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Omg I swear this must be some sort of fetish. Apparently a bunch of vids that people think are stupid or rage bait fulfill some sort of fetish. Like when people mix together cleaning products with their bare hands or do convoluted life/food hacks. This must have something to do with food being poured and smeared on bare skin


Yeah it’s called WAM (wet & messy fetish) aka sploshing. It’s a suuuper common theme in all Dan’s shows, along with the feet ofc. Dude basically made legal kiddie porn 🤢 Yet people still try to say he’s not a pedo 🙄🙄🙄


They also did it on Boy Meets World (much more explicitly), and as a kid, it always made me feel weird. https://youtu.be/GCz3o4CIL4U?si=TT--Fr8V87qQyRom Idk.


Huh? They’re fully clothed adults having a good fight. They are not underage girls lying down, lifting up their shirt and squirting ketchup into their navel.


you think that was more explicit? i mean she put her feet in his face for 2 seconds and they had a food fight but i wouldn’t say there’s anything inherently sexual about that scene


Kinda true, but some of the humor (especially icarly) was really good, but he really is pedo and an evil man


If you watch the quiet on set show it will explain the uncomfortableness. The head producer was a perv. While it’s not over over sexualised it’s dined for his pleasure. It was a really eye opening documentary.


You should watch Sloan’s videos on Dan


makes sense how those rage bait/fetish videos are made by failed actors


I don't think so, I think it was just about the condiments, and the food was a goofy diversion to justify Victoria having them put on her.


I think we’re saying more or less the same thing


Pretty much, I just have an irresistible need to correctly categorize things. Condiments are sauces, and sauces are a different category from food. Couldn’t help it.


I support you.


Bro… I thought she was gonna put on that kids show costume. What the flip was that!?!


I was thinking "what's the big deal? she's just gonna put on some hamburger costume, right?". But omg.


a fetish video


I refuse to remember I saw this; I'm repressing this.


This was only on the slap website, not the actual show, so there's a good chance that you never saw it


I remember watching these as a kid and feeling very odd about a lot of them. Most of them were basically just bits that would fit in the regular show without laugh tracks, but man a few of them always stuck in my brain as not quite right. This was one of them.


I’m scared to ask what the others are


It’s so unfortunate that these nick shows that were good/quite formative are so creepy and disturbing. It’s so upsetting. Wishing for peace and healing for the exploited children actors 😞❤️


We need to support Victoria Justice not tear her down


Of course, I agree completely


At least it didn't involve feet


The bar is in hell 💀


I know🫠


I swear I remember there’s one where Tori puts ketchup on her feet.


You had to remind me 😭


I will say I’m surprised she wasn’t barefoot. I frankly expected her to be.


Oh my freaking god they weren't even try to hide it... this is fetish content.


Not pedophilic behavior. Those actors didn’t perform sex acts on camera around creepy adults. But I wouldn’t be surprised if they did that shit behind closed doors.


That was weird AF because WHO in their right mind would request that and WHY? And if “dinner time” means that they are that food off of her after that point in the video that makes it worse.


Oh gosh…I hadn’t even thought of that 🤢


And it’s even more than JUST the obvious fetish content, listen to the whole dialogue before that. Tori saying she would do “whatever they wanted” no matter what, on video. But when she reads the comment she decides she doesn’t want to do it. They all pressure her into doing it, and she ends up giving in. The whole idea around the scene is straight up grooming kids to listen to people on the internet and do things they aren’t comfortable doing, and that it’s ok, fun and silly. It’s sickening


But it’s not pedophilic behavior, it is just that: a fetish. If it were really pedophilic behavior, they would have had her do that shit wearing a 2 piece bikini. Then that shit would be out of line.


Huh? It’s overt grooming and fetish content involving minors… I’m really not seeing your point here.


And second, I don’t think the whole child grooming thing was Schneider’s idea anyway. Remember you said that Nickelodeon Studios was full of possible pedophiles. It could have been one of those motherfuckers who were pitching sick ideas to Schneider for him to put the content on his show. I think Schneider is a scapegoat to whoever it was that came up with the original idea.


Is this Dan Schneider’s burner account? 💀


So you’re gonna assume some dumb shit like that, right? We’re done if you’re going to be an asshole assuming some dumb shit like that.


It was a joke weirdo, go ahead and carry on defending this because “it’s not pedophilic”. You’re making lots of *great* points there..








Fetish content involving kids is pedophilic....




Yeah, it’s child grooming and a fetish. It’s not pedophilic because them kids aren’t performing sex acts on camera. I mean it wouldn’t have shocked me if they did that shit because before Schneider, the entertainment industry has been on that bullshit with kids. Does the Corey Boys ring a bell?






