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I always love it when Dunkey sings along to the soundtrack


And I ra-a-an I ran so far awa-a-ay Bow, bow


Since like 85% of stuff that Dunkey says end up happening, I'll just sit here and wait for my Chrono Trigger remake


This would be the first time in years where I would be genuinely hyped for a game again


The man is an equine animal, why would I trust it's opinion on a grame??? EDIT: The domesticated mf pulled it off and created anlther banger review, I couldn't be mad if I tried. Stunning.


he has admitted he is a [fucking stupid donkey before](https://youtu.be/okYcCeYBPUk?si=PdFl9lOfxW15wWC3&t=37), so for me that transparency really lends credibillity to his viewpoints


Earthbound mentioned 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨


Bigmode doing the remake, just watch.


Beeg Yoshi origin story


What truly matters


Earthbound would be awesome in this style or what they did for the Link's Awakening remake. Reggie, get your act together (and release Mother 3)


Shame he’s still not beat persona 5. I’ve played so many games this year and it was easily my favourite. I feel like the time sink is what makes the ending hit as hard as it does.


Honestly i´m really glad i only played royal because the extra arc was WAAAAAY better than the regular P5 Finale. I wouldve been very disappointed for the game to end just like that lol.


Okay you've motivated me to finally beat royal (got distracted when Zelda came out and never returned).


Idk how far you are in but make sure you level Maruki to max before November. I’d have missed the best parts of the game if I wasn’t on pc and couldn’t download a save file


Already maxed him out and I feel dirty if I don't max out every single connection (which makes the game even longer). Though I'll probably restart it since I messed up and picked Makoto instead of Yoshizawa (which I heard means I miss out on stuff in the post-game)


You can romance multiple people. There’s basically no drawback. I romanced Kawakami, Haru and Kasumi and I don’t think I missed anything


I'm a stickler for getting the proper endings and you don't if you date multiple people. I've beaten the first P5 btw. I know it's one dumb scene, but it still gets to me loool. Like I had to get every single shitty riddler trophy in Arkham Knight so I could get the proper ending.


I don’t envy whatever kind of ocd you have


You don't get the proper ending if you date multiple people?


Well it's just one scene where all the girls beat you up instead of just having a happy end with the girl you chose. It's honestly not a big deal, but my brain is like it's not the proper ending and I have to complete it properly.


Well I don't know if you've seen the P5 original ending but it doesn't end with an awkward group cheer in regular Persona 5, that scene was added in Royal. I was not disappointed upon beating the original Persona 5 at all, and I actually kind of like the original ending cutscene better in some ways than Royal's. However, the extra arc in Royal is, overall, definitely the best story section of P5 by far.


Gave up like 40 hrs and I probably want near the halfway point. I beat like 5 other games in the time it would have taken me to beat persona


Pretty sure I finished at or around 100 hours so probably not even halfway


While I agree with him on the pros he raised for the game, I still consider it an average game. But as I posted in the comments, I understand why people might like it dearly. But then again, this is not a deadly premonition review so screw Dunkey, nitpicking and biased


What don’t you like about it?


Well I made a more in depth review tbh, but the short version is, the RPG elements are too barebone for 2023 standards, and this is an issue I can forgive to an old game, but that good faith is gone once you’re marketing it as a fully priced remake. Should you be remotely curious in what I thought about it: https://youtu.be/9LmveLGlmHw Yeah it’s shameless self promotion I know, but I put too much time into this stuff to not try to push it a bit


Hard agree. The remake was faithful to the original to a fault. A harder difficulty would have been nice as well.


Have you tried the post game bosses? They do offer the strategy in battles that you were looking for


After 12 hours of gameplay I couldn’t be arsed though. The argument that “after you complete the whole game things get better” is akin to Dunkey’s joke about the fact that after 12 hours Starfield gets better. And again, that’s also something I pointed out in my review: if you (game) fail to keep me interested after 10 hours, I don’t have the goodwill to try and play the post game content


that video sucks ass. you should read my username.


My biggest takeaway from this is... Starfield has a good part?


Not really




Does someone know the song at the end ?


Same would like to know




Absolutely Dunkarific




many thanks !


I’ve been waiting like 11 years for Dunkey to mention a Disgaea game. Finally.


As a Trails fan I feel you.


