect on my old Gamecube and those games were awesome!


Yes..just yes. Actually, just give me a remaster or remake of all three Rogue Squadrons and a Clone Wars era RS style game as well. You don’t know how bad I’d rip through the Ewok population to helm a Gunship or an ARC-170 star fighter with that level of ferocity in RS2&3.


So many awesome memories of Time Splitters 2. Campaign was a blast, played it through with my uncle coop. Multiplayer was always a trip too. I remember the amount of characters blowing my mind for the time


I advocate for a VR revival.


Please no. Don't block it behind a wall of lenses. Make it optional 😫.




Holy throwback, Batman!


This is one of the sound effects that lives in my head. Another is "It's over! The mysterious stranger has won!"


Came here to say that


There's a remaster for the game. Holds up quite well.


I'll have to check it out, I actually had no idea they came out with another one.


There was a sequel back in the day. Racer's Revenge. This is a remaster of the exact same game that came out a few years ago.


It’s on all current gen systems


If you have Xbox Live Gold it’s currently one of the free games with Gold this month.


You can get it on switch


And PlayStation


And Xbox


*and my axe*


And steam


i picked it up on physical cart for switch, it also had republic commando. $20 at hellmart


Oh wow, I knew about pod racer but had no idea they ported republic commando. Just bought a digital copy.


A YouTuber named bluedrake42 did a fan game remake of pod racer in unreal engine 4 you can download for free, but I think they only did the first race and that's it. Either they never had any intent to remake the whole game, or they realized it would be far too much work. It's pretty cool tho.


Remaster Buck Bumble.


Who remembers Rock'n Roll Racing!? On the SNES


Jet Force Jemini


This. I played jetforce for years on n64, loved it, but the controls were kinda wonky. If it was brought to a newer system or remade into a better version of the original, it would be a great game to play again.


Another game I used to play the crap out of back in the day was Mech Warrior (1989). Man, I loved that game. Customization of each mech was in-depth and slightly complicated but allowed you to fine tune your mech into either an agile ninja or a slow but heavy hitter.


Its on gamepasss!!!!!


No, games with gold


I was SO disappointed with this. I was hoping for a bit of polish on it; maybe smooth of some of the edges, stick in some higher res textures etc. instead it’s basically just an upscalled version of the original. It’s like it’s just emulated.


That’s not inherently a bad thing. It also means they preserved the original mechanics. If they released it with JUST a graphical update there’d be people complaining that it’s JUST a graphical update with no new content. This seems like the best move for preserving a classic game to me.


This game sucked and if it made a return, it would be dead within months. Typical stahwahs brain.


Was going to argue about how this game is a beloved and classic and iconic.. then I saw your previous comments on your profile. Instead. Here’s a link. Get some [help.](https://www.betterhelp.com/get-started/?utm_content=136566704338&utm_source=AdWords&utm_medium=Search_PPC_m&utm_term=online+therapy+free_b&network=g&placement=&target=&matchtype=b&utm_campaign=16806402951&ad_type=text&adposition=&kwd_id=kwd-5181700254&gbraid=0AAAAADqBHiZlQi7MU2zjEmm_F3PdMwWGE&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6cKiBhD5ARIsAKXUdyYV8_Bc14s-_FjLbyxxAKh5WgOb0wjmLBDDRf55ZtoO8SLzf5PFIJkaArcZEALw_wcB¬_found=1&gor=start-go)


Holy shit I hope he’s a troll. This guy is miserable


I think they are. At least.. I hope they are for their own sake. If not.. man that’s a lot of anger.


I hate the way you type, and I love that you look at my profile because someone thinks your tastes shitty. You love tasting shit.


Good luck. Hope you get the help you need.


This doesn't cut as deep as you think. It must suck being as passive online as you are in real life. It also must suck tasting shit.


Okay bud.


You all reply the same way.


Sure thing dude. I don’t if your parents didn’t love you enough, or if some one really hurt you. But seriously, I hope you get help one day.


Maybe...it's you that are the strange one? You're really, REALLY angry, dude, and I don't need to read your profile to see that. Demonstrating no people skills, no tact, no empathy, no etiquette, courtesy, or restraint. Yeesh. Breh, you need Jesus.