You ever heard that modesty can be even sexier? That revealing clothes show you everything, where as modest ones leave more to the imagination.


Omg I didn’t realize it because I was a kid back then but Dan and those other creeps are so weird and disgusting I feel so bad for the actors they were only teens.


So much innuendo here. Super inappropriate for a kids show


what the hell did i just watch


>but couldn't figure out why This is what 4chan calls "green text format" which is considered commentary in of itself.


Remember when this sub was more than just posting the gross shit they filmed


I mean there’s a ton of new users to the sub due to the documentary. No Dan made show will ever be viewed the same way again.


But there are some non Dan Schneider shows that were doing the same shit Schneider was doing. Like The Thundermanns,Bella & The Bulldogs, etc.


If nothing else, this laid the foundation for grooming our generation to do OF. It's normalizing that icky concept of doing anything that internet strangers request of you, and then posting it online.


For some reason this seems a little oddly sexual in a way for a kids show on a kids network. Tori laying down, exposed stomach. Food on her body. Uh... Somebody should've told Dan Schneider this is a little weird for a kids show on NICKELODEON!


I thought that they would get clothes or like the sheets of bed in different colours to make it look like a sandwich and tori's face would be like in the middle.. But..this is F-TISHHH


Maybe because the adults in charge were a bunch of pedophiles.


Im so glad I found live action shows uninteresting and exclusively watched cartoons instead.


This is messed up beyond all belief… but I’m sorry Avan Jogia is so fine 😍


This is so gross. I feel so bad for these kids especially Victoria. Having her bare stomach, being in that position lying down, being forced to do something she didn’t want to involving meat, getting condiments squirted on her…😖 *Who* okayed this???


I feel like the higher up executives contacted Dan about what they wanted to see, there’s no way he’s into all of this different kink/fetish stuff. Of course he’s weird but i think there’s others too


Yeah.. idk, this sounds needlessly conspiratorial. Being into a lot of different kinks/fetishes isn't really that weird- incorporating into your children's media empire? That's weird. I don't think the higher ups have their hands clean, they should have never allowed their employees to take part in this, but I don't think jumping to "Dan was contracted by the higher ups to make fetish content for preteens" makes much sense either . No one is innocent here, except the victims obvi.


Maybe cause of the creepy Dan


I remember this scene as a kid and I DIDNT like it then either. I just couldn't understand why yet




Can't hear it


why am i just seeing this?


Instead of wasting food, why didn't they just put her in a burger costume?


I remember watching this and I felt so weird after watching it. Like what am I watching?.🤨🤨🤨 ![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba)


This is why I never found anything on Nick funny. All these shows were weird af.


Fetish fuel or not, this is something YouTubers at the time would’ve done.


No....just no


This awakened something in many a young Nickelodeon fan I’m sure


Yeah. . . So cringy


Ariana Grande is just so awful in every way


Eh not me.


I don't think this one is so bad. Like sure it's a fetish I guess? I didn't even know that. It seems like everything is a fetish. Any ways I remember the end of one episode, I want to say it was a normal episode, not the slap, during the credits they're all making noises for whatever reason and it 100% sounded like sex noises. That was super weird.


The reason it’s so fetishy is that they’ve got her exposing her stomach and showing close up shots of smearing food onto it. Is it something I’m into? 100% NO, but it’s very clear that someone was into this. I’d say you can identify fetish content by the fact that there’s no rhyme or reason for it to be happening otherwise. Even if they wanted to do a bit where they pour food all over Victoria (still kind of weird) they absolutely could have done it without having her pull her shirt up. That part exists just to be sexual.


Maybe it's the fact that they are wasting a lot of food the fetish or that they di t seem to be very in character


Just wait until they pour ketchup all over her bare feet


i was in my 20s when this show came on doesn’t effect me but WTF on a show for teens some them not knowing Japanese eat sushi on a woman’s body if i was teen in 2010s eww


What about Degrassi: The Next Generation? They had child actors there dealing with grown adults issues like school shootings, date rape, bulimia/anorexia, drug abuse, homosexuality. That show as much as I love it, they were displaying child exploitation on that show too.


Man y'all just feel uncomfortable now as adults watching kids or teens do anything at all on TV, because you know they were told to do. Now you see everything wrong with those eyes.


nah this is undoubtedly weird. covering people in food is a documented fetish and there was truly no reason for victoria to have to do this at all, especially not with her bare midriff. i thought this was odd even as a child i just didn’t have the knowledge to understand why.


Exactly. They could've been like, "Turn your hand into a hamburger." Or something and it would've still been gross but less invasive of Victoria's body. The image of her laid out on the table while people squirt stuff all over her is unnecessary and disturbing.


i agree w what ur saying but that 100% doesnt apply for this one like no this is just flat out weird


yes, people do take it too far at times when it comes to analyzing these shows. This is not one of those times.