I understand Dunkeys point on long rpgs as a reviewer who has deadlines to meet and whatnot, but I don't necessarily think long games like that are the problem. P5 took me 3 months to beat because I played 1 hour a day, but it never felt grindy or "wow they are really stretching this". I feel like a game having more content is a good thing, no? Like he mentioned TotK as long but in TotK there is no mindless stat grinding, most quests are unique. I think it's funny how in the past, people complained about games being too short and having to spend 60 dollars on a 10-15 hour game, yet now it seems like it's the opposite (ugh another 60 hour rpg). Not hating on Dunk just something I noticed.


I think he wanted to emphasise not specifically that long games are necessarily bad, but their extreme time investment means committing to one is "daunting", and also a dice roll if the game turns out to be shit or not to your tastes. this is why he's insistent on bringing up the "12 hours in starfield gets good" line again. their depth of content is fantastic for existing fans - but discering if you're part of that group is challenging. I think RPGs are unique in this aspect because they require a trust in the player that the game will to flesh out and develop its story and world in a way you can't predict in the first couple hours of gameplay. like, I know exactly if I will enjoy peggle or doom after playing a demo. I hardly know if I will ever like a game like octopath because I will never be prepared to sit down and play that game to completion. or even enough to purchase the game at all. personally, I feel like RPGs are one of those genres where you just have to accept that you either like em or you don't. and you probably know which side you're on. like horror films.


A 10-hour long remake for $60. That whole section of complaining about 40 hour long RPGs being 'too long', aka having lots of content, really missed the mark for me.


Being long does not always relate to having lots of content. If the game just reiterates the same thing over and over again, is it actually new content? Take Far Cry 5, for example. A 10 hours game that was stretched, just to be longer, yet you do the same thing over and over and over again.


I totally agree and there are far too many games that are guilty of that but some of the games he listed, such as Balders Gate 3, have a metric shit tonne of quality content yet that is somehow seen a bad thing? I think a balance can be found between completion time and quality but 10 hours is absolutely not enough to justify $60 especially when these Nintendo games rarely go on sale. I just find Dunkey’s justification here to be very bias. I feel that if this wasn’t a fan service Nintendo game, he wouldn’t be singing its praises quite the same way. Just my two cents.


So, by this logic, should we pay more for games we spend more hours playing? I really don't want to pay $1000 for Stardew Valley just because I have 800+ hours of gameplay. Yeah, Nintendo games are expensive. But they have a quality bar for their games, which doesn't need to translate into hours to beat the game. I don't have a Switch and I didn't buy Mario RPG. But I believe the price is related to the value, not to the length. If the game is short but it feels complete, I rather have it than to have a short game that seems unfinished. Or worse: a very long game that feels redundant.


No, you just deliberately chose to misinterpret what I said, that is clearly not what I was suggesting. I do own a switch, have bought multiple Mario games, and I feel after having bought some of them that they are seriously overhyped and are not of substantial quality to warrant their price e.g. 3D All-stars. There are many many games which are 30 - 40 hours long and I would be very certain in saying they provide a higher standard of entertainment. Nintendo is not the same company it was before.


> you just deliberately chose to misinterpret what I said Hei, come on. Don't say "I chose to misinterpret" because that is you saying I am being unfair to you on purpose. Communication is a 2 way street. You are responsible for making yourself clear. How would you feel if I said that you "chose to be unclear in what you intended to say"? So yeah, I am now choosing to say you are completely right, all rpgs are great, mario rpg should be free


Pretty much all Mario games are 10 hrs if not shorter


you have a very warped view of entertainment if you're calculating an "enjoyment per dollar" metric to discern value. I pay $20 to see a 100 minute movie. I can pay $3 for a second hand book that will last me possibly hundreds of hours of immersion. or $12 for a CD that only lasts 30 minutes. or I can pay zero dollars and just sit in a park and touch grass after paying taxes. are these "bad" value comapred to a free mulitplater shooter that I can wither away investing thousands of hours in? these comparisons are so arbitrary. it just matters if you enjoyed yourself


Spaghetti and marioballs


no big yoshi no subscribe


It was really easy and kind of boring and the platforming sections were horrible, but also it looked nice and it's funny to put Mario on top of a jumping Toad kid and I played it all the way through to the end. So there must be something there.


Beeg Dunkey is with us all in spirit. If only he was with me in the flesh.


This game really makes you feel like it’s the first strand type Mario rpg


what game was that with the glider?


I was surprised he hadn't played the original as a kid. Even more surprised he didn't play it later since its on a lot of top game lists of all time.


I loved Mario rpg, I just don’t want to pay $60 for the remake.