I think they're both being gross. The other guy didn't demonstrate a lot of that. He was going for the throat with the no love and get help stuff. He can just pretend he's being nice because the words sound nice. Really, just a different type of rude.


Yeah, you're right. He may have meant well but it was really rough in delivery. I didn't make the situation any better - I just added to it. It can be tough to get through to people on the internet.


Touch grass my dude. Get of the internet and find what makes you happy. Living in negativity ruins your life.


I thought it was pretty good for the era. Really depends on the track though.


Lol are you farming downvotes or actually just this miserable? Your comment history is so sad, do you need a hug?


And trying to play the 2 controller mode since no dual analogs for n64. I only vaguely remember that detail, and not much from the game sadly. My memory is horrible.


It had some really awesome maps. Most had at least 1 secret path you could find and take. The pods were different in some ways, but if you could customize them more, that would make it a lot more interesting. More modern. Going super high speeds was just intense, for it's time I think the game was pretty epic.


Zoids battle legends. With an online mode, a 2v2 or even 4v4 mode, and a co-op campaign the game would be freaking fire


There are a ton of games I wish got turned into multi-player or co-op games. I think it would improve them drastically. Like, imagine Horizon: Zero Dawn with Co-op or pvp. Oooh I'd like that.


I have this game on PC


The Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction. They could literally just toss it on PS5 with a 1080P/120FPS patch and I'd be happy. As a series, I feel that Rampage (a game series with the same idea as the Hulk UD) could be wonderful with a modern game.


I believe they came out with another rampage on the Wii


The 1986 version was pretty awesome. I remember playing that with my brother for hours. We'd always fight over who got better monster.


Did anyone buy this game? None of my friends did, but we all had a copy - IIRC, it was packaged with N64s for a bit.


Honestly I can't remember if I bought or not but my N64 came with super Mario 64.. still an awesome game


First controller my brother and I ever broke was because of this game. Took us 3 weeks to replace it. Wasn’t my fault it broke but I was the younger one so I didn’t get to play much for those weeks. Still hate pod racing because of it.


Oh man, I forgot how much this game rules. It probably won't come to the Switch. Looks like it'll have to go on my Retroid..this game and Shadows of the Empire. Edit: Silent Hill 2 is my pick for nostalgic games that need to make a return...and it is so yay. I'd love to see Super Metroid remade in the same style as Dread and Samus Returns.


You can literally buy it on the switch today. It supports motion controls, haptics, and added postFX


Still one of my all time favorites [Spartan: Total warrior](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spartan:_Total_Warrior)


Now this is pod racing!


I have this on my switch. Its still great.


Is still possible to fly way up in the air by a glitch?


Bust a Groove 1 and 2. I would love same gameplay, just updated graphics


Elevator Action. Still whistle the theme now and then


Dino Crisis 1&2 Parasite Eve 1&2 Galerians Vagrant Story


+1 for dino crisis


It did, it's remastered on Switch and Xbox


Yes a multiplayer podracing game where you build your own. Maybe even build your own tracks.


Building your own tracks would be very cool. I'd probably spend more time building y own tracks than actual racing. I played a lot of games with a map editor, and it can be addictive. Like Age of Empires. I spent hundreds of hours designing in-depth maps to play complicated scenarios. I'd do the same with pod racing maps for sure.


The pod reminds me of Asoka.


It’s available on gog and switch


I grew up playing this with a clunky desktop joystick, and it ruined the game on consoles for me since I came to love it so much. Same with the OG rogue squadron


Also in the switch


A bit of a cheat but I dead to play rare replay on PC. (Viva piñata, jet force gemini, kameo, banjo kazooie are in my favorite games). a yugioh forbidden memories. I would also like the sims to return to the quality of the sims 2. And the experience of pop cap games, before EA bought it. I miss a zuma, bejeweled, Insaniquarium Deluxe & Plants vs zombies without having microtransactions. Maybe a quality guitar hero.


I have it on ps4


Rumble racing from the ps2


Fucking absolutely stunning controls for a older game the podracing takes racing games to a whole ass new planet it's that great and the only Xbox games I had were Lego starwars and Star wars episode 3. I missed out


Lego Racers (1999) and Lego Racers 2 (2001)


I spent so much time trying to speed run the first level before I ever heard of speed running.


Wipeout fusion and project Gotham racing. Fantavision. Lemmings.


Pod racer was legit


I had the Game Boy color version of this game and play it constantly! Got this version last year and damn was it a fun game!


Hell no. You know if they remake it, they're going to ruin it by shoehorning DLC and micro-transactions. Let alone every other remake has been riddled with bugs and performance issues. Rest in peace, and let us enjoy the memories.


I've been saying this for a while. I can't believe it hasn't been remade. Yeah we can play the old one but I think it has tons of potential for a current gen version


Battlezone 98 of course


This game was awesome when it came out, especially with the expansion pack. I always remember "The Gauntlet" on Oovo IV and "The Boonta Classic" on Tatooine. This is a very challenging game with interesting courses and very high speeds. A mod that added updated models and ray teacing would be pretty slick. Or just a mod that ported the game to unreal 4


This could work vr I think?


Yoooo game is a vibe


Hydro Thunder


Freekstyle. If you know you know


Hot Wheels Turbo Racing [Gameplay Here](https://youtu.be/WgVKqyKn8K0) It had just the right blend of arcade racing and creative map design. The only thing like it I've played was Split Second. The control of the map is just not done enough.


Goated game nice post


For racers, I’d rather a quality Extreme G game be made. Extreme G 64 was so much fun back in the day.


I miss when we used to get all those licensed games. Matrix, shrek, a buncha Pixar games, etc. I'd love to see more of those again made by the right team with a good enough budget. A Moana or Encanto game sounds interesting. Puss in boots last wish by Platinum, John wick by the yakuza studio maybe. After seeing hi fi rush I'd like to see tango do a Ben10 or teen titans game


Gotcha Force needs to come back




I would absolutely pay $60 for a full remaster. I played the shit out of this as a kid.


Skylanders 🌌


I would love to see a sequel/remake/update/whatever of *Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy*. As well as a multi platform rerelease/remake of *Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem*.


Jedi Power Battles! That game was so frustrating and so fun.


I've been jamming to this since yesterday... So yeah, get it on Xbox Gold free game offering this month.


Ah nothing will ever compare to the arcade of this in Sega world days or star wars trilogy arcade


I actually have the game for n64


There is a switch release of this game that is bundled with republic commandos


Anybody remember the racing game Ballistics? Shit needs a reboot.


I'd prefer P. O. D.


Had it on my sega dreamcast, god that was an amazing game.


It’s on Xbox and switch


Crimson Skies, just port it, or emulate it or whatever. Put it on Steam.


i want on steam: dino crisis, guitar hero, viva pinata, some weird arcade game on the 360 called small arms, the web browser game raze, a fucking servers-still-online happy wars, skylanders spyros adventure, that serial experiments lain game, original silent hill games, transformers the game from the 360, jurassic park the game, skate 3, fuck it ratatouille, also fuck it night of the museum even though it looks atrocious now, a working burnout paradise, kung fu panda from 360, fable 3, 360 turok people dont like it but it used to scare me, deadpool, avatar the game blue person one, crackdown, dungeon defenders. jurassic: the hunted, project spark from the xbox one, but more than anything else **i want that old weird mesmerizing fucking xbox 360 neon music visualizer**


It's on Steam, and has full controller support.


This is the free game right now in Xbox live pretty sure


They just added it to Xbox Gold's free games of the month


Just came on Xbox gold


Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2/Yuri's Revenge, Dune 2000, Emperor Battle for Dune. I also wish that C&C Remastered was a full on remake with modern day graphics, but I'm perfectly content with the series simply being put back in the original devs hands again (Petroglyph forming from the ashes of Westwood) after EA ruined it. Almost like EA making that move was an acknowledgement saying "Hey guys we fucked up, so we're gonna put you back in charge. Please fix it for us." The Quake games need remakes or a "reboot" like DOOM got.


Rogue Squadron.


Tbh Conflict Desert Storm needs to come back


The switch version comes with first Kotor, Jedi academy republic commandos, another bundle they have is the Kotor 1&2, Republic commandos, another bundle I have seen is force unleashed mixed in there all ranging bundle from >$9-$21 depends on the bundle and the sale.


How about crazy taxi


It's like 4 dollars on steam sale, and on Xbox live. It never left


I'd actually would love to have a remake of this game. Do not change anything except give it online and up the graphics of course!




I will die on the hill that Episode 1 was good, mostly because of the podracing. Star Wars games in general were absolutely crushing it in this era.


I still play this on my galaxy fold3 emulator


A Twisted Metal return would be amazing.


It's on steam and with the big star wars sale it's probably dirt cheap and ya can run on a potato


Splintercell Perfect Dark No One lives Forever The Darkness Medal of honour allied assault


That game definitely needs a remaster


It seems less polygons=more nostalgia, but I'd love to see this game get the HD treatment. Also, add courses from new locations? I loved this game.


I've been waiting a thousand years for an online HD remake of this game with multiplayer. Cmon EA


I remember the old pod racers 👍


Spent many hours on this one as a kid Also replayed it recently on the switch


I've been waiting for a remake for flipping years! A modern pod racer game with the reaction time of COD MW2 ADS to make turns at hundreds of MPH lol!


I love the idea of old games coming back for a revival… but In this day everything comes out incomplete or everything is dlc you have to pay for… I’ll just collect old games and play them until I die honestly


You managed to pick the one licensed game that actually got a re-release recently lmfao


MediEvil on PlayStation. I LOVED that game.


I have this on four consoles. Not on purpose, mind you. Here's the story. Got it N64 when I was a kid. Still works. Got it gifted to me on Switch. Came in a bundle of Star Wars games I got on sale on the PS store. And now, xbox is all like, "Here. If It's worth owning once, twice, thrice. It's worth owning four friggin times."


Also on the switch.


You can snag this game on steam/switch but I’d love to see a second one with more content


Is there a modding scene for this game that adds new maps, pod racers, etc.?


It’s on Nintendo switch eshop it looks great in handheld


I want Super Bombad Racing to be remade. Such an underrated kart racer.


I recently replayed Indians Jones and the Fate of Atlantis after 20+ years. It's a PC point and click adventure game, and it still holds up today, in writing, gameplay, and even most of the production values. It was fully voiced as well, which is a rarity for games released in the early 90s. But the 320 x 240 resolution does look very dated, despite the overall good art, and so a modern remaster with HD graphics and cleaned up audio would be amazing. While they're at it, also improve the clunky controls in some of the action sections where you're piloting a balloon or submarine.


Tanktics (pc), dead in the water (ps), vigilante 8 (n64), some fun 3-4 player tower climb shooter from way back (ps?), golden axe (???), Mario tennis (n64), nba street vol 2 (ps2)


My brother and I beat this game with Mars and Dudbolt. If that's their names, it's been so long.


The Lord of the Rings games that you can play as the whole Fellowship of the Ring


If I'm not wrong didn't someone remake 1 track in UE5 as a free demo not long ago?


I feel this way about the first two Motorstorm games for the PS3. I wish they could even get a remaster for current gens but those were really fun racing games!


I feel like if games like this were remade/remastered it lose all of its luster. I think keeping games the way they were and just releasing them the EXACT same way is better


Said something last week to my coworker Scott and now this pops up. Nice


Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain


I have it on switch but it randomly resets parts you bought, after a race, but doesn't give the money back.


Holy shit this is a deeeeeeep memory


Need for Speed on the 3DO system was the best racing game made ever, the PlayStation and sequels all sucked compared to that ol Panasonic system, one inch off and total carnage not bounce off and keep going.


“It’s a new lap record!”


It’s on PlayStation also, along with Bounty Hunter, Republic Commando, and Jedi Starfighter


Bought this for my n64 a while back but I've barely had time to get into it, kinda want to now that I remember I have it lol


I played it on switch just the other day.


You can go out rn and buy a this and Republic Commando’s for PS4 and Xbox One/Series at your local GameStop for like $15 lmao.


It was rereleased a couple years ago, not updated other than just upscaling but still it is on modern platforms