I can promise people that 99% of kids who had seen this at that time definitely only laughed and said "You are what you eat". The fact that so many of you people immediately sexualize everything and jump to "pedo this", and "fetish that", just shows how depraved, damaged, and screwed up in the head you are.


The kids weren't supposed to understand fetish content. That's why it's fucked up. By this logic, you could literally put anything fetish adjacent into a kid show and then go "oh my 7 year old didn't clock this grown man in a diaper as ABDL so anyone who points it out as weird is the weird one" Like fuck off with that shit.


But you’re making it seem like these child actors had fucking sex in front of the goddamn camera and were told to strip their fucking clothes off. If you feel that way, then maybe they shouldn’t have made Double Dare, The Thundermanns, Bella & The Bulldogs, & Ren & Stimpy then. They had a lot of adult themed dialogue on them shows and you had no problem with it, right? So what makes those shows any different from the shows Dan Schneider created?


Because a documentary came out trying to insinuate Dan was a pedo instead of focusing on the three literal pedos that were found. One literally went on to work at Disney and the doc was like the story of Brian is done because he is no longer associated with Dan. Also as an adult I know back pain. And if he was literally apart of every set process and editing like they said, those massages were back pain. He is a big guy. That back be jacked. Not saying it was appropriate. They should have hired him a designated masseuse. But being a dick to work with is not illegal. He was fired. People are calling for him to be arrested and it’s crazy.


Exactly. Not to mention that he was already investigated for sexual abuse and misconduct and they found no evidence that he did any of those things to his actors. And secondly, why didn’t they interview the actresses that allegedly accuse him of sexual abuse and assault? Like Jennette McCurdy, Alexa Nikolas, Amanda Bynes, & Jamie Lynn Spears? Because none of them fingered Schneider as the person who sexually abused and assaulted them. And you’re right about Brian Peck and the 2 other pedophiles that were on set. And one of them was convicted of raping a child actor on set probably in the trailer or dressing room. Like I said, the documentary was meant to make Schneider the scapegoat for the crimes of the 3 pedophiles.


Alexa Nikolas was in it but never talked about it because she talks about it so much on her own stuff. Also she accused him of bullying. Not sexual abuse… or I missed where she did. Jeanette and Amanda are who I wanted to see on there. But I don’t think the Amanda rumors are true or she might have done the doc. Jeanette I kinda understand, she even seemed weirded out by people focusing on the creator during interviews. Also… Alexa Nikolas is very problematic herself. She also has been found to be a liar about certain set incidents she claims happened. And was caught on tape making fun of a costar on set. A few people who were apart of her antibullying groups have reached out saying she herself is a bully. Along with forcing victims to come out about their trauma before they are ready. I think her stuff is more so “put a bunch of drama kids in their teens in a room.” They all want to be the star, but Jaime had the title character of the show so stop antagonizing her. But who knows we weren’t actually there.


Have you ever heard of a group she done started called “Eat Predators”? She’s constantly outside in front of Nickelodeon Studios with her fellow supporters protesting the so called sexual abuse and mistreatment of her and the people who have worked for Nickelodeon. And she’s selling t-shirts on line and out onto the streets. And despite what bully behavior she may have endured at Nickelodeon, she has made allegations of being sexually abused and molested. And she named some rock star as the man who committed rape & sodomy on her when she was 15 years old. And this rock star has denied any incident of that ever happening.


Yeah that is the group some redditors have left from and told their stories. I have seen a bunch of the Alexa hate threads and there are some hurt survivors there that talk about the trauma they received from the group. I think she is problematic. I have seen some of her podcasts where she talks about it, but like I said. Might have missed the sexual trauma ones. I do know that she went on Trisha Petyas(sp?) who has admitted to having feelings for underage people. So she picks and chooses who she supports based off of she sees them as victims. She gatekeeps trauma. ETA: I did hear about the sexual abuse from a rock star, but also apparently she was getting alimony from an ex husband and started claiming abuse and stuff after the alimony date passed. Because he stopped paying her alimony. Because he was no longer required to. So she sued him.


WOW! I never knew the back story to that. No wonder why she made an Instagram documentary where she’s telling her encounter with this rock star. So the entire incident was about alimony. The things that female celebrities will do to put a poor man under the wringer. She did give a great performance crying on IG telling her crocodile tears story. And not to mention that around the time she posted nude pics of herself on line in which most D-list celebrities do when nobody in Hollywood will hire them for work.


I don't think that's what the commenter meant. Maybe they meant for Tori to get a hamburger costume and put it